I chuckled at this interview on the BBC this morning. You can feel BBC outrage at the fact that more and more Brits are living longer than ever despite our obesity/unhealthy eating/incorrect drinking/you name it. It’s so unfair that people thrive despite the Nanny State the BBC would impose on us all!
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And the speed dial Prof was anxious to point out how much worse was the US & therefore the folly of the evil tory meddling with the glorious NHS.
You can hear the disapointment and frustration in John Humphrys voice when informed that his listeners are living longer healthier lives.
The mans arrogance beggers belief.
Ha ha ha – at one point Humphrys was spluttering all most speechless with indignation as the expert explained people were living longer despite obesity.
I notice that they had to get in a gratuitous anti-smoking jibe in.