A new open thread, and a different image just for a change. This one comes from Paul Mason’s dreams last night (he dreams in rather poor photoshop, I’m afraid):
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A new open thread, and a different image just for a change. This one comes from Paul Mason’s dreams last night (he dreams in rather poor photoshop, I’m afraid):
“Japan used the opening plenary of the UNFCCC meeting to announce that it would not, under any circumstances, commit to new mitigation targets under a second commitment period to the Kyoto Protocol.
Many developed countries – including Canada, Australia and New Zealand – have expressed strong reservations about extending the Kyoto Protocol and the EU has said they would only consider it under certain conditions.”
China and India will not sign anything.
“Summit cast into doubt as Russia says it will not sign extension to treaty that has governed climate negotiations for more than a decade”
While other countries will be allowed to grow their economies without the “climate change” burden, we, thanks to our representatives in parliament, have a unique piece of legislation we can all be proud of viz The Climate Change Act which includes legally binding targets, including an 80 per cent cut in greenhouse gases by 2050.
By 2050 we will probably be on par with Zimbabwe. Can’ wait!!
The vermin traitors at Westminster destroying their own nation and people, makes your skin crawl just to think of that leering scumbag Huhne and the rest of them raking in the millions while millions of us slide into poverty and misery thanks to them.
On tuesday I posted about the bBC effective stoking of the student protests. Today they showed two press conferences with the student organisers. All about the injustices the students have to put up with. Strange but the bBC did a reasonable job, showing the riot yesterday, but for some reason did not want to put together any of their footage, to confirm or refute the students claim. Seems they want a student martyr and footage may show that not to be the case!
Hmn, students… and student life.
Who do we think best represents the reality?
The BBC and its carefully selected guests, or…
On another thread is a description of those so called students. What the bBC did not TELL US is that they are a bunch of Trotskists. They belong to the Socialist Workers Party, etc: (watch ‘life of Brian’ if you want to get a hint of their mindset). So really they are a bunch of professional lefty agitators whose aim is to bring down the coalition. Thanks bBC for telling us and promoting their cause.
I see no further action is going to be taken over Andy Coulson, so guess what? The BBC will be back on the attack again no doubt wound up by the awful vile Guardian.
As far as i can gather, they couldn’t find anything to prosecute on.
Happens alllll the time.
How one takes that probably depends on which side of various fences one stands.
Which may explain why the BBC drops certain legal news items as soon as they can, and basks in the glory of blind justice, and at other times just. can’t. let. go.
Now, which will it be here. Hmn… which will it be?
Now there’s a thing…
mediaguardian Media Guardian Andy Coulson denies knowledge of criminal activity at News of the World http://gu.com/p/2ymey/tf
and of course this is getting blanket coverage as lead news item on all BBC TV and radio channels, as usual ???
No champagne drinking at the BBC tonight then. I can also sense the tears flowing over at Labour HQ.
Students run riot in london and the bBC blames the police.
I’m just surprised that with only student in their camera viewfinders the bBC haven’t reported on this story:
Student fees protests: woman claims she was beaten by police…At the embassy, Bax said she was attended to by two male police medics who took off her hijab to inspect her head.
It’s odd that most news organisations have mentioned the ‘students’ defacing and urinating on the Cenotaph and the statue of Winston Churchill.
There’s one uniquely-funded one that hasn’t, though.
Time-stamped after Chuffer’s comment, though.
“Time-stamped after Chuffer’s comment, though.”
Have I missed something? Chuffer’s comment is shown as; “Today [10th Dec] 17:39:49 GMT”.
The BBC page has; “10 December 2010, Last updated at 13:59”
You’re right, Dez.
However, I emailed the comment directly to b-BBC at 10;44;31 today (i.e. before the BBC’s article), and then posted it here later. I suspect that’s the time that DP is referring to.
No mention of urinating, though.
Blimey, give the poor underfunded loves time, it’s past 5pm and only just got going round twitter. Sheesh, what do you think they are, a 24/7 news outfit?
The police have got “questions to answer” according to our ever so impartial state broadcaster.
They have indeed, like “Why was this “protest” allowed to go ahead when the last one had caused considerable distrubtion and damage to property?”
The internet, and interactive blogs especially, provide a welcome opportunity for clarity and factual accuracy.
Hence it is always a pleasure when those concerned with grammar, spelling, etc share their unique contributions, and especially those aimed at more informed feedback, deploying vast resources to assist in the trickier instances of confirming a negative in a timely manner.
However, also what can be highlighted, by the relative paucity and heft of such feedback, especially in the face of hundreds of clear abuses that could benefit from input from sources inside, is just how little there seems to be to take issue with on a free site contributed to by a few members of the public… as opposed to the vastly-funded, uniquely-funded national broadcaster.
Hence one might be encouraged that, with such keen attention and resource evidently deployed and being paid, in future we could see more substantive contributions?
Though of course petty vulture swoops on trivia can speak volumes too.
Eh? Translation, please!
đŸ™‚ Apologies for lack of clarity.
It at one stage seemed possible that in your original comment you may have been precipitate, if only in failing perhaps to prove a negative.
Subsequent posts have explained even this in terms of time stamps, much beloved of Beeboids with stealth edits, etc, was not the case.
However, for such a minor and, as it turns out, uncommitted ‘error’, the full force of the BBC critical gallery got deployed to point out little more than they really have too much time, precious little to be proud of and should really keep schtum unless they have actually have something worth saying.
Otherwise, by leaping to such petty ‘corrections’ whilst silent on so much else on these pages, they only highlight how much there is issued by the BBC that is indefensible. Testified to by the fact that they lurk, but remain mute, and manage only to dig deeper the few occasions they feel confident enough to attempt rather sad ‘gotchas’.
One of the beauties of this site is that the main authors, and most posters, can accept the possibility of error and admit it with necessary corrections. If required.
Not a skill set yet embraced by BBC editorial.
From Comrade Mason’s Wikipedia page:-
Mason is “father of the chapel” for the National Union of Journalists on BBC Newsnight. ……[4] He has spoken on behalf of the Trotskyist organisation Workers Power,[5] of which he was previously a member.
Only the Beeb could possibly imagine a Trot would be a suitable economics guru.
No wonder he looked so smug leading the “students” in his donkey jacket.
You can take the man out of the party…………….
Further to my last here is how the bBC reports on yesterdays Student riots:
‘Students are being attacked by police’ says protester
In light of how it is a democratic right (As promoted by the bbC) in which to defend yourself, Why does the bBC spin the line that the police are to blame here.
Dame Nikki Campbell made sure this morning that even though most texts and emails to his show opposed the student scum that 50% of the callers were in favour of the violence.
Actually Martin that is an improvement. Usually it is 99 to 1 for the BBCs favourite causes , or in the case of “climate change” 100 to zero.
Pretty sure Aunty’s finest could still find some semantic distinction that allowed 100 to zero to still be interpreted as a ‘split’.
BBC-NUJ’s Father of the NUJ Chapel at ‘Newsnight’, and leader of ‘students’, Comrade Mason, provides another typically utopian socialist analysis of the demo again tonight.
You know what I’m really tempted to go on the next student protest and when I see poor innocent students attacking anybody they don’t agree with then I wonder how they would feel as I break a few bones in which to defend those they are attacking. Would I be deemed a thug, will the Students demand the police arrest me? and would the bBC refer to me as a Hero if I uttered ‘Allah Ackba’ as I hand out retribution?
I’m sorely tempted to put together a posse for the next demonstartion and stand guard at the Cenotaph, and woe betide anybody who attempted to do it any harm or show any disrespect.
I’d be right there with you.
The left despise Britain and all those who have, or are prepared to, lay down their lives for her.
The UAF/SWP/Antifa groups organised yesterday’s violence and they also help to organise the protests against our home coming troops.
. . . and though they like to think that they’re ‘really alternative maaan’, and give themselves trendy names like ‘anarchists’, they are in fact nothing more than Harriet Harman’s useful idiots, but most of them are too idiotic to realise it!
Good grief I think I just saw Roger Pielke and David Holland on the 10 o’clock news, 1 and a half sceptics in a Shukman climate change segment.
The police have big questions to answer according to Paul Mason on Newsnight. The violins are out for the poor little Tarquins that got their heads bopped. My big questions for the police would include why the lack of water canons and tear gas?
The funniest thing is for he BBC bummers to complain that any student suffered a brain injury. An oxy moron if ever I heard one.
I see that the BBC have finally got round to modifieng the advert for “The Andrew Marr Show”. The one eyed mong has been replaced by a picture of Nick Clegg followed much later by of one of David Cameron and then a series of dismal leftist hasbeens. Shurely protocoll suggests that the lead should be the Prime Minister? How the BBC hate having to show a picture of a conservative PM at all.
When the BBc interview an NUS “representative” just read this and see who they actually represent.
BBC-NUJ’s ‘Newsnight’ Father of the Chapel, Comrade Mason reports with his usual socialist commitment:
‘9.12.2011: Quiet licencepayers’ rebellion – the British suburbs come to Broadcasting House’
Comrade Mason concludes his politically committed report on the campaign to abolish the iniquitous BBC and the licence-fee:
‘..as I reflected earlier, it is unprecedented to see a government teeter before a movement in whom the vast majority of the British people is represented, and whose anthem is, well, the national anthem.’
Great paper review on News24 this morning. BBC resident, Mehdi Hassan, was there to go through the Guardian and Independent in detail before picking out some joke story from the Sun about Jordy interpreters (all in the name of ‘balance’ don’t you know!) Then they were out of time. . .
Yes; this political chum of Islam Not BBC (INBBC):
“Mehdi Hasan Part II – Muslims and non Muslims“
The President of the US is so weak these days that He actually has called in Bill Clinton to help convince the far-Left Democrats that the tax cuts deal with the Republicans is vital. Not only that, but He is so pathetic that He actually abandoned a press conference about it and let Clinton take over.
But the BBC censored that bit out.
At least Mark Mardell has realized that the President has suffered from “a power cut”. But Mardell is worried about Warmism, and has done a biased series of reports about the President’s alleged environmental goals, about which I’ll have more to say later.
For now, no Beeboid will dare address this incident, which has even White House staff puzzled. I’m sure some of the faithful put their heads together to try and figure out a way to report it, but I expect that the angle of “He’s so confident and strong that He isn’t afraid to share the limelight with Bubba” just didn’t cut it.
The far-Left Democrat leadership want to hold the rest of the country hostage in order to block tax cuts for top earners – for purely ideological reasons, right, BBC? – and won’t even let Him triangulate the one time He tries (and for which I give the President credit). So He has to call in the king of triangulation to explain that He really isn’t triangulating, honest. Simply awesome, and the BBC spins it the other way.
It really was an amazing incident ! Especially when Obama left – Clinton hardly gave him a nod, carried straight on answering questions. I think Clinton had the White House pressroom podium for over half an hour ?
Imgaine if George Bush had announced he was running off to meet the wife and had Poppy or Dick Cheney take over for him. The Beeboids would be laughing themselves silly and telling you about it nonstop. But when The Obamessiah does it…..*sound of crickets*……
I think of timble weed.
Tumble even
Jeremy Hunt thinks the BBC is Biased, shock horror!
Maybe he reads this blog. On second thougths, perhaps not: he thinks Mr Thompson now has a grip on the problem of lefty bias. Oh, dear. Hunt hasn’t been paying attention after all.
I think hippiepooter has been sending Hunt info for some time now. Don’t recall if others have as well. Looks like the message hasn’t stuck, though.
I have sent him links to this site since he came into office.Ihave had two replies which were useless and contained nothing important except writing to the beeb might help.A complete idiot was the conclusion i came too and i haven’t seen anything which will change my mind.I have also sent links every week to eric pickles begging him to take over hunt job and kill off the beeb.He too sent a bog standard letter telling me to write to Hunt..
As long as Jeremy Hunt does his schizophrenic routine in the Guardian on Sunday – “left-wing bias at the BBC” and yet ” BBC’s unpparalleled news coverage” they can call the two faced Hunt what they like !
Agree. He and the other wet wipes who think they are leaders are hardly worth the time of day.
‘Culture secretary, who was victim of Radio 4 gaffes, risks anger of corporation staff by presuming to know their political views’
Love it. That’s 20k uniquely paid, perked and pensioned luvvies, plus the glee glub in the Gruan. Call it 500k.
As to the 59.5 million others who the BBC presumes to tell what they should think every minute of the day… no risk of Mr. NaughtieMarr giving us the option of bailing on funding them if we think they suck.
We have had many days earlier when all BBC channels were running the Andy Coulson allegations as a main news item.
Now that the DPP has declared that after reviewing all the stuff that had been alleged in the New York Times, and amplified by the BBC/Guardian – I have heard hardly a squeak. Now you see it, now you don’t !
No bias there, of course !
If what I heard earlier on Up All Night (5live) is anything to go by, I predict that our favourite broadcaster will spend the next week advocating, nay demanding that “hate-preacher” Terry Jones be banned from entering the country on some spurious grounds.
The prgramme prior to this – hosted by some squeaky voiced pillock, standing in for the fat pillock (Nolan) could barely disguise his disdain for those who thought it right that the Scottish Transport Minister be relieved of his duties. He started demanding the resignation of Mother-Nature because after all what had happened was an act of nature, and somebody had to be held responsible. Wonder if this was his tone when discussing hurricane Katrina? Maybe not.
Since the BBC still has not reported this, I’ll ask again:
Is the Congressman who said “f#$k the President” a racist?
On news 24 the top story was cuts will reduce spending on…sit down and brace yourself…foot paths. They even had a footpath expert on
complaining that it was unthinkable that some councils would have to manage without any ‘right of way proffesionals’
Next biggest story there are photographs of Kate and William totally worth a whole team of people wittering on about,
Can’t have ordinary people looking at a photograph without a couple of experts to deconstruct them for us.
Two Muslim terrorist attacks in Sweden nothing to see here folkes move along quickly
Marr just started he is going to devote the whole programme on how bad things are for the coalition.
Islam Not BBC -NUJ -Asian Network:
demonise English Defence League, but not INBBC’-NUJ-Asian Network;s political pals: the UAF.
Based on the INBBC-NUJ-Asian Network political invention that there is ‘radical Islam, and ‘Islam’, opposition to the ideology of Islam is pilloried and censored at INBBC:
Where is the ‘English Network’ at INBBC which is free to produce ‘documentaries to criticise the ideology of Islam? Only kidding.
Earlier in 2010, Director General of INBBC, M. Thompson indicated, misleadingly, that he’d close that apartheid radio station, ‘Asian Network’, which is apparently operated (at licencepayers’ expense) to further the interests of that apartheid invention ‘British Asians’, with special concern for the interests of Muslims, rather than Christians or Jews.
As riposte to INBBC-NUJ-Asian Network:
the English Defence League, in Peterborough yesterday:
(2 items: scroll down.)
Islam Not BBC (INBBC)’s political guidelines on Islam:
always censor the obvious: that tenets of Islam are violently anti-infidel, and that ‘Islamic jihad’ should never be mentioned as the cause of such violence, e.g. in Stockholm bombing, where emphasis should be on such ’causes’ as drawing a cartoon.
“Stockholm shopping blasts kill one and injure two”
Sweden: Suicide bomber injures two after news agency receives email threats over Motoons
“Barbarism in the form of attempted murder for a cartoon comes to Sweden: ‘Our actions will speak for themselves, as long as you do not end your war against Islam and humiliation of the Prophet and your stupid support for the pig Vilks.’
“Eurabia Update: The jihad bomber screamed “Allahu akbar” before setting off his bomb.”
James Delingpole was on Paddy O’Connell’s Broadcasting House this morning, discussing those revolting students with unsuccessful Labour Party general election candidate (and final year student) Emily Benn.
Labour’s Emily had an easy ride, but James quickly fell foul of Paddy’s leftist sensibilities:
JD: I think they probably need to grow up a bit. The problem with kids that age is their frontal lobes haven’t formed properly, and so they’re not really capable of behaving rationally like grown-ups and I think..
PO’C (interrupting): Well they can tell the difference between a pledge and a broken pledge!
JD: “…I think the problem is that they look at the government rather as kids look at the Bank of Mum and Dad. They think it’s this endless source of free money and what they don’t realise is that Mum and Dad actually have to work for their money. It doesn’t just come out of a machine in the wall. And I think this is the problem. Government money…There is no such thing as government money and I think students should be aware of this. When they demand more government money what they’re actually demanding is more taxpayers’ money and taxpayers have to earn that money…
P’OC (interrupting): Right, but that’s..it’s a fair remark, except that as I mentioned earlier the students will have noticed that the bankers swizzed everyone, didn’t they? There was money and then there was debt and the bankers themselves didn’t understand what they were doing and the students say ‘Why should we be plunged into future debt because of the sins of our parental generation?’
JD: Sorry, with respect, that is a very student-y argument: ‘It’s not fair!’ Look, this has nothing to do with bankers. It has to do with a very simple fact: This country is £4.8 trillion in debt. Even if you sold every single house and flat in the country you would still be owing £1 trillion pounds. We cannot afford to subsidise wasters to spend three years doing wind-surfing, dub, step and X-Factor studies. It’s not possible.
And later…
PO’C: James.. you don’t like them.. but Good!…
JD (protesting): No, I do! I like them!…
PO’C: …because they’re half your age and they feel, don’t they, that your lot have eaten all the pies and they’re coming after you and what you should worry about is that the word spreads, because they’re going to have to work till they’re nearly 70 and it’s better in a way if they don’t realise the crimes that have been committed against their generation.
JD: Hang on a second. They’re being asked to pay… once they start earning £21,000 a year they’re being asked to pay £30 a month. Look. money does not grow on trees. The Bank of Mum and Dad is a fiction. So how are they going to pay for their degrees otherwise?
Beside the unequal interviewing (tough on the right-winger, soft on the left-winger), note how Paddy snuck in another dig at the Lib Dems (a fair point, but surely not a point an impartial presenter should be making to someone, like James Delingpole, who is known to be a sharp critic of the Lib Dems?).
Also note how Paddy again snuck in an attack on the bankers. He is an obsessive banker/capitalism basher. There are many examples of this, including:
15.11.09 “Richard, what I think you’re getting at is, people who saved are being punished by not being compensated from the Equitable Life fiasco, whereas people who borrowed, and bankers who’ve misled. are effectively having the tab picked up”
13.4.10 “It seems to many people that it was capitalism and it was greed and it was breaking the rules that got us into this trouble as bankers flogged debt that they didn’t understand around the place. Do you accept that who led us into this was a great deal of private enterprise?”
15.5.10 “Sunday, an oasis free from stock market speculation”.
And also note how his great “Your lot have eaten all the pies” speech failed to say “our lot have eaten all the piece”, given that Paddy is almost exactly the same age as James Delingpole (mid forties).
Paddy O’Connell is always student-y.
It does reveal that the argument of the protesters isn’t about how great an educated public is for the country’s prosperity, but is in fact a Socialist argument for wealth redistribution.
Your lot has eaten all the pies, and we’re coming after you now. It must be amusing to fancy oneself as living in Tsarist Russia in 1917.
Broadcasting House ended with an audio piece from Guardian writer Tanya Gold, sympathising with poor Barack Obama, who has “suffered many agonies, as if a baseball bat were bouncing off his skull” but can’t seek the compensation of a cigarette. Among those agonies is “Sarah Palin, a woman who seems to worship at the altar of her own idiocy.”
Tanya Gold is gross. She wrote some annoying articles during the election campaign. Personal remarks with no redeeming humour. Maybe she thinks she’s Julie Birchill; but no. She aint.
The faithful are shattered, scrambling around in the darkness now. I expect the preaching will ramp up soon.
Why is INBBC-NUJ-Labour shy about publicising this report?
It has everything most Beeboids politically campaign for:
– mass immigration, Islam, Labour, ‘Third World’, anti-British taxpayers, etc:
“Harriet Harman praises ‘hero’ immigrants who send welfare handouts home”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1337876/Harman-praises-hero-immigrants-send-welfare-handouts-home.html#ixzz17u5f1F00
Dateline London discussed the student demo with another panel without a right-wing voice. A liberal American (Michael Goldfarb), a centrist Indian journalist (Ashis Ray), a left-wing French journalist (Agnes Poirier) and a left-wing British journalist (Polly Toynbee), plus Gavin Esler.
The most recent representatives of the British press on the programme, going back in time, have been:
Polly Toynbee, Guardian (11/12) Left
Simon Jenkins, Guardian (4/12) Centre
Will Hutton, Observer (27/11) Left
Polly Toynbee, Guardian (20/11) Left
Janet Daley, Telegraph (13/11) Right
None (6/11)
Yasmin Alibhai Brown, Independent (30/10) Left
Michael White, Guardian (23/10) Left
David Aaronovitch, Times (16/10) Left
Tim Montgomerie, ConservativeHome (9/10) Right
So, it’s the programme’s usual pattern: Give the Left the run of the show for a few weeks, then drop in a right-winger (usually Janet Daley) for one week only.
This is no new pattern, as can be seen from this run of the show from the start of 2010 right up to the general election:
Peter Oborne, Daily Mail (2/1) Right
Michael White, Guardian (9/1) Left
Isabel Hilton, Guardian/Independent (16/1) Left
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Independent (23/1) Left
David Aaronovitch, Times (30/1) Left
Polly Toynbee, Guardian (6/2) Left
Janet Daley, Telegraph (13/2) Right
Ann Leslie, Daily Mail (20/2) Right
Ned Temko, Observer (27/2) Left
None (6/3)
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Independent (13/3) Left
Adam Raphael, Transport Times (20/3) Left
Isabel Hilton, Guardian/Independent (27/3) Left
Johann Hari, Independent (3/4) Left
Steve Richards, Independent (10/4) Left
Janet Daley, Telegraph (17/4) Right
Michael White, Guardian (24/4) Left
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Independent (1/5) Left
Nearly all the names you list have well-known political leanings – and they are nearly all on the left.
Proof positive – yet again – of endemic bias at the BBC.
Jeremy Hunt ought to be served with a digest of some of the key forensic analyses you have presented over the past year ! And so should the Chairman of the BBC Trust, the D-G and Ms Boaden(fat lot they’d do !)
Andrew Marr could have introduced Labour’s John Denham this morning with something like this:
The Lib-Con coalition has had a fraught week over tuition fees, but what of Labour, the party that introduced tuition fees in the first place and who encouraged 50% of school leavers to go to university, with all the massive funding implications that entailed? With the country facing £4.8 trillion worth of debt, what would Labour do differently and is it credible? Well, John Denham is the shadow business secretary and charged with leading Labour’s reponse to the tuition fees package. Welcome.
Or alternatively:
Students in England face the highest fees of any university system anywhere. So says the Labour Party, warning that today’s graduates will still be paying off their fees when their own children start university. But what of Labour’s own responsibility for this situation? After all it was Labour that introduced tuition fees in the first place and who encouraged 50% of school leavers to go to university, with all the massive funding implications that entailed. With the country facing £4.8 trillion worth of debt, what do Labour propose to do now and is it credible? Well, John Denham is the shadow business secretary and charged with leading Labour’s reponse to the tuition fees package. Welcome.
He didn’t do either.
Instead he introduced Mr Denham like this:
(Concerned expression) Students in England face the highest fees of any university system anywhere. So says the Labour Party, who are warning that today’s graduates will still be paying off their fees when their own children start university. The Independent on Sunday says today that the majority of graduates will have their loans hanging over them for life, never paying off what they owe. Well, John Denham is the shadow business secretary and charged with leading Labour’s reponse to the tuition fees package. Welcome.
There’s nothing like having your interviewer make your case for you before you even speak!
Lib Dem minister Danny Alexander (the ginger rodent, according to the ever politically correct Harriet Harman) didn’t get quite so helpful an introduction:
The most striking image from last Thursday might well be the rioting outside the Palace of Westminster but inside the Commons it was also a day of emotional debate and passionate argument. Only a minority of the Liberal Democrats followed their leader in voting for the legislation. As we’ve seen, many commentators warn of the party actually splitting. If there is a Coalition Loyalist faction, then we know that Danny Alexander, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, would be a prominent member of it, and he’s here now. Welcome.
Some people think Andrew Marr might just be pro-Labour!
NewStatesman New Statesman
How Tom Watson plans to put heat back on Andy Coulson http://bit.ly/hSvB9T
And here was me thinking he’d just phone up his tame booker at Aunty, get whoever is on Marr or Daily Politics (an impartiality joke this week… more than most) bumped, fax ’em the questions he’d like set u… er… ‘asked’ and off they go.
I’m also noticing the ever-increasing number of ‘articles’ pointing out the invaluable impartiality of the BBC in, for some reason, and free of irony, exclusively left wing rags.
As they seem all to be fact free and devoted mostly to trite student Uni ad-homs, they merely serve to confirm that the elephant that is the BBC, in the room of media political social meddling, has dumped too much too often, and it stinks.
“had a text from Jim [Naughtie yesterday] Told me that Rowan Williams thought it was funny!”
Tweets by NickyAACampbell
Well, well, Naughtie praying in aid the great and the good. He’s easily impressed, isn’t he?
Anyone who thinks the opposite to that Weirdy Beardy’s opinion on any subject won’t go too far wrong.
Marr’s interview with John Denham was ridiculously soft – though short. Interruptions and challenges? None.
Mr Denham’s attacks on the ConDems were allowed free rein. Labour’s embarrassing record was ignored.
Marr just can’t help himself. He ‘mm’ed along to the Labour spokesman’s attacks.:
JD: The reason the fees are going so high is they’re cutting 80% of university teaching funding.
AM: Mm.
JD: If you take that first decision to stop funding most university courses it’s going to cost you a heck of a lot, whether you have a loan system or a graduate tax…
AM: Mm.
JD: Alan Johnson set out very clearly about a £40 million difference in the pace of the cuts that we think is responsible..,
AM: Mm.
Soft questions too:
– Do you think you can break up the Liberal Democrats as a party?
– Do you think that the demonstrations which then turned into riots actually did the cause that you support a lot of damage?
JD: Andrew Marr is a biased journalist, and I’m very glad of it, sympathetic to us in the Labour Party.
AM: Mm.
Harriet’s Ginger Rodent had a far less easy time of it, being harried from the loaded first question (about the pupil premium being a ‘con’), with interruptions and challenges galore. Marr was as relentless as he never was when Labour was in power.
Israeli army ‘kills two militants entering from Gaza’
Two Palestinian militants trying to enter Israel from Gaza have been killed in a clash, with one Israeli soldier also injured, Israel’s army says.
Did the Israeli army say militants? Not according to IDF website
IDF Soldier Wounded, 2 Palestinians Killed in Gaza Incident, 11 Dec 2010 The IDF spokesperson said ‘suspect’.
Other points of dubious fit.
BBC: Israel’s army says there has been an increase in incidents along the border with Gaza in recent days.
IDF: Approximately 100 terror-related incidents took place near the security fence surrounding the Gaza Strip since the beginning of 2010, an average of one incident every three days.
Will INBBC (or its apartheid radio station, Asian Network ) criticise this?:
“The Hajj and the Apartheid Train: Where Is the Muslim Outrage?“
Let me get this right, the bBC regularly foists Toynbee, Daley, Leslie, Alibhai-Brown and Hillton on Londoners. What have you done to deserve that? You only need Chakrabarti for the full house. Did they look up women and get the definition we will use the most awful in the media? Before sorting out bias of left and right they should first sort out the bias of shite/not shite because they clearly have it way towards the former not the latter.
I am tempted to ask “What are you on?” You can’t lump them all together like that. Ann Leslie has always been a clever, witty, entertaining and observant commentator. She is one of those people who always enliven any discussion programme they are on: AN Wilson is another. Janet Daley, strikingly clever, a strong alternative voice and excellent insightful political columnist and commentator. They don’t fit the leftwing mould and are all the more necessary and interesting for that in media dominated by predictable lefty people without any sparkle of originality or wit.