Some may winder if the pouting Victoria Derbyshire over on BBC 5 Live in danger of being perceived of inciting disorder and riots against government policy? A Biased BBC reader says of her programme the other day…
She spent the day with student protesters on the last two protests and now is asking ‘What is the best way to make your voice heard?‘ against government policy…this assumes of course that that policy is wrong or bad. She helpfully named the time and place of the next protest. The guests are all left wing radicals…one of whom has just suggested smashing things up…VD’s only question…’Isn’t that ineffective?’….no shock that violence is suggested….though she has told the guest off for saying ‘bollocks’.
Derbyshire’s name and attitude towards the Coalition government comes up time and time again in correspondence to me. Have you a view on her to share?
I cannot stand the woman – a more loathsome lefty you will struggle to find. I have to turn the radio off when she comes on. She might have lost a lot of her Scouse accent but she certainly retained her Scouse politics when she went south. A vile, vile woman.
There is a lot of leftie dross at Radio 5, most know I like to tip a bucket over that station on a daily basis, the worst by far is Bacon along with Dame Nikki, but Derbyshire is right up there with her leftist views.
During the party conference season she did three debates, all three had as a studio audience large numbers of public sector union backed rent a crowd, including the one from the Tory party conference.
Leftists get an easy ride from her on a daily basis, endless Guardian hacks along with the usual Radio 5 bile towards the Tea Party and Republicans.
Nicky Campbell getting slagged again. I’d like to know what is supposed to be so wrong with him? When I left Blighty 9 years ago I thought he was a class act. Generally a bit of a leftie, for sure, but a people’s leftie. He openly declared a bias in opposing the release of Jamie Bulger’s murderers. He used to get slated a lot for bias when I was in Blighty as well. Has something really changed since I caught that easyjet plane in 2002, or is he still getting slagged for the same reasons that I can’t fathom?
What’s wrong with Dame Nicky? I don’t know where to start….
Speaking of Guido it was Dame Nikki who had to apologise on air after calling Guido a Fascist, but there’s nothing wrong with Dame Nikki is there?
That was superb and was probably the only time when 5 Dead actually made my day. Guido’s outrage which forced Dame Nikky to apologise made me laugh so much I nearly crashed the car….
You’re right, there’s nothing wrong with Dame Nicky – he’s the voice of the nation and a man of the people (as long as the nation and the people are lefties).
I’d like to know how he can be considered part of the systematic BBC ‘vote Labour’ campaign that the likes of Harrumphrys, Naughtie and Paxman form a key part of, not just one isolated incident that shows he’s very capable of being silly.
Sorry but I’ve commented on Dame Nikki’s leftyism on many occasions, I only highlighted that one just as an example.
Campbell is a tosser, his leftie sneering, in particular his broadcasting after 9/11 was a disgrace.
He’s the one who attacked Richard Littlejohn live on Radio 5 AND he’s also a smug little shit who thought he was going to takeover Newsnight a few years ago, his ego vastly out strips his intellect.
I too have previously pointed out some examples of Dame Nikki’s naked and shameless leftyism. If you want evidence listen to Five Dead in the morning with his daily twee little love in with Sheeelaarrggghh if you can stand it.
As pointed out by Martin his ego is something to behold and his interviews are lightweight. I’ve also noticed that he’ll cut interviews short if the guest isn’t saying what he wants.
I often chuckle when, during interviews, he sometimes says that he has to be impartial or put the other side of the argument across. I honestly think he believes he’s on the middle ground.
Another annoying habit of the pint sized prat is his telling of jokes, well what he thinks are jokes, he’ll make some snidey joke or comment and if it gets ignored by the person he told it to (we’re all supposed to burst out laughing apparently) he’ll interrupt them or ignore what they’ve just said to repeat his shitty joke again.
Without doubt the pint sized twat is the worlst on Radio 5 and he has some star company of tossers to compete with.
Yet another annoying habit he’s got is his little self indulgent jokes he has with Sheelarrghhh which is often a play on words or some sort of crappy pun that crops up. They chuckle away and seem to think that all their listeners also find it hilarious and are laughing along with them – they’re not. In these situations he often puts on a bit of a mock posh English accent and say’s “oh don’t you know” or something to that effect. Urrrgghhhh.
He was at his worst in every way when he was in South Africa for the World Cup (quite why he was there I don’t know although it no doubt cost the tax payer a fortune). I’m suprised they could fit his ego into the country. The only thing keeping me going was that gun crime is rife in that part of the world…….
My views on the vile VD are well known – – but worse than her obvious bias and her choice of guests is that irritating “nnnh” noise that she keeps on making, it really is one of the most irritating noises on the radio –
Yes that “nnnn” noise is one of the many reasons I don’t listen to her at all now.
If you haven’t already, I suggest you listen to the superb interview she did with Guido Fawkes. VD was getting more and more narked with him which was evident from the long pauses between questions. Some of Guido’s answers were hilarious. You could tell she really hated him. Can’t think why though…..
Where can I find that?
It’s been withdrawn, possibly because it was too long ago.
I wonder if the comrades would be quite so understanding if the right wing indulged in mindless violence and vandalism and gang thug activities?
I wonder if the BNP would get such a respectful and understanding interview, political violence perfectly understandable from the left? You can almost taste the bias, its as though the left has the moral right to smash things up and run riot and I wonder who put that into their heads and I wonder who has largely been responsible for spreading that view of acceptability?
Dont like the government? Just smash things up and vandalise and attack the police, its easy and so understandable isnt it? No need to peacefully protest and act within the law is there? The left has a long tradition of political violence, they have their street thugs on standby and ready.
So there you see the difference between left and right, ugly anti social violence and mob thuggish bullying shimmering just beneath the surface and the BBC encourages the acceptance of this violence, to the left its is simply another political tool.
Cassandra – well put – It is never difficult to establish the BBC narrative on any given topic. Clearly student protests are ‘good’ and ‘healthy for democracy’ and anyway protesting is a ‘right of passage’ just like ‘gap year dope smoking’. Someone has to stand up to ‘facher etc etc etc.
More substantively you have nailed the essential truth of the matter – the BBC does not, ever, report/analyse impartially – it examines everything through the distortion of its own ‘moral lens’. In this case it believes student protests are “good” clearly spraying “FUC* THE TORIES” on Nelsons Column is a perfectly acceptable form of protest to them, and will be very effective in reversing this fascist approach to student fees. On the other hand, the right has absolutely no moral claim to being ‘good’ – it is essentially evil and therefore cannot be reported in any other way.
As a matter of interest I do not object to peaceful student marches etc in the least, fine by me – just the way that school kids have been incited to play truant and misbehave, the small number of self deluding fuc*wits like poor starving Charlie Gilmore and the SWP Trotskists who are not even students but like to stick it to the “Tories”.
I was watching journey to the Planets last night, Pluto was the one being discussed and I loved the shots they did of protesters peacfully objecting to Pluto being demoted from a planet to a dwarf planet.
That’s the sort of protest I want to go on.
By the way has anyone else noticed that Mr Gilmore appears to have vanished from the narrative ? I wonder why that might be 🙂
At the risk of being very non-PC, she could well benefit from a thorough ……………………….
….with the rough end of a pineapple.
Come to think of it, perhaps that remedy is already being applied, hence the “nnnnn” noise.
I often think it sounds like she’s got a vibrator under the desk. I was once listening and it was “nnnnnh” “nnnnnh” every 5 flippin’ minutes.
Yes I was very surprised to hear Derbyshire incite listeners by saying “what’s the best way to protest against the government …. call this number…..”. The BBC would not think of running a phone-in such as this while labour was in power.
Good point. The only criticism of the government I heard on her show when Labour was in power was from other Labour MP’s or those much further to the left (looney lefties).
Tories and those from the right who criticised Labour were only on as a token gesture and quickly dismissed and things moved on quickly.
Ms. Derbyshire is the sort of Beeboid who describes herself as a ‘feminist’, but who never criticises the tenets of Islam relating to the role of women; and she would avoid an article like this:
“Challenges to Islamo-feminism: Women’s Literature Critical of Islam”
Never heard her. When they moved football from Radio 2 to make even more room in the BBC’s schedules for pop music they put it on Radio 5. The likes of Derbyshire are low quality fillers for the hours between football commentaries. The station’s chit chat is very low on the BBC’s list of priorities, hence the move to Salford docks.
Nicky Campbell isn’t so bad; he’s a bit left but not too tribal and does have a brain, and a sense of humour. Victoria Darbyshire on the other hand is a 21st century Milli-Tant; her programme is one long leftie rant.
There are countless public sector interest groups, ‘victims’, ‘protestors’, etc. on every day, hours and hours devoted to women’s ‘rights’ (but never men’s) and the general assumption that putting the world to rights is simpy a question of asking for more ‘funding’, and that if it’s not given then the powers that be are wrong/hearltess/out of touch/don’t understand or care.
There is never any discussions about our membership of the EU, our massive welfare state, the notion of big government, the need for efficiency, or the idea that business and/or the private sector has suffered massively in the past few years – and that normal people work in the private sector, not just cartoon eighties-style red braces wearing Yuppies. She and/or her producer simply has no conception that there’s a world outside the Beeb where normal people have to work hard to survive (i.e. the free market) and where they can’t just ask for more ‘funding’ to do what they need to do.
She and Richard Bacon are 5 Live’s main sources of lefty bias. I’ll give Victoria one thing; at least she’s not a mindless fame junkie and rampant ego-tist/self publicist like Bacon is. I think she’s a decent person who’s simply never been exposed to the (real) world outside her lefty rights-based, responsibility-averse clique; Bacon is an ex-cokehead who’s in love with D-list celebrity and all that it entails. As an aside, Harry Hill came on his programme and tore apart the absurd waste of taxpayers’ money that is BBC 3; Bacon was speechless and utterly amazed that anyone could possibly dare to question the existence of this new low in broadcasting. Shows Hill has a brain and Bacon doesn’t.
Michael Parkinson also left Bacon speechless when he laid into Russell Brand.