Do you think George Osborne is trying to “knacker the economy” and “ruin lives”? Do you love Green Party leader Caroline Lucas (despite her weird eyebrows)? Is leftie human rights lawyer and Labour peer Baroness Kennedy a hero of yours? Do you believe that the BBC Trust was wrong to criticise an inaccurate report by Jeremy Bowen? Do you think the rescue of the Chilean miners offered a good excuse to make a snarky comment about Margaret Thatcher, and the hunt for crazed murderer Raoul Moat was just the time to make a sick joke about Sky News presenter Kay Burley? If the answer to all those questions is yes, and you expressed it all on Twitter, then there’s a good chance you could be BBC TV news editor Rachel Kennedy (click image to enlarge):
Impartiality is in her genes, you know?
(They really do have a thing for Caroline Lucas, don’t they?)
Incidentally, if you want to be one of the cool kids on Twitter, having a little pop at Thatcher and/or Burley appears to be a fairly popular way of proving your right-on cred to other users. Even BBC political correspondent Chris Mason was at it last week:
So nice to see that your license fee was put to such good use training Beeboids how to use Twitter properly.
I know the BBC is probably one of the stupidest organisations of people anywhere, ever, but surely even it is not dumb enough to train its moronic staff to prove to everyone how utterly, hopelessly biased they all are by using social networking sites and posting their tiny-minded left-wing faggotry all over them.
Also, who needs to be taught how to use these sites? Jesus.
As the BBC saying goes “We’re all lefty twats, it’s in our DNA”
Any comments Helen ‘impartiality is in our genes’ Boaden?
The gift that keeps on giving.
‘Any comments Helen ‘impartiality is in our genes’ Boaden?’
Well, no, sadly. That’s more down to the new ‘We want to hear your views… unless they are not sycophantic or worshipping us, in which case we pull the plug’.
Market rate talent SOP at the BBC seems to be these days ‘delusion, PR, deny, sulk, bunker, run away’.
While it lasts, you can still try:
Answers are promised, but it’s starting to look a bit more ‘There Goes Mr. Jordan’
I must say that, again, the most damning evidence in contradiction of these facile claims of impartiality is issued from the lips and keyboards of the BBC broadcast and publishing infirmament, and any attempt at blowing such clear, topical examples would be funny to hear these hapless £400k+perks+pensions ‘managers’ ‘interpret’ in any other way than is obvious to even the meanest intellect.
It really amazes me that there are people who think that the BBC is not biased. These “tweets” are from people who control the BBCs news output.How biased can you get?
But they are fireproof – one of Rachel Kennedys’ “followers” is Ed Vaizey!! The politicians are as childish and unprincipled as these morons who make no pretence of their contempt for the majority population in this country.
‘follower’ = ‘watcher’. Never underestimate the enemy. Never let him/her dig at the foundations unwatched.
Well said !
Sickening and puerile as these Tweets already are can you just imagine the degree of vitriol that will be unleashed by the prepubescent Left when Lady Thatcher eventually passes on? It will give a whole new dimension to the BBC bias that we have seen up to now.
Can’t BBC reporters and editors do more adult things with their time – like researching the background to news stories, for example? They are all just perpetual teenagers.
They’ve already got Scargill booked on a retainer, on standby for their ‘tribute’ special.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Scargill croaked first ?
I wonder how the BBC’s coverage of Maggie passing away will compare with the death of Michael Foot ?
On the sad day of the death of Lady Thatcher, great masses of right-thinking people should march on the BBC, to stop them broadcasting their pernicious poison, at least for that one day.
Well done Guido for bringing this to an even wider audience!
Nice link from Guido.
Any chance of the bBC reminding the public that the miners electing Arthur Scargill destroyed the mining industry. I thought not!
So what grounds do we have for a complaint to the BBC? To Helen Boaden? To the BBC Trust?
I’m confused here, please help me out. Quality of programming?????
At least the chatterati are doing their stupid chattering in public. I see Kath Viner, poisonous Israel-hating bigwig @ the Grauniad is one of her tweeting mates.
Tweeters seem juvenile and lacking in self awareness.
Just the type to control the press, or, in the wise words of Vanessa Perroncel to Justin Webb, the country. (I neither know nor care whether Vanessa Perroncel has had an affair with John Terry. I hadn’t heard of her before this morning.) But. Didn’t she do well?
“The freedom of the press is very important in this country. The press is very powerful in England. It feels like it is running the country, not the government. I think they should be careful in what they write. Maybe they should check their sources, maybe they should check the evidence a bit more.”
‘ere ‘ere.
Stephanie Flanders has learned how to protect her tweets from public scrutiny. Curious.
Well, with a handle like bbcstephanomics, it’s a bit more than curious how the heck she is going to divorce her personal opinions from that of her employer (the hint is in the 1st 3 letters), and how she justifies moderating who she deals with on this basis.
But as a metaphor for ‘La, la, la… I can’t hear you, unless I want to’ broadcast only bubble behaviour… pretty nifty.
BBC Editorial Guidelines for Social Networking Media Personal Use
* The personal use of the internet by BBC staff must be tempered by an awareness of the potential conflicts that may arise.
* There should be a clear division between “BBC” pages and “personal” pages.
* On Social Networking sites, you should be mindful that the information you disclose does not bring the BBC into disrepute.
* For example, editorial staff should not indicate their political allegiance. Non-editorial staff should make their role clear if they wish to engage in political activity.
Busted, Rachel Kennedy as well as that Beeboid who tweeted that the last US election was a great moment in world history.
* It may not be appropriate to share BBC-related photographs, comments and videos. Offensive comment about BBC colleagues may be deemed a disciplinary offence.
* BBC staff are free to edit online encyclopaedias (such as Wikipedia) but should be transparent about doing so. You may respond to legitimate criticism of the BBC but not remove it.
* Blogs, microblogs and other personal websites which do not identify the author as a BBC employee, do not discuss the BBC and are purely personal would fall outside this guidance.
I guess this exonerates Mitch Benn, but not the rest of them.
* New and existing blogs, microblogs and other personal websites which do identify the author as a BBC employee should be discussed with your line manager to ensure that due impartiality and confidentiality is maintained.
I guess Flanders’ line manager told her to lock the public out altogether to solve that problem.
Mr. Jordan is doing a ‘great’ job of trying to separate Editorial guidelines from what is happening, daily, with editorial.
Not sure it is cutting much ice, mind. I expect the thread to either be infected soon by trolls and/or soon closed… with no answers provided to some serious questions on the topic raised but now being avoided.
Par for the course.
The great Melanie Phillips gives this Contribution a mention:-
BBC -left-wing bias?