And so we wake up this morning to news that Osama bin Laden is dead. Countless trees will die as newspapers bring us details and analysis but the BBCs instant reaction has been interesting – especially as they’ve had 9 years, 7 months and 21 days to prepare.
The BBC has a rolling obituary which better suits a head of state or great friend of the world which is…typical. Take this sentence as an example:
“‘To his supporters, Bin Laden was a fighter for freedom against the US and Israel, not, as he was to many in the West, a terrorist with the blood of thousands of people on his hands.‘”
One clip ends with the statement that ‘his ideas live on‘ solemnly intoned over a photograph of him smiling into the camera like a happy, bearded uncle.
You’ll see in the pic they’re carrying a prominent video of Cameron’s comments on OBL’s death. Better I say it before Dez/Scott says it first!
This thorny issue has been brought up a number of times on R5L today (working a double shift so lots of listening going down here).
Apparently the same date that Hitler died on. coincidence?
A non-INBBC , non-‘Today’, non-INBBC Arabic TV service, non-Bush House report:
“Bin Laden is DEAD: Celebrations across America as U.S. special forces shoot dead terror chief in mansion hideaway in Pakistan”
Read more:
Look here Bupendra, I will fight you man to man to defend the honour of Shelagh Fogarty (if you’re under 4’6 and quite skinny – under 5′ if you’re a woman) but I’m with you totally on those utter imbecilic questions her replacement asked casting the American public as villians for celebrating justice being brought to the mass murderer Bin Laden (I believe the previous tenant of the White House said ‘If we cannot bring Bin Laden to justice will shall bring justice to him).
I thought Fogarty and Campbell had great chemistry and both with a great sense of humour and fairness. On first showing, your advice to her replacement may be very timely. I thought it was going to be the husky voiced Rachel Burden replacing ‘Shilleleagh’ Fogarty. I don’t know, maybe the excellent impartiality she showed wasn’t what the BBC was looking for in a replacement.
I’m a big guy but I’m flabby and I don’t do it for a day job. 🙁
Hopefully even the BBCC can demonstrate that there’s some kind of quality control and Anna Fox back off to Swindon on that 9am train.
I actually think it’s disgusting – Americans come on in good faith.
But they don’t realise that
a) Radio 5 Dead doesn’t have any listeners and
b) they’re not there to be interviewed but to be ‘attacked’ by a half-wit droid who thinks they are on air to parade their own ‘world view’.
Invariably of course the Americans are much smarter than the droids and play the droids’ slow-paced off-target bowling with a dead bat.
(That one came from the Cricketing shelf at Metaphors ‘R’ Us)
Well today we were unburdened by Burden! Not quite Mariella Frostrup, but her voice aint far off – who cares what she’s saying!
Jon Donnison is probably too busy to report this. Hamas condemns killing of ‘holy warrior’ bin Laden
The difference in coverage between the BBC and, say, Fox news, couldnt be any greater could it.
One celebrates a terrorists death, the other mourns a terrorits death.
The real headline should be “Bin Laden dead, the left and BBC sympathisers hardest hit!”.
BTW, to celebrate I had some jewish flat bread, an american donute, a few beers and watched some porn! 😀
Naughty boy !!!! I hope the porn was kosher !!!
It was good lesbian porn! 🙂
Oh, that’s OK then !
Great post Guest.
As Grant says, until we get some conservatives running the Conservative Party then nothing will be done about this disgusting waste of puublic money.
So Osama was “quietly spoken, humble and calm” according to the BBCs fawning tributes. He “had a happy childhood”-a pity then that the decadent west gave him such unhappiness!
The last Pope was cited as someone who used an awful lot of airmiles in trying to win over the worlds youth( and Dawkins will happily join the dots for you if it`s not obvious what the Beeb would like you to infer!)-how unlike dear Osama who not only was a friend of the planet(excepting his unpleasantness on 9/11 possibly!). He even used tapes and videos, so was not one for slavishly following the trends to modernity like we mere mortals!
All the BBCs interest now is
a) Did the USA diss Pakistan in its actions?
b) Why weren`t Clive Stafford Smith, Shami Chakhrabati, Gareth Pierce or Geoffrey Robertson invited to negotiate a settlement that brought the great man to trial.Indeed,to kill him without such a trial(indeed to kill him at all) surely infringed his rights. Certainly we failed to ensure his health and safety( citing the De Menezes prosecution charge)
As I write, let us await the rolling bandwagon of loose lawyers to get compensation for the Bin Laden family for this fundamental breach of the vulnerable aged gentleman that brough so much dignity and respect in the view of the BBCs hacks. Weekend rebels in perpetuity-and we fund them! Peace be upon American Civil Rights Lawyers everywhere!
I rather thought “beeble” sounded like a combination of “beetle” and “womble”. Maybe quite appropriate !
If you restricted your listening/viewing to the BBC you’d get the impression that Osama was just like one of those juvenile thugs who are unfortunately killed in the odd knifing incident in South London. You know the theme: Osama was an assiduous student, popular with his classmates, had a trial for Millwall and was thinking of applying to the University of Chav to do a degree in ebonics. The local police commander said that Osama, although he had convictions for murder, assault, GBH, attempted rape and related drug offences, was “turning his life around” and was mentoring local youth: his death is a tragedy for his family and the community
I seemed to remember that a few years ago there were reports that bin Laden had been given safe haven by Pakistani intelligence. I seem to have remembered right.
Is this just wishful thinking by the BBC?
Made me laugh in any case !
What I find amusing is the MSM immeditely lead on the fact Fox News mixed up the Os and Ob, using it as an excuse to bag Fox news. When everyone started doing it the MSM went very quiet. God I hate the BBC.
The World Service had the reprehensible Lyse Doucet on for hours yesterday, “reporting” on Bin Laden. At one point she just had to get this old BBC standard in:
The so-called war on terror.
The world’s top terrorist goes to meet his 72-year-old virgin and the BBC casts doubt on terrorism by sneering about the struggle against it? Typical.
Also on the WS, the disgusting Barbara Plett “reported” on the celebrations outside the White House. After mentioning that people were shouting, “USA, USA,” she went on to assert that most of them were worried about possible repercussions from Al Qaeda. That’s an obvious lie and she was obviously reading from her prepared BBC script. She expects us to believe that she interviewed hundreds of people in the middle of their wild celebrations and they soberly expressed reservations about further violence? Bullshit.
Yes, the point she should be making is about the lack of fear of terrorism by the Americans. They will not be cowed. Their bravery is an example to us all. Just because scum like Lyse Doucet are afraid and think the answer is appeasement, doesn’t mean we all do.
People in the US were celebrating in the streets the death of a mass murderer of innocent civilians and instigator of an entire movement of mass murderers of innocent people. Not the same thing at all as celebrating the mass murder of innocent civilians. Not the same thing at all, and any attempt to create a moral equivalence is misguided.
INBBC: its Muslim sensibilities unto Islamic jihadist’s death.
INBBC discusses Bin Laden’s burial at sea, at great length, -from an Islamic perspective, of course:
“Osama Bin Laden: What happened to his body?”
Alternative, from ‘Jihadwatch’:
Bin Laden given Islamic funeral before burial at sea
“This scrupulous care, of course, is designed to underscore Obama’s claim, repeated last night, that we are not at war with Islam. It is designed to placate the Muslims whom — Obama also hastened to tell us last night — bin Laden did not lead, but rather murdered wholesale. Pamela Geller pinpoints what’s wrong with this: ‘Such respect we give, not only to a mass murderer of Americans in the name of Islam, but deference to the very ideology that has fueled this war on America.'”
Of course, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) is a chum of Al Jazeera, the Islamic broadcaster, with whom INBBC has a technical agreement; it’s where many ex-Beeboids now happily reside politically (at London studios), and both organisations propagandise similar misconceptions about ‘the religion of peace’.
And we know what H. Clinton, and MSNBC think of Al Jazeera:
“Al Jazeera Spins the World‘s Reaction to Bin Laden’s Death”
Well Dickens certainly had a beadle in David Copperfield and another in Oliver Twist. I don’t know about beeble, though. That’s a new one on me.
Keep taking notes, folks. With heavy heart I fear that Margaret Thatcher will soon depart this mortal coil.
As shown on Guido today, lefties are licking their lips with glee at the prospect of taking to the streets to celebrate her passing away.
Why take notes? Let’s see if the beeb takes the same line on the crassness of jubilation at another’s death as they are with that of OBL; my bet is that their line for Maggie will be “well, she was such a divisive character… you can hardly blame people for hating her so much…”
I’m angry about it and it hasn’t even happened yet… But it will.