Wonder what you make of the BBC’s coverage here on Baroness Warsi’s accusation that Islamophobia is acceptable in the UK? I notice that they ask for Muslims opinions of this at the bottom of the article. Perhaps they could also ask for the those who have victims of Islamic terrorism in the UK to venture their opinion? Perhaps they could also ask for those families who have had their teenage girls abused by Muslim gangs to also comment? But no. Warsi is right to speak against bigorty BUT she is simultaneously ignoring the menace that some within Islam represent. Last week, she had a go at “right wing” Conservatives, now the Baroness sounds like an apologist for Islamic separatism from the State.Cameron really can pick them, and of course the BBC laps it all up.
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Attacks on Jews have risen significantly across Europe in the last decade. But according to Warsi, it is Muslims that are being persecuted.
Is this not an insight into a certain mindset?
She’s just concerned about her own kind. It’s the BBC’s censorship of the problem for Jews which is the real issue here.
ust read the article and was on my way to post it here. It really takes the biscuit, I neary choked on my tea. So every time sections of our Muslim community do something that our Culture find unacceptable, it’s our fault. That is the BBC all
This is from Cramners Blog ( http://www.archbishop-cranmer.blogspot.com/ )and it says even more about the censorship regarding issues Muslim
It is interesting to note that at 10.00pm on 19th January, James Kirkup posted his article on Baroness Warsi’s speech on the The Daily Telegraph site, and that by 8.00am on 20th January this article had recorded some 1500 posts, the overwhelming majority of which were not receptive to her argument. It is telling that the comments facility is now closed and cannot even be accessed to read.
Weird. I was reading that blog at lunchtime. So much for free speech.
It’s fast becoming the Dhimmi Telegraph.
I remember seeing an article last year (on the run up to Christmas) concerning Christians and their belief they are being discriminated against.
The BBC news website countered with no less than 3 opposing arguments from the National Secular Society, a Humanist Society and Governmental think tank Ekklesia.
Only Eric Pickles was quoted as saying anything to the contrary, with a vague “[we shouldn’t] marginalise the importance Christ’s birth plays in Christmas” and a safe “This government values the role of religion, faith in public life and the part it can play in the big society.”
And it definitely didn’t ask Christians at the end of the article “Are you a [Christian]? Do you agree or disagree with [Lord Carey]’s comments? You can tell us about your experiences using the form below.”
Naturally, I can’t find a single counterpoint in this new article against her claims, whereas, the previous article I linked to was a bonanza of counterpoints.
I call Bullshit on the Baroness!
Maybe it’s because I don’t go to “dinner parties”, but every time I’ve raised the subject of the increase in antisemitism with people I know (or rather used to know) I’m told that, “one can’t criticise Israel without being accused of being an antisemite”.
Meanwhile the very same people accuse me of being “Islamophobic” for pointing out the hard facts about Islam.
This is just another example of Muslims and their “we are the new Jews!” tactic.
I don’t know the original source, but there’s a great spoof newspaper headline that encapsulates Islam’s self-imposed perpetual victim status:
“Muslim community leaders fear backlash from tomorrow’s bombing”
Six children have been suspended from school for using Facebook to make death threats to a classmate – because he posted comments supporting British troops.
The 12-year-olds threatened to attack D, 13, with knuckle dusters and knives in revenge for not supporting Islamic extremists.
D – whose father is Asian – posted a tribute to thousands of soldiers who have lost their lives defending Britain.
But a gang of pupils at ******* Academy in a mainly Muslim area of Coventry, expressed outrage.
One message said: ‘Fight on Monday gonna be heavy knuckle dusters nd knifes hopefully I don’t die.’ (sic)
Other pupils, who set up a Muslim Defence League which celebrates British deaths in Afghanistan, added comments.
D’ s mother CA read the remarks on Monday morning and pulled her son out of school.
‘I logged on and it broke my heart,’ said 42-year-old Ms A.
Principal WT said six pupils had been disciplined, five Muslim boys and one girl, all aged 12.
Where did those young Muslims get the idea from that they are engaged in a form of Jihad in the schoolyard against the sacrifice of the troops of the country of which they are presumably citizens.
They should all be deported along with their families. Unless something is done, and soon, a civil war is inevitable.
It’s what they teach them in school rather than English, Maths and English history.
Civil war my ass. We’ll bend over and take it, and then when it’s (our total surrender) through we’ll apologise fawningly for taking so long over it.
Warsi, INBBC, main UK political parties, etc. are all assisting the Organisation of the Islamic Conference’s propaganda: they are all laying the political groundwork for making globally illegal, any criticism of Islam.
UN committee approves law criminalizing “vilification of religions”
INBBC never reports on the insidious political activities of the OIC.
All the politically bigoted ‘Islamophiliacs’ are propagandising for a ‘religion of peace’, which is a religion of war against non-Muslims.
Interestingly, Ms. Warsi defends all Muslims, ‘moderates’ and ‘extremists’: she does not have one word of criticism of:
(a) the violent tenets of Islam, many of which are directed against we non-Muslims;
(b) the violent imperial history of Islam, which has included invasion and occupation of many parts of Europe;
(c) the violent present jihadist activities of Islam, throughout the world, which are a daily real murderous threat;
(d) the stealth jihad whereby Islam, using the political methods of immigration, infiltration, dawa (proselytizing of Islam), subverts Western societies. Robertr Spencer author of ‘Stealth Jihad’ and
Of course, Warsi and co. are aiming to ban all critics of Islam.
Why was this the main BBC headline first thing this morning – it surely was not the TOP news.
Warsi is ridiculous in claiming “the media” are unfair. The BBC as the most influential and pervasive of the UK media is utterly pro-Muslim, gives far too much time to them, and is usually obsequious to a sickening degree.
World Service this morning repeated the full half-hour eulogy to some guy who converted to Islam 120 years ago and set up a base in Liverpool. An obscure story – no-one knows where the guy eventually went – but nevertheless judged by the BBC to be worth 30 minutes of the usual endless sanitisation of Islam and sideswipes at the British.
Warsi has it all back-to-front.
Yes, it’s all our fault, isn’t it.
Nothing to do with the tendency of certain religions to fly off the handle at the slightest perceived insult, intended or not, and threaten death to those who have said, or might think of saying, something they disagree with.
Nothing to do with the barbarous practices of stoning to death or suppression of women practiced by large proportions of that religion.
No, we’re the intolerant ones and I apologise for my bigotry in disliking these aspects.
And while I’m at it, I really get irritated at news items saying “Baroness Warsi will say…”. She’s released it to the press, knowing they’ll lap it up, so she has said it. She will merely repeat it later.
I find this statement by Warsi very pointless and arrogant ! to dislike or even hate [as long as you do not act in hate that would be to play by their rules!! ] something that is a threat to you your family is a perfectly normal reaction! all this stupid talk of embracing the problem is utter rubbish, if my house is on fire I don’t have a debate with the fire on why it feels the need to burn my house down or what I did to provoke the fire I fight it with everything at my disposal in this case words!.
I dislike Islam and it’s teachings I find it’s followers brutal interpretation of their book hateful and their actions towards women and homosexuals or anyone from a competing religion, should be talked about at dinner parties with disgust! why should we sit round and accept something most right minded find unacceptable just because she says debate is not only over but wrong I think she got this argument style off the greenish??
Well said, Matthew.
We can assume that if David Cameron doesn’t sack her, he agrees with her.
A central theme that runs through the British Islamic community is that they are victims, that the media reports negatively on them and that contrary to public belief the most loyal Britons you can find are..Muslims.
The thing is while the bBC promotes the above as the truth, they kind of leave out (As pointed out above) that attacks on Non-Muslims by Muslims have risen. That the reporting of bomb attacks/acid attacks/suicide bombings/attacks on churches/Honour killings/Rape/Child sex etc.. (But not usually by the bBC) is how a free and democratic society operates. If you don’t wish to have any of the above reported in the press don’t do it. It’s as simple as that. I mean while the bBC reported the otherday about how so many women converted to Islam, they didn’t mention that it is primarily a one-way street and that people who try to leave have a habit of ending up dead.
Muslims (And the bBC) may not like how the British population is starting to question how they operate. But lets be honest here the British have been (And still are) very open to making friends with anybody. Which is why so many Muslims have moved to the UK and why a white family adopted me during the 70s. However for all this openness most Islamic communities have kept to themselves and remain opaque to outside scrutiny, a scrutiny which has been directed at every group which we know very little about.
The problem with Islam is that in their home countries they are the majority faith and so the excesses which we find deplorable (As found above) can be hushed up and thus everybody can carry on happy in the knowledge that they are actually a religion of peace and their victims are not. Its as simple as that. Well newsflash Islam isn’t the ruling faith in the West and so our media and by extension the dinner table conversation cannot be silenced by theological ruled death sentences. Which is why the likes of the bBC are now (Like they have done with Islamic terrorism) are on a crusade in which to remake every non-Muslim in the Uk as a foaming at the mouth racist and that Muslims are facing a genocide on a similar scale as the Jews in which to try and turn around the British populace from the losing battle Muslims are facing with the news.
And it seems that the bBCs HYS page on this has attracted lots of people with a similar mindset as mine. No doubt the bBC will delete the ones that they don’t like.
Of course it’s the liberal left that invented the phrase ‘moderate Muslim’. As I’ve pointed out many times, there is no such thing, just as you can’t have a moderate Nazi.
It’s the belief system that is the problem. Do ‘moderate Muslims’ believe in homosexual marriage for example? Do they think women should have thr right to wear what they like and marry who they like?
The BBC and co created the term now they’re blaming everyone else for using it.
Blame Sarah Palin.
Once again this is “news” in the future tense ie the media are complicit in setting an agenda rather than straightforward reportage. The Telegraph is just as guilty as the BBC on this one although, it bears repeating, I do not have to buy the Telegraph.
This is, of course, a blatant attempt by the Conservatives to get some traction in the search for the Muslim vote (meanwhile dumping on their traditional supporters). Warsi, whose sole claim to any eminence and preferment is her religion, is a more or less traditional race hustler (actually in her case, religion hustler but the tactics are the same) although many non-bigoted Muslims like these reported here on a local BBC page
have objected to her representing them as they allege she is not a “proper Muslim” whatever that may be but I’m sure we can guess.
I have no idea (and, funnily enough I can’t find anything on the BBC website to tell me – perhaps Dez could help here) what proportion of Muslims in the UK vote Conservative (or voted Conservative last year) but my suspicion would be that Muslims form a solid non-Tory voting bloc supporting Labour or the LibDems. For instance in this snippet from the Moslem News website
we are told that in respect of the 2010 election
“There were 80 seats where Labour increased their share of the vote – 50% of these were in Scotland, many others were seats with a large Muslim population where the Iraq war effect in 2005 seemed to reverse somewhat”
Also Muslim triumphalism – of which coin Warsi’s statement is the reverse is illustrated here
which also celebrates the non-bigoted Muslim campaign against “antiZionist” and “islamophobe” MPs.
This story will run and run on the BBC and will be brought up every time any news item possibly putting Islam or Moslems in a bad light arises.
I can cite dozens of authoritative sources to support my unease. An unease which I do not allow to disturb my ‘dinner parties’ ,but certainly has opened my eyes to a problem which has increased from 1.1 to 2.6 million since 2001.
What’s interesting is the BBC decision to make this into the top story of the day, when it clearly is not that big a deal.
Who the hell gave them this power? Who wants them to have this power?
NOt many people, as far as I can judge.
I decided Muslims were dangerous people when they attempted to blow up the Tiger Tiger Club in London. I was walking past with my daughter.
I think they were doctors working for the NHS. You would have thought doctors were capable of making a decent bomb.
I do know this, in another 10 to 15 years this country will be the new Beirut.
Longrider has nailed this in a very good post.
Okay, a little linguistic pedantry is due here. Firstly a phobia is an irrational fear or hatred and prejudice is to pre-judge without knowledge. I would suggest that much of the dislike of Islam stems from observation of behaviour. We see Moslems playing their hand in victim-hood poker and the righteous telling us repeatedly that we must not offend them, indeed, we must respect their beliefs – even though their beliefs are not only absurd, but are based on the deranged rantings of a medieval warlord who believed in conversion by sword point.
And, sometimes, intolerance is the right approach. Tolerating the intolerable is hardly reasonable and if intolerance of this evil cult is now socially acceptable, then that is a good thing, not a bad one. And I am happy to be openly intolerant of this nasty belief system.
We are not irrational nor do we judge without knowledge. We know Islam and its adherents all too well and we don’t like it.
It’s people like Warsi who make people like me dislike and distrust people like Warsi. (I don’t think we are allowed to hate anyone these days, are we?). And our public bodies – Parliament, bbc, you name it – are infested with these ‘people’.
I wonder if Baroness Warsi has suffered a death threat, or is just playing her part in Jihad?
Sorry Baroness, we dont have to apologise for viewing Muslims with suspicion for 9/11, Muslims have apologise for what was done in the name of Islam 9/11 and convince us they vehemently oppose it.
We’re not getting that. Instead we’re getting the appalling nerve of even the likes of Baroness Warsi taking umbrage about our wariness of Muslims.
If some people acting in the name of Christianity had committed such an unspeakable atrocity the Christian world would have absolutely no trouble rejecting without ‘buts’ and doing its utmost to assure non-Christians of their goodwill.
This is not what we get from Muslims. The exact opposite.
Baroness Warsi should be sacked.
I had always quite liked her, sometimes she seemed to be the only sane voice from the Muslim community.
This ridiculous statement has completely changed my mind about her. Unless she apologises for it she should be, as you say, sacked.
Even if Cameron disagrees with Warsi, which I doubt, he doesn’t have the balls to sack her.
That’s a good question. (Whether she has received a death threat or is playing her own part.) This speech is a striking departure for her. It makes me wonder if she has been got at. It reads like something that could have been written by the egregious MCB or that other equally rabid Islamic council whose name I forget.
She has always been outspoken and “no nonsense” in her comments and never afraid to criticise Muslims re integration and British values etc. She seemed integrated and well adapted herself and able to speak from the point of view of the majority population. Now suddenly she is coming from a radically different position with a grievance against the majority about something which she surely must know is fairly inevitable when you have violence and mass murder attempts against a population. It’s as if two different people have emerged where we thought there was one. I wonder how this is going to develop. Which one is going to prevail?
Yes it is very strange. I used to really quite admire her. Working class girl becomes Tory politician, seems to have shaken off the worst excesses of Islam and now this. Must be a reason.
Lacking empathy perhaps.
I wonder what Muslim Ms. Warsi’s fate would be if she left Islam and became an apostate?
Islam, Apostasy, and Human Rights
“Islam, Apostasy and Human Rights”
Warsi was on Radio 5 just now getting the softest interview I’ve ever heard a Tory get on that piece of shit of a network.
Scabby Logan interviewed her, then some other whining Muslim, then to get another ‘perspective’ we get a barrister, who is of course a Muslim.
“So are Muslims being persecuted more than other groups” she ask him, well asking him that question was like asking if the Pope is a Catholic.
So yes comes back the answer, but what was interesting was the example he gave “My 8 year old son was in his design class and was asked to build something, another boy said I was going to build a Synagog, but Hassan [his son] will want to blow it up”
So I think it’s fair to guess the other boy was Jewish, how interesting that a MUSLIM picks on a Jewish kid as an example of Muslims being persecuted.
You just can’t make it up. I didn’t hear any non Muslims asked for their opinion.
The other Muslim twat went on and on about ‘Palestine’ and the Jews.
Perhaps Dez might like to explain why Muslims hate Jews so much and who really is persecuted in this world?
I caught a lot of that Gabby Logan segment. She did ask some quite searching questions but then agreed with the evasive and manipulative answers. I guess she’ll be receiving a free burka in the post. .. Stupid woman
That muslim barrister guy was the ex-head of the MCB. Playing his part in Jihad as always.
Interesting how Warsi’s utter twaddle wasn’t opened up to a phone-in debate??!! Just one-sided propaganda jihad aided and abetted by the dhimmi BBC.
Just as Logan was signing off the ex MCB Head guy demanded to know “What is the British way of life” as if expecting to elicit some grovelling abasement that it’s wholly compatible with everything the ‘Religion of Peace’ stands for and in fact can only be enhanced by it.
Logan spurted out a bit about being democratic and getting on, which I suppose was OK, but had there been a guest on putting the other point of view, he could have told him its nothing to do with ‘honour killings’; threatening and killing people who convert from Islam; widescale ballot fraud; making women live in tents etc.
“Baroness Warsi should think twice before accusing Christians of bigotry
Had Baroness Warsi sought my advice, I would have counselled her not to make the speech which has been trailed in The Daily Telegraph today.
I would have told her that the Muslim faith was not discussed over the dinner tables of England, nor in the saloon bars, before large numbers of Muslims came here to our country. Then I would have told her to go to our Christian churches and listen to what was said about her religion and those who practise it, then to the Mosques to hear what is said in some of them about the Christian faith and those who practise it (or about Buddhists, Jews, or even those who have no faith at all).
After that, I would say, she might consider who is in need of her homilies on prejudice.
Until then a period of silence from the Baroness might not come amiss.” Norman Tebbit
Good old Norman, the best Prime Minister we never had.
Way to go Tebbo! Noone can tell it like him (apart from Maggie that is before Alzheimers set in).
I’ve just posted this on his blog:-
Thank you for saying what you have my Lord about the obscene comments of Baroness Warsi.
I have thought for the last couple of years or so that with the main parties having all succumb[ed] to cultural Marxism we need a new political party. Now I know what it should be called: The Tebbit Party
Islamophobia = an irrational fear of Muslims that causes other Muslims to run away to live in non-Muslim (for the moment) countries.
Islamo-monia =what they all do when they get here.
Islamophobia = an irrational fear of Muslims that causes other Muslims to run away to live in non-Muslim (for the moment) countries.
Islamo-monia =what they all do when they get here.
Not on BBC
This is how members of the Religion of Peace behave in multicultural Sweden.
Best line from the comments on YouTube: They must be homesick
Of course the Muzzie’s and the BBC like to re-write history. Let’s NOT forget the bombings in Africa, Bali, WTC (first attack), USS Cole and the 9/11 attacks were ALL done BEFORE THE INVASION OF IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN.
The c**ts at the BBC forget this and NEVER challenge Muslims who claim their violence is something against the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Somebody from the Qilliam Foundation just told the BBC that part of the problem came from within the more extreme elements of the Mohammedan Community in Britain. If the BBC wasn’t biased, they’d have him on with Warsi to discuss what to do about it instead of just clucking their tongues.
Yet another Moozie on Radio 5 trying to blame Israel for the Muslims all being nutters.
Like blaming a woman in a mini skirt for being raped.
Baroness Warsi is too late. Traumatic events such as July 7 take years to have a real effect. A sort of delayed shock. Add to that the endless news from the ME about persecution of Christians, our own long denied child grooming scandals in the North and a growing knowledge about just what Sharia is, and how alien it is to Western tradition, amongst ordinary people and you have all the ingredients necessary for what is mistakenly called Islamaphobia but is in reality a real fear for the future and for what sort of country our children will be living in.
This fear is not just in England but seen all over Europe. We are not the problem and Warsi must know this. You need to deal with the cause of the fear not attack the fearful. AS for the BBC it has never shown the slightest interest in anything but it’s irrational belief in multiculturalism and on this as so much else is no longer of any consequence.
dave S,
Excellent post !
Not yet reported by BBC. I am curious if/when the do and how they treat it:
CAIRO | Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:28am EST
CAIRO (Reuters) – Egypt’s highest Islamic authority, al-Azhar, said Thursday it was freezing all dialogue with the Roman Catholic Church over what it called Pope Benedict’s repeated insults toward Islam.
Benedict this month condemned attacks on churches that killed dozens of people in Egypt, Iraq and Nigeria, saying they showed the need to adopt effective measures to protect religious minorities.
His remarks followed a New Year bombing outside a church in the Egyptian city of Alexandria that left 23 people dead and dozens injured and prompted demonstrations by both Christians and Muslims against sectarian violence.
The pope urged Christian communities to persevere in a non-violent manner in the face of what he described as “a strategy of violence that has Christians as a target.”
Beeboids, this is news.
So , muslims murder christians without being provoked. The Pope condemns the murders and some twisted Imam accuses the Pope of insulting Islam.
I would have thought the BBC would make it headline news with glowing approval for the Imam !
Detailed critque (never to appear on INBBC) of Muslim Ms. Warsi’s easy use of Muslim-invented epithet which is thrown at we kafirs: ‘islamophobia’:
If prejudice is hatred without reason then I am not prejudiced because I know all I need to know about islamic hostile colonists in the UK, they are as a whole not loyal to the UK because to do so goes against their religion.
Those from nations like Pakistan will never ever ever place the interests of the UK first and foremost, the hostile colonists are hostile to the UK and British non muslims, Not one in a hundred would piss on you if you were on fire and their bladders were bursting.
The more hostile colonists there are the more trouble they cause, its in their nature and the pattern is set in stone. Self rule and self governance and they will use the most violent means to achieve their goals. You cannot live with hostile colonists and you cannot bargain or appease or integrate them EVER. Hostile colonists who hate with an intensity we cannot imagine will never be soothed or satisified, its us or them, either we disappear or they do and the choice is a stark and simple one to make and the imbeciles who invited them in in the first place knew this from the get go.
You cannot bargain with a starving hyena by chopping off an arm and hoping the beast will go away satisifed, the hostile colonists have a foot in the door and when numbers grow to a certain level they will take over by force, this is not a maybe it is a concrete fact.
The hostile colonists will never be satisifed until they have everything and every appeaser and cowardly act and every compromise will only fuel their hunger for more.
The tragedy is that its going to come down to a simple fact, its going to be us or them, either they prevail or we do and the sooner we all realise it the better for us.
It’s harsh but they want what we have not what we think. That’s the long and short of it. Of course, there are exceptions, but the sad. sad truth is that we are in a socialist arranged marriage from hell.
Baroness Warsi is correct about prejudice against Muslims at the dinner table being acceptable.
Having attended a few over the years it does crop up and I can confirm they all reflect the opinion on this Blog. Wonder if we’ve been wired.
At a recent Arab meeting for the first time since the public revolt in Tunisia toppled its autocratic president, heard one of their own, a consummate insider, warn that “the Arab soul is broken by poverty, unemployment and general recession.”
The penny finally drops, having spent billions of dollars on confrontation with Israel, Arab leaders finally discover they have impoverished their own populations. Tunisia has rocked their boat.
Meanwhile we have allowed millions of Muslims into this country bringing their medieval religion and all their prejudices, they bomb our busses and tube trains they burn poppies on Remembrance Day and call our soldiers baby killers.
Yet we are expected to accept this because its all our fault.
Utter Bollocks!
Put your hands up all those people who voted for this woman. Yes thats right no one. Camerons “conservatives” no different than Blairs New Labour.
“Britain is no nation of bigots, Baroness Warsi”(by Nile Gardiner)
Mr. Gardiner makes some useful points here, but gets off the point somewhat by trying to work out whether there are different levels of motivation by Muslims over the supremacist message of the Islamic tenets. Ms. Warsi, like Mr. A. Choudary knows that there is only one Islam:
One thing I take great pride in since 9/11 and 7/7 is there have been no violent reprisals against the Muslim community in Britain. This shows collosal restraint. Instead of praising us Baroness Warsi damns us. You disgusting woman. Cameron shouldn’t just sack her, he should buy her a one way ticket out of her to go back to live in the Muslim hell-hole her family came from.
Well said Hippie!
If Great Britain is so terrible and bigoted then why are muslims pouring in by the million? Surely if the British were so horrid and nasty to the poor innocent muslim hordes then wouldnt they be trying to escape?
Muslims are trying any ways and means to get into the UK and more are coming everyday, these muslims sure do have a funny way of thinking, they commit gross acts of terrorism and barbaric cruelty and they believe they are the victims?
I would love to ask Warsi how many muslims have been murdered by Christian or Jewish bombers in the UK and how many demos by Jews and Christians have there been which call for the murder of muslims? Not many Benny!
I have yet to see a placcard saying death to muslims, behead all those who insult Christianity and Christianity will dominate the world and muslims go to hell. No chants of death to all muslims and no rallys of hate, funny that eh?
Physician Cure Thyself
Baroness Warsi with some of her friends
She says those seen arguing with her in the clip bring the faith of Islam into disrepute, “much like (sic) Nick Griffin brings his faith and his community into disrepute”.
Eh? What faith? I have never heard Nick Griffin banging on about God and faith. I doubt that he is religious at all. Have I missed his devotion to God and faith or is this a stealthy false analogy?
Actually, what’s even more interesting from that clip is that Warsi draws a clear distinction between “the real British Muslims” and the ones we saw on film confronting her about Shariah.
From 59 secs in, she literally points out the real ones to us, saying, “because what you see is a direct conflict between the real British Muslims, which are these guys…[pointing] and…you saw people who are bringing the faith of Islam into huge disrepute…”
Scroll forward to the present and now she is lecturing the rest of us about bigotry and prejudice for among other things, drawing distinctions between two types or degrees of Muslim! Her recent speech is at such odds with the messages we had been getting previously from her, it’s astonishing. Just who has begun pulling the strings?
“Dangerous Bint of the Week”http://www.newenglishreview.org/blog_display.cfm/blog_id/32047
“What kind of dinner parties do you go to, Baroness?”(by Richard Littlejohn)
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1349114/Islamophobia-What-kind-dinner-parties-Baroness-Warsi.html#ixzz1Bi7JKcUS
Harry Potter actress’s brother jailed for attacking her
The brother of a Harry Potter film actress who assaulted her because her boyfriend was not Muslim has been jailed for six months.
Manchester Crown Court heard Ashraf Azad launched a “prolonged and nasty” attack on Afshan Azad, who played Padma Patil in the hit films.
She was punched repeatedly and dragged by her hair after being overheard talking to her Hindu boyfriend.
Mr Azad, 28, pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm.
The court previously heard how Miss Azad, 22, was branded a “prostitute” and “slag” and was told: “Marry a Muslim or you die.”
Read it all.