[Click images to enlarge]
Do you suffer from a sense of cringing left-liberal guilt that is almost beyond parody?
Are left-wing columnists and newspapers your essential reading?
Do you think that private enterprise is bad and that what society needs is bigger government paid for by higher taxes?
(The Evil Tesco link is to this story about the supermarket chain building houses. The bastards!
Update – should’ve pointed out that the sarcastic exchange with new BBC favourite Sally Bercow followed the government’s announcement that the UK Film Council was going to be scrapped.)
Do you share the views of anti-Israeli bloggers and make adolescent anti-Israeli comments?
Can you spot a genuine interviewee when you hear one?
Do you possess a suitably sneering right-on view of American politics?
Is – ahem – impartiality in your genes?
You could be the next Lucy Williamson.
Midweek 29th January 2025
BBC news telling us that the border force will have the power to seize the phones of illegals . I…