Republican Congressman for Florida, Col. Allen West vs. the Executive Director of the Center for American Islamic Relations (CAIR). No prizes for guessing who comes out on top. Unless, that is, you work for or defend the BBC, in which case this video clip will make your head explode.
The only time the BBC actually mentioned Col. West before was right before the elections last November, where Kevin Connolly (he who insulted hundreds of thousands of people on air and online with a sexual innuendo) briefly discussed one of West’s campaign ads, in which Candidate West tries to discourage voters from choosing his opponent by tying him to the President (not counting the separate page where they posted the ad with a short blurb). He barely got a mention for his victory on election night, as if he didn’t exist and wasn’t a huge smack in the face of the BBC’s lie about how racism is a main factor in the Tea Party movement.
Connolly was unable to process the information even then, and made the following very revealing statement:
It is a common enough practice in tight races where the presence of a political big-shot can tip the balance.
What makes the ad unusual is that it is paid for by a Republican candidate, Allen West and he is gambling that Mr Obama’s intervention in the race will be a plus for him and a negative for his Democratic rival, Ron Klein.
It’s unusual for a Republican to do this? Um, yeah, NO. This is Beeboid Connolly simply unable to grasp the concept of a black man not slavishly (oops!) siding with another black man in politics. Of course, the BBC generally supports and understands people voting along racial lines: when it’s non-whites doing it. So it’s only natural that Connolly would be confused by this black man opposing a black President. Connolly is so out of touch that he also said this:
The biggest single factor contributing to those declining ratings is the economy. There is an iron rule in American politics that when unemployment is high, as it is here in Florida, the presidents gets a pummelling.
But there is more to it than that. Somehow the two signature achievements of Obama’s first two years in the White House are being made to feel like electoral liabilities.
Somehow the “two signature achievements” are made to feel like liabilities? As if those “achievements” aren’t connected to the crap economy in any way? His bias prevented him from grasping two simple concepts. Thankfully, the BBC has since transferred him out of the US.
In any event, don’t hold your breath waiting for the BBC to report this, or anything positive about Congressman West at all. They sure as hell don’t want you to know about this. In fact, this is a discussion forbidden on BBC airwaves by anyone.
Heh – that video reminded me of this one
‘Unless, that is, you work for or defend the BBC, in which case this video clip will make your head explode’
The BBC – we try to blow sunshine up folks’ butts… and charge them for us to do it
And the creep’s only comeback after being factually filleted? He’s ashamed. For one that patently has none, along with a rational braincell, that’s a stretch.
Colonel West set off that Jihadist’s propaganda IED right in his face.
The ‘comeback’ of “I’m ashamed, ya de da .. ” was always going to be this schmuck’s ‘comeback’, but West didn’t have to prepare his, “You attacked us!”.
If that’s the best this propagandist jihadist can come at West with, the stealth jihad in the United States just had a huge shiver sent down its spine.
God bless America, God bless Congressman Col Allen West.
Man, if I lived in the US I’d vote for that dude anytime.
Yes, the BBC wont be rushing to his door anytime soon for an adoring, star-struck interview like the one Justin Webb gave Obama. Even if West were the president they wouldn’t do it. Classic case of them filtering out news they don’t like.
It’s what the BBC hates; someone coming back at them with facts with them having no way of censoring what’s going on.
Still they won’t be showing that anywhere on the BBC site, so they managed to censor that bit of free speech in that way.
Would the Americans do a deal? Can we swap him for Cameron?
I have far too much regard for the United States of America to wish Cameron upon them. By inspiring America, West, God willing, can inspire us.
We need a Colonel West in this country.
This man is by far my favourite US politician.
As far as the BBC are concerned he doesn’t exist, they have to portray all Tea Party members and supporters as poor, white, southern farm-workers.
that sounds like a guy I would vote for US president-and i don’t vote!!
seriously-the Republican party should be looking to that guy to run against big ears
I have mentioned here and elsewhere before that I would like to see Allen West and Herman Cain as running mates in the Republican 2012 POTUS elections. Two strong right wing politicians, both black, both enthusiastic in beating down lefty whinging PC fools. Just what would the BBC do?
shit themselves,most likely
but they would buy nappies and put them on expenses doncha know
Just what would the BBC do? I think DP has the answer, Beeboid heads would be exploding en masse.
Just what would the BBC do? I think DP has the answer, Beeboid heads would be exploding en masse.
Yes, David, you have analysed BBC-Democrats double standards accurately: when blacks vote for a black candidate it is BBC-Democrats political correctness, but when whites vote for a white candidate it is unacceptable political incorrectness for BNBC-Democrats.
And as for Allen West’s forthright critique of CAIR and Islam, no doubt BBC-Democrats are bemused that West is not in the ‘Left-Islam-Muslim Brotherthood’ camp, as are BBC-Democrats.
God how we’re crying out for politicians like that over here.
It’s quite telling how much of a free ride the self regarding left have been given. They’ve been used to having their own way for far too long and the result is they’re not ready for a calm person armed with indisputable facts who is not afraid to dish out a little bit of “right back at ya!”. They don’t like it when people don’t run and hide.
Just out of interest I wonder who carried the mans book out for him? This guy just had his arse handed to him on a plate, so I know he couldn’t carry both things out
It might have been a good rebuttal but I couldn’t hear most of it. Was that a football crowd? It’s rude to clap over someone when they are speaking. I’m old fashioned that way. From what I could hear of his answer he sounds like the sort of person we need in this country, someone who’s got some balls. Not like our ‘we only do PC’ politicians.
Just imagine Lt Col West, US marines, teamed up with Sarah Palin for the next presidential election.
The BBC will implode.
I think he was in the US Army, not the Marines.
Like Palin, he certainly shoots from the hip.
Congressman West obivously has command of his facts as well, and knows how to formulate an argument on the fly.
Key line:”But you attacked us.” The exact opposite of the BBC Narrative that all Islamic violence against the West is inspired by Afghanistan and Iraq.
Thank you for the correction.
Also worth reading is the
Iraq interrogation incident
I just watched it for the second time, it’s brilliant. There’s no way he will be cowed by that Dhimmi.
He who obviously was so sure that West wouldn’t have the answers, that he was virtually swaggering in his first (unbelievably stupid) question about America being mentioned in the Qu’ran. He soon had the wind taken out of his sails when West stood up to him. And then when he admitted to being ashamed for them, he was too stupid to realise that he should only be ashamed for himself.
Did anyone see that woman walk out who almost bumped into the cameraman? To me she looked a bit like Hillllary Clinton – probably wasn’t but no doubt shared the same “mind”set.
Walking out is what people do when they cannot defend their postion.
The EU comrades are pretty good at it too.
One of the autocratic failings is that they cannot debate. They are right and no other view should be allowed let alone listened to. If you cannot defend your viewpoint insult the speaker personally and if that does not work walk out.
These people are so busy reshaping reality around their own egos when someone stands up to their spoilt brat tactics all they can do is pout and flounce of petulantly.
It is a traditional move by socialists. Apparently the USSR and all its accolytes used to walk out of the UN General Assembly whenever there was a debate not going their way.
During a debate on the Korean crisis, they flounced out as expected and the Americans cleverly took the opportunity to submit a motion calling for the UN to send a force to Korea to defend the South against Communist attacks. The Soviet veto was not present; so for the first time (and last for many years) a United Nations force took part in a war. The USSR never did it again I believe.
Speaking if swagger, you may have seen David Horowitz response to a Muslim.
One sees this quite often. Muslims believe in their guts that their civilisation is superior to that of the West. So they have that swagger that comes with feelings of superiority. They never seem to ask themselves why they, or their parents fought tooth and nail, and evaded security measures to get into the West.
Thanks for that link. That evil bitch , in effect, admits that she wants all Jews murdered. And is proud of it . Words fail me.
I think they try to convey a sense of superiority to cover up a sense of inferiority. I mean, they’ve had their asses whipped 3 times by a vastly outnumbered Israel, they’ve contributed virtually nothing in a 1,000 years to the furtherance of civilisation, their societies are dysfunctional. Their values are hatred and vengeance. The best they can muster is bravado to kid themselves and others about their own failings.
West gave the closing speech at CPAC. Here is the entire speech, the introduction is good and worth listening to as well.
I couldn’t help but thinking while listening to this speech ‘I am listening to a Republican JFK’.
The Patriot Citizen speaks:
(From a website urging Col West to run for President 2012)
And catch this from the Citizen Uber Babe:
I like the phrase “the American people” which is used a lot in the US. I know that sometimes it is used as a gimmick, but how often do you hear “the British people” pass the lips of politicians here?
Here is the speech given by Cameron on becoming Prime Minister – can you see whats abscent?
And here is Mrs Thatcher in 1979
The man is a force of nature, the leftists have no answer to him and this is the key to smashing the leftists stranglehold on the USA.
A unifying figure for the right, a champion of American values and a man unafraid to stand up and fight for the values of the right, the republicans would be stupid beyond belief not to get this man up and running and ready for the next election with a suitable complimenting running mate. The right needs a unifying figure and this is the man for the job I believe. The appeasers and the leftists have no answer to his confidence and force of will and his message and it is just what the American people need right now.
Cometh the hour cometh the man and if only we in the UK had a right wing leader and government and not a progressive leftist leading a bag of faceless cowards and profiteers.
I have just watched all the video’s of Alan West that hippie posted.
This man is an inspiration a credit to his parents and must be a future President of the United States.
The sooner the better.
Just in case anyone hasn’t noticed I can’t get enough of this guy ..
Thanks for that link. It is so brilliant how Col. West demolishes Obama.
Also , I love it when he is asked what do you do about the
terrorists ? ” Kill them” .
Any chance of him becoming British PM ? No, HMG would never give him a visa !!
That is one damn uppity Nigga ! How dare he speak the truth ?
Hey, Col. West, next time you are in Scotland the drinks are on me , Sir !
As I have mentioned before, I hope for the Western Worlds
sake that we get Palin/West in the White House at the next US elections. If we don’t, the future’s bleak.
Palin/West combo has a distinct advantage- the LibLeft will commit harakiri. The rest who dont, will flee to Canada or even Britain, and get a job in the BBC – oops thats not such an advantage.