The Splattergate saga continues, and I have been doing a little further digging about BBC connections. I’ve already mentioned Richard Curtis, scriptwriter of the snuff movie and BBC luvvie par excellence. But the 10:10 team behind this odious camapaign also has on board an ex-BBC chap, one Alexis Rowell, who, according to his biog, worked for ten years as a BBC reporter before becoming a pain-in-the-derriere eco-nut campaigner. He was probably already pushing his eco-fascism while at the corporation, of course, but what better training could a 10:10 man have but to work at the BBC? Everything about Mr Rowell’s self-satisfied CV screams BBC indoctrination. And his style of showing the truth is to take a close-up picture of one overflowing waste bin on Hampstead Heath and present it as proof that we are all going to hell in a handcart. Pravda never did better.

As further insight into this mindset, this is Mr Rowell’s view on reporting “climate change”:

It is utterly irresponsible of the BBC to run stories that suggest that there is some sort of debate about this. We can have a debate about how high temperatures will go, about the possible consequences of climate change, about how fast we might get to mass extinction of species (which is of course already happening), but not about the basic science.