One of a number of enigmatic tweets from Guido this afternoon:
What can it all possibly mean?
Anyway – open thread. New. Here. Now.
One of a number of enigmatic tweets from Guido this afternoon:
What can it all possibly mean?
Anyway – open thread. New. Here. Now.
Just another week for the BBC’s economics editor Stephanie Flanders……
On Tuesday
Why the Greek bail-out has worked
On Friday
Greece may need second financial bail-out
Does nobody check on this?
It’s time for another round of ‘Spot the missing ‘M’ word’, in this article on (wait for it)… Forced marriages:
But hang on, there’s a clue…
‘The charity said the problem of forced marriages mainly affects people from south Asian backgrounds, but it also receives calls from many other people, including those from African and Middle Eastern communities.’
It is truly beyond belief.
‘Tower Hamlets Taliban: Death threats to women who don’t wear veils. Gays attacked in the streets. And all in a borough at the heart of Britain’s capital…’
The BBC report says… well, what do you think?
Islam in action in London: INBBC censors out any such reports.
Another example:
“Censored! Bikini advert blacked out with spray paint by ‘Muslim extremists who object to women in swimsuits’
Read more:
While more and more of London (and Britain) is taken over by Islamic immigration, more and more British people, especially women, are being threatened with illegal Shariah law.
BBC-NUJ avidly reports American NOAM CHOMSKY’s remarks when he is in Europe; but BBC-NUJ censors European GEERT WILDERS’ remarks when he is in America:
Geert Wilders: A Warning to America
A Warning to America
Speech of Geert Wilders, Cornerstone Church, Nashville, 12 May 2011
BBC-NUJ avidly reports American NOAM CHOMSKY’s remarks when he is in Europe; but BBC-NUJ censors European GEERT WILDERS’ remarks when he is in America:
Geert Wilders: A Warning to America
A Warning to America
Speech of Geert Wilders, Cornerstone Church, Nashville, 12 May 2011
It is impossible for the BBC to report Wilder’s speech verbatim. He speaks simply and cannot be misunderstood. How could the BBC cope with that? They could not so they ignore him.He must be the liberal left’s worse nightmare. I imagine he is also the British establishment’s worse nightmare.
Reality is the one thing none of them can face.
Thanks for this George R.
Having read this, it is all too clear why the BBC won`t be inviting him onto Question Time any time soon.
Daves point is well made-his simplicity of message will terrify the handwringers that run things here…which is why everyone should read this masterclass in oratory whilst it is still only prophecy.
Based on this balanced piece, which is in no way a CV application, I sense another impartial, guest reviewer soon gracing Aunty’s screens..
Although, like any so-called ‘reality’ show, it had the feel of a total set-up from what (and who) was filmed and what was left on the edit suite floor, I was quite interested.
Not so much in the people, as I tend to view those who go along with ‘surprise’ door opening sequences and up-nostril perspectives as deserving as anything the stitch-up merchants can concoct for ratings. Pretty much all, from all ‘sides’ seemed vile. The ‘heroine’ did however rather match the ‘why do they keep not voting the right way, the fools’ mindset that is winning hearts and minds across the country of late. Unsure if intoning vague ‘climate change’ platitudes was ever going to cut much ice as the developer refuses to release any data.
This, for me went to the core of the whole deal, and was barely scratched (at least not yet, and given the progress of the application astoundingly) as an issue. All this time (mostly ‘passionate’ folk) and money (mostly public) p*ssed away without much in the way of proving first these saviours of the planet will actually deliver on ROI and enviro bases before getting into key human ones such as views, noise and property values. If we ever do get some expert input, please let it be informed and impartial. Or if varied… balanced.
Maybe such mundane things as ‘will it work?’ are not deemed as pertinent or TV sexy in the nu-EUK box-tick, target-meet, subsidy-secure, bonus-glean world we live in.
One senses the appeal (pun intended) in certain quarters…
As an example of keeping on until the ‘correct’ result is gained, at vast expense, and imposed by some on others, it appears to offer some depressing insights into how things work these days.
Plus ratings.
Accidentally posted on wrong Open Thread. ApologiesBBC profile of Hamas downplays targeting of civilians and ideological extremism
You may have missed this. You probably missed this.
NY arrests two men in ‘synagogue bomb plot’ In less than two days it disappeared from the US & Canada News page.
So what was their motive? Ahmed Ferhani, 26, and Mohamed Mamdouh, 20, immigrants from Algeria and Morocco respectively, bought guns and a grenade from undercover detectives, police said. Take a guess BBC.
BBC-greenies propagandise yet again for greenie lobbyists, and against British government. A whole webpage of BBC propaganda here:
“Coalition ‘losing way’ on green policies – campaigners”
The truth about the greenie lobbyist which we publicly subsidise:
“EU cash ‘carousel’ fro green lobbyists” (2010)
“The report by the International Policy Network, a London based think tank, concluded: ‘The EU funds many NGOs [Non-governmental organisations] operating in Brussels whose main purpose is to influence EU policy-making and implementation.
Put simply, the EU uses public funds to pay NGOs to lobby it.'”
Yes, and apparently Greenpeace and Co. Have written to the government demanding that the promised Green agenda be forced onwards and upwards, and the government more or less said “Yes, OK”.
This, after an early start to listening (woken by a thunderstorm) when I had the misfortune to hear “Farming Today This Week”, which, as usual, was one big ecogreenie-enviroclaptrap beanfeast.
Why is everyone so intent on “saving” carbon? What for? What are we going to do with it, where are we going to put it, and will it earn any interest?
There’s loads of carbon saved – a few hundred years’ worth under your feet. You should be digging it out and burning it, not trying to hide it.
These fools who spout off about CO2 clearly haven’t a clue what they’re talking about – it’s not a problem, we need it – oh, how we need it