EU Ref is great re this issue. The number of things Richard North blogs about that JUST DO NOT APPEAR in the MSM is incredible.
Great coverage of the Aussie floods made worse and some would say ’caused’ by poor control of dams due mainly to greenie pressure…floods which they now blame on global warming! Hopeless.
Agree with Sres, the ex-Greenpeace founder identified the problem, leftists looking for a new way of attacking successful wetern economies after colapse of communism.
Great video, also the 15 minute one that comes up when this one finishes. I knew the Guardian was a disgusting newspaper, but the proof of the forged documents is incredible albeit believable.
Yes Very Good. Understand the element re Mr Hamilton at the end but this I feel detracts from GW argument with BBC. The final segment offers the radicals a clear rebuff that it is a Right wing/ Tory agenda we seek. I would cut that element out as this is on a whole new subject matter in itself. My/Our main argument is that the BBC does not look at information objectively and from both sides, favouring the sensational and left wing anti- capitalist/American/Conservative etc etc point of view.
Just my thoughts
“”Marx’s interest in indigenous people, in ecology and in the commons, for example, show that while he lived in the 19th century, he was a 21st century thinker.”
And if you believe that, you’ll believe anything….even in CAGW!
Should you wish for more left eco-loonery (only IF), more at:
The whole global warming issue gets me very annoyed. Why is it a matter of “faith” where we have believers and non-believers. Surely, science is more concerned with FACTS, rather than belief.
How can we, the minority, ensure that this major issue receives the sort of rational debate it deserves, rather than the one sided view, ranting and name calling it currently receives?
You are right , it should be about science, but it has all the characteristics of a religion , and a very intolerant one at that.
Non-believers are heretics to be burned at the stake.
I’m obviously pleased by the comments about my two new videos. Thank you.
The essential, crucial point of the Hamilton affair (that make up the last four minutes of the twelve-minute version) is that it is simply peerless as a provable self-contained case study of media corruption and power.
The point is made by the sequence of captions leading up to the climax. If you jumped ship before the end go back and watch it again. The logic of the argument, if valid, has colossal positive ramifications for life in this country. Well, I’ve news for you: it is valid.
When the day finally dawns, that the people of Britain realise that the conservative Press has been complicit in suppressing news about the worst case of media criminality the world has ever known, no one will allow their thinking on any issue – whether it be Global Warming, Israel, U.S. foreign policy, or anything else – be steered by media reporting.
The problem in Britain is not just the BBC’s bias and suffocating power. It’s also the Guardian‘s sway over news journalists generally; the cliquey homogeneity of the Westminster Lobby; the similar herd mentality shared by news journalists generally; and, most of all, the sway that our Guardian-led, BBC-dominated media has over politics.
And that a large number of the population are so dumbed-down , they are unable to judge for themselves or just don’t care.
A deliberate policy of the Left, but not, so far, reversed by the non-left.
You make good points. I find that the best conservative activists are those who previously were of the Left. e.g. the former New Statesman editor Paul Johnson; the Telegraph’s Janet Daley; The Mail on Sunday’s Peter Hitchens; the Mail’s Melanie Phillips; documentary maker Martin Durkin (from whose The Great Global Warming Swindle I take the testimonies that feature in my video), to name but a few. All these people started life on the Left, and they all share the Left’s passion. Unlike the average Tory, they also know only too well the Left’s mendacity, bent for posturing, and capacity for conspiracy.
I get the impression that the Guardian and BBC have a lot of dirt on a lot of people and this is one reason why people are afraid to stand up to their appalling subversion of our democracy.
Blackmail is too complicated. I think it may be simpler. With the media infested with left-leaning jornalists and editors, from the Times, FT, Guardian. Indy, Sky is pretty dreadful at times, ITN no better, Londons freesheet Metro/ES is appaling most days, all the bBC radio stations, there is little hope of getting the next job unless you are “of the hive”.
“There is little hope of getting the next job unless you are “of the hive”.
Spot on.
I’m pretty sure I was the only Tory in the newsroom at Granada. They dispensed with my services after just twelve months and twenty or so broadcasts. I’m content that my work was okay too – my final broadcast won me a shortlisting by the NW RTS for Best Regional Broadcaster of 1997. I was Granada’s only representative – the other two were from the BBC (I didn’t win). If you’re interested you can watch it here:
HI Jon
Yes I see your point in what you say and yes a great video. All I am saying is that if your point was to highlight the issues of suppression, I would increase the number of subjects in your content highlighting the issue. Having the vast majority on one subject and then 4 mins on another, as I have have mentioned offers others a point to critise your overall adgenda.
I am on your side!!!
Cheers HT! I know what you mean and I do appreciate your points. 😀
It was a fine decision to include the Ham stuff – but if I had the option of turning the clock back and making the video again I wouldn’t have changed it.
“The notion of a static, unchanging climate is foreign to the history of the earth or any other planet with a fluid envelope. The fact that the developed world went into hysterics over changes in global mean temperature anomaly of a few tenths of a degree will astound future generations.”
Fedup2Mar 3, 20:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Someone made the observation that the woke king did 3 happy Islam twitters but noe for Wales on St David’s…
Up2snuffMar 3, 19:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 tomo, I have watched the Oval Office stuff, just now, and I did not get the same impression as you.
Fedup2Mar 3, 19:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Northern – true enough -but to put them all in one place could have … advantages …
Northern VoterMar 3, 19:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed the down side to your thinking is that TTK can just fill up those empty RAF bases with brown…
G.W.F.Mar 3, 19:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Ramadamalinglong at Windsor Castle.
atlas_shruggedMar 3, 19:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The 24 year-old afgee was the Munich car driver rammer – it could be his twin brother I guess.
MarcoMar 3, 18:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 No more wars please we are broke and so is Europe ,the loons in parliament are all deluded and all…
JeffMar 3, 18:23 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, I agree, but… Within a couple of generations the native British will be a minority in our own homeland.…
NW NinepenceMar 3, 18:19 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sorry Fed in response to your earlier comment, Posted this a few times. (Have it on a poster behind my…
EU Ref is great re this issue. The number of things Richard North blogs about that JUST DO NOT APPEAR in the MSM is incredible.
Great coverage of the Aussie floods made worse and some would say ’caused’ by poor control of dams due mainly to greenie pressure…floods which they now blame on global warming! Hopeless.
The piece with Patrick Moore (Greenpeace, not Xylophone man), is the most telling part of the whole video.
This is probably the best piece of global warming I’ve seen in a long time.
Agree with Sres, the ex-Greenpeace founder identified the problem, leftists looking for a new way of attacking successful wetern economies after colapse of communism.
Best piece about global warming…
Great video, also the 15 minute one that comes up when this one finishes. I knew the Guardian was a disgusting newspaper, but the proof of the forged documents is incredible albeit believable.
Yes Very Good. Understand the element re Mr Hamilton at the end but this I feel detracts from GW argument with BBC. The final segment offers the radicals a clear rebuff that it is a Right wing/ Tory agenda we seek. I would cut that element out as this is on a whole new subject matter in itself. My/Our main argument is that the BBC does not look at information objectively and from both sides, favouring the sensational and left wing anti- capitalist/American/Conservative etc etc point of view.
Just my thoughts
Found on an Eco-site.
“”Marx’s interest in indigenous people, in ecology and in the commons, for example, show that while he lived in the 19th century, he was a 21st century thinker.”
And if you believe that, you’ll believe anything….even in CAGW!
Should you wish for more left eco-loonery (only IF), more at:
Proves to me that the BBC is the biggest propaganda machine in the entire world.
The whole global warming issue gets me very annoyed. Why is it a matter of “faith” where we have believers and non-believers. Surely, science is more concerned with FACTS, rather than belief.
How can we, the minority, ensure that this major issue receives the sort of rational debate it deserves, rather than the one sided view, ranting and name calling it currently receives?
You are right , it should be about science, but it has all the characteristics of a religion , and a very intolerant one at that.
Non-believers are heretics to be burned at the stake.
I still like the comment (forgot who made it) that there is nothing wrong with CO2, as it’s just plant food !
Or the even more pithy “CO2 is innocent”.
You mean “The CO two are innocent ” ?
I think it was David Bellamy – remember him ?
Completely blanked out of modern science because of his realistic stance on AGW.
Excellent piece. It’s a shame the Anti Global Warming scientists were not as vocal as the Pro’s.
I’m obviously pleased by the comments about my two new videos. Thank you.
The essential, crucial point of the Hamilton affair (that make up the last four minutes of the twelve-minute version) is that it is simply peerless as a provable self-contained case study of media corruption and power.
The point is made by the sequence of captions leading up to the climax. If you jumped ship before the end go back and watch it again. The logic of the argument, if valid, has colossal positive ramifications for life in this country. Well, I’ve news for you: it is valid.
When the day finally dawns, that the people of Britain realise that the conservative Press has been complicit in suppressing news about the worst case of media criminality the world has ever known, no one will allow their thinking on any issue – whether it be Global Warming, Israel, U.S. foreign policy, or anything else – be steered by media reporting.
The problem in Britain is not just the BBC’s bias and suffocating power. It’s also the Guardian‘s sway over news journalists generally; the cliquey homogeneity of the Westminster Lobby; the similar herd mentality shared by news journalists generally; and, most of all, the sway that our Guardian-led, BBC-dominated media has over politics.
And that a large number of the population are so dumbed-down , they are unable to judge for themselves or just don’t care.
A deliberate policy of the Left, but not, so far, reversed by the non-left.
You make good points. I find that the best conservative activists are those who previously were of the Left. e.g. the former New Statesman editor Paul Johnson; the Telegraph’s Janet Daley; The Mail on Sunday’s Peter Hitchens; the Mail’s Melanie Phillips; documentary maker Martin Durkin (from whose The Great Global Warming Swindle I take the testimonies that feature in my video), to name but a few. All these people started life on the Left, and they all share the Left’s passion. Unlike the average Tory, they also know only too well the Left’s mendacity, bent for posturing, and capacity for conspiracy.
I get the impression that the Guardian and BBC have a lot of dirt on a lot of people and this is one reason why people are afraid to stand up to their appalling subversion of our democracy.
Blackmail is too complicated. I think it may be simpler. With the media infested with left-leaning jornalists and editors, from the Times, FT, Guardian. Indy, Sky is pretty dreadful at times, ITN no better, Londons freesheet Metro/ES is appaling most days, all the bBC radio stations, there is little hope of getting the next job unless you are “of the hive”.
@London Calling:
“There is little hope of getting the next job unless you are “of the hive”.
Spot on.
I’m pretty sure I was the only Tory in the newsroom at Granada. They dispensed with my services after just twelve months and twenty or so broadcasts. I’m content that my work was okay too – my final broadcast won me a shortlisting by the NW RTS for Best Regional Broadcaster of 1997. I was Granada’s only representative – the other two were from the BBC (I didn’t win). If you’re interested you can watch it here:
HI Jon
Yes I see your point in what you say and yes a great video. All I am saying is that if your point was to highlight the issues of suppression, I would increase the number of subjects in your content highlighting the issue. Having the vast majority on one subject and then 4 mins on another, as I have have mentioned offers others a point to critise your overall adgenda.
I am on your side!!!
Cheers HT! I know what you mean and I do appreciate your points. 😀
It was a fine decision to include the Ham stuff – but if I had the option of turning the clock back and making the video again I wouldn’t have changed it.
I’ve taken on board what you say anyway. Thanks.
“The notion of a static, unchanging climate is foreign to the history of the earth or any other planet with a fluid envelope. The fact that the developed world went into hysterics over changes in global mean temperature anomaly of a few tenths of a degree will astound future generations.”
Put real pressure on The Academy of Motion Pictures in Hollywood to strip Al Gore of his Oscar prior to the ceremony this year. Blog on the issue, link to and comment on the thousands of Oscar, Hollywood, film, LA media blogs and inundate Drudge.
This can catch fire, expose lies and reveal truth. The Oscars drive trivia on nominees into the globall msm but Al Gore can become the Oscar star turn again…first man to lose an Oscar.