Hosni says “OK, I admit I am a dictator but I do admire the way the UK allows a broadcasting tyranny to provide daily news and comment. Any chance of a job later this year?” Open thread for a new week…off you go..
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The first person INBBC turned to for comment on PM Cameron’s speech on ‘multiculturalism’, and ‘extremism’ was Mohammad Shafiq:
“Muhammad Shafiq and the Ramadhan Foundation”
[opening extract]:
“One of the negative outcomes of the post 7/7 debate on Islamist inspired extremism and terrorism is the fact that some journalists believe that just because someone is a Muslim he/she will inevitably be an expert on Islamist extremism. At first we were subjected to former corner shop owner turned Labour peer, Lord Nazir Ahmed, making bizarre and incomprehensible statements. Then we had to endure the buffoonery of Shahid Malik and Khalid Mehmood, both complete and utter imbeciles who only got elected due to the clan/tribal politics within the Pakistani communities in which they stood. And recently, we have been treated to more stupidity from another clueless and unelected Peer, Sayeedi Warsi.
All of the above mentioned individuals are more reminiscent of characters from ‘Carry On up the Khyber’ rather than serious commenter’s on socio-political issues. Whilst their comments should be viewed as entertainment rather than political analysis, the silliness doesn’t stop there. We now have spokespersons from the Ramadhan Foundation making complete fools of themselves.”
Spot included word for prize…not!
Strewth, just caught Gabby Logan leading up to PMQs. She referred to the mockery Conservative MP Paul Maynard suffered ‘from fellow MPs .. who didn’t know he had cerebral palsy’. Still no mention on the BBC he suffered the mockery from Labour MPs, and nowhere has it been established they didn’t know of his condition. That was just speculation from a fellow MP who one can speculate was engaged in damage limitation. What I will assert and not speculate is this is another example – in this case Gabby Logan – of a BBC presenter acting as an adjunct to Labour spin. On any normal day this is despicable, given what she was trying to spin away, doubly so.
Well, after PMQs she became the first BBC person I’m aware of who mentioned that the MPs who mocked Mr Maynard were Labour. I dont know if it had anything to do with the email I’d sent her, although she did reply to me beforehand that that’s what she was going to do.
The Labour MP she addressed the behaviour to flatly denied that anything like that had taken place, and that was that. No follow-up question such as ‘Are you saying he made it up?’. So not only do Labour MPs mock Mr Maynard’s affliction but they’re allowed to call him a liar as well. A place in the citadel of BBC Labour bias the TODAY programme awaits her.
I’m a bit confused, Cameron has a choice of all the Conservative MPs as ministers and yet still puts in William ‘its the jews’ Hague, Ken ‘love an old lag’ Clarke and George ‘banker’ Osborne in the most senior posts.
What’s more the bBC seem to be giving Vague and Clarke (not Osborne mind you) a free hand that they definitely do not extend to other Conservatives.
Aha wait, the light is dawning on me…
– BBC-NUJ, (son of Labour peer, Lord Peston)
has decided to ‘come out’ finally as the fully-fledged Labour Party advocate he is.
With rather unfortunate timing, on the day when the Coalition government announces some of the most stringent controls and taxes of bankers’ pay, profits and bonuses, Peston jnr accuses the Tories of being more or less in the bankers’ pocket!
“Are hedge fund managers the Tories’ trade unionists?”
I look forward to Peston’s article next week:
“Are trade unionists Labour’s hedge fund managers?”
Only kidding.
“What does the BBC think of Radio 4’s 10m loyal listeners?
Too many are white, Southern and elderly”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1355048/BBC-Trust-Radio-4-extend-appeal-listeners-white-Southern-elderly.html#ixzz1DTK9Du00
Robert Peston on the News Channel just now missed yet another opportunity to be honest and mention that it was Gordon Brown who told Lloyds to absorb HBOS and that blaming Daniels for it is BS. Instead, he pushed the lie, just to maintain his theme of bashing bankers who earned what their perfectly legal contracts said they should.
Gordon Brown’s biographer himself claimed at the time that Daniels got cold feet once he saw just how crap HBOS’s situation was, and Mr. Brown went in and twisted his arm. Of course, as soon as it became clear just how bad it was, Peston immediately began to distance Mr. Brown from the scene, and has steadfastly censored himself from mentioning it ever since.
Can’t trust Robert Peston about anything other than explaining the gory details of financial transactions.
Did anyone catch Peter Sissons on Richard Bacon?
I think ‘petulant’ was a fair way to describe Bacon’s obsessing with what Sissons revealed (confirmed) about the BBC being the broadcasting arm of the Guardian.
And then we have left wing comedian Andy Parsons who congratulating Bacon for “nailing” Peter Sissons that “he had only once sat next to someone at the BBC who once read the Guardian.
Intriguing how Bacon never challenged Sissons on his claim that the BBC is a propaganda arm of man made global warming theory. I guess there’s some things that are just too hard work to rubbish.
Rigouroulsy impartial BBC political editor falls further in love with Ed Miliband, possibly the only person a pissed, horny Essex slapper would step over in favour of if seeking some male slap and tickle:
He is in good company mind….
Peaches! Brush up the CV luv, Aunty’s empire beckons! Look out Sally Bercow.
Mind you, she may be a tad overqualified. The BBC has high stanards when it comes to ‘jernlism and riting’:
Once again Nick Robinson shows that he lives inside the twisted Westminster bubble and simply isn’t interested in what the rest of the world thinks. Sure, Miliband Minor’s little quip scored points in the Labour back benches and the press box, but so what? That’s not reality, that’s classroom hijinks. Yet Robinson acts as if the opinion of MPs is important, rather than the public’s opinion of them.
Just like he always does.
So even though certain banks are going to be lending more than last year – under the Labour Government – and certain banks are in fact giving out lower bonuses than last year (even Peston admitted it today) – under the Labour Government, the BBC still hasn’t challenged a single Labour figure about being dishonest about the Osborne deal.
Laura K. barely did a few minutes ago, but it was really a set-up for Chukka and yet another Scottish guy to repeat the Labour line. And the whole time the BBC’s text crawl at the bottom of the screen is showing Ed Balls’ statements about the Tories being too cozy with the banks (unlike Mr. Brown, really?) and are putting politics over economics (ditto).
It goes without saying that a bank which is now in a more stable position would be lending more than last year anyway, without prompting from Boy George, but a sane person might actually think that means the Tories have managed things well enough so far to enable them to do it. Not to hear it from the BBC editors and correspondents, though.
Instead the perspective of their reporting is from the Labour line and not an objective analysis. Funny how Ed Balls’ song about how severe cuts too soon will hurt the recovery doesn’t apply to the people actually in charge of making the money recover. Let’s cut them to the bone, and bloat the public services instead, which are not sustainable and create nothing? Not a single Beeboid analyst has dared question that genius logic.
What a pathetic excuse for a news organization.
PS: Yes, I know Vince Cable is utterly useless, and that’s not the BBC’s fault. Don’t the Tories have anyone else who can do basic math and explain what’s really going on?
Good grief! I just witnessed a most sickening display of cold-blooded detachment from on high. Sopel and Sophie on the News Channel showed a video clip of some armed robber in Seattle trying to rob a convenience store, and then joked about it.
Apparently he’s down on his luck and needs the money. He was very apologetic, gave a big sob story, promised to pay the money back if he ever got back on his feet. But he had a gun, and this is still armed robbery, regardless of how polite he was.
Video ends, and Sopel and Sophie start joking around about it! Here’s someone who is so desperate as to do something really, really stupid, possibly even endangering his life and others if he picked a store where the clerk had his own gun (as many do in the US), and they think it’s funny!
They are so detached from ordinary lives that they see nothing wrong with having a giggle at a little tragedy.
Marxist offspring Miliband led his ‘attack’ at PMQ’s today with the collapse of the’big society.’ following lots of whining by (labour party members) running charites and by politically motivated ‘maximum damage’ cuts made by Labour council Strangely co-incidental how these attack themes appear on radio 4, evidenced by Labour acolites reading from the official party script on Mondays, are amplified on Tuesdays are exploited on Wednesdays and vanish on Thursdays. It is almost as if there was a media managemengt strategy at work. If I can spot it, perhaps the super-brains at the BBC can work out that there is something iffy. Either they are too lazy to examine the crap they are fed by labour, too stupid to recognise it or simply part of the f*****g party apparatus.
Parasitic, self-important vermin
I have a suggestion,
every day we should keep a ‘cuts count’ (danger here of BBC ‘accidental’ spoonerism…) Where each news bulletein has a simple count of the numer of times the words “cut” or “cuts” appears