Keith Olbermann has left MSNBC. Richard and Rhod will be upset.
Rumours (begun by me) that he has been offered a daily “Bash Palin” segment on Radio 4’s Today programme have yet to be confirmed or denied.
UPDATE 7pm. Distraught fans of left-wing polemic declare their intentions:
On the contrary. Mr Obermann’s departure from MSNBC will cause widespread joy in the BBC’s news department.
The Guardian says Mr Obermann was ‘responsible in large part for MSNBC’s orientation as a liberal, Democratic-leaning channel.’
And if there is one thing BBC news staff will not tolerate it is bias or partiality of any kind.
With this episode on his CV the fanatically impartial BBC is the last place that Mr Obermann could ever hope to get a job.
He’d fit right in at the BBC; don’t give them ideas…
Glenn Beck Psychic, Olbermann Not.
The guy is such a clown that Id doubt he would even be able to find space to fit in at the BBC! π
Anyway, good reddens to bad rubbish.
Now..if only the BBC would be brought by someone who would run it like a business and get rid of all the lefty so called journalists! π
We can only live in hope π
Chur chur
Another reason why BBC-Democrat dislikes ‘Fox News’:
Ratings Are In For 2010: Fox Completely Dominates Cable News
Let’s see now: GE owns NBC Universal. Jeff Immelt is CEO of GE. The Democrat President of the United States appointed Immelt as his Jobs Czar. MSNBC is part of NBC Universal. Immelt spoke to CNBC employees a while back instructing them to support the President. GE just got a $500 million turbine deal with China, when only a few months ago they were struggling in that market.
Olbermann was a staunch supporter of His election campaignm, and at one point was so open about it that MSNBC had to remove him from anchoring their election coverage. He as also suspended for a few days recently for donating cash to Democrat candidates. Olbermann’s ludicrous, over-the-top rhetorice, though, is now a liability in this new day of “civility”.
Buh-bye. Under the bus he goes. Now the Obamessiah Administration can continue to be corrupt and pretend they have the moral high ground on political rhetoric.
BBC: The Obamessiah is doubleplusgood. ZZZzzzzzzzz
Corruption Update: The FCC just approved GE’s sale of NBC to Comcast, a cable TV and internet provider. Normally, this kind of thing is frowned on for anti-trust reasons, but somehow the Government sees no problems with this. After all, GE and Immelt have been loyal Party supporters. Am I in China now? Matt Frei, call your office.
Keith Olbermann – A Tribute
Olbermann the Model (of a liar)
There are lots of ways to lie and Keith Olbermann is an expert in just about all of them – the prevarication, the fib, the whopper, the white lie, misleading through omission, manufacturing quotations, deceit, dishonesty, the “bait and switch”, evasion, euphemism, exaggeration, changing the subject, leading astray, silence, false empathy, pretense, pomposity, pretense.
If it’s a form of lying Keith has done it and his expertise in the finer points is on full display each night on Countdown.
It’s a bit like shooting fish in a barrel to take the time to point out ALL of Keith’s lies. The simplest way to understand Olbermann is to realize that he does not tell lies on Countdown. ALL he does on Countdown is tell lies. Every sentence is a carefully woven piece of propaganda that is infested with lies. The entire presentation of information by Keith is one big lie tied to together by lots of little ones with the fig leaf that he is just presenting a “snarky” take on the events of the day.
By the time one would be able to pick apart the totality of the lies broadcast on MSNBC by Olbermann another show would be airing. There is no good way to keep up. But that does not mean one should never take the time to explore Olbermann’s words and dissect the lies embedded in his show. The most instructive lessons can be gleaned from exploring Keith’s “layered lies”, a special form of Olbfuscation that operates in multiple dimensions and on multiple levels all while relying on the willful ignorance of his viewers who do not know or care to know where the truth ends and the lies begin.
You could build a RICO case around just one sentence in an Olbermann script.
My thanks to for that assessment of the great man. Beeb, get Olbermann signed up – he’s your kind of guy.
Olbermann sounds like a hyper-partisan hack of the highest, most ludicrous magnitude. I’m sure he’ll fit in well at the BBC.
Interesting tweet from an American linking the Olbermann/Sissons stories:
Over here, lefties furious over #olbermann are vowing to watch only BBC RT @Jim_Watford Left-wing bias? In BBC’s DNA
He’s not joking!
imstilltoofly: WTF Keith Olbermann got fired from MSNBC, okay I’m never watching that channel again back to BBC news. To bad I don’t get the 24 hr channel.
LMUBill: @neilwymt Countdown with Keith Olbermann was the only thing I watched on there. Guess I’ll stick to the BBC now.
Olbermann. BBC. Coverage is much the same it would seem.
Couldn’t resist – added these as an update.
Keep ’em coming, DB. All that’s left for the poor dears is the BBC and St. Jon Stewart. No evidence there that the BBC feeds them Left-leaning opinion, no sir.
With its staff of Obama-loving, Palin/Tea Party-hating US correspondents there’s much to commend the BBC to an intinerant MSNBC channel flicker.
In case you’re wondering that’s meant to be “itinerant” and not some new word I’ve invented.
Whatever the machinations behind this news, I don’t care. Just glad the poisonous fat gimp has gone. American cable news is a better place without him. Now, if only the rest of the lillywhite MSLSD line-up would drive off a cliff, things would be even better. Time for a celebratory glass of an amusing red.
That idiot Tom Watson MP, attacked Glenn Beck in Westminster Hall the other day (saw an article in Huffington Post) – with the intention of getting him banned in the UK – called him an anti-semetic, polemicist, and more ridiculous stuff still.
Someone like Olbermann is the left wing equivalent. Funny then that some consider him interchangeable with the beeb, i wonder whether Watson approves of him.
With Olbermann Gone the News Media Is Now Even More Dishonest
Looks like the new management – Comcast – wasn’t going to protect and tolerate Olbermann’s poison like Immelt did. The MSNBC management is relieved he’s gone, but they couldn’t have gotten rid of him so long as The Obamessiah’s minion was in charge. But never mind, let’s go back to crying about how nasty Uncle Rupert makes his news channels biased instead.
37,000 comments on Huffpo. Bet he comes back with Arianna. Her credibilty will be screwed (the “but you employ Olbermann” argument will be used over and over against her) but the nutroots left (including certain BBC presenters) love him and he’ll drive traffic.
Fox has offered Olbermann a job commensurate with his abilities.
As a night cleaner.