Due to swinging boodget coots, the local council has had to close a library, a swimming pool, and a community garden, as well as put several adorable puppies to sleep in order to afford to put up this new open thread.
Open Thread
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“What budget choices would school kids make if given the chance to be chancellor?”
Who cares Peston – they are children for goodness sake!!! What is it with these people, leave our children alone to live their childhood
In the dumbed down teenage world of the BBC,
“children know best ” .
I hope this does not happen
Oh I do !
How could C6 not be anything other than an International success story ?
It is precisely what the dimwitted viewer deserves, an alternative TV station to the BBC with an equally biased left-wing “news reporting arm” quoting verbatim from The Big Green Book.
This way the pair of them can do a gaddafi and quickly disappear when the proletariat come to their senses and fight back against the TV licencing stormtroopers demanding £150 from the protesters,even though there is no bread in the shops and there is nothing worth watching on the “telly”.
Viva la révolution !
One can only hope that it’s not as hideously white as the last network he ran.
How the bBC paints the Israelis as the bad guys.
Gaza militants fire rockets at Beersheba, Israel
A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip has hit a house in the southern Israeli city of Beersheba. The strike on the city was the first since Israel’s 2009 offensive in Gaza. No casualties were reported and the situation was said to be under control. Israel responded by carrying out an air strike on eastern Gaza City which reportedly injured three militants.
The attack came hours after an Israeli tank fired on Palestinians in Gaza, killing one person. Palestinian sources said 11 people were injured, including three children. The Israeli army said a group of militants had been planting explosives on the border in an attempt to attack their patrols.
So according to the bBC in the tit for tat set to the militants only fired a rocket after the IDF injured 11 people including 3 children first. (P.S) if a terrorist due to his actions terrorises , what does a militant do?
Everybody else reports the story somewhat differently:
Israeli tank shelling east of Gaza City has injured 11 people on Wednesday, Palestinian security and medical sources said.
Two of the injured people were seriously hurt and three children were among the wounded, the sources said.The Israel Defense Forces said its soldiers returned fire after an explosive device detonated near troops on the Israel-northern Gaza border and a mortar shell was fired at them.
Earlier on Wednesday, three mortar bombs exploded in the Shaar Henegev Regional Council. No injuries were reported. One of the bombs exploded near a soccer field, another near a pool and the third near a kibbutz outside the border fence. Also Wednesday, 11 Palestinians were hurt by mortars fired by the IDF in the eastern Gaza Strip.The Islamic Jihad’s military wing, Al-Quds Brigades, claimed its people fired two mortars at IDF forces which crossed the fence, causing the tanks to fire shells back at them. According to the Islamic Jihad, three of their men were injured, one was severely injured.
West Bank
A Palestinian injured by an Israeli shell fired east of Gaza City on Wednesday has died, medics said. Adel Jundiyeh, a member of the armed wing of Islamic Jihad, died and 10 others were injured including three children, medics said. The shelling came moments after four Israeli bulldozers and four tanks entered into the Gaza Strip, apparently preparing to tear up agricultural lands along the occupied border zone. The Al-Quds Brigades issued a statement shortly after the incident saying two mortar shells were fired on the bulldozers and tanks as they entered the Gaza border.
Just for the info. All israeli tanks have as standard a 60mm mortar fitted to their turrents, This allows them to target dug in infantry without resorting to using their maingun or calling in an airstrike. Also the risk of collatratel damage is reduced.
The 60mm mortar has a blast radius of about 20 – 25 meters.
Makes you wonder how so many people were injured?
And further to my last here is how the same story is been reported by the international MIddle East Media centre:
Fighter Killed By Army Fire In Gaza
The Al Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, reported that one of its fighters died of wounds suffered during clashes with Israeli forces invading Gaza City on Wednesday morning.
‘The Government is accused…’ is becoming the most risible phrase I am hearing from an MSM that is spinning up its own outrage and then regurgitating it as ‘news’, either prompted or quickly bandwaggoned by opportunistic pols who can see where the spotlight is and the chance for a dirty dig exists with willing help.
Given up on BBC, but on SKy just now, I just heard a ‘rescue’ plane has arrived back half full.
This would suggest to me that the ‘issue’ isn’t really how many got sent by various crowd-pleasing pols in countries for Douglas Alexander to cite.
The problem seems more on the ground, getting folk contacted and then safely from remote locations to points of embarkation.
Up to this juncture, the number of Navy ships or RAF planes parked around seems pretty academic. The country is still under the grip of a nutter that such as SKY, BBC and Labour were pretty OK with until 10 mins. ago, and I doubt he and his merry men will react well to uniforms around the edges if WPC Fletcher is any tragic guide.
So, MEDIA, and armchair blowhards, how are all the other countries doing on the logistics in-country, especially those with a more established government/civil service relationship, and a Foreign Office not as blessed with the last 13 years of Labour’s expertise and largesse.
Hague and Cameron seem woeful all right, but what have they got to work with? And what is working to undermine them?
But they only have themselves to blame to be ‘served’ by an international communications entity less interested in helping an oil worker out of a desert camp with their resources, in favour of spinning this as a bunch of Nuns on a Club Med 18-30 being failed by poor reaction to events that might have suggested a bit of individual and employer initiative to work with what now ‘the government’ has done all it seem capable of.
If it kicks off and there are casualties then some searching questions do need asking – of the FO – so lessons can be ignored, but a media/opposition axis of weevils whingeing about irrelevancies at this point helps no one bar their own petty agendas.
The BBC is infamous for bias by ommission.
Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere.
Although I found this on the BBC website from July 2010
I can find no mention of this:-
“Judge John Hand QC remanded the defendants in custody until sentence on a date yet to be confirmed.
Hussein, of Bethnal Green, east London; Rashid, of Shadwell, east London; Hussain, of Wapping, east London, and Alam, of Whitechapel, east London; have all admitted causing grievous bodily harm with intent.”
Correct me if I’m wrong but I can’t find a report on this anywhere on the BBC.
No, I can’t find it either. It”s interesting that they carried a report of the crime when the motive was believed to be robbery. Now that the true motivation is known, the BBC don’t want to touch it.
I can’t seem to get away from wee dougie alexander these days, the BBC are even retweeting his inane wittering now:
DAlexanderMP Douglas Alexander by r4todayGiven flights fiasco & fact that British workers stranded, why is CoBRA only meeting for 1st time today to co-ordinate response?#R4today
Seeing as the bbC is pushing the Labour line that the present government has f-cked up with getting British people out:
The events in Libya started on the 17th of Feb but didn’t really kick off until Sat the 19th. Today is the 24th and people are landing in the Uk. from the 17th that is 8 days from the 19th 6 days.
In 2006 when Hezballah attacked Israel on the 12th of july and Israel did like wise. The first British people to leave the country via the Royal Navy left on the 20th of July 9 days.
The latter was considered a sucess by the bBC. but took longer to achieve. In thhe latest example Brits are arriving in the Uk.
meanwhile the bBC is still banging on about sending in the SAS, but state that ministers can’t talk about that?
So the BBC the blood thirsty war mongers want us to send planes ships and troop into a sovereign country with good weapons and a strong but fractured fighting force also armed civilians on every corner but is currently is a state of civil emergency and where no one knows who to call to ask about anything like say ?permission to land or dock or where to park our land rovers ! strangely just like Afghanistan and Iraq which the BBC now say [when Tony did it they were happy to play along ]was a bad thing to do ????
Nice are they gonna send condolences to the dead’s family when the Libyan armed forces open fire ?
The slight disconnect between what the MSM is excited about, and reality, is sinking in…
…if, sadly, mainly by bloggers here (and there) who seem keener to look at the facts and analyse rationally, rather than ‘journalists’ who punt out weekly diatribes that such folk are not ‘real’ reporters and hence not fit to lick their ‘official’ bretheren’s boots when it comes to having the right to inform and entertain (accuracy or objectivity optional) the masses in shaping thoughts.
I actually consider most MSM, by their words and deeds so far, to be making things more dangerous by their 5th column undermining actions, and once the sand settles it is they who need to be held to full account.
Without wanting to sound calious, Libya hasn’t been good to others. You know like the Bulgarian nurses, Swiss Business men and others. So other than Embassy Staff the rest have a choice if they wish to be there and that boils down to money and the wish to earn lots of it.
The british government does have a responsibility to its own, yet where do we draw the line? When I hear people out there demanding that the Briutish are doing nothing, I wonder if these are the same people who usually say that the UK holds nothing for them and they ahve no wish to return. (I know, I’ve met them)
So the BBC are trying to get something in Libya on par with the raid on Entebee.
Oh no, of course they won’t – that was an Israeli success story wasn’t it? Can’t be having that now can we?
In the following report, INBBC has only one sentence on ‘questionable’ role of Labour on Megrahi’s release:
“Colonel Gaddafi ‘ordered Lockerbie bombing'”
In contrast, ‘Daily Mail’ has an extensive, informative coverage of Labour’s subservience to Gaddafi over Megrahi release:-
“Gaddafi ‘personally gave the order for Lockerbie bombing’ and I have PROOF, claims dictator’s former justice minister”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1359910/Libyas-Gaddafi-DID-personally-order-Lockerbie-bombing-claims-Justice-minister.html#ixzz1Es1kqFNB
“Mail Online hits 56m web users and has only BBC* to beat”
(* publicly financed).
Here is the news from the BBC
RBS release ‘profit’ figures –
*tick tick tick bankers’ bonuses tick tick tick*
British Gas release profit figures
*tick tick tick bills through the roof tick tick tick*
*tick tick tick your eyes are getting heavy tick tick tick profits are evil tick tick tick you are feeling drowsy tick tick tick big business is evil tick tick when I snap my fingers you will wake up and believe that there should be no business models other than the John Lewis Co-operative (where we shop), and the BBC with its £3.2 billion of public money a year.
Meh – didn’t work.
Y’all must be immune.
I bought a nice pair of shoes at John Lewis once. They were soon ruined by a damaged chair leg in a BBC office. I didn’t realize the irony at the time.
Alternatve to Marxist Comrade Mason’s ‘Newsnight’ propaganda:
FOX NEWS, Glenn Beck show (Feb 23) on:
Iran, Egypt, Libya, Israel, Obama, trade unions, ‘UK Uncut’ (a ‘Newsnight’ favourite political outfit), etc.
BBC Tweet ticker is reporting that three German Naval vessels are standing by with 600 troops between Malta and Libyan coast. They source it to Spiegel Online.
I’ve read the source
“Drei Schiffe der Bundesmarine sind im Seegebiet zwischen Malta und Libyen angelangt. Noch sind rund 160 Deutsche im Land, die evakuiert werden sollen. Die Briten erwägen den Einsatz von Spezialeinheiten, um ihre Staatsbürger aus der Wüste zu retten. Verfolgen Sie die Ereignisse im Liveticker.”
An interesting bit of information in italics (mine).
Things are happening….despite all the BBC reporting of incompetence.
The desert camp with 170 Brits also has Germans and Austrians.
Watch this space.
Put this through google trans.
“Die Briten erwägen den Einsatz von Spezialeinheiten, um ihre Staatsbürger aus der Wüste zu retten. Verfolgen Sie die Ereignisse im Liveticker.”
If you know what it means, why don’t you type that? That way, everyone will know.
I’d say it was a job for Dr Who and the Brigadier….
Black’s baaaaaack!
And, from what he’s chosen to pen, and ‘defend’, and critique, still digging that hole:
‘The latest flirtations of the US political right with “climate denial”‘
Nope, can’t guess where Mr Black stands on that one. I’ve left a message on his blog, before it’s closed for comment, assuming it gets through moderation.
Had to smile at all inherent in this on twitter…
BBC and Sky are still on Assange – GADAFFI IS SPEAKING *dives for Al Jazeera English*
OT… not BBC.
But does this BS not sum it all up?
channel4news r Are you still stranded in #Libya? Get in touch with #c4news if so. What do you think of Govt evacuation plans?
Other than my impression that comms were near zero, might folks’ minds not be a bit more focussed on bailing, or helping others with advice… than petty whingeing to help a sorry little’news’ station fill some space!!!!!
In other news…
…. the BBc will doubtless be reflecting public choice in it’s selection of press guests, then?
Meanwhile, the Graun sees things through a unique prism…
mediaguardian Media Guardian January ABCe: Mirror Group sees record month onlinehttp://gu.com/p/2nbe6/tf
BBCPolitics BBC Politics What went wrong? http://bbc.in/fiJR46
Ohhhhh… they’re not talking about their ‘balanced’ coverage.
‘Exasperating too for the British people stranded in Libya watching other nationalities being taken to safety.’
Legitimate concern for UK public… and justified critiques to assist improve situation?
Or raw tribal spite?
Love the irony. My, who could he be thinking of…
guardiannews Guardian news Libya calls western journalists ‘al-Qaida collaborators’http://gu.com/p/2nbfk/tf
“A glimpse of journalism’s future”
The lovely Paul Reynolds describing the shock he got when he joined the online news.
He got letters from the public!!!!
“Insults had little effect after a time. After all, they are simply emotions. They contain no arguments. Arguments have more impact, much more. They force you to reconsider your stance. Is the BBC, are you, really taking an impartial, balanced position? What always hurt was when someone pointed out an error of fact.”
Oh. Really????
“The other e-mail storm followed a story I wrote about Gaza, which said that people should not believe everything they see on video taken in conflict situations. The example was Israeli video of an attack on men supposedly loading Grad rockets onto a truck. It turned out that the “rockets” might well simply have been oxygen cylinders.
Palestinian supporters wrote in by the dozen to say that, at last, the BBC had seen through Israeli propaganda. Israeli supporters accused me of naivety and worse.”
Right. But then he did the reverse.
“Then I did the reverse story. I said people should not trust the language used in conflict, concentrating this time on the words of Hamas, which often hid a harder intent. Of course, the e-mails this time were the other way round – praise from Israeli supporters, complaints from Palestinian.”
SO his view is that both Israelis and Palestinians should be suspected of double dealing propaganda, and so he proves the ‘balance’ of the BBC because he gets complaints from both sides.
He is oblivious to the fallacy of his argument. Using his own examples, he implies that the missiles MIGHT have been something innocent, but gives no(and has no) proof.
But there is proof that Hamas says one thing but means another- just read their charter. He himself states “which often hid a harder intent” as a fact.
So he has compared two completely different things, but because he got complaints from both sides, he regards his examples as ‘balanced’.
He just doesn’t see it.
An enjoyable night out for Harrabin, Black, and Greenie Beeboids?
[Excerpt from review of play, ‘The Heretic’]-
“‘The Heretic’: a stimulating drama about climate change”
“This week I went to see the magnificent Stevenson in another drama about climate change – The Heretic at the Royal Court – where she plays a sceptic scientist, suspended for going on television with her views without her superiors’ permission. And it, too, both chimes with the times and is polarising opinions.
” found the play funny, moving and stimulating, with much more to it than the sceptical diatribe I had been led to expect from reviewers – or from playwright Richard Bean telling a news magazine (in a far ‘meant to show how government and the mainstream media have adopted an unproven hypothesis of anthropogenic global warming, as if it were undisputed’. ”
“Climate change comedy that warms the heart in ‘The Heretic'”
No doubt Greenie-BBC is planning to commission a film of it, as we speak…
I just want to say that pounce has been contributing some brilliant, important stuff lately (always does, really, but the lately seems especially important). I’d like to ask if his blog could be linke to this one like the others at the top, with possibly the occasional cross-post?
David P,
Quite agree with you. Pounce is doing some great stuff here.
I am really rather in awe of some of the top contributors on this fantastic website.
Beats the crap out of the BBC !!!!!
“BBC paying senior bosses thousands in bonuses despite promising to stop”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1360182/BBC-paying-senior-bosses-thousands-bonuses-despite-promising-stop.html#ixzz1Euhu1WVe
Once again, the violence comes from the Left. Once again, the BBC will censor information which detracts from their Narrative:
I don’t want to hear another f@#$ing word from the BBC about the “boiling anger” or violent rhetoric of the Tea Party movement. In fact, Justin Webb, Matt Frei, Mark Mardell, Kevin Connolly, and the rest of them owe a couple million people an apology.
P Hitchens on BBC bias:
Superb article by Peter Hitchens
Yes, he’s very sharp. He really understands how the bias works and enumerates its various techniques, some of which have also been exposed very effectively on this blog.
Looks like Hitchens has been reading this blog. His piece reads like a summary of several points made here recently.
Mr Finn says he can answer my question: “Can anyone remember him [Jeremy Paxman] interviewing a Blair-era Labour minister in a similarly hostile fashion, from the position of a *conservative* Devil’s advocate?”
Mr Finn says :”Yes, many times. I’m sure we all can. ”
Well, I thought here we were going to be referred to at least some of these ‘many times’ and told when they were, and involving whom, perhaps with some indicative quotations. But they don’t seem to be there – which doesn’t greatly surprise me.
Cue the archive weasels, who have been bunker-bound of late, to trot out a ‘refreshed edit’ from some obscure bowel of the BBC, that ‘offsets’ every Breakfast Sofa PR as news release of rigged Newsnight ‘debate’?
But it seems to be a real surprise to Conservative pols, who really are reaping the inevitable results of their Danegeld attitude just to secure a coveted mugshot (and mugging) on national TV.
‘Mr Finn continues: “Speaking as someone who has worked in a BBC newsroom I can only say that in my experience the BBC are fanatical about balance in news broadcasting. That view may be unpopular here but it happens to be true. “‘
So… a la Ms. Boaden, again, it ‘is’, because he thinks it is? How would even the gardening correspondent of BBC WM treat that logic if attempted from an interviewee? Especially when vast factual support and evidence shows what he claims happens to be utter BS.
I know I keep harping on about it, but you can only say “it happens to be true” if you have the statistics to back it up. It’s easy to cherry-pick one item that shows what you want to show, but to demonstrate impartiality you must be able to show that it has been achieved over a given time period.
The only time I have seen an attempt to do this has been by Craig. We all know what that shows. But Craig is only one person. Surely the BBC, a huge organisation, can show better statistics to demonstrate impartiality. The fact that it doesn’t speaks for itself.
What this Mr. Finn obviously means is that, since Hague got to be on TV explaining the situation with British nationals stuck in Lybia, the BBC made sure to have Dougie Alexander on just as many times. That’s how fanatical they are about balance.
If that was the thinking, it’s hard to reconcile Mr. Hague trying to help (albeit in a dire manner) folk being ‘balanced’ by Labour/BBC conspiring not only to not help at all, but create morale-sapping divisions at home by way of preference. That, in some quarters, was once viewed… poorly.
How many articles have you seen written by the bBC about the victims of terrorism: You know like the folks in Nothern Ireland, the victims of Madrid/New York/London/Bali.
So why am I not suprised at how the bBC has brought out yet another article about how a former inmate at Guantanamo has problems sleeping at night.
What next from the bBC, that Radical Islam is a religion of peace?
World Service gave a whole programme last night to Palestinian victim, with Lucy Ash inserting the mandatory “family driven out of Israel”, “1400 Palestinians killed in 2008” etc
Senior Berkeley professor fiercely attacks the dishonesty of leading climate scientists, naming names with much scorn.
He also describes a major initiative Berkeley leading that will analyse ALL global climate readings (no cherrypicking), will publish all its data, will publish all its statistical methods. It looks like becoming the 4th world database of temperature, out of step with East Anglia/MetOffice and the other clones. First results due at the end of this year.
Pf course the BBC has not reported this important initiative – or why it is being undertaken.
Ironic that such an important push-back against the nonsense espoused by Black and Harrabin should be based at the right-on PC Berkeley.
Here’s one for the “If Sarah Palin Had Done This” file.
From the husband of Katty Kay’s friend and business partner, so you know for a fact that a legion of Beeboids got this:
Ah….. but….. er….. he’s just a guy, like the rest of us, easy to make mistakes. Lots on his mind. Dashing a not off the cuff. Anyone can make a slip of the pen….. and he’s unique.
Sarah Palin meanwhile, is, er, someone, different.
Sadly, that ‘not’ note typo makes me human too.
Sure, but like this latest idiotic gaffe from the White House, your comment won’t be retweeted with accompanying LOLs throughout the BBC community.
The play, ‘The Heretic’ (Royal Court theatre, London) about a climate change sceptic, and the propaganda against her, has a real-life connection here at ‘Independent’, (and Greenie BBC?):
“Letters to a heretic: An email conversation with climate change sceptic Professor Freeman Dyson”
‘Telegraph’s Jonathan Russell has this on:
“Just before going to the Middle East to promote world peace, the UK arms industry and RBS shares, Dave broke off from his busy schedule to give an interview to a young BBC hack about youth unemployment.
“’We have to take a really deep look at what’s been going wrong,’ he said earnestly, which is about all he said. The interview was cut from 15 minutes to just five. He did find time to include a parting shot, though. This is a good news story, he explained to the hack, and you lot at the ‘BBCC’ should see it that way. ‘The BBCC?’ the hack asked. ‘Yes, the British Broadcasting Cuts Corporation,’ replied Dave. Is the PM getting a little testy? “
A tiny bit of clarity? Can it be true?
One view that I suspect will not get a lot of airing via BBC, C4, and most other suckfest MSMers, either, on present performance:
More inspired commentary and analysis there than all the CivServs in our hapless government, venal opportunists in our pathetic opposition, and the entire coven of market rate ‘talents’ in the uniquely funded unofficial opposition PR machine, put together.
Here’s an obsevation you may have noticed.
Out of everybody who has recently returned from Libya. Have you seen the bBC air anybody who is thankful that the British government picked up the tab to bring them home?
Oh I’ve seen lots of people complaining about the lack of information.
No contact with the Embassy (So why are you speaking from the UK then?)
That they didn’t get any food while waiting for the flight.
That they got to the airport and waited
That nobody laid on accommodation while they waited at the airport and they became cold. (And I’m somebody who has spent far too long in airports around the world waiting for a flight home)
But somebody who is glad the British Government sorted out their flight home?
Meanwhile the leader of the Labour Party is promoted by the bBC as ‘Ed would have fixed it’ The thing being, the vast majority of British workers out there were out there because of Labour dealings in trying to rehabilitate a ‘dictator’ as a man of peace.
On top of a ‘like’.
‘Have you seen the bBC air anybody who is thankful that the British government picked up the tab to bring them home? ‘
That’s thee and me, tab-wise. A bit like a uniquely-funded national broadcaster hereabouts.
Maybe they were in a snit that, having voluntarily gone to a less than secure overseas hellhole, for fun, personal agenda or profit, that it went all shape of pear it suddenly has become everyone else’s fault and none of their responibility.
Which seems par for the course.
Well worth repeating in hope of others bar Labour’s PR mouthpiece picking it up:
‘Meanwhile the leader of the Labour Party is promoted by the bBC as ‘Ed would have fixed it’ The thing being, the vast majority of British workers out there were out there because of Labour dealings in trying to rehabilitate a ‘dictator’ as a man of peace.’
Meanwhile, on the BBC’s oddly selective championing of leaders and their (in)actions to taste, here a neat summary from the Telegraph thread I doubt the BBC Ophiles will run with…
Obama takes days to say anything about Libya, he misspells the name of the country, doesn’t mention the name of the dictator and doesn’t say he will do anything at all. Doesn’t sound like a crisis to me, it sounds pretty normal.
Meanwhile, out at the cherry orchards…
I thought it odd that oil workers were moaning since they seem to be a pretty tough lot given their job involves moving around usually from one sh*t hole to another. But when the moaners say what they were up to in Libya most appear to be either lecturers or English teachers. They seem to have been treating working in Libya as if they were working in France or the USA.
Well, I think we can pronounce the “Dunkirk spirit” well and truly dead.
INBBC’s Ms Guerin has a whole page of propaganda for ex-Gitmo, Mohammed Saad Iqbal Madni.
There is no news to the story. But it fits INBBC’s political narrative.
“Former Guantanamo inmate Saad Iqbal Madni’s ‘agony'”
A comment on INBBC’s ORLA GUERIN’S reportingf of killing of Pakistan governor and her previous ‘political form’:
“However, some religious leaders have praised the governor’s killer and called for a boycott of the ceremonies in Lahore, says the BBC’s Orla Guerin in Islamabad. [yes, don’t you wonder how this once-and-future sympathizer and propagandist for the PLO and its avatars is taking in the Muslim reality of non-Arab non-‘Palestinian’ Pakistan? Could she ever come to grips with the fact that the war on Israel, in which as a BBC Corresopndent she always took an anti-Israel line, turns out to be a Jihad? Still married, is she, to a “Palestinian”? Still deeply sympathetic, therefore, to Islam, and incapable of reporting with full accuracy on it? Or are her sympathies limited to the “Palestinian” Musliims but not to the benighted Pakistanis?]”
From ‘Wikipedia on Guerin:
“She was removed as the BBC’s Middle East correspondent after a 2005 trip to Israel by BBC director general Mark Thompson..”
Where does the violence come from? All together now……
“I’ll f**k you in the ass, you faggot!”
The fun starts at about 7:30 in. Ever seen footage like this from a Tea Party protest, despite the suggestions from the BBC? Me neither.
Have to say, though not having watched it (not sure I intend to), there’s a logically mixed message in that quoted line if meant as pejorative and anti-gender choice.
I’ve tried to contact David Vance just now at ‘A Tangled Web’, but all that appears is: “hacked by ali abdennadher”.
Spoke with David he is working on the hacked problem over at ATW
BBC TV ” News at 1 ” had a Beeboid I had never heard of, Jim Muir
( I know they breed like rabbits but the sheer number of Beeboids is amazing, what do they all do ? ), continually referring to
” Mr. Gaddafi ” with that serious , respectful tone that Beeboids reserve for criminals, thugs, terrorists and Lefties.
So much of the bias is in the tone of voice.
INBBC ‘Newsnight’ does a little catching up on the ‘Daily Mail’ re:
SAIF AL-ISLAM* (*’the sword of Islam’) GADDAFI, and his relationships with –
The (Islamic) London School of Economics, and the Labour Party
“Gaddafi’s son Saif’s ties to LSE and Britain”
Of course INBBC ‘Newsnight’ will relegate the Labour government’s abject submission to Gaddafi family over Megrahi release.
Will ‘Newsnight’ pursue reports from Libya that Col Gaddfafi DID personally order the bombing of Lockerbie plane?
Google ‘Daily Mail Gaddafi’ for much more information. E.g.-
“Gaddafi ‘personally gave the order for Lockerbie bombing’ and I have PROOF, claims dictator’s former justice minister”