On Fridaynight, 11th March, a family of Jews werekilled in the West Bank. Once more the world saw Jews being killed forbeing Jews. Three of the victims werechildren, the youngest a baby of 3 months.
This photoof the victims has been readily available since the 12thMarch. Nowhere has it appeared on BBCOnline. It is normal that photos ofmurder victims do appear in reports on their murder. It humanises the victims and helps us toshare in the horror of what they have suffered. For the BBC to deny the victims their humanity is to be complicit in theevil they suffered for being Jews. Ifthere was one single proof of the anti-Semitic evil that lies at the heart oftoday’s BBC, this is it.
While theBBC continues to pave the way towards the second Holocaust, we will continue toprepare for the next Nuremburg.
“While the BBC continues to pave the way towards the second Holocaust, we will continue to prepare for the next Nuremburg” I saw Hippie use this line recently, in a copy of a complaint he sent to the BBC. I think it is an excellent line, and all BBC staff need to be reminded of this every time their anti-semitism and anti-Israel sickness comes out.
I am frightened for the people of Israel, and thence the World, as I think the relentless Israel-bashing is having an effect.
I sent it to DV this afternoon, but its best for impact that its just published without attribution.
Earlier today on a thread, Marky posted some youtube on Arab/Muslim anti-Semitism. It’s like the Third Reich is live and kicking in the Arab world. It was truly disturbing stuff.
One of the genocidal loons praising the Holocaust and hoping Muslims might have the honour of finishing the Jews off for good was Yusuf al-Qaradawi, mate of Ken Livingstone, Labour’s mayoral candidate for London 2012.
In the better England, and better BBC that I remember (I’m 46), the tape of al-Qaradawi’s comments and Livingstone’s endorsement of him would have been well and truly exposed by the BBC and led to Livingstone’s career being finished off for good and being made the pariah he deserves to be.
Al-Qarawadi of course, spiritual leader of the Moslem Brotherhood, is now back in Egypt and exerting enormous influence in shaping the countrys new future. Far from warning us of the dangers of this genocidal maniac being the MB’s inspiration, the BBC does the MB’s PR.
The state of modern England and today’s BBC is extremely disturbing. Someone posted this from Glenn Beck earlier.
‘Stand in the light because evil grows’.
Here’s what Marky posted earlier.
WARNING: Truly stomache churning stuff.
LOL! that woman in the second video should aply for the BBc, she stroll into a job: rude, loud, lying, interrupting and wrong: perfect fit.
Can’t help but feeling the Arab Kirsty Wark.
I saw them in the other thread, and as I reported there the first one almost made me feel physically sick. I agree with Span Ows that the woman would fit in with the BBC – she’s an anti-semite, gets all her facts wrong and wants to destroy Israel and democracy everywhere.
These two videos are worth watching:
There should be a very interesting documentary to be made about this disgusting brainwashing of a population. Alas, it will not be made by the BBC, or shown on the BBC.
Glenn Beck is correct, we in a time of great evil and I can only pray to God that he deliver us all from satan’s power back to the light. islam is satan’s religion and if there was any doubt about it, the murder of this innocent family and the celebrations in the arab occupied land called palestine, is proof.
“Get into the light and stand in it – because evil is growing rapidly.”
powerful stuff. Rousing. He is right. Also an interesting point that he brings up, the Manson murders were massively covered throughout the world, so are many other type slaughters. Manson’s loons killed, amongst others, a celebrity and a pregnant one at that, but it was in an era of “slow” news, no internet, no mutli news channels, no mobile phones…yet it had MASSIVE coverage, as do similar slaughters in many countries all over the world every year…WHY is this different…well WE know why and all this just makes the BBC’s coverage all the sickening and enraging.
I’m glad I’m not alone in despising the reptile that is Livingstone. It sickens me when I see the MSM falling over themselves to portray him as some eccentric jolly old uncle type figure.
He is evil, and devious with it.
A BBC online editor explains: She has a headscarf, he has a “religious” beard, the children are ‘cute’…if we show this picture how can we continue to pretend all Israelis are tough, armed, evil, Muslim child killing machines?
Is that a real quote or is that just an assumtion based on the lack of these pictures appearing on their site.
NO! It’s me making it up “in role-play”
Thought that was probably the case but some of the Beeboids are becoming so brazen in their bias and anti-semitism one hoped that it might be written down.
I would like to send my condolences to the members of the Fogel family and hope they can eventually find peace. I also hope the perpetrators of these horrific and wicked murders are eventually brought to justice.
If they are brought to justice then they will be lauded in the Palestinian media, have events or schools named after them and be swapped along with dozens of other terrorists for one Israeli soldier; it’s a seriously f***ed up world…
“Itamar and Islamic Jew-Hatred – The Unnamed ‘Incitement'”
Andrew Bostom
The thoughtful blogger venerable bead has commented on this:
“The BBC is a worldwide organisation, with a totally unjustified but nonetheless ironclad reputation for impartiality and reliability. Where is the line between mere irresponsibility and genuine provocation, and on which side of it does this miserable institution reside?”
Good stuff. Yet another person who notices that the BBC’s editorial policy is biased so as to deliberately demonize Israel at every opportunity, although the BBC disputes this. And he’s not even a Jew.
I agree, good stuff. In fact that is better than BBBC (sorry!) and the Honest Reporting that Daphne has linked to in an earlier thread. Venerable Bead has ripped the BBC a new one, pity it isn’t in the MSM.
The Muslim Terrorist War against Israeli Families
See how many pregnant women there are on this incomplete listing? That is not a coincidence. None of this is. Muslim terrorism is genocide. It is a genocidal struggle to conquer and wipe out non-Muslim populations. As in Israel, as everywhere else. Rape is one tool of Muslim demographic warfare. So is murdering pregnant women and children. Destroying families. They have been fighting it since a maddened would-be prophet began his campaign of extermination against a multicultural region.
This is war. Their kind of war. The attacks on schools and on families. The massacre of entire families is a tactic. Acts of evil by a cult too horrifyingly evil for most people to even understand. What evil does best is the exploitation of innocence in order to destroy it. And who are more innocent than the children?
I’ve just followed the link and some of the other links there.
Extremely well worth reading.
Daniel Greenfield ( Sultan Knish) is one of the very best writers around. Please read him and get others to do as well.
While the BBC continues to pave the way towards the second Holocaust, we will continue to prepare for the next Nuremburg.
Right. Appeasers and facillitators of a new Holocaust are just as guilty as those who wield the knife.
…and should anybody think that what happened to the Fogel family was a rare one-off event check out todays article by Daniel Greenfield over at his Sultan Knish blog. It covers a lot of the record of wilful and deliberate targeting of Jewish children and babies by Muslim savages. Sickening but necessary reading for those who prefer reality to delusion…
Reading the sultan knish report made me feel physically sick. My reaction, God forgive me, is to think that the consequences for the muslims has to be so great that they cannot ever again contemplate such atrocities. They have made me hate them and I can’t forgive them for that.
Nothing wrong with hating evil, nothing sinful about hating Satan and his minions and his efforts to spread his kingdom on earth.
Judeo Christianity has been hijacked by cringing cowards and appeasers who attemot to justify their moral cowardice by abusing and misrepresenting the Bible.
True Judeo Christianity is not about understanding/accepting/forgiving/accomodating evil, it is about fighting for justice, fighting the forces of darkness, rooting out and destroying evil in all its forms. Its about the strong protecting the weak, its about courage and fierce determination to bring Judeo Christian ethics and morals to those in desperate need of them.
When you go to chuch and listen to a weak cringing moral relatavist appeaser ramble on about how we must turn the other cheek and love our enemy and understand evil, it highlights why so many of our people no longer attend church anymore. Yes we believe in freedoms both personal and social but we will never and should never accept the right of people to be evil and cruel.
you said it Cass
you said it
From ‘Just Journalism’:-
“In contrast with the celebrations in Gaza following killings, Israel’s Channel 10 has screened footage of Nablus Palestinians unequivocally condemning them.
“Neither the BBC nor The Guardian reported the festivities in Gaza in response to the murder of five members of the same family in the West Bank on Friday, but they both referred to ‘shock’ by Palestinians at the attack.
“Other than quoting a condemnation by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, The Guardian’s coverage did not produce anything to substantiate the (unusual) headline: ‘Israelis and Palestinians in shock after Fogel family massacre’. The BBC article also did not take comment from or cite any Palestinians.”
One of the other things that is remains very undereported on around Abbas’ condemnation is hwere he did it. It was often simply reported that he just comdemned it, giving the impression it was a condemnation for all to hear. Some reports give a smaller clue in that they quote him saying it for on Israeli radio (which kind of narrows his audience down). One report I saw mentioned that his condemnation was aired on Israeli Army Radio.
The reality of the situation is that Abbas only said something condmening it for an Israeli audience. This was why he came under pressure from Netanyahu to condemn the attack in more mainstream sources via Palestinian media, which he seems very keen to avoid. Would that be because he doesn’t want to condemn it to his people?
This would also square with his PA’s other actions such as the naming of a sports centre after a suicide bomber and the story of him handing money on Palestinian TV to a ‘martyrs’ family.
The “condemnation” that the BBC reports so enthusiastically was in fact the second time Abbas expressed himself for the consumption of kuffars. His first call to offer condolences to Netanyahu didn’t go down too well.
This was published before the BBC dutifully gave prominence to Abbas’s revised statement ( 03/12/2011 17:56):
In a stern and somber televised statement, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu expressed his “deep outrage” Saturday night over the Sabbath eve killing in Itamar of five members of the same family, and said it was time the Palestinian Authority ended its “double talk” and stopped inciting terrorism.
“I demand that the PA stop the incitement, incitement taking place daily in its schools, mosques, and in the media it controls,” Netanyahu said from the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv, where he was holding security consultations. “The time has come to stop this double talk.”
The PA speaks peace outwardly, but permits, and sometimes leads, incitement at home. The time has come for it to stop incitement and begin educating its people for peace.”
Netanyahu said he was disappointed by the “weak and mumbled” statement regarding the murders coming from the PA. “This is not the way to condemn terrorism, this is not the way to fight terrorism,” he said.
Shortly after the statement, according to the Prime Minister’s Office, PA President Mahmoud Abbas called Netanyahu to express his condolences.
Netanyahu, according to a statement issued by his office, told Abbas it was not enough to condemn the violence because it “is against Palestinian interests” – as the Palestinians have done many times in the past – but because it is morally unacceptable.
“I expect that you stop the incitement in the schools, school books and mosques, and educate your children toward peace, as we do,” Netanyahu said. “The murder of children in their sleep is murder for the sake of murder.”
Abbas, according to Palestinian sources, expressed his rejection and condemnation of all acts of violence that are directed against civilians, regardless of their sources or reasons.
He also said that violence would only breed more violence, and that what was required was to quickly find a just and comprehensive solution to the conflict During his televised statement Netanyahu also called for a strong, clear unequivocal condemnation of the murders from the international community. He said he noticed “several countries that always hasten to the UN Security Council in order to condemn Israel, the state of the Jews, because it planned a house somewhere, or laid a tile somewhere,” but tarried when it came to issuing a “strong condemnation of the murder of Jewish babies.”
“I expect from them that they issue this condemnation immediately, without balance, without understanding, without justification,” the prime minister said. “There is no justification, no excuse and no forgiveness for the murder of babies.”
Let’s remember that the first ‘condemnation’ by Abbas was very much ‘condemnation by rote’. In his ‘condemnation’ he tried to make out that there was an Israeli equivalence against Arabs.
His stronger condemnation only came after Netanyahu demanded it.
How can any half way decent human be be remotely equivocal over a Satanic act like this one?
My point is that the BBC ignored Netanyahu’s speech and gave prominence to Abbas’s. By doing so the BBC also avoided pointing out Netanyahu’s call for condemnation from those in the international community who are quick to accuse Israel.
“several countries that always hasten to the UN Security Council in order to condemn Israel, the state of the Jews, because it planned a house somewhere, or laid a tile somewhere,” but tarried when it came to issuing a “strong condemnation of the murder of Jewish babies.”
One thing (among many) I don’t understand about the BBC’s contradictory positions is about the settlements. On one hand it makes Jews moving to Arab lands (West Bank settlements) as hostile invaders, however it demands that Israel must accommodate all “Palestinian” Muslims that demand to go back. It also calls anyone racist who complains about large numbers of Muslims moving to this Christian country.
Basically; Jews and Christians are not to be allowed to move to a Muslim country and the Muslims are right to object , but every other country must allow in Muslims in any number – even changing their own way of life to conform to Islamic demands.
I love the stench of BBC hypocrisy in the morning.
The Fogel family have now been wiped from BBC history, they are invisible and they have no place in the BBC historical record because they do not fit the narrative. Evil triumphs again. Anything that detracts from the propaganda that ‘Palestinians’ are universal victims of callous Jew aggression must be airbrushed out, there is no room for more than one victim.
Cannot recall this being reported by the BBC…
After massacre, settlers help bring new life into world: IDF forces and local paramedics helped save the life of a Palestinian woman and her newly born infant Wednesday, at the settlement where Fogel relatives are sitting Shiva for the
five Israelis brutally murdered last week.
It should be remembered that the Holocaust did not begin with the gas chambers but with words
I posted about it here:
( http://honestreporting.com/baby-saved-in-itamar/ )
( http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2011/03/evil-extremist-itamar-settlers-save.html )