Remember that people with a Left-liberal/BBC/public sector worldview believe that they hold the centre ground. They regard any reform of the public sector as “Right-wing” and all spending cuts (including those few they grudgingly acknowledge need to be made) as representing a tack to the Right. Ask yourself what policies you’d have to adopt to earn the adjective “Left-wing” on the Today programme… (Ed M. will) stick to his insane socialist position of maintaining the current size of the state, and that will be enough for Today to place him in the middle of their political spectrum. My guess is that the BBC’s ground troops at White City were in Ed’s camp, not David’s. Now he’s about to reap the benefit.
The "Centre"
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The BBC really are a bunch of left wing tossers. Remember how the BBC used to give continual sound bites to scum like Balls, Darling, Cooper and McTwat about how the Tories cuts will kill the economy?
Well the IMF have come out in TOTAL SUPPORT for the CURRENT Governments plans. So how does the BBC report this? Well it has no choice but to report this story, except where is all that Liebour negativity we keep hearing about Tory cuts?
Well here’s the story and as we all know normally the BBC gives big sections to Liebour politicians to spout their crap. Yet the ONLY comment is right at the end and what an interesting one it is.
Ed Miliband, the newly-elected Labour leader, has called the previous government’s plan to cut the deficit by half over four years “a starting point”.
Hang on BBC, ever since the election you along with your Vaseline using mates at the Guardian have been pounding the Tories on cuts and how it is the wrong thing to do, yet in this story we don’t get ANY of those old sound bites? Why not BBC?
It will be interesting to see what prominence the BBC give this story on the 6 PM news (Sky have bigged it up), probably little as the BBC will be more interested in Lord Ashcroft yet again.
I do remember having to wrap my poor little United Statesian brain around the concept that failing to print money out of thin air in a manner far beyond that which either Caesar or Ben Franklin could have imagined (i.e. being worth nothing more than a promise one already knew couldn’t be redeemed on the day one accepted it unless both parties bought into the ruse) was “taking money out of the economy”. I heard the “taking money out” bit a lot in BBC reports, without any contradiction.
To accept this necessitated the suspension of belief far beyond that required by enjoying Japanese moving pictures in which pseudo-Teutonic warriors hurled sci-fi weapons at pseudo-Pan-Asiatic warriors in outer space, followed by hand-to-hand combat with axes, all while Dvořák’s Cello Concerto and the Habañera from Bizet’s Carmen play in the background.
Guess which form of entertainment I picked.
What better way to fabricate a false and dishonest facade of moderation? Without actually shifting to the centre ground you alter the electorates perception of where the leftists stand in the political spectrum. If they present themselves as being the political centre then that pushes their enemies to the right of the percieved political spectrum, that alone is not enough of course so they have to get their MSM allies and fellow travellers to bombard the airwaves with negative stories about the right. They have to conflate racism and unfettered capitalism/big business/ultra conservative social/old fashioned views/little Englander mentality and keep hammering home the ‘conservative bad’ meme over and over.
This also entails enacting a blackout of any negative reference to leftist/Marxist/socialist policies and doctrines, when was the last time the BBC ever ran a negative story highlighting socialist failures and errors and inherrent faults? Yeah right, of course you never have!
The BBC is engaging in a planned and concetrated long term propaganda offensive to alter and pervert the electorates perception of the right wing, everything they do has that end in mind and their entire output carries that prime narrative, the shifting of the right wing into social unnaceptability just like smoking or British patriotism, car use, personal freedom etc.
They are shifting the entire political spectrum to suit their own political ideology and they will not stop and they cannot be made to see sense. They are on an ideological crusade and they have billions of pounds to do it, God help us all if these b*stards win.
Exactly. And in my post above the BBC are trying to highlight the ‘idea’ that Red Ed is really a ‘cuts’ man. He’s not, he’s a hardcore tax and spend socialist.
Its the perception that matters, the BBC simply has to keep hammering home their perversion of reality come what may and some will believe it.
Like the CAGW fraud, the art of shifting perceptions requires the lies to be big and rammed home constantly.
Well the BBC really are into spin. James (I love Liebour) Landale spouts about Red Ed that is he a leftie of the unions as the TORIES CLAIM. The Tories? who do you think voted for Red Ed? The MPs? no, the party no? It was the Unions beeboids, stop spinning.
Oh and not a mention of the IMF report in the headlines
Wow, ITV and Tom Bradby highlighting IMF report and that Liebour is out of step and that Red Ed and Red Balls want to drag Liebour to the left.
How can the BBC and ITV be so out of tune with each other? Could it be Bradby does his job but toenails is getting pissed all the time and keeps getting sound bites from deformed jaw Laura?
Amusingly, one thick Labour activist on “The Daily Politics” today confused the IMF with the IFS !