Listen to this interview by Sarah Montague and in particular focus on her tone when she engages with Conservative Francis Maude. The glacial edge is so obvious, hostility barely disguised when she gets going. I can’t understand why the Conservatives indulge the BBC, treating it as some sort of benign national treasurer when in fact it is an international malignancy.
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Radio 5 were the same. I couldn’t stop laughing when someone got through the BBC shields and demanded the BBC be sold off. Dame Nikki didn’t seem to like it.
It was rank indignation – ‘how very dare you?’. Humpty did about 2 sneering Lib Dem things (I forget) and then blithly had to justify it by stating it was satire. If you’ve gotta explain it Humpty, then…. Ejeet.
£3.5bn a year – now that’s what I call a much needed cut
So here I am reading on the bBC where they ask the public where they would cut in which to save money and I came across this video log. I was really intrigued by the box which stated ‘bring our boys home’ but when I watched it the message was actually very different. Amazing how the bBC rewrites stories to say black is white and white is black.
He did say it eventually, though.
As ever, labour party radio does its bit to defend its masters by the way it frames the agenda.
It doesn’t pose the question, were labour guilty of borderline criminality, when they stuffed their suporters onto dubious bodies on salaries and expenses that ordinary taxpayers can only dream about.
The bbc, ‘ every day, in every way, we defend nulabours’ corner’.
The silky smooth awe filled musical tone of Montague is quite pleasant to the ear holes when she is interviewing those guest who she admires and whose politics matches her own, its rather like getting a $100 Thai massage with a drop of morphine in your drink to hear her silky tone 😉 .
In contrast her tone when dealing with her political enemies is akin to having a black and decker drill carve into your cranium on hammer setting, the silky tone is replaced by a steel hard nasty tone you commonly find in Soviet criminal prosecuters from the old show trials and in fact her voice has the edge used by that German prosecuter who tried the Hitler bomb plotters in 44 😀 , its like listening to someone with long nails scratching them down a blackboard. Why the dumbo tories dont employ a speech recognition expert to dissect her tones during different interviews and then present the findings to her when next being interviewed I will never know. Its like, why does a battered wife stay with the abuser and claim he loves even as he batters her senseless?
I was feeling a bit guilty having had about 7 hours sleep and considering having a 30 minute nap and then she did her interview and got up almost immediately, rather livid. alarm clock available, that’s for sure.
Yes it sounds like the world-renowned BBC sneer — reserved exclusively for use in reaction to people who represent anything other than approved BBC doctrinal agenda.
DV: …national treasurer.
Heh. How apt for the money-grabbing Beeboid Corporation.
During the Election I wrote to Conservative Party central office to complain that the bias and antagonism of the BBC towards the Conservative Party was depriving the Voter of an honest assesment of the Conservatives.
I had a reply stating that they were perfectly happy with the way in which the BBC reported political events and its impartiality.
Amazing. Why do we who are not lefty bigots be denied impariality never mind bias from our publicly funded BBC ?
Its fairly inexplicable. My MP , one of Camerons’ supposed ‘inner circle’ , agrees there is bias, but doesn’t seem inclined to push the matter. Another one, who I know and trust from involvement in countryside issues, believes that they cause as much damage to the country as labour do and that the Tories are on a hiding to nothing untill they address the issue.
Not really surprised at the reply. Why? Well you could of course have been a Labour stooge trawling for tit-bits to feed into the electoral debate. Just think of how our beloved BBC would have played that one!
Nah, sounds reasonable but I used to work for the muppets and there’s a theory that if you take the meeja on in public then it’s bad form. They’re the last person you tell. It is problematic, though. No-one’s got any cash at the moment except global crap.
Stuart Rose may get parachutted into the Chairman’s gig. It’s defo better to sell it off all in one piece rather than break it up and then sell it.
There is genuinely a problem with the platform viability of each of its sectors and how people would pay for it. I’ve heard various estimates on how much it could be flogged for ranging from £12-18bn. I think that maybe why everyone’s ganging up on Rupert Murdoch but it’s not his fault he made sport such a hit product.
Flogging it does create a few problems. However, starving it’s a piece of piss.
I Did the same and continue to do so,they have only themselves to blame.Every day I’m sending Text messages to Mr J Hunt but have only recieved a bog standard reply telling me the terms that the BBC use in their charter.I think Mr Hunt will not do anything so this week after no reply about the deputy BBC and his payments i will not send any more emails…If and when mr hunt goes i will send him a email telling him what i think….
Massive own goal!
192 quangos abolished, 118 merged, but the BBC and BBC World Service get off scott free.
Bungling ineptitude of the Conservative led coalition.
Might as well still have had those Labour plonkers in for all the good this bunch are doing, at least you knew they were going to do nothing, this lot let you believe they will but then have gone full native, frankly it is sickening.
you build yourslfl up on a wave of expectation that some really deserved cuts could be made at last
and it falls to an complete arse
typical of this country and the buffoons who control it-ineffectual clowns
The EHRC survives aswell unfortunately. I so wanted so see those liberal scummers queueing up at the job centre.
I once looked up the members of Yorkshire Forward – they were virtually all ex Labour councillors. Even if much of the work of the quangos is taken back into government it should enable all the Labour cronies to be got rid of.
I once had dealings with Yorkshire Forward. Once.
Completely off topic: did anyone catch this lunchtime’s ‘Costing the Earth’ on R4? I honestly wonder whether presenter Tom Heap isn’t some sort of agent provocateur, so demented, so utterly bereft of sense, was this program. The easiest explanation is the Mr Heap is using the airwaves to discredit the entire environmentalist mindset.
As for balance – well, even thinking about balance presupposes an underlying rationality which seemed well beyond the ambitions of this programme.
I’ve heard Costing the Earth before, but never heard anything like today’s offering.
I ran to turn it off when it first came on, but I stumbled into another room at 25 mins into the programme and I swear I heard someone saying that Tress ought to have votes!
I switched off that radio as well.
What trash.
They MUST be broken up & privatised. Meanwhile let’s take the micky out of them at every opportunity. Laughter is the best insult/medicine.
s others have said before-what is it that keeps Eric Pickles from gutting the lefty cesspit that is Beeboid central and saving us £3bn a year?
it beggars belief that tory politicos haven’t been snarling to get at the sickening mob
The Tories are locked in an abusive partner relationship with the BBC. The BBC constantly beats them up, but they insist they still love them, and they hope that, by showing they are loyal to them, the abusive partner will change his ways. So they get thumped again. And again.
The Tories are a battered wife in denial. How else can you explain them protecting the loathesome socialist vipers nest?
Yes, the Tories almost seem to enjoy it. Apart from Gove and Pickles , they are a pathetic, gutless bunch. They deserve what they get.