The Splattergate saga continues, and I have been doing a little further digging about BBC connections. I’ve already mentioned Richard Curtis, scriptwriter of the snuff movie and BBC luvvie par excellence. But the 10:10 team behind this odious camapaign also has on board an ex-BBC chap, one Alexis Rowell, who, according to his biog, worked for ten years as a BBC reporter before becoming a pain-in-the-derriere eco-nut campaigner. He was probably already pushing his eco-fascism while at the corporation, of course, but what better training could a 10:10 man have but to work at the BBC? Everything about Mr Rowell’s self-satisfied CV screams BBC indoctrination. And his style of showing the truth is to take a close-up picture of one overflowing waste bin on Hampstead Heath and present it as proof that we are all going to hell in a handcart. Pravda never did better.
As further insight into this mindset, this is Mr Rowell’s view on reporting “climate change”:
It is utterly irresponsible of the BBC to run stories that suggest that there is some sort of debate about this. We can have a debate about how high temperatures will go, about the possible consequences of climate change, about how fast we might get to mass extinction of species (which is of course already happening), but not about the basic science.
The only thing he’s worried about is an overflowing bin on Hampstead Heath. What about what goes on in the male toilets?
Come now, he’s an ex-beeboid, do you expect him to worry about what his colleagues get up to in the Hampstead Heath dating clubs?
Alexis Rowell: “cuttingthecarbon was set up by Alexis Rowell after he discovered that man-made climate change meant the North Pole was going to disappear in his lifetime.”
The North Pole is going to disappear!!??
Poor little boy run to mummy; she’ll make it all better. She might even read Chicken Licken to you. You could learn something from that.
“In his spare time Alexis helps to run Transition Belsize and the Camden Climate Action Network (CamdenCAN), grows food on his balconies and in his landlord’s front garden…”
Get a job you prat.
If the North Pole disappears we are all doomed. What a twat.
In reality of course the very last thing this knobend is worried about is the actual real pole dissapearing(not that it could of course), its all about power and a guise and platform to attain that power, its a conduit to the longed for mass popular support these whackjobs will never get. His heroes of yesteryear tried the power to the people malarky but that wore thin when it turned out that the power was only going to a very few and millions upon millions died en route so onwards and upwards to find another false flag to fly and another mask to hide behind. These f*ckers dress real pretty on the outside but underneath the cloak they are uglier than the elephant man.
What? It’s going to disappear on its own, is it? Priceless.
As for Transition Belsize, lol,how pretentious can you get? At first I read that as Belize, thinking he was engaged in working for some worthy major cause overseas.
“In his spare time Alexis helps to run Transition Belsize and the Camden Climate Action Network (CamdenCAN), grows food ….”
CamdenCam was there when I wrote the above post. I left it open on my browser then today I see:
“Account suspended
Account for domain has been suspended”
What can it mean?
I suppose someone in the firing line Googles his own name and discovers all sorts of things!
Great post!
I can imagine that the BBC have very close links to 10.10 agitators and political ideologues, we know the BBC has extremely close working links with greenpiss and other assorted whackos/shake down merchants/bullies/eco corporate carpet baggers.
If the news of the day agrees with the BBC corporate ideals and political beliefs it gets aired and if no such news comes along then they simply make some up.
For example, immigrants are not taking the jobs of native British is the narrative they wish to peddle so they get their friends to make up some fraudulant report ‘proving’ it, against all the evidence to the contrary the BBC creates a fabricated reality that confirms their ideology.
Just one example of course and their are thousands that B-BBC picks up.
Oooh dear, The UCL(university college London) and the underpants bomber, the UCL does what every establishment gang do when caught out, they create a whitewash OK?
The BBC toady is on hand to help with a UCL bigwig pleading innocence and asking us to belives there was no evidence that the knicker killer wannabe was turned into a fanatic during his time in a hotbed of islamist activism…no no no no! UCL harbours and encourages islamist jihadi fanatics and allows them freedom to peddle their hate and yet somehow they can find no evidence of this happening. Well I suppose if you do not look you will not find.
The UCL useful idiot collaborator simply pushed responsibility onto the police knowing that the police would claim the responsibility lays with the UCL(which it does). Here we have the BBC in full on narrative protection which is that our universities have not become a recruiting centre for al queda and the islamist jihad even though all the evidence says they have.
The BBC toady muppet inviting a mother of ten on benefits to decry and hurl abuse at the tory filth, great idea eh? The researcher will get a rocket because the lady went off message somewhat attacking immigrants undercutting native British workers..oooops & double oooops and this mum claims nowhere near the median wage cutoff. The idea of course was to invite a hard labour benefit droid on air to slam the hated tory scum, didnt quite turn out like that did it beeboids? cnuts!
This particular smear job failed but many more hit the button.
Casandra, re the chappie with the self detonating underpants – the beeboid report says his University are going to monitor preachers from ‘faith groups’, to ensure they are not radicalising students – don’t tell me its those pesky Hari Krishnans getting militant again !
I know my country friend 😀
These gits have no shame do they?
“monitor preachers from faith groups” Do they actually realise how insulting that is to buhdists/Jews/Christians/Sikhs/Hindus? WTF!
The ONLY so called faith group that is indoctrinating its believers to hate and kill are islamist groups but rather than stand for the British people and do the right thing they cower and crawl and appease and wring their collective hands.
BTW the islamists can only be monitored if the observer speaks Arabic because surprising though it seems these islamists have not been forced into preaching in English(funny that eh).
Absolutly, I heard that interview too & the squeeks & back pedalling from the BBC tody were a joy to behold! I loved the bit where the woman said that all the big social houses had been reserved for ” ethnic minoritys”.
Thanks for the tip Cassandra, here’s the link below:-
Now how oh how did Mrs McCoy get the impression HMG was targetting *any family with many children. I’m sure it could not have anything to do wit the TODAY programme falsifying the issue.
When she addressed what IDS has actually been saying and not what the TODAY programme has been saying he’s been saying, she agreed with him!
Sometimes the effects of BBC bias no it’s listeners can have unintended consequences!
So here we have the TODAY programme (as ever) blatantly falsifying the issues, and the Government doing nothing about it.
They should be calling for heads to roll and ensuring that they do, till we get people of integrity working at the BBC instead of the post-Marxist shower we have.
I just wonder if the BBC will resort to inviting fake guests on, actors playing the role of the public? The message gets off track at times, much easier and safer to employ professional actors because at lest they would remember their lines and know what reaction to give.
“Will resort?”
I suspect they have done already.
I see he has lots of “diplomas” in journalism and an MSc in “Food Policy”, doesn’t say which University. So we can a ssume he has no qualifications in hard science. Same old story.
“‘No Pressure’: New Environmental Campaign Glorifies Eco-Fascism”
‘Cranmer’: his message on this is telling:
“- by what reasoning was the original 10:10 Richard Curtis film ever deemed to be morally acceptable? Does this communicate truth, or is it a perversion of a creed? Does it incite hatred, or is it legitimate expression of belief?
“What would be the response if those being exploded were homosexuals?
“Or Muslims?
“Or Socialists?
“Isn’t this precisely what the ‘Islamist’ in our midst did on 7th July 2005? You take your bombs onto London underground, identify the unbeliever, press a button and blow him to smithereens. Why is it ‘funny’ to blow up those who happen to believe that global warming is not a man-made phenomenon, yet grossly offensive to liquidate others for their sincerely-held beliefs?
“Perhaps blowing ‘the Right’ to kingdom come is a legitimate pursuit: the world would doubtless be a far better place without heterosexual homophobes, Christian Islamophobes and Thatcherites.
“And you can count on the pathologically-socialist luvvies and darlings to donate their time and talent free of charge in this righteous pursuit.
“But this parody poses a searching question: what is the difference between 10:10 and 7/7, other than that one group thinks it ‘funny’?”
– from’Cranmer’ “Eco-Jihad – the Islamist version”*
(* the video to this article is missing but can be found on the excellent ‘EU Referendum’ site.)
He didn’t pose the question “What if they were black or brown?”
For all I know they were, as I haven’t seen the video but…I would guess not.
Forgive me posting here but the general thread is so far down the page and so full that there’s really no point in commenting there.
Today was a perfect storm of bias this morning. As cassandra notes, an incontinent mother on benefits (benefits, according to her , since they are paid on her behalf not cash in hand, do not include housing benefit) says that her incontinence should be supported by the taxpayer. And to comment? A benefiterati-compliant LibDem plus lefty economist Will “no 1 on the BBC speed-dial” Hutton who successfully restored the smear quotient re “Tory Cuts”.
Before this a sympathetic Naughtie sympathised with David Walker (Mr Polly Toynbee – we aren’t told) as Walker sought to defend his 6-figure salary at the Audit Commission (he’s only a PR parasite – he didn’t actually do any auditing) and abuse Eric Pickles for derailing this particular gravy train.
In another item Sir Stephen Wall was allowed to brush aside any idea that the terrorist head of the Moslem student club at UCL (contradicted in a 30 second contribution allowed to James Brandon of the QF) was radicalised at UCL or that anyone knew he was a nutter: evidence was provided to Wall by academic apparatchiks at UCL (“it wasn’t us guv”): it’s like Mrs Kray being asked if she knew her boys were a bit naughty.
The propaganda is endless – and we still haven’t got round to the spending review announcements in 2 week’s time.
Incontinence: the inability to control one’s bowels?
“Sony forced to disassociate itself with Eco-Fascist Group”
“The 10:10 Global video has been seen by at least 600,000 people in its many different versions, and with both the organization itself and vehemently pro-global warming outlets like the ‘Guardian’ furiously deleting comments in an effort to quell the burgeoning backlash, October 10th, the day set aside by 10:10 as the big push to reduce CO2, looks set to be a complete failure.”
It will be interesting to see how many eco-fascists turn out on 10/10; how well will BBC-NUJ be represented, and how nicely will it report for its ‘humanitarian’ chums?
Your quote from this guy really rips the lid of the fascist mentality of these people. That video really was no joke. It’s a genuine portrayal of the world they’d like to live in.
Dead right Hippie,
If they could they would, the snuff movie aint humour at all and in fact it was and is a direct crystal clear window into the creators souls, a darker place than any of us could imagine.
Did you notice when the manager was addressing his office workers and one office worker looked waryily around him and put his hand up because most of his colleagues were? We can all tell what message that was trying to convey: Use as much psychological pressure as you can to impose your views on people, and if that fails, kill them!
A car crash of a freudian slip by the 10:10 Collective Group Thinkers….
‘In the same way that psycho-analysis makes use of dream interpretation, it also profits by the study of the numerous slips and mistakes which people make — symptomatic actions, as they are called […] I have pointed out that these phenomena are not accidental, they have a meaning and can be interpreted, and that one is justified in inferring from them the presence of restrained or repressed intentions. [Freud, An Autobiographical Study (1925)]
The Daily Bayonet has an amusing article. You can read Franny Armstrongs(the director of this monstrosity) tweets before the movie was released.
Looks like the BBC might have been colluding with 10:10 a little bit. Armstrong pimped the following BBC article in her tweet:
Manx bid to beat climate change in 10/10/10 initiative
The event aims to bring people together to help make a difference to global warming and climate change.
Global warming and climate change? Isn’t that redundant?
Glenn Beck*, on ‘FOX NEWS’, links 10/10 with Fabian Socialism (an ideology popular with BBC-NUJ)
(* Interesting that Glenn Beck on ‘Fox News’ puts out a primetime programme on ‘Fabian Socialism’.)
Only 25 beeboid twats going to this? You’d have thought the idea of being able to get close to some butch sweaty men would be as good as it gets for a camp male beeboid.
Yeah I mean its not like Chile has TV stations with on the ground reporters 😀 .
Look cries the BBC we are actually reporting on Chile since the socialists were booted out of office, look at all the air time.
BBC News has devoted appropriate resources to ensuring that we have been able to report the story in depth to our UK and global audiences on television, radio and online.
This is the exact same thing I complained about last month. Way too much duplication of effort. Several people all making the same report, just reworded slightly.
…BBC News has devoted appropriate resources…
There we have it, the po-faced Beeboid prose complete with that old favourite weasel word of the officious, the bureaucratic and the arrogant fobber-off of the great unwashed.
Ok. Bozo with mike in front of bozo with camera, sound guy and bimbo to fuss about. Max.
And the other 20?
Sorry, forgot the thread. The other 20 flew there to calculate the carbon costs to offset with licence fee payers’ money with the company that the pension fund invested in.
Tinkers. That could be seen as ironic. Or hypocritical. Or unethical.
Let’s just call it… unique.
Same unit for each BBC channel: News, Radio 4, Five Live, World Service. Any extras get the tea and laundry and drive the van back to the hotel.
Each channel (not counting the News as Willcox has been there for two weeks already) has its own star who must be on site for the reveal. Fiefdoms still rule at the BBC.
In way mustn’t it be nice to be quite as stupid as this chap 🙂 I mean there he is with these utter certainties in his life. For him there are no doubts , no grey areas and therefore no compromises which those of us in the real world have to make.
Female beeboid on BBC news VERY EXCITED over Red Ed’s cabinet. Does anyone really care what side the second 11 put out?
Don’t know if anyone else heard the radio 5phone in this morning but Dame Nikki was prattling on about football violence. A woman rang up who was talking about football violence in the 70’s.
Dame Nikki stated “That was before Margaret Thatcher came to power”
Just what does that have to do with football violence?
With the BBC it’s like 1979 was year zero or something.
Year ZERO is a popular and established principle in Marxist socialist revolutionary dogma.
Pol Pot was a commited Socialist/Marxist and the Khmer Rhouge were Marxist revolutionaries. Their political ideals were similar to any other leftist group having learned their ideology from exactly the same sources as any other Marxist group.
The BBC never fails to ignore the political beliefs of the Pol Pot led Khmer Rouge and never thinks to link it with any of the groups actions, funny that eh?
You lot on here are clearly unaware that the BBC put an end to any debate about the validity of anthropogenic climate change theories circa 2003-2004 when it received concrete evidence from some top-notch scientists.
You’re all talking about something which is already proved beyond doubt, and in fact any responsible edgy comedian is pretty much obliged to harass anyone who’s not a believer
So Alan Johnson is now Shadow Chancellor, he’s got no background in economic, yet the BBC are going soft on this, funny that Danny Alexander didn’t get such a soft ride.
What a shock just as I post my comment above old BBC one eye Gary Donahue spouts on about Alan Johnson having the ‘common touch’ but that Tory twat George Osborne is a ‘toff’.
Can’t the BBC change the record it’s worn out.
This is really the dark side of the eco-warrior cult. A second rate Hollyweird actress (Avatar, I think) has hitched up with Capn Watson who seems to have access to ships and materiel to chase and collide with Japanese whalers. Watson is the man who said in 2007 that humanity was a virus afflicting the planet. Evil is banal.
This video is frightening in its weird sense of obsessive mission to fight for the planet:
“I think on 10/10 I will take my SUV out for a nice long drive. I think I’ll leave every light in my house on and run all my fans. I think I’ll leave the vacuum running and the refrigerator door open. I think I’ll do my best to produce as much carbon dioxide as I can and increase my carbon footprint so that my houseplants can get a little greener. Sure, it might cost me a few extra dollars, but it’s worth it to see the efforts of such an evil, violent organization backfire…
Will you help in my effort? Personally for me, I couldn’t care less if you do or not, there truly is no pressure, and I don’t want to see anyone killed regardless of what they believe.”
My thoughts exactly. Seems like a lot of true environmentalists, that is those who actually care for the environment are getting a bit cheesed off with the ecofacists. These ecofacists are the same people who suppoprted the USSR, Stop the War, CND etc, in short they have as much concern for the environment as Pol Pot had for the Cambodian people.
For the whole of the political establishment to either stay silent or back these evil people is a disgrace. Where is Camerons statement condeming this vile lot?
Switch on every TV in your houe and leave them on BBC 1!!!
I’m still grappling with the idea that this Curtis character really believed his film would be an advert for the eco-fascist cause. Surely he must be secretly opposed to it. If not, it was a massive own goal, portraying the 10:10 group not only as vicious but also as devious.
Anyone think that Curtis looks just a little like Phil Jones?
“US physics professor: ‘Global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life'”