I was stunned by “Thought for the Day” this morning. It was by Reverend Rosemary Lain-Priestley, Dean of Women’s Ministry in central London (natch) and she came on to explain how angered she had been at the Ground Zero Mosque. With me so far? However her ANGER was directed at those New Yorkers who objected to this proposed Mosque aka “Community Centre” She expressed her self righteous anger to a Muslim she was having tea with (as one does) and he, in his kindness, suggested that perhaps the Mosque could be built somewhere else. Give it a listen here – it’s just bizarre – brimming with equal measures of dhimmitude and liberalism. You can see why Rev Rosemary gets the gig.
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I wonder if she is the same dopey cow that Dame Nicky had on the phone in a couple of weeks ago when they were prattling on about the Pope’s visit and some dopey cow came on and sweet Nicki for once asked about homosexuality and Islam. “Oh yes” said the dopey clergywoman ” I used to discuss homosexuality with a young Imam” she said “and what happened to him” asked Dame Nicki “He got sent back to Iran” she said. Hmm, bet his testicles are not looking very good these days.
I was going to post on that, but I didn’t get round to it. Here’s what I wrote:
The ethics surrounding the Ground Zero Mosque are complex. It’s undoubtedly contentious , and there’s a bit more to it than ‘if you’re Pro you must be a liberal, and anti, an Islamophobe.’
However, to the Reverend Rosemary Lain-Priestley, Dean of Women’s Ministry in central London, it’s quite straightforward. The proposed ‘community center’ is inclusive, multifaith, and a jolly good thing.
“The plans for the so-called GZ Mosque, which isn’t a Mosque, show geometric shapes including some that resemble the Jewish star of David.” She intones on Thought for the Day.
See? They can’t hate Jews all that much if they reach out to them with something that resembles the Jewish Star of David!
“When this issue first exploded into the news I found myself drinking tea with a Muslim friend and raging at the plans to kill the new mosque because they treated the proponents of the new Mosque which isn’t a Mosque as though they were the same as the 9/11 people!”
“When I finished ranting my Muslim friend said quietly “You know, I wish they’d build the mosque which isn’t a mosque somewhere else, because I hate all of this conflict.”
Geddit? It was the Rev who was angry, while her good friend the quietly spoken Moslem expressed noble, yet generous doubts. Well, maybe not so noble, because understandably, he/she really didn’t want the fuss.
“Blah de blah deblah the best way to respect those that were killed is to promote peace,” preached Rosemary, remembering 9/11 just in time. “The Mosque is not a Mosque at all, but a wonderful community centre, laaaarge parts of which would be open to everyone.” (And small parts where Muslims could gloat in private. )
“A place for all faiths to come together. The courage to risk believing in other people.” Which is some risk; the odds are against.
Right on, your reverenceness; some of your best friends are from something that resembles the religion of peace. Quite an indistinct resemblance, though.
Carry on ranting, and having thoughts, and broadcasting them on the Today programme.
That’s what I was going to say.
The complete sentence from Thought for Today is The proposed structure resembles a wedge of honeycomb or a block of ice carved out with geometric shapes, some resembling Islamic art and some the Jewish Star of David.
No, Rev. Lain-Priestly, recurring geometric patterns are a hallmark of Islamic art. Partly this is a consequence of the prohibition on realistic images and partly a consequence of extensive use of glazed tiles. I’ve attached examples from the Internet but if anyone is interested, googling Islamic patterns at PicsDigger returned 21 examples all similar to the artists impression of the new mosques, oops, community centre.
Judaism has no copyright on six pointed stars (I have seen them on churches) but to imply a religious toleration aspect to this traditional design shows that just like looking at clouds or Roschach blots one sees what one wants to see.
Do you notice familiar icons in the two patterns marked with a green border?
I just listened to the link on this and my second thought was “Why didn’t she listen to her ‘reasonable Muslim’? Why did she not think that maybe they had a point? Is it because she was patronising the Muslim so she can boast her PC-Lefty-Liberal credentials for the world to hear, but at the same time not actually regarding anything that this Muslim could say as worthwhile. Maybe if she had thought about what he said “Why don’t they build it elsewhere?” she might have followed up with her first intelligent thought “When New York is such a large city, why are they so determined to choose THAT particular spot to build a mosque?”. If she had been intelligent enough to ask that question she might have realised that there can only be one reason to build it there is to be used to gloat and remind the victims’ familes of why this atrocity was carried out.
Oh, and my first thought was that she is a patronising cow who thinks she can peddle her extremist views and dress them up in such moderate words and in such a reasonable tone that she is so at home on the BBC.
Do we know how much “Thought for the Day ” presenters are paid for their infinite wisdom ? I would guess £1000 minimum. But, I am sure they will donate it to charity.
“As it transpires”, my arse!
The multi-faith area and memorial to the victims of 9/11 were all added after the outcry. I thought reverends weren’t supposed to tell lies to the public. And those patterns resembling “Jewish Stars” are just geometric patterns which are part of a traditional Islamic decorative form. They’re only inter-faith if one imagines they are.
I’ve saved the clip and I think I’m going to quote this woman every time a Beeboid smears the entire Tea Party movement by raging against some outlier.
Islam is mostly an aggressive political ideology, not a religion.
“Religious freedom and a Mosque”
(By Bill Warner).
Remember the message,
If you are against the victory mosque you are doing do from ignorance hatred and fear only.
The appeaser/useful idiot sounds sweet and reasonable as she pimps the well used mantras and narrative, its not really a mosque, its a cultural centre where everyone is invited to come together in respect and understanding and if you dont buy that then you are an angry frightened reactionary ignorant bigot, got that message?
Listen to the narrative, its so reasonable and sweet so who could argue against it? Just do as they say, give in and shut up and dont ask awkward questions and if you try you are painted as a bigot.
Give in and dont resist, dont make waves and trust what you are told, its easier to accept and believe and appease. This is the narrative peddled by the BBC. ssssshhhhh everything is fine they whisper dont fight back and dont stand up for yourselves, go back to sleep and trust us they croon.
The message is clear, we are meant to believe that islam did not blow up the WTC and even if it did then we are to blame not islam, we are to blame for inflaming islamists and provoking islam into mass murder.
Its a two stage deal you see, firstly islam has nothing to do with terrorism and if a small minority of islamists do murder and terrorize and maim inncoents then YOU are to blame because YOU inflame and insult islam.
See how it works?
If only the West cowed down and gave in and appeased islam then the suicide killers would not be murdering innocents, this is the message of the victory mosque, watch the message change when the victory mosque is up and running folks from we are all victims of terror to YOU are to blame for the terror campaign.
In our debate, an honest and just view from a Moslem who has made the spiritual journey into the early 21st Century and aware that he is part of a wider, more plural society of which Islam is just one, small component with a MORAL imperative to actively respect the feelings of others, if he demands the same for his beliefs.
Muslims are generally very hot on their Rights, but stand in apparent confused bewilderment become quite indignant if the question of their social responsibilty comes up.
The line about Obama falling into the Islamist trap is very telling.
“As an American Muslim whose family fled persecution in Syria and as someone who has stood in the face of some resistance to the building of many of our houses of worship in the U.S., I fully understand the value of standing for religious freedom in America. But President Obama’s statement about the Ground Zero mosque at last night’s White House Iftar dinner is the latest example of political correctness gone awry.
The President commented that:
“Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country. And that includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in Lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances. This is America.”
Yes, Mr. President, this is America and you have fundamentally misunderstood the stakes in this discussion and the sentiments of the American people. Instead, you have focused on the very issue that the Islamist propagandists wish you to– the narrative that Americans somehow need lectures about Islam, Muslims, and religious freedom.
Your message to Americans will be spun on Al Jazeera and by Islamists across the world that President Obama reassured a friendly global Muslim audience at the White House Ramadan dinner that he was going to remind Americans about the principles of religious freedom for Muslims since they seem to be trampling over those principles in the local dispute at Ground Zero in New York.
Mr. President this is not about religious freedom. It is about the importance of the World Trade Center site to the psyche of the American People. It is about a blatant attack on our sovereignty by people whose ideology ultimately demands the elimination of our way of life. While Imam Faisal Rauf may not share their violent tendencies he does seem to share a belief that Islamic structures are a political statement and even Ground Zero should be looked upon through the lens of political Islam and not a solely American one.
As a Muslim desperate to reform his faith, your remarks take us backwards from the day that my faith will come into modernity. I do not stand to eliminate Imam Rauf’s religious freedom; I stand to make sure that my children’s religious freedom will be determined by the liberty guaranteed in the American Constitution and not by clerics or leaders who are apologists for shar’iah law and will tell me what religious freedom is.
‘Park 51′, ‘The Cordoba House’ or whatever they are calling it today should not be built, not because it is not their right to do it – but because it is not right to do it.” Mr. President, your involvement in this issue is divisive not uniting. Your follow-up stating that ‘you will not speak to the wisdom of the construction of that mosque and center’ indicates a passive-aggressive meddling on your part that only marginalizes those Muslim and non-Muslim voices against it while pretending to understand both sides of the debate.
If I was Reverend Rosemary Lain-Priestley, Dean of Women’s Ministry in central London (Christian: perhaps taken for granted but not expressed) my first thought when asked to present Thought for Today would be to discuss a Muslim building project in New York with no connection to women and two Jewish references but not one Christian reference.
I bet her opposite Islamic counterpart will return the compliment </SARC>
Churchill had it right when he said that “Islam is little more than Arab Imperialism.”
It’s not a religion at all, rather a book with which to exert mind control and obedience over populations.
There is no middle ground. Either you eradicate Islam or Islam will eradicate you.The ongoing struggle will be eternal. all we can hope for is to impose a hudna, and that can only be imposed by a positon of strength, not appeasement which communicates only weakness to islamists.
To bring peace, it is necessary to eliminate hate. There is nothing more hate mongering than Islam. This doctrine is more evil than Nazism and communism. It inspires more hatred and causes more division than either one of these ideologies that are also hate based. Islam is more insidious because it claims to be from God. It is this added lie that has given it longevity.
Dear God what a patronising pain in the *rse. She’s little more than a 21st century Lord Haw Haw. America is a massive country, build the bloody “cultural centre” somewhere else. How about Lake Michigan?
Have we ever heard just ONE voice, just ONE thought for the day that opposed the implantation of the victory mosque at the scene of yet another of historys islamic massacres of the infidel?
No we have not and that is the whole problem with thought for the day isnt it? It is used as a narrative confirmation platform, only those guests that contribute to or support the BBC ideological narrative can take part in it.
Thought for the day is straight from the Maos little red book school of thought, it could have been designed for the USSR media and in fact I remember listening to radio Moscow in the mid/late 70s and being fascinated by the art of political indoctrination and the mechanics of political propaganda, its the art of selling obvious lies as the truth and the resemblance to the radio Moscow filth and the BBC output is striking indeed.