The old Open Thread has fled to Sharm el Shiekh. A new Open Thread has been installed. Let the protests against the reporting bias of the BBC continue!
INBBC omits connecting impact of sudden increase in mass immigration from Tunisia to Italy on cultural, economic and political effect on British people.
“Italy ‘to deploy police to Tunisia’ to tackle migration”
There is no explicit mention of the negative impact on British people of such an influx into the E.U.; which could be the beginning of a much greater immigrant invasion,which will involve Britain.
Western Europe, including Britain, is being rapidly colonised by mass immigration from mainly Islamic countries. The political ‘left’, inc INBBC sees no problem for British people. Perhaps it is part of the plan to Islamise Britain, which the Labour Party and the E.U. (and an approving INBBC) have been driving for over many years.
Nolan on 5 Dead had a Hazel Blears doll on his programme on Saturday. When he pulled the string on its back the doll kept repeating ‘Tory coots, 10,000 police jobs going, we halved crime’.
Whether Nolan knows this is dross and condones it because he’s a pretrendy leftie, or just doesn’t realise it’s dross, who knows.
Either way it’s a tragic waste of money.
Moving on to Sean Lay (not sure if this is the fellow’s name) and The World This Weekend (or if that’s what the programme’s called) but you ha to love his’
‘And later in the programme we’ll be asking whether the Middle East is really suited to Western-style democracy.’
A very tired al-beeb tactic – ramming their opinion down the listeners’ throats while pretending to be ‘asking’. And ‘Western-style democracy’ is droid-code for ‘America’;
If he was going to be more honest he might say ‘
‘And later in the programme we’ll be praising Islam and slamming the US. It’s what we do.’
If he was going to be more honest…
They’re so haplees they can’t even shill properly, despite all the practice they get.
Decided to watch Match of the Day yesterday evening. They carried a section on how money in football was filtering down through a scheme to other sports. They decided to run a short film on it about Judo.
And where did we go? Well your clue is that the opening shot was a crescent on a dome. We went to a muslim girls school. Unless I’m pretty much mistaken, I thought our diverse culture was a little more diverse than just the one other faith that seems to feature so prominently on our state broadcaster.
Part of me wonders however if this was more about showing muslim girls as being given a broad range of opportunities. Part of me also wonders is that give most of the MOTD line up also fronts Al Jazeera’s football programme
Andrew Marr’s schoolboy Marxism came out this morning when disparaging….er…discussing the “Big Society” concept with ArchBishop Semantu. When the ArchB started saying that everyone needs to come together in these economically difficult times, especially with services being stressed, Marr interrupted him by saying that “we’re not all in it together”, and brought up the bankers bonuses. His point was that simply because some bankers are getting these bonuses, nobody else needs to bother doing anything.
(As a matter of fact, Marr was taking the exact same line when trashing….sorry…discussing the “Big Society” earlier in the programme with Mark Malloch-Brown and Imogen Stubbs, both of whom agreed wholeheartedly.)
He then goaded the ArchB into calling the bonuses “obscene”, and got back into bashing the bankers. It’s pretty politically biased to declare that nobody should be expected to help their fellow man while somebody else is still getting rich. The Marxist answer is to take money from someone else, and Marr was coming from that perspective.
That’s really the BBC Narrative on the “Big Society”: it’s simply wrong to ask anyone not making enormous amounts of money to engage in volunteer work, especially as long as something else “unfair” is going on. The phrase “cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face” comes to mind.
Students of Russian philosophy will recognize the nihilist foundation of Marr’s Marxism here.
BRITISH comic Ben Elton has been given just one week by Channel Nine to fix his new show after recording one of the worst ratings debuts in the recent history of Australian TV
Despite big promotion by Nine, Elton’s series Live From Planet Earth attracted an audience of just 455,000 last Tuesday and is already facing the axe.
The program haemorrhaged its Top Gear lead-in audience of 939,000 and was thumped by Ten’s NCIS (1.1 million) and Seven’s Parenthood (769,000).
It’s the same the world over – people would rather watch (and hear) Top Gear-type Neanderthals than tedious eco-activist leftie comedians. Shame the BBC hasn’t quite grasped that.
The headline to this article on the main Europe News page as of this writing says this:
Voters in Switzerland – where gun suicide rates are high – reject proposed tighter controls on weapons ownership in a referendum.
Notice the advocacy clause, which is irrelevant to the story unless one has an anti-gun axe to grind. I took a screen shot for proof after this gets cycled out over time.
The article itself doesn’t even get to the suicide part until about two-thirds of the way through. So a sub-editor selected a minor issue out of the main one. How about something like “which has one of the lowest gun crime rates in Europe”? That wouldn’t jibe the BBC’s anti-gun agenda, though.
The real problem with even making a fuss about the rate of suicides by gun is that Switzerland has a lower overall suicide rate than either Hungary or Finland, not to mention nearly all the Baltic countries. In fact, for much of the decade before 2007 (the latest year for which Eurostat has figures available from Switzerland, for some reason), France has a higher suicide rate. Anyone can check for themselves at that link, and select different years from the window on the right of the page.
So it’s pretty bogus to point at the prevalence of guns as a factor in high suicide rates. No evidence is provided at all as to how guns may or may not contribute to suicide rates. It’s just assumed. The BBC’s bias also lies in their censoring of the fact that several other countries have a higher suicide rate. Instead, the BBC throws in an anti-gun advocate’s talking point, without providing the necessary context.
Well, if as the anti-gun lobby opines that withdrawing guns from responsible citizens 9n Switzerland will reduce the incidence of suicide, then perhaps the removal of Beachy Head will do the same for the UK?
Suicide is not caused by guns, knives, plastic bags or high structures.
Guns, if present, is just a convenient method. In the absence of the gun, another method would be favoured.
How about the car?
“The number of vehicular deaths recorded in the United States total 48,800, 46,620, 43,980, and 41,040 for 1989, 1990, 1991, and 1992, respectively (Monthly Vital Statistics Reports August 28, 1991; May 28, 1992; June 30, 1993). It is hypothesized by analysts of fatal accidents that many of the deaths attributed to vehicle car accidents, especially single-vehicle car, may result from suicidal intent.”
The self-destructive intent will, sadly, use whatever is available and often copy-cats a local culture of suicide.
The ‘gun’ referendum in Switzerland was just a ‘Trojan horse’ for another agenda on the Left of Swiss society.
Maybe they have shares in Dignitas and would rather the Swiss topped themselves for profit? 🙂
Alternatively they are setting up a meme where it’s OK for organisations (later to be nationalised?) to help people shuffle off. Good way of ditching peple you don’t like that. Pretend they were depressed and help them on their way.
On bbc3 tomorrow: World’s worst place to be gay.
Where do you think the BBC imagine that is? Iran? Afghanistan? Some other Islamic nation?
Here’s the blurb:
One of the main drivers of anti homosexual propaganda in Africa is the church.
So, should anybody be actually watching BBC3, will they enjoy a follow up programme illustrating how tolerant Islam is of homosexuality in other places around the world such as backwards London?
Clearly the Church is at fault here, so step forward the BBC/NUJ Chapel and take the lead to administer divine intervention.
Today’s Sermon :
The problem I have with this is that the few young idiots, who for reasons best known to themselves watch BBC3, will not question the State Broadcasters narrative and just accept is as fact.
I think I am beginning to understand how they got away with it in Uganda.
Biased business as usual on the BBC Breakfast show. Sofa beeboids read out the headline as “David Cameron will relaunch his so called Big Society scheme….” So called is of course read out in a sneering manner and is pure BBC speak. There’s nothing ‘so called’ about it, it IS David Cameron’s scheme even if Labour and the BBC don’t like it.
On the local news section, apparently the Port of Liverpool want to take a slice of the cruise market action away from Southampton Port. Local beeboid gleefully tells us that the Labour MP for Southampton is on the case, arranging a meeting with the transport secretary etc. Bet if Southampton had a Tory MP it would have been just ‘the local MP’.. or more than likely, it would have been a story not worth covering, can’t have a Tory trying to do some good.
Use of the term ‘so called’, used sneeringly or not, is surely beyond the pale, remit or professional impartiality-wise?
Meanwhile, after a period on the naughty step (blog not listed, or curtailed VERY early if ‘off-narrative’), Andrew Neil seems to be trying hard to get back in the good books by some ‘selective reporting’ in areas that get the box tickers beaming.
Trouble is, he’s been called out on it on a ‘reporting’ basis at last, after the usual to’s and fro’s by the political junkies. I suspect a closing soon.
More worrying is that this necessary corrective will be seen by the 6 3/4 folk who read the political blogs (most so in respective tribal corners, no amount of media professionalism logic will matter).
But at least a few more here may see the disconnect for what it is.
Maybe a note of triumph in that sofa sneer over the damage their propaganda coordination with Labour has done?
I can only follow BBC agenda pushing in a limited way from here in Spain, but if its anything like the agenda pushing they did for Labour to subvert the Thatcher and Major Governments its so obvious it can only invite contempt for the Conservatives for not calling them out on it.
On the news headlines on Radio 3 this morning, they told us that David Cameron was trying to explain the Big Society.
Surely he was explaining it.
Maybe it’s the Beeboids who were trying… to understand it. On reflection, maybe not, knowing them. I don’t think they want to understand it, being a Tory policy and philosophy that strikes at the heart of what they unthinkingly and automatically hold and cleave to.
Yes; Islam Not BBC (INBBC) uses its well-worn political propaganda ruse of getting only a like-minded ‘guest’ (from a Turkish university)- with no ‘guest’ of anyone who opposes the Republic of Iran political line – to whitewash Islamisation in the Middle East.
So, by extention the implication is that although a dictatorship may have ended in Egypt, the present political transition there will be a success even if the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) take over!
Alternative to INBBC on: Egypt, and role of MB and political ‘left’-
FOX NEWS, Glenn Beck show (go to video- 40 mins- for Feb 11):
“BBC ‘lowering its standards to hire more ethnic minorities’”
BBC-NUJ-Labour not only campaigns for mass immigration into Britain, but once immigrants are here, it campaigns for, and implements policies of preferential treatment for such immigrants.
“I’m black, I love Radio 4, and I don’t want to be patronised”
[Conclusion of article]:-
“Condemning Radio 4 for principally reflecting the core audience demographic of middle England is like denigrating Africa for having too many black people. Absurd, deeply misguided and, quite frankly, risible.”
I caught some of BBC News 24 a couple of days ago.
A report on the problems caused by a sudden influx of immigrants to a UK town.
There was a vox pop in a local shop and in the high street. Apparently a lot of the new comers have no employment and are signing on for benefits (Oh….).
In an interview with a GP we hear how she needs more resources to cope with the extra costs – such as translation. We glimpse the patient database on her computer screen as she explains how when she searches by certain surnames she can find a third of her patients are foreign immigrants (Erm….).
I am becoming convinced there is a policy at work here; every time there is a headline about (say) immigrants kidnapping and raping British girls, the appropriate authority shows it is “getting tough” by making a song and dance about more sympathetic groups, such as Gurkhas or those here with skills we need, or those with other legitimate claims.
They seem to believe (as does the BBC from its reporting of these cases) that not deporting a convicted criminal is OK as long as they can show we have deported the nasty capitalist swine who provides work for 100 people.
It struck me that for some reason the BBC had suddenly gone clomping off their usual track and landed right in the thick of a well signposted minefield where they normally dare not tread – and they had done so with some pretty big boots on.
Particularly in the BBC News 24 version of the story. The moment with the GP and her foreign surnames was a toe curling gem (almost worthy of Ricky Gervais). The on line article can be safely read as it is more in line with the usual anti-cuts narrative.
I find such odd BBC occurances require some explanation.
How did this story get the nod, well….
Who might benefit?
Phil Woolas is an old mate. He formally worked on Newsnight and has since been a good buddy of Michael Crick.
The Labour Party might (on the quiet) like to see this one broadcast. (It sure won’t hurt them).
‘The Gurkhas are immigrants brought in by the Tories’.
Just slip that out there so as to gently plant the idea in the voters minds.
But Socialists of the likes of Phil Woolas surely wouldn’t stoop so low as play this kind of dirty politics – attempting to tap into voters baser instincts toward….oh wait, scrub that last bit….
This story ahs made me very angry, hadn’t spotted it before. Imagine the same headline and first few paragraphs with the word Gurkha replaced with Muslim, or the talk of high numbers on benefits or the cost of translation services!
…no, I can’t either.
Imagine even a “glimpse of the surnames on the GP’s screen”…Christ that wouldn’t even get dreampt up let alone actually done or mentioned.
The news that more than half of the council chief execs are paid more than the PM has caused a fair flurry of chatter today. It made it out on to the wires and was picked up by almost all of the news outlets. Except the BBC. A quick look over at the website and it seems large publicly funded salaries are not something they wish to talk about.
In the spirit of ‘balance’, and ‘two wrongs makes at least a couple of broadcasters from our media estate’, I had the misfortune to catch bit of SKY this lunchtime.
First up there was a tub of lard ‘interviewing’, but as far as i could make out was so unsatisfied with anyone else filling the screen he simply couldn’t belt up and allow a question to be answered.
Then some moppet in a field asking some Scots people how ‘the cuts’ were devastating their community.
When there was no money and hence no work on public projects back when I were a lad, my ‘community’ simply went off to find it elsewhere.
As opposed to sitting in a box on a runway going ‘rat-at-atat-at-tat’ when there are no planes to fly ‘cos Labour blew all the money on diversity advisers, or suddenly getting all bibliophile ‘cos the £300k sharp suits see libraries as a better source of savings than twin-town visits.
SKY… you have me for the US comedies and cop shows, but my ad revenue eyeballs are soon seeking other sources for ‘news’ if this the tripe you feel fits the category.
Come on… you don’t have to dumb down and sell out to the BBC’s level. And I can, and will, make you pay.
INBBC refuses to leave Tahrir Square, and plugs Muslim Brotherhood again.
INBBC tribe still inhabits the only place in Egypt which exists for INBBC hordes: Tahrir ‘it’s near our hotel’ Square, Cairo, with another new INBBC Egypt specialist, Radio 5’s joker, Peter Allen, interviewing fellow Egypt expert in Tahrir Square, Christian Fraser. Fraser simply came out with an explicit political plug for the Muslim Brotherhood (although its advocacy of Sharia law , and of the destruction of Israel was not mentioned).
(It’ll be on i-Player for Radio 5, at about 4:06 pm, UK time, today.)
Some information for INBBC hordes hanging around Tahrir Square still, piling up costs to licencepayers, assisting Muslim Brotherhood (MB) propaganda, and generally spreading disinformation:
* Undercover footage shows pupils being taught religious apartheid
* Muslims who adopt Western ways will be ‘tortured in afterlife’
* Unprovoked beatings captured on camera in Yorkshire madrassa
* Boy threatened with bench by senior student left in charge of class
I’m sure the BBC is already working behind the scenes to come up with an agenda to counter this.
I expect that INBBC’s affection for the Muslim Brotherhood (its advocacy of Sharia law and the destruction of Israel, and all), will be more politically positive that INBBC’s attitude towards Geert Wilders in BBC 2 TV documentary on him tonight at 7 pm.
Presumably he’s more dangerous than the people plotting to murder a bunch of you, eh, BBC?
Bafta-winning filmmakers Mags Gavan and Joost van der Valk follow Wilders on his campaign trail during the recent Dutch elections, meet members of the international anti-Islamic network who support him, and find out about a conspiracy theory promoting the belief that Europe is being taken over by Islam.
It’s only a conspiracy, you see. Don’t bother making up your own mind based on evidence or anything.
With anti-Islamic, anti-immigration parties on the rise all over the European continent, why has Wilders, on the brink of real power in the Netherlands, become the poster boy for the far right?
Because he’s just about the only one willing to speak out against the tidal wave of media and governments telling you all to go back to sleep? Naaah, couldn’t be.
Five minutes in and it’s already clearly a hit piece. Wow. Statements taken out of contex, misrepresented, concern about extremist Islam conflated with skinheads in Hungary.
The film has just shown Khalid Yasin as a moderate Muslim opposed to Wilders.
Here’s a quote from Yasin the filmmakers don’t won’t viewers to hear: “There’s no such thing as a Muslim having a non-Muslim friend, so a non-Muslim could be your associate but they can’t be a friend. They’re not your friend because they don’t understand your religious principles and they cannot because they don’t understand your faith.“
And here are his views on AIDS:
“An AIDS virus, that is a classic disease that was created in Fort McKinley, United States. Fort McKinley, the AIDS virus,, 63,000 gallons. Missionaries from the World Health Organisation and Christian groups went into Africa and inoculated people for diphtheria, malaria, yellow fever and they put in the medicine the AIDS virus… I don’t say [that AIDS was created] by the US Government. I say there were at least five governments that acted in complicity
Five minutes in and it’s already clearly a hit piece. Wow. Statements taken out of contex, misrepresented, concern about extremist Islam conflated with skinheads in Hungary.
Yes – quote about 60% of crime/scum at the beginning was so obviously out of context to give the impression that Wilders was saying this about all Muslims.
Twenty minutes in, still a hit piece. Wilders is willing to work with the EDL! Oh noes! Hey, somebody forgot to mention that the martyr to freedom, the late Pym Fortun, was a homosexual as well as someone who spoke out against Islamic extremism. That poor film maker who was murdered in the street is essentially blamed for his own death.
Immediately, the connection is made to the severe security needs for Wilders, also presented as his own fault.
It’s funny how the filmmaker here puts out all the hatred spewed by various Mohmmedans which Wilders used to make his case, yet his own statements against Islam are presented as dangerous hate speech. The nasty stuff from the Mohammedans is exaggerated and has no apparent connection to the Muslims living in Europe, though. It’s as if the venomous imams and whatnot exist in a vacuum.
This makes the hit-jobs on climate sceptics look like balanced journalism. The carefully edited sequence with the enraged Muslim heckler was laughable.
Oh no, a man who cries when talking of his admiration for Wilders followed by – gasp! – a Dutch country and western fan who, according to the unbiased narrator – fears for his “picture perfect” view of Holland.
Documentary filmmaking is a piece of piss. Give me money BBC, I can make shit like this in my sleep.
40 minutes in, and now there’s more guilt by association. An ultra-right wing Jewish activist (missed the first name) Pesach, and Pamela Geller are supporters of Wilders. We just got a bit of Gellar’s speech from last year’s 9/11 memorial day about the You-Know-What-Near-You-Know-Where. They’re both presented as very nasty business (complete with dark, menacing string music in the background), and if they support Wilders, well….
Oh, dear, now the ultimate nail in the coffin: Wilders confessing his support for Israel. And his guilt is explained immediately afterward, while simultaneously rubbishing Zionism. Well done.
The last few minutes have been spent on the Israel/Palestinian conflict? WTF? Oh, I see, it’s supposed to discredit Zionism, and by extension Wilders. It’s “an example of how badly a clash of religions can divide people”? Seriously? It’s the Jews wanting to promote their religion, of course. Eeeeevil Joooooos. Muslims wanting to push an extreme version of their religion into the Netherlands or Britain? Nothing to see here, move along.
Then it’s back to the UAF and EDL presented as villains.
Not a single word about 7/7 or all the plots broken up or even one example of what people are really concerned about.
“Then it’s back to the UAF and EDL presented as villains.”
I caught about five mins of this, did the BBC condescend to inform viewers who Weyman Bennett and Martin Smith were and what their politics / undemocratic, fascist methods are? I bet not. I’m downloading this and when I have the will and time to do so will probably put some clips up on YouTube.
I caught the last 10-15? minutes of that program and I was somewhat disturbed by how what little I saw was nothing but a smear campaign based entirely on rumour, character assassination and anti-Semitism. What really struck home for me was how the bBC promoted the angle that Wildersis nothing more than agent provocateur in the pay of the Israelis. Then there was the part where he would meet with that Israeli and discuss the final solution for the Palestinians. Now where have I heard that term before and with that use of that term are the bBC saying that the Jews are as bad as the Nazis and that they are committing genocide in the region?
But what really truck me was the timing for the program, An hour before the dispatches expose on the teaching of hatred inside British Mosques and schools. Now a quick scan shows that last week at the same time Top gear was on, the week before Escape to the country and next week escape to the country again. So it does make you wonder if the bBC wanted to attract the people who would watch Despatches in which to lay down the ‘Islamophobia’ line prior to a program which shows Islamic intolerance been taught in the UK. This was followed by Newsnight where yet again Isreal was promoted as the bully. (Interesting bit where a child was supposed to have been shot and they all ran to watch, as a cart pulled by a donkey rushes past them. What caught my eye was how video shot from a moving vehicle was shown, but our reporter was not only on foot, but they showed the cart rushing off into the distance. Strange howsomebody always has a camera running when somebody gets shot by the jews.)
pounce, exactly right. Like I said before it even went on, it’s a pre-emptive strike against the C4 exposé.
When you say that Wilders is portrayed as an agent provacateur, I have a slightly different take on it. I see it as a case of trying to prove guilt by association. “Ultra” Zionists are bad, therefore anyone they support must equally be bad.
What amuses me is that, back when BBC science correspondent David Gregory used to deign to debate the BBC’s angle on Warmism with us, some of us pointed out that the Warmist agenda seemed to be driven by watermelons, Dr. Gregory said that this was no excuse to ignore the fact that something was actually happening with the climate. In other words, simply because a bunch of (as we described them) unsavory characters, i.e. Marxists, supported the notion, that doesn’t mean we should dismiss it.
Yet, here is a BBC-approved Narrative that we should dismiss Wilders because he is supported by (according to the way they’re presented) unsavory characters, Zionists in this case.
Strewth what loaded garbage. Unfortunately (or fortunately!) I can’t watch it here in Spain, but if the blurb is anything to go by its the usual publicly funded political pornography.
‘Poster boy of the far right’. Sheesh, yeah, someone who denounces Islam as fascism and is a staunch friend of Israel is ‘far right’. Twisted creeps.
‘I raised a wry eyebrow just now as I came upon a demonstration outside the Egyptian State TV headquarters. The demo was of low paid factory workers complaining that State TV – which has been widely ridiculed for its (non) coverage of the revolution – didn’t report properly their grievances over joblessness and low pay…
But it was hard not to sympathise with the glee with which he described how last night a senior News Director, who rumour had it was on a salary of 300,000 Egyptian pounds – or £33,000 – a month was frogmarched out of the building by the army, pursued by a posse of junior employees waving their shoes in his general direction.’
Yes, I could see that situation, if mirrored, and having certain similarities of note, may provoke glee here, too.
A small, controversial effort launched under President George W. Bush to fund and train election monitors in Egypt played a key role in the movement to topple President Hosni Mubarak’s regime.
The program, which provided millions in direct funding to prodemocracy groups, helped dispatch 13,000 volunteers to observe Egypt’s parliamentary elections in December. Thousands of those monitors, angered by what they said was blatant election rigging, joined the protests. Some became outspoken leaders; others used the networking and communication skills they learned to help coordinate 18 days of rallies.
And here we’ve been listening to Beeboid after Beeboid, expert after expert, wondering just how this came about and whether or not social networking skills enabled the revolution to happen. Something else the BBC sure as hell won’t tell you, as it kind of contradicts Mark Mardell’s claims that the President loved seeing the downtrodden take charge of their own lives:
When Obama took office, his administration halved the amount of money available for democracy funding in Egypt, to $20 million in 2008, and allowed Egypt to have a veto again over some funds.
So who was propping up a dictator and who was trying to help the downtrodden take charge of their lives, BBC?
As I commented in DV’s thread on this here, when Humphrys asked the official if ‘America had blood on its hands’ for supporting Mubarak, if anyone has ‘blood on their hands’ it is BBC subversives like Humphrys who did all in their propaganda power at the time to undermine Bush’s ‘freedom agenda’.
And one might of course add to that noone at the BBC raised whether Obama had blood on his hands for failing to support the pro-democracy protests brutally suppressed in Iran.
Just caught the BBC’s Geert Wilders Europe’s most Dangerous Man? Isn’t the title a bit loaded, even though he does look like Zorin from the Bond movies, this documentary was a bit of a hatchet job. It was complete “moderate” patronising Muslim.
The Wilder’s programme. I don’t think I imagined it but the Israeli flag seemed to obsess the film maker. It was everywhere and the camera lingered on it . Then by some chance the film maker went to Israel.
I got the message. Wilders is a Mossad/ Israeli agent and Israel is begind the rise of the “far right” in Europe. Stirring up the natives against the peace loving Muslims.
This appalling film was nothing other than an anti Semitic ( Wilders has a Jewish grandmother) hate film posing as a documentary.
Wilders showed sense in refusing to talk to them.
But Dave S, what about the huge increase in islamophobic attacks by Jews in Europe? Or have I got that the wrong way round?
Do you remember ‘The Power of Nightmares’ documentary trying to make out Al Qa’eda was an invention of neo-cons to make war and we’ve nothing to worry about? When a repeat was in the offing on BBC not long after along came 7/7 and somehow the repeat got ditched.
Of course, after this documentary, if we get another 7/7 soon, ‘it wont be wot its the joos to blame for nuffink’.
Of course, the anti-Semitic propaganda that is apparantly in this documentary will be getting pushed on far right websites across the world. Melanie Phillips noted a while ago that on the BNP website most news stories the BNP linked to were from the Guardian and the BBC. This documentary, just like Power of Nightmares, appears another product of the Nazi Left/Islamist alliance.
ISLAM Not BBC (INBBC) fervently pro-Islam, and stridently anti-GEERT WILDERS.
Who was behind the INBBC 2 production? As David Preiser points out above, check out ‘Red Rebel’:
Here’s a political indictment of BBC-‘Red Rebel’
by ‘Politically Incorrect’ website.
Note both the filmakers responsible for the anti-Wilders programmes are:1.) Joost van der Valk (who behaved towards Wilders in the film like the hostile player he is ) and
2.) Mags Gavan, his partner, and ex-BBC.
[Extract from ‘Politically Incorrect’ article]:
“When Mags eventually left BBC and joined forces with Joost, they dedicated their careers to making hard hitting films with a purpose, and set up RedRebel.
“Immediately they began making cutting edge current affairs documentaries such as Kashmir’s Missing Men (about the independence struggle in Indian Kashmir).
“Their site, however, fails to mention that the film about Kashmir has a pro-Muslim point of view. Does this provide a clue about Red Rebel’s attitude towards Wilders?”
“A Red Rebel Hit Job on Geert Wilders”
“At this point it should be clear that they all are all Antifa-types and Wilders haters. Their attempts to damage Wilders have so far failed, and now, with their to approach to various anti-jihad activists, they may well be aiming for a film that will smear Wilders’ contacts and supporters abroad, especially in Germany, the UK, and USA.
Expect a Red Rebel hit job on Wilders that tries to discredit him based on the people who support him.”
INBBC was an active political participant in its pro-‘Red Rebel’-pro-Islam stance, and in its anti-Wilders stance.
In my view, INBBC is a more dangerous political organisation than even I realised, after seeing this politically motivated hatchet job on Geert Wilders.
INBBC’s lead came from the uncriticised UAF, Muslim Council of Britain, Muslim Yasin, and Red Rebel -a truly complete ‘left’-Islam alliance which has been leading us to where we are now in terms of Islamisation in Europe and Britain.
I caught the first half of the Wilders documentary and think that perhaps it was the documentary makers who scored the own goal aye?
Think about it, all the murders listed in the first half were carried out by muslims. Then they even aired parts of Fitna, complete with rabid mad mullahs…none of this stuff has EVER been on the BBC before!
Sadly though, the film makers failed to inform readers of exactly why Wilders spends £2mil a year on protection (although you were left in no uncertain terms as to why after the doco makers aired the murders of the politician and the film producer) BUT perhaps even worse, the film makers coimpletely ignored that Hirshi Ally lady and her run ins with Islam.
Yes, it was a sh1t documentary…but I dont think its as bad as a few of you are making it out to be. THen again, I did only catch the first half! So maybe it went down hill after that?
But the film makers did tell us why Wilders needed all that security: it was his fault. Any criticism of Islam is deserving of death threats, of course. What’s left to wonder?
Just like the (contracted, not on staff, to hear him tell it) BBC producer who debated with us here under the alias of “John Reith” used to tell us, we should all just shut up about the problems with Islamic cavemen because they (the BBC and other bien pensants) were working on it, and making a fuss like Wilders is doing just harms that cause.
Which is exactly why Jacqui Smith turned the notion of human rights on its head, and why the BBC hate Wilders while portraying Tariq Ramadan or Anjem Choudary as a moderate we can all bring home to mother.
(In fairness, when Smith initially banned Wilders, Kirsty Wark made it very clear that to Keith Vaz that she thought it was ridiculous. But that was the last criticism of that I ever heard. He’s the most dangerous man in the world now, so any points earned were deducted long ago.)
I wonder if Bowen, Simpson & others will be running out to join this one. I think not given the fact that it’s down the pecking order whereas the Tunisia & Egypt stories were right up there from the get go. Wonder how their commentary of suppression will compare with the others. I bet it won’t take too long either before they run the idea of Mossad backing of the protests without mentioning that they can’t verify such a fact.
I suspect this story will die quickly so we don’t upset the BBC Persia apple cart.
The documentary is flawed. The prejudices claimed is happening to immigrants in the Netherlands thanks to political leaders such as Geert Wilders has nothing to do with Religion instead it has everything to do with demographics. Muslims in the Netherlands are the fastest growing section of the Dutch population, yet they are also demographically the biggest claimants of welfare payments and medical care.
It is the fact that so many Muslims do not work that is causing concern, not what religion they believe in that is causing problems for the general population.
The Netherlands is changing, in the province of Limburg, Wilders party won the largest share of the vote due to concerns about the future economic state of the country, as for his so called anti-Islam stance his policies are the same as the party that won the most votes in the latest Dutch elections, so unless the BBC wish to claim that over 50% of Dutch people are anti-Islam than the predudice is not ours but people who claim that the Dutch are the villians.
On a final note I would point out that Muslims immigrating to the Netherlands all manage to learn Dutch, so again it is not a matter of claiming that Muslims do not intergrate into Dutch society that is the issue, instead it is the over large dependency on the Welfare state, and the over large use of our health service that is causing issues.
I forgot to add that the claims that Mr Wilders is ‘right wing’ are absolutly incorrect, his parties policies are distinctly socialist, I have no idea why the BBC keeps classing him as right wing.
Mr Wilders is not xenophobic nor is he racist, what he is, is the voice of the working class, I personally would not vote for him due to some of his economic policies, but his comments on Islam are valid and strike a chord across the political spectrum in the Netherlands.
Why is it that Headtacher Jean Else, the disgraced Blair favorite, gets a sympathetic hearing on the BBC whilst as far as I know Katherine Birbalsingh hasen’t. It is nothing do do with the latter being a Tory, surely
This, I think is a very touchy subject for the Beeb and one I suspect they may be staying away from because they run the risk of ending up with egg all over their face. In a strange sort of way, their hesitancy points to the idea that they are deliberately partial as opposed to simply inept.
I say this because I was amazed when they didn’t junp all over the report below (or certainly not that I could find):
That wasn’t the only post on her either. His Grace posted several on this. In fact given the infomration he is possession off, it would seem something of a disgrace that more wasn’t made of it, especially as she was immediately suspended following her revelations.
I fear the bbeb are loath to change the story they originally bought out. They need the world to forget about her because digging any deeper will bite them roundly on the arse.
‘I fear the bbeb are loath to change the story they originally bought out. ‘
Possibly, but stealth retroactive editing is now nearly compulsory on every ‘report’ they issue, so the experience is there. As is the will if the narrative demands it.
ZephirFeb 23, 06:23 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Or this: “Illegal immigrant who stabbed wife to death wins right to stay in Britain after arguing he might have…
ZephirFeb 23, 06:21 Weekend 22nd February 2025 And, no doubt, another item the racist, sexist bbc will be hiding: “Syrian refugee who stepped in to stop Islamist…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:58 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Brilliant piece, Atlas – thank you! I didn’t think that our country would be such a soft touch after the…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:47 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I guess that was all down to Blair’s desperation to lower the unemployment figures by getting the kids into any…
JohnCFeb 23, 02:35 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hostages were chained, starved, kept in pitch black; some return almost unresponsive ‘Hamas made 2 hostages not going free…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:20 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:11 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Greater Manchester Police said last night: ‘We spoke to the woman for six minutes to advise she was the subject…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Police knocked on her door in Stockport within 48 hours of receiving a complaint, in contrast to how they have…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:07 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It seems the far left are routinely doing this now, and police seem complicit, and, of course it’s the far…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Lucy Pevensey Think of all the money that you have saved over all those years .
INBBC omits connecting impact of sudden increase in mass immigration from Tunisia to Italy on cultural, economic and political effect on British people.
“Italy ‘to deploy police to Tunisia’ to tackle migration”
There is no explicit mention of the negative impact on British people of such an influx into the E.U.; which could be the beginning of a much greater immigrant invasion,which will involve Britain.
Western Europe, including Britain, is being rapidly colonised by mass immigration from mainly Islamic countries. The political ‘left’, inc INBBC sees no problem for British people. Perhaps it is part of the plan to Islamise Britain, which the Labour Party and the E.U. (and an approving INBBC) have been driving for over many years.
“The Future of the Global Muslim PopulationProjections for 2010-2030”
Given that Cameron has figured out that multicuturalism doesnt work, has he amended his view that having Turkey in the EU would be wonderful?
“Italy declares state of emergency after 4,000 illegal immigrants fleeing Tunisia unrest land at its ports in four days”*
Read more:
* Latest estimates:5,000 illegal immigrants in 5 days.
Lyse Doucet tweets:
On outskirts Cairo asked not to film everywhere we went, even in market. (Told State TV been criticising foreign media) #jan25 #egypt
Signs that the promise of a new free Eqypt is being thwarted already?
more sundry yadda yadda.
Nolan on 5 Dead had a Hazel Blears doll on his programme on Saturday. When he pulled the string on its back the doll kept repeating ‘Tory coots, 10,000 police jobs going, we halved crime’.
Whether Nolan knows this is dross and condones it because he’s a pretrendy leftie, or just doesn’t realise it’s dross, who knows.
Either way it’s a tragic waste of money.
Moving on to Sean Lay (not sure if this is the fellow’s name) and The World This Weekend (or if that’s what the programme’s called) but you ha to love his’
‘And later in the programme we’ll be asking whether the Middle East is really suited to Western-style democracy.’
A very tired al-beeb tactic – ramming their opinion down the listeners’ throats while pretending to be ‘asking’. And ‘Western-style democracy’ is droid-code for ‘America’;
If he was going to be more honest he might say ‘
‘And later in the programme we’ll be praising Islam and slamming the US. It’s what we do.’
If he was going to be more honest…
They’re so haplees they can’t even shill properly, despite all the practice they get.
I thought thre was a liberal democracy in the Middle East; Israel. Not that the BBC would ever acknowledge that fact.
And News Just In the people of Egypt have just given their answer as to whether or not Egypt is ‘really suited to Western-style democracy’.
Decided to watch Match of the Day yesterday evening. They carried a section on how money in football was filtering down through a scheme to other sports. They decided to run a short film on it about Judo.
And where did we go? Well your clue is that the opening shot was a crescent on a dome. We went to a muslim girls school. Unless I’m pretty much mistaken, I thought our diverse culture was a little more diverse than just the one other faith that seems to feature so prominently on our state broadcaster.
Part of me wonders however if this was more about showing muslim girls as being given a broad range of opportunities. Part of me also wonders is that give most of the MOTD line up also fronts Al Jazeera’s football programme
Andrew Marr’s schoolboy Marxism came out this morning when disparaging….er…discussing the “Big Society” concept with ArchBishop Semantu. When the ArchB started saying that everyone needs to come together in these economically difficult times, especially with services being stressed, Marr interrupted him by saying that “we’re not all in it together”, and brought up the bankers bonuses. His point was that simply because some bankers are getting these bonuses, nobody else needs to bother doing anything.
(As a matter of fact, Marr was taking the exact same line when trashing….sorry…discussing the “Big Society” earlier in the programme with Mark Malloch-Brown and Imogen Stubbs, both of whom agreed wholeheartedly.)
He then goaded the ArchB into calling the bonuses “obscene”, and got back into bashing the bankers. It’s pretty politically biased to declare that nobody should be expected to help their fellow man while somebody else is still getting rich. The Marxist answer is to take money from someone else, and Marr was coming from that perspective.
That’s really the BBC Narrative on the “Big Society”: it’s simply wrong to ask anyone not making enormous amounts of money to engage in volunteer work, especially as long as something else “unfair” is going on. The phrase “cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face” comes to mind.
Students of Russian philosophy will recognize the nihilist foundation of Marr’s Marxism here.
How sweet is this? (Emphasis added by me)
BRITISH comic Ben Elton has been given just one week by Channel Nine to fix his new show after recording one of the worst ratings debuts in the recent history of Australian TV
Despite big promotion by Nine, Elton’s series Live From Planet Earth attracted an audience of just 455,000 last Tuesday and is already facing the axe.
The program haemorrhaged its Top Gear lead-in audience of 939,000 and was thumped by Ten’s NCIS (1.1 million) and Seven’s Parenthood (769,000).
It’s the same the world over – people would rather watch (and hear) Top Gear-type Neanderthals than tedious eco-activist leftie comedians. Shame the BBC hasn’t quite grasped that.
I just say one word: Bono
The rest is here:
I think you may have given away a bit more than you really wanted to there DP (tabs).
The BBC reveals its anti-gun bias again when reporting on the recent vote in Switzerland against restricting gun rights.
Switzerland rejects tighter gun controls
The headline to this article on the main Europe News page as of this writing says this:
Voters in Switzerland – where gun suicide rates are high – reject proposed tighter controls on weapons ownership in a referendum.
Notice the advocacy clause, which is irrelevant to the story unless one has an anti-gun axe to grind. I took a screen shot for proof after this gets cycled out over time.
The article itself doesn’t even get to the suicide part until about two-thirds of the way through. So a sub-editor selected a minor issue out of the main one. How about something like “which has one of the lowest gun crime rates in Europe”? That wouldn’t jibe the BBC’s anti-gun agenda, though.
The real problem with even making a fuss about the rate of suicides by gun is that Switzerland has a lower overall suicide rate than either Hungary or Finland, not to mention nearly all the Baltic countries. In fact, for much of the decade before 2007 (the latest year for which Eurostat has figures available from Switzerland, for some reason), France has a higher suicide rate. Anyone can check for themselves at that link, and select different years from the window on the right of the page.
So it’s pretty bogus to point at the prevalence of guns as a factor in high suicide rates. No evidence is provided at all as to how guns may or may not contribute to suicide rates. It’s just assumed. The BBC’s bias also lies in their censoring of the fact that several other countries have a higher suicide rate. Instead, the BBC throws in an anti-gun advocate’s talking point, without providing the necessary context.
Thanks, DB. :-[ . Funny, though.
I’m bit of a connoisseur myself, and that’s a new one on me so – thanks.
Well, if as the anti-gun lobby opines that withdrawing guns from responsible citizens 9n Switzerland will reduce the incidence of suicide, then perhaps the removal of Beachy Head will do the same for the UK?
Suicide is not caused by guns, knives, plastic bags or high structures.
Guns, if present, is just a convenient method. In the absence of the gun, another method would be favoured.
How about the car?
“The number of vehicular deaths recorded in the United States total 48,800, 46,620, 43,980, and 41,040 for 1989, 1990, 1991, and 1992, respectively (Monthly Vital Statistics Reports August 28, 1991; May 28, 1992; June 30, 1993). It is hypothesized by analysts of fatal accidents that many of the deaths attributed to vehicle car accidents, especially single-vehicle car, may result from suicidal intent.”
The self-destructive intent will, sadly, use whatever is available and often copy-cats a local culture of suicide.
The ‘gun’ referendum in Switzerland was just a ‘Trojan horse’ for another agenda on the Left of Swiss society.
how can they moan about switzerland when they shill for DIGNITAS on a regular basis?
Maybe they have shares in Dignitas and would rather the Swiss topped themselves for profit? 🙂
Alternatively they are setting up a meme where it’s OK for organisations (later to be nationalised?) to help people shuffle off. Good way of ditching peple you don’t like that. Pretend they were depressed and help them on their way.
This discussion of methods reminds me of Dorothy Parker’s poem Résumé:
Razors pain you; Rivers are damp; Acids stain you; And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren’t lawful; Nooses give; Gas smells awful; You might as well live.
On bbc3 tomorrow: World’s worst place to be gay.
Where do you think the BBC imagine that is? Iran? Afghanistan? Some other Islamic nation?
Here’s the blurb:
One of the main drivers of anti homosexual propaganda in Africa is the church.
Yes its our old friend Uganda.
Ah, that’s made me look foolish then. :-[
My answer was: “In a women’s prison”.
So, should anybody be actually watching BBC3, will they enjoy a follow up programme illustrating how tolerant Islam is of homosexuality in other places around the world such as backwards London?
Clearly the Church is at fault here, so step forward the BBC/NUJ Chapel and take the lead to administer divine intervention.
Today’s Sermon :
“Africa – good”
“UK -bad”
“Mohammed – really good”
“God – extremely bad”
The problem I have with this is that the few young idiots, who for reasons best known to themselves watch BBC3, will not question the State Broadcasters narrative and just accept is as fact.
I think I am beginning to understand how they got away with it in Uganda.
Biased business as usual on the BBC Breakfast show. Sofa beeboids read out the headline as “David Cameron will relaunch his so called Big Society scheme….” So called is of course read out in a sneering manner and is pure BBC speak. There’s nothing ‘so called’ about it, it IS David Cameron’s scheme even if Labour and the BBC don’t like it.
On the local news section, apparently the Port of Liverpool want to take a slice of the cruise market action away from Southampton Port. Local beeboid gleefully tells us that the Labour MP for Southampton is on the case, arranging a meeting with the transport secretary etc. Bet if Southampton had a Tory MP it would have been just ‘the local MP’.. or more than likely, it would have been a story not worth covering, can’t have a Tory trying to do some good.
Use of the term ‘so called’, used sneeringly or not, is surely beyond the pale, remit or professional impartiality-wise?
Meanwhile, after a period on the naughty step (blog not listed, or curtailed VERY early if ‘off-narrative’), Andrew Neil seems to be trying hard to get back in the good books by some ‘selective reporting’ in areas that get the box tickers beaming.
Trouble is, he’s been called out on it on a ‘reporting’ basis at last, after the usual to’s and fro’s by the political junkies. I suspect a closing soon.
More worrying is that this necessary corrective will be seen by the 6 3/4 folk who read the political blogs (most so in respective tribal corners, no amount of media professionalism logic will matter).
But at least a few more here may see the disconnect for what it is.
Maybe a note of triumph in that sofa sneer over the damage their propaganda coordination with Labour has done?
I can only follow BBC agenda pushing in a limited way from here in Spain, but if its anything like the agenda pushing they did for Labour to subvert the Thatcher and Major Governments its so obvious it can only invite contempt for the Conservatives for not calling them out on it.
On the news headlines on Radio 3 this morning, they told us that David Cameron was trying to explain the Big Society.
Surely he was explaining it.
Maybe it’s the Beeboids who were trying… to understand it. On reflection, maybe not, knowing them. I don’t think they want to understand it, being a Tory policy and philosophy that strikes at the heart of what they unthinkingly and automatically hold and cleave to.
That ‘so called’ comment is spreading over the BBC.
The BBC see Islamists taking power after the Iranian revolution as a success!
Paving the way for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt?
Goal: Democrats started the popular uprising to overthrow the Shah, but Islamists took over. Outcome: Success
Yes; Islam Not BBC (INBBC) uses its well-worn political propaganda ruse of getting only a like-minded ‘guest’ (from a Turkish university)- with no ‘guest’ of anyone who opposes the Republic of Iran political line – to whitewash Islamisation in the Middle East.
So, by extention the implication is that although a dictatorship may have ended in Egypt, the present political transition there will be a success even if the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) take over!
Alternative to INBBC on: Egypt, and role of MB and political ‘left’-
FOX NEWS, Glenn Beck show (go to video- 40 mins- for Feb 11):
“David Dimbleby celebrations Marred by BBC colleague”
“BBC ‘lowering its standards to hire more ethnic minorities’”
BBC-NUJ-Labour not only campaigns for mass immigration into Britain, but once immigrants are here, it campaigns for, and implements policies of preferential treatment for such immigrants.
‘Telegraph’ blog –
“I’m black, I love Radio 4, and I don’t want to be patronised”
[Conclusion of article]:-
“Condemning Radio 4 for principally reflecting the core audience demographic of middle England is like denigrating Africa for having too many black people. Absurd, deeply misguided and, quite frankly, risible.”
I caught some of BBC News 24 a couple of days ago.
A report on the problems caused by a sudden influx of immigrants to a UK town.
There was a vox pop in a local shop and in the high street. Apparently a lot of the new comers have no employment and are signing on for benefits (Oh….).
In an interview with a GP we hear how she needs more resources to cope with the extra costs – such as translation. We glimpse the patient database on her computer screen as she explains how when she searches by certain surnames she can find a third of her patients are foreign immigrants (Erm….).
Frankly I was stunned. Sure enough this was the BBC – I see the story is there on the BBC on line at
Oh I didn’t explain….it was all about the Gurkhas.
Before the report dumb and dumber on the sofa reminded us how that Joanna Lumley had led the campaign to force the Government to let them.
Normal service has been resumed.
I am becoming convinced there is a policy at work here; every time there is a headline about (say) immigrants kidnapping and raping British girls, the appropriate authority shows it is “getting tough” by making a song and dance about more sympathetic groups, such as Gurkhas or those here with skills we need, or those with other legitimate claims.
They seem to believe (as does the BBC from its reporting of these cases) that not deporting a convicted criminal is OK as long as they can show we have deported the nasty capitalist swine who provides work for 100 people.
It struck me that for some reason the BBC had suddenly gone clomping off their usual track and landed right in the thick of a well signposted minefield where they normally dare not tread – and they had done so with some pretty big boots on.
Particularly in the BBC News 24 version of the story. The moment with the GP and her foreign surnames was a toe curling gem (almost worthy of Ricky Gervais). The on line article can be safely read as it is more in line with the usual anti-cuts narrative.
I find such odd BBC occurances require some explanation.
How did this story get the nod, well….
Who might benefit?
Phil Woolas is an old mate. He formally worked on Newsnight and has since been a good buddy of Michael Crick.
The Labour Party might (on the quiet) like to see this one broadcast. (It sure won’t hurt them).
‘The Gurkhas are immigrants brought in by the Tories’.
Just slip that out there so as to gently plant the idea in the voters minds.
But Socialists of the likes of Phil Woolas surely wouldn’t stoop so low as play this kind of dirty politics – attempting to tap into voters baser instincts toward….oh wait, scrub that last bit….
This story ahs made me very angry, hadn’t spotted it before. Imagine the same headline and first few paragraphs with the word Gurkha replaced with Muslim, or the talk of high numbers on benefits or the cost of translation services!
…no, I can’t either.
Imagine even a “glimpse of the surnames on the GP’s screen”…Christ that wouldn’t even get dreampt up let alone actually done or mentioned.
Guido hit out a beeb too: “Don’t Mention the War”
The news that more than half of the council chief execs are paid more than the PM has caused a fair flurry of chatter today. It made it out on to the wires and was picked up by almost all of the news outlets. Except the BBC. A quick look over at the website and it seems large publicly funded salaries are not something they wish to talk about.
In the spirit of ‘balance’, and ‘two wrongs makes at least a couple of broadcasters from our media estate’, I had the misfortune to catch bit of SKY this lunchtime.
First up there was a tub of lard ‘interviewing’, but as far as i could make out was so unsatisfied with anyone else filling the screen he simply couldn’t belt up and allow a question to be answered.
Then some moppet in a field asking some Scots people how ‘the cuts’ were devastating their community.
When there was no money and hence no work on public projects back when I were a lad, my ‘community’ simply went off to find it elsewhere.
As opposed to sitting in a box on a runway going ‘rat-at-atat-at-tat’ when there are no planes to fly ‘cos Labour blew all the money on diversity advisers, or suddenly getting all bibliophile ‘cos the £300k sharp suits see libraries as a better source of savings than twin-town visits.
SKY… you have me for the US comedies and cop shows, but my ad revenue eyeballs are soon seeking other sources for ‘news’ if this the tripe you feel fits the category.
Come on… you don’t have to dumb down and sell out to the BBC’s level. And I can, and will, make you pay.
Surely belies all the crap about Murdoch making it into the Fox News of the UK (wouldn’t mind that myself!)
INBBC refuses to leave Tahrir Square, and plugs Muslim Brotherhood again.
INBBC tribe still inhabits the only place in Egypt which exists for INBBC hordes: Tahrir ‘it’s near our hotel’ Square, Cairo, with another new INBBC Egypt specialist, Radio 5’s joker, Peter Allen, interviewing fellow Egypt expert in Tahrir Square, Christian Fraser. Fraser simply came out with an explicit political plug for the Muslim Brotherhood (although its advocacy of Sharia law , and of the destruction of Israel was not mentioned).
(It’ll be on i-Player for Radio 5, at about 4:06 pm, UK time, today.)
Some information for INBBC hordes hanging around Tahrir Square still, piling up costs to licencepayers, assisting Muslim Brotherhood (MB) propaganda, and generally spreading disinformation:
This should be fun:
Shame of Britain’s Muslim schools: Secret filming shows pupils being beaten and ‘taught Hindus drink cow p***’
* Undercover footage shows pupils being taught religious apartheid
* Muslims who adopt Western ways will be ‘tortured in afterlife’
* Unprovoked beatings captured on camera in Yorkshire madrassa
* Boy threatened with bench by senior student left in charge of class
I’m sure the BBC is already working behind the scenes to come up with an agenda to counter this.
TONIGHT – Channel Four ‘Dispatches’ (8 pm UK time)”Criticism of mosques ‘teaching extremist views'”
‘Dispatches’, Channel 4, 8 pm UK time TONIGHT.
Channel 4 preview* of activities in Muslim schools:
“Lessons in Hate and Violence: Feature”
*Video of this should be available online ‘soon’ after broadcast. (Access restrictions not known.)
Channel 4 ‘Dispatches’ video preview on Muslim schools and: “Lessons in Hate and Violence” (1 min:45 secs)
‘Impartial’ Islam Not BBC (INBBC):
-reports (endlessly) on the demands for free speech of Muslim Egyptians;
BUT, it ignores the demands for free speech by non-Muslim DUTCH, on the issue of Islam:
Judges rule kangaroo Sharia court against Wilders must continue
I expect that INBBC’s affection for the Muslim Brotherhood (its advocacy of Sharia law and the destruction of Israel, and all), will be more politically positive that INBBC’s attitude towards Geert Wilders in BBC 2 TV documentary on him tonight at 7 pm.
Actually, the BBC has taken notice of Wilders again. A pre-emptive strike against the C4 documentary, perhaps?
Geert Wilders: Europe’s Most Dangerous Man?
Presumably he’s more dangerous than the people plotting to murder a bunch of you, eh, BBC?
Bafta-winning filmmakers Mags Gavan and Joost van der Valk follow Wilders on his campaign trail during the recent Dutch elections, meet members of the international anti-Islamic network who support him, and find out about a conspiracy theory promoting the belief that Europe is being taken over by Islam.
It’s only a conspiracy, you see. Don’t bother making up your own mind based on evidence or anything.
With anti-Islamic, anti-immigration parties on the rise all over the European continent, why has Wilders, on the brink of real power in the Netherlands, become the poster boy for the far right?
Because he’s just about the only one willing to speak out against the tidal wave of media and governments telling you all to go back to sleep? Naaah, couldn’t be.
The name of the filmmakers’ production company? RedRebel Films.
Can’t think why a company with that name would appeal to a BBC commissioning editor. /sarc.
Five minutes in and it’s already clearly a hit piece. Wow. Statements taken out of contex, misrepresented, concern about extremist Islam conflated with skinheads in Hungary.
The film has just shown Khalid Yasin as a moderate Muslim opposed to Wilders.
Here’s a quote from Yasin the filmmakers don’t won’t viewers to hear: “There’s no such thing as a Muslim having a non-Muslim friend, so a non-Muslim could be your associate but they can’t be a friend. They’re not your friend because they don’t understand your religious principles and they cannot because they don’t understand your faith.“
And here are his views on AIDS:
“An AIDS virus, that is a classic disease that was created in Fort McKinley, United States. Fort McKinley, the AIDS virus,, 63,000 gallons. Missionaries from the World Health Organisation and Christian groups went into Africa and inoculated people for diphtheria, malaria, yellow fever and they put in the medicine the AIDS virus… I don’t say [that AIDS was created] by the US Government. I say there were at least five governments that acted in complicity
Did he go to the same church as Obama?
Five minutes in and it’s already clearly a hit piece. Wow. Statements taken out of contex, misrepresented, concern about extremist Islam conflated with skinheads in Hungary.
Yes – quote about 60% of crime/scum at the beginning was so obviously out of context to give the impression that Wilders was saying this about all Muslims.
Twenty minutes in, still a hit piece. Wilders is willing to work with the EDL! Oh noes! Hey, somebody forgot to mention that the martyr to freedom, the late Pym Fortun, was a homosexual as well as someone who spoke out against Islamic extremism. That poor film maker who was murdered in the street is essentially blamed for his own death.
Immediately, the connection is made to the severe security needs for Wilders, also presented as his own fault.
It’s funny how the filmmaker here puts out all the hatred spewed by various Mohmmedans which Wilders used to make his case, yet his own statements against Islam are presented as dangerous hate speech. The nasty stuff from the Mohammedans is exaggerated and has no apparent connection to the Muslims living in Europe, though. It’s as if the venomous imams and whatnot exist in a vacuum.
I’m not sure I can take any more of this.
This makes the hit-jobs on climate sceptics look like balanced journalism. The carefully edited sequence with the enraged Muslim heckler was laughable.
Oh no, a man who cries when talking of his admiration for Wilders followed by – gasp! – a Dutch country and western fan who, according to the unbiased narrator – fears for his “picture perfect” view of Holland.
Documentary filmmaking is a piece of piss. Give me money BBC, I can make shit like this in my sleep.
Narrator: “America is the land of the conspiracy theory”.
Oh really?
He means truthers, surely? 😉
Questions about Wilders’ possible funding from Israel – shot of Israeli flag flying, sinister music. Casually mentions “even though no evidence”.
More from mad Khalid Yasin, this time opining on Zionism. And now we’re into Louis Theroux territory.
One of the filmmakers – Mags Gavan – former BBC journalist, ex-Newsnight. What a fucking surprise.
“What a f[****]g surprise.” Shock horror indeed.
Here is her Facebook page. Make what you will of what her photo says about her. I know I have my opinions.
40 minutes in, and now there’s more guilt by association. An ultra-right wing Jewish activist (missed the first name) Pesach, and Pamela Geller are supporters of Wilders. We just got a bit of Gellar’s speech from last year’s 9/11 memorial day about the You-Know-What-Near-You-Know-Where. They’re both presented as very nasty business (complete with dark, menacing string music in the background), and if they support Wilders, well….
Oh, dear, now the ultimate nail in the coffin: Wilders confessing his support for Israel. And his guilt is explained immediately afterward, while simultaneously rubbishing Zionism. Well done.
The last few minutes have been spent on the Israel/Palestinian conflict? WTF? Oh, I see, it’s supposed to discredit Zionism, and by extension Wilders. It’s “an example of how badly a clash of religions can divide people”? Seriously? It’s the Jews wanting to promote their religion, of course. Eeeeevil Joooooos. Muslims wanting to push an extreme version of their religion into the Netherlands or Britain? Nothing to see here, move along.
Then it’s back to the UAF and EDL presented as villains.
Not a single word about 7/7 or all the plots broken up or even one example of what people are really concerned about.
A hit piece from start to finish.
“Then it’s back to the UAF and EDL presented as villains.”
I caught about five mins of this, did the BBC condescend to inform viewers who Weyman Bennett and Martin Smith were and what their politics / undemocratic, fascist methods are? I bet not. I’m downloading this and when I have the will and time to do so will probably put some clips up on YouTube.
I caught the last 10-15? minutes of that program and I was somewhat disturbed by how what little I saw was nothing but a smear campaign based entirely on rumour, character assassination and anti-Semitism. What really struck home for me was how the bBC promoted the angle that Wilders is nothing more than agent provocateur in the pay of the Israelis. Then there was the part where he would meet with that Israeli and discuss the final solution for the Palestinians. Now where have I heard that term before and with that use of that term are the bBC saying that the Jews are as bad as the Nazis and that they are committing genocide in the region?
But what really truck me was the timing for the program, An hour before the dispatches expose on the teaching of hatred inside British Mosques and schools. Now a quick scan shows that last week at the same time Top gear was on, the week before Escape to the country and next week escape to the country again. So it does make you wonder if the bBC wanted to attract the people who would watch Despatches in which to lay down the ‘Islamophobia’ line prior to a program which shows Islamic intolerance been taught in the UK. This was followed by Newsnight where yet again Isreal was promoted as the bully. (Interesting bit where a child was supposed to have been shot and they all ran to watch, as a cart pulled by a donkey rushes past them. What caught my eye was how video shot from a moving vehicle was shown, but our reporter was not only on foot, but they showed the cart rushing off into the distance. Strange how somebody always has a camera running when somebody gets shot by the jews.)
pounce, exactly right. Like I said before it even went on, it’s a pre-emptive strike against the C4 exposé.
When you say that Wilders is portrayed as an agent provacateur, I have a slightly different take on it. I see it as a case of trying to prove guilt by association. “Ultra” Zionists are bad, therefore anyone they support must equally be bad.
What amuses me is that, back when BBC science correspondent David Gregory used to deign to debate the BBC’s angle on Warmism with us, some of us pointed out that the Warmist agenda seemed to be driven by watermelons, Dr. Gregory said that this was no excuse to ignore the fact that something was actually happening with the climate. In other words, simply because a bunch of (as we described them) unsavory characters, i.e. Marxists, supported the notion, that doesn’t mean we should dismiss it.
Yet, here is a BBC-approved Narrative that we should dismiss Wilders because he is supported by (according to the way they’re presented) unsavory characters, Zionists in this case.
Guilt by association for me, but not for thee.
‘ a smear campaign based entirely on rumour, character assassination and anti-[younameit]’ pretty much seems to sum up the Beeb’s MO across the board.
They must be soooo proud.
Though a degree of uniqueness that some enforced funders may not feel they same way about.
Strewth what loaded garbage. Unfortunately (or fortunately!) I can’t watch it here in Spain, but if the blurb is anything to go by its the usual publicly funded political pornography.
‘Poster boy of the far right’. Sheesh, yeah, someone who denounces Islam as fascism and is a staunch friend of Israel is ‘far right’. Twisted creeps.
Idly enjoying an evening surf, I alighted here, and for no particular reason aspects appealed….
These bits, especially:
‘I raised a wry eyebrow just now as I came upon a demonstration outside the Egyptian State TV headquarters. The demo was of low paid factory workers complaining that State TV – which has been widely ridiculed for its (non) coverage of the revolution – didn’t report properly their grievances over joblessness and low pay…
But it was hard not to sympathise with the glee with which he described how last night a senior News Director, who rumour had it was on a salary of 300,000 Egyptian pounds – or £33,000 – a month was frogmarched out of the building by the army, pursued by a posse of junior employees waving their shoes in his general direction.’
Yes, I could see that situation, if mirrored, and having certain similarities of note, may provoke glee here, too.
Interesting vis a vis a certain entity who seems to exist almost totally around the concept of controlling ‘permission:
A viewpoint not permitted on the BBC:
Bush program helped lay the groundwork in Egypt
A small, controversial effort launched under President George W. Bush to fund and train election monitors in Egypt played a key role in the movement to topple President Hosni Mubarak’s regime.
The program, which provided millions in direct funding to prodemocracy groups, helped dispatch 13,000 volunteers to observe Egypt’s parliamentary elections in December. Thousands of those monitors, angered by what they said was blatant election rigging, joined the protests. Some became outspoken leaders; others used the networking and communication skills they learned to help coordinate 18 days of rallies.
And here we’ve been listening to Beeboid after Beeboid, expert after expert, wondering just how this came about and whether or not social networking skills enabled the revolution to happen. Something else the BBC sure as hell won’t tell you, as it kind of contradicts Mark Mardell’s claims that the President loved seeing the downtrodden take charge of their own lives:
When Obama took office, his administration halved the amount of money available for democracy funding in Egypt, to $20 million in 2008, and allowed Egypt to have a veto again over some funds.
So who was propping up a dictator and who was trying to help the downtrodden take charge of their lives, BBC?
And that’s in the Boston Globe!
Yeah, this got touched upon in an interview John Humphrys conducted with a State Department official. Needless to say, Humphrys didn’t pursue it to its logical conclusion.
As I commented in DV’s thread on this here, when Humphrys asked the official if ‘America had blood on its hands’ for supporting Mubarak, if anyone has ‘blood on their hands’ it is BBC subversives like Humphrys who did all in their propaganda power at the time to undermine Bush’s ‘freedom agenda’.
And one might of course add to that noone at the BBC raised whether Obama had blood on his hands for failing to support the pro-democracy protests brutally suppressed in Iran.
Just caught the BBC’s Geert Wilders Europe’s most Dangerous Man? Isn’t the title a bit loaded, even though he does look like Zorin from the Bond movies, this documentary was a bit of a hatchet job. It was complete “moderate” patronising Muslim.
Meanwhile on Channel 4 Dispatches…….
The Wilder’s programme. I don’t think I imagined it but the Israeli flag seemed to obsess the film maker. It was everywhere and the camera lingered on it . Then by some chance the film maker went to Israel.
I got the message. Wilders is a Mossad/ Israeli agent and Israel is begind the rise of the “far right” in Europe. Stirring up the natives against the peace loving Muslims.
This appalling film was nothing other than an anti Semitic ( Wilders has a Jewish grandmother) hate film posing as a documentary.
Wilders showed sense in refusing to talk to them.
Good point, I noticed that, the BBC seemed to be implying it’s the Joooooos.
BBC Math:
The Star of David + the St. George Cross = The Swastika.
But Dave S, what about the huge increase in islamophobic attacks by Jews in Europe? Or have I got that the wrong way round?
Do you remember ‘The Power of Nightmares’ documentary trying to make out Al Qa’eda was an invention of neo-cons to make war and we’ve nothing to worry about? When a repeat was in the offing on BBC not long after along came 7/7 and somehow the repeat got ditched.
Of course, after this documentary, if we get another 7/7 soon, ‘it wont be wot its the joos to blame for nuffink’.
Of course, the anti-Semitic propaganda that is apparantly in this documentary will be getting pushed on far right websites across the world. Melanie Phillips noted a while ago that on the BNP website most news stories the BNP linked to were from the Guardian and the BBC. This documentary, just like Power of Nightmares, appears another product of the Nazi Left/Islamist alliance.
ISLAM Not BBC (INBBC) fervently pro-Islam, and stridently anti-GEERT WILDERS.
Who was behind the INBBC 2 production? As David Preiser points out above, check out ‘Red Rebel’:
Here’s a political indictment of BBC-‘Red Rebel’
by ‘Politically Incorrect’ website.
Note both the filmakers responsible for the anti-Wilders programmes are:1.) Joost van der Valk (who behaved towards Wilders in the film like the hostile player he is ) and
2.) Mags Gavan, his partner, and ex-BBC.
[Extract from ‘Politically Incorrect’ article]:
“When Mags eventually left BBC and joined forces with Joost, they dedicated their careers to making hard hitting films with a purpose, and set up RedRebel.
“Immediately they began making cutting edge current affairs documentaries such as Kashmir’s Missing Men (about the independence struggle in Indian Kashmir).
“Their site, however, fails to mention that the film about Kashmir has a pro-Muslim point of view. Does this provide a clue about Red Rebel’s attitude towards Wilders?”
“A Red Rebel Hit Job on Geert Wilders”
“At this point it should be clear that they all are all Antifa-types and Wilders haters. Their attempts to damage Wilders have so far failed, and now, with their to approach to various anti-jihad activists, they may well be aiming for a film that will smear Wilders’ contacts and supporters abroad, especially in Germany, the UK, and USA.
Expect a Red Rebel hit job on Wilders that tries to discredit him based on the people who support him.”
INBBC was an active political participant in its pro-‘Red Rebel’-pro-Islam stance, and in its anti-Wilders stance.
In my view, INBBC is a more dangerous political organisation than even I realised, after seeing this politically motivated hatchet job on Geert Wilders.
INBBC’s lead came from the uncriticised UAF, Muslim Council of Britain, Muslim Yasin, and Red Rebel -a truly complete ‘left’-Islam alliance which has been leading us to where we are now in terms of Islamisation in Europe and Britain.
Actually, DB brought up the producers.
I caught the first half of the Wilders documentary and think that perhaps it was the documentary makers who scored the own goal aye?
Think about it, all the murders listed in the first half were carried out by muslims. Then they even aired parts of Fitna, complete with rabid mad mullahs…none of this stuff has EVER been on the BBC before!
Sadly though, the film makers failed to inform readers of exactly why Wilders spends £2mil a year on protection (although you were left in no uncertain terms as to why after the doco makers aired the murders of the politician and the film producer) BUT perhaps even worse, the film makers coimpletely ignored that Hirshi Ally lady and her run ins with Islam.
Yes, it was a sh1t documentary…but I dont think its as bad as a few of you are making it out to be. THen again, I did only catch the first half! So maybe it went down hill after that?
But the film makers did tell us why Wilders needed all that security: it was his fault. Any criticism of Islam is deserving of death threats, of course. What’s left to wonder?
Just like the (contracted, not on staff, to hear him tell it) BBC producer who debated with us here under the alias of “John Reith” used to tell us, we should all just shut up about the problems with Islamic cavemen because they (the BBC and other bien pensants) were working on it, and making a fuss like Wilders is doing just harms that cause.
Which is exactly why Jacqui Smith turned the notion of human rights on its head, and why the BBC hate Wilders while portraying Tariq Ramadan or Anjem Choudary as a moderate we can all bring home to mother.
(In fairness, when Smith initially banned Wilders, Kirsty Wark made it very clear that to Keith Vaz that she thought it was ridiculous. But that was the last criticism of that I ever heard. He’s the most dangerous man in the world now, so any points earned were deducted long ago.)
Well this couold be good:
I wonder if Bowen, Simpson & others will be running out to join this one. I think not given the fact that it’s down the pecking order whereas the Tunisia & Egypt stories were right up there from the get go. Wonder how their commentary of suppression will compare with the others. I bet it won’t take too long either before they run the idea of Mossad backing of the protests without mentioning that they can’t verify such a fact.
I suspect this story will die quickly so we don’t upset the BBC Persia apple cart.
Islamic schools and ‘Dispatches’: INBBC’s weak response:
“Birmingham Islamic school shuts over Channel 4 show”
But ‘Jihadwatch’ has this:
“U.K.: School at center of investigation over Islamic supremacist teachings claims victimhood“
The documentary is flawed. The prejudices claimed is happening to immigrants in the Netherlands thanks to political leaders such as Geert Wilders has nothing to do with Religion instead it has everything to do with demographics. Muslims in the Netherlands are the fastest growing section of the Dutch population, yet they are also demographically the biggest claimants of welfare payments and medical care.
It is the fact that so many Muslims do not work that is causing concern, not what religion they believe in that is causing problems for the general population.
The Netherlands is changing, in the province of Limburg, Wilders party won the largest share of the vote due to concerns about the future economic state of the country, as for his so called anti-Islam stance his policies are the same as the party that won the most votes in the latest Dutch elections, so unless the BBC wish to claim that over 50% of Dutch people are anti-Islam than the predudice is not ours but people who claim that the Dutch are the villians.
On a final note I would point out that Muslims immigrating to the Netherlands all manage to learn Dutch, so again it is not a matter of claiming that Muslims do not intergrate into Dutch society that is the issue, instead it is the over large dependency on the Welfare state, and the over large use of our health service that is causing issues.
I think the film was trying to say that loads of Dutch people are anti-Islam. But they blame Wilders for it, and not the imported caveman culture.
Does anyone know whats happened to Martin, I enjoy his outspoken comments ??
I forgot to add that the claims that Mr Wilders is ‘right wing’ are absolutly incorrect, his parties policies are distinctly socialist, I have no idea why the BBC keeps classing him as right wing.
Mr Wilders is not xenophobic nor is he racist, what he is, is the voice of the working class, I personally would not vote for him due to some of his economic policies, but his comments on Islam are valid and strike a chord across the political spectrum in the Netherlands.
For INBBC, after its ‘Red Rebel’ anti-Geert Wilders, pro-Islam propaganda of last night:
“Geert Wilders: ‘All Over Europe, The Lights Are Slowly Going Out'”
Why is it that Headtacher Jean Else, the disgraced Blair favorite, gets a sympathetic hearing on the BBC whilst as far as I know Katherine Birbalsingh hasen’t. It is nothing do do with the latter being a Tory, surely
This, I think is a very touchy subject for the Beeb and one I suspect they may be staying away from because they run the risk of ending up with egg all over their face. In a strange sort of way, their hesitancy points to the idea that they are deliberately partial as opposed to simply inept.
I say this because I was amazed when they didn’t junp all over the report below (or certainly not that I could find):
This seemed like prime BBC territory. However it turned out there was much more to it than met the eye as Archbishop Cranmer pointed out:
That wasn’t the only post on her either. His Grace posted several on this. In fact given the infomration he is possession off, it would seem something of a disgrace that more wasn’t made of it, especially as she was immediately suspended following her revelations.
I fear the bbeb are loath to change the story they originally bought out. They need the world to forget about her because digging any deeper will bite them roundly on the arse.
‘I fear the bbeb are loath to change the story they originally bought out. ‘
Possibly, but stealth retroactive editing is now nearly compulsory on every ‘report’ they issue, so the experience is there. As is the will if the narrative demands it.
‘I say this because I was amazed when they didn’t junp all over the report below (or certainly not that I could find):
This seemed like prime BBC territory. ‘
Dez, Dee, Scottie, Greg & Titch… fire up the billing sheets…. this one has your afternoon task written all over it!
The prefect ‘guest’?
After his bombastic performance on Question Time last week…
…Notice how Hasan tries to move the goalposts after his fallacy is exposed?
Made for the BBC then. They can swap pointers.