Regular visitors will know that I spent somewhat longer in Gambia, my “second home” at the end of last year and was interested to get the opinions of Gambians on the BBC.
BBC 24 News is available in Gambia, but not widely. Most access is to the BBC radio World Service, the main restricting factor being availability of electricity and the , for them, high cost of batteries.
Gambia has a tradition of mutual tolerance of all religions and tribes and a culture of harmony and “no disturbance “.
About 90% are muslim and 10% christian. The tolerance extends to inter-faith marriages. The husband of a couple, who are friends of mine is catholic, his wife muslim. This is not unusual there. The children are being brought up as catholics ! I suspect Gambia is pretty unique in this respect.
However, this culture of conflict avoidance causes many Gambians to be wary of expressing opinions in case of giving offence. Given that I am British, most “ordinary” Gambians, when asked about the BBC praised its “excellence” etc. Another problem I had was to explain the word “bias”. Most Gambians I talked to saw this as a good thing. One should be biased towards one’s family and friends and so on. I guess they would expect the BBC to be biased in favour of British interests !! ( to be continued )
Is it really as benign as that sounds? Don’t they live under a dictator with a State controlled media and no doubt other ways of imposing and ensuring harmony? In such circumstances, I’d expect people to be wary of speaking and giving offence.
This morning bBC had another piece on AGW and more specifically the bleaching of coral through the increase in temperature of the sea.
They started off stating that within 50 years all the coral would be dead, then that was revised to 30 years and in the next breath 20-50 years.
The woman they had on the sofa wasn’t overly interesting almost as if she had just learned her lines off screen and spilled them to the airwaves for posterity.
There are many other factors that affect coral than just water temperature, admittedly most are man, including fishing and agricultural run off, but there are some more devastating effects that we cannot control including el-nino and hurricanes.
Israel kills Palestinian farmer near Gaza ‘buffer zone’
The article goes on to say:
“It (Israel) said it was not aware of Monday’s shooting of the farmer, but witnesses in Gaza said the elderly man was shot and killed by soldiers in an Israeli watchtower as he was working some 2km (one mile) from the border.”
So the man was shot from a watchtower from a distance of 2kms say local witnesses.
Sniper, surely, at that distance?
But wait. If true that would have been the sixth furthest sniper shot on target so far this decade.
So the BBC trumpets certainty in the headline…relying on local sources. The killings in Gaza (it’s got that kind of law and order policy) that are blamed on the Israelis is common.
But the BBC states, unequivocally, that the farmer was killed by Israeli troops from a distance of about 1700 yards. (if a mile) and 2000 metres (about 2200 yards) if from 2 kilometres.!
Two incidents concerning a Christian and a Muslim guess which one the bBC publishes by declaring his faith? Church worker ‘slit son’s throat before suicide bid’ A south London church worker slit his son’s throat and then tried to kill himself after accusing his wife of adultery, the Old Bailey has heard. Social worker ignored warnings before toddler’s murder Her mother Zahbeena Navsarka, 21, was jailed for nine years for manslaughter. Her mother’s partner Subhan Anwar, 21, was jailed for life with a minimum term of 23 years for her murder.
Not only that but this case they didn’t even bother reporting: ‘Trusted’ Mile End teacher molested girls during lessons on the Koran A TEACHER who instructed children on the Koran has been jailed for three years and three months after he was convicted of sexual assault against girls as young as four. Ashraf Miah, 38, of Joseph Street, Mile End, was sentenced at Snaresbrook Crown Court on Friday following his conviction by a jury on 13 charges of sexual assault between 2005 and 2009.The offences happened when Miah was entrusted to teach young girls to read from the Koran either at his home theirs.
Funny enough he not only practices the same faith as the geezer from Portsmouth sent down for the same crime, but comes from the same country. Let me give you a clue it starts with a P and ends in a stan.
Even with £800+ million to spend and the only by-election around (unless I’ve missed one) the BBC has, so far, failed to inform its listeners/viewers of this affront to democracy which euroreferendum highlights
The BBC is too busy smearing Sarah Palin and the Tea Party for the outrage in Tucson (a town in a foreign country) to report this incident happening here in what is technically England.
I hate the BNP and all they stand for, however the Gestapo who threw him out and the UAF scum in the audience and the candidate (I assume Labour) who organised this affront to democracy behaved like the real nazis.
It was apparently a public meeting for which the BNP says they had booked their tickets and turned up but were then asked to leave by a Labour Councillor. This Labour Councillor was referred to by the police as the organiser.
Dear Readers, I was in email contact with Cllr Hulme who organised the event and he refused to invite 5 of the candidates included myself. I informed him that the meeting broke Electoral commission rules on hustings, the Millgate Arts Centre building recieves public funding and the meeting was advertised as an open event. The people of Delph should have been allowed to ask any questions to any of the candidates, in controlling the meeting like they did and only allowing on candidates who’s parties are already discredited with Scandles, deciet and lies was an insult to the people of Saddleworth and anti-democratic. Cllr Hulmes reasons were unjustified and when he lost the argument his emails reverted to All capitals and in bold ie, shouting in text language. Stephen Morris English Democrats
The only affront to democracy that I see is that a representative of the neo-Nazi BNP was invited in the first place (assuming it’s true that he had been). Pretty stupid of the event organiser to then call the Police to eject him, given the great propaganda material it provides the British Nazi Party.
I dont think democratic politicians should share any election platform with any extremists, whether they be BNP, Respect or the SWP. They’d all turn the country into one big concentration camp if you let them.
I don’t know if the BNP candidate was an uninvited guest. That he had a chair and there was no-one left standing while he occupied that chair argues that he was.
Nevertheless, for now at any rate, the BNP is a legal organisation. I – like you – dislike the BNP’s policies but if you seek to stop the BNP putting forward its policies in a public forum because you dislike them then where do you stop?
However, and coming back to the reason for this website, why has the BBC ignored this? Surely it’s news. I know there’s no-one on the BBC hate-list to smear here but even so I reckon it’s more newsworthy than yet another rancid speculation concerning Sarah Palin or the Tea Party.
They’ve just stepped down from power after losing an election. If by some perverse quirk of fate the BNP or SWP won power you wouldn’t have any more elections.
But if you ban them from democratic discourse, you are acting like them. The old maxim by possibly Jefferson “I abhor all the things you stand for, but I would fight for your right to say it”. I can’t remember the exact words but the sentiment still remains true in a democracy.
For instance, if we all agreed to ban the BNP, when next Milliband is in power, he and his cronies may very possibly decide to ban all negative talk about Europe so UKIP get banned. Then he may decide that people like John Redwood be banned from expressing conservative views. Once you start down this path of banning people you don’t like who knows where it will end? Concentration Camps?
No I hate the BNP and UAF but they must be allowed to express their thoughts. If they break the law, by word or deed, then arrest them. Until then we must fight for our freedom.
They were stopped from expressing their thoughts because they weren’t allowed to attend an event for candidates to the by-election. They have every right to speak, and it’s up to the other candidates to pull their arguments to pieces. After all, he’s BNP so his arguments will be easily ripped to shreds.
Noone is obliged to invite any party to a public forum to debate. If democratic parties share public debating forums with extremists they give the extremists credibility. The BNP and SWP are free to hold their own public meetings. Saying the BNP have been denied free speech because of this is the same as saying Sarah Palin incited murder for putting targets on, erm, target seats.
The only thing I was very unhappy about concerning the BNP was at the Dagenham count before last where no party candidateis gave a results speech to deny Fuhrer Griffin from speaking. This is one occasion where a key democratic tradition and principle was flouted and served as a propaganda coup for Griffin who appeared on stage for the count with gag over his mouth. The trouble is, if say, the Tory candidate had said we shouldn’t break with this long held tradition just because of the BNP I’m sure the scurrilous Labourites would have accused him of being a fascist sympathiser just like Palin’s being shamelessly blamed for the Tucson murders.
They need to be treated for being beyond the democratic pale as they are. Otherwise we have the situation we have in N. Ireland when a terrorist party Sinn Fein has been legitimised by negotiations and deals. Now we have the terrorist nationalists getting double the vote of the constitutional nationalists when before it was the reverse.
If you left it to iDave he would ban anyone to the right of Harold MacMillan; Miliband would draw his line even further to the left; and Blair would have had no consistent rule, but merely banned everyone he personally disliked (or even, didn’t acually like).
Like many others, the politics of the BNP are certainly not my politics. Unfortunately however, you don’t defeat them by adopting the tactics of their historical predecessors in the way the SA silenced speakers. You defeat them by standing against them and showing the electorate what they are. There are two real points here though:
Firstly for what reason do the police remove the man? According to some witnesses they apologised to him outside which would suggest no crime was committed.
How has a party like this gained traction? Is it because people who may have had honest questions about their society, marginalised and vilified by politicians who recent history admitted they hagged effectively rigged the social makeup of this country for their own ends. Parties like this have been shown by history to thrive when normal people get sidelined and denied a voice and are looking for someone who will ‘listen’ to them. In moments like that they can be quite beguiling.
From digging around it appears, there are 10 candidates. Only 5 were invited to be on the stage. The BNP man was not one of the 5. The meeting appears to have been organsied by the council and is an OPEN meeting and not a closed meeting. If it were closed, then the organiser can pick and choose who attends. However, this seems to be an open non partisan election meeting and I believe all 10 should have been invited. To have one thrown out, the Police are being used as the Brown shirts on behalf of the Labour councillor who set up the meeting, is obviously wrong. A total disgrace to democracy if I have understood the facts correctly.
Not solely a bBC problem, but I find this truly disgusting in a so called democratic country. The MSM would be in arms if this happened in Sudan, Pakistan, Thailand etc…
What do you expect ? The UK ceased to be a democracy in any meaningful sense many years ago and the useless, politicised British Police are a big part of the problem. Notice in the video clip, the two plods only take action when a paramilitary police scumbag appears on the scene !
Yes, it is so funny that in the 60s and 70s , it was the Left who called the police “fascist pigs”. Now after 13 years of Labour politicisation, the police are the friends of the Left and enemies of everyone else !
Explain what you mean by useless. I am a special constable having served 28 years in the armed forces. Yes, some are useless and in an ideal world should be sacked. But you have generalised the police based on what? Daily Mail reporting? You probably only know what really goes on because you read the press. You probably don’t know for instance that on Christmas Day a police officer had his finger bitten off whilst attending a domestic incident. You probably dont know of a young female police officer who was run over deliberately by a driver and but for the grace of god only sustained a broken ankle and ribs. It really angers me that because of ONLY anti-police stories in the media, the public think it is widespread. It isn’t. If you would like to check it out for yourself, do what I did and become a Special.
I don’t agree with the police actions on this occasion, but how are those at the bottom supposed to tell seniors to go to hell? How long do you think they will keep their jobs? If there is anybody to blame, it is the Labour candidate for making the complaint in the first place and the politicians and senior officers who have allowed the politicisation of the police force. Where did you get the idea that the police were ‘paramilitary’ or ‘scumbags’? Are you saying that the police should not wear body armour (a female officer was killed not wearing one a few years ago). Are you saying that police officers should not carry handcuffs, or personal protection equipment, or a radio? I would like to know how you would react as a lowly PC when called to an incident like this, even if you know in your heart that it isn’t right. Or called to a violent incident? You may have all the answers and if you do please share.
Well I apologise for tarnishing all police with the same brush. And maybe I have been unlucky with my own dealings with the police in recent years.
I am not talking about protective clothing, handcuffs or radios, when I talk about “para-military uniforms”. I am talking about the increasingly intimidatory appearance of the uniforms.
I am not a Daily Mail reader.
Mightn’t the increasingly intimidatory appearance of the Special Response Units be a reaction to the increasingly violent nature of these protests? The first protest was policed with less of an intimidatory appearance, and look what happened. How many people got done for attempted murder in subsequent protests?
Over the weekend another Iranian airliner fell out of the sky. Of course this is nothing to laugh about and but neither is the omission of information or even misdirection’s in the telling of the News over why this aircraft crashed. Here is what the bBC has to say on the matter, note how since the last Iranian air crash and how this website debunked its view that it was all Americas fault the so called fight experts at the bBC point in the direction of the US without actually naming it: Iran investigates IranAir passenger plane crash Iran has begun an investigation into a passenger plane crash in the north-west of the country which killed at least 77 people.The IranAir, which was carrying 104 people, was flying from Tehran when it came down and broke into pieces near the city of Orumiyeh…. Iran’s civil fleet is made up of planes in poor condition due to their age and lack of maintenance. “The plane was given to Iran in 1974 and at that time it was a second-hand,” ISNA news agency said.The country has been under international sanctions for years, making it much more difficult to buy new aircraft or spare parts from the West. So from reading the above we are informed that Iran’s civil air fleet is decrepit, that they cannot get new parts and that the plane which crashed was second-hand when bought in 1974.
2)The US in 2006 did a turn around and allowed Iran to purchase spare parts for its Airbus and Boeing fleet.
3)Iranian law insists that any aircraft that they purchase must have less than 10% US content and must not have been owned by the US beforehand.
4)The sanctions in place do not forbid Iran from leasing planes just buying them.
5)Last July the EU placed a ban on Iran air from flying certain aircraft into Europe including the type that crashed. This was due to shoddy working practices. Something the bBC reported at the time but for some reason omits in its latest report.
6)IranAir has purchased the so called sanctioned following aircraft in the last 10 years: Airbus A310-203 Airbus A310-304/324 Airbus A320-211/214 Boeing 747-200BM Boeing 747-21AC Boeing 747-2J9F In total 12 aircraft.
For some reason the link on serial 1 isn’t working right as it only takes you to a master sheet. For the plane that crashed input the CN number of the aircraft: 20945 into the box on the right.
INBBC and its reluctant reporting of a further case of ‘Muslim/Pakistani/Asian sex gangs’.
‘Newsnight’ tried to relegate the issue of Muslim sex gangs last night by using the word ‘ethnicity’;. of course, Islam is not a race. INBBC refuses to explore the tenets of Islam in relation to imperatives on behaviour towards we kafirs.
INBBC today:
“Nine arrested in teenager sex exploitation inquiry”
The bBC play the game of, lets hope people just read the headline and don’t bother with the nitty gritty, as it seems to be standard fare to put the core of the content on paragraph 3 of the article as always.
Last night’s Horizon on BBC2 promised to be quite interesting – an investigation into the true meaning of temperature. Naturally, it was presented by a comedian rather than a scientist, as we’ve come to expect, but it was the introduction of AGW scaremongering into the documentary that was most predictably depressing.
Global warming cultism aside, it really was a great example of the state of BBC science coverage nowadays. The central theme was Ben Miller’s personal journey, rather than the actual science (which was pretty thin on the ground). So what is ostensibly a science documentary becomes yet more solipsistic d-list celebrity navel gazing. With a dollop of climate alarmism.
That’s why I made a conscious decision not to bother watching it. As most “scientists” liked by the BBC, and the presenters are now comedians (or fatuous pretty boys and girls) anyway, the prospect was a complete turn-off – I just KNEW they way it would go, a justifiable prediction by all accounts.
Thanks. I had no idea who he was but I had decided to stick with Mozart in any case instead of watching anything on TV.
This meant also forgoing the pleasure of seeing Diane Abbott, late of Beeboid Corporation, appearing on Channel 4 on Come Dine with Me, the first serving MP to do so, apparently.
I started to watch it, safe in the knowledge that temperature is clearly defined (its an SI unit ffs) so I wondered what line it would take. I managed to last 5 minutes then turned it off in frustration. Crap tv.
BBC Democrat, and Obama worshipper, MARK MARDELL, continues his pro-left, anti-Republican, political propaganda ( his political hate figure of Sarah Palin is singled out again by him, for the FOURTH blog of his in a row!) on Tucson, etc.
Apart from implicitly supporting Hillary Clinton’s remarks (which have been exposed by Melanie Phillips in ‘Comment’ here, Mardell ignores the widespread political venom of the left -oulined by Phillips; instead, Mardell continues to only criticise certain Republicans (including his permanent political target of Palin) whom he judges not to have said or done enough to exonerate themselves, and so cannot be politically innocent in Mardell’s prejudiced eyes!
The website gives links to 20 or more articles each day – from across the US spectrum. There is a clear divide – the lefties have rushed to use the Tucson tragedy as a PRETEXT to attack Palin et al, the right have quite properly accused the left for rushing to judgmnent and for deliberately ignoring, day after day, clear facts about the gunman.
The BBC – as it is so unbiased, have turned a blind eye to most of the facts, and has regurgitated all the leftie Journalista spleen.
Quelle surprise.
Mardell should be sacked for incompetent coverage of the whole sorry saga.
I just saw it on BBC TV News at One. It was the BBC’s lead headline, but I was left guessing which party Illsley had beloged to before he was expelled.
Then , later in the bulletin , the BBC revealed that he was Labour.
Imagine the headline if he had been Conservative :-
“Tory MP pleads guilty to expenses fraud “.
The vast majority of the worst expenses frauds have been Labour MPs. The BBC’s bias, as usual, is blatant.
I was disgusted that Chaytor only got 18 months. Apparently, if Illsley gets less than 12 months, he can stay on as an independent MP. What is the betting that the Judge is a Labour politico and gives him 11 months ?
I think being expelled from Parliament should be punishment enough. MPs should have immunity in these sorts fo cases. It sets a very dangerous precedent allowing prosecution. Its our ‘new’ leaders playing to the media gallery to grub votes with little thought of the consequences. There was a time our political leaders had the gravitas to deal with these matters responsibly.
MPs should be immune from prosecution for criminal offences? You cannot be serious. The only immunity MPs have is that required to ensure they have the freedom to debate without falling foul of the law, for example law of libel, contempt of court and the like.
Not today, my friend. Today is officially designated as have a whine about bankers bonuses day and Radio 4 will be broadcasting large numbers of carefully selected irrelevant soundbites from the disgruntled & the bitter, none of which refer to the part our glorious party played in making this a topic we can try and damage the Coalition government with.
British rock icon Jack Bruce has called for Simon Cowell’s extermination – because he believes the music mogul is single-handedly wrecking the industry.
Doing the rounds are Brendan Barber, Bob Crowe and Len McClusky, pushing the lie that it’s all the bankers fault. Conviently forgetting that Brown and Labour created the finance bubble that the banks caused to burst.
So on Today Evan Davis was interviewing Len, Len gave the same spiel that he had already done for Sky etc. All of which had pointed out he was lying, so now it’s Evan’s turn to tell Len he is a liar. To my amazement he did bring the subject up, and very timidly did attempt to CORRECT Len. He could have tried much harder, but very limp wristed in the end.
NTS: There is a current campaign by Liebour/TU to insist that the financial problems are caused by the Bankers and that the financial position is not as bad as it is. The audience is the voting public so those three are going arond saying the deficiet has been higher. No it has not £160B is by far the biggest. The debt has been bigger. The norm has been arounf 30-40% of GDP it is now 80% and going higher until 2015.
The campaign is to make sure the public do not get a wiff that Brown and his spending 2000 to 2007 caused the bubble, the Banks not the investment bankers burst the bubble. The 1M public sector jobs were not financially sustainable and that the deficiet quick paydown is best solution to a bad situation. The TU knows the real situation this is their smake and mirrors for the public.
The BBC has mostly signed up to the Labour argument. Evan Davis was the first person I have heard to even try to nail responsibility for the economic crisis where it belongs.
I’m waiting now for the bleeding hearts at the BBC to say how unfair the 32 month sentence is for the 18 year thug who attempted murder by throwing a fire extinguisher from the roof of Millbank. He should have had 20 years, not out before 10 and no chance of going to University on release. The little bastard has virtually got away with his attempted murder.
An extremely droll logo DB. Love it! … Oh no! What’s happening?! I’m now picking up a gun and am about to kill a BBC journalist and indiscriminately kill bystanders .. It’s all your fault DB!
Oh, look! You are bullying the Beeboid Corporation. Rotter. Beeboid Gregory will be too scared to come on here now. Why, someone here might even shoot him. Drat!
Congratulations to Miriam O’Reilly for successfully proving in court that the BBC is full of hypocritical, shallow dopes.
Yentob pays lip service to “We got it wrong this time, we’d be happy to offer Miriam further opportunities for employment”, but the Mark Worthington’s report made it clear that the Beeboids feel that moving CountryFile to prime time was the right thing to do, and O’Reilly didn’t have that “prime time appeal”. So they’re right, even when they’re wrong.
Question for any beeboids reading :Lots of earnest discussion about how the bbc have been done for ditching a presenter from ‘countryfile’, because she was an old boiler and they wanted to move the programme to a more popular time.
No mention that the show has been presented by a succession of individuals who were startlingly ignorant of the countryside and completely unsympathetic to the lives of the majority of country people. Why isn’t that a problem in the bbc’s eyes ?
“Congratulations to Miriam O’Reilly” have to second that! mind the BBC website reads more like “we was robbed” but not unexpected lol!.
Plus anything that helps get that hamster faced vacuous non person Bradbury off the screen a bit more is good in my book !her inoffensive middle of the road style [if you can call it that ?] kills any passion in any script you could give her I’m sorry but the only excitement she causes me is the 10 sec rant about “where the bloody TV remote it’s her again?”!
Robert Peston has at last mentioned the idea that there is a looming credit bubble in China. He’s focused on bank lending (China has been following the Brown/Miliband/Flanders model of pouring good money down a hole after bad) and even admits that it’s “unsustainable”, but he clearly graps what all this lending has been propping up: China’s humongous real estate bubble.
Unfortunately, Peston spends most of his time babbling about bonuses. It’s an easy, sexy topic, and a favorite of his, but he really should be focusing more on the lending aspect, especially since Nick Clegg has been spouting platitudes about how “we must get the banks lending again” again.
Has everyone forgotton what caused the whole economic crisis? How many times do we have to go through this? Pointless, reckless lending fuels pointless, reckless spending, which….well, you get the idea.
Peston ought to be talking about why China’s lending is unsustainable and explain how his idea that British banks lending more isn’t. Instead, he chats with his FT buddies and a couple other City wags and takes the easy route. What’s the point of him?
PS: It’s still amusing how these days Peston is mostly reacting to Government moves instead of announcing them and sanctioning them.
UPDATE: Yes, I realize bankers bonuses are – yet again – a story today because of Osborne’s statement in Parliament. But that’s just rehashing of the same old story, and Peston knows better. He just doesn’t care.
David, it’s because Peston is finished, now Nu Liebour are gone he gets no tip off’s from Downing Street (neither does Toenails) so hasn’t got anything to report.
I notice the BBC keep failing to use the word ‘Labour’ when talking about the latest convicted MP.
Let’s see, a China tooled up to the eyeballs with military hardware like never before and facing a looming financial crisis. Scarey. Maybe the Aussie Navy can lend us some of their surf boards if we need to take to sea against them?
I heard some that. Bacon banging on about coordinated R-W media attacks over Rev Wright in 2008, but of course no mention of Journolist. Also lots more Fox-bashing, but nothing about the likes of Olbermann (who Bacon really admires) repeatedly calling Bush a fascist. Typical BBC blinkered analysis of American news media.
Yes; Bacon, in true BBC-Democrat propagandist fashion only criticised the Republicans, ignoring the political vitriol initiated by the political left on the Tucson murders.
Mardell is obsessed in his political interest in Palin; and Bacon is similarly obsessed with Glenn Beck, of ‘FOX NEWS’.
Bacon is annoyed that Beck is politically influential in America, but in playing only one minute of Beck’s show of last night, Bacon could not even articulate one sentence of comment. Bacon only said: ‘meaningless’.
Well, here are 17 minutes of that Beck’s show on ‘FOX NEWS’ last night. Judge for yourselves:
Laura Kuenssberg just declared that the Postman Shadow Chancellor’s attack on the Tories was “pretty sharp”. She explained that it’s a good call to complain that bankers earn lots of money while people elsewhere in the country don’t, as if this basic Socialist principal is all there is to it.
She, too, skips over the actual issues underlying the reasons why banks don’t lend as much as they used to.
Does everyone want to be a banker? Presumably, if that’s what you want to be, you study, train, and apply for a job, and perhaps earn megabucks. All those who are NOT bankers for whatever reason, should accept the lot that they are dealt. If they want to earn vast salaries and bonuses, then they should apply for the appropriate job. It’s no use whingeing that “bankers earn more than me” – pure, unadulterated jealousy, nothing else.
Old deformed jaw Kuntsberg on News 24 just stated that after making a ‘couple of slips’ on statistics over the last week (really Laura? Where was that reported on the BBC then?) Alan Johnson delivered a sharp political attack on the Government.
I can’t stop laughing, Alan Johnson is an economics genius.
“A question that I have been asking for quite some time was brought to the fore once again with the pervasive and obnoxious liberal bias in the so-called news reporting of the assassination attempt on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Why does anyone continue to purchase and read the New York Times, the Washington Post, Time Magazine, and other mainstream publications which have replaced accurate reporting with faux news accounts rising to the level of outright lies? And why does anyone waste time watching ‘news’ programs anchored and/or reported by the likes of Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann, Christiane Amanpour, and others on MSNBC, CNN, the BBC, and the like?”
Two months after November’s historic midterm elections, Pennsylvania voters say the Tea Party movement’s impact and appeal are lasting beyond campaign slogans.
“Democrats have long thought that the Tea Party could be used against the GOP,” said Isaac Wood, a political analyst at University of Virginia. “But if it remains at least somewhat popular across demographic groups, they may have to reconsider that premise.”
A statewide poll for the Tribune-Review by Harrisburg-based Susquehanna Polling & Research found 47 percent of respondents think the Tea Party played a positive role in the recent elections. Thirty-nine percent thought the party had a negative impact, and 11 percent were undecided. The poll of 800 people, taken from Dec. 27 to Jan. 2, has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.46 percentage points.
…on a trajectory that takes them further and further away from the causes and concerns of the Bush-era Republican party, in particular on issues of religious social conservatism (whose strange death I chronicled in my book).
Now, it must be pointed out that Pittsburgh is in the western part of the state, which trends more conservative than the Democrat-run region around Philadelphia. But notice how even this little local newspaper is far more balanced and honest than the BBC.
The Tea Party’s favorable image has distinct regional divides in the state, said Jim Lee, president of Susquehanna Polling.
“In the southwest, the Tea Party favorability is nearly 3 to 1, while in the southeast, most voters have a negative view of the movement in general,” he said.
Now, how does this next bit square with ol’ Justin’s proclamation about the “strange death” of conservative thought, and the trend of PA voters away from it:
The fact that young people think favorably of the Tea Party stands out, Brauer said, and could help shape the Republican and Democratic parties.
“This should be most disheartening to Democrats, who usually are best at attracting the youngest age group,” Brauer said, noting that 48 percent of those ages 18 to 44 have a positive view of the Tea Party, and “that cuts into Democratic support in the state.”
The Tea Party movement isn’t over yet. Where’s the BBC?
The useless c**ts at Radio 5 are sticking up for the student who tried to kill someone by throwing the fire extinguisher off the room of Tory HQ.
Peter Allen a real mong like prick seems very angry the ‘stude’ got such a long time.
Of course we know that the BBC supported the riots and in fact hyped them up. It was only thanks to Sky News who filmed the student violence, unlike the BBC who seemed to point their cameras at the floor when the students kicked off.
In fact this shows the extent of hypocricy that the BBC wallows in, they attack, slander and libel Palin relentlessly for a map involving some sights, that may resemble gun sights or not. However, a thug from their extreme of left-wing who tried a real attempt at murder is someone they support uncondionally.
Economic genius Postman Pat (see attached Photo) Johnson just got the softest interview off mongo Peter Allen I’ve ever heard. Why didn’t Allen pick up Postie on his recent screw ups on TV?
Why is the BBC not hassling Red Ed for not forcing the latest scumbag MP to resign.
Limbaugh just began his show ripping a new one for Democrat Sheriff Dupnik in a most amusing fashion. Whatever one thinks of Rush (I happen to like him) his show is a daily tour de force. Listen here (if that link doesn’t work figure your own way to the online feed here.)
Here’s former Clinton advisor Mark Penn, appearing on MSNBC after the recent mid-terms, saying Obama needs his own version of the Oklahoma bombings to exploit for political gain. Imagine the reaction from the BBC if a Republican strategist suggested something similar.
Sure, there’s an endless amount of evidence of violent rhetoric from Democrats and those on the Left. But all this “they do it, too” is a distraction from what should be our main point: the BBC’s hypocrisy in leaping to judgment in stark contrast to their behavior on the Ft. Hood mass murder and 7/7.
Others have started to notice how pathetic the BBC is when it comes to understanding the US, specifically the bits outside of Washington and New York.
In order to explain to its readership why incidents like the Arizona shooting don’t immediately result in a nationwide ban on guns, as happens in sensible progressive nations, the BBC today uncorked a howler entitled “Why America’s gun laws won’t change,” which cites the quizzical theories of various professors — and somehow manages to never mention the 2nd Amendment. Which is quite a feat, considering that the 2nd Amendment is the only relevant fact.
The BBC is consistently clueless and biased when it comes to US issues.
“Security officials said the armed man boarded the train at the town of Samalout in the central Minya province and opened fire on the passengers.
The train originated in Assiut, home to a substantial Christian community and a famous monastery.
Police arrested the man as he tried to flee the scene, according to the officials.
Egypt’s official news agency said one person was killed and five others wounded in a “random shooting”.
The report did not identify whether those hurt or killed were Christians. A security source confirmed one had been shot dead.
However, Mariam Salah, a doctor in Minya, south of the capital, told the Reuters news agency that her hospital was treating five wounded Christians.”
“It was unclear whether the attack was sectarian”? Muslims were included in those shot, so it couldn’t have been done by someone killing in the name of Islam? Seriously, BBC?
BBC hypocrisy is so regular you can set your watch to it.
“The statement said that Abdel-Zaher, who was not wearing a uniform, was on his way to work at a town near Samalout in Minya province, when he boarded the train and “opened fire on some train passengers from his pistol and ran away”.
Police arrested him at his nearby home he was being questioned, according to the ministry statement.
Soon after the attack, hundreds of angry Copts gathered outside the hospital where the wounded were being treated and pelted the police with stones.
Assiut, where the train set off from, is home to a substantial Christian community and a famous monastery.”
If this is article is an example of BBC editorial standards of impartiality, then every report on the AZ murders from the beginning should have included something like, “a Republican federal judge was also among those killed,” and so it’s unclear if that was politically motivated.
This story is developing and agencies around the world are heading their wire reports as ‘Muslim off-duty policemen shoots Christians on train’
The BBC has just updated and have declined to present the concensus. They also retain Jon Leyne utterly ridiculous (disingenuous) comment as to it being unclear why getting onto a train would enable the religiously unidentified gunman encounter Christians.
A locally sourced account below gives a fuller report. Shame on the BBC.
Policeman shoots Christian dead in southern Egypt By HAMZA HENDAWI Associated Press
CAIRO (AP) — An off-duty policeman boarded a train and opened fire on Tuesday, killing a 71-year-old Christian man and wounding his wife and four others, the Interior Ministry said. The attack, less than two weeks after the suicide bombing of a church killed 21, sparked new demonstrations by enraged Christians who pelted police with stones in southern Egypt.
The church attack on worshippers leaving a New Year’s Mass in the Mediterranean port of Alexandria touched off three days of riots and demonstrations by furious Christians who criticized the government for failing to protect them and vented over what they see as persistent discrimination.
All of the casualties in the latest attack were Christians – four of them women – raising concerns it will ignite a new wave of protests by a community still traumatized by the suicide bombing.
Soon after the attack, hundreds of angry Copts gathered outside the hospital where the wounded were being treated in the central Egyptian province of Minya and stoned police.
It was not immediately clear whether the gunman knew his targets were Christians. But four of the five wounded were Christian women who stand out in the conservative south as they would probably not have been wearing headscarves as most Muslim women do.
The ministry statement identified the policeman as Amer Ashour Abdel-Zaher, a 23-year-old Muslim, and said he boarded the Cairo-bound train at the town of Samalout in Minya province and opened fire on the passengers with a handgun.
The statement added that Abdel-Zaher, who was not wearing a uniform, was on his way to work at a town near Samalout. Police arrested him at his nearby home after he fled the scene and he was being questioned, according to the ministry statement.
The train originated in Assiut which, like Samalout, is home to a substantial Christian community.
The Health Ministry said an air ambulance has been dispatched to airlift any critical cases to the capital. Initially the wounded were taken to a government-run hospital, but the families insisted they be transferred to the church-run Good Shepherd Hospital in Samalout, said spokesman Abdel-Rahman Shahine.
For those interested here’s the link to Bacon discussing Fox News with Andrew Neil, the bit about Fox comes about 42 minutes in, but Neil is interviewed before that bit as well.
Neill compared broadcasters like O’Reilly and Beck with the anti-semitic pro-fascist priest who used to broadcast to the States in the 30’s. Absurd in the extreme, is Neill going native? Sounds very much like it.
He did however say that MSNBC is a left wing version of FOX, but why do the BBC just obsess with FOX? Oh, silly me. …
Neill also said that despite the front pages of the Independent and Guardian in the last couple of days there’s “not a scintilla of evidence” that the tone of debate in the States had anything to do with the killings. Bacon then rejoins on the lines of maybe not, but a debate needs to be opened on the tone of debate, which is a subliminal way of saying ‘disregard what you’ve just heard Neill say, it is the fault of conservatives just like the Guardian and Independent (and me on Twitter) have been telling you’.
“Your dynamism allied to the City’s openness has led London to innovate: the most modern instruments of finance, an ability to compete that depends upon an open competition policy which rewards and is a stimulus to innovation and which does not restrict new entry and so helps new companies, new products and new services to come into the marketplace.”
(James Gordon Brown, fmr LABOUR Prime Minister aka the most hated Scot in England (sorry) , Mansion House Speech)
Fault lies fair and square in the lap of Labour. End of story. The rest is revisionism and lies.
Now I wonder how this will turn out. If the government had no such warning the BBC will stay quite. On the other hand if they did and said nothing it will be spun for months.
Why it needs a FOI in the first place is beyond me. Seems like everyone of these AGW parties just want to hide away and hope it goes away. The BBC on the other hand just wants to know if their precious Met Office is telling them porkies. Can’t rely on Harrabin word
I think latitude in the comments has it abour right:
“The MET, at best, predicted a cold spell, not record breaking, life threatening, once in a hundred years cold.
The MET didn’t predict anything. If they could have, there’s no way they could have missed this record breaking weather. What they are saying is the equivalent of predicting cloudy with light showers and have it turn into a once in a century flood.
The BBC is trying to turn this into a political slam fest and trying to blame the party in power, when it’s obviously the MET.”
January 11, 2011 at 8:41 am
Interesting that two state funded AGW fanatics feel safe attacking the government. Once you sell your soul to the eco-facists there is no get out clause. Almost every politician has been converted to the Religion of Gore. No way out but lies and taxes.
I wonder if the video techs will blot out the “In association with the MET Office” featured at the start of every weather report on the News Channel. Oh, dear, the anger of a betrayed BBC, played for fools.
Has this further sceptical article by the estimable Paul Hudson been posted here ? – he suggests the Met Office computer and its forecasts may have a warming bias !
Too bad the consensus of the comments is that Warmism is still very real, we’re still all doomed unless we rely entirely on the usual energy alternatives “where available”. There’s no evidence that Phil Jones used his bias to block skeptics from getting peer reviewed, etc.
The only issue today is whether or not the Met has a crap forecasting system because it’s based on last year’s results and not a super awesome computer model based on the climate “science” which tells us Warmism is real.
Not much help, really. And I think I now see why the Beeboid who sat on the Climategate emails for a month thought it would be okay to suggest that mabye the Met needs to have a rethink so it can predict the weather next week as well as Joe Bastardi. Notice no mention of Piers Corbyn, who is more important to the whole issue of Warmism. Hudson mentioned Corbyn once a while back, and got slapped down by Richard Black’s friend, Michael “Is That a Debunked Hockey Stick in Your Pocket or Are You Just Glad To See Me” Mann. So we know what the official BBC policy on Corbyn is going to be.
Jonny Dymond’s disgusting behavior in Tucson continues. He reports about the debate about the blame in the aftermath, and mentions the vigils which have been held around town.
After one of the many vigils – small, solemn and moving – that cropped up in the city after the shooting lawyer Tom Aguilera, 49, stood in the sunshine of a colonnaded courtyard, dwarfed by the office blocks of downtown.
How do you know they’re not conservatives, Jonny? We aren’t told, not evidence is provided. It’s just assumed that nasty old conservatives wouldn’t give a sh!t about the murders. Not even of a Republican Bush-appointed judge.
Just before he says this, Dymond quotes the Sheriff. What Dymond doesn’t want you to know is that practically the entire state has condemned his idiotic hate speech. Even the Arizona Republic (Phoenix-based, but essentially a state-wide paper with regional editions) said that he was way, way out of line. But not to the cokehead the BBC sent to inform you about the incident. No, to him, the sheriff is just someone he agrees with and quotes in full, with no further context.
DP, you’ve got poster rights here, would you have time to post an example of the statewide condemnation of Sheriff Dupnik’s (recently repeated) comments and Dymond’s failure to mention this in his piece? Compelling evidence of the need for wholesale sackings at the BBCs North America Department.
I can’t wait to hear Mark Mardell celebrate this bit of sickening politics:
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama have accepted the University of Arizona’s invitation to visit Tucson in response to the tragic shooting that occurred on Saturday.
President Obama will speak at a memorial event at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 12 to support and remember victims of the mass shooting in Tucson, and to lift the spirits of those who have been personally affected by this tragedy.
“Together We Thrive: Tucson and America,” will take place at McKale Center and is free and open to the campus and greater Tucson community.
No joke. A slogan and a f@#$ing logo to take political advantage of the murder of six people, and the attempted murder of more than a dozen others. Did Bush make a logo and a slogan after 9/11 and hold a rally? I forget.
If the BBC celebrates this and doesn’t – at the very least – even slightly frown at the callousness of making a f@#$ing logo for a funeral, you’ll know how mentally and emotionally sick they are.
The U of A is putting this on, created the slogan and the logo, and invited the President to come give a speech. It’s sickening no matter how you slice it.
The U of A is a very Leftoid school (a tautology these days, perhaps), as is the whole city. I’m from the Phoenix area (and attended the state rival, Arizona State University), and we used to refer to them as “granolas”.
A bit closer to home but did anyone catch this morning’s “Thought for the day with Shaikh Abdal Hakim Murad, Muslim Chaplain at the University of Cambridge”? Setting the matter of BBC bias aside for the moment, the sheer chutzpah of a Muslim cleric – a Muslim cleric – lecturing me and a few million others on the dangers of inflammatory rhetoric (with a side-swipe at Sarah Palin natch) goes to the top of the Moslem Contempt for Infidels List. Well not the absolute top perhaps: that’s reserved in perpetuity for the sponsors of the 9/11 Commemoration Mosque in New York.
No, that could not be genetically possible, impartiality-wise.
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Regular visitors will know that I spent somewhat longer in Gambia, my “second home” at the end of last year and was interested to get the opinions of Gambians on the BBC.
BBC 24 News is available in Gambia, but not widely. Most access is to the BBC radio World Service, the main restricting factor being availability of electricity and the , for them, high cost of batteries.
Gambia has a tradition of mutual tolerance of all religions and tribes and a culture of harmony and “no disturbance “.
About 90% are muslim and 10% christian. The tolerance extends to inter-faith marriages. The husband of a couple, who are friends of mine is catholic, his wife muslim. This is not unusual there. The children are being brought up as catholics ! I suspect Gambia is pretty unique in this respect.
However, this culture of conflict avoidance causes many Gambians to be wary of expressing opinions in case of giving offence. Given that I am British, most “ordinary” Gambians, when asked about the BBC praised its “excellence” etc. Another problem I had was to explain the word “bias”. Most Gambians I talked to saw this as a good thing. One should be biased towards one’s family and friends and so on. I guess they would expect the BBC to be biased in favour of British interests !! ( to be continued )
Should read “spent somewhat longer than intended” !
I guess they would expect the BBC to be biased in favour of British interests !!
So would I
Is it really as benign as that sounds? Don’t they live under a dictator with a State controlled media and no doubt other ways of imposing and ensuring harmony? In such circumstances, I’d expect people to be wary of speaking and giving offence.
Love the new Open Thread Logo!
Love the x-hair, top draw.
This morning bBC had another piece on AGW and more specifically the bleaching of coral through the increase in temperature of the sea.
They started off stating that within 50 years all the coral would be dead, then that was revised to 30 years and in the next breath 20-50 years.
The woman they had on the sofa wasn’t overly interesting almost as if she had just learned her lines off screen and spilled them to the airwaves for posterity.
Quick link
Last paragraph of interest.
Here’s another from the bBC saying back in ’99 that coral could be dead in 30 years, seems they revised up…
90% of the coral in some parts of the Indian ocean is dead back in ’99
There are many other factors that affect coral than just water temperature, admittedly most are man, including fishing and agricultural run off, but there are some more devastating effects that we cannot control including el-nino and hurricanes.
Israel kills Palestinian farmer near Gaza ‘buffer zone’
The article goes on to say:
“It (Israel) said it was not aware of Monday’s shooting of the farmer, but witnesses in Gaza said the elderly man was shot and killed by soldiers in an Israeli watchtower as he was working some 2km (one mile) from the border.”
So the man was shot from a watchtower from a distance of 2kms say local witnesses.
Sniper, surely, at that distance?
But wait. If true that would have been the sixth furthest sniper shot on target so far this decade.
So the BBC trumpets certainty in the headline…relying on local sources. The killings in Gaza (it’s got that kind of law and order policy) that are blamed on the Israelis is common.
But the BBC states, unequivocally, that the farmer was killed by Israeli troops from a distance of about 1700 yards. (if a mile) and 2000 metres (about 2200 yards) if from 2 kilometres.!
I, for one, have very considerable doubt that the 65 year old was killed by an Israeli bullet.
If killed at all , probably shot by Hamas. Anyway, the independent UN investigation will get to the truth.
Excellent logo
Two incidents concerning a Christian and a Muslim guess which one the bBC publishes by declaring his faith?
Church worker ‘slit son’s throat before suicide bid’
A south London church worker slit his son’s throat and then tried to kill himself after accusing his wife of adultery, the Old Bailey has heard.
Social worker ignored warnings before toddler’s murder
Her mother Zahbeena Navsarka, 21, was jailed for nine years for manslaughter. Her mother’s partner Subhan Anwar, 21, was jailed for life with a minimum term of 23 years for her murder.
Not only that but this case they didn’t even bother reporting:
‘Trusted’ Mile End teacher molested girls during lessons on the Koran
A TEACHER who instructed children on the Koran has been jailed for three years and three months after he was convicted of sexual assault against girls as young as four. Ashraf Miah, 38, of Joseph Street, Mile End, was sentenced at Snaresbrook Crown Court on Friday following his conviction by a jury on 13 charges of sexual assault between 2005 and 2009.The offences happened when Miah was entrusted to teach young girls to read from the Koran either at his home theirs.
Funny enough he not only practices the same faith as the geezer from Portsmouth sent down for the same crime, but comes from the same country. Let me give you a clue it starts with a P and ends in a stan.
A fair point could be made that if Zahbeena Navsarka didn’t hold a position in her local mosque there’s no reason to draw attention to her faith?
With regards to Mr Miah, could this be one of the same, followed on Twitter, apparantly, by the Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition?
Probably not I suppose. I’m sure the BBC would tell us if it was.
Even with £800+ million to spend and the only by-election around (unless I’ve missed one) the BBC has, so far, failed to inform its listeners/viewers of this affront to democracy which euroreferendum highlights
The BBC is too busy smearing Sarah Palin and the Tea Party for the outrage in Tucson (a town in a foreign country) to report this incident happening here in what is technically England.
I hate the BNP and all they stand for, however the Gestapo who threw him out and the UAF scum in the audience and the candidate (I assume Labour) who organised this affront to democracy behaved like the real nazis.
It was apparently a public meeting for which the BNP says they had booked their tickets and turned up but were then asked to leave by a Labour Councillor. This Labour Councillor was referred to by the police as the organiser.
In a comment in the local newspaper another candidate posted this:
January 10th, 2011 at 5:57 pm
Dear Readers, I was in email contact with Cllr Hulme who organised the event and he refused to invite 5 of the candidates included myself. I informed him that the meeting broke Electoral commission rules on hustings, the Millgate Arts Centre building recieves public funding and the meeting was advertised as an open event. The people of Delph should have been allowed to ask any questions to any of the candidates, in controlling the meeting like they did and only allowing on candidates who’s parties are already discredited with Scandles, deciet and lies was an insult to the people of Saddleworth and anti-democratic. Cllr Hulmes reasons were unjustified and when he lost the argument his emails reverted to All capitals and in bold ie, shouting in text language. Stephen Morris English Democrats
The only affront to democracy that I see is that a representative of the neo-Nazi BNP was invited in the first place (assuming it’s true that he had been). Pretty stupid of the event organiser to then call the Police to eject him, given the great propaganda material it provides the British Nazi Party.
I dont think democratic politicians should share any election platform with any extremists, whether they be BNP, Respect or the SWP. They’d all turn the country into one big concentration camp if you let them.
I don’t know if the BNP candidate was an uninvited guest. That he had a chair and there was no-one left standing while he occupied that chair argues that he was.
Nevertheless, for now at any rate, the BNP is a legal organisation. I – like you – dislike the BNP’s policies but if you seek to stop the BNP putting forward its policies in a public forum because you dislike them then where do you stop?
However, and coming back to the reason for this website, why has the BBC ignored this? Surely it’s news. I know there’s no-one on the BBC hate-list to smear here but even so I reckon it’s more newsworthy than yet another rancid speculation concerning Sarah Palin or the Tea Party.
Yeah, definitely news.
Viz public forums, pondlife like the BNP and SWP can find their own.
And you don’t count the Labour party as extremist?
They’ve just stepped down from power after losing an election. If by some perverse quirk of fate the BNP or SWP won power you wouldn’t have any more elections.
But if you ban them from democratic discourse, you are acting like them. The old maxim by possibly Jefferson “I abhor all the things you stand for, but I would fight for your right to say it”. I can’t remember the exact words but the sentiment still remains true in a democracy.
For instance, if we all agreed to ban the BNP, when next Milliband is in power, he and his cronies may very possibly decide to ban all negative talk about Europe so UKIP get banned. Then he may decide that people like John Redwood be banned from expressing conservative views. Once you start down this path of banning people you don’t like who knows where it will end? Concentration Camps?
No I hate the BNP and UAF but they must be allowed to express their thoughts. If they break the law, by word or deed, then arrest them. Until then we must fight for our freedom.
Who stopped them from expressing their thoughts. They just weren’t allowed to share a public forum with the democratic parties.
They were stopped from expressing their thoughts because they weren’t allowed to attend an event for candidates to the by-election. They have every right to speak, and it’s up to the other candidates to pull their arguments to pieces. After all, he’s BNP so his arguments will be easily ripped to shreds.
Noone is obliged to invite any party to a public forum to debate. If democratic parties share public debating forums with extremists they give the extremists credibility. The BNP and SWP are free to hold their own public meetings. Saying the BNP have been denied free speech because of this is the same as saying Sarah Palin incited murder for putting targets on, erm, target seats.
The only thing I was very unhappy about concerning the BNP was at the Dagenham count before last where no party candidateis gave a results speech to deny Fuhrer Griffin from speaking. This is one occasion where a key democratic tradition and principle was flouted and served as a propaganda coup for Griffin who appeared on stage for the count with gag over his mouth. The trouble is, if say, the Tory candidate had said we shouldn’t break with this long held tradition just because of the BNP I’m sure the scurrilous Labourites would have accused him of being a fascist sympathiser just like Palin’s being shamelessly blamed for the Tucson murders.
Are the BNP more or less democratic than the SWP etc.?
“ They’d all turn the country into one big concentration camp if you let them.” No doubt true, but the correct reponse is refutation not silencing.
They need to be treated for being beyond the democratic pale as they are. Otherwise we have the situation we have in N. Ireland when a terrorist party Sinn Fein has been legitimised by negotiations and deals. Now we have the terrorist nationalists getting double the vote of the constitutional nationalists when before it was the reverse.
Who defines “extremists”?
If you left it to iDave he would ban anyone to the right of Harold MacMillan; Miliband would draw his line even further to the left; and Blair would have had no consistent rule, but merely banned everyone he personally disliked (or even, didn’t acually like).
Like many others, the politics of the BNP are certainly not my politics. Unfortunately however, you don’t defeat them by adopting the tactics of their historical predecessors in the way the SA silenced speakers. You defeat them by standing against them and showing the electorate what they are. There are two real points here though:
Firstly for what reason do the police remove the man? According to some witnesses they apologised to him outside which would suggest no crime was committed.
How has a party like this gained traction? Is it because people who may have had honest questions about their society, marginalised and vilified by politicians who recent history admitted they hagged effectively rigged the social makeup of this country for their own ends. Parties like this have been shown by history to thrive when normal people get sidelined and denied a voice and are looking for someone who will ‘listen’ to them. In moments like that they can be quite beguiling.
They thrive because politicians let them.
“They thrive because politicians let them.”
Not even that as much as they thrive because the politicians force people to support them as, what they believe, is their only resort.
If politicians actually listened to the people, the BNP would disappear inside their own phone-box.
Hi, I commented after reading the link on eureferendum. According to the BNP the event organiser didn’t want them there.
From digging around it appears, there are 10 candidates. Only 5 were invited to be on the stage. The BNP man was not one of the 5. The meeting appears to have been organsied by the council and is an OPEN meeting and not a closed meeting. If it were closed, then the organiser can pick and choose who attends. However, this seems to be an open non partisan election meeting and I believe all 10 should have been invited. To have one thrown out, the Police are being used as the Brown shirts on behalf of the Labour councillor who set up the meeting, is obviously wrong. A total disgrace to democracy if I have understood the facts correctly.
Not solely a bBC problem, but I find this truly disgusting in a so called democratic country. The MSM would be in arms if this happened in Sudan, Pakistan, Thailand etc…
What do you expect ? The UK ceased to be a democracy in any meaningful sense many years ago and the useless, politicised British Police are a big part of the problem. Notice in the video clip, the two plods only take action when a paramilitary police scumbag appears on the scene !
This is how trots used to refer to the Police in my anarchist days!
Yes, it is so funny that in the 60s and 70s , it was the Left who called the police “fascist pigs”. Now after 13 years of Labour politicisation, the police are the friends of the Left and enemies of everyone else !
Explain what you mean by useless. I am a special constable having served 28 years in the armed forces. Yes, some are useless and in an ideal world should be sacked. But you have generalised the police based on what? Daily Mail reporting? You probably only know what really goes on because you read the press. You probably don’t know for instance that on Christmas Day a police officer had his finger bitten off whilst attending a domestic incident. You probably dont know of a young female police officer who was run over deliberately by a driver and but for the grace of god only sustained a broken ankle and ribs. It really angers me that because of ONLY anti-police stories in the media, the public think it is widespread. It isn’t. If you would like to check it out for yourself, do what I did and become a Special.
I don’t agree with the police actions on this occasion, but how are those at the bottom supposed to tell seniors to go to hell? How long do you think they will keep their jobs? If there is anybody to blame, it is the Labour candidate for making the complaint in the first place and the politicians and senior officers who have allowed the politicisation of the police force. Where did you get the idea that the police were ‘paramilitary’ or ‘scumbags’? Are you saying that the police should not wear body armour (a female officer was killed not wearing one a few years ago). Are you saying that police officers should not carry handcuffs, or personal protection equipment, or a radio? I would like to know how you would react as a lowly PC when called to an incident like this, even if you know in your heart that it isn’t right. Or called to a violent incident? You may have all the answers and if you do please share.
Well I apologise for tarnishing all police with the same brush. And maybe I have been unlucky with my own dealings with the police in recent years.
I am not talking about protective clothing, handcuffs or radios, when I talk about “para-military uniforms”. I am talking about the increasingly intimidatory appearance of the uniforms.
I am not a Daily Mail reader.
Mightn’t the increasingly intimidatory appearance of the Special Response Units be a reaction to the increasingly violent nature of these protests? The first protest was policed with less of an intimidatory appearance, and look what happened. How many people got done for attempted murder in subsequent protests?
Over the weekend another Iranian airliner fell out of the sky. Of course this is nothing to laugh about and but neither is the omission of information or even misdirection’s in the telling of the News over why this aircraft crashed. Here is what the bBC has to say on the matter, note how since the last Iranian air crash and how this website debunked its view that it was all Americas fault the so called fight experts at the bBC point in the direction of the US without actually naming it:
Iran investigates IranAir passenger plane crash
Iran has begun an investigation into a passenger plane crash in the north-west of the country which killed at least 77 people.The IranAir, which was carrying 104 people, was flying from Tehran when it came down and broke into pieces near the city of Orumiyeh…. Iran’s civil fleet is made up of planes in poor condition due to their age and lack of maintenance. “The plane was given to Iran in 1974 and at that time it was a second-hand,” ISNA news agency said.The country has been under international sanctions for years, making it much more difficult to buy new aircraft or spare parts from the West.
So from reading the above we are informed that Iran’s civil air fleet is decrepit, that they cannot get new parts and that the plane which crashed was second-hand when bought in 1974.
Well here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you:
1) The plane was bought brand new in 1974
2) The US in 2006 did a turn around and allowed Iran to purchase spare parts for its Airbus and Boeing fleet.
3) Iranian law insists that any aircraft that they purchase must have less than 10% US content and must not have been owned by the US beforehand.
4) The sanctions in place do not forbid Iran from leasing planes just buying them.
5) Last July the EU placed a ban on Iran air from flying certain aircraft into Europe including the type that crashed. This was due to shoddy working practices. Something the bBC reported at the time but for some reason omits in its latest report.
6) IranAir has purchased the so called sanctioned following aircraft in the last 10 years:
Airbus A310-203
Airbus A310-304/324
Airbus A320-211/214
Boeing 747-200BM
Boeing 747-21AC
Boeing 747-2J9F
In total 12 aircraft.
So much for those sanctions then?
For some reason the link on serial 1 isn’t working right as it only takes you to a master sheet. For the plane that crashed input the CN number of the aircraft: 20945 into the box on the right.
INBBC and its reluctant reporting of a further case of ‘Muslim/Pakistani/Asian sex gangs’.
‘Newsnight’ tried to relegate the issue of Muslim sex gangs last night by using the word ‘ethnicity’;. of course, Islam is not a race. INBBC refuses to explore the tenets of Islam in relation to imperatives on behaviour towards we kafirs.
INBBC today:
“Nine arrested in teenager sex exploitation inquiry”
“Child Sex Grooming: Nine ‘Asian’ Men Arrested in Rochdale”
The bBC play the game of, lets hope people just read the headline and don’t bother with the nitty gritty, as it seems to be standard fare to put the core of the content on paragraph 3 of the article as always.
It is surely time for the Hindu and Sikh and Chinese communities in Britain to stop the BBC using the tag “Asian” to describe these Pakistani cases ?
If they did, what’s the betting there places of worship would start getting firebombed by, ahem, ‘Asians’?
Last night’s Horizon on BBC2 promised to be quite interesting – an investigation into the true meaning of temperature. Naturally, it was presented by a comedian rather than a scientist, as we’ve come to expect, but it was the introduction of AGW scaremongering into the documentary that was most predictably depressing.
Global warming cultism aside, it really was a great example of the state of BBC science coverage nowadays. The central theme was Ben Miller’s personal journey, rather than the actual science (which was pretty thin on the ground). So what is ostensibly a science documentary becomes yet more solipsistic d-list celebrity navel gazing. With a dollop of climate alarmism.
See it here for yourself:
That’s why I made a conscious decision not to bother watching it. As most “scientists” liked by the BBC, and the presenters are now comedians (or fatuous pretty boys and girls) anyway, the prospect was a complete turn-off – I just KNEW they way it would go, a justifiable prediction by all accounts.
Is he someone we should know?
Ben Miller of Miller & Armstrong. It was probably in his contract that he had to make amends for his global warming joke.
Thanks. I had no idea who he was but I had decided to stick with Mozart in any case instead of watching anything on TV.
This meant also forgoing the pleasure of seeing Diane Abbott, late of Beeboid Corporation, appearing on Channel 4 on Come Dine with Me, the first serving MP to do so, apparently.
I started to watch it, safe in the knowledge that temperature is clearly defined (its an SI unit ffs) so I wondered what line it would take. I managed to last 5 minutes then turned it off in frustration. Crap tv.
Melanie Phillips analyses the crass political ineptitude of BBC Democrat Ms Clinton on all this:
“Motes and beams again: the mean-spirited vitriol of the left”
BBC Democrat, and Obama worshipper, MARK MARDELL, continues his pro-left, anti-Republican, political propaganda ( his political hate figure of Sarah Palin is singled out again by him, for the FOURTH blog of his in a row!) on Tucson, etc.
Apart from implicitly supporting Hillary Clinton’s remarks (which have been exposed by Melanie Phillips in ‘Comment’ here, Mardell ignores the widespread political venom of the left -oulined by Phillips; instead, Mardell continues to only criticise certain Republicans (including his permanent political target of Palin) whom he judges not to have said or done enough to exonerate themselves, and so cannot be politically innocent in Mardell’s prejudiced eyes!
The website gives links to 20 or more articles each day – from across the US spectrum. There is a clear divide – the lefties have rushed to use the Tucson tragedy as a PRETEXT to attack Palin et al, the right have quite properly accused the left for rushing to judgmnent and for deliberately ignoring, day after day, clear facts about the gunman.
The BBC – as it is so unbiased, have turned a blind eye to most of the facts, and has regurgitated all the leftie Journalista spleen.
Quelle surprise.
Mardell should be sacked for incompetent coverage of the whole sorry saga.
So yet another LIEBOUR MP goes down for criminal wrong doing and over at the BBC zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
So when will the BBC talk about Liebour sleaze? or will they still only talk about moats and duck houses?
How many more LIEBOUR MP’s have to go to jail?
I just saw it on BBC TV News at One. It was the BBC’s lead headline, but I was left guessing which party Illsley had beloged to before he was expelled.
Then , later in the bulletin , the BBC revealed that he was Labour.
Imagine the headline if he had been Conservative :-
“Tory MP pleads guilty to expenses fraud “.
The vast majority of the worst expenses frauds have been Labour MPs. The BBC’s bias, as usual, is blatant.
I was disgusted that Chaytor only got 18 months. Apparently, if Illsley gets less than 12 months, he can stay on as an independent MP. What is the betting that the Judge is a Labour politico and gives him 11 months ?
“belonged” !
I think being expelled from Parliament should be punishment enough. MPs should have immunity in these sorts fo cases. It sets a very dangerous precedent allowing prosecution. Its our ‘new’ leaders playing to the media gallery to grub votes with little thought of the consequences. There was a time our political leaders had the gravitas to deal with these matters responsibly.
MPs should be immune from prosecution for criminal offences? You cannot be serious. The only immunity MPs have is that required to ensure they have the freedom to debate without falling foul of the law, for example law of libel, contempt of court and the like.
Not today, my friend. Today is officially designated as have a whine about bankers bonuses day and Radio 4 will be broadcasting large numbers of carefully selected irrelevant soundbites from the disgruntled & the bitter, none of which refer to the part our glorious party played in making this a topic we can try and damage the Coalition government with.
British rock icon Jack Bruce has called for Simon Cowell’s extermination – because he believes the music mogul is single-handedly wrecking the industry.
I look forward to the BBC attacking Jack Bruce…………..
Jack is one of the good “Jocks” 😀
No such thing 😛
He’s another one I have never heard of. Sorry. Is he very well known?
One third of Cream.
Ah, thanks. I’ve certainly heard of Cream.
Doing the rounds are Brendan Barber, Bob Crowe and Len McClusky, pushing the lie that it’s all the bankers fault. Conviently forgetting that Brown and Labour created the finance bubble that the banks caused to burst.
So on Today Evan Davis was interviewing Len, Len gave the same spiel that he had already done for Sky etc. All of which had pointed out he was lying, so now it’s Evan’s turn to tell Len he is a liar. To my amazement he did bring the subject up, and very timidly did attempt to CORRECT Len. He could have tried much harder, but very limp wristed in the end.
How was Len McCluskey lying? I missed this…
NTS: There is a current campaign by Liebour/TU to insist that the financial problems are caused by the Bankers and that the financial position is not as bad as it is. The audience is the voting public so those three are going arond saying the deficiet has been higher. No it has not £160B is by far the biggest. The debt has been bigger. The norm has been arounf 30-40% of GDP it is now 80% and going higher until 2015.
The campaign is to make sure the public do not get a wiff that Brown and his spending 2000 to 2007 caused the bubble, the Banks not the investment bankers burst the bubble. The 1M public sector jobs were not financially sustainable and that the deficiet quick paydown is best solution to a bad situation. The TU knows the real situation this is their smake and mirrors for the public.
The BBC has mostly signed up to the Labour argument. Evan Davis was the first person I have heard to even try to nail responsibility for the economic crisis where it belongs.
I’m waiting now for the bleeding hearts at the BBC to say how unfair the 32 month sentence is for the 18 year thug who attempted murder by throwing a fire extinguisher from the roof of Millbank. He should have had 20 years, not out before 10 and no chance of going to University on release. The little bastard has virtually got away with his attempted murder.
There was an attempt at bleeding heart on R5 Drive this evening, but Met Police interviewee was having none of it
An extremely droll logo DB. Love it! … Oh no! What’s happening?! I’m now picking up a gun and am about to kill a BBC journalist and indiscriminately kill bystanders .. It’s all your fault DB!
The Daily Mail must have got this wrong:-
Jared Loughner registered as independent voter rather than Democrat or Republican indicating he was not politically motivated
Oh, look! You are bullying the Beeboid Corporation. Rotter. Beeboid Gregory will be too scared to come on here now. Why, someone here might even shoot him. Drat!
Congratulations to Miriam O’Reilly for successfully proving in court that the BBC is full of hypocritical, shallow dopes.
Yentob pays lip service to “We got it wrong this time, we’d be happy to offer Miriam further opportunities for employment”, but the Mark Worthington’s report made it clear that the Beeboids feel that moving CountryFile to prime time was the right thing to do, and O’Reilly didn’t have that “prime time appeal”. So they’re right, even when they’re wrong.
Question for any beeboids reading :Lots of earnest discussion about how the bbc have been done for ditching a presenter from ‘countryfile’, because she was an old boiler and they wanted to move the programme to a more popular time.
No mention that the show has been presented by a succession of individuals who were startlingly ignorant of the countryside and completely unsympathetic to the lives of the majority of country people. Why isn’t that a problem in the bbc’s eyes ?
“Congratulations to Miriam O’Reilly” have to second that! mind the BBC website reads more like “we was robbed” but not unexpected lol!.
Plus anything that helps get that hamster faced vacuous non person Bradbury off the screen a bit more is good in my book !her inoffensive middle of the road style [if you can call it that ?] kills any passion in any script you could give her I’m sorry but the only excitement she causes me is the 10 sec rant about “where the bloody TV remote it’s her again?”!
I’m afraid Ms Bradbury stokes my passion – I hope this doesn’t mean less of her on the Beeb. Sorry, I know this is not a popular view!
Don’t know if this link has been posted before, but it’s certainly worth a look.
Maybe the attention of the loonytunes advocates (Huhne, Black, Harrabin, etc.) should be drawn to it:
Nice one Natsman. 😀
Robert Peston has at last mentioned the idea that there is a looming credit bubble in China. He’s focused on bank lending (China has been following the Brown/Miliband/Flanders model of pouring good money down a hole after bad) and even admits that it’s “unsustainable”, but he clearly graps what all this lending has been propping up: China’s humongous real estate bubble.
Unfortunately, Peston spends most of his time babbling about bonuses. It’s an easy, sexy topic, and a favorite of his, but he really should be focusing more on the lending aspect, especially since Nick Clegg has been spouting platitudes about how “we must get the banks lending again” again.
Has everyone forgotton what caused the whole economic crisis? How many times do we have to go through this? Pointless, reckless lending fuels pointless, reckless spending, which….well, you get the idea.
Peston ought to be talking about why China’s lending is unsustainable and explain how his idea that British banks lending more isn’t. Instead, he chats with his FT buddies and a couple other City wags and takes the easy route. What’s the point of him?
PS: It’s still amusing how these days Peston is mostly reacting to Government moves instead of announcing them and sanctioning them.
UPDATE: Yes, I realize bankers bonuses are – yet again – a story today because of Osborne’s statement in Parliament. But that’s just rehashing of the same old story, and Peston knows better. He just doesn’t care.
David, it’s because Peston is finished, now Nu Liebour are gone he gets no tip off’s from Downing Street (neither does Toenails) so hasn’t got anything to report.
I notice the BBC keep failing to use the word ‘Labour’ when talking about the latest convicted MP.
Let’s see, a China tooled up to the eyeballs with military hardware like never before and facing a looming financial crisis. Scarey. Maybe the Aussie Navy can lend us some of their surf boards if we need to take to sea against them?
Poor old Peston. Anyone would think his oxygen supply had been cut off at the last General Election !
Richard Bacon interviewed Andrew Neil today, needless to say Bacon couldn’t wait to pound on Fox News with Neil cheerleading for him.
I heard some that. Bacon banging on about coordinated R-W media attacks over Rev Wright in 2008, but of course no mention of Journolist. Also lots more Fox-bashing, but nothing about the likes of Olbermann (who Bacon really admires) repeatedly calling Bush a fascist. Typical BBC blinkered analysis of American news media.
Yes; Bacon, in true BBC-Democrat propagandist fashion only criticised the Republicans, ignoring the political vitriol initiated by the political left on the Tucson murders.
Mardell is obsessed in his political interest in Palin; and Bacon is similarly obsessed with Glenn Beck, of ‘FOX NEWS’.
Bacon is annoyed that Beck is politically influential in America, but in playing only one minute of Beck’s show of last night, Bacon could not even articulate one sentence of comment. Bacon only said: ‘meaningless’.
Well, here are 17 minutes of that Beck’s show on ‘FOX NEWS’ last night. Judge for yourselves:
Wish we had a Glenn Beck over here.
Laura Kuenssberg just declared that the Postman Shadow Chancellor’s attack on the Tories was “pretty sharp”. She explained that it’s a good call to complain that bankers earn lots of money while people elsewhere in the country don’t, as if this basic Socialist principal is all there is to it.
She, too, skips over the actual issues underlying the reasons why banks don’t lend as much as they used to.
‘She explained that it’s a good call to complain that bankers earn lots of money while people elsewhere in the country don’t, ‘
Dont you think Laura most people could say the same about the BBC and its reporters…Never see a poor BBC reporter do we….
Does everyone want to be a banker? Presumably, if that’s what you want to be, you study, train, and apply for a job, and perhaps earn megabucks. All those who are NOT bankers for whatever reason, should accept the lot that they are dealt. If they want to earn vast salaries and bonuses, then they should apply for the appropriate job. It’s no use whingeing that “bankers earn more than me” – pure, unadulterated jealousy, nothing else.
Old deformed jaw Kuntsberg on News 24 just stated that after making a ‘couple of slips’ on statistics over the last week (really Laura? Where was that reported on the BBC then?) Alan Johnson delivered a sharp political attack on the Government.
I can’t stop laughing, Alan Johnson is an economics genius.
Yes, the BBC always gives Labour the benefit of the doubt.
Well Martin there’s a ‘enius’ in it but i don’t think it starts with a ‘G’!
They all said Gordon Brown was an economics genius. Look what happened.
Their business editor even wrote a book about it. Then he wrote another book explaining how the result was due to greedy bankers instead.
“Separation of Journalism and Politics”
[Opening extract]:
“A question that I have been asking for quite some time was brought to the fore once again with the pervasive and obnoxious liberal bias in the so-called news reporting of the assassination attempt on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Why does anyone continue to purchase and read the New York Times, the Washington Post, Time Magazine, and other mainstream publications which have replaced accurate reporting with faux news accounts rising to the level of outright lies? And why does anyone waste time watching ‘news’ programs anchored and/or reported by the likes of Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann, Christiane Amanpour, and others on MSNBC, CNN, the BBC, and the like?”
Here’s a story about young people who actually are inspired by the Tea Party movement that the BBC won’t tell you about.
Pennsylvania voters develop a taste for the Tea Party
Two months after November’s historic midterm elections, Pennsylvania voters say the Tea Party movement’s impact and appeal are lasting beyond campaign slogans.
“Democrats have long thought that the Tea Party could be used against the GOP,” said Isaac Wood, a political analyst at University of Virginia. “But if it remains at least somewhat popular across demographic groups, they may have to reconsider that premise.”
A statewide poll for the Tribune-Review by Harrisburg-based Susquehanna Polling & Research found 47 percent of respondents think the Tea Party played a positive role in the recent elections. Thirty-nine percent thought the party had a negative impact, and 11 percent were undecided. The poll of 800 people, taken from Dec. 27 to Jan. 2, has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.46 percentage points.
You know Pennsylvania – it’s the place The Obamessiah disparaged in 2008 for being full of “bitter” people who “cling to guns or religion”.
More importantly, it’s the place Justin Webb declared was:
…on a trajectory that takes them further and further away from the causes and concerns of the Bush-era Republican party, in particular on issues of religious social conservatism (whose strange death I chronicled in my book).
Now, it must be pointed out that Pittsburgh is in the western part of the state, which trends more conservative than the Democrat-run region around Philadelphia. But notice how even this little local newspaper is far more balanced and honest than the BBC.
The Tea Party’s favorable image has distinct regional divides in the state, said Jim Lee, president of Susquehanna Polling.
“In the southwest, the Tea Party favorability is nearly 3 to 1, while in the southeast, most voters have a negative view of the movement in general,” he said.
Now, how does this next bit square with ol’ Justin’s proclamation about the “strange death” of conservative thought, and the trend of PA voters away from it:
The fact that young people think favorably of the Tea Party stands out, Brauer said, and could help shape the Republican and Democratic parties.
“This should be most disheartening to Democrats, who usually are best at attracting the youngest age group,” Brauer said, noting that 48 percent of those ages 18 to 44 have a positive view of the Tea Party, and “that cuts into Democratic support in the state.”
The Tea Party movement isn’t over yet. Where’s the BBC?
The useless c**ts at Radio 5 are sticking up for the student who tried to kill someone by throwing the fire extinguisher off the room of Tory HQ.
Peter Allen a real mong like prick seems very angry the ‘stude’ got such a long time.
Of course we know that the BBC supported the riots and in fact hyped them up. It was only thanks to Sky News who filmed the student violence, unlike the BBC who seemed to point their cameras at the floor when the students kicked off.
This is exactly what I predicted they’d do, earlier in this thread. The little bastard should have been given at least 20 years for attempted murder.
In fact this shows the extent of hypocricy that the BBC wallows in, they attack, slander and libel Palin relentlessly for a map involving some sights, that may resemble gun sights or not. However, a thug from their extreme of left-wing who tried a real attempt at murder is someone they support uncondionally.
I wonder what would have happened if the fire extinguisher had fallen on the head of a Beeboid ?
It would have bounced.
What’s happened to my avatar of la belle Abbott ? Why have I got an exclamation mark instead ? Grrrrrrrr !
:'( !
I don’t normally believe in censorship, but would make an exception for the lovely Diane.
Economic genius Postman Pat (see attached Photo) Johnson just got the softest interview off mongo Peter Allen I’ve ever heard. Why didn’t Allen pick up Postie on his recent screw ups on TV?
Why is the BBC not hassling Red Ed for not forcing the latest scumbag MP to resign.
Limbaugh just began his show ripping a new one for Democrat Sheriff Dupnik in a most amusing fashion. Whatever one thinks of Rush (I happen to like him) his show is a daily tour de force. Listen here (if that link doesn’t work figure your own way to the online feed here.)
Ignore the first link. Thought that might happen.
Here’s former Clinton advisor Mark Penn, appearing on MSNBC after the recent mid-terms, saying Obama needs his own version of the Oklahoma bombings to exploit for political gain. Imagine the reaction from the BBC if a Republican strategist suggested something similar.
Not having much luck with links and such today. Watch it here.
Sure, there’s an endless amount of evidence of violent rhetoric from Democrats and those on the Left. But all this “they do it, too” is a distraction from what should be our main point: the BBC’s hypocrisy in leaping to judgment in stark contrast to their behavior on the Ft. Hood mass murder and 7/7.
Another ‘FOX NEWS’ antidote to BBC-Democrats political propaganda on Tucson murder:
“Murder in Arizona and the Gross Expoitation of It”
Bill O’Reilly (8 min video)
The bBC’s ‘Wish you where here’ is coming back to the telly:
If we were to elect communist leaders and welcome hordes of 3rd world asylum seekers to our areas then we’d have no economic or social problems:
Yes. Then this happens, girl 15 dies of TB–-the-un-convention-on-refugees-is-not-fit-for-purpose/
For Islam Not BBC (INBBC) newsdesk:
“All charges dropped against EDL leader, 24 hours before trial”
Meanwhile, unreported by INBBC on Denmark:
The Danish witch-hunt against the truth-tellers
(by Melanie Phillips).
Others have started to notice how pathetic the BBC is when it comes to understanding the US, specifically the bits outside of Washington and New York.
In order to explain to its readership why incidents like the Arizona shooting don’t immediately result in a nationwide ban on guns, as happens in sensible progressive nations, the BBC today uncorked a howler entitled “Why America’s gun laws won’t change,” which cites the quizzical theories of various professors — and somehow manages to never mention the 2nd Amendment. Which is quite a feat, considering that the 2nd Amendment is the only relevant fact.
The BBC is consistently clueless and biased when it comes to US issues.
Off-duty policeman kills one and wounds five on the train between Assyut and Cairo.
The article is a classic of the ‘don’t mention the Muslim word…unless you can suggest their victimhood’ school of Beeboid reporting.
An absolute classic, I repeat.
Now read the latest Al Jazeera report:
“Security officials said the armed man boarded the train at the town of Samalout in the central Minya province and opened fire on the passengers.
The train originated in Assiut, home to a substantial Christian community and a famous monastery.
Police arrested the man as he tried to flee the scene, according to the officials.
Egypt’s official news agency said one person was killed and five others wounded in a “random shooting”.
The report did not identify whether those hurt or killed were Christians. A security source confirmed one had been shot dead.
However, Mariam Salah, a doctor in Minya, south of the capital, told the Reuters news agency that her hospital was treating five wounded Christians.”
Stunning difference in the reporting.!
May I add this stunning comment from the BBC hack in light of the trains point of departure.
“The BBC’s Jon Leyne reports from Cairo that it is difficult to see how the gunmen would have known he could target Christians by boarding the train.”
!. It is easy for anyone to tell a Christian from a Moslem who has lived for any length of time in the country.
2. The train commenced from Assyut, the main town in Upper Egypt with a large concentration of Christians.
Go figure, as they say.
“It was unclear whether the attack was sectarian”? Muslims were included in those shot, so it couldn’t have been done by someone killing in the name of Islam? Seriously, BBC?
BBC hypocrisy is so regular you can set your watch to it.
David P,
By the same criteria, 7/11 was not “sectarian”. I assume they mean “motivated by religion”.
Further News:
“The statement said that Abdel-Zaher, who was not wearing a uniform, was on his way to work at a town near Samalout in Minya province, when he boarded the train and “opened fire on some train passengers from his pistol and ran away”.
Police arrested him at his nearby home he was being questioned, according to the ministry statement.
Soon after the attack, hundreds of angry Copts gathered outside the hospital where the wounded were being treated and pelted the police with stones.
Assiut, where the train set off from, is home to a substantial Christian community and a famous monastery.”
If this is article is an example of BBC editorial standards of impartiality, then every report on the AZ murders from the beginning should have included something like, “a Republican federal judge was also among those killed,” and so it’s unclear if that was politically motivated.
BBC = Biased.
Yes; and this is the political context, which INBBC is reluctant to elucidate:
Egypt recalls Vatican envoy after Pope criticizes persecution of Christians
Funny, most of the time Beeboids go out of their way to point out the difference between muslims and christians.
Bulls eye RGH! (Oh no, hope I’m not going to have a death on my conscience tomorrow for using that term!)
This story is developing and agencies around the world are heading their wire reports as ‘Muslim off-duty policemen shoots Christians on train’
The BBC has just updated and have declined to present the concensus. They also retain Jon Leyne utterly ridiculous (disingenuous) comment as to it being unclear why getting onto a train would enable the religiously unidentified gunman encounter Christians.
A locally sourced account below gives a fuller report. Shame on the BBC.
Policeman shoots Christian dead in southern Egypt
Associated Press
<img src=””/>
CAIRO (AP) — An off-duty policeman boarded a train and opened fire on Tuesday, killing a 71-year-old Christian man and wounding his wife and four others, the Interior Ministry said. The attack, less than two weeks after the suicide bombing of a church killed 21, sparked new demonstrations by enraged Christians who pelted police with stones in southern Egypt.
The church attack on worshippers leaving a New Year’s Mass in the Mediterranean port of Alexandria touched off three days of riots and demonstrations by furious Christians who criticized the government for failing to protect them and vented over what they see as persistent discrimination.
All of the casualties in the latest attack were Christians – four of them women – raising concerns it will ignite a new wave of protests by a community still traumatized by the suicide bombing.
Soon after the attack, hundreds of angry Copts gathered outside the hospital where the wounded were being treated in the central Egyptian province of Minya and stoned police.
It was not immediately clear whether the gunman knew his targets were Christians. But four of the five wounded were Christian women who stand out in the conservative south as they would probably not have been wearing headscarves as most Muslim women do.
The ministry statement identified the policeman as Amer Ashour Abdel-Zaher, a 23-year-old Muslim, and said he boarded the Cairo-bound train at the town of Samalout in Minya province and opened fire on the passengers with a handgun.
The statement added that Abdel-Zaher, who was not wearing a uniform, was on his way to work at a town near Samalout. Police arrested him at his nearby home after he fled the scene and he was being questioned, according to the ministry statement.
The train originated in Assiut which, like Samalout, is home to a substantial Christian community.
The Health Ministry said an air ambulance has been dispatched to airlift any critical cases to the capital. Initially the wounded were taken to a government-run hospital, but the families insisted they be transferred to the church-run Good Shepherd Hospital in Samalout, said spokesman Abdel-Rahman Shahine.
For those interested here’s the link to Bacon discussing Fox News with Andrew Neil, the bit about Fox comes about 42 minutes in, but Neil is interviewed before that bit as well.
Bacon is foaming at the mouth.
Martin I don’t think Andrew Neill was any better.
Neill compared broadcasters like O’Reilly and Beck with the anti-semitic pro-fascist priest who used to broadcast to the States in the 30’s. Absurd in the extreme, is Neill going native? Sounds very much like it.
He did however say that MSNBC is a left wing version of FOX, but why do the BBC just obsess with FOX? Oh, silly me. …
Neill also said that despite the front pages of the Independent and Guardian in the last couple of days there’s “not a scintilla of evidence” that the tone of debate in the States had anything to do with the killings. Bacon then rejoins on the lines of maybe not, but a debate needs to be opened on the tone of debate, which is a subliminal way of saying ‘disregard what you’ve just heard Neill say, it is the fault of conservatives just like the Guardian and Independent (and me on Twitter) have been telling you’.
So can someone remind me just what is the top political story of the day?
Another thieving Liebour twat being found guilty of taking money under false pretences I hear you all say.
Nope, it’s Tory bankers, well according to Newsnight anyway.
Tory Bankers, indeed!
“Your dynamism allied to the City’s openness has led London to innovate: the most modern instruments of finance, an ability to compete that depends upon an open competition policy which rewards and is a stimulus to innovation and which does not restrict new entry and so helps new companies, new products and new services to come into the marketplace.”
(James Gordon Brown, fmr LABOUR Prime Minister aka the most hated Scot in England (sorry) , Mansion House Speech)
Fault lies fair and square in the lap of Labour. End of story. The rest is revisionism and lies.
Don’t worry, Gordon the Moron is the most hated Scot in Scotland too !
“The plot thickens: BBC Hits UK Govt with Freedom of Information Demand in Cold Winter Forecast Fiasco”
Now I wonder how this will turn out. If the government had no such warning the BBC will stay quite. On the other hand if they did and said nothing it will be spun for months.
Why it needs a FOI in the first place is beyond me. Seems like everyone of these AGW parties just want to hide away and hope it goes away. The BBC on the other hand just wants to know if their precious Met Office is telling them porkies. Can’t rely on Harrabin word
I think latitude in the comments has it abour right:
“The MET, at best, predicted a cold spell, not record breaking, life threatening, once in a hundred years cold.
The MET didn’t predict anything. If they could have, there’s no way they could have missed this record breaking weather. What they are saying is the equivalent of predicting cloudy with light showers and have it turn into a once in a century flood.
The BBC is trying to turn this into a political slam fest and trying to blame the party in power, when it’s obviously the MET.”
January 11, 2011 at 8:41 am
Interesting that two state funded AGW fanatics feel safe attacking the government. Once you sell your soul to the eco-facists there is no get out clause. Almost every politician has been converted to the Religion of Gore. No way out but lies and taxes.
A plague a’ all your houses!
I wonder if the video techs will blot out the “In association with the MET Office” featured at the start of every weather report on the News Channel. Oh, dear, the anger of a betrayed BBC, played for fools.
Has this further sceptical article by the estimable Paul Hudson been posted here ? – he suggests the Met Office computer and its forecasts may have a warming bias !
Too bad the consensus of the comments is that Warmism is still very real, we’re still all doomed unless we rely entirely on the usual energy alternatives “where available”. There’s no evidence that Phil Jones used his bias to block skeptics from getting peer reviewed, etc.
The only issue today is whether or not the Met has a crap forecasting system because it’s based on last year’s results and not a super awesome computer model based on the climate “science” which tells us Warmism is real.
Not much help, really. And I think I now see why the Beeboid who sat on the Climategate emails for a month thought it would be okay to suggest that mabye the Met needs to have a rethink so it can predict the weather next week as well as Joe Bastardi. Notice no mention of Piers Corbyn, who is more important to the whole issue of Warmism. Hudson mentioned Corbyn once a while back, and got slapped down by Richard Black’s friend, Michael “Is That a Debunked Hockey Stick in Your Pocket or Are You Just Glad To See Me” Mann. So we know what the official BBC policy on Corbyn is going to be.
Jonny Dymond’s disgusting behavior in Tucson continues. He reports about the debate about the blame in the aftermath, and mentions the vigils which have been held around town.
After one of the many vigils – small, solemn and moving – that cropped up in the city after the shooting lawyer Tom Aguilera, 49, stood in the sunshine of a colonnaded courtyard, dwarfed by the office blocks of downtown.
How do you know they’re not conservatives, Jonny? We aren’t told, not evidence is provided. It’s just assumed that nasty old conservatives wouldn’t give a sh!t about the murders. Not even of a Republican Bush-appointed judge.
Just before he says this, Dymond quotes the Sheriff. What Dymond doesn’t want you to know is that practically the entire state has condemned his idiotic hate speech. Even the Arizona Republic (Phoenix-based, but essentially a state-wide paper with regional editions) said that he was way, way out of line. But not to the cokehead the BBC sent to inform you about the incident. No, to him, the sheriff is just someone he agrees with and quotes in full, with no further context.
BBC = Scum.
DP, you’ve got poster rights here, would you have time to post an example of the statewide condemnation of Sheriff Dupnik’s (recently repeated) comments and Dymond’s failure to mention this in his piece? Compelling evidence of the need for wholesale sackings at the BBCs North America Department.
Great Arizona editorial you linked to DP.
I can’t wait to hear Mark Mardell celebrate this bit of sickening politics:
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama have accepted the University of Arizona’s invitation to visit Tucson in response to the tragic shooting that occurred on Saturday.
President Obama will speak at a memorial event at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 12 to support and remember victims of the mass shooting in Tucson, and to lift the spirits of those who have been personally affected by this tragedy.
“Together We Thrive: Tucson and America,” will take place at McKale Center and is free and open to the campus and greater Tucson community.
No joke. A slogan and a f@#$ing logo to take political advantage of the murder of six people, and the attempted murder of more than a dozen others. Did Bush make a logo and a slogan after 9/11 and hold a rally? I forget.
If the BBC celebrates this and doesn’t – at the very least – even slightly frown at the callousness of making a f@#$ing logo for a funeral, you’ll know how mentally and emotionally sick they are.
David P,
What has it got to do with the University of Arizona anyway ?
The U of A is putting this on, created the slogan and the logo, and invited the President to come give a speech. It’s sickening no matter how you slice it.
The U of A is a very Leftoid school (a tautology these days, perhaps), as is the whole city. I’m from the Phoenix area (and attended the state rival, Arizona State University), and we used to refer to them as “granolas”.
“Granolas”. I like it !
There was a time when most police officers were like this. Has he been interviewed on the BBC yet?
He’s probably been sacked.
“BBC on a Muslim’s Killing and Wounding of Half a Dozen Christians in Egypt: ‘it is unclear whether the attack was sectarian'”
More than 140 comments in 24 hours! Is that some sort of record here?
A bit closer to home but did anyone catch this morning’s “Thought for the day with Shaikh Abdal Hakim Murad, Muslim Chaplain at the University of Cambridge”? Setting the matter of BBC bias aside for the moment, the sheer chutzpah of a Muslim cleric – a Muslim cleric – lecturing me and a few million others on the dangers of inflammatory rhetoric (with a side-swipe at Sarah Palin natch) goes to the top of the Moslem Contempt for Infidels List. Well not the absolute top perhaps: that’s reserved in perpetuity for the sponsors of the 9/11 Commemoration Mosque in New York.
Red Ed got his arse kicked at PMQ’s again, except according to John Pinhead at Radio 5 who thought Red Ed did rather well.
Is this the John Pinhead rumoured to have been in line for a top job with Red Ed by chance?
No, that could not be genetically possible, impartiality-wise.