Question Time tonight comes from Coventry, and on the panel tonight we have Danny “Ginger Rodent” Alexander, Nadine Dorries, Ken Livingstone, Sir Christopher Meyer and John Sergeant.
For those playing the Buzzword Bingo we’ll be using the Football’s Not Comin’ ‘Ome Rules, meaning that Beckam makes an unexpected entry on tonight’s cards, and extra points for attempts to connect the loss to Thatcher, cuts, or tuition fees. This week we’re also awarding bonus points for any mention of the weather, especially references to global warming, we’re all going to fry and save the polar bears. It’d be nice if it snowed the same time each year, just to prepare the grit lorries, and any panelist linking the World Cup and Global Warming is an instant win.
The LiveBlog will also cover the awful This Week with Andrew Neil, Michael Portillo and a smorgasbord of mediocrity padded with third-rate childish graphics. Marvellous.
Your dynamic Moderation team of TheEye and David Mosque will be kicking a football about around here from 10:30pm.
Surely Ann Widecombe and Strictly Come Dancing must appear on the Buzzword Bingo card…
This Mr Livingstone, whom even Labour bloggers disown?:-
Ken Livingstone Has Left The Labour Party
“Ken Livingstone’s departure from the Labour Party is no great loss. He is unlikely to beat Boris Johnson. His support for racists like Qaradawi and his championing of Islamist political parties loses Labour votes. We won’t be sorry to see the back of him.”
At least Nadine has sussed the leftie audience out
The Tories notice, and do absolutely bugger all about it. One of the many reasons I’ve given up on them.