Busy day so my first chance to catch up with you!.
Spoke to the Mail on Sunday today re the BBC offering a lucrative contract to Racing Driver David Coulthard even as he retains a lucrative contract with Red Bull. I trust they will run the story on Sunday.
Also, was alerted to this call for diversity feedback from the BBC. It seems Amanda Rice, BBC Head of Diversity, wants to know what YOU think about how the BBC tackles this subject. Please, let her know – tomorrow is the deadline! I’ve gone through the questionaire and added my tuppence worth – some of the questions are a hoot!
Too much off it!
My jaw dropped when I sawthe questionnaire. The built in assumption that diversity=good makes messing up the results a little tricky, but I think I succeeded 😉
Alan – Same here. But worth it!
John – Endurance is a price worth paying.
It is hilarious.
I would really urge posters to look at it.
I put myself down as a disabled, teenage, female, muslim, whose sex is not the same as assigned at birth, and I am bisexual, working in a man’s job and I live in Wales.
Now there’s unique for you, boyo !
( Apologies to all my Welsh friends ).
The only one in the village?
David P,
Well there is one sheep which is similar, but we have a personality clash.
I forgot to say, I put my “ethnicity ” down as “Black African”. Toyed with “Caribbean” but, you know, in Black Circles “Dey not de real thang, man “.
All roads lead to roam!
Brilliant, Grant! Now please- I want everyone to fill this in.
I just gave them both barrels.
Me too. But I wouldn’t be surprised if my response is binned.
I didn’t know that about you. We have a lot in common, then…
Now you’ve got me worried. Are there any dating sites for people like us ?
That was tremendous fun. This was my reponse to the first “What are your expectations…” question:
My expectations are that the BBC has an obligation to remain impartial when dealing with political issues. This is a larger issue of social engineering and not factual information or education, and the BBC ought to steer clear of advocating any position, regardless of its merits. Internally, of course, I expect the BBC to provide equal opportunities for all. That’s a corporate issue, nothing to do with the Charter and Agreement, although I presume the BBC has people in the relevant positions who are dedicated to such moral obligations.
After that I was very, very naughty, but very, very honest.
I was shocked by the question about whether or not one worked in a job “not assigned” to one’s own gender. I thought there was no such thing as a gender-specific job these days? Unless they thought gender-confused males could get employment as wet nurses.
Most fun I have had in a while filling that in.
Shame Jedi not reflected, mind.
Diversity means not being white, male and hetrosexual. And don’t even think of applying for a passport if you are.
Maybe I’m being a smart ass here, but it sure looks like the pictures are aimed at those whom the few people with brain cells at the Home Office think are the worst offenders of screwing it up.
Homeboys and militant Mohammedan women often choose inappropriate “statement” photos, I bet. And I’m sure too many people submit cutesy photos of the baby instead ofuseful ones.
The whole thing might even lead one to think the Home Office is racist. I don’t see any black babies there. Is the HO suggesting that minorities are too poor to bring their offspring with them when traveling, or that babies don’t travel to the verdant plains of Pakistan?
John Horne Tooke,
Aww, diddums, poor little you.
Have you been spat at in the street and told to “go back to where you came from” just because of your skin colour? Been patronised relentlessly by being described as a hot bit of totty in your place of work? Been punched in the face after a night out because someone decided you were obviously heterosexual?
Somehow I think not. Yet here you are bleating about what a poor little victim you are because there aren’t enough white faces on the passport application form.
I am “bleating” because diversity includes white males. If you cannot see that then you are more ignorant than I thought.
“I am ‘bleating’ because diversity includes white males.”
Yes it does, well done. Yet you propose that “in reality” it doesn’t because of some photos on a passport application form? How does that work exactly?
And, erm, what relevance does “heterosexuality” (re. you original post) have to do with these photos?
Incidentally, there are pictures of a white male in the passport document; shame you didn’t notice. Doh! ;p
Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem
Σοφοί άνδρες μιλούν επειδή έχουν κάτι να πουν ανόητοι επειδή πρέπει να πω κάτι.
Hahaha. That’s so funny.
“The fool doth think he is wise…”
And Shakespeare’s dad was bigger than Plato’s dad; so you loose. Naa-naa!
Have the last word… Your ego needs it.
Thanks. That’s very generous of you seeing as my ego is so so small compared to the incredibly mammoth size of your own… ;p
Dez writes:
“Have you been spat at in the street and told to “go back to where you came from” just because of your skin colour? “
Well I have brown skin,black hair and an Islamic name. (Actually its Egyptian but you try telling that to the faithful) and I have never been spat at and told to return where i come from (west Yorkshire) I currently reside in a very small English town where nearly everybody is white and nobody has ever past comment on my skin colour. Sorry they have I had a few girls ask me if its true if I have a big dick. No gays have been beaten up but we do have a problem with men beating up their women funny enough while all are white nearly all are from Eastern Europe.
I’m sorry to inform you but leaving out white male faces from passport application forms is a crime as big as any of those you listed as hate crimes. Or are you just so far up your arse you can’t see straight.
I was walking down a street in Kaolack in Senegal some years ago, minding my own business and a black man ,walking past me, shouted at me ” F**k off, white trash “. My main surprise was that he said it in english not french.
Yep, I know what it is like to be racially abused !
I filled out the form. Took about two hours… two hours I will never get back, the fucking cnuts.
@David Preiser: you miss the point re: passport photos. There are no white men on it. In USA (according to Wikipedia, the fount of all knowledge) whites are 65% of population (excluding Hispanic whites), here in dear old blighty we are about 95% (88% Brits, otherwise Irish, Euro, US, Oz, etc). It’s been very common over the New Labour years to depict society how it should be, not how it is. I’m a single parent and regularly receive unwanted and unwarrented mail shots from govt depts, and most fliers are multiracial, and frequently do not have any white men on them. Go figure.
“and most fliers are multiracial, and frequently do not have any white men on them. Go figure.”
Go figure what?
You can almost sense Dez/Scott’s keyboard melting as he bashes out his responses here! 😀
There he was thinking being a fan of the BBC meant not having to put up with non left wing opinions, and then he stumbles across this site and can’t deal with the frustration of knowing that the internet gives a platform to views the BBC would like to stop people hearing. Hard for a guy like Scott to deal with.
Ha, I see hippiepooter is still assuming that Dez and I are one and the same person.
And he’s still wrong. In this as in so many things…
Des is Scot. Guest is Dez is Scot. Is Dez also Hillhunt? It’s so hard to keep track and remember who’s who with all their frantic comings and goings, changes and disguises.
Wrong. I am Scott, but I’ve been show up as Guest because the only authentication method that JS-Kit works with on this device is OpenID, and that defaults to “Guest” as a user name. (As I wrote this, I just clicked on the user name field and hadn’t realised it was editable. Wish I’d discovered that sooner).
I am not, however, Dez. Or hillhunt. Or anybody else. It’s not really that difficult to comprehend – unless you happen to be really, really stupid.
I wonder why hippiepooter and Millie Tant are so convinced other people post under multiple names. Is it because they are one and the same person? How many other names does hippiepooter post under?
Dez, Scott, Guest, whoever. Keep on posting , you add to the gaiety of this blog ! ( using the word in “gaiety ” in its traditional sense ).
Methinks Scott/Dez doth protest too much. Yes Grant, he does add to the gaiety of this site, but that’s because his gayness (in the tragic sense of the word) is so amusing. One senses if one happened to enter the wrong bar in Soho and expressed the views we express here, we’d be pulling his nails out of our cheeks! But then, I’m really, really stupid 😀
Don’t sneer, Scott. Stupidity may strike you at any time, if it hasn’t already. Funny how you popped up after Dez. Just coincidence, I expect. 😉
As for hippie and I being the same…that’s a hoot! 😀 We are nothing alike and both of us easily recognisable to anyone here as distinct individuals.
You are nothing alike? Oh, I don’t know. You’re both so deluded you think that if two people disagree with you, they must of course be the same person.
“Funny how you popped up after Dez”? Er, I posted after hippiepooter mentioned me by name.
Have to say, though, I love the thought of hippiepooter walking around Soho looking for bars where he can be gratuitously, moronically offensive, and imagining that the people in those bars would give a fig what he thought about anything…
Errr: “It’s been very common over the New Labour years to depict society how it should be”… that should have read with “should be” in quotes, as in “should be, in the minds of our leftist elites”.
ps: is it me, or has anyone else noted how prominent Ed Milliband is in the reporting of politrics? I certainly don’t remember Cameron getting as much publicity or prominence as Opposition Leader. Has anyone made a study of this bias???
I was just attempting to head off any defenders of the indefensible who might chime in with, “but New Labour isn’t in charge any more, so this can’t be blamed on them, etc.”. The BBC certainly attempts to continue the tradition.
But I seriously meant that the ethniticies depicted are most likely the worst offenders.
The more publicity that silly little muppet Ed Miliband gets, the better !
I had some fun filling that in! Only the BBC could even ask such questions.
So did I!
Four out of seven questions on one page about sexuality. I thought Martin exagerates but I think he must have it right!
Some of the questions/comments ( and it seems to be a mixture ) don’t even make sense in english !
I wish we had been able to print the completed questionnaires. It would be such fun to see what everyone wrote!
I have to agree. And made a point of tearing the research question structures apart when they were ambiguous, leading, etc.
But one rather suspects that, as with all BBC ‘research’, anything not conforming to the hive mind will be rejected as ‘spoiled’.
Yes, the questionnaire seemed to have been written by some Beeboid teenager. It is almost illiterate.
Anyone who rejoices in the absurdity of a title such as Head of D word and conducting a survey about D word isn’t making sense to begin with. If they translate that tiresome and tired political weaselly jargon into something intelligible that says what it means, I may complete the survey.
New visitor here. According to my calculations there are 64 permutations of the sexuality thing. Mind boggling. Ain’t had a licence for years though. Off topic, but got ‘caught’ once and the bloke told me to cancel the direct debit after the first payment – and this was six years ago.
Welcome ! I hope you stick around for a while !
To help us achieve those aims, we want a workforce that is as diverse as modern Britain.
What about the World Service?
David, I’d just like to reiterate what has been said by many other posters here – thanks so much for highlighting this, it was great fun.
The sad thing is that the nutters at the BBC actually take it seriously. It is not a spoof. The BBC has just become one big self-parody and, in their tiny, narrow-minded , parochial little World , they are blissfully unaware.
I enjoyed it and answered it honestly. My answers will no doubt be excluded as they don’t fit into the BBC mindset. However, I may throw them with my answers supporting genuine equality for all, but rightly accusing them of wanting the opposite. I accused Bowen of being a bigot and I also attacked Frei. I enjoyed it.
This is a very sinister exercise – clearly the conclusions will be that we need a more concerted BBC effort to drive home their new model of society. “Consultations” are only ever conducted to substantiate a pre existing policy decision. That being said the worst aspect of the BBC mindset is exposed in the first question
What are your expectations of the BBC in contributing to creating an equal society
my ephasis – changing our existing society is their aim
Since when has it been the role of the BBC to actively create a new structure in society? The charter states that the BBC must reflect society – a mirrior is passive – not change it. The BBC fails comprehensively in its duty to inform us, they only ever seem to report their opinions rather than simple fact.
This quote shows the BBC in its purest form. In setting themselves the goal of creating an “equal” society it follws, therefore, that the BBC know what an equal society should look like. They therefore have a ‘model’ in view – which actively excludes a huge swathe of the opinions of the population as their views just don’t fit the model.
Here are a couple of my answers which I record for posterity. I strongly suspect that any feedback opposed to their politically biased ‘diversity’ agenda will be discarded.
Whenever we develop new services or channels, we will make sure that everyone is able to access and enjoy them
Ermm, “we will make sure”. That’s for the future. I am not a soothsayer. If on the other hand, you are trying to say we have technology available that can stop people with ginger hair and freckles accessing the BBC, but we’re not going to use it, then I believe you.
We will make sure more of our staff are from different places and different backgrounds
Anyone who shows signs of commitment to impartiality at interview stage will not be employed, regardless of ethnic origin or background (in fact coloured and working class people with a commitment to impartiality and liable to expose the BBC‘s incessant violation of it will be especially discriminated against by you. A very thorny problem for you to discredit such people. On the other hand every ethnic bigot, Islamist and ‘working class hero’ will be welcomed by you with open arms to advance your subversive agenda
Is there anything else you want to tell us in relation to equality and diversity?
Yes. Please hand in your resignation immediately, apologise to the license payer and taxpayer for abusing their money to promote your political agenda and employ people with the integrity to adhere to political impartiality.
Unfortunately, ‘print screen’ doesn’t work on my computer. Pity. You will see in its ‘ethnic origin’ drop down they have ‘White British’ but they don’t have ‘Black British’. This is outrageously racist of the BBC not to allow that Black Subjects born in Britain can identify themselves as British. Straight out of the BNP bigot book that if you’re black you can’t be British. Disgusting.
Probably the most entertaining thing the BBC has produced in years. I especially loved the final questions – gee, so many vital transgender possibilities.
Great that our money is being spent so well!
Filled in, mainly with rants about their inability to include people with opinions opposed to theirs.
Should make interesting read^H^H^H^throwing in the bin material for the British Biased Corporation.
— Richard
Filled in with several reminders that equality means considering the majority as well as various minorities, plus a passing mention that anti Americanism is not the acceptable face of racism, even when they have a white (c/w half white) president.
Thanks David; I gave them my considered opinions!
Great find – have posted a link on my site to spread the word:
I so wanted to put ‘sexual preference’ as Paedophile who feels oppressed by all the Paedophobes out there. When are the BBC going to tackle this oppression of a minority and schedule some programming putting Paedophiles in a positive light?
Very amusing, but I reckon my effort will be off straight in the bin. Managed to mention the Balen report and BBCs hopeless bias towards labour.
I’m sorry, folks, but I am rebelling and not filling it in. Also am rendered too incoherent with rage to elucidate.
/seethe seethe
I had little time, so my answer to most questions was “What is this claptrap ?”
I celebrate diversity in all its forms. 😉
Perhaps Amanda Rice could tell me why I’m not allowed to enjoy the full diversity of TV broadcasts in the UK unless I pay for the BBC.
Or perhaps she couldn’t.
Thje BBC is the biggest impediment to broadcasting diversity in the UK.
I’ve got a full copy of the BBC’s diversity survey if anyone wants to check out its social engineering agenda:
Top man! I’ve written to the Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP to complain about the BBC’s appalling racism in not allowing black Britons to identify themselves as British, your diligence might come in handy to refer to.
I do my best! 😉
Also the bias towards whites and the English is unacceptable. Only the answers to Q16 and Q23 were NOT in alphabetical order, clearly prioritising whites over all other groups and the English over all other home nations.