Naughty But Nice

Robin Shepherd spots the BBC’s response to Iran’s official complaint that the Olympic logo reads “ZION.”

See how they do that? The 2 is like a Z, the 1 underneath is the I, the 0 is, of course, the O, and the other 2 is a sideways N.

The Iranians find the word Zion so objectionable that they’ve threatened to boycott the Olympics if nothing is done.

In this clip Adrian Warner and the cute BBC presenter find this amusing, if not a little endearing, in an “Ooh you are awful, but I like you” kind of way.

Robin Shepherd sees this as a typical nod to Muslim antisemitism – it’s the sort of thing that happens all the time, and tragically, we’re used to it.


Fascinating interview @7.50am on Today concerning the Christian couple denied the right to foster any more children because they dare not endorse homosexuality values for 8 year olds. If you listen to the tone of the interview, there is clear BBC disbelief that ANY Christian person would not seek to convey the joys of the gay lifestyle. As ever the implication is that Christians are bigots and sexists.Having a go at Christians is now an essential aspect of the liberal judiciary and in this case it is one where the BBC is clearly content to go with the law. That said, I thought the couple concerned acquited themselves quite well although I can’t wait for the BBC asking Muslim parents their view on gay advocacy.


Sometimes the BBC sets up interviews in such a way that whatever they go, the BBC view prevails. Take this discussion on the British overseas aid budget. As you know, the Coalition has taken the decision (wrongly in my view) to ring-fence the currently £8bn a year budget. It has, however, decided not to waste our cash on rich countries like China and Brazil. Cue faux BBC outrage and a liberal brought on to allege the “securitisation” of UK overseas aid. I wonder if the BBC would care to bring on Dambisa Moyo who argues some very interesting views on the dangers of overseas aid? The BBC adopts a paternalistic approach to aid, and the idea of a well educated African born woman suggesting that Aid is counter-productive would probably blow their minds.


Given the relentless ruination of the UK fishing industry by the European Union, I would have expected a rather more vigorous “debate” with EU’s Fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki on Today this morning. 7.13am No such luck! She was able to come on, waffle her way through a pathetic interview concerning the latest nonsense from Brussels. I wonder how many listeners take the sanguine approach to EU Fisheries policy adopted by the BBC? It’s almost as if the BBC quite like the decimation of our fishing industry but naturally that couldn’t be the case. Could it?