Anyone catch this interview on Today? John Humphrys versus Theresa May. As ever, our intrepid BBC impartial interviewer (it’s in his DNA) was out to grill the evil Conservative and I think he gave the game away when at one point he claims “your job is to protect police jobs”. No, her job is to provide us with an efficient and affordable Police Force. In the BBC world view, the role of the politician is to protect Public Sector jobs at all costs. Humphrys all too evident hostility towards May is simply the manifestation of BBC outrage that the scale and size of the State can be directly challenged. However rather than cut back on Police numbers, I would prefer the Government to get us a cool £3bn per annum saving by cutting the parasitic BBC from the public purse.
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A vintage 12 hours of eeeevil tories. Last night, Panorama was eeeevil Lord Ashcroft, child-eater and granny-killer. Then, 7am, Radio 2 news, Robert Peston’s soundbite on the Telegraph’s letter from business chiefs supporting the cuts. Paraphrased: “Loooots of others [franticly garbles list here] are saaaaaaaaying the cuts a baaaad thing. And soooooome say that successful buuuuuuuusinessmen know nothing about how to ruuuuuuuun the economy.” Huh?
And did anyone catch eeeeeevil Allies bombing poor innocent civilians in the ‘Real Dam busters’ last night?
I am sorry but Teresa May is useless in interviews. She is hesitant, unconvincing,poorly prepared and does not have the ability to counter the Interviewers or justify the Goverment’s position in a logical manner. It was her, don’t forget, who gifted Labour and their allies the BBC the sound bite ” we were the nasty party”. Unbelievable, as if those lying institutions need any help in denegrating middle Britain and the Conservatives.
I agree but Humphyrs sneering is still offensive and his presumption that the role of Government is to protect State jobs is lunatic.
I agree with you totally on that,Dave. His, and most of his collegues tone when talking to a member of the Government as opposed to Trades unionists or Lefty ‘think tankers’ is palpable.
Why doesn’t someone from the Government point out that the public sector in the main is totally unproductive and not affordable in times of economic downturn whereas the wealth creation comes from the private sector. An analogy would be a family with four potential wage earners. In time of financial crisis would you want them all to be out earning a wage or just two while the other two stay at home to do the garden and plan their next holiday? ( I am of course assuming no benifits being available).
It was her, don’t forget, who gifted Labour and their allies the BBC the sound bite ” we were the nasty party”
Wrong. The Conservatives were called the nasty party regularly since the 80s, nothing to do with May. She used it to highlight the change. You do Labour luvvies a favour by trying to paint strupidity when there is none.
David, the “your job is to protect police jobs” is a classic interviewer trap because as soon as the politician says “no it isn’t ” they can be leapt on for intentionally cutting jobs.
You miss the point. Regardless of who or who did not originally coin the description she should not have agreed with it or endorsed it. She is often presented as the one who ‘ admitted the Conservative Partry was the nasty party.
OK…agree with this, thanks for the rely.
The Conservative Party used to get referred to as ‘The Stupid Party’ as well. Theresa May is a woman after her time.
May is not the best interviewee.
What struck me was that after years of the Today programme implying that the terrorist threat is non-existent or overblown, now Humphreys is criticising the Government on the grounds that the terrorist threat (bombs) is far more threatening and significant than cyber terrorism. But the BBC has no shame or memory when it comes to attacking Conservative policy.
I don’t want the government to save us £3 billion by scrapping the TV licence. Keep the tax on TV use but use the revenue for useful things like the police, schools and hospitals instead of squandering 95% of it on junk like Eastenders, Casualty, Holby City, Doctors, Flog It, Cash in the Attic, Car Booty, Bargain Hunt, Celebrity Cash in the Attic, celebrity dancing competitons, Chris Moyles, publicity shows for the government’s gambling concern etc etc.
Mr Humphrys works for the organisation which wastes billions per year on such trash. This shows he’s not got any concerns about being careful with public money. If he had, he’d have resigned in disgust from the BBC years ago.
You’ve gone too far. I like Flog It.
I thought May’s job was to protect the public, not useless plods who seem to have abandoned the streets to the thugs?
Can we have a new general thread please?
Did anyone else hear Dame Nikki interview some German bloke this morning on Merkel’s comments about Multiculturalism failing in Germany. you could hear Dame Nikki and others in the studio getting rather uncomfortable when the German bloke stated that the problem was with Muslims and not other groups.
Don’t expect THAT view to come up on the BBC again.
Humphries is a disgrace even in the context of the BBC bur as an MP May is close behind. This is the stupid woman who gave us the European Information Order or some such, allowing foreign police to get information on British subjects.
Theresa May is the Beebs dream of an interviewee.
Even articulate Tories like Hague become emollient blancmange in the face of those lily livered prep school bluestockings and squits that staff the Beeb at all levels. At least Boris is prepared to fight back, and Pickles seems capable-but the others seem trapped in the camera spotlights and are useless.
Why the hell don`t they get personal with these louch millionaires squatting under the biggest quango umbrella in Britain-remind them that they are biased and vastly overpaid dilettantes who gave up on journalism years back when Blair greased their palms(and more besides). At least Ross was open in his swaggering greed and condescension…and he WAS worth 200 or more journalists and hacks/spin scribblers as he said!
About time the Tory dirty tricke department hired a Mc Bride to shaft these lotus eaters who trough at our expense…or at least somone who could graft a bit of spine into the Cowering Coalition!
The day the Conservative Party decides it needs a low-life like McBride or any or the other low-life rent-a-thugs Brown employed is the day England is finished as a nation.
Have to agree with the theme above concerning the wimpish performance of T May when she is being sneered at by al-Beeb’s champagne socialists.
This morning, the face of today’s BBC breakfast’s fluff piece , Susannah Reid, was a picture sneering disgust when she ended her interview with Theresa May – they just cannot help themselves can they.
Yet coalition MPs are seemingly paralysed by a lack of confidence / self-assertiveness in what they should be saying – namely justifying a reduction in the role of the state with reasoned argument, not by doubtful wooliness.
For over 100 years there has been enough politcal evidence and comment from which they could garner inspiring texts; they could be talking about giving power back to individuals, re-establishing self-responsibility at the heart of their message.
Yet, there is some hope – contrast these frontline MPs with MEP Daniel Hannan who would eat Susannah Reid for breakfast.