As regards the slaughter of the Fogel family by Palestinian savages ( and I chose that word very carefully), I commend this piece to you. It doesn’t single out the BBC in particular, but then again, it doesn’t have to. Sue covers Louise Bagshaw’s article below. The one bit in Bagshaw’s article that surprised me was this….
“Like many of us, I consider the BBC to be a national treasure. I am not a BBC basher; I have never before complained. I do not support nor do I condone the Israeli settlement building…..”
You are spectacularly uninformed, Louise.
I am truly sickened by our media’s reaction to the horrific murder of Fogel family members by muslims. I posted a comment on the DT article. As I said there, God Help Israel, because no one else seems prepared to do so. I’m afraid I believe that muslims are depraved and need to be dealt with on that basis. I say this as a Christian, so may God forgive me for hating these entities.
I hadn’t realised, before reading Louise Bagshaw’s article, that the new chairman of the BBC Trust has, in the apparent interest of appearing impartial (blimey, he’s already got those impartiality genes working) made the noble gesture of resigning from a “Palestinian aid organisation” and denied, in his appearance before a Commons committee concerning his appointment, that there was any bias against Israel at the BBC. That’s interesting since a denial rather than a bland “hope there’s no bias” response implies that, for some reason, he’s actually got some inside knowledge – maybe he’s read the Balen Report. Interesting too that Ms Bagshaw – at the time of publication of the article – was still awaiting a response to her complaint about the lack of reportage on the Fogel murders. If an MP can’t get a prompt response from Pravda what chance is there for the “little people”?
We are the hoi-polloi, of course they take no notice of us.
Our job is to stay dumb, never protest, but keep giving them money
“On the rights of ‘Settlers'”
(by Shmuel Katz)
“Like many of us, I consider the BBC to be a national treasure. I am not a BBC basher; I have never before complained.” Louise Bagshaw
If you’re an MP making a disclaimer like this makes plenty of sense. Any MP that wants to keep their job and/or not lose votes by the bucket-load better not annoy the BBC or the beeboids too much. Bad enough being a Tory let alone being an anti-BBC Tory.
“Another institution we can all be proud of is the BBC. The British Broadcasting Corporation was founded by a Scotsman and is the most prestigious broadcaster on earth. People around the world tune into the BBC for news they can trust.” David Cameron
Who knows if they believe the words they speak?
beeboids must be laughing their arses off
I bet they can’t believe the straight-faced gullibility of call-me dave
i don’t think Cameron does irony,so he must really think that
David Cameron owes, in part at least, his election as Conservative leader to the BBC. They chose and promoted him over the more right wing and popularist David Davis.
I think its what’s called ‘being too clever by half’.
“The British Broadcasting Corporation was founded by a Scotsman”
Like Gordon Brown? So what?
I am off to Nepal for 3 weeks, trekking.
The government out there sounds crap, not any better than the lot under the King when he was deposed. Poverty-stricken peasants, plus some rich crook in control. Just like it ever was.
A bit like Gaza, really.
So how come Nepal is never in the news – the Ghurka Brigade now forms 10% of the entire British army, probably about 20% of the “sharp end”.
Come to that – why is Gaza treated more importantly than China ? Or India ? Or these days -Brazil ?
What about Australia, New Zealand ? No news unless there is a disaster.
a la Aldous Huxley – is the BBC “Shamless in Gaza” ?
‘Promise was I would Israel from the Philstians deliver.
Ask now for that great deliverer, and find him eyeless in Ghaza at the mill of the slaves, himself under the Philstian yoke.’
Off the top of my head.
Culcher inni’.
‘Philistian’ even.
Because Israel is ‘an apartheid state’ and supported by the right in the USA.
“Come to that – why is Gaza treated more importantly than China ? Or India ? Or these days -Brazil ?
What about Australia, New Zealand ? No news unless there is a disaster.”
Because the whole bloody world seems to revolve around these damn people and organisations like the BBC are largely to blame. I’m sick of it – here and abroad – and most of my friends are sick of it too. We should remember that the Ozzies and the Kiwis are true friends, or at least they used to be until we decided that other European countries, many with very dubious histories, were more important. Rant over.
Have a good time, John.
I consider the bBC to be a national disgrace
I think the lady desrves to be shown a link to this website……
The comments section below Bagshawe’s piece suggested among other disgusting things the question of why should it get any more coverage because someone was murdered as though there was no precedent for it.
Well, as Cassandra pointed out in a previous thread there was a precedent in the Gabrielle Giffords story. If you search the BBC for Fogel or Itamar, you get three stories. If you search the BBC for Giffords you get 63 related stories.
Many of the stories on Giffords do a lot of work on “examining the motives of Jared Loughner” (in other words trying to blame it on the Tea Party). It then morphed into a debate on the nature of political discourse as led on by the chosen one. To do this the other victims of the Arizona shooting were moved to the sidelines. Ironically however the Fogel murders were probably a more genuine case for examination of the murderers motive from a political viewpoint than that of the Arizona shooting as we learned that Loughner seems to have profound psychological problems and not aligned to the Tea Party.
For me that is at the heart of why events at Itamar were brushed over. Spending any more than 5 minutes thinking about the details of the crime leads the BBC down a path they want to avoid at all costs. Although I’m no psychologist, the details point to a savage enjoyment of their actions. Combined with the fact that there is no other evidence that this was a family or neighbourly dispute we are left with the fact that this was directed at the people beacuse they were in Itamar and they were Jewish.
This can only lead to the conclusion that there is a group of people possessing a hatred of these people, simply because of who they are. No amount of political process & concessions will reconcile that hatred. Unfortunately that is not a new revelation as demonstrated by Palestinian TV and could have been reported by any mainstream press organisation long before now.
In other words any detailed reporting would have made the real truth difficult to escape and would have turned so much of what they have reported to this point on Israel on its head.
I concur wholeheartedly with the Hon Louise Bagshawe MP. the BBC is a national treasure. Unfortunately it is in the hands of pirates who are making Britannia walk the plank.
David – you are correct regarding Ms Bagshawe’s lack of knowledge re “settlements” but sadly that is to be expected if she’s been relying on UK news sources which regularly repeat a series of lies about & denial of Jewish rights in the disputed territories. Off topic, from BBC reports of Elizabeth Taylor’s funeral, one would never know that:
“Her swift burial is in line with Jewish tradition. Taylor converted to Judaism in 1959 before her marriage to her fourth husband, Jewish singer Eddie Fisher.
Rabbi Jerry Cutler, who conducted the funeral services for comedian Milton Berle and actor Walter Matthau, presided over the traditional Jewish ceremony for Taylor”
“Taylor’s funeral took place soon after her death in line with her religious beliefs”
And what are they, then?
The BBC doesn’t see fit to tell you.
<!– END – caption –>
A bit further down, they mention a rabbi in passing.
If she had converted to Islam then it would have been prominently reported.
The killing of Mary Gardner (by, presumably, one of those put-upon peace-loving Palestinian groups Bowen can’t admire too much) gradually slips down the BBC agenda. Although she wasn’t Jewish she was in the eyes of the BBC (and particularly, I reckon, in the opinion of its palpably anti-Christian head of religion, Aaqil Ahmed) just as much beyond the pale: an evangelical Christian and bible translator.
This delightful insight into the fears of the Gazans
“Of course we are worried. My kids are wetting themselves at night when they hear the Israeli air strikes,” says Mr Abu Awema.
His eyes are bloodshot and red, as if he also might be losing sleep.”
In the interests of ‘balanced reporting’ the BBC inserts this one sentence “Every day too, Palestinian militants have fired rockets and mortars into Israel, causing danger, fear and anxiety for communities living in range of the strikes.”
Bur that’s it as far as the Israelis are concerned. No mention of their fears in Sderot, Ashdod, Yavne etc. No in depth interviews.
And the Gazan whose metal factory(???) was destroyed says his workers will now lose their jobs.
“He told me it was the third time the street which houses a number of factories had been hit in less than a year.”
I wonder why the Israelis would target an innocent metal factory.
“Mr Dahlul’s workshop housed metal cutting equipment. I suggested to him that this could have been used to make weapons for Palestinian militants.
He denied this and said he has no connection with militant groups.
“If I ever see them come here in their tinted-windowed cars, I send them away,” he tells me.
I have no way of knowing if Mr Dahlul is telling the truth. But if he is not, then he is a convincing liar.”
So that’s OK then. Jon Dennison believes him, so we must too.
And Dr Abu Sada syas this”He believes that Hamas is opposed to political reconciliation with Fatah and thinks an escalation in violence is the surest way to stop that happening.
Dr Abu Sada believes Israel too is against Palestinian reconciliation and wants an escalation for the same reason.”
I suyppose we have to believe him, too.
Pure speculation this, but the sort of thing a reporter like Jon Donnison should be checking out: Is the owner of the ‘metal factory’, Abu Mohammed Dahlul, any relation to Karim Dahlul, the director of Islamic Jihad’s Qassam missile production programme, killed in an targetted Israeli missile strike back in 2007?
And, of course, in its list of recent deaths Donnison’s piece provides more proof for Louise Bagshawe – it fails to mention the Fogels (though it remembers to give – yet again – the ghoulish body count for Operation Cast Lead two years ago).
” . . then he is a convincing liar”
Unlike, for instance, Bowen or, while we’re about it, Patten (in respect of his evidence before Ms Bagshawe’s committee. There again, the BBC (encouraged by Moslem Aaqil Ahmed) is only practising its own version of taqqiya .
“If I ever see them come here in their tinted-windowed cars, I send them away,” he tells me.
“Oh, sorry to have inconvenienced you, guv. We’ll not trouble you again.”
Yeah, right.
The bias in Jon Donnison’s latest is bordering on parody. The BBC must be so confident of the efficacy of its propagandising that they can dispense with this impartiality nonsense. No more need to pay lip service to that silly old pretence.
The audience has been taught to believe that Israelis are compulsive liars, while a Gazan’s word is his bond. BBC reporting convention dictates that all Israeli words must be followed by ‘Israel says’ or encased in quote marks, while a sincere-looking Gazan must be taken at face value. Jon Donnison has no way of knowing if Mr Dahlul is telling the truth. Obviously engaging his brain and imagining the credibility of brave Mr Dahlul ‘sending them away’ in their tinted-window cars is a stretch of the imagination too far.
The contrast between the personalised prose Jon Donnison uses to describe Palestinian woes and the impersonal depiction of Israel’s problems is so jarring – it’s almost as though someone else has added it on during the editorial process. “Look,” they might say, “before putting this out we’d better say something about Israelis in accordance with the obligations of the BBC charter. Insert ‘the same goes for the Israelis’ in a couple of places.”
The article is riddled with adjectives setting the scene. The cafe aromas, the father wailing about Palestinian blood, the number of children killed, the denials, the football, the ambulances, the names, the places. Then, cut to an IDF spokeswoman ‘saying’ something on the telephone. This man is so like Alan ‘I’m telling your story” Johnston, the next step has to be the kidnap.
And now the Foreign and Commonwealth Office are in on the act. William Hague’s latest comment on the ‘escalating violence in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories over the past week’ mentions three wounded Palestinians but not a word about the Fogel family. It’s as if they never existed maybe that is what the BBC and FCo wish was the case.
Sadly, I think Hague and the rest of them are already biased against Israel. Remember, not long ago Cowboy Dave was describing Gaza as an
“open prison”, with blame for it placed solely on Israel. One can only imagine what the Jewish leader of Labour would be doing if he were in charge.
Is is odd how Cameron and Milibands tell the British Jewish press how close they feel to Judaism and Israel but their words and deeds elsewhere show that for the lie that it is.
I wonder if this will affect Donnison’s reportage – those kindly Hamas chappies have decided not to harass reporters any more.
Bad timing I know, but I’m going to be away for a few days. You’ll keep an eye on things I know.
Bye for now. :'(