Did anyone else watch the coverage of the Crufts dog show now it is on Channel 4 (actually More 4) rather than the Beeb ?
Mrs 1327s family used to breed dogs and in the past when she watched the Beebs coverage of the show (which was usually reduced to 30 mins a day but would frequently be moved due to coverage of say snooker from Outer Mongolia) she usually ended up yelling at the TV and muttering about dumbing down so I expected more of the same this weekend but that wasn’t the case. Instead More 4 used the same presenters as the Beeb but obviously gave them more freedom and didn’t tell them to aim the show at a retarded 8 year old. Also each nights show was 2 hours long so guests were allowed to talk without interuption. Given the type of adverts shown during ad breaks Channel 4 also expected it would bring in a decent type of viewer.
I totally agree. The BBC has the ability to be a bastion of traditional British values and represent the best of the British nation and its institutions. Its can produce some real quality programming due to its lack of commercial pressures.
Just as a reminder to us all what true bias means, in all its glory. Makes you proud to have other channels, doesn’t it? Not that Channel Four is much better as a rule…
Please find below a complaint I have sent the BBC via its website. As you will see, it is merely to register a complaint, I have no confidence in their integrity to deal with it. The appalling anti-Semitism of the BBC’s coverage of Israel is something that needs to be dealt with at the Parliamentary level. Despite chinks of light in certain areas the BBC is essentially rotten to the core on this issue. I would respectfully suggest that calls in Parliament for the dismissal of the BBC’s Middle East Editor, the patent anti-Semite Jeremy Bowen, are long overdue. As I discovered during the election, it remains the case that the BBC Online Complaints facility does not generate a registration number, such is the seriousness with which they deal with complaints.
There is no need to respond to this complaint. I have absolutely no confidence in the integrity of the BBC to deal with complaints. I am merely registering my abject disgust for the subtle endorsement the BBC gave to the murder of a 3 month old Jewish baby by its manner of reporting.This complaint will be copied to relevant Parliamentarians who hopefully will take action against the BBC for its proto-Der Sturmer anti-Semitism.The genesis of your anti-semitic reporting of these satanic murders is covered in Biased BBC.
What I will note is that nowhere on your site are there photos of the victims of this appalling hate crime. They are readily available. The BBC clearly wishes to dehumanise the victims.One of the reasons these genocidal hate crimes against the Jews are committed is aside from the incitement in PA and Hamas media, tacit approval is clearly seen in the western media, especially the BBC.
What, with all the ‘Godlike Ed dismisses those not worthy of his gaze…’ gush?
Just watched Mile.E argue himself into breathlessness in SKY, simply by Adam Boulton letting him speak.
He actually makes Cameron seem credible, god help us.
One is sure the BBC stands ready to let him make a total prat of himself, or maybe in their capacity as de facto opposition will simply feed him easy questions to script so he doesn’t balls up too much.
I do like Pickles and wish the other ministers would learn from his tactics. Bascially he can do what ever he wants because the Beeb know if they put his on TV or radio he will defind himself with great vigour. He wouldn’t half apologise as other ministers do and will come out of the “interview” looking even better than he did before. Like wise he doesn’t court publicity with a media he knows is unfriendly so instead just gets on with his job.
His comments so far on big spending councils have done a lot to neutralise crticism from that sector on what they call “cuts” and I hope David Cameron realises what a good job he is doing.
I tried in vain to find any reporting on either the BBC news channels or BBC website for the following story:
Tens of thousands of Lebanese opposition supporters on Sunday demanded Hezbollah be disarmed as they rallied to mark the sixth anniversary of a popular uprising against Syrian troops in the country.
I did though find this story: A statue by French sculptor Auguste Rodin was stolen during the Israel Museum’s recently completed renovation.
After years of obsessive Israel coverage coupled with ignoring almost everything that happened in every other country in the Middle East the BBC has a problem. No one is left to mind the store in Israel.
Did you notice In a brief statement issued on Wednesday, the museum said the theft was discovered three months ago and immediately reported to police? Not exactly current, is it?
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For when the self-love fest that is BBC Red Nose Day 2011 becomes just that little bit too much for you.
Something I’ve often wondered is just how do you get to be a BBC “house” charity like Comic Relief and Children in Need, with the utterly disproportionate coverage that brings? And what do other charities, who must lose out to this, think?
It’s a point of principle to me that when I give money to a charity, I want to know exactly what the funds will be used for. I don’t want some self-selected “right-on” committee deciding to distribute it amongst sundry causes they deem worthy, because I can bet that their idea of worthy won’t be the same as mine. Yet the huge coverage makes it very difficult not to contribute without coming across as a mean old bugger, as anyone with school-age children will attest.
A couple of years ago some catholic researchers found out comic relief was funding family planning organisations in Africa that performed abortions (Marie stopes)so comic relief promised to stop as the publicity was going to be bad. Then last year Lenny (I was funny in the eighties) Henry did a piece to camera just next to a sign for Marie Stopes. Talk about taking the piss. Btw I have no problem with charities raising money for abortions just as long as they tell the truth and allow those who may object to choose. Why should my daughter going to school in her jarmies fund foetal genocide.( I know i’m Fenian and therefore might not be unbiased but why should these unelected lefty scum misappropriate funds for their own pet projects)
I fervently wish that BBC red noses were as a result of disgusted bias-haters taking the law into their own hands. Or is that too near the knuckle for this blog?
BBC-NUJ-Labour Director General, Mark Thompson promised in 2010 that he would close the apartheid radio network ‘Asian Network’ this year. BBC ‘Asian Network’ is a provision for a separate group of people who call themselves ‘British Asian’, or ‘Asian British’, or ‘Muslim British’ or ‘Muslim’.
Now, we must bear in mind that Thompson, a Catholic, firmly believes (if he firmly believes anything) that Islam must have special broadcasting treatment in Britain.
“The BBC will tackle Islam differently to Christianity, admits its Director General”
This info might be on another B-BBC thread in which case apologies for repeating it but the BBC’s sister organisation in the US – National Public Radio (or rather National Palestinian Radio) – has been outed as, well, the US’s very own taxpayer-funded bias machine. Read the American Thinker article here http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/03/the_chic_of_araby_1.html
I know you will find it hard to believe but this was reported on the Today programme a few days ago! Strangely they did not note any similarity with another publicly funded broadcaster.
They mentioned it, but defended them to the hilt and blamed nasty right-wingers for the “sting” instead, saying they had long targeted NPR. No mention at all that NPR thought they were talking to former Muslim Brotherhood members or that they could hide the source of the donations off the books. Complete defense of NPR from the BBC.
This will come as no surprise to most people here but I was so outraged by my recent encounter with rank BBC bias that I felt I just had to tell you all for what it’s worth. I work for a large company (FTSE 250) which had premises in Bath and Bristol. I was heavily involved in a project to identify another site in which to merge both Bath and Bristol operations. Having spent a considerable length of time searching for a new site I eventually identified one and we then moved out of Bath and Bristol and into our new site.
Anyway, a few days ago I found out the BBC had been in touch with our PR dept in connection with the move. I thought (rather naively) that they were interested in our move and wanted to put it on the local news – how wrong I was! I spoke to a colleague who said that the BBC had asked about details of job losses, cuts etc, but as soon as they were informed that no major cuts were being made and no jobs lost (in fact local jobs would be safeguarded) they completely lost in interest and decided not to run the story. You would have thought that a large company investing in the local economy and preserving local jobs by making cost savings would be a positive story in which to broadcast regionally. Not in the eyes of the BBC it seems. Unless it’s doom and gloom caused by those evil cuts then it’s not in keeping with their agenda and therefore not something that the public should know about. Nationally or regionally, the BBC’s rancid rotten bias runs right to the core and it’s a total disgrace that we are forced to pay for it
I heard an interesting report from the BBC in Japan over the weekend. Said Beeboid had flown into Japan obviously forgetting the impact of flights on global warming and rushed to the exclusion zone for the damaged Japanese nuclear reactors. Presumably he also forgot that vehicles could be using valuable limited fuel supplies in the area.
So thorough was his planning that he was surprised he could not talk to anyone as they had the rudeness to only speak their own language. The irony the Beeboid missed was that he only spoke his and he was in their country…..
The arrogance of some of these people shames our country.
It’s Catch-22. Either a clueless Beeboid without language, local knowledge or proper research is sent and then manipulated by local fixers OR an agenda driven BBC employee from one of the Foreign Language units is sent and gets the opportunity to spread the narrative of the side he suppports in English. LOSE-LOSE
Of course, if this were the era of Pres Bush, and American forces were invited into Bahrain, INBBC’s political attitude would be overtly hostile.
Incidentally, we are told that the INBBC’s reporter, Magdi Abdelhadi, is an ‘analyst’, but we are not told whether he is a Sunni ‘analyst’, or a ‘Shia’ analyst’.
This is of some significance to the Muslims of the Middle East, with whom INBBC empathises, and for whom INBBC employs so many Arabic/Muslim people, at the expense of British licencepayers.
“Gulf states send forces to Bahrain following protests”
Magdi Abdelhadi seems to be Egyptian, having been educated at an Egyptian University. so he’s probably Sunni.
There’s a Magdi Abdelhadi on Facebook who ‘likes’ Mohamed ElBaradei and (using Google translate) ElBaradei’s colleague EssamSharaf, who Wikipedia says is “noted for strongly opposing normalization of ties with Israel”.
Is this Magdi Albelhadi the same man as the BBC’s Magdi Albelhadi? Compare the Facebook photo (which, judging by the 1970’s-style dress sense, might be an old photo) with the picture of Magdi on the BBC website. Is it the same guy, or a case of mistaken identity? (If it is the same guy, what does his liking for two Arab hardliners against Israel say about his ‘impartiality’?)
The Facebook page states in the info that his employer is the BBC an “Has worked at British Broadcasting Corporation” It looks to me that the Facebook profile picture is of the same person who is employed by the BBC. Looking at various pictures you can see that the forehead and ears are the same.
How the bBC promotes its anti-Trident stance with half the facts: Denis Healey kept in the dark about Polaris upgrade At the height of the Cold War, crucial information about Britain’s nuclear deterrent was concealed by civil servants to ensure their plans for an upgrade were approved….But when news came in that the Soviets were developing an anti-ballistic defence shield around Moscow, many in Whitehall and the military began calling for Britain’s Polaris nuclear system to be upgraded.They argued that Britain would no longer have a credible nuclear deterrent if it could not target the Russian capital – a theory which became known as the “Moscow criterion”.
Get that, the bbC opines that the only reason we got Trident is because Whitehall told fibs to Dennis Healey about Russias working anti missile defence system during the 70s.
And here is what the bBC has to say about a similar system a few years ago and 30 years after the above: Q&A: US missile defence
Will the system work?
The theory is that the interceptor missile homes in on and destroys its target in the air by physically hitting the incoming warhead. However, the closing speed of interceptor and target will be 24,000kph (14,900mph), or 6.5km (4 miles) per second – so the task is more difficult than hitting a bullet with another bullet. The system’s supporters say that not only does it work, but it is even more accurate than that. But critics say that, despite having spent over $100bn (£54bn), the Pentagon still has not proved the system can work in realistic conditions. Independent scientific bodies in the US have said that tests of the system’s intercept capabilities have been highly scripted, with the defence being given detailed information about the attack beforehand.
So according to the bBC mindset the Russians at a time when 8 track was cutting edge tech could field a working Anti-missile screen, yet the Yanks over 30 years down the line couldn’t do the same.
If I didn’t know better I’d say the bBC has a political agenda here.
Pounce the Russians still have a ring of anti-ballistic missiles surrounding Moscow although I was told they probably couldn’t hit a barn door. They date from the early 70’s pre the ABM treaty which allowed the Russians to keep them probably because they were useless against the upgraded US ICBMs. But you are right I have never seen them mentioned in the MSM.
OT but relevant. The 3rd Geneva Summit on Human Rights and Democracy starts today at 9AM Geneva time, to do what the UN Human Rights Council refuses to to.
“US feared British ‘sharia banks’ would finance terrorist groups”
Although this ‘Telegraph’ article is written in the past tense, (referring to the Islam-subservient Labour government), it is likely that the same Islam-compliant attitude is adopted by Cameron, Osborne and co.
No doubt BBC-NUJ-Labour’s Mr Preston, jnr, will present an article critical of ‘Islamic’ banking, any time soon…
BBC-NUJ-Labour’s Peston can compare his views on ‘Islamic’ banking, with those of Timor Kuron:
“Timur Kuran On The Political Menace Of Islamic Banking”{Extract on review of Kuron’s analysis}:”Proponents of Islamic economics make two basic claims: that the prevailing capitalist order has failed and that Islam offers the remedy. To assess the latter assertion, Kuran devotes intense attention to understand the actual functioning of Islamic economics, focusing on its three main claims: that it has abolished interest on money, achieved economic equality, and established a superior business ethic. On all three counts, he finds it a total failure.” http://www.newenglishreview.org/blog_direct_link.cfm/blog_id/12664
“Stephen Glover: Patten and Cameron may be on collision course”
“If I am somewhat unclear why Lord Patten sought the job, it is more obvious why he has been appointed. The director-general, Mark Thompson (a practising Catholic like Lord Patten, by the way) has pushed for someone from the main governing party who knows where the levers are, and might also be relied upon to stand up for the BBC. As governor of Hong Kong, Lord Patten did not mind aggravating the Chinese, thereby winning the plaudits of the liberal chattering classes.
“Assuming he has the necessary commitment, he may be at loggerheads with Mr Cameron before long, despite their both coming from the same liberal wing of the Tory party. The Prime Minister is already much exercised (reasonably in my view) by the BBC’s relentlessly negative portrayal of the supposedly disastrous consequences of cuts. Lord Patten may soon find himself called on to be the BBC’s staunch defender.”
BBC employees are not supposed to endorse any politician or political movement on social media networks, such as Facebook or Twitter. So, making the almost certainly correct assumption that this is our man, this looks suspiciously like another breach of BBC editorial guidelines.
The far more important but separate question is whether Magdi Aldelhadi’s liking for Mohamed ElBaradei and Essam Sharaf has any impact on the impartiality of his reporting.
It’s probably no surprise that the article Egypt Facebook campaign for ElBaradai presidency was written by him. Here a best-selling novelist is quoting saying warm words about ElBaradei, critical voices are marginalised (just one paragraph, next to the final paragraph) and Magdi himself writes, “Mr ElBaradei has built up a reputation for fairness during his 12 years at the head of the IAEA.” That is his opinion. It’s not one shared by senior Israeli and American politicians, and quite a few others too.
Further investigation is needed. Then, if necessary, a complaint.
Oh I think so. Good work bringing this to our notice Craig. I can’t say I know much about Mohamed ElBaradei so I will have to do some more reading up on him. I found this however.
How convenient that Dr S’s opinions on the legitimacy or otherwise of Israel appear to mirror the BBC’s own. Hence, of course, her appointment as the BBC’s new (atheist) face of religion. Amazing – I’d have thought she would at least be a convert to Islam but no this is, after all, the “impartial” BBC.
Exeter University seems to have recieved a deal of funding from Islamic sources and is not exactly well known for taking a pro Israel stance or even a neutral one.
Intresting story unfolding in the Middle-East and as per usual the bBC give you only half the story: Israel seizes Egypt-bound ship ‘with weapons for Gaza’ The Israeli navy has intercepted an Egypt-bound ship carrying arms intended for militant groups in the Gaza Strip, military officials have said.The German-owned vessel was on its way from Turkey to the Egyptian port of Alexandria, Israeli press reports said.
Reading the above do you get the impression that the jews are having a dig at yer another ‘Aid’ shipment from Turkey? But wait what’s this hidden near the bottom of the article: “”According to the shipment documents and questioning of the crew, the vessel initially departed from Latakia port in Syria and then proceeded to Mersin port in Turkey. “
and here’s something from just a fortnight ago the so called defence and political experts in the Middle-East cannot seem to link with the above: “The website of Iran’s Press TV said the Alvand, a 1,500-ton patrol frigate, armed with torpedoes and anti-ship missiles, and the 33,000-ton supply vessel Khark were docked at Syria’s main port, Latakia.”
Expect lots of coverage from the bBC over how pissed off the Turks are over this latest act of piracy by the Jew.
Israel seizes Egypt-bound ship ‘with weapons for Gaza’ Note the ‘scare quotes’ I suppose they’re fair because so far we haven’t seen the weapons. So why the last paragraph? In 2002, Israeli forces stormed the Karine A freighter in the Red Sea, and confiscated what the military said was 50 tonnes of weaponry headed for Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip. Nine years later, after the BBC has already accepted this figure (complete with photograph) the BBC still suggests their may be doubt (we only have the IDF’s claim) about the weapons.
R5’s breakfast time news headlines went straight from reporting the “potential nuclear catastrophe” to a statement that “2400 are known to have died”. they didn’t say from what – surely just a mistake, not intent to mislead!!? (eg at c2min, but repeated throughout the programme) http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/b00zf833/5_live_Breakfast_15_03_2011
After burning down the church some of the Muslim mobs in the area took the land and put a sign that it’s now a mosque. Are the Egyptians rebuilding on the same site? It would seem not if Bassim Shenouga’s comment has meaning.
Thirteen people were killed in clashes that followed mass protests by Christians in Cairo earlier this month. Is there a suggested cause and effect at play here? I thought the arson was a family ‘honour’ issue. How many of the thirteen were Christian?
BBC-NUJ’s Mark EASTON, is couldn’t care less about the suspension of ITV producer of ‘Midsomer Murders’, but instead Easton presses his case on’white rural racism’!
“Midsomer Murders producer suspended over race row”
ITV producer is suspended for ‘political incorrectness’ (!), but Easton’s only interest (apart from his repetitive campaigns to legalise drugs, and for mass immigration) is to tag his finger about ‘white rural racism’!:-
It is the conflict with reality again. For now there are a vast number of English and Welsh villages that are still 100% indiginous. In plain terms 100% white. My daughter lives in one in Devon and my son lives in one in Wilts.They are the norm not the exception. The reality.
Our betters wish it were not so but it is despite their ardent desire to alter this. I suppose the theory is that the English and Welshness will gradually be overwhelmed by ethnic incomers from the cities and old England will die with the last Englishman.
Why do they so dislike our culture, there metropolitan liberals?
Guilt and self loathing I suppose or infantile rebellion against their parents coupled with an irrational belief in the perfectability of mankind.
All they are really doing is ensuring that they have become the problem and can never be part of the solution.
Here is the BBC article in full: Israel has urged the United Nations to cancel the US premiere, at its New York headquarters, of a film about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Miral, directed by Jewish film-maker Julian Schnabel, traces the conflict after 1948, from a Palestinian angle.
In a statement, Israel accused the UN of making “a politicised decision” that showed “a lack of even-handedness”.
A UN spokesman denied a “political link” to the film, saying the General Assembly hall was “just a venue”.
“Several films have been shown at the UN,” spokesman Jean-Victor Nkolo added.
But Israel’s deputy ambassador to the UN, Haim Waxman, said: “We are not aware of any other films with such contentious political content that have received this kind of endorsement from the president of the General Assembly.”
Miral, due to be shown at the General Assembly hall on Monday, is based on an autobiographical novel by Palestinian journalist Rula Jebreal and stars Slumdog Millionaire actress Freida Pinto.
It tells the story of an orphaned Palestinian girl who finds herself drawn into the conflict.
Schnabel, who directed Oscar-nominated film The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, said: “The whole point is because I’m an American Jew, and that’s why it touched me because it’s a big part of my life.
“It’s important for Muslims to hear that, it’s important for Jewish people to hear that, and for Israel and for people everywhere,” he added.
The film is being distributed in the United States by Jewish-origin film mogul Harvey Weinstein. On reading that, I thought Israel came out of it looking as if it was acting unreasonably. Here’s a film, based on the experiences of Palestinian author Rula Jebreal, by a Jewish film-maker, backed by a Jewish film mogul, that has – according to its creator – noble aims. It’s being shown in the UN main hall, probably as a matter of routine – as many such films have been shown there before, apparently. The reasons why Israel objects are hardly credible; indeed, they don’t appear to have much of a case. They appear to be wanting to censor it because it shows the Palestinian point of view.
Isn’t that the impression you get from reading the BBC article?
Reading beyond the BBC gives a lot of other perspectives on this story, and Israel’s case (whether you ultimately accept it or not) becomes much more convincing. Here are some of them:
(a) Rula Jebreal is Julian Schabel’s girlfriend.
(b) The reason Israel is angry is that the film is said to “laden with instances of Israeli cruelty to Palestians”, without context. There are hardly any scenes of Palestinian violence.
(c) The film is being shown in the main hall of the UN, with red carpet. Delegates, envoys and heads of mission of member nations have been invited.
(d) The UN spokesman was asked if the showing would be particularly inappropriate given the Itamar killings. The spokesman replied that his boss Joseph Deiss condemns “in the strongest possible terms the murder of the Israeli family in the West Bank.” The BBC article chose to ignore the Itamar massacre altogether.
(e) Though the UN spokesman says he believes other films have been shown in the hall, he also said he didn’t know if a non-documentary had ever been shown before. This could still be an unprecedented act.
(f) The decision seems to have been unilaterally taken by Mr Geiss, the president of the General Assembly. Israel is unaware of any other such endorsement.
(g) Israel’s spokesman Haim Waxman stressed that the country fully supports and respects freedom of speech and artistic freedom, has a vibrant film industry that sometimes produces highly critical and controversial films. The issue for Israel is impartiality: “The screening of Miral constitutes an inappropriate use of the hall of the GA, which already deals with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict excessively and obsessively.” (h) There has also been strong criticism of the UN’s decision from the American Jewish Committee.
(i) Anti-Israel campaigner Vanessa Redgrave has a cameo role in the film.
I suggest all of you read and digest Daniel Greenfield’s article on this on his Sultan Knish blog. It is an open letter to Harvey Weinstein. It is one of the finest pieces of writing I have come across for many years . It is really hard to read dispassionately and should be given to every delegate to the UN after they have seen Miral.
… that a person who ”always believed that the BBC was the one source of information on which we could rely, that would provide an unbiased and complete view of world events,’ has discovered that ‘Unfortunately [BBC] current reporting has been completely one sided.’
You know, this ‘reporting’, using web-sourced, cherry-picked, unsubstantiated claims that happen to suit, is rather easy. And fun.
I was just about to comment on Mardell’s post to point out how he is openly advocating against a no-fly zone. He’s not reporting or “interpreting” the news here. Mardell is explicity saying it’s no good and shouldn’t be done. It’s his personal opinion of a policy, and a violation of his remit. Plus there’s the obligatory defense of the President.
Has anybody read this article on how a Christian prisoner just happens to drop dead while locked up in Pakistan: Pakistan Christian’s death ‘not due to natural causes’ While the bbC mentions why the dead man was locked up, they don’t mention anything about the case which saw him banged up. Here is how asiannews reported on the story at the time: Without evidence police arrest Christian on blasphemy charges The thing is, unlike the bBC the above article has this to say about Non-Islamic prisoners in Pakistan: “So far, no one has been sentenced to death on the basis of blasphemy charges, but there have been several “deaths from natural causes” in prisons or murders by extremists that have gone uninvestigated. “
In May 2004, Javed Anjum, 23, died from wounds he received during five days of torture at the hands of Muslim extremists who wanted to force him to convert to Islam. Samuel Masih, 32, was wounded to the head by the police officer who was supposed to protect him. He later died in hospital after being in a coma for a few days. In 1994, Salamat, Manzoor and Rehmat Masih, respectively 12-, 37- and 42-year-old, were burnt alive in front of the High Court in Lahore where they were on trial for blasphemy. The presiding judge, Arif Iqbal Bhatti, was later assassinated. In 1992, Tahir Iqbal, a Christian convert from Islam, died in jail from poisoning. Niamat Ahmer, a teacher, poet and writer, was killed by a group of Muslims who accused him writing blasphemous lines. Also in 1992, Bantu Masih, 80, was stabbed and killed with police officers present. Mukhtar Masih, 50, was tortured to death in police custody.
I wonder why the bBC hasn’t mentioned the above. I mean its not as if they don’t report past incidents when reporting on America,Britian or even Israel. But when it comes to reporting on Islamic misdeeds, well then Mum’s the word. Or should that be ‘Allah’
Very ,very shoddy reporting from the bBC: Woman charged over Dewsbury toddler murder A woman has been charged with the murder of a toddler whose body was found in a West Yorkshire house.Two-year-old Jasmine Leona Bellfield’s body was found at the house in Naylor Court, Dewsbury, on 19 February.Sonia Bellfield, 30, of Naylor Court, Dewsbury, has been charged with murder, police confirmed.She is due to appear before Leeds Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday. Further tests are being carried out to establish how Jasmine died
Reading the above you don’t see anhything wrong with the above story. Its just that I remembered that a child was killed there a while back and thought it stange that another had happened so soon. The thing is, its the same story and while the child died in feb, it was feb 2010. It appears standards have fallen at the bBC. Here is how they reported the story over a year ago. Dewsbury toddler’s death ‘shocks’ neighbours While it doesn’t seem much to moan about and has no element of bias. If that is how the bBC reports on stories fom the UK, why are we so shocked when they report without quoting the facts from abroad.
We pay INBBC to serve political/cultural interests of Arab/Muslim world.
INBBC’s Radio 4 officially goes ‘Arab-Muslim’: from 14-18 March, Radio 4 has a series specially aimed at Arab-Muslims (Israel excluded) of the Middle East, which will be putting out the usual INBBC Islamophilic political message.
Of course, the ‘British’ Broadcasting Corporation does NOT really see itself as a ‘British’ broadcasting organisation, with its first responsibility to the interests of the British people.
No, it sees itself more as a political and cultural elite, attached to, and advocating the politics of an amalgam of, Gramsci, Labour, Chomsky, European Union, Muslim Brotherhood and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC).
Under the guise of ‘internationalism’, we have Ms WILLIAMS, Controller of Radio 4, pushing her political/cultural agenda for the ‘Arab-Muslim’ world. This translates largely as a broadcasting exercise in Arab-Muslim propaganda, paid for by British licencepayers.
It is the sort of thing which the Islamic broadcaster, Al Jazeera can consider doing; it is not what a publicly financed British broadcaster should be about.
Can any of the BBC staff explain just WHY they had to add a stupid extra three lines to an anti monarchist who was able to whinge about Wooton Bassett becoming Royal WB? They were than able to justify linking to the anti royalty site as well as the WB town site… there was NO need to do that and typical BBC – always undermine good news that they don’t approve of with an opposing viewpoint…. tossers.
Search Biased BBC
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‘Could cuts in the health & safety budgets cost lives? Morland Sanders will report on Shill On 4 after the news.’
Oops my bad, should have read File On 4, I dunnoworrIwas thinking of.
‘Three decades of groundbreaking journalism’.
Yeah, sure.
Did anyone else watch the coverage of the Crufts dog show now it is on Channel 4 (actually More 4) rather than the Beeb ?
Mrs 1327s family used to breed dogs and in the past when she watched the Beebs coverage of the show (which was usually reduced to 30 mins a day but would frequently be moved due to coverage of say snooker from Outer Mongolia) she usually ended up yelling at the TV and muttering about dumbing down so I expected more of the same this weekend but that wasn’t the case. Instead More 4 used the same presenters as the Beeb but obviously gave them more freedom and didn’t tell them to aim the show at a retarded 8 year old. Also each nights show was 2 hours long so guests were allowed to talk without interuption. Given the type of adverts shown during ad breaks Channel 4 also expected it would bring in a decent type of viewer.
Can anyone explain why we need the Beeb !!!
Well, being the bitch that Aunty is, and all that inter-breeding that goes on at Broadcasting House, maybe 1327, it is time for her to be put “down”.
Because its a Great British Institution that can be yet won back from that huge Gramscian cuckoo in the nest.
Hippiepooter – I wish I had your faith that was possible !
hippie, you are Jeremy Hunt, and I claim my £5.
I don’t recall Mr Hunt mentioning about Gramscian cuckoos in his interview with Marr.
Can it, can it really? I think it is beyond redemption, so how do we destroy it?
I totally agree. The BBC has the ability to be a bastion of traditional British values and represent the best of the British nation and its institutions. Its can produce some real quality programming due to its lack of commercial pressures.
Just as a reminder to us all what true bias means, in all its glory. Makes you proud to have other channels, doesn’t it? Not that Channel Four is much better as a rule…
These email addresses are of respective Parliamentary ‘Friends of Israel’ (apart from Roger Gale, he is ex-BBC and an outspoken critic in the past).
arbuthnotj@parliament.uk, Clappisonj@parliament.uk, Amessd@parliament.uk, Burta@parliament.uk, Scottl@parliament.uk, theresa@theresavilliers.co.uk, timothy.kirkhope@europarl.europa.eu, cheesemagn@parliament.uk, info@berwicklibdems.org.uk, macshaned@parliament.uk, alunmichaelmp@parliament.uk, tilleye@parliament.uk, GALERJ@parliament.uk
Dear Hon & Rt Hon Members,
Please find below a complaint I have sent the BBC via its website. As you will see, it is merely to register a complaint, I have no confidence in their integrity to deal with it. The appalling anti-Semitism of the BBC’s coverage of Israel is something that needs to be dealt with at the Parliamentary level. Despite chinks of light in certain areas the BBC is essentially rotten to the core on this issue. I would respectfully suggest that calls in Parliament for the dismissal of the BBC’s Middle East Editor, the patent anti-Semite Jeremy Bowen, are long overdue. As I discovered during the election, it remains the case that the BBC Online Complaints facility does not generate a registration number, such is the seriousness with which they deal with complaints.
There is no need to respond to this complaint. I have absolutely no confidence in the integrity of the BBC to deal with complaints. I am merely registering my abject disgust for the subtle endorsement the BBC gave to the murder of a 3 month old Jewish baby by its manner of reporting. This complaint will be copied to relevant Parliamentarians who hopefully will take action against the BBC for its proto-Der Sturmer anti-Semitism. The genesis of your anti-semitic reporting of these satanic murders is covered in Biased BBC.
(comments from bottom page 2)
What I will note is that nowhere on your site are there photos of the victims of this appalling hate crime. They are readily available. The BBC clearly wishes to dehumanise the victims. One of the reasons these genocidal hate crimes against the Jews are committed is aside from the incitement in PA and Hamas media, tacit approval is clearly seen in the western media, especially the BBC.
I’m lost for words at just how bad this load of tripe is in so many ways.
Stand up bBC, your bias has always annoyed me but this time it has actually surprised me.
The story tells us(3 times) that “young” Abdul Karim was a muslim, but no mention of John Browns religion. Sooooo is the religion relevent or not?
You’ll see in my link above to the BBC story that the headline was changed today from:-
Palestinian ‘kills five Israelis’ in West Bank
‘Palestinian’ kills five Israelis in West Bank
Changed today, but the edit information still shows:-
12 March 2011 Last updated at 15:04 GMT
Maybe someone from the BBC reads B-BBC?
Hi deegee, the link seems faulty??
In the Shocking and Callous Thread Replies to the first comment (by Richard).
Yeah, I remember seeing it, and then when I checked the report ‘lo and behold’. Although of course without the latest edit being dated.
You could be forgiven for thinking Laura ****sberg’s twitter account has been hijacked by Labour’s press office today.
What, with all the ‘Godlike Ed dismisses those not worthy of his gaze…’ gush?
Just watched Mile.E argue himself into breathlessness in SKY, simply by Adam Boulton letting him speak.
He actually makes Cameron seem credible, god help us.
One is sure the BBC stands ready to let him make a total prat of himself, or maybe in their capacity as de facto opposition will simply feed him easy questions to script so he doesn’t balls up too much.
Shh don’t mention ed Balls
Seems no different from the usual pro-labour bilge water.
I found it more torrential today to be honest
INBBC: don’t mention Bashir and Islamic jihad
“South Sudan accuses President Bashir of plot”
The (non-INBBC) reality of South Sudan:
After South votes to secede, Sudan President promises Sharia
“Eric Pickles ceases ‘sponsorship’ of the Muslim Council of Britain and its associated bodies”
-No doubt the above will not affect Islam Not BBC (INBBC), which gets its Islamic instruction straight from Hamas anyway.
I do like Pickles and wish the other ministers would learn from his tactics. Bascially he can do what ever he wants because the Beeb know if they put his on TV or radio he will defind himself with great vigour. He wouldn’t half apologise as other ministers do and will come out of the “interview” looking even better than he did before. Like wise he doesn’t court publicity with a media he knows is unfriendly so instead just gets on with his job.
His comments so far on big spending councils have done a lot to neutralise crticism from that sector on what they call “cuts” and I hope David Cameron realises what a good job he is doing.
I tried in vain to find any reporting on either the BBC news channels or BBC website for the following story:
Tens of thousands of Lebanese opposition supporters on Sunday demanded Hezbollah be disarmed as they rallied to mark the sixth anniversary of a popular uprising against Syrian troops in the country.
I did though find this story: A statue by French sculptor Auguste Rodin was stolen during the Israel Museum’s recently completed renovation.
Now which story is more important?
After years of obsessive Israel coverage coupled with ignoring almost everything that happened in every other country in the Middle East the BBC has a problem. No one is left to mind the store in Israel.
Did you notice
In a brief statement issued on Wednesday, the museum said the theft was discovered three months ago and immediately reported to police? Not exactly current, is it?
Sorry I forgot to add the link
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For when the self-love fest that is BBC Red Nose Day 2011 becomes just that little bit too much for you.
Something I’ve often wondered is just how do you get to be a BBC “house” charity like Comic Relief and Children in Need, with the utterly disproportionate coverage that brings? And what do other charities, who must lose out to this, think?
It’s a point of principle to me that when I give money to a charity, I want to know exactly what the funds will be used for. I don’t want some self-selected “right-on” committee deciding to distribute it amongst sundry causes they deem worthy, because I can bet that their idea of worthy won’t be the same as mine. Yet the huge coverage makes it very difficult not to contribute without coming across as a mean old bugger, as anyone with school-age children will attest.
You might be interested to know that Children in Need send their operatives on Common Purpose Courses, at £5,000 a pop.
I never contribute to Children in Need, Christian Aid or Oxfam; far too political.
Contribute to anti-cancer charities as they seem pretty free of political bias; go on someone will now prove me wrong.
A couple of years ago some catholic researchers found out comic relief was funding family planning organisations in Africa that performed abortions (Marie stopes)so comic relief promised to stop as the publicity was going to be bad. Then last year Lenny (I was funny in the eighties) Henry did a piece to camera just next to a sign for Marie Stopes. Talk about taking the piss. Btw I have no problem with charities raising money for abortions just as long as they tell the truth and allow those who may object to choose. Why should my daughter going to school in her jarmies fund foetal genocide.( I know i’m Fenian and therefore might not be unbiased but why should these unelected lefty scum misappropriate funds for their own pet projects)
I fervently wish that BBC red noses were as a result of disgusted bias-haters taking the law into their own hands. Or is that too near the knuckle for this blog?
If so, I apologise, half-heartedly…
“BBC U-turn over Asian Network closure”
Surprise, surprise!
BBC-NUJ-Labour Director General, Mark Thompson promised in 2010 that he would close the apartheid radio network ‘Asian Network’ this year. BBC ‘Asian Network’ is a provision for a separate group of people who call themselves ‘British Asian’, or ‘Asian British’, or ‘Muslim British’ or ‘Muslim’.
Now, we must bear in mind that Thompson, a Catholic, firmly believes (if he firmly believes anything) that Islam must have special broadcasting treatment in Britain.
“The BBC will tackle Islam differently to Christianity, admits its Director General”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1077816/The-BBC-tackle-Islam-differently-Christianity-admits-Director-General.html#ixzz1Gam8Jefg
And Islam is strongly represented at ‘Asian Network’ of course. And head of BBC reilgious broadcasting is a Muslim.
Thompson’s U-turn, and his continuing commitment to such broadcasting philosophy, is, of course, yet another reason to END THE BBC LICENCE FEE NOW!
NIGERIA. INBBC message: if it doesn’t fit INBBC narrative, censor it.
INBBC has nothing on the Islamic jihad murder of critic of Boko Haram.
Nigeria: Cleric who was vocal critic of “Boko Haram” sect shot and killed
BBC-NUJ-Labour’s censorship on IMMIGRATION.
“Our coverage on immigration and Europe was weak, admits BBC Director General ”
You mean you censor about material like this:
‘Gates of Vienna’
“Muslim Immigration into the UK: Part Four”
(parts 1, 2 and 3 have links at beginning of this article.)
This info might be on another B-BBC thread in which case apologies for repeating it but the BBC’s sister organisation in the US – National Public Radio (or rather National Palestinian Radio) – has been outed as, well, the US’s very own taxpayer-funded bias machine. Read the American Thinker article here http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/03/the_chic_of_araby_1.html
H/T Duff & Nonsense at http://duffandnonsense.typepad.com/duff_nonsense/2011/03/james-okeefe-give-him-a-knighthood-and-get-him-over-here.html
I know you will find it hard to believe but this was reported on the Today programme a few days ago! Strangely they did not note any similarity with another publicly funded broadcaster.
They mentioned it, but defended them to the hilt and blamed nasty right-wingers for the “sting” instead, saying they had long targeted NPR. No mention at all that NPR thought they were talking to former Muslim Brotherhood members or that they could hide the source of the donations off the books. Complete defense of NPR from the BBC.
The news is truly shocking to watch at the moment.
Seeing all those weeping Japs eyes.
Great to see the number of the signed up keep creeping upwards and new names appearing on messages.
More eyes and ears means less bias missed.
oh god, more BBC drivel on BBC2, ‘The Secret War on Terror’
This will come as no surprise to most people here but I was so outraged by my recent encounter with rank BBC bias that I felt I just had to tell you all for what it’s worth.
I work for a large company (FTSE 250) which had premises in Bath and Bristol. I was heavily involved in a project to identify another site in which to merge both Bath and Bristol operations. Having spent a considerable length of time searching for a new site I eventually identified one and we then moved out of Bath and Bristol and into our new site.
Anyway, a few days ago I found out the BBC had been in touch with our PR dept in connection with the move. I thought (rather naively) that they were interested in our move and wanted to put it on the local news – how wrong I was! I spoke to a colleague who said that the BBC had asked about details of job losses, cuts etc, but as soon as they were informed that no major cuts were being made and no jobs lost (in fact local jobs would be safeguarded) they completely lost in interest and decided not to run the story.
You would have thought that a large company investing in the local economy and preserving local jobs by making cost savings would be a positive story in which to broadcast regionally. Not in the eyes of the BBC it seems. Unless it’s doom and gloom caused by those evil cuts then it’s not in keeping with their agenda and therefore not something that the public should know about.
Nationally or regionally, the BBC’s rancid rotten bias runs right to the core and it’s a total disgrace that we are forced to pay for it
Now if you had been thinking of relocating to the Pakistan / Afghanistan border, I’m sure you would never get rid of the BBC’s attention.
I heard an interesting report from the BBC in Japan over the weekend. Said Beeboid had flown into Japan obviously forgetting the impact of flights on global warming and rushed to the exclusion zone for the damaged Japanese nuclear reactors. Presumably he also forgot that vehicles could be using valuable limited fuel supplies in the area.
So thorough was his planning that he was surprised he could not talk to anyone as they had the rudeness to only speak their own language. The irony the Beeboid missed was that he only spoke his and he was in their country…..
The arrogance of some of these people shames our country.
It’s Catch-22. Either a clueless Beeboid without language, local knowledge or proper research is sent and then manipulated by local fixers OR an agenda driven BBC employee from one of the Foreign Language units is sent and gets the opportunity to spread the narrative of the side he suppports in English. LOSE-LOSE
INBBC and Bahrain.
Of course, if this were the era of Pres Bush, and American forces were invited into Bahrain, INBBC’s political attitude would be overtly hostile.
Incidentally, we are told that the INBBC’s reporter, Magdi Abdelhadi, is an ‘analyst’, but we are not told whether he is a Sunni ‘analyst’, or a ‘Shia’ analyst’.
This is of some significance to the Muslims of the Middle East, with whom INBBC empathises, and for whom INBBC employs so many Arabic/Muslim people, at the expense of British licencepayers.
“Gulf states send forces to Bahrain following protests”
A non-INBBC, non-Sunni, non-Shia comment:
“More Good News: Iran Starts To Meddle Openly In Bahrain”http://www.newenglishreview.org/blog_direct_link.cfm/blog_id/33123
Magdi Abdelhadi seems to be Egyptian, having been educated at an Egyptian University. so he’s probably Sunni.
There’s a Magdi Abdelhadi on Facebook who ‘likes’ Mohamed ElBaradei and (using Google translate) ElBaradei’s colleague Essam Sharaf, who Wikipedia says is “noted for strongly opposing normalization of ties with Israel”.
Is this Magdi Albelhadi the same man as the BBC’s Magdi Albelhadi? Compare the Facebook photo (which, judging by the 1970’s-style dress sense, might be an old photo) with the picture of Magdi on the BBC website. Is it the same guy, or a case of mistaken identity? (If it is the same guy, what does his liking for two Arab hardliners against Israel say about his ‘impartiality’?)
If true and the pictures do look like they are of the same man, then this is a great spot. How do we find out the truth?
The Facebook page states in the info that his employer is the BBC an “Has worked at British Broadcasting Corporation” It looks to me that the Facebook profile picture is of the same person who is employed by the BBC. Looking at various pictures you can see that the forehead and ears are the same.
How the bBC promotes its anti-Trident stance with half the facts:
Denis Healey kept in the dark about Polaris upgrade
At the height of the Cold War, crucial information about Britain’s nuclear deterrent was concealed by civil servants to ensure their plans for an upgrade were approved….But when news came in that the Soviets were developing an anti-ballistic defence shield around Moscow, many in Whitehall and the military began calling for Britain’s Polaris nuclear system to be upgraded.They argued that Britain would no longer have a credible nuclear deterrent if it could not target the Russian capital – a theory which became known as the “Moscow criterion”.
Get that, the bbC opines that the only reason we got Trident is because Whitehall told fibs to Dennis Healey about Russias working anti missile defence system during the 70s.
And here is what the bBC has to say about a similar system a few years ago and 30 years after the above:
Q&A: US missile defence
Will the system work?
The theory is that the interceptor missile homes in on and destroys its target in the air by physically hitting the incoming warhead.
However, the closing speed of interceptor and target will be 24,000kph (14,900mph), or 6.5km (4 miles) per second – so the task is more difficult than hitting a bullet with another bullet. The system’s supporters say that not only does it work, but it is even more accurate than that. But critics say that, despite having spent over $100bn (£54bn), the Pentagon still has not proved the system can work in realistic conditions. Independent scientific bodies in the US have said that tests of the system’s intercept capabilities have been highly scripted, with the defence being given detailed information about the attack beforehand.
So according to the bBC mindset the Russians at a time when 8 track was cutting edge tech could field a working Anti-missile screen, yet the Yanks over 30 years down the line couldn’t do the same.
If I didn’t know better I’d say the bBC has a political agenda here.
Pounce the Russians still have a ring of anti-ballistic missiles surrounding Moscow although I was told they probably couldn’t hit a barn door. They date from the early 70’s pre the ABM treaty which allowed the Russians to keep them probably because they were useless against the upgraded US ICBMs. But you are right I have never seen them mentioned in the MSM.
OT but relevant. The 3rd Geneva Summit on Human Rights and Democracy starts today at 9AM Geneva time, to do what the UN Human Rights Council refuses to to.
Live webcast http://www.genevasummit.org/
Interesting. He’s baaaaack…
Tenacity. I like that.
Hope the mods, do too.
THOMPSON reneges on closing apartheid BBC ‘Asian Network’.
British licencepayers forced to pay for Asians’ leisure interests.
Asians internationally successfully lobby Asia-BBC for it too.
“Asian Network ‘saved’ as BBC backtracks”
Illegal immigrants.
In this whole, long ‘report’, BBC-NUJ studiously avoids the use of the accurate words, ‘ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS’ to analyse the situation in Britain.
Instead, we get the euphemistic word ‘migrants’ throughout, to disguise BBC-NUJ’s political support for mass immigration into Britain.
Up to 181,000 migrants ‘may have overstayed visas’
More evidence of anti-Christian policies in Britain.
“Cardinal brands UK aid foreign policy ‘anti-Christian'”
No doubt, INBBC, as it is not named, hopes it has got off lightly with its daily censorship of Islamic persecution of Christians in Asia and Africa.
“US feared British ‘sharia banks’ would finance terrorist groups”
Although this ‘Telegraph’ article is written in the past tense, (referring to the Islam-subservient Labour government), it is likely that the same Islam-compliant attitude is adopted by Cameron, Osborne and co.
No doubt BBC-NUJ-Labour’s Mr Preston, jnr, will present an article critical of ‘Islamic’ banking, any time soon…
BBC-NUJ-Labour’s Peston can compare his views on ‘Islamic’ banking, with those of Timor Kuron:
“Timur Kuran On The Political Menace Of Islamic Banking”{Extract on review of Kuron’s analysis}:”Proponents of Islamic economics make two basic claims: that the prevailing capitalist order has failed and that Islam offers the remedy. To assess the latter assertion, Kuran devotes intense attention to understand the actual functioning of Islamic economics, focusing on its three main claims: that it has abolished interest on money, achieved economic equality, and established a superior business ethic. On all three counts, he finds it a total failure.” http://www.newenglishreview.org/blog_direct_link.cfm/blog_id/12664
The BBC and the Muslim Brotherhood
On the BBC sanitisation of the Muslim Brotherhood.
“Stephen Glover: Patten and Cameron may be on collision course”
“If I am somewhat unclear why Lord Patten sought the job, it is more obvious why he has been appointed. The director-general, Mark Thompson (a practising Catholic like Lord Patten, by the way) has pushed for someone from the main governing party who knows where the levers are, and might also be relied upon to stand up for the BBC. As governor of Hong Kong, Lord Patten did not mind aggravating the Chinese, thereby winning the plaudits of the liberal chattering classes.
“Assuming he has the necessary commitment, he may be at loggerheads with Mr Cameron before long, despite their both coming from the same liberal wing of the Tory party. The Prime Minister is already much exercised (reasonably in my view) by the BBC’s relentlessly negative portrayal of the supposedly disastrous consequences of cuts. Lord Patten may soon find himself called on to be the BBC’s staunch defender.”
BBC employees are not supposed to endorse any politician or political movement on social media networks, such as Facebook or Twitter. So, making the almost certainly correct assumption that this is our man, this looks suspiciously like another breach of BBC editorial guidelines.
The far more important but separate question is whether Magdi Aldelhadi’s liking for Mohamed ElBaradei and Essam Sharaf has any impact on the impartiality of his reporting.
It’s probably no surprise that the article Egypt Facebook campaign for ElBaradai presidency was written by him. Here a best-selling novelist is quoting saying warm words about ElBaradei, critical voices are marginalised (just one paragraph, next to the final paragraph) and Magdi himself writes, “Mr ElBaradei has built up a reputation for fairness during his 12 years at the head of the IAEA.” That is his opinion. It’s not one shared by senior Israeli and American politicians, and quite a few others too.
Further investigation is needed. Then, if necessary, a complaint.
If you haven’t got facebook.
Cheers Marky. Yes, we’ve surely got our man!
Oh I think so. Good work bringing this to our notice Craig. I can’t say I know much about Mohamed ElBaradei so I will have to do some more reading up on him. I found this however.
I will have to pick through this article to find out how true it all is.
Get ready for another (not so) veiled attack on Israel’s legitimacy with, I expect, a drive-by kicking to Jews everywhere.
At 9:00 pm tonight on BBC2 in the Bible’s Buried Secrets the Radio Times http://www.radiotimes.com/ListingsServlet?event=10&channelId=105&programmeId=172631775&jspLocation=/jsp/prog_details_fullpage.jsp
describes tonight’s episode and its presenter Dr Francesca Stavrakopoulou [as] “a smiling assassin. Senior Lecturer in Hebrew Bible studies at Exeter University, . . . gives some wonderfully contentious areas of archaeology.”
How convenient that Dr S’s opinions on the legitimacy or otherwise of Israel appear to mirror the BBC’s own. Hence, of course, her appointment as the BBC’s new (atheist) face of religion. Amazing – I’d have thought she would at least be a convert to Islam but no this is, after all, the “impartial” BBC.
Exeter University seems to have recieved a deal of funding from Islamic sources and is not exactly well known for taking a pro Israel stance or even a neutral one.
There is an Early Day Motion posted on the 11th March on this subject of Exeter and the source of funds also it’s links with Gaddafi.
Intresting story unfolding in the Middle-East and as per usual the bBC give you only half the story:
Israel seizes Egypt-bound ship ‘with weapons for Gaza’
The Israeli navy has intercepted an Egypt-bound ship carrying arms intended for militant groups in the Gaza Strip, military officials have said.The German-owned vessel was on its way from Turkey to the Egyptian port of Alexandria, Israeli press reports said.
Reading the above do you get the impression that the jews are having a dig at yer another ‘Aid’ shipment from Turkey? But wait what’s this hidden near the bottom of the article:
“”According to the shipment documents and questioning of the crew, the vessel initially departed from Latakia port in Syria and then proceeded to Mersin port in Turkey. “
and here’s something from just a fortnight ago the so called defence and political experts in the Middle-East cannot seem to link with the above:
“The website of Iran’s Press TV said the Alvand, a 1,500-ton patrol frigate, armed with torpedoes and anti-ship missiles, and the 33,000-ton supply vessel Khark were docked at Syria’s main port, Latakia.”
Expect lots of coverage from the bBC over how pissed off the Turks are over this latest act of piracy by the Jew.
Israel seizes Egypt-bound ship ‘with weapons for Gaza’ Note the ‘scare quotes’ I suppose they’re fair because so far we haven’t seen the weapons.
So why the last paragraph?
In 2002, Israeli forces stormed the Karine A freighter in the Red Sea, and confiscated what the military said was 50 tonnes of weaponry headed for Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip. Nine years later, after the BBC has already accepted this figure (complete with photograph) the BBC still suggests their may be doubt (we only have the IDF’s claim) about the weapons.
Just for the record. Pictures of captured arms.
R5’s breakfast time news headlines went straight from reporting the “potential nuclear catastrophe” to a statement that “2400 are known to have died”. they didn’t say from what – surely just a mistake, not intent to mislead!!? (eg at c2min, but repeated throughout the programme)
Egyptian village rebuilds after religious violence
After burning down the church some of the Muslim mobs in the area took the land and put a sign that it’s now a mosque. Are the Egyptians rebuilding on the same site? It would seem not if Bassim Shenouga’s comment has meaning.
Thirteen people were killed in clashes that followed mass protests by Christians in Cairo earlier this month. Is there a suggested cause and effect at play here? I thought the arson was a family ‘honour’ issue. How many of the thirteen were Christian?
BBC-NUJ’s Mark EASTON, is couldn’t care less about the suspension of ITV producer of ‘Midsomer Murders’, but instead Easton presses his case on’white rural racism’!
“Midsomer Murders producer suspended over race row”
ITV producer is suspended for ‘political incorrectness’ (!), but Easton’s only interest (apart from his repetitive campaigns to legalise drugs, and for mass immigration) is to tag his finger about ‘white rural racism’!:-
“Midsomer race row”
It is the conflict with reality again. For now there are a vast number of English and Welsh villages that are still 100% indiginous. In plain terms 100% white. My daughter lives in one in Devon and my son lives in one in Wilts.They are the norm not the exception. The reality.
Our betters wish it were not so but it is despite their ardent desire to alter this. I suppose the theory is that the English and Welshness will gradually be overwhelmed by ethnic incomers from the cities and old England will die with the last Englishman.
Why do they so dislike our culture, there metropolitan liberals?
Guilt and self loathing I suppose or infantile rebellion against their parents coupled with an irrational belief in the perfectability of mankind.
All they are really doing is ensuring that they have become the problem and can never be part of the solution.
The BBC News website has another Israel-related story:
Israel calls for Miral UN premiere cancellation
This is mostly a cut-and-paste job from an article in the Times of India, the link to which has now vanished from the BBC webpage.
Here is the BBC article in full:
Israel has urged the United Nations to cancel the US premiere, at its New York headquarters, of a film about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Miral, directed by Jewish film-maker Julian Schnabel, traces the conflict after 1948, from a Palestinian angle.
In a statement, Israel accused the UN of making “a politicised decision” that showed “a lack of even-handedness”.
A UN spokesman denied a “political link” to the film, saying the General Assembly hall was “just a venue”.
“Several films have been shown at the UN,” spokesman Jean-Victor Nkolo added.
But Israel’s deputy ambassador to the UN, Haim Waxman, said: “We are not aware of any other films with such contentious political content that have received this kind of endorsement from the president of the General Assembly.”
Miral, due to be shown at the General Assembly hall on Monday, is based on an autobiographical novel by Palestinian journalist Rula Jebreal and stars Slumdog Millionaire actress Freida Pinto.
It tells the story of an orphaned Palestinian girl who finds herself drawn into the conflict.
Schnabel, who directed Oscar-nominated film The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, said: “The whole point is because I’m an American Jew, and that’s why it touched me because it’s a big part of my life.
“It’s important for Muslims to hear that, it’s important for Jewish people to hear that, and for Israel and for people everywhere,” he added.
The film is being distributed in the United States by Jewish-origin film mogul Harvey Weinstein.
On reading that, I thought Israel came out of it looking as if it was acting unreasonably. Here’s a film, based on the experiences of Palestinian author Rula Jebreal, by a Jewish film-maker, backed by a Jewish film mogul, that has – according to its creator – noble aims. It’s being shown in the UN main hall, probably as a matter of routine – as many such films have been shown there before, apparently. The reasons why Israel objects are hardly credible; indeed, they don’t appear to have much of a case. They appear to be wanting to censor it because it shows the Palestinian point of view.
Isn’t that the impression you get from reading the BBC article?
Reading beyond the BBC gives a lot of other perspectives on this story, and Israel’s case (whether you ultimately accept it or not) becomes much more convincing. Here are some of them:
(a) Rula Jebreal is Julian Schabel’s girlfriend.
(b) The reason Israel is angry is that the film is said to “laden with instances of Israeli cruelty to Palestians”, without context. There are hardly any scenes of Palestinian violence.
(c) The film is being shown in the main hall of the UN, with red carpet. Delegates, envoys and heads of mission of member nations have been invited.
(d) The UN spokesman was asked if the showing would be particularly inappropriate given the Itamar killings. The spokesman replied that his boss Joseph Deiss condemns “in the strongest possible terms the murder of the Israeli family in the West Bank.” The BBC article chose to ignore the Itamar massacre altogether.
(e) Though the UN spokesman says he believes other films have been shown in the hall, he also said he didn’t know if a non-documentary had ever been shown before. This could still be an unprecedented act.
(f) The decision seems to have been unilaterally taken by Mr Geiss, the president of the General Assembly. Israel is unaware of any other such endorsement.
(g) Israel’s spokesman Haim Waxman stressed that the country fully supports and respects freedom of speech and artistic freedom, has a vibrant film industry that sometimes produces highly critical and controversial films. The issue for Israel is impartiality: “The screening of Miral constitutes an inappropriate use of the hall of the GA, which already deals with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict excessively and obsessively.”
(h) There has also been strong criticism of the UN’s decision from the American Jewish Committee.
(i) Anti-Israel campaigner Vanessa Redgrave has a cameo role in the film.
I suggest all of you read and digest Daniel Greenfield’s article on this on his Sultan Knish blog. It is an open letter to Harvey Weinstein. It is one of the finest pieces of writing I have come across for many years . It is really hard to read dispassionately and should be given to every delegate to the UN after they have seen Miral.
‘I have learned, from sources close to the BBC…
… that a person who ”always believed that the BBC was the one source of information on which we could rely, that would provide an unbiased and complete view of world events,’ has discovered that ‘Unfortunately [BBC] current reporting has been completely one sided.’
You know, this ‘reporting’, using web-sourced, cherry-picked, unsubstantiated claims that happen to suit, is rather easy. And fun.
I was just about to comment on Mardell’s post to point out how he is openly advocating against a no-fly zone. He’s not reporting or “interpreting” the news here. Mardell is explicity saying it’s no good and shouldn’t be done. It’s his personal opinion of a policy, and a violation of his remit. Plus there’s the obligatory defense of the President.
Has anybody read this article on how a Christian prisoner just happens to drop dead while locked up in Pakistan:
Pakistan Christian’s death ‘not due to natural causes’
While the bbC mentions why the dead man was locked up, they don’t mention anything about the case which saw him banged up.
Here is how asiannews reported on the story at the time:
Without evidence police arrest Christian on blasphemy charges
The thing is, unlike the bBC the above article has this to say about Non-Islamic prisoners in Pakistan:
“So far, no one has been sentenced to death on the basis of blasphemy charges, but there have been several “deaths from natural causes” in prisons or murders by extremists that have gone uninvestigated. “
In May 2004, Javed Anjum, 23, died from wounds he received during five days of torture at the hands of Muslim extremists who wanted to force him to convert to Islam.
Samuel Masih, 32, was wounded to the head by the police officer who was supposed to protect him. He later died in hospital after being in a coma for a few days.
In 1994, Salamat, Manzoor and Rehmat Masih, respectively 12-, 37- and 42-year-old, were burnt alive in front of the High Court in Lahore where they were on trial for blasphemy. The presiding judge, Arif Iqbal Bhatti, was later assassinated.
In 1992, Tahir Iqbal, a Christian convert from Islam, died in jail from poisoning.
Niamat Ahmer, a teacher, poet and writer, was killed by a group of Muslims who accused him writing blasphemous lines.
Also in 1992, Bantu Masih, 80, was stabbed and killed with police officers present.
Mukhtar Masih, 50, was tortured to death in police custody.
I wonder why the bBC hasn’t mentioned the above. I mean its not as if they don’t report past incidents when reporting on America,Britian or even Israel. But when it comes to reporting on Islamic misdeeds, well then Mum’s the word. Or should that be ‘Allah’
Very ,very shoddy reporting from the bBC:
Woman charged over Dewsbury toddler murder
A woman has been charged with the murder of a toddler whose body was found in a West Yorkshire house.Two-year-old Jasmine Leona Bellfield’s body was found at the house in Naylor Court, Dewsbury, on 19 February.Sonia Bellfield, 30, of Naylor Court, Dewsbury, has been charged with murder, police confirmed.She is due to appear before Leeds Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday. Further tests are being carried out to establish how Jasmine died
Reading the above you don’t see anhything wrong with the above story. Its just that I remembered that a child was killed there a while back and thought it stange that another had happened so soon. The thing is, its the same story and while the child died in feb, it was feb 2010.
It appears standards have fallen at the bBC.
Here is how they reported the story over a year ago.
Dewsbury toddler’s death ‘shocks’ neighbours
While it doesn’t seem much to moan about and has no element of bias. If that is how the bBC reports on stories fom the UK, why are we so shocked when they report without quoting the facts from abroad.
Well, there’s a surprise….
Andrew Neil blog. ‘Watertight oversight’ topic. Two days. Almost, but not quite, 20 comments before closing.
We pay INBBC to serve political/cultural interests of Arab/Muslim world.
INBBC’s Radio 4 officially goes ‘Arab-Muslim’: from 14-18 March, Radio 4 has a series specially aimed at Arab-Muslims (Israel excluded) of the Middle East, which will be putting out the usual INBBC Islamophilic political message.
Of course, the ‘British’ Broadcasting Corporation does NOT really see itself as a ‘British’ broadcasting organisation, with its first responsibility to the interests of the British people.
No, it sees itself more as a political and cultural elite, attached to, and advocating the politics of an amalgam of, Gramsci, Labour, Chomsky, European Union, Muslim Brotherhood and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC).
“BBC Radio 4’s Focus on the Arab Wave”
Under the guise of ‘internationalism’, we have Ms WILLIAMS, Controller of Radio 4, pushing her political/cultural agenda for the ‘Arab-Muslim’ world. This translates largely as a broadcasting exercise in Arab-Muslim propaganda, paid for by British licencepayers.
It is the sort of thing which the Islamic broadcaster, Al Jazeera can consider doing; it is not what a publicly financed British broadcaster should be about.
“BBC Radio 4’s focus on the Arab wave”
Can any of the BBC staff explain just WHY they had to add a stupid extra three lines to an anti monarchist who was able to whinge about Wooton Bassett becoming Royal WB? They were than able to justify linking to the anti royalty site as well as the WB town site… there was NO need to do that and typical BBC – always undermine good news that they don’t approve of with an opposing viewpoint…. tossers.