The BBC, along with the rest of the Left-leaning media, has from almost the very start tried to portray the Tea Party movement as a far-right, extremist movement. At first, their main Narrative was that racism was the primary motivating factor behind the movement, with a generic anti-government theme as window dressing. When the movement which the BBC at first ignored, then played down, kept growing far beyond their expectations, the next Narrative was that it was a primarily Christianist movement. This of course was intended to lead the audience into thinking that the Tea Party supporters were clearly off the deep end, as all good Liberals know that anyone who self-identifies as a Christian is halfway towards extremist beliefs anyway. The recent offerings from various BBC-enabled comedians on such programmes as Have I Got News For You and Radio 5 are proof of this mindset.
As we got closer to the mid-term elections in the US (to which the BBC reacted as if it was the second-most important election in human history), the BBC made all sorts of efforts to portray the Tea Party movement as extremist and Christianist as possible. The staggering number of times they mentioned Christine O’Donnell and the fact that the BBC only once mentioned Marco Rubio and Col. Allen West until about a week before the election (and then only in passing, with no features at all) betray the BBC’s biased agenda for what it was.
A few days before the election, the World Service’s “Heart and Soul” programme gave us an installment entitled “God and the Tea Party” (Oct. 27 podcast). Here, Matthew Wells went to Kentucky to speak to a number of Tea Party supporters. Without exception, no matter how much they professed their Christian beliefs and their attitude that the US was a “Judeo-Christian country”, based on Judeo-Christian values, all of them equally expressed their desire for government to stay out of people’s lives and stop the taxing and spending (Note to bigots at the BBC: If someone makes an effort to include the Jews, they’re not the bogeyman you’re looking for). Yet, Wells kept pressing each of them to express their Christianist goals anyway, as if they all harbored a secret desire to turn the US into the Christian equivalent of Saudi Arabia. Then Wells gave a good portion of the segment to far-Left journalist and think-tanker, E.J. Dionne, who said that yes, they’re all extremist Christianist, but don’t worry because the far-Right Christian movement is not going to last long.
At one point, despite what the people themselves told him, Wells stated that conservative, Christian social issues are “at the heart” of the Tea Party movement.
In August, Mark Mardell had the same thoughts, wondering if the Christian Right wasn’t really at the heart of the Tea Party movement. Again, he asks this in spite of everything they keep telling him. It’s as if he suspects it’s all a big smoke screen. Mardell could always be counted on to find the outlier that fits this agenda and let that color everything.
Then, of course, there’s Glenn Beck, whom the BBC kept trying to portray as being a leading light of the movement, even though he’s actually a social conservative who tried to jump on the bandwagon, and did not come from the heart of the movement itself. There is a wide overlap between conservative Christians and supporters of the movement, but that’s all it is. Beck’s big rally in Washington, DC was for the former, not the latter. And let’s not forget Sarah Palin. The Beeboids sure haven’t. I’m sure the screener of her new reality show is already making the rounds, and they’re having a great laugh while at the same time being slightly afraid.
With this whole Social Conservative Christianist Narrative in mind, how does the BBC explain the fact that now several Tea Party organizers have written an open letter to the Republican Party leaders in Congress, telling them to lay off the social conservative issues and focus on stopping the taxing and spending?
I’m reproducing the full letter below. Read it, and decide for yourselves whether or not this matches the BBC Narrative across their spectrum of broadcasting, or what I’ve been saying for the last 18 months.
On behalf of limited government conservatives everywhere we write to urge you and your colleagues in Washington to put forward a legislative agenda in the next Congress that reflects the principles of the Tea Party movement.
Poll after poll confirms that the Tea Party’s laser focus on issues of economic freedom and limited government resonated with the American people on Election Day. The Tea Party movement galvanized around a desire to return to constitutional government and against excessive spending, taxation and government intrusion into the lives of the American people.
The Tea Party movement is a non-partisan movement, focused on issues of economic freedom and limited government, and a movement that will be as vigilant with a Republican-controlled Congress as we were with a Democratic-controlled Congress.This election was not a mandate for the Republican Party, nor was it a mandate to act on any social issue, nor should it be interpreted as a political blank check.
Already, there are Washington insiders and special interest groups that hope to co-opt the Tea Party’s message and use it to push their own agenda – particularly as it relates to social issues. We are disappointed but not surprised by this development. We recognize the importance of values but believe strongly that those values should be taught by families and our houses of worship and not legislated from Washington, D.C.We urge you to stay focused on the issues that got you and your colleagues elected and to resist the urge to run down any social issue rabbit holes in order to appease the special interests.
The Tea Party movement is not going away and we intend to continue to hold Washington accountable.
Here’s a link to a PDF file of the letter, with all signatories.
After more than a year of careful observation, the BBC has figured out that the Tea Party movement has mostly been busy trying to transform the Republican Party (Scott Brown in MA was an anomaly to them, a sign of nothing to come, apparently). But their bias makes them think it’s for an entirely different reason. Why, it’s almost as if they had a story they wanted to tell and went out there and told it, in spite of everything they learned from the very people about whom they were supposed to report.
But at the bBC there is only one god and his name is ‘Allah’
Pounce said,
“But at the bBC there is only one god and his name is ‘Allah'”
plus Marx of course?
Pounce, you clearly have not been dhimmified enough. You forgot the “peace be upon him” bit at the end.
Please go to Broadcasting House for an intensive dhimmification session so you don’t make the mistake again.
Many ‘Liberals’ wish to see the destruction of the west even if it means transforming to the equivalent of Saudi Arabia. Everything they profess to support is a mirage, if they were for freedom of the individual they would be protesting against Islamification of the west, sharia and all that, if they were against extremism they would be against all forms of extremism and totalitarianism no matter what side of the imaginary political line it raises its ugly head. When I get wind of an extremist ‘Liberal’ I walk away as fast as if it were a psychopath for they share many of the same traits, and that goes for the BBC.
It seems even some who would call themselves conservative are thinking the unthinkable.
As for religion, I personally go for deism as I don’t have to join a group of muppets (it seems I’m an aninmal muppet, see below) to believe whatever I wish to believe in and it saves on the bloodshed.
Islamist ideology is not a religion, rather it is an excuse and a cover and a justiication for the darkest and most evil of human impulses emotions to flourish and find physical expression. Rarely do you find a savage psychopath admitting their own filthy perversions for what they are, what you do see is attempts to justify those evil base lusts.
Within the human ‘soul’ are very many different personalities jostling with each other for supremacy of the persons will, the darker more evil expressions require a cover and justification and mask in order to form a greater whole within a population.
Birds of a feather stick together? But they also seek to share and reinforce and pool and justify their base inner desires and cruel impulses.
Islamist ideology is simply a group of like minded people fabricating a justification for their base desires and dark impulses and you find this paradigm everywhere that people who succumb to the darker side of human nature. The seeking ou of a group identity and a justification in numbers happens often with groups like organised crime gangs and child molester groups. The human condition demands we seek justification and acceptance for our actions among others and find comfort within that group.
One persons desire to murder and brutalise another weaker person is simply a criminal psychopathic perversion HOWEVER if the person can find others with the same urge then a fabricated group justification can be constructed very much like the so called ‘honour killings’ and the stoning of captive women to death, under no circumstances is the gleeful evil torture and murder of innocents acceptable by one person so the psychopaths group together and call their evil perversions islamic justice.
When we deal with the islamist scourge we must always realise who and what we are dealing with, its not a religion at all but a group of like minded perverts and criminals using a fake religious ideal to justify their crimes.
It is to be noted that Christianity a few centuries ago was every bit as savage,cruel, perverted and warped as islamism is today.
We in the West had the sense to de fang and de claw the religious nutcases and the reformation put the shackles of reason on the beast that religion can easily become.
Islam has to undergo a reformation and until it does it will be a refuge and a base for all the base evil instincts of humanity. In order to undergo a transformation the mass of peole must demand it but at present the mass of of followers of islam revel and bask in their vile beliefs.
What is it about religion that drives people to such evil in the name of a God who would never sanction such deeds? A man driving a truck bomb into a busy market with the intention of murdering innocents of the same religion cannot be driven by God but by Satan.
It seems to me that the part of the mind that accepts God may well confuse the will of Satan with the will of God.
‘It is to be noted that Christianity a few centuries ago was every bit as savage,cruel, perverted and warped as islamism is today.’
Frankly, one of the resons I access this site is to get away from biased, emotive and ill informed reporting from the BBC. I don’t want to read similar kinds of bias. The truth counters falsehood, not more falsehood.
I disagree with you Cassandra, it is a religion – the religion of evil. I have heard that when Mohammed first thought he heard the voice of God his wife told him it was Satan. Husbands, listen to your wives.
LINOs (Liberals in Name Only) will believe in any form of insanity to escape from reality – and I include Cameron in that.
Paying off the enemy not to bring a court case against you because it will put national security at risk? There was a time when this prospect would be avoided through the simple expedient of national security. But this is where the ratchet effect of our media waging the enemy propaganda war leads us: A state of abject insanity that leaves the enemy in paroxysms of laughter and convinces him we are terminally stupid enough to be defeated.
Sit back and enjoy the macabre comedy that is modern day British politics.
“LINOs” I like it, I like it a lot 😀 !
May I use it please as a catch all phrase?
BTW I agree with every word of your last posts.
Brilliant deconstruction of Islam, Cass. Your rationale echoes what I have long thought about the origins and aims of this sham “religion”. The fact that its origins and strongholds are the most backward nations on earth with populations rooted intellectually in the Middle Ages gives added strength to your argument.
Of course, being prevalent in backward societies, Muslims are prime fodder for the “victim” culture that the BBC exists to patronise and promote – against the interests of the Judeo-Christian societies which have a proven record of social enlightenment and progression built up over centuries.
Thanks for the kind words John,
There has to be a reational explanation why some people are prone to falling under the spell of perverted violence in the name of religion while others are not.
There are plenty of the poorest people on this earth who are immune from the cancer of religious barbarism. One day we will find the causes and perhaps the cure.
David, excellent summary of what the T party wants and how the bbc & liberal media attempt to mislead viewers on this message.
What the bbc fails ever to mention, is that compared to the UK, the majority of US society is still far more likely to express faith and practise a religion.
DP chronicles yet one more amongst a litany of examples of just how institutionally bent the BBC is. The only thing that will rescue it from the subversives is a wholesale purge. That will only come about with a reformation in British politics with a conservatism of our time that transcends political tribalism. Dont see it coming, but simply by speaking and blogging the truth the evil that is coming upon us can be limited in the damage it does.
The BBC happily points out fairly often that people in the US are far more likely to express faith an practice a religion than people in the UK. They use this to prove how backwards and foolish we are, and to make fun of specific assumed religious beliefs.
Funny how the very religious conservative Mohammedans in Britain are never portrayed as similarly backwards, nor do even any of the edgy comedians who make a nice living off the BBC dare tease them about any of their beliefs.
Of course, INBBC denigrates Christianity, but is subservient to Islam.
And, inevitably, Islam not BBC (INBBC) is big in its uncritical support for hajj, as we expect, from the Corporation which has Muslim, Aaqil Ahmed, as head of religion there, and whose Islamic outlook is clear:
“BBC’s Muslim head of religion says Christianity shouldn’t receive preferential treatment, despite 75% describing themselves as Christian in last census.”
But D.G Thompson indicates the religious preferences at INBBC very clearly:
“BBC boss says Islam should be treated more sensitively than Christianity”
So now British licencepayers fund all the INBBC propaganda on INBBC’s relgion of choice: Islam, such as, on hajj:
INBBC won’t report this about hajj:
Hajj pilgrims chant “Death to America,” “Death to Israel”
Yes, the BBC’s ‘comedians’ have been attempting to base their material on the Tea Party for a while now. I put a link up on here when that fool who was presenting ‘Have I Got News For You’ announced that the mid-terms had ‘gone disastrously’. The following Friday I had the misfortune to catch a few minutes of the ‘News Quiz’ on R4. It was basically the panel members going: “Nutters, right-wing, Christians, Nazi, Fascist, Germany, Hitler, racists, 1930’s, extremists, blah blah blah.”
I can’t remember the ‘comedian’s’ name but it was that twisted little freak with the squeeky voice and no neck who’s always on their quiz shows.
That was Chris Addison on HIGNFY. Addison is normally found spouting the same type of drivel as presenter on 5 Live’s 7 Day Sunday, though he regularly pops up on various BBC “comic” offerings across their radio and TV output.
Your description would seem to fit Andy Hamilton more than Chris Addison. Andy Hamilton confuses me, he’s obviously intelligent and well read but his political views…
It was Hamilton. But even Ian Hislop jumped in with the accusation that the second-most important motivation behind the Tea Party movement is hatred of a black man. That’s how insidious the media’s message has become.
We don’t call them generic for nothing, so maybe Hamilton has done the naughty as well. The Addison incident is at 11:11 here.
I’m sorry, but am I the only one here who finds the term “twisted little freak” to describe someone with a disability rather offensive? Regardless of what I think of his political beliefs.
Roland, as I’ve said many many times before, anyone who finds a comment offensive or wishes to alert the Moderators for any reason should use the “Flag” button underneath the comment.
Also, if enough (different) people use that option on one comment it automatically gets hidden until it can be reviewed, so if you feel strongly enough then do that.
Point taken. I forget it’s there, so seldom do comments appear which I think really overstep the mark. Although I’m not really looking to get comments deleted, just to register my disapproval.
From the Telgraph article George R linked to, Ben Elton (yes, him!) throws down the gauntlet.
His comments come after the comedian Ben Elton accused the BBC of being scared of making jokes about Islam, while Hindus have claimed it favours Muslims over other religions.
I look forward to the BBC’s current crop of edgy comedians taking up the challenge.
They’re not allowed. After all, Mark Thompson declared Mohammedans as an oppressed people. Not that any of the edgy comedians would even think of making a joke about them in the first place.
Excellent post as always David
The Tea Party is a mystery to the BBC and therefore to many Britons. It is a result of the openess of the US political system. In the UK, the elites choose the candidates for all political parties. The voter gets to tick the name already shortlisted by the establishment, be it the Conservative “old Boys” or the lablur and Liberal “Bruvvers”. The idea that an “ordinary person” with no political experience could find themselves on the ballot papaer is incomprehensible. So when BBC political reporters (chosen lads and lasses all) come face to face with “the punters”, it must come as a deep shock. The tea party therefore must be explained away – in the clumsy, bigotted, uninfomred way the Beeb does. Sad for Britain that the grassroots have become a rubber stamp.
Forgive the spelling. It’s my eyes not my education.