Look out for today’s BBC News item about hate and racism being promoted in Saudi funded Islamic schools. I think that there’s a Panorama program about it tonight.
The Saudi Curriculum is being taught in some part time Islamic schools which includes details about how Jews are monkies, execution is really rather reasonable etc. Ultimately the presenter could not bring himself to condemn the teachings saying that if these schools were subject to inspection, so would Sunday Schools and all other religious schools. Even though the teachings are wrong and almost certainly illegal, the BBC still managed to turn it into a story of cultural difference and potential victimisation of Islam.
What would our intrepid reporter have made of say a C of E school who taught that Muslims were dogs and that Islam was an evil religion? Imagine the outrage and the calls for the establishment to be closed down.
The story raises two issues.
One: Saudi money is spent in THIS country indoctrinating British residents about medieval and barbaric forms of worship, and it appears that while the establishment is aware of the teachings, it is ignored.
Two: The BBC want to be seen to be providing some form of public service by talking about the issue, but would prefer to appease the Religion Of Peace rather than condemn it in a way which it would be happy to do with any other religion.
This is not a new story the Saudis have been flooding Muslim schools with tihs crap for years. However, be warned, I expect an attack on Gove and not on Islam tonight.
And BBC-NUJ branch has no doubt already written its draft anti-English Defence League report on the demo in Preston, Lancashire this coming Saturday, which is against Islamic jihad and Sharia law.
These people are spreading racial hatred, they should be in prison. It goes without saying that they would be facing a jail sentence if they were white non muslims.
(following on from James 1070, near end of previous ‘Open Thread’;
INBBC headline, with vital words added here, in brackets:
“Saudi school lessons” [in Islam] “in UK concern government”
On a daily basis, INBBC goes along propagating the pernicious ideology of ‘the religion of peace’, but every blue moon just wonders if the critics of Islam may be right.
And this particular doubter, a rarity at INBBC, Mr Ware, actually gets near to the heart of the problem in raising questions about the core beliefs of Islam in the hadith, etc.
Of course, the criticisms of Islam are not put by e.g. ‘Jihadwatch’ nor by ex-Muslims: INBBC typically defers to Islamic ‘experts; who are left to decide for non-Muslims on what is aceptable in British society.
If INBBC has its way (and it shouldn’t) the British people will be ‘expertised’ by Muslim ‘experts’ all the way to having British society fully Islamised on the say-so of some committed pro-Islam Muslim ‘experts’. No way, INBBC ‘Panorama’ (8:30 tonight).
INBBC should study ‘A Second Look At the Saudis’, which is not written by a Muslim Islamic ‘expert’, but is an incisive critique of the totalitarian Islamic theocracy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (in 4 parts here, in PDF format, 2008); Part 3, ‘A Global Agenda’ concentrates on how the Saudis spread their Islamic ideology:
The maker of the three part production “American dream” (Sat BBC2) must have had a devil of a job selling it to the BBC. After all it depicts Americans in the 1950s as stupid, shallow, brainwashed, class ridden, sexually repressed, racist, paranoid & neurotic. Unless you were a lefty like Pete seager or the probably innocent Rosenbergs.
But he said Greater Manchester would continue to push forward with the by-law in the meantime. Mr Boylan’s paper includes the first draft of the by-law.
Today is the 20th anniversary of Margaret Thatcher announcing the end of her Prime Ministership. A date shared with the assasination of President Kennedy.
Something that reflects the poisonous nature of the BBC’s relationship with her is contained in this wiki entry on the Falklands Play. You’ll note that studio time was booked and everything all set to broadcast on the 5th anniversary of the Argentine invasion .. and then ‘problems’ began. Not long after BBC wallah Bill Cotton liked through his back teeth that the script was only in ‘draft form’ and the play was not a completed commission.
Nothing in my lifetime has made me feel more proud to be British than Margaret Thatcher. One fears that when she is laid to rest – and this sad moment cannot be far from us – the last of Britain’s greatness will go to the grave with her.
Maitlis on News 24 talking to Kunnesberg saying that the mess we are in is not all the fault of Liebour but the banking regulation (because Maitlis claimed that the Irish banks were not regulated as well)
Yet Maitlis but WHO was responsible for the lack of UK regulation? The one eyed demented jock of course.
Banks were not going bust or handing out 125% mortgages before 1997.
Parliament after Parliament has distorted moral behaviour, such that now, what was Wrong is Right!
“Just look at us. Everything is backwards. Everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information, and religion destroys spirituality.” – Michael Ellner
The Stuxnet worm might be partly responsible for delays in Iran’s nuclear programme, says a former UN nuclear inspections official.
Note those words “might” and “partly”
Olli Heinonen, deputy director at the UN’s nuclear watchdog until August, said the virus might be behind Iran’s problems with uranium enrichment.
“Might be”?
Interviewed by Reuters, Mr Heinonen said there were many reasons for the ongoing delays at Iran’s Natanz uranium enrichment plant – a key part of the nuclear power generation process.
Many reasons…
Mr Heinonen said the technical complexity of creating centrifuges had also contributed to the delays in Iran’s nuclear programme. “One of the reasons is the basic design of this centrifuge… this is not that solid,” said Mr Heinonen, a former deputy director at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
So naff centrifuges are really behind the delay?
Quizzed about whether Stuxnet could have contributed to the delays, he said: “Sure, this could be one of the reasons… there is no evidence that it was, but there has been quite a lot of malfunctioning centrifuges.”
THERE IS NO EVIDENCE and nothing in the piece justifies the headline.
Watched Panorama, Islam itself got an easy pass from the BBC, we had a Mohammaden ‘expert’ to put it all into context for us ‘Kuffars’ and the BBC pointing the finger at Saudi Arabia. Not shit the Saudis are rate hate peddlars. They like slotting beeboids as well.
But why was there no mention of the wider issue that Muslims simply don’t like the western culture (shouldn’t they find somewhere else to live if they hate our culture so much?) that these preachers etc are brainwashing Muslims into committing acts of terror and that women are basically treated like shit.
It was for all the bluster a rather wet programme, compared to sat the two undercover Mosque programmes or Littlejohn’s excellent one on the Jew hatred in the UK from Muslims and the left.
Why wasn’t the last Government dragged over the coals for not doing something about this for the 13 years?
I got the impression it was just an excuse so the BBC can point to Panorama when criticised for being soft on radical Islam. Well it didn’t wash beeboids.
Yes; INBBC’s Ware, who at least criticised Saudi Arabia’s racism of its schoolbooks, failed to criticise the mass immigration policies from Islamic countries which all three main British political parties support. And he joined the social engineering politics of forcing a minority of white children to go to a school where up to 89% of the children are Muslim, in the town of Oldham. (How many of those ‘white’ children are the sons and daughters of Beeboids?)
Ware, I noted, misleadingly separated British children into two mis-labelled groups: ‘children from white and Asian communities’; Ware also drifted away from being specific about the violent anti-infidel tenets of Islam, and talked vaguely about ‘religious fundamentalism’. Of course, the INBBC utopian presumption is that Islamic ideology can and should be accommodated, as in Oldham; and despite nearly 1,400 years of evidence of Islamic imperialism (which is never mention by INBBC) and despite the evidence of Islam’s main texts, the BBC goes blithely on with its appeasement.
Ware probably went as far as he dared in raising these matters. I am surprised the programme was even permitted.
Perhaps the authorities think the odd safety valve programme will defuse the matter. Between the lines it is quite clear that there will be no mixing of cultures and that this separation is growing rather than diminishing. You are right . The wisdom of immigration remains a taboo subject. It is yet another example of how unreality has come to dominate public discourse and policy.
Yes, the main reason for the problem was said to be the ‘lack of integration’, then they gave an example of how the problem could be solved, showing some white kids who were being bussed into a school dominated by muslims. Poor little bleeders.
It’s time for another round of “Spot The Missing Word”. This time, you are invited to spot the missing word in this BBC report about a convinction in a once-controversial US murder case:
When I tried to visit that second link I got warned off:
‘ http://www.myfoxdc.com/dpp/news/dc/jury-rea
ase-112210 may cause a breach of browser security.
Hey i’m watching station 7 (Monday evening) on German TV Monday women dancing onto the stage floor showing their tits (yes similar to Italian Ria), and wearing simply rucksacks, and hey, making a mockery of the recent terrorist warnings, by the the German Minister of the Interior, of course if you show women and tits and rucksacks, on TV the threat of islamic terrorism appears ridiculous!
How long must we wait until Germany doesn’t laugh any more, and takes the threat of Islamic terrorism seriously?
For months, the secret talks unfolding between Taliban and Afghan leaders to end the war appeared to be showing promise, if only because of the repeated appearance of a certain insurgent leader at one end of the table: Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansour, one of the most senior commanders in the Taliban movement
But now, it turns out, Mr. Mansour was apparently not Mr. Mansour at all. In an episode that could have been lifted from a spy novel, United States and Afghan officials now say the Afghan man was an impostor, and high-level discussions conducted with the assistance of NATO appear to have achieved little
“It’s not him,” said a Western diplomat in Kabul intimately involved in the discussions. “And we gave him a lot of money.”
Let’s see how the BBC hides or spins this to protect their beloved Obamessiah and Surrender Monkeys at NATO.
As inclement weather looms, I am awaiting the word ‘unprecedented’ to deployed with ever increasing regularity by overpaid Civ Servs who can blame some things bit not others for acting via Canutesque policy (ignoring what is and has been in favour of what is desired).
All with the complicity of BBC teleprompter readers or bouffant and blonde ‘interviewers’.
I will give the fragile Sian credit for telling the waffling LGA snow man he was spouting management speak, but when the magic word was deployed, I fear our scientifically and semantically-challenged market rate talents seemed unable to connect that if it happened 30 years ago… it isn’t unprecedented.
I wonder if BBC’s finest will scoot across from the West Med decide South Korean islanders best get used to ‘only a few hundred artillery shells’ in the cause of peace and for sure avoid reacting… er.. to provoke the North.
Seems the Chinese are urging ‘both sides’ to exercise restraint to ‘promote peace’. Uh-huh.
Worked gangbusters when that mystery torpedo sank that South Korean ship, too.
The reaction of the MSM, especially in complement to the massive statespersonship one has got used to expecting from the national leaderships fawned over by them, will be a treat.
China does not want North Korea to fall apart. They’re not at all looking forward to having hundreds of thousands of half-starved, half-mad, mentally stunted North Koreans pouring over their border.
Can’t speak for Aunty, but some daft bint on SKY (one of the scores of ‘experts’ our MSM seem to have on tap) is referring to this as a ‘minor skirmish’ and probably provoked… and in any case the the North Koreans had warned they would. So that’s OK, then.
Be interested in her interpretation if a shell lands in her Surrey back garden and takes out the Audi TT.
Well, having done the morning run, I can now speak for Aunty, and the radio ‘expert’ wheeled out seemed to be of the view this was just the N. Koreans in a huff because the nuke status in’t being given enough respect, and they were doing this o ‘get noticed’.
No comment on whether shelling civilians and provoking WW3 was a neat idea or not.
Well, you can easily see how those talents get the market rates.
Complementing the programming genius of hiring a desperate, disfunctional, has-been, pneumatic blonde tabloid coverage hog, I now learn that to deputise for Jezza Vine on thhe key debates of the day, we will soon be enjoying the searing insights of… Vanessa Feltz!
Vanessa Feltz is far more intelligent and has a wider vocabulary than Jeremy Vine. If Vanessa Feltz puts on her serious hat she may get the job full time.
OK, better than Vine. As to relative journalistic heft I was making the comparison with Ms. Maitless in terms of trying to secure coverage less for the quality of thought and more on decolletage, which seems of questionable relevance to a major issue interviewer.
More importantly will be the structure of the show, and any influence that she may have over this. Will there be the two extreme guest set-up, followed by the ‘share your views’ researcher gatekeepers only letting through even more rabid supporters pro and con (mostly in support of BBC dogma), with a final email ’round-up’ (ditto).
If she steers away from that, she will have my respect, despite the salary-boosting celeb shenanigans.
Agreed. I discovered only very recently that she is excellent on the radio and a damn sight more pleasant and agreeable to listen to than Vine the Whine. His Beeboid-cultivated whining drawl is like nails on a blackboard to me.
Hasan is, of course, a regular on INBBC’s ‘QT’; he has taken the small circulation ‘NS’ in a politically Islamic direction, which suits the dhimmi Beeboids.
Ex-Beeboid Andrew Gilligan did appear several times on Ahmadinejad’s ‘Press TV’ satellite TV channel, about a year ago. In my view, this was a serious political mistake as it gave political legitimacy to the hostility of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s regime, and its hostility to the West. [Iran’s ‘Press TV’ should have its London studios closed down as it is a ‘Trojan Horse’ threat to British society. No such British operation of an anti-Ahmadinejad, anti-Islamic jihad, pro-British TV channel is allowed to exist in Iran. The message must be: no reciprocity, no broadcast.]
Since then, Gilligan seems to have seen the political light and has produced some excellent investigative journalism in the ‘Telegraph’ on e.g. the Islamic jihad and Sharia law threat to Britain, especially in London.
Meanwhile, for ‘balance’, at the other end of the age range;
BBCNewsnightBBC NewsnightLooking for 6th formers taking part in Wednesday’s student walkout. Pls @ message us + follow us + we’ll DM you #demo2010#ukuncut
Kim Ghattas on the News Channel a couple minutes ago declaring that the shelling of South Korea is an indication that the US President must now sit down and “engage with North Korea”. Translation: time to appease them again and throw more money at them.
Engage North Korea to what end? They don’t have any territorial demands, no desire to negotiate reuniting the peninsula, no trade or currency agreements to hash out. They don’t have any demands for anything else except for money to prop up their lunatic asylum, which they always get in the end. Rewarding certain behavior has consequences, but not according to the astute analysts at the BBC.
Just now Huw Welshman was talking to Warwick Morris, former ambassador to somewhere or other, and his bad hair piece from the BBC studios in Tunbridge Wells. Morris says that there’s nothing to see here, just the lunatics trying to unite the country behind their new leader, show how great they are because they can do this and get away with it, nothing to see here. The bad hair piece concurred.
Except that’s the problem: The North Korean lunatics are correct in their assumption that they can get away with it because they always do. Appeasement does work after all: depending on what one’s goals actually are, of course.
In historical repetition terms, learning-wise, one has to say that quite a few whose memories seem to extend only to yesterday’s G&T seem to be getting one heck of an outing to basically pitch the ‘touch toes and think of Munich’ technique is still a smart play.
Wow, stop the presses: Huw Edwards for once actually called out Ed Balls on a lie about Labour’s immigraton policies when in Government. Balls said that Labour was of course working to reduce immigration with their “points system”, and Edwards called him on it and pointed out that Labour put that in only at the very end and he should admit that Labour got it horribly wrong on immigration.
I guess there are ocassions when they wonder if they’re actually doing their professional credibility damage beyond repair. Are people actually seeing them as bent as they know themselves to be? Huw Edwards is certainly a long time serial offender when it comes the BBC’s rolling ‘vote Labour’ campaign. He’d be one of the first to go in a long-awaited purge.
Tonight’s Newsnight features a British family upset at the police/MI5 etc for failing to prevent one of their number joining the jihad.
“When Newsnight tried to question Greater Manchester Police about why it took three months to place a control order on Umar, why he was given 24-hours to hand in his passport, and why when the family reported him missing on 5 January 2007 he was not placed on some kind of no-fly list they said they could not comment on the case for legal reasons. “How could he still be allowed to leave the country I do not know… It’s beyond gross negligence,” says Awais (his brother). “We were in contact with the police after the control order. It’s unbelievable.”
What should they have done, send him to bed without supper? They did all any law abiding Subject could hope to do. Little wonder they felt so frustrated if their story is to be believed. I hope they get their son back in one piece, redeemed.
A non-‘Newsnight’ view of Islam:-
“Getting Fiqhed ”
[Concluding extract]:
“If you know the doctrine of Islam, the entire fatwa condemning terrorism is pure deception. Why be surprised? Mohammed repeatedly advised Muslims to deceive if it would advance the Islamic cause, and the fiqh council follows the Sunna of Mohammed to the letter.
“The reason that this deception works is the average Kafir politician, reporter, pastor, priest or rabbi is deliberately and willfully ignorant. It is not that Islam is so skillful; but that Kafir leaders are such ignorant, politically correct cowards who refuse to educate themselves to the detriment of their own religious faith and their own country. ”
Will INBBC ‘Newsnight’ provide another TEN sob stories about how Muslim parents were surprised to learn of the activities of these ten further Islamic jihad suspects?
And will ‘Newsnight’ similarly relegate the sensibilities of the intended infidel victims?
And will ‘Newsnight’ continue to ignore the obvious jihad motivation of the tenets of Islam?
“Police arrest 10 over Belgian ‘Islamist terror plot'”
For the BBC to use Islamist and terrorist in the headline is progress. Usually they will bury a statement like that deep in the article and further obscure it with weasel words like authorities say. Actually I’m not sure who said, ‘Islamist terror plot’. If it’s a quote no one is credited.
However international jihadist terrorist group is mentioned in the third paragraph. For the BBC to conflate jihad and islam(ist) is also progress. Usually when they say jihad the words Muslim or Islam don’t appear. A uninformed reader (i.e. anyone who gets their information from the BBC) may not make the connection.
Finally terror/terrorist appears seven times in the article and a further eight times in links. This is further progress as the BBC usually leans over backwards to avoid the ‘T’ word, almost as much as they avoid the ‘M’ and ‘I’ words.
Thanks for pointing this out. I had two laugh-out-loud moments:
My programme was accused of “lack of balance” and allowing “serious allegations to go on air unchallenged” — offences deserving a “written warning”. The “outcome letter”, which I received after the disciplinary interview, said: “The end result is a programme that presents much stronger and detailed arguments from one side of the discussion and under-represents the other.”
It’s like they copied and pasted something from this site.
“The BBC must remain objective at all times and it is not the duty of the Russian Service to use its programmes to take into consideration the possible distortions of the Russian media market when we report on any issue.” This conclusion totally contradicted the main document that was supposed to guide our work, the Russian 2010 Strategy paper presented to the Service by the Regional Head in October 2006.
This is typical of the BBC, but not what made me laugh out loud. This quote from the Strategy Paper did:
“We will complement the local news market by being the trusted source of reliable, objective, accurate news, giving the global context analysis and bringing to the debate issues and opinions not heard on state-controlled media.”
They obviously don’t follow this for their US coverage either.
BBC radio presenter admits claiming £18k in benefits while working for Asian Network
A BBC radio presenter wrongly claimed £18,000 in benefits over seven years while working for the corporation.
Lubna Qazi, 53, known as DJ Kanwal, claimed Carer’s Allowance for looking after her sick husband but failed to declare her BBC earnings.
She had told the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) in 2003 that her husband spent 35 hours a week in bed after suffering a stroke while she worked just six hours a week for the BBC.
Today programme this morning. Interview regarding proposed education reform with two guests, one a head teacher and one for a reform trust / think tank (I forget which). Interviewer continually asked leading questions hunting for either of the two to criticise some part or other of the policy. Both refused as both broadly supported the policy as it turned out. Only one of them had one even potentially negative thing to say and that was more about tone of the other interviewee than substance of the policy – one wanted to make it clear that students are not expelled lightly. So neither ended up criticising the policies. This despite a last desperate question along the lines of ‘surely you don’t agree with …’.
Then later in the 0800 news summary the NUSWT is quoted with a totally negative tirade (which only shows their own self-preserving, blinkered view but that’s my opinion).
That must be why at 8:53 Naughtie gor these two to be united in opposing the government re schools before moving on to their billed subject of being united in opposing the government re student fees.
Fresh protests against increases in university tuition fees will be held today. President of the students’ union at the University of London, Clare Solomon and Brian Lightman, of the Association of School and College Leaders, <!– S ILIN –>discuss the latest wave of student unrest. <!– E ILIN –><!– E BO –>
Naughties felt their pain & said as much. BBC balance!!
Radio 4 5:30 AM News Briefing “….. explosions which the international community have blamed on North Korea” eh??
In the tiny amount of time available for expanding on news stories mentioned in the headlines, an American was found to blame the outbreak of hostilities on foreign policy errors of previous American administrations. So really it’s all George Bush’s fault. Silly international community, nothing has changed, all’s right with the world.
The value, or otherwise, of the divine Ms. K and her tweeted offerings are common currency here, with reason.
I have often questioned the market rate talent value when she witters ‘Ed/Gordon/Harriet strides like a man God into the chamber’ on a purely factual yawn basis, but I do get intrigued by examples of how she ‘feels’ things are going, as with this from an already ‘interesting’ series today:
BBCLauraKLaura KuenssbergPM and EM seem to enjoy slanging match over their respective past careers at Treasury – Lab backbenchers look pleased, Libs look glum
I guess her opinion on how folk ‘seem’ and ‘feel’ and ‘look’ are legitimate, but it might be interesting to find out how often she imposes such scene-settingnotions on one set vs. another… totally impartially, of course.
BBCLauraKLaura KuenssbergRare question from Dennis Skinner – accuses Cameron of hypocrisy over capping migration but arguing for Turkey to be in the EU
Not only rare, but doesn’t seem much of a question, either. More like a soundbite for those who might pass such things on…
Hold on, I thought nobody can do anything about people moving around within the EU, and any migration cap set by a Government isn’t meant to address that. Am I mistaken?
I would lust like to note the sad passing of Hammer horror heroine Ingrid Pitt who has died aged 73! and wonder if the beebles will dane to play any of her classic films at a primetime as they have sod all else worth watching or just stick them on at 4.00 in the morn like now !
Author, VS NAIPAUL does something which INBBC specifically avoids: he criticises Islam.
And INBBC will be particularly concerned about this because INBBC wants the intolerant Islamic Turks in the EU.
BBC report:
“VS Naipaul pulls out of writers’ event over Islam row”
“In 2001, the Trinidadian writer of Indian descent caused controversy by comparing the ‘calamitous effect’ of Islam on the world with colonialism.”
Wow! How dare he? Talking about the ‘calamitous effect’ of nearly 1400 years of Islamic imperialism. INBBC never does this, and A. Marr’s forthcoming ‘history of the world’ TV series won’t do this either.
More from Naipaul on Islam here:
“Beyond Belief: Islamic Excursions Among the Converted Peoples”
The “Today” programme at 8:35 had an interview with “The spiritual adviser to Barack Obama, Jim Wallis”. You will be able to imagine the grilling he got from Justin, especially as Jim stated as fact that opposition to Obama was all down to Murdoch’s Fox News and that the Tea Party movement only existed because Obama was black.
Justin should have picked up during his posting to DC that Fox News is a cable news channel with a far smaller audience than the main opinion shapers at the networks. But if he did he was silent, not wanting to spoil Jim’s left leaning monologue.
Well, since the Today website’s synopsis says that the interview is about discussing “how the president has been treated by his opponents”, the agenda is pretty clear. Ostensibly, Wallis is on because he’s written a book about how the people of the US should use the economic crisis to transform into a better society.
Hilariously, Wallis is at first way off message, and just proved how willfully ignorant and prejudiced Justin Webb is. Every statement ol’ Justin made about voting patterns of Evangelicals had to be corrected. Ol’ Justin was in the US as the BBC North America editor during the last election (it was his stellar job worshiping The Obamessiah which got him Ed “Other Projects” Stourton’s chair at Today), so there’s no excuse whatsoever for him to still hold these uninformed personal opinions.
Next up, though, it’s time to bash nasty old Uncle Rupert and Fox News, which Wallis says is engaging in “religious assassination”.
And – of course – Wallis just called me a racist. “There wouldn’t be a Tea Party if there wasn’t a black man in the White House”. Silence from Justin. “That’s a fact,” says Wallis. No challenge, tacit approval from the BBC.
Slander, all approved and supported by the BBC. I wish I had the funds to engage in some libel tourism.
It’s really funny to claim that nasty old Uncle Rupert is mainly responsible for all of it. As always in the minds of these people, it’s only Fox News which has any influence at all, and forget the fact that the New York Times and the Washington Post and CNN and MSNBC and NBC and St. Jon Stewart’s Daily Democrat Show all slavishly support The Obammesiah. Yet, according to Leftoids (and most Beeboids, even though ol’ Justin is actually smart enough not to believe this), that one cable channel has more influence than nearly all of the rest of US media combined. Once again the BBC gives you a completely distorted view of the US.
Funny how the interview gets cut off when Wallis starts saying that the country’s massive debt and profligate spending is the problem. It doesn’t matter, as the actual message the BBC wanted to get across was successfully delivered.
Forgot to add that, in the midst of his mewling about “religious assassination”, Wallis said that the President really was a Muslim originally, but “had a conversion” and is now Christian. I believe him, but now we know it’s wrong for the BBC to accuse others of lying and ignorance for saying that the President was originally a Muslim.
That’s od because this Huffington Post piece – http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jim-wallis/defending-the-facts-on-ob_b_89271.html – from 29 feb 2008 includes this paragrpah ‘So let’s set the record straight. I have known Barack Obama for more than 10 years, and we have been talking about his Christian faith for a decade. Like me and many other Christians, he agrees with the need to reach out to Muslims around the world, especially if we are ever to defeat Islamic fundamentalism. But he is not a Muslim, never has been, never attended a Muslim madrassa, and does not attend a black “separatist” church. Rather, he has told me the story of his coming from an agnostic household, becoming a community organizer on Chicago’s South Side who worked with the churches, and how he began attending one of them. Trinity Church is one of the most prominent and respected churches in Chicago and the nation, and its pastor, Jeremiah Wright, is one of the leading revival preachers in the black church. Ebony magazine once named him one of America’s 15 best Black preachers. The church says it is “unashamedly black and unapologetically Christian,” like any good black church would, but is decidedly not “separatist,” as its white members and friends would attest.’
So the next wave of student protests has begun, and the Beeboid at one of the protests in Bristol said that the police tactic of keeping the protesters together in one area will lead to violence.
Now he’s sympathizing with the students. It’s all “trouble free”, no problems at all, lovely innocent students fighting for a righteous cause. “They’re coming all shapes and sizes,” intones Emily Maitlis, who is now demonstrating how utterly useless she is without a script.
Beeboid Mike something in Whitehall thinks the police tactics are what lead to violent protests. He says that the police are finally doing the right thing by letting a few protesters out of the “boxed-in” area when they “get bored”, thus ‘letting off steam” from the heated protests.
No understanding at all that the police might need to keep the bulk of the protesters in controlled area so they don’t run all over the landscape unchecked.
And the BBC is still describing the protests are “largely peaceful” – even in the text crawl – even while I can see students throwing various objects at the police.
Of course, now that there’s violence going on in Cambridge, we are told that the “students” really don’t want violence at all, it’s just some sort of magical spontaneous thing for which nobody is really responsible.
Younger students have also ditched school to come join the fun, no condemnation on offer.
And once again another N.S.U /S.W.P attempt to prove they can out do other great socialist movements and they are doing well !.
Hate slogans painted on walls destruction of private and public property threats and intimidation , attempting to overture the results of legal elections and instate their own version of democracy for themselves and their backers! and most of them are veggie back to the landers and love blat out the odd water colour ?
Now this reminds me of some other lot ????? hmmmm.
I was in Newcastle today and had the pleasure of witnessing an aged SWPer being interviewed for telivision just after the poor students had blazened passed dropping their litter and swp posters all over the place.
“Don’t you think you should pick up your litter?” I said to this “activist”. I was met with a “shh” from the cameraman.
Michael Gove is a star. He’s making Emily Maitlis look like a complete, partisan, dishonest, fool when discussing the reality of the new tuition scheme. And getting in a couple good shots at the BBC in the process.
The BBC finally reports on the blogger arrested in the Palestinian Authority for criticising Islam, about two weeks after everybody else. Palestinian blogger facing prison for Islam ‘insults’ By Jon Donnison BBC News, West Bank.
BTW the scare quotes around ‘insults’ as it there is some doubt or this is just opinion demeans Waleed Hasayin. If the reports are accurate he deliberately and bravely insulted Islam, an offence that will probably land him several years in gaol or even in effective a death sentence.
Yet again the BBC meme is Police to blame for Student Violence.
Then they try to do a Paxman on Michael Grove, he accused the interviewer of taking “too many Paxman pills”. Then onto a soft interview with an idiot student representative.
No balance, the BBC is not impartial on this issue, it is obvious which side the BBC are on.
What is sickening, if this was the EDL doing this you wouldn’t here the end of it, the spirit of Saul Alinsky is alive and well.
I feel sorry for anyone of Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Tibetan, Mongolian, or Thai descent living in the UK. I equally feel sorry for any Hindus of Indian descent.
The BBC News Channel just did a segment about the two men convicted of sexually abusing and trafficking teenage white girls in Derby. They went on to say that this kind of thing goes on all around the country. Further, the reporter stated that these abusive rings involve “tight-knit” groups of “Asian” men.
Yes, they show the photos with and mention the names of the two men convicted, both of whom have “Mohammed” in their names. Another word starting with “M” is omitted from the description of their “tight-knit” community.
If one blinked or was momentarily distracted when the names were mentioned, one could reasonably draw the conclusion that this was done by Chinese people or something. If I were of an ethnic group originating in any part of Asia and was not a Muslim, I’d be really, really sick of this.
Well actually we do know more. The offenders used drugs and drink to effect their ‘charming’ of the girls. They got lengthy sentences for including for rapes, sexual assaults and forcing underage children into pornography.
The ringleaders were Abid Mohammed Saddique and Mohammed Romaan Liaqat.
Naweed Liaqat, Farooq Ahmed, Graham Blackham, Akshay Kumar, Faisal Mehmood, Mohammed Imran Rehman and Ziafat Yasin were also found guilty.
I wonder why local papers from Derby, South Wales and Belfast manage to publish who did the deeds and the terms they got in jail but the bBC did not. Can you guess?
Stephanie Flanders has written a blog post from a press conference in Ireland about their government’s new austerity plans. She writes from the perspective that local councils need every single penny and staff member they have, and any reduction is wrong.
Flanders’ main goal here is to make the point that the Irish plan will protect education but hit health care and civil service instead. She does her job properly in pointing this out, but then says this:
Worst hit will be local authorities (sound familiar, Mr Osborne?) Their staff levels will fall by 14% by 2014.
By making that reference to Osborne, she’s taking the position that the Coalition (read: nasty Tory) Government was wrong. This is her personal political bias.
INBBC becomes more Islamic daily; and as INBBC officially takes over World Service, including Arabic TV (HQ at Broadcasting House, East Wing, London), as agreed with UK government, we British licencepayers will pay for even more Islamic propaganda from the huge numbers of Islamic staff which INBBC employs globally.
Presaging that, take this example of reporting from the MALDIVES-
INBBC report:
“Afghan peace talks in a holidaymakers’ paradise”
Now who does INBBC send to report on such talks? A British, non-Muslim reporter? No. We as INBBC licencepayers pay for someone from the Islamic Republic of Iran: INBBC’s Persian TV’s Daud Qarizadah.
And, of course we get his propaganda that the Maldives is a wonderful Islamic place:
“One first-time” (Afghan) “delegate in the Maldives said: ‘It is a beautiful Islamic country and the scenery is amazing.'”
Really? ‘It is a beautiful Islamic country’? Do you know about any of this:
And this extract of the INBBC report gives a completely Islamic male’s account:
“Whenever the delegates encountered women in bikinis, they turned their eyes away in order to avoid becoming sinful by looking at half-naked women. This was a difficult situation for some to cope with – especially for those delegates who want women to wear the all-covering burka.
One of the delegates was even angry at the four Afghan women who attended the talks. He told me that these women should not have come to the talks unless they were accompanied by their husbands or close male family members.”
Over the coming years we British licencepayers will have even more pro-Islamic global reporting forced on us as INBBC breaks clear of British government political constraints, and presents an increasingly similar political view of the world as does Islamic Al Jazeera English, home of many ex-Beeboids.
A more welcome response from the various jewish organisations would be the call for setting up of a more intelligent and statesman-led organised oppositin to the growing influence of Islam in our society. Their message would appear to be that if you wish to join an organised response to a well funded, reactionary ideology with a growing population base – well, hard luck, there is nowhere you can go except to rag, tag and bobtail, BNP-infiltrated organisations like the the EDL.
Fair’s fair – I noticed one positive thing about the BBC News Channel’s coverage of today’s round of student “direct action” protests. They had less commentators on this time and did not keep asking them if they at least understood the anger behind the violence. In fact, they kept asking the protesters themselves if they condoned the violence. One girl at first justified the violence by singing the same refrain we heard last time, that the “damage” the Government was doing was far worse than a few broken windows and a smashed up police van, but demurred when pressed directly by the Beeboid.
This is in stark contrast to last time, where the BBC made every effort to get people to approve of the motivation behind the violence, while shedding crocodile tears over the violent acts themselves. Looks like both the police and the BBC learned a lesson from last time.
Ugly bint on News 24 interviewing some other ugly student bint about todays violence. Ugly (she MUST be a lezzer) bint refuses to condem violence but moans that it’s cold outside and the Police should let them all go home. I was close to tears….of laughter.
Again I notice what a load of public school middle class wankers they were as well, if one of those little shits was my kid I’d kick him senseless until the tiny brain they had oozed out of their nostrils, then throw them out on the street.
With the bouffant and fragile Sian reduced to reading whatever the six-formers in editorial stick on the teleprompter, I have given up on BBC Breakfast, but SKY seems also to have decided to make the facile GMT seem like Ed Murrow with a progesterone-laden Mumsnet zone of peroxide-addled giggling eye-candy (at least they have that going for them) gushing and cooing, emoting and feeling others’ pain.
The one consistent Narrtive of all of the BBC’s coverage of the latest North Korean incident – including blog posts from the usual suspects – is this: If we can’t continue to appease…sorry…”engage” and continue to send them hundreds of millions of dollars, there are no other options. Real military action is out of the question, China will do…er…something, the money to NK must keep flowing.
One BBC News Online article even tried to blame the “conservative” South Korean Government for reducing aid, described in another piece as falling “to a trickle”.
After more than two years of accusations and probes into the operations of the United Nations Development Program in North Korea, a weighty report finally reveals how routinely, and systematically, the agency disregarded U.N. regulations on how it conducted itself in Kim Jong-Il’s brutal dictatorship, passing on millions of dollars to the regime in the process.
In other words, the NK elite have been getting shtupped regularly for ages, and they’re still trying to make things worse. But the BBC thinks more appeasement is the only viable option.
The bBC , the Islamic penchant for little white girls and how to reinvent pedophilla as sexually abusing teenage girls
Derby sex gang convicted of grooming and abusing girls
Have a butchers at how mohammed,mohammed and mohammed along with 5 others received jail sentences for having sex with over 37 girls aged from 12 to 18. Notice which word the bBC doesn’t use?
A word I should add the bbC has no problem using if the abuser is a catholic.
Which probably explains why the bbC didn’t report on this sex crime committed by a so called holyman in Southsea lastweek,
The thing is whenever Islam is exposed for how its men love to have physical sexual relations with children the bBC goes into silent mode? Why bBC why?
INBBC’s ‘Newsnight’ has just had a lead 12 min report on sexual crimes against white English school girls committed by gangs of men (‘Muslim’ men are unmentioned).
As is typical of INBBC, there is no reference to gangs of Muslim men in this context, despite the relevance of the Derby case today:
“Asian gang raped girls as young as 12 after picking them up on the streets for sex”
It is a classic case of creating an unreality. This is how the liberal left now operate. Deny what is real at whatever cost to all the people of this unhappy land.
It is there in the coverage of the imploding Euro. In the coverage of the debt crisis in this country and the US. In the coverage of the Tea Party, global warming, North Korea and of course Israel.
The rioting students are praised because they conform to the desired unreality.
Every vapid speech by a leftwing politician or commentator is praised because it fits in with the increasingly frantic desire to embrace the unreal at the expense of the real.
Just imagine how the libbies must feel after all these years striving for the ideal unrealistic future. It is about to be snatched away from them. Pity them.
The world is harsh and does not forgive the deluded and our friends at the BBC and the libleft are about to find this out.
This was either the 2nd or 3d item on Today on Radio 4 at 6am today. However it is was very odd in that no names or indeed any real details of the offenders was given. Even in my half awake pre coffee state it was obvious the Mohammed quotient in this crime will be approaching 1.0 but the Beeb doesn’t want to be the one to tell us.
“For those asking, panel incs Tessa Jowell, David Willetts, Simon Hughes, Ed Byrne, the NUS president + 150 angry students. BBC3 8pm tomoz.” Tweets by richardpbacon
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Look out for today’s BBC News item about hate and racism being promoted in Saudi funded Islamic schools. I think that there’s a Panorama program about it tonight.
The Saudi Curriculum is being taught in some part time Islamic schools which includes details about how Jews are monkies, execution is really rather reasonable etc. Ultimately the presenter could not bring himself to condemn the teachings saying that if these schools were subject to inspection, so would Sunday Schools and all other religious schools. Even though the teachings are wrong and almost certainly illegal, the BBC still managed to turn it into a story of cultural difference and potential victimisation of Islam.
What would our intrepid reporter have made of say a C of E school who taught that Muslims were dogs and that Islam was an evil religion? Imagine the outrage and the calls for the establishment to be closed down.
The story raises two issues.
One: Saudi money is spent in THIS country indoctrinating British residents about medieval and barbaric forms of worship, and it appears that while the establishment is aware of the teachings, it is ignored.
Two: The BBC want to be seen to be providing some form of public service by talking about the issue, but would prefer to appease the Religion Of Peace rather than condemn it in a way which it would be happy to do with any other religion.
This is not a new story the Saudis have been flooding Muslim schools with tihs crap for years. However, be warned, I expect an attack on Gove and not on Islam tonight.
Not seen this on the BBC. London last week.
And BBC-NUJ branch has no doubt already written its draft anti-English Defence League report on the demo in Preston, Lancashire this coming Saturday, which is against Islamic jihad and Sharia law.
These people are spreading racial hatred, they should be in prison. It goes without saying that they would be facing a jail sentence if they were white non muslims.
INBBC almost criticises Islam.
(following on from James 1070, near end of previous ‘Open Thread’;
INBBC headline, with vital words added here, in brackets:
“Saudi school lessons” [in Islam] “in UK concern government”
On a daily basis, INBBC goes along propagating the pernicious ideology of ‘the religion of peace’, but every blue moon just wonders if the critics of Islam may be right.
And this particular doubter, a rarity at INBBC, Mr Ware, actually gets near to the heart of the problem in raising questions about the core beliefs of Islam in the hadith, etc.
Of course, the criticisms of Islam are not put by e.g. ‘Jihadwatch’ nor by ex-Muslims: INBBC typically defers to Islamic ‘experts; who are left to decide for non-Muslims on what is aceptable in British society.
If INBBC has its way (and it shouldn’t) the British people will be ‘expertised’ by Muslim ‘experts’ all the way to having British society fully Islamised on the say-so of some committed pro-Islam Muslim ‘experts’. No way, INBBC ‘Panorama’ (8:30 tonight).
INBBC should study ‘A Second Look At the Saudis’, which is not written by a Muslim Islamic ‘expert’, but is an incisive critique of the totalitarian Islamic theocracy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (in 4 parts here, in PDF format, 2008); Part 3, ‘A Global Agenda’ concentrates on how the Saudis spread their Islamic ideology:
The maker of the three part production “American dream” (Sat BBC2) must have had a devil of a job selling it to the BBC. After all it depicts Americans in the 1950s as stupid, shallow, brainwashed, class ridden, sexually repressed, racist, paranoid & neurotic. Unless you were a lefty like Pete seager or the probably innocent Rosenbergs.
I saw that aswell. Naturally the BBC sided with the Communists and traitors of the era.
But he said Greater Manchester would continue to push forward with the by-law in the meantime. Mr Boylan’s paper includes the first draft of the by-law.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1331994/Sale-cheap-alcohol-banned-councils.html#ixzz161kjYWzd
Now call me cynical but might we here have what seems to be a labour council cleansing the city center of the wrong kind of drinkers, just before the Islington beebles move in and middle class the place :-$ !soz just wondering!
Today is the 20th anniversary of Margaret Thatcher announcing the end of her Prime Ministership. A date shared with the assasination of President Kennedy.
Something that reflects the poisonous nature of the BBC’s relationship with her is contained in this wiki entry on the Falklands Play. You’ll note that studio time was booked and everything all set to broadcast on the 5th anniversary of the Argentine invasion .. and then ‘problems’ began. Not long after BBC wallah Bill Cotton liked through his back teeth that the script was only in ‘draft form’ and the play was not a completed commission.
The Play is available on youtube:-
Nothing in my lifetime has made me feel more proud to be British than Margaret Thatcher. One fears that when she is laid to rest – and this sad moment cannot be far from us – the last of Britain’s greatness will go to the grave with her.
Maitlis on News 24 talking to Kunnesberg saying that the mess we are in is not all the fault of Liebour but the banking regulation (because Maitlis claimed that the Irish banks were not regulated as well)
Yet Maitlis but WHO was responsible for the lack of UK regulation? The one eyed demented jock of course.
Banks were not going bust or handing out 125% mortgages before 1997.
FSA, anyone? Lending targets, anyone?
Great vid by Pat Condell on radical Islam, the left-wing media and the UAF political terrorist organisation:
“.. the left is the new far right”.
Parliament after Parliament has distorted moral behaviour, such that now, what was Wrong is Right!
“Just look at us. Everything is backwards. Everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information, and religion destroys spirituality.” – Michael Ellner
What’s this, a misleading headline that contradicts the substance of the piece?
Stuxnet ‘hit’ Iran nuclear plans
The Stuxnet worm might be partly responsible for delays in Iran’s nuclear programme, says a former UN nuclear inspections official.
Note those words “might” and “partly”
Olli Heinonen, deputy director at the UN’s nuclear watchdog until August, said the virus might be behind Iran’s problems with uranium enrichment.
“Might be”?
Interviewed by Reuters, Mr Heinonen said there were many reasons for the ongoing delays at Iran’s Natanz uranium enrichment plant – a key part of the nuclear power generation process.
Many reasons…
Mr Heinonen said the technical complexity of creating centrifuges had also contributed to the delays in Iran’s nuclear programme.
“One of the reasons is the basic design of this centrifuge… this is not that solid,” said Mr Heinonen, a former deputy director at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
So naff centrifuges are really behind the delay?
Quizzed about whether Stuxnet could have contributed to the delays, he said: “Sure, this could be one of the reasons… there is no evidence that it was, but there has been quite a lot of malfunctioning centrifuges.”
THERE IS NO EVIDENCE and nothing in the piece justifies the headline.
The BBC: Smoke & Mirrors.
Watched Panorama, Islam itself got an easy pass from the BBC, we had a Mohammaden ‘expert’ to put it all into context for us ‘Kuffars’ and the BBC pointing the finger at Saudi Arabia. Not shit the Saudis are rate hate peddlars. They like slotting beeboids as well.
But why was there no mention of the wider issue that Muslims simply don’t like the western culture (shouldn’t they find somewhere else to live if they hate our culture so much?) that these preachers etc are brainwashing Muslims into committing acts of terror and that women are basically treated like shit.
It was for all the bluster a rather wet programme, compared to sat the two undercover Mosque programmes or Littlejohn’s excellent one on the Jew hatred in the UK from Muslims and the left.
Why wasn’t the last Government dragged over the coals for not doing something about this for the 13 years?
I got the impression it was just an excuse so the BBC can point to Panorama when criticised for being soft on radical Islam. Well it didn’t wash beeboids.
Yes; INBBC’s Ware, who at least criticised Saudi Arabia’s racism of its schoolbooks, failed to criticise the mass immigration policies from Islamic countries which all three main British political parties support. And he joined the social engineering politics of forcing a minority of white children to go to a school where up to 89% of the children are Muslim, in the town of Oldham. (How many of those ‘white’ children are the sons and daughters of Beeboids?)
Ware, I noted, misleadingly separated British children into two mis-labelled groups: ‘children from white and Asian communities’; Ware also drifted away from being specific about the violent anti-infidel tenets of Islam, and talked vaguely about ‘religious fundamentalism’. Of course, the INBBC utopian presumption is that Islamic ideology can and should be accommodated, as in Oldham; and despite nearly 1,400 years of evidence of Islamic imperialism (which is never mention by INBBC) and despite the evidence of Islam’s main texts, the BBC goes blithely on with its appeasement.
Ware probably went as far as he dared in raising these matters. I am surprised the programme was even permitted.
Perhaps the authorities think the odd safety valve programme will defuse the matter. Between the lines it is quite clear that there will be no mixing of cultures and that this separation is growing rather than diminishing. You are right . The wisdom of immigration remains a taboo subject. It is yet another example of how unreality has come to dominate public discourse and policy.
Yes, the main reason for the problem was said to be the ‘lack of integration’, then they gave an example of how the problem could be solved, showing some white kids who were being bussed into a school dominated by muslims. Poor little bleeders.
It’s time for another round of “Spot The Missing Word”. This time, you are invited to spot the missing word in this BBC report about a convinction in a once-controversial US murder case:
Chandra Levy: Guandique found guilty of 2001 murder
An immigrant from El Salvador has been convicted of the 2001 murder of US congressional intern Chandra Levy.
Read the whole thing. Did you spot the missing word?
Oh yes
When I tried to visit that second link I got warned off:
ase-112210 may cause a breach of browser security.
Why were you redirected to this page?
When we tested http://www.myfoxdc.com/dpp/news/dc/jury-rea
ase-112210, it attempted to make unauthorized changes to our test computer by exploiting a browser security vulnerability. This is a serious security threat which could lead to an infection of your computer.
View our detailed report about http://www.myfoxdc.com/dpp/news/dc/jury-rea
Sorry about that – it’s just an annoying pop-up ad from nasty pld Uncle Rupert.
Oh, and the missing word was “Illegal”.
Investigators eventually focused on Guandique, an illegal immigrant from El Salvador, and brought formal charges last year.
Hey i’m watching station 7 (Monday evening) on German TV Monday women dancing onto the stage floor showing their tits (yes similar to Italian Ria), and wearing simply rucksacks, and hey, making a mockery of the recent terrorist warnings, by the the German Minister of the Interior, of course if you show women and tits and rucksacks, on TV the threat of islamic terrorism appears ridiculous!
How long must we wait until Germany doesn’t laugh any more, and takes the threat of Islamic terrorism seriously?
Sounds my sort of channel 🙂
I don’t know. Nothing infuriates ‘them’ more than laughing at them. The Danish cartoons illustrated that.
Remember how the BBC kept telling us that we should Talk to the Taliban, and bring them into government according the…um…successful Northern Ireland model?
Well, we did – secretly – and look what happened:
Taliban Leader In Secret Talks Was An Imposter
For months, the secret talks unfolding between Taliban and Afghan leaders to end the war appeared to be showing promise, if only because of the repeated appearance of a certain insurgent leader at one end of the table: Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansour, one of the most senior commanders in the Taliban movement
But now, it turns out, Mr. Mansour was apparently not Mr. Mansour at all. In an episode that could have been lifted from a spy novel, United States and Afghan officials now say the Afghan man was an impostor, and high-level discussions conducted with the assistance of NATO appear to have achieved little
“It’s not him,” said a Western diplomat in Kabul intimately involved in the discussions. “And we gave him a lot of money.”
Let’s see how the BBC hides or spins this to protect their beloved Obamessiah and Surrender Monkeys at NATO.
It’s easy to see how they will spin it. Blame the military servant not the political master.
“It’s not him,” said a Western diplomat in Kabul intimately involved in the discussions. “And we gave him a lot of money.”
I think we have a motive…
As inclement weather looms, I am awaiting the word ‘unprecedented’ to deployed with ever increasing regularity by overpaid Civ Servs who can blame some things bit not others for acting via Canutesque policy (ignoring what is and has been in favour of what is desired).
All with the complicity of BBC teleprompter readers or bouffant and blonde ‘interviewers’.
I will give the fragile Sian credit for telling the waffling LGA snow man he was spouting management speak, but when the magic word was deployed, I fear our scientifically and semantically-challenged market rate talents seemed unable to connect that if it happened 30 years ago… it isn’t unprecedented.
I wonder if BBC’s finest will scoot across from the West Med decide South Korean islanders best get used to ‘only a few hundred artillery shells’ in the cause of peace and for sure avoid reacting… er.. to provoke the North.
That’s the logic, isn’t it?
Seems the Chinese are urging ‘both sides’ to exercise restraint to ‘promote peace’. Uh-huh.
Worked gangbusters when that mystery torpedo sank that South Korean ship, too.
The reaction of the MSM, especially in complement to the massive statespersonship one has got used to expecting from the national leaderships fawned over by them, will be a treat.
China does not want North Korea to fall apart. They’re not at all looking forward to having hundreds of thousands of half-starved, half-mad, mentally stunted North Koreans pouring over their border.
Can’t speak for Aunty, but some daft bint on SKY (one of the scores of ‘experts’ our MSM seem to have on tap) is referring to this as a ‘minor skirmish’ and probably provoked… and in any case the the North Koreans had warned they would. So that’s OK, then.
Be interested in her interpretation if a shell lands in her Surrey back garden and takes out the Audi TT.
Well, having done the morning run, I can now speak for Aunty, and the radio ‘expert’ wheeled out seemed to be of the view this was just the N. Koreans in a huff because the nuke status in’t being given enough respect, and they were doing this o ‘get noticed’.
No comment on whether shelling civilians and provoking WW3 was a neat idea or not.
‘And Mark Urban will be reporting on the artillery exchange between North and South Korea, ‘
Defining what has taken place as an ‘artillery’ exchange is a) a bit coy, and b) one of those even splits Aunty likes to conjure.
Pretty sure what I have heard so far is the N. Koreans started it by shelling a town full of civilians.
Shellin civilians is fine by the BBC if you are North Korea or Palestinians firing at allies of the USA.
On lighter matters…
Jordan (Ms. Price) is to ‘edit’ the R4 Today programme.
So things can only get better 🙂 I see this on a no lose on soooooo many levels, starting with accusations of dumbing up.
Well at least she has actually slept with Peter Andre! unlike most of the BBC male staffers who just wish they could .
Well, you can easily see how those talents get the market rates.
Complementing the programming genius of hiring a desperate, disfunctional, has-been, pneumatic blonde tabloid coverage hog, I now learn that to deputise for Jezza Vine on thhe key debates of the day, we will soon be enjoying the searing insights of… Vanessa Feltz!
Next up… Danny Dyer does Women’s Hour?
Vanessa Feltz is far more intelligent and has a wider vocabulary than Jeremy Vine. If Vanessa Feltz puts on her serious hat she may get the job full time.
Ok, granted, but still… everything is relative.
Emily Maitless must be panicking.
That’s unfair; she may be large but she’s no fool.
OK, better than Vine. As to relative journalistic heft I was making the comparison with Ms. Maitless in terms of trying to secure coverage less for the quality of thought and more on decolletage, which seems of questionable relevance to a major issue interviewer.
More importantly will be the structure of the show, and any influence that she may have over this. Will there be the two extreme guest set-up, followed by the ‘share your views’ researcher gatekeepers only letting through even more rabid supporters pro and con (mostly in support of BBC dogma), with a final email ’round-up’ (ditto).
If she steers away from that, she will have my respect, despite the salary-boosting celeb shenanigans.
Agreed. I discovered only very recently that she is excellent on the radio and a damn sight more pleasant and agreeable to listen to than Vine the Whine. His Beeboid-cultivated whining drawl is like nails on a blackboard to me.
Kevin Maguire, Ms. Booth, Gorgeous George, etc better clear their sleepover kits from Aunty’s spare rooms, as there is a new ‘go-to’ guy in town…
Two-faced hypocrisy, smears, poor (well, zero… but a neat line in ‘views’) journalistic standards, wild claims, bare-faced lying…
Surprised he hasn’t got his own show.
Hasan is, of course, a regular on INBBC’s ‘QT’; he has taken the small circulation ‘NS’ in a politically Islamic direction, which suits the dhimmi Beeboids.
Mehdi Hasan Exposed. Part I – Atheists and disbelievers are “cattle” and “of no intelligence”
Ex-Beeboid Andrew Gilligan did appear several times on Ahmadinejad’s ‘Press TV’ satellite TV channel, about a year ago. In my view, this was a serious political mistake as it gave political legitimacy to the hostility of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s regime, and its hostility to the West. [Iran’s ‘Press TV’ should have its London studios closed down as it is a ‘Trojan Horse’ threat to British society. No such British operation of an anti-Ahmadinejad, anti-Islamic jihad, pro-British TV channel is allowed to exist in Iran. The message must be: no reciprocity, no broadcast.]
Since then, Gilligan seems to have seen the political light and has produced some excellent investigative journalism in the ‘Telegraph’ on e.g. the Islamic jihad and Sharia law threat to Britain, especially in London.
Ed Balls, BBC-NUJ-Labour, and their ‘Goldilocks’ level of politics, on number of days for pre-charge detention of terror suspects:
’90 days’ is too many;
‘0 days’ is too few;
’14 days’ is just right.
(And no doubt there’s S. Chakrabarti prompting in the background.)
“Labour got balance wrong on civil liberties, says Balls”
Rich & Mark’s Monday Morning View
In case one was wondering how Aunty ‘does’ news (gotta love those ‘sources say’ from now on):
@bbc5live Two pensioners in Dublin tell @stephennolan the banks are to blame for their financial crisishttp://bbc.in/dFAlSS
Meanwhile, for ‘balance’, at the other end of the age range;
BBCNewsnight BBC Newsnight Looking for 6th formers taking part in Wednesday’s student walkout. Pls @ message us + follow us + we’ll DM you #demo2010 #ukuncut
Yes I saw that as well. Anyone fancy trawling through Michael Crick’s Tweets to see if he is evenly intersted in Tory and Labour scandal?
Kim Ghattas on the News Channel a couple minutes ago declaring that the shelling of South Korea is an indication that the US President must now sit down and “engage with North Korea”. Translation: time to appease them again and throw more money at them.
Engage North Korea to what end? They don’t have any territorial demands, no desire to negotiate reuniting the peninsula, no trade or currency agreements to hash out. They don’t have any demands for anything else except for money to prop up their lunatic asylum, which they always get in the end. Rewarding certain behavior has consequences, but not according to the astute analysts at the BBC.
Just now Huw Welshman was talking to Warwick Morris, former ambassador to somewhere or other, and his bad hair piece from the BBC studios in Tunbridge Wells. Morris says that there’s nothing to see here, just the lunatics trying to unite the country behind their new leader, show how great they are because they can do this and get away with it, nothing to see here. The bad hair piece concurred.
Except that’s the problem: The North Korean lunatics are correct in their assumption that they can get away with it because they always do. Appeasement does work after all: depending on what one’s goals actually are, of course.
In historical repetition terms, learning-wise, one has to say that quite a few whose memories seem to extend only to yesterday’s G&T seem to be getting one heck of an outing to basically pitch the ‘touch toes and think of Munich’ technique is still a smart play.
Remember the BBC cancelled the transmission of its documentary on the Hariri assassination?
Watch CBC’s Full Report on the Hariri Assassination
Wow, stop the presses: Huw Edwards for once actually called out Ed Balls on a lie about Labour’s immigraton policies when in Government. Balls said that Labour was of course working to reduce immigration with their “points system”, and Edwards called him on it and pointed out that Labour put that in only at the very end and he should admit that Labour got it horribly wrong on immigration.
Credit where due, for a change.
I guess there are ocassions when they wonder if they’re actually doing their professional credibility damage beyond repair. Are people actually seeing them as bent as they know themselves to be? Huw Edwards is certainly a long time serial offender when it comes the BBC’s rolling ‘vote Labour’ campaign. He’d be one of the first to go in a long-awaited purge.
Tonight’s Newsnight features a British family upset at the police/MI5 etc for failing to prevent one of their number joining the jihad.
“When Newsnight tried to question Greater Manchester Police about why it took three months to place a control order on Umar, why he was given 24-hours to hand in his passport, and why when the family reported him missing on 5 January 2007 he was not placed on some kind of no-fly list they said they could not comment on the case for legal reasons.
“How could he still be allowed to leave the country I do not know… It’s beyond gross negligence,” says Awais (his brother). “We were in contact with the police after the control order. It’s unbelievable.”
The security service MI5 assesses that Umar was sent to Pakistan for terrorist purposes – put starkly, to kill British and coalition troops”
No reason to expect them to have prevented his radicalisation. It must surely be someone else’s fault.
Still with a bit of luck our troops might bring about the best solution to the problem.
What should they have done, send him to bed without supper? They did all any law abiding Subject could hope to do. Little wonder they felt so frustrated if their story is to be believed. I hope they get their son back in one piece, redeemed.
INBBC’s ‘Newsnight’ (tonight) and the ‘mystery’ – to ‘Newsnight’ – of how Muslims arer ‘radicalised’ and threaten we infidels with jihad.
Clue for ‘Newsnight’: read the tenets of Islam.
“British Muslim family who lost their son to extremists”
(Never mind the Muslim family, INBBC, what about we infidel victims of Islam?)
A non-‘Newsnight’ view of Islam:-
“Getting Fiqhed ”
[Concluding extract]:
“If you know the doctrine of Islam, the entire fatwa condemning terrorism is pure deception. Why be surprised? Mohammed repeatedly advised Muslims to deceive if it would advance the Islamic cause, and the fiqh council follows the Sunna of Mohammed to the letter.
“The reason that this deception works is the average Kafir politician, reporter, pastor, priest or rabbi is deliberately and willfully ignorant. It is not that Islam is so skillful; but that Kafir leaders are such ignorant, politically correct cowards who refuse to educate themselves to the detriment of their own religious faith and their own country. ”
(Bill Warner).
Will INBBC ‘Newsnight’ provide another TEN sob stories about how Muslim parents were surprised to learn of the activities of these ten further Islamic jihad suspects?
And will ‘Newsnight’ similarly relegate the sensibilities of the intended infidel victims?
And will ‘Newsnight’ continue to ignore the obvious jihad motivation of the tenets of Islam?
“Police arrest 10 over Belgian ‘Islamist terror plot'”
For the BBC to use Islamist and terrorist in the headline is progress. Usually they will bury a statement like that deep in the article and further obscure it with weasel words like authorities say. Actually I’m not sure who said, ‘Islamist terror plot’. If it’s a quote no one is credited.
However international jihadist terrorist group is mentioned in the third paragraph. For the BBC to conflate jihad and islam(ist) is also progress. Usually when they say jihad the words Muslim or Islam don’t appear. A uninformed reader (i.e. anyone who gets their information from the BBC) may not make the connection.
Finally terror/terrorist appears seven times in the article and a further eight times in links. This is further progress as the BBC usually leans over backwards to avoid the ‘T’ word, almost as much as they avoid the ‘M’ and ‘I’ words.
“Who said the BBC was dumbing down? Katie Price set to guest edit Radio 4’s Today show”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1332327/Katie-Price-add-glamour-BBC-Radio-4s-Today.html#ixzz168UtkK8a
Do you remember Alexander Litvinenko? Politkovskaya?
Check this out by Masha Karp
Thanks for pointing this out. I had two laugh-out-loud moments:
My programme was accused of “lack of balance” and allowing “serious allegations to go on air unchallenged” — offences deserving a “written warning”. The “outcome letter”, which I received after the disciplinary interview, said: “The end result is a programme that presents much stronger and detailed arguments from one side of the discussion and under-represents the other.”
It’s like they copied and pasted something from this site.
“The BBC must remain objective at all times and it is not the duty of the Russian Service to use its programmes to take into consideration the possible distortions of the Russian media market when we report on any issue.” This conclusion totally contradicted the main document that was supposed to guide our work, the Russian 2010 Strategy paper presented to the Service by the Regional Head in October 2006.
This is typical of the BBC, but not what made me laugh out loud. This quote from the Strategy Paper did:
“We will complement the local news market by being the trusted source of reliable, objective, accurate news, giving the global context analysis and bringing to the debate issues and opinions not heard on state-controlled media.”
They obviously don’t follow this for their US coverage either.
More degenerate Beeboid behaviour:
BBC radio presenter admits claiming £18k in benefits while working for Asian Network
A BBC radio presenter wrongly claimed £18,000 in benefits over seven years while working for the corporation.
Lubna Qazi, 53, known as DJ Kanwal, claimed Carer’s Allowance for looking after her sick husband but failed to declare her BBC earnings.
She had told the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) in 2003 that her husband spent 35 hours a week in bed after suffering a stroke while she worked just six hours a week for the BBC.
Today programme this morning. Interview regarding proposed education reform with two guests, one a head teacher and one for a reform trust / think tank (I forget which). Interviewer continually asked leading questions hunting for either of the two to criticise some part or other of the policy. Both refused as both broadly supported the policy as it turned out. Only one of them had one even potentially negative thing to say and that was more about tone of the other interviewee than substance of the policy – one wanted to make it clear that students are not expelled lightly. So neither ended up criticising the policies. This despite a last desperate question along the lines of ‘surely you don’t agree with …’.
Then later in the 0800 news summary the NUSWT is quoted with a totally negative tirade (which only shows their own self-preserving, blinkered view but that’s my opinion).
That must be why at 8:53 Naughtie gor these two to be united in opposing the government re schools before moving on to their billed subject of being united in opposing the government re student fees.
Fresh protests against increases in university tuition fees will be held today. President of the students’ union at the University of London, Clare Solomon and Brian Lightman, of the Association of School and College Leaders, <!– S ILIN –>discuss the latest wave of student unrest. <!– E ILIN –><!– E BO –>
Naughties felt their pain & said as much. BBC balance!!
I wonder if a BBC researcher was told off for not doing their research properly?
Radio 4 5:30 AM News Briefing “….. explosions which the international community have blamed on North Korea” eh??
In the tiny amount of time available for expanding on news stories mentioned in the headlines, an American was found to blame the outbreak of hostilities on foreign policy errors of previous American administrations. So really it’s all George Bush’s fault. Silly international community, nothing has changed, all’s right with the world.
Harmless Sky publishes some interesting correspondence with the bBC Trust.
It begs the question of how much information actually gets to the top after being “edited” by all and sundry.
The word “shared” really is kafkaesque.
The value, or otherwise, of the divine Ms. K and her tweeted offerings are common currency here, with reason.
I have often questioned the market rate talent value when she witters ‘Ed/Gordon/Harriet strides like a man God into the chamber’ on a purely factual yawn basis, but I do get intrigued by examples of how she ‘feels’ things are going, as with this from an already ‘interesting’ series today:
BBCLauraK Laura Kuenssberg PM and EM seem to enjoy slanging match over their respective past careers at Treasury – Lab backbenchers look pleased, Libs look glum
I guess her opinion on how folk ‘seem’ and ‘feel’ and ‘look’ are legitimate, but it might be interesting to find out how often she imposes such scene-settingnotions on one set vs. another… totally impartially, of course.
BBCLauraK Laura Kuenssberg Rare question from Dennis Skinner – accuses Cameron of hypocrisy over capping migration but arguing for Turkey to be in the EU
Not only rare, but doesn’t seem much of a question, either. More like a soundbite for those who might pass such things on…
Hold on, I thought nobody can do anything about people moving around within the EU, and any migration cap set by a Government isn’t meant to address that. Am I mistaken?
I would lust like to note the sad passing of Hammer horror heroine Ingrid Pitt who has died aged 73! and wonder if the beebles will dane to play any of her classic films at a primetime as they have sod all else worth watching or just stick them on at 4.00 in the morn like now !
Her life itself would warrent a good BBC Drama. But alas there is nothing anti-British (or anti-American) in it so its not really BBC material
The link
Author, VS NAIPAUL does something which INBBC specifically avoids: he criticises Islam.
And INBBC will be particularly concerned about this because INBBC wants the intolerant Islamic Turks in the EU.
BBC report:
“VS Naipaul pulls out of writers’ event over Islam row”
“In 2001, the Trinidadian writer of Indian descent caused controversy by comparing the ‘calamitous effect’ of Islam on the world with colonialism.”
Wow! How dare he? Talking about the ‘calamitous effect’ of nearly 1400 years of Islamic imperialism. INBBC never does this, and A. Marr’s forthcoming ‘history of the world’ TV series won’t do this either.
More from Naipaul on Islam here:
“Beyond Belief:
Islamic Excursions Among the Converted Peoples”
INBBC link to above:
The “Today” programme at 8:35 had an interview with “The spiritual adviser to Barack Obama, Jim Wallis”. You will be able to imagine the grilling he got from Justin, especially as Jim stated as fact that opposition to Obama was all down to Murdoch’s Fox News and that the Tea Party movement only existed because Obama was black.
Justin should have picked up during his posting to DC that Fox News is a cable news channel with a far smaller audience than the main opinion shapers at the networks. But if he did he was silent, not wanting to spoil Jim’s left leaning monologue.
Well, since the Today website’s synopsis says that the interview is about discussing “how the president has been treated by his opponents”, the agenda is pretty clear. Ostensibly, Wallis is on because he’s written a book about how the people of the US should use the economic crisis to transform into a better society.
Hilariously, Wallis is at first way off message, and just proved how willfully ignorant and prejudiced Justin Webb is. Every statement ol’ Justin made about voting patterns of Evangelicals had to be corrected. Ol’ Justin was in the US as the BBC North America editor during the last election (it was his stellar job worshiping The Obamessiah which got him Ed “Other Projects” Stourton’s chair at Today), so there’s no excuse whatsoever for him to still hold these uninformed personal opinions.
Next up, though, it’s time to bash nasty old Uncle Rupert and Fox News, which Wallis says is engaging in “religious assassination”.
And – of course – Wallis just called me a racist. “There wouldn’t be a Tea Party if there wasn’t a black man in the White House”. Silence from Justin. “That’s a fact,” says Wallis. No challenge, tacit approval from the BBC.
Slander, all approved and supported by the BBC. I wish I had the funds to engage in some libel tourism.
It’s really funny to claim that nasty old Uncle Rupert is mainly responsible for all of it. As always in the minds of these people, it’s only Fox News which has any influence at all, and forget the fact that the New York Times and the Washington Post and CNN and MSNBC and NBC and St. Jon Stewart’s Daily Democrat Show all slavishly support The Obammesiah. Yet, according to Leftoids (and most Beeboids, even though ol’ Justin is actually smart enough not to believe this), that one cable channel has more influence than nearly all of the rest of US media combined. Once again the BBC gives you a completely distorted view of the US.
Funny how the interview gets cut off when Wallis starts saying that the country’s massive debt and profligate spending is the problem. It doesn’t matter, as the actual message the BBC wanted to get across was successfully delivered.
Forgot to add that, in the midst of his mewling about “religious assassination”, Wallis said that the President really was a Muslim originally, but “had a conversion” and is now Christian. I believe him, but now we know it’s wrong for the BBC to accuse others of lying and ignorance for saying that the President was originally a Muslim.
Is that the first time that someone in the Obama camp admits Obama ‘was’ a Muslim?
I think so, yes. Certainly the first time it slipped through the BBC censors.
That’s od because this Huffington Post piece – http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jim-wallis/defending-the-facts-on-ob_b_89271.html – from 29 feb 2008 includes this paragrpah ‘So let’s set the record straight. I have known Barack Obama for more than 10 years, and we have been talking about his Christian faith for a decade. Like me and many other Christians, he agrees with the need to reach out to Muslims around the world, especially if we are ever to defeat Islamic fundamentalism. But he is not a Muslim, never has been, never attended a Muslim madrassa, and does not attend a black “separatist” church. Rather, he has told me the story of his coming from an agnostic household, becoming a community organizer on Chicago’s South Side who worked with the churches, and how he began attending one of them. Trinity Church is one of the most prominent and respected churches in Chicago and the nation, and its pastor, Jeremiah Wright, is one of the leading revival preachers in the black church. Ebony magazine once named him one of America’s 15 best Black preachers. The church says it is “unashamedly black and unapologetically Christian,” like any good black church would, but is decidedly not “separatist,” as its white members and friends would attest.’
So the next wave of student protests has begun, and the Beeboid at one of the protests in Bristol said that the police tactic of keeping the protesters together in one area will lead to violence.
Now he’s sympathizing with the students. It’s all “trouble free”, no problems at all, lovely innocent students fighting for a righteous cause. “They’re coming all shapes and sizes,” intones Emily Maitlis, who is now demonstrating how utterly useless she is without a script.
Beeboid Mike something in Whitehall thinks the police tactics are what lead to violent protests. He says that the police are finally doing the right thing by letting a few protesters out of the “boxed-in” area when they “get bored”, thus ‘letting off steam” from the heated protests.
No understanding at all that the police might need to keep the bulk of the protesters in controlled area so they don’t run all over the landscape unchecked.
And the BBC is still describing the protests are “largely peaceful” – even in the text crawl – even while I can see students throwing various objects at the police.
Of course, now that there’s violence going on in Cambridge, we are told that the “students” really don’t want violence at all, it’s just some sort of magical spontaneous thing for which nobody is really responsible.
Younger students have also ditched school to come join the fun, no condemnation on offer.
And once again another N.S.U /S.W.P attempt to prove they can out do other great socialist movements and they are doing well !.
Hate slogans painted on walls destruction of private and public property threats and intimidation , attempting to overture the results of legal elections and instate their own version of democracy for themselves and their backers! and most of them are veggie back to the landers and love blat out the odd water colour ?
Now this reminds me of some other lot ????? hmmmm.
I was in Newcastle today and had the pleasure of witnessing an aged SWPer being interviewed for telivision just after the poor students had blazened passed dropping their litter and swp posters all over the place.
“Don’t you think you should pick up your litter?” I said to this “activist”. I was met with a “shh” from the cameraman.
Not much I know but it cheared me up.
Michael Gove is a star. He’s making Emily Maitlis look like a complete, partisan, dishonest, fool when discussing the reality of the new tuition scheme. And getting in a couple good shots at the BBC in the process.
Michael Gove is about the only senior Tory who is not afraid to explain that the BBC is biased, maybethat is why the BBC hate him so much.
The BBC finally reports on the blogger arrested in the Palestinian Authority for criticising Islam, about two weeks after everybody else.
Palestinian blogger facing prison for Islam ‘insults’ By Jon Donnison BBC News, West Bank.
BTW the scare quotes around ‘insults’ as it there is some doubt or this is just opinion demeans Waleed Hasayin. If the reports are accurate he deliberately and bravely insulted Islam, an offence that will probably land him several years in gaol or even in effective a death sentence.
In the video footage of the Whitehall crowds, I can see a nice, big banner for Lambeth UNISON. They’re all only Students today? Really, BBC?
Yet again the BBC meme is Police to blame for Student Violence.
Then they try to do a Paxman on Michael Grove, he accused the interviewer of taking “too many Paxman pills”. Then onto a soft interview with an idiot student representative.
No balance, the BBC is not impartial on this issue, it is obvious which side the BBC are on.
What is sickening, if this was the EDL doing this you wouldn’t here the end of it, the spirit of Saul Alinsky is alive and well.
I feel sorry for anyone of Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Tibetan, Mongolian, or Thai descent living in the UK. I equally feel sorry for any Hindus of Indian descent.
The BBC News Channel just did a segment about the two men convicted of sexually abusing and trafficking teenage white girls in Derby. They went on to say that this kind of thing goes on all around the country. Further, the reporter stated that these abusive rings involve “tight-knit” groups of “Asian” men.
Yes, they show the photos with and mention the names of the two men convicted, both of whom have “Mohammed” in their names. Another word starting with “M” is omitted from the description of their “tight-knit” community.
If one blinked or was momentarily distracted when the names were mentioned, one could reasonably draw the conclusion that this was done by Chinese people or something. If I were of an ethnic group originating in any part of Asia and was not a Muslim, I’d be really, really sick of this.
This was such an easy BBC target that I didn’t even bother blogging about it yesterday; sometimes BBC bias just sweeps over me.
Those nine anonymous convicted paedophile groomers.
Well actually we do know more. The offenders used drugs and drink to effect their ‘charming’ of the girls. They got lengthy sentences for including for rapes, sexual assaults and forcing underage children into pornography.
The ringleaders were Abid Mohammed Saddique and Mohammed Romaan Liaqat.
Naweed Liaqat, Farooq Ahmed, Graham Blackham, Akshay Kumar, Faisal Mehmood, Mohammed Imran Rehman and Ziafat Yasin were also found guilty.
I wonder why local papers from Derby, South Wales and Belfast manage to publish who did the deeds and the terms they got in jail but the bBC did not. Can you guess?
Because one of them’s called Graham?
INBBC directive: don’t mention the ‘M’ word in such cases.
And this Derby case is in addition to recent Sheffield case of Muslims of Pakistani origin (among many other cases):
Stephanie Flanders has written a blog post from a press conference in Ireland about their government’s new austerity plans. She writes from the perspective that local councils need every single penny and staff member they have, and any reduction is wrong.
Flanders’ main goal here is to make the point that the Irish plan will protect education but hit health care and civil service instead. She does her job properly in pointing this out, but then says this:
Worst hit will be local authorities (sound familiar, Mr Osborne?) Their staff levels will fall by 14% by 2014.
By making that reference to Osborne, she’s taking the position that the Coalition (read: nasty Tory) Government was wrong. This is her personal political bias.
INBBC becomes more Islamic daily; and as INBBC officially takes over World Service, including Arabic TV (HQ at Broadcasting House, East Wing, London), as agreed with UK government, we British licencepayers will pay for even more Islamic propaganda from the huge numbers of Islamic staff which INBBC employs globally.
Presaging that, take this example of reporting from the MALDIVES-
INBBC report:
“Afghan peace talks in a holidaymakers’ paradise”
Now who does INBBC send to report on such talks? A British, non-Muslim reporter? No. We as INBBC licencepayers pay for someone from the Islamic Republic of Iran: INBBC’s Persian TV’s Daud Qarizadah.
And, of course we get his propaganda that the Maldives is a wonderful Islamic place:
“One first-time” (Afghan) “delegate in the Maldives said: ‘It is a beautiful Islamic country and the scenery is amazing.'”
Really? ‘It is a beautiful Islamic country’? Do you know about any of this:
And this extract of the INBBC report gives a completely Islamic male’s account:
“Whenever the delegates encountered women in bikinis, they turned their eyes away in order to avoid becoming sinful by looking at half-naked women. This was a difficult situation for some to cope with – especially for those delegates who want women to wear the all-covering burka.
One of the delegates was even angry at the four Afghan women who attended the talks. He told me that these women should not have come to the talks unless they were accompanied by their husbands or close male family members.”
Over the coming years we British licencepayers will have even more pro-Islamic global reporting forced on us as INBBC breaks clear of British government political constraints, and presents an increasingly similar political view of the world as does Islamic Al Jazeera English, home of many ex-Beeboids.
A welcome initiative for all those who love democracy:-
A more welcome response from the various jewish organisations would be the call for setting up of a more intelligent and statesman-led organised oppositin to the growing influence of Islam in our society. Their message would appear to be that if you wish to join an organised response to a well funded, reactionary ideology with a growing population base – well, hard luck, there is nowhere you can go except to rag, tag and bobtail, BNP-infiltrated organisations like the the EDL.
Fair’s fair – I noticed one positive thing about the BBC News Channel’s coverage of today’s round of student “direct action” protests. They had less commentators on this time and did not keep asking them if they at least understood the anger behind the violence. In fact, they kept asking the protesters themselves if they condoned the violence. One girl at first justified the violence by singing the same refrain we heard last time, that the “damage” the Government was doing was far worse than a few broken windows and a smashed up police van, but demurred when pressed directly by the Beeboid.
This is in stark contrast to last time, where the BBC made every effort to get people to approve of the motivation behind the violence, while shedding crocodile tears over the violent acts themselves. Looks like both the police and the BBC learned a lesson from last time.
Ugly bint on News 24 interviewing some other ugly student bint about todays violence. Ugly (she MUST be a lezzer) bint refuses to condem violence but moans that it’s cold outside and the Police should let them all go home. I was close to tears….of laughter.
Again I notice what a load of public school middle class wankers they were as well, if one of those little shits was my kid I’d kick him senseless until the tiny brain they had oozed out of their nostrils, then throw them out on the street.
A bit of balance… or sorts:
With the bouffant and fragile Sian reduced to reading whatever the six-formers in editorial stick on the teleprompter, I have given up on BBC Breakfast, but SKY seems also to have decided to make the facile GMT seem like Ed Murrow with a progesterone-laden Mumsnet zone of peroxide-addled giggling eye-candy (at least they have that going for them) gushing and cooing, emoting and feeling others’ pain.
Thank you and goodbye.
The one consistent Narrtive of all of the BBC’s coverage of the latest North Korean incident – including blog posts from the usual suspects – is this: If we can’t continue to appease…sorry…”engage” and continue to send them hundreds of millions of dollars, there are no other options. Real military action is out of the question, China will do…er…something, the money to NK must keep flowing.
One BBC News Online article even tried to blame the “conservative” South Korean Government for reducing aid, described in another piece as falling “to a trickle”.
Censored from the BBC’s coverage:
Report Shows U.N. Development Program Violated U.N. Law, Routinely Passed on Millions to North Korean Regime
After more than two years of accusations and probes into the operations of the United Nations Development Program in North Korea, a weighty report finally reveals how routinely, and systematically, the agency disregarded U.N. regulations on how it conducted itself in Kim Jong-Il’s brutal dictatorship, passing on millions of dollars to the regime in the process.
In other words, the NK elite have been getting shtupped regularly for ages, and they’re still trying to make things worse. But the BBC thinks more appeasement is the only viable option.
The bBC , the Islamic penchant for little white girls and how to reinvent pedophilla as sexually abusing teenage girls
Derby sex gang convicted of grooming and abusing girls
Have a butchers at how mohammed,mohammed and mohammed along with 5 others received jail sentences for having sex with over 37 girls aged from 12 to 18. Notice which word the bBC doesn’t use?
A word I should add the bbC has no problem using if the abuser is a catholic.
Which probably explains why the bbC didn’t report on this sex crime committed by a so called holyman in Southsea lastweek,
The thing is whenever Islam is exposed for how its men love to have physical sexual relations with children the bBC goes into silent mode?
Why bBC why?
INBBC’s ‘Newsnight’ has just had a lead 12 min report on sexual crimes against white English school girls committed by gangs of men (‘Muslim’ men are unmentioned).
As is typical of INBBC, there is no reference to gangs of Muslim men in this context, despite the relevance of the Derby case today:
“Asian gang raped girls as young as 12 after picking them up on the streets for sex”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1332746/Asian-gang-raped-girls-young-12-picking-streets-sex.html#ixzz16FAl9ppN
And this Sheffield case three weeks ago:
‘Sexual predators’: Gang of Asian men weep as they are jailed for total of 32 years for abusing white girls as young as 12″
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1327056/Gang-Asian-sexual-predators-jailed-grooming-girls-young-12.html#ixzz16FBsIrFE
And, this is happening in all the main cities of England. And there is a conspiracy of silence.
It is a classic case of creating an unreality. This is how the liberal left now operate. Deny what is real at whatever cost to all the people of this unhappy land.
It is there in the coverage of the imploding Euro. In the coverage of the debt crisis in this country and the US. In the coverage of the Tea Party, global warming, North Korea and of course Israel.
The rioting students are praised because they conform to the desired unreality.
Every vapid speech by a leftwing politician or commentator is praised because it fits in with the increasingly frantic desire to embrace the unreal at the expense of the real.
Just imagine how the libbies must feel after all these years striving for the ideal unrealistic future. It is about to be snatched away from them. Pity them.
The world is harsh and does not forgive the deluded and our friends at the BBC and the libleft are about to find this out.
This was either the 2nd or 3d item on Today on Radio 4 at 6am today. However it is was very odd in that no names or indeed any real details of the offenders was given. Even in my half awake pre coffee state it was obvious the Mohammed quotient in this crime will be approaching 1.0 but the Beeb doesn’t want to be the one to tell us.
“For those asking, panel incs Tessa Jowell, David Willetts, Simon Hughes, Ed Byrne, the NUS president + 150 angry students. BBC3 8pm tomoz.”
Tweets by richardpbacon
So no bias in the audience there then.