BBC News editor Rachel Kennedy has removed the tweet, highlighted here, in which she expressed hope that recent events would “do for” Sarah Palin (h/t John Horne Tooke). In case you missed it here’s the screengrab:
Kennedy will now be attending a “masterclass” by BBC Twitter tutor Sue Llewellyn (who was herself quite keen to associate Palin with the Tuscon shootings):
OT , but Farming Today this morning, was a parody of a bbc programme, it had to be. Firstly there was a woman from disability rights, saying there was disability discrimination down on the farm and how it was against the law and you could get government grants to convert farm machinery for disabled users.
The rest of the programme was taken up by an econut complaining that there was no fixed government standard for sustainability claims on imported tuna fish .
Palin must have been a British farmer in a previous reincarnation, to upset the bbc so much.
Yes, Palin is the new Thatcher, she is ALWAYS to blame 😀
Grants to convert farm machinery for disabled people? W T F ?
It won’t be long until the unemployed can get a grant to play the national lottery for betterment of their financial predicament…
At the risk of sounding insensitive, it’s unfortunate that some people in life are disabled, for whatever reason, and though it is right that they should be helped in every way, they basically have no additonal “rights” to the rest of us.
As a disabled person, it must be self-evident that you are incapable of some tasks, roles and jobs in life that a fully able bodied person may be able to cope with, so you should accept that there are BOUND to be ceratin life opportunities that are unavailable to you, and cut your cloth accordingly.
Why should EVERYTHING be geared to the minority demands? It’s just crazy – normality and logic have been turned upside down. If you are disabled, it’s unlikely that you’ll either want to be, or be able to be, a farm worker using agricultural machinery.
Why on earth disabled activists demand these rights defeats me. They are clearly NOT equal to the rest of us, so why pretend that they are? It doesn’t make them any more worthless than anyone else, but they have to adapt to the world that they find themselves in, rather than the other way round
“Masterclass ” !!! My God, the arrogance of these silly little teenage Beeboids. They really do live in a parallel universe. Pass the sick bag !
I had planned to bring this to Master Stephen Nolan’s attention but was “uninvited” and so missed the opportunity.
Thta’s a shame, but not surprising. I bet Nolan wasn’t keen to hear comparisons with the BBC’s reporting of Fort Hood either.
Heh, we’re cyber bullies now. Diddums.
So the Gregory Beeboid gives the game away: B-BBC doesn’t count. So Beeboid Bias doesn’t matter. There speaks the true voice of the Beeboid with its trademark arrogance and sneering dismissal of anything that it doesn’t like.
Let’s see this swaggering Beeboid here on the blog to tell us who is bullying whom, why Beeboid Bias doesn’t matter and to stand up to argument and to evidence. What’s not to like? 😀
By the way, who is this Hawkins?
Ah poor diddums, nice to see we really do annoy the shits at the BBC.
If we’re so awful, why do they pay attention? Either there is something of value here or these Beeboids and defenders of the indefensible who lurk and giggle have emotional problems. If this is what they need to feel better about themselves, I’d suggest they need more help than just on how to use Twitter without giving away their personal biases.
Gregory?? well he cannot have been bullied he ran off so fast you could smell the burning rubber [cue Martin lol] from Anglesey!.
Incredible !
We little, unpaid, volunteeers here at B-BBC, with our non-existent budget, bullying grossly overpaid Beeboids with a budget of £4 billion or whatever. What a hoot !
Final proof that Beeboids are mentally deranged.
Still, nice to know we are annoying the parasitical vermin.
Keep up the good work chaps and chapesses !
A commenter on the Duff & Nonsense site
drew attention to this post on the Daily Kos
Apparently on 6 January Kos indirectly called for the death of Giffords. Another little item which I can predict the BBC will not report despite the Kos being a major source of inspiration for the BBC’s US correspondents.
I included a screengrab of that Daily Kos article in my Blame Palin blogpost.
Which only goes to show that I should read the posts on here more carefully – and follow the links provided!
I didn’t see it either – must have skimmed over the post pretty quickly.
PDS alert. Justin Webb acknlowedges the hatred in America politics from the left, but says it was “perfected by the Palin right“.
I think Justin Webb perfected Palin hatred.
Just my thought when I read it. He pioneered it as well. His antics in America during the Presidential campaign were deplorable and despicable.
“Masterclass ” !!! My God, the arrogance of these silly little teenage Beeboids. They really do live in a parallel universe. Pass the sick bag !
Sue Llewellyn is no teenage scribbler – she will be nearly 50. She was captain of the university ladies rugby team – I can remember playing aginst her in a mixed match.
How did you tell her from one of the blokes?
Is that really called for, Martin?
No but I liked it
She maybe nearly 50 physically – but mentally most of these “journalists” have not matured past their university days. Could you really believe that proffesional journalists would “twitter” their idiotic thoughts for all the world to see and expect people to think they were unbiased. These people have the interlect of a 12 year old.
I was referring to her mental age.
Tweets will do for them in the end. It is always the little things that give people away.
Keep highlighting them so we can all see the real minds of the beeboids.
Exactly. Kennedy has already given the game away. The tweet is in the public view and the cat is out of the bag. No amount of masterclassing can deny that a Beeboid news editor is indulging in party politics and is as far from impartial as any Democrat party or Labour party supporter or member.
This tells us that the news editor works in an organisation such that she felt free to believe that it is perfectly acceptable to tweet party political comments directed at a politician in a foreign country. If it were an impartial news organisation she would know beyond doubt that that wasn’t acceptable in the first place and she wouldn’t need a special remedial class in order to know it – it would be in the very air she breathed and put into practice in everything around her.
It’s the same as with those honesty classes (What a joke!). If they worked in an honest and honourable organisation, they would never have needed them. What kind of public service organisation is so far removed from public service values and traditions of integrity and quality that it requires classes in honesty? One that is so debased and corrupted that it doesn’t practise them as it used to do: as a matter of course.
The Kennedy tweet does indeed give the game away. The overwhelming mass of BBC “journalists” disapprove of Palin, and would love to see her damaged.
So they have joined in with gusto in the fun pof trying to take Palin down. The Palin angle has been central to all the BBC reporting, day after day. And this morning, in their selection of what the Press are saying, they went straight to the leftie press for more anti-Palin stuff – as if this is the second-main item in the news. If they can’t find it on the front page of the Guardian or the Indie, they’ll just keep looking.
By contrast – I have seen dozens of articles and serious blogposts that prove totally that the gunman was a lunatic ploughing his own furrow, that he had issues with Gabrielle Gifford since 2007, that he has no possible link with the Tea Party, that nothing Palin ever said was out of line with stuff from the Democratic side, that the lunatic was if anything leftwing politically — etc etc etc. And that the local sheriff is a Democrat partisan hack, that the gunman had been reported repeatedly to the police for making threats and the police took no action that might have prevented him obtaining legally the Glock he used for the killings.
NONE of this has appeared on the BBC airwaves – ALL of it has been available for days now.