More insidious historical anti-British revisionism from the rancid BBC, this time from that cesspit of leftwing bias known as “From Our Own Correspondent”.
“The FOOC programmecontinues on its extraordinary way from supporting Maoist terrorists in Indiato now rewriting Angolan history. In a report on the Benguela Railway Justin Rowlatt tells us the ImperialistBritish exploited and robbed Angola of its natural resources using slave labourin essence…how unlike the new Chinese activities who operate in a much morebeneficial way towards Angolans.
What’s wrong with this? Angola was a Portugese colony not British, the Portugese took the enormous wealth generated there. It was the Portugese who started the railway and then contracted a British company to finish building and running the tracks. Rowlatt’s claim that it was Britain robbing the Angolans because we ran the railway is like suggesting Germany is really running this country because it builds and provides us with a transport system in the shape of cars from BMW, VW and Porsche. But not a mention of Portugal in the report. Guess accuracy and accountability aren’t that important to the BBC after all.”
Of course not. Accuracy and accountability are diversions from the main thrust of BBC output which is all about making the UK look as bad as possible to fit in with BBC narrative.
Hat-tip to the B-BBC reader who send me this.
Wow! Just when I thought the BBC could no longer surprise me. I thought my mind could no longer be utterly boggled by the BBC but this one had my boggling strings well taut.
The Organisation has well and truly embraced Post-modern History.
What was the phrase? “The Past is uncertain…only the Future is fixed!”
Or like prime Beeboid Stephen Fry’s understanding that the Poles were responsible for the obscenity of Auschwitz.
“Let’s face it, there has been a history in Poland of right-wing Catholicism, which has been deeply disturbing for those of us who know a little history, and remember which side of the border Auschwitz was on”
He’s right about the anti-Semitism in the Polish branch of the Church, but Fry is only saying that stuff so he can feel better about loving Wagner.
I look forward to a BBC documentary comparing British Imperialism with German, French, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Belgian, Italian, Russian etc.
That would be a laugh !
Apparently the Chinese, unlike the “British” are paying a market rate for Angolan minerals so that Angola can pay back China for the cost of repairing the railway so that China can get the minerals out more easily.
Sounded like a very good deal for someone
The Chinese are crawling all over Africa. No post-colonial guilt for them !