Hey look, there’s a shout-out to the Biased BBC massive from BBC Washington correspondent Iain Mackenzie :
Not so much “Reds”, Iain, as partisan hacks.
Remember Obama’s inauguration?
Or your views on Sarah Palin, Iain?
I’m yet to find an American-based BBC journalist betraying sympathies for the Republican Party. Plenty the other way, though. Funny that, eh?
One more thing Iain – why did you immediately delete those jokey tweets you posted in response to a complaint you had to deal with? Did somebody in a more senior position point out that it didn’t look good to be so flippant? Still, nice for you that you’re so confident about your job, especially in the current economic climate, that you find the idea of journalistic impartiality a bit of a joke.
He’s made himself look so wonderfully ridiculous. He’s made all his left-wing blogs but then tries to imply that B-BBC output is identifying reds where there aren’t any. Own goal on his part I think.
It reminds me of a debate about Unions involving Scargill in the 1970s, when he was still a member of the Communist Party, and the Conservative was saying that the trouble with the unions is that they are all dominated by communists. Scargill, without thinking, immediately accused the conservative of talking rubbish and there were no commnists running them, the conservative countered with “Are you denying you are a member of the Communist Party?” To which Scargill could only bluster. A few weeks later it was announced that he had left the Communist Party and had joined Labour.
Mackenzie must be completely stupid to make such a ridiculous statement that can be caught out so quickly and easily. Left-wing airhead would probably describe his type.
“Impariality in our genes”?
Perhaps Iain (I’m skewed so far left I think straight ahead is far right”) Mackenzie should be the first to be subject to genetic testing.
Personally I’m sick to death of these “Scotch” tossers larging it up in the USofA at my expense. If you are reading this Ian, GFYS, from a license-fee payer. Remember that when you next file your expenses.
Ian is a prime example of smug arrogance, he sees nothing wrong in hating his political enemies, one step from active smearing and poisoning the well? The ends justify the means in his mind, once you classify a political enemy as insane then no attack is off limits.
In a free press in a democratic nation then a journalist is free to plant his flag anywhere I suppose but the BBC is supposed to be an impartial broadcaster isnt it? How can they be impartial when a reporter classes someone he regards as a political enemy ‘insane’?
There is either real impartiality or there isnt, either there is honesty or there isnt.
The BBC are lying about being impartial and their staff are so cocksure they will not be caught or cautioned that they can swagger and brag in public about being partisan, mr Smirking beeboid reads this blog?
Smile now beeboid, hows yer pension doing comrade? How dya like them apples Red?
The reds are indeed under the bed – right next to the racists his colleagues keep seeing.
He also commented about the Mail picking up on Juan Williams story, unlike the bum boys at the BBC of course who never reported it at all.
Just how many of these twats does the BBC have in America?
They seem to be breeding !
Here is a review of the real meaning of the election results by pollster Frank Luntz. Mostly seems fair to me.
And therefore a country mile from the tone of the BBC “reports”.
It was published in the Washington Post, normally a key crib source for BBC people, but obviously they will think that Luntz too sees reds under the bed.
The prick was also commenting about Fox News having three Republicans on and no Democrats. funny as I thought US networks were not funded by a compulsory tax, unlike the the BBC.
Mackenzie is yet another twat that doesn’t get it.
Poor old Iain, sends dozens of “followers” to this blog, where we all think he’s a cut (BBC favourite word) He’s a talentless fuck who’s lucky to be doing what he’s doing…paid for by UK taxpayers…who he insults if they don’t agree with his luvvie views.
Michael Crick was/is favourite reporter…you don’t say!
Yes you could imagine him and Michael Prick sharing a jar of ‘Man Vaseline’ together UGH!
His profile” creative ,techy , hungry” just about sums him up.
Bombastic platitudes.
Ignore him
Michael Crick was/is favourite reporter…you don’t say!
That would be Michael ‘Anything my mates’ enemies do online is ‘propaganda’ while what I source in their support is news’ Crick?
‘I go on the TV and the Radio and the Interweb’… and on, and on and on..
Twitter with ‘impartial’ Beeboids does seem like the electronic equivalent of keeping on digging to China. Apt, really.
An easy get out for the middle’un: Obama is (half) black and its good to have other races running stuff… I doubt the comment would have been the same if America had elected its first female vice-president that night but it’s plausible deniability of party political bias.
This tard must’ve taken a hefty dose of radiation or something, because the genetic impartiality apparently in all BBC employees seems to’ve broken down and left him a deranged lefty asshole mutant. Poor bastard.
He is getting found out. Like the rest of his chums at the BBC. He broadcasts his views for all to see whilst living off the British public. It really amazes me that him and his type can be so blatent in their bias and then defend their “impartiality”. Not only is he biased, he is not very clever. The day the BBC was let loose on Twitter was the day they where shown for what they are. Childlike student activists.
Very good work rumbling this one DB. And claim double points for catching him out when he seems to think he can go on the front foot.
Could somebody give me some tips on searching tweets, is it just a case of scrolling down and clicking “more”, or is there a more advanced method? Not a twitterer myself.
You can search on the Twitter site itself or use an application. Tweetdeck is a good app for Twitter as you can set up different columns for different searches and get real time updates. Tweetdeck needs Adobe Flash and Adobe AIR installed but it is a really good programme.
I am delighted that Ian Mackenzie takes time off from his overblown ego to bother himself with sites such as this.
He’s obviously a man on the move !
However, where does he get the time to comment on Twitter about rotters with different views ?
Is it in the back of a taxi ?
Does he claim expenses under $1,000 for his wit and wisdom during the arduous journey to file copy ?
Does he get a receipt from the cab driver ? (Will he need one?)
But there again, arriving at his destination, he’s still as left-wing as ever and fully funded by the BBC to go forth without a care in the world and eulogize the Democrat Party.
If he finds time to sleep, then anything red under the bed will simply be a mirror, should he choose to look.
So don’t bother with the receipt Ian – Trebles all round from the BBC and if you can do more damage to the odious Tea-Pot Party you’ll have a job for life.
Well unless Cameron decides to visit planet Earth that is !
So the BBC are on an all out attack on Cameron over his plan to drum up business in China. The BBC don’t like it, “wot abart du uman rites” some BBC mongs spouts on Radio 5.
Funny that when the one eyed twat from fife was sniffing around China for business the BBC didn’t attack him.
And what double standards from beeboids? This twat at the top, Mackenzie is an Apple lover as are all beeboids. So remind me where do Apple get most of their products made again?
I guess that when a beeboid is buying his Cocaine on a Friday night before firing up Grindr on his iphone and heading off to the urinals on Hampstead Heath he’s not really bothered about the people exploited by the drugs industry or China.
But how dare some Tory toff try to get business here in the UK from China, then it’s all about ‘human rights’
I wonder how much the BBC spends on Apple products made in China sweatshops?
Yep the beeb is all over this ! sadly they missed thei from a leading Tory wonder why ?? must be all that red stuff getting in the way =
Speaking in a Strabourg press conference on Tuesday (11.30 a.m. Local March 10) McMillan-Scott will say: “Instead of giving the EU a lead, given Britain’s earlier role in Tibet, David Milliband’s treacherous statement last November fatally undermines the position of most Tibetans, who are desperate for freedom”
In a parliamentary answer David Miliband stated, “Like every other EU member state, and the United States, we regard Tibet as part of the People’s Republic of China”.
McMillan-Scott comments: “At a stroke he condemned a nation. It is lamentable that the British government should mark the 50th anniversary of international abandonment of this unique and spiritual people by effectively conceding to Beijing. This is a new low point in British foreign policy.”
Martin, Toady was a classic this morning – the real beeboid distain for ‘the box-wallahs’ , shone through like a beacon.
Lets not interview some keen businessman looking to promote manufacturing jobs, lets interview a Chinese artist whose studio is due to be redeveloped !
Cameron trying to sell widgets, disgraceful, why isn’t he talking about human rights !
If I was Iain Mackenzie I’d put a sock in it; it’s not the best of times for senior Beeboids to loudly preach their ‘progressive’ [sic] beliefs, when BBC figures should not have any public political views at all. He should keep them to himself.
Better he carries on. He probably sees nothing wrong with his partisan remarks. He is either stupid or cock sure.
I say carry on BBC “reporters” . Eventually the word will spread and someone somwhere who is looking to abolish an unpopular tax, will have all the ammunition they need. In one fell swoop we will get rid of the most expensive public sector workers this country has ever employed.
I’m sick of all these lefty tv commentors who are supposed to be “Un-biased”. They are anything but.
One great benefit of the US election results is that the cult of climate change is going to be grilled far harder in Congress than ever before. There will be House Committee hearings – on oath – probing the scams like ClimateGate, interrogating the Environmental Protection Agency, summoning scientists on both sides of the debate to give evidence.
These hearingas will be nothing like the whitewashes we have seen this side of the pond. The whole Hockey Stick issue will be reviewed, and the way the IPCC has operated.
Meanwhile, the pomposity of the Gore crowd and the Hockey Team is increasingly being treated as a big joke.
……and if you double-click the video through to the YouTube site, there’s a whole collection of songs by the Minnesotans for Global warming crowd.
Now when does the BBC ever screen this sort of attack on the climate-change cultists ?
…..Is this Chicken Little – or Richard Black ?
Any chance Congress could get the lying mongs from Anglia Poly to attend hearings in Washington over their distortions and misinformation?
Another article by Michael Barone – who as a psephologist is prncipal author of the biennial and authoritative Almanac of American Politics. For many many years. Kinda like the David Butler of the US electoral scene. But he is conservative, not a JournoLista – so his recognised expertise is never on show on the BBC.
He focusses here on the sweeping Republican gains in state legislatures, which will have a strong effect on the pending redistribution of seats in most states following the 2010 Census. State legislatures can also block the roll-out of ObamaCare, long before there is any definitive ruling on its legality by the Supreme Court.
He states “the Tea Party movement was a genuine POPULAR movement of vast dimensions”. This is the true result, the true spread of backing for the Tea Party sentiments of economic and fiscal rectitude. You’d never have thunk it from the likes of shallow and stupid Iain Mackenzie and other BBC hacks “reporting” from the US.
Maybe the BBC should hire David Preiser so we can have a chance of accurate reporting from the US ? Anyone following David here, which Mackenzie describes as an “always amusing” blogsite will have had a much more balanced account of what the Tea Party really means than they have ever heard from the BBC. “Always informative” would be a better description of what people can learn here as compared with the biased and inaccurate BBC coverage.
you can be assured when a beeboid twat calls b-bbc “always amusing”,he’s actually chewing his fingers off and covering the monitor with mouth froth out of pure lefty wing fucktard hatred
Whilst concurring with your views about lack of impartiality, is this really an excuse for rampant hate speech against homosexuals?
Hardly an appropriate response in comments relating to an article bemoaning bias.
Oh,whatever, sod the poove….
Rampant hate speech, like what?
Yeah thats got me stumped as well .what hate speech ? by the way what is hate speech? is it =
1= Idon’t like your politics/veiws
2= i don’t like your sexual prefrences/perversions
3= Idon’t like your shoes/hair/bike
As i can be upset by all the above !!!
I’ve not noticed anything like ‘gays should be thrown off mountains’ or advocating doing harm to gays. I’ve seen things I don’t entirely agree with but wouldn’t call that hate speech.
‘There’s Reds under the bed’?
This is poor grammar. There is a red under the bed. There are reds under the bed.
I hope the BBC pick him up on this as well as his obvious bias.
What a poor BBC journalist he is, but then only an idiot would expect quality from a corporation which takes pride in trash like Eastenders, Chris Moyles, Flog It, celebrity dancing competitons and tacky shows advertising the government’s gambling operation.
The reds under his bed are probably the used underwear of the previous nights “friend”…
I can’t believe I wrote that! But I did…
Actually I can’t see why the BBC would want to publicise good or bad about the prime ministerial trip to China or anywhere else in fact.
Even they realise that these are purely junkets, and have no identifiable business benefit whatsoever, a bit like the BBC’s coverage of so many things.
The previous Labour administration wasted their time and our money on doing it, and now the current Liberal administration is doing likewise.
The BBC needs to realise there is no actual “news” here and move along, but then they smell jollies too, just ask a certain senior beeboid journo and his claim he was ‘wrong’ about China…
I know, for some reason, the licence fee soak has paid for it all, but actually BBC’s twits being given and then allowed to play wild and free with twitter is really the gift that keeps on giving.
So… let’s get this straight. Two talent-lite, overpaid (by us) tubs of BBC lard get into hissy fits with each other, and decide to lug it out online in full glare. Plus getting the sister publication to play it up.
Market rate? Second-rate… or lower. On any count.
New balls-ups please! Won’t be long, for sure.
Dear Mr. Mackenzie,
Your vanity will have been rewarded by having a whole thread devoted to you on this B-BBC blog site. And as you have admitted to being a regular reader of this site you undoubtedly will have seen this thread.
Would you therefore please explain to us, who are uninitiated into the mindset of the average BBC presenter and tell us exactly what you find amusing about this site. Please, even more importantly, also explain why the three twitters from you, at the top of this item, proves that you follow the BBC instructions to its staff of how to ensure impartiality. You can easily get an account on this site and justify your position if you feel you can justify it, and it would be interesting to us to hear a real BBC point of view.
If you feel unable to defend yourself, however, then maybe you should think of resigning from your highly remunitarive BBC post that is funded by the Licence Fee Tax.
Yours sincerely
Perhaps there should be a section created somewhere on this blog, (The problem is I don’t know where) to include each and every BBC employee, shown up for their persistent left wing bias of the facts.
It would certainly help any new readers accessing this website, in deciding for themselves if what you’re reporting is factual.
I agree it would be very helpfull to keep something like a database of quotes of bias. Possibly the forum could be used for this as you could have a bias by name forum for this purpose.
Done 🙂
After David Vance publishes his book on BBC bias, as a pensioner I can commit a few weeks to doing my own trawl through the BBBC backfiles. I would aim to do a 20-page summary, with my own commentary, of the past 5 years of really blatant instances of claptrap from the BBC.
To be sent to every MP, whatever party. Plus OFCOM, BBC Trust, Min of “Culture” – there’s an Orwellian term ! – p;us, especialy, to every name I can find in the Treasury and the Cabinet Offce.
And maybe a copy to HM The Queen, it is her Royal Charter under which the BBC transgresses.
I got a reply in via Twitter from this particular BBC Washington Correspondent.
You can see his reply on my blog here:
Nice work, Billy. Looks like McKenzie’s “relativism” is about his own extreme views seeing mainstream as far right. Never mind that he can’t address his comment about the election results.
Yes nice one Billy. But notice his words. “Making people from the extreme, right or left, appear mainstream”. Since when was that the job of a BBC reporter? Are they not supposed to report the news full stop.
And what criteria does he use for these extremes? A valued judgement surely? If they could just stick to reporting what people say and not make their own valued judgements on who is left or right he would justify his postion (just).
I am not sure what his response means.
But it sounds like he realises he needs to shut his stupid gob. Is that a correct reading ?
Like – does he recognise he is an amateur overpaid biasewd dickhead.
(Mind you, in his book we will always be the Devil’s Spawn, fascists, racists, troglodytes, Neanderthal, illiterate, ignorant….)
A twitter from Justin Web
If you only read one piece today about the Future of the Republican Party (!) let this be it: http://tinyurl.com/3yy4t5a @r4today about 10 hours ago via web
Link here
Tweets by todayjustin
Ol’ Justin should be banned from ever mentioning Sarah Palin’s name again while working for the BBC.
That bit by Justin Webb is outrageous. He is no longer a US correspondent. But he continues his blinkered bias by referring to an over-the-hill Washington Post hack.
Why could he not say – here are some pieces that nail the US elewction results :
1 Applebaum
2 Some other Democrat or JournoLista apologist
3 eg Michael Barone – the most eminent psephologis in the US
4 eg Krauthammer. Powerline, – or just anyone on the Repub side. After several years in the US at our expenxe – does he actually know anyone outside the WaPO/NYT/HuffPO/JournLista set ???
After all – impartiality is in his gin and tonic.
Yes, according to his Twitter page he knows newly-elected Republican Senator Mark Kirk from his days at the LSE. Kirk won The Obamessiah’s old Senate seat, replacing the corrupt Chicago insider appointed by Blagojevich. The one Republican ol’ Justin doesn’t think is a dangerous extremist. For now.
Wow. It appears this blog really is very “amusing”.
Jim Hawkins of BBC Radio Shropshire (not Treasure Island) has been enjoying the B-BBC content.
@jimallthetime: An idle few minutes spent reading the Biased BBC Blog. Thigh now sore from slapping.
The BBC: ‘Impartiality – bit of a laugh innit’
I bet £50 that no-one can find a set of Twitter postings by a single BBC “journalist” that reflects approval of the Tory/LibDem Government.
As in – the duly elected Government as reflected in House of Commons votes 6 months ago.
As in NOT – the rejected Labour Party or the sort of extreme-left ideas that so many Beeboids exhibit.
My offer stays open for 7 days. There are lots of BBC staff who read this blog. £50 on offer to disprove endemic BBC bias, up and down the whole system.
Jim Hawkins’s twitter feed also contains this:
RT @DisabilityNow BBC doc looking for disabled peeps affected by benefit cuts (inc. funded orgs) about 19 hours ago via TweetDeck
…which was a re-tweet of this…
BBC doc looking for disabled people affected by benefit cuts (e.g. means testing or disability orgs facing closure). @ us for info & RT! -C about 19 hours ago via TweetDeck
So expect a BBC piece sometime soon about how disabled people and the organisations representing them are the latest victims of the savage cuts.
Shouldn’t the BBC doc also be seeking the views of disabled people not affected by benefit cuts and disability orgs not facing closure or not unsympathetic to the government’s policy, so as to get a more rounded picture? The BBC doc (backed by Jim Hawkins) seems to be touting for critics only.
So no agenda please BBC and as many sides of the debate as possible, all treated respectfully. That’s not too much to ask, is it?
It doesn’t specify who was responsible for the slapping or clarify if it was in complement to the reading. Martin may have a view.
Not sure if trying… very hard… to show how ‘funny’ it all is doesn’t come across as a bit forced, on top of being a totally substance-free commentary other than to the supporter’s club in a very shrinking bubble.
But possibly sending new audiences of independent mind to read quoted examples backed by URLs (usually from the BBC itself) to make up their own minds is welcome.
Helen Boaden must be thrilled. I am expecting to see at least three xxx ‘kisses’ on her next foot-stamping memo to try and get ’em to stop digging deeper holes with each tweet.
I’m beginning to wonder if getting a mention on this site is like a badge of honour for these idiots, after all no-one outside Shropshire would have heard of Jim Hawkins (except in Treasure Island of course).
I think that they will be able to add this to their luvviedom and left-wing ratings amongst their likeminded brethren. Mark my words, Jim Hawkins will soon be national BBC, radio or television, as he has proved he is of the proper mindset. (Mind is used in the above instances in its loosest term as none seem to possess an individual mind.)
Perhaps we should play their game and send the ones that comment about this site invitations to justify their positions, e.g. what amuses them when they see the truth? etc.
Personally I think they are amused that they know they are being caught, but don’t care as they know nothing will happen to them (barring promotion perhaps) and that amusement is basically two-fingers up to the people that pay their over-inflated salaries, whom they hold in contempt.
It’s so nice that all these Beeboids have taken the time to read a few words here. Too bad they don’t have the courage of their convictions to come and explain why we’re wrong. If they simply corrected us and showed us the error of our ways, they could go back to tweeting in peace.
Christ help me. I’ve just wasted 30 minutes trawling around the twitter and facebook pages of the likes of Iain Mackenzie and that buffoon Jim “LOOK AT ME!” Hawkins (I’M A REALLY NICE GUY DON’T YOU KNOW!).
It’s like looking at a really horrific car crash, grotesque viewing, sickening images that remain in your brain, memories that just won’t disappear, you know it’s the wrong thing to do but something forces your eyes in that direction.
Is there no end of these arrogant, leftie, moronic tosspots that populate or work for the BBC? Each week this website seems to bring another couple to my attention. People I’ve never before seen or heard of but now want to inflict righteous suffering upon, in the same way they inflict their poluted, holier than thou, left wing agendas on me.
BBCspeak phrase book
It’s so funny
Having no defence, “it’s so funny” is the last refuge of the lefty Beeboid when the Beeb has been caught bang to rights in possession of defective impartiality genes. This tactic is extensively used by the Left. See also BBC comedians.
Spot on! Finding things “funny” is indeed the last refuge of those on the wrong side of common sense. Its a defence mechanism all too sadly transparent. Agh” “Sad” another silver bullet word. Allows you to say “Stupid!!” without having to own up to an ad hominem.
A lot of this tripe comes from badly educated people ie three years beer-studies at an ex-polytechnic.
From now on they can pay for their own beer-studies diploma, riddance.