The BBC has influenced generations of well meaning citizens to despise Israel.
Feeling impotent, they organise their outrage and demand action. Something must be done. Boycotts must be voted for. Trade Unions, student unions, self-hating Jews, Methodists and socialist workers all agree. Israel must be punished.
A rabble of pro Palestinian activists gather every fortnight outside Ahava, an Israeli based company trading in London. They believe disrupting this shop and the surrounding businesses will somehow help the Poor Palestinians.
Musicians who plan gigs in Israel are pressured to cancel. (Some do, some don’t)
The Methodist church recently passed a resolution to boycott goods that emanate from “illegal settlements.”
A Methodist preacher and former M.P. David Hallam is to sue the Methodist church for breaching EU laws against racism because he believes their boycott shows that they are prejudiced against the Jewish state.
The BBC hasn’t reported this yet, but if the Methodists make a big enough fuss about it they might. Methodists have already started blogging about it, and predictably most of them are outraged equally by the plight of the Palestinians and the expense of the the litigation, calling Mr. Hallam a megalomanic and such. One of the recommended links on a pro-boycotter’s website is to an article on settlements in the rabidly anti-Zionist Guardian. I hold the Guardian/BBC responsible for this misguided groundswell that is gripping the UK.
These ill-thought out postures are more about hate for Israel than love for Palestinians. If any of these BBC influenced organisations were to rigourously carry out their ill-conceived boycotts, there would be serious impediments to computing, phone technology, medicine, longevity, science, national security, technology and much more. There’s nothing like cutting off one’s nose.
Boycotts are only relevant if the target needs your patronage more than you need whatever you’re boycotting. That’s how it works. We’ll all be plunged into pre-technology days. Oh well.
‘We’ may not care if we cut all cultural, academic and scientific ties with Israel, but I’m pretty sure China would be delighted to fill any vacuum.
These “pro-Palestinian activists” are in good company:
Boycott of Jewish Businesses
Excellent post as always, Sue. I don’t think people realise how dependent we are on Israel for modern life. Perhaps I could plug The Israel Test again.
How Israel saved Intel
Intel’s Israel Development Center created the Core 2 Duo microprocessor architecture.
Let them dig deep into their pockets to change their laptops and PCs, or forever click cancel to a popup reminding them of this fact.
I only found two BBC references (in English) to AHAVA
5 November 2008 Concern over Israel settlement exports and 31 March 2009 Tim Franks’Jerusalem Diary: 31 March It’s a little late for a thorough fisking
There has been no follow-up.
Super post Sue – just adds to my contempt for the BBC
Anyone know if our esteemed beeboids have bothered with the above follow-up?
A correspondent sent me a message this morning, alarmed at the BBC’s report entitled “West Bank mosque ‘set alight by Jewish settlers’ “
I thought that the use of the scare quotes exonerated the BBC from the accusation that they’d prejudged the settlers’ guilt, since we always say that scare quotes denote uncertainty.
The body of the article actually gives the Israeli side of the story, too, so on the whole I didn’t think the report was any worse than other reports on the incident.
Now that these Rabbis have tried to make amends, I hope the BBC will update their report, as other news organs have done. They seem a bit slow.
Several hundred Palestinians cheered as the two rabbis arrived at the mosque in bulletproof Land Rovers accompanied by a small delegation of Israeli soldiers.
And these were sympathetic Jews.
The process of delegitamization requires a broad spectrum attack profile and rent a rabble bullyboy protests are part of this attack strategy.
The Jew haters have more in common with the Nazi brownshirts than anyone else, the brownshirt SA targeted Jewish shops for a very good reason, to cut off normal relations between Jews and non Jews, to prevent Jews from interacting with and being part of the community and lastly of course to rid the high street of Jews. Academia is on the path to banning Israel from taking part in scientific arenas and this is all part of the plan you see.
Delegitamize and dehumanize and seperate and mark them out as a target for hatred, encourage hatred at every level by inventing imaginary crimes and associate one racial group with those crimes. Make life uncomfortable for that group and offer this group opportunities to appease and admit supposed crimes, this is achieved by useful idiots and in the 30s there were many Jews who played along with the Nazis scolding their own people for supposed crimes and wrongdoing. Split and divide and instill fear and a desire to appease for a quiet life.
This is a slow but steady retracing of the path the Nazis took as they spent years preparing the way for the gas chambers, from the start of the Nazi campaign to the gates of Buchenwald took years of careful manipulation, its clear that the process is just starting.
These people have a dark centre indeed.
You see dear friends this supposed Israel/Palestinian conflict is simply a tool and a convenient lever for the promotion of a very dark agenda, its really not about what Israel does or doesnt do at all.
This is the dissemination of a carefully planned campaign, the re emergence of the desire to exterminate the Jews and its starting right now, the people behind this are using the same tricks the Nazis used from the 20s on, the step by step slow and steady demonization of a race as they target and prepare us and this race for eventual elimination.
The dark minds behind this campaign think they can replay history but they are dead wrong, we will not walk quietly into the gas chambers this time, we will not dissapear into the night and make orderly queues at the rail stations, we will fight like tigers this time. This time we take down the merchants of hate.
Dear Sue ( if indeed that is your real name ),
I am getting sick of your pro-semitic Judaistic rants on this website.
Everyone knows that the Jews are the source of all evil and have contributed nothing to civilisation.
Lying and cheating us out of our money to line their own pockets.
Stealing the best bit of the Middle East and making 2 blades of grass grow where previously there were 3.
Conspiring to dominate the World and planning Genocide against all muslims.
I am ashamed that this website publishes this disgraceful propaganda.
I am cancelling my subscription immediately.
Disgusted, of Gaza
Poor old Israel, gosh how the heart bleeds.
I felt just the same way about South Africa before that terrible ANC demanded human rights for black South Africans, and, yes, the constantly berrated Soviet Union before those irritating Eastern Europeans rose up and dismantled the wall.
It must be terrible to be so discriminated against, but at least they’re in good company.
Yes, because all those Arab Muslims living in Israel don’t have full citizenship and voting rights, can’t serve in the army or parliament…
oh, wait.
Hullo Nick,
Welcome back, we missed your rancid Jew hatred, we need the likes of you to remind us what a vile audience the BBC plays to.
Here’s a reminder of the reality of how Israel treats blacks:
You may also like to wonder why so many non-Jewish refugees from the massacres in Darfur head for Israel.
Funny thing but at the height of apartheid blacks were queuing up to enter South Africa, thousands were crossing over the border every day, funny that eh?
Anyway back to your post, black refugees are risking their lives trying to cross into Israel being hounded and killed every step of the way by GEUSS WHO? Look who is taking more refugees in AND looking after them properly than any other nation in the region, oooh yeeeees its Israel isnt it?
Who spends more per capita on giving to charity and the poorest in the world than any other nation in the region, ooooh yeeeees its Israel again isnt it?
Which nation in the region is the only functioning democracy based on the rule of law and where all are accountable and equal under that law? well blow me down if it isnt Israel yet again.
Which nation guarantees equal treatment before the law, the only nation in the region to do so? Guess who.
Tell you what, go preach your race hate elsewhere eh? Perhaps the guardian will welcome your lies and race libel. Your filth does not interest us here, your pornographic lies fall on on barron ground.
Mr. O’Mahoney
The half-baked sarcasm in your comment is typical of someone who hates Israel but doesn’t really know why. If you’re saying that Israel is an ‘apartheid state’ come out and say so. You probably fear that you haven’t a leg to stand on, because you’re all mixed up between ‘Palestinian’ and Israeli Arabs. If you think dismantling the wall that has protected Israelis from terrorist attacks is a good idea, come on out and say so. You probably know that you haven’t got a leg to stand on with that either, unless you’re a pure Jew hater, in which case come on out and say so.
The level of debate on this topic had risen on B-BBC until you chipped in.
If you think the ANC have liberated Black South Africans , you must be nuts !
In October 2007, Rami Khader Ayyad, the owner of Gaza’s only Christian bookstore, was abducted, tortured and murdered, after his store was firebombed by a Muslim vice squad that was attacking targets associated with Western influence. According to Ayyad’s family and neighbors, he had regularly received anonymous death threats from people angered by his missionary work. Sheikh Abu Saqer, leader of Gaza’s Jihadia Salafiya Islamic program, asserted that his group did not carry out the murder but Christians engaging in missionary activity in Gaza would be dealt with harshly.
I trust that the Methodists are aware that were they to open up shop in Gaza as ‘Palestinians’, they could expect a visit from the brotherhood in be confronted with some interesting planning regs.
Hamas operates on the classic Arafat line. Tell the world about how peaceful the ‘Palestinians’ are despite the nasty, child eating ‘Israelis’. But in Arabic make it clear to the troops that the Jews will be dealt with in the time-honoured fashion for their temerity ever to have sullied a part of the Waqf.
Or how about the most chilling for the Palestinian Christians. The Israelis know who they are up against (apart from some strange, misguided denialists) but the Christian world does not seem to have picked this up despite 10 years of Islamist terror.
‘ ba’d as-sabt biji yom al-ahad’.
Leaders of militant Islam recognize that Christianity is the most formidable opponent in the way of the full triumph of Islam that they anticipate. It is their intention to discredit Christianity, to prevent its missionary efforts by legal force and intimidation, and ultimately to return Christians already in place in their midst to the status of the past. Muslim fundamentalists in have publicly declared their intention to “liquidate Jews, Christians, and unbelievers” Here, we are to understand the slogan often seen on walls in Gaza and the West bank, and in Muslim-Arab sections of Jerusalem and Bethlehem: “After Saturday Comes Sunday!” – or, more explicitly, “On Saturday we will kill the Jews, and on Sunday we will kill the Christians.”
Some great posts here. I look forward to Joseph’s response !
He’s not the long-dead Senator from Wyoming, but he might be one of these three:
Joseph O’Mahoney
Joseph O’Mahoney
Joseph O’Mahoney
The last one seems to fit, as all the other approved thoughts line up correctly, but who knows?
Whoever Joseph O’Baloney is he’s just another in the long line of drive-by trolls who drop in and mindlessly repeat their learned clichés and slogans.
When challenged with facts that they can’t dispute they disappear, sometimes to return under different names, most often they don’t. However, their brief appearances here usually bring out the best in this blog and its regular posters.
Joseph, try this blog on for size re. the ANC.
Read it carefully, look at the ABOUT first.
Keep an open, but critical mind and see who is writing it and who awarded it as second best African blog.
Then come back and tells us about the wonders of the ANC that some of us might have missed.
Regard it as a first step in freeing up your mind and give it some real activity rather than being stuck in, if you forgive, lazy, comfortable stereotypes which might impress in the Students Union but are really not to be taken seriously by a seeker after truth in this world.
Then come back.
If you want a real laugh , check out the “Mo Ibrahim Foundation Index of African Governance” . South Africa comes about 8, Senegal about 13 . Now that is really funny !!!!