Has anybody seen the bBC article about how the state of Britain’s roads is all down to spending cuts by the current incumbents and get this. They actually give labour a platform in which to attack the lib/dems over the state of Britains roads.
Glad they made a BBC projest of it though, in April. One wonders why they didn’t think of it before….NOT.
What is patently obvious is (as Philip Hammond says) that 90% plus of the damage came in Labour’s years and that the plan is to spend more despite John Woodcock lies “...it’s clear that the Tory-led government has no serious long-term plan to get our roads back into shape.“
Ah yes, the base of these windmills provides a new habitat for the sea creatures that wouldn’t have been there otherwise, wonderful. No mention of anything that could go wrong above the waves of course. The programme also remarked that in the late 70’s and early 80’s the stocks of cod nosedived. Any thoughts as to why? Of course not, was the EU fisheries policy mentioned? no, no mention of the EU of course. But theres a huge plus side according to the prog, in that The stocks of lobster are thriving! yes lobster, that well known dish that every home lives on. The lobsters are thriving because the nasty cod are no longer there to eat the eggs and larvae, so well done whoever decimated the cod huh? All twisted false logic I’m afraid.
Oh and the pearl of wisdom, the lightship definition: A kind of combination of a lighthouse and a ship! Well I never wooda thunk it!.
Things are shaping up as expected (so far) concerning yesterday’s entry of Tea Party-inspired Herman Cain into the race for the Republican nomination for president in 2012. The story was covered by Mail Online yesterday, and has now been covered by the Telegraph, the F.T. and the Independent. The BBC? zzzzzz
This is good news, seriously. The Hermantor really knows business having run successful companies, economics too, not like so many politicians. Get this guy up witrh Allen West and listen to what they say: believe me, you’d get the KKK supporting them.
The BBC would…ALMOST…be f8cked if Herman gets the nod to run for President with West as his VP. Actually, at that point these two would cease being black and would just be republicans…so actually, no, the BBC wont be f8cked. They still have a way out so they can provide their unfettered loyalty to Barry the Boy Wonder.
The BBC would dismiss Cain’s candidacy as tokenism (nobody dared say that about The Obamessiah, because the goal was to defeat the Repubs). But don’t expect the stellar team covering the US to take him seriously for some time. They’re all inside the Beltway bubble and focus only on the big names their friends in US eltie media do: Pawlenty, Paul, Gingrich, Romney. Oh, and of course Sarah Palin is never far from their thoughts.
The BBC simply can’t inform you properly about the US. Another possible name to watch is NJ Gov. Chris Christie.
So here I am enjoying a cup of Rosy (and a couple of ginger nuts) when I came across this article about Peter Sutcliffe (Aka Jack the Ripper). Is it me but does anybody else get the impression that the article may be laying the foundations of a Jack the Ripper is innocent campaign?
I refer to these comments:
“Sutcliffe himself was a sorrowful figure in many ways, not very well built and towered over by four prison guards.
“His wife turned up quite a lot of times to lend what support she could, but it all stemmed on the medical and mental problems he may or may not have had.He really showed no emotion, no smiling, no laughing… and he had this funny softly-spoken voice. He was the most unlikely killer you’ve ever seen, he didn’t fit the bill, but you never can tell.”
Sutcliffe pleaded not guilty to 13 counts of murder, but guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.
The basis of this defence was that he had heard “voices from God” telling him to go on a mission to rid the streets of prostitutes.
Mr St George said there was a “certain inevitability” about the verdict because of the number of victims involved.
Much of the evidence went uncontested, he said, which meant there were relatively few witnesses heard.
“It was over pretty quickly for a trial of that magnitude. They had to agree 13 victims had been murdered by someone; he was the only candidate,”
Sutcliffe was found guilty of murder on all counts and sentenced to 20 life sentences with a recommendation he serve a minimum of 30 years before he be considered for parole.
The judge said he was beyond redemption and hoped he would never leave prison.
With 30 years now served, the 65-year-old killer would have been eligible to apply for parole had the terms of his sentence not been changed last year.
Or do you think some wanker at the bBC feels that Peter Sutcliffe has been hard done by?
The BBC always side with criminals and terrorists.
“sorrowful figure”. So would I be after 30 years in prison.
“not very well built “. But , perhaps , stronger than his victims.
“showed no emotion”. One of the main symptoms of psychopaths.
“unlikey killer “. Please describe a “likely” one.
Quick trial. Maybe because the evidence was so overwhelming, the prosecution didn’t want to waste the court’s time by presenting all of it.
I shall say it again, the BBC really are the pits.
Mark Mardell‘s latest piece contains this dig at the British press:
“The centrepiece of the whole tour will be a speech in Westminster Hall. There will be lots of warm words about the special relationship. The White House took a bruising learning in how obsessed the British press (although I suspect not politicians or the public) are about taking the temperature of that relationship.”
Before you click on the link at “taking the temperature of that relationship”, can you guess which “obsessed” online newspaper he uses as an example? And for a bonus point (prize: one of Grant’s cans of iron bru!), can you guess which columnist at that paper is on the receiving end of Mardell’s dig?
Heard Montague gassing on about injunctions to two trusties on speed dial.
She spent a good five minutes on them-but ,as ever in Beebland: manged to imply that all this gossip was tabloid fayre…the papers are the problem.
Still it filled five more minutes, so the BBC are every bit as bitchy/gossip/depending on titbits from over the garden fence-but spend alot of time claiming that they are merely reporting on it…as opposed to being the self same problem of trivia turners for moolah!
The BBC never are as creepy and self satisfied when they see the moat in someone elses eye..but not the bee in their own( well-they`ll never know the real version of the saying,so why bother-they don`t!)
Seems that Auntie Beeb has called Justin and Evan in for their tea!
There they were-rappin`,chillin` and a dissin` on the corner with their homies-Tracey, Banksy, Bob and assorted Russells and Wossys!
Seems though that the low slung trousers fell down round their ankles over all this Twitter stuff, they had encouraged in their glottal stop mockney! As if…what`eva!
Grandad Adolf in Strasbourg rang through and auntie has stopped indulging her posing overpaid nephews as of now! Time to get some red braces-remember you`re a Beeboid, and to take pride in that name! Call them in ,dearie!
We do NOT mock the courts…Uncle Eady, Lord Carlile/Prescott/Lester and all manner of “dads” that passed through Aunties parlour way back. Parliamentary privilege is NOT an absolute right-and you are to sneer at the very names of these real rebels like Hemming and Carswell. They are not house trained trusties like you`re well paid to be! Poor old Michael Martin won`t be happy at all this you know!
So Justin and Evan redisover the rule of law now that Andrew Marr from the old school is in trouble…and all that Banksy and Bragg schtick is just that!
As I`ve said-weekend rebels all our Jeremys,Dinbos, Evans etc-well paid poseurs that confuse Joy Division with revolution.
One John Hemming-indeed one Ryan with a Gigging order-is worth the thousands of dramaitis personae affecting outrage at the black heart of where law,media,politics all gather under Adolfs passionate certainties! Gordons revenge,luckily for us. was to dump Cathy Ashton with him,so let`s thank him for that at least!
P.S-Strummer did say that they`d be” fat and old queuing up for the house of Lords”-but actually they seem to have been walked two by two, crocodile style and holding hands: to the BBCs varied and padded platforms today…poor old Hemmings croissant will be cold this morning by the time he`s had the ritual gumming by Prescott, Lester etc for the next few hours!
Even in this age of moral relativism, Sutcliffe will, hopefully, die in prison. The BBC, though, & disastrously for us, remains at large, & ever more psychologically unhinged. The Corporation is on a spree. Virtually no programme is now exempt from the asphyxiating embrace of political correctness. Topic after topic is reframed, I would say bent, in a remorseless, pathological drive to further the Corporation’s ‘narrative’, which is unashamedly cultural Marxist. A ‘philosophy’ that rewards its state-suckled servants with eye-watering remuneration. High toleration of criminality, & the gradual legitimization of crime are, of course, high on the agenda of the communist Frankfurt School’s blueprint for the destruction of the nation state.
Last year. on the Today programme, a survey that found the public was, rightfully, confused about ‘life sentences’, was interpreted by the BBC as evidence that the public thought sentences were too harsh! Incredible. But as the discussion took shape I could see it coming. As predictable as an alcoholic reaching for that first one of the day.
The acid test of a person’s opinions is how they stand up under extreme pressure. After an horrific attack on one of his children, a media liberal I knew radically altered his opinions on crime & punishment. The harsh wind of reality blew the scales from his eyes. One day that harsh wind may blow through the BBC, & the indulgent, subsidised play-acting will have to stop. Perhaps Richard Bacon will have his ‘inappropriate’ name changed at the point of a scimitar? It’s what happens when you play with fire.
Excellent ! And I am sure the BBC has become worse since they realised Dave is going to do bugger all and Fatty Patten became Chairman of the Trust. The BBC is totally out of control now and capable of anything.
Too true, Grant. Chameleon either missed his chance of curtailing the Beeboids, or had no intention of rocking the boat in the first place. Or, Patten is a brilliantly placed mole, who, behind his bloated mask, plots the destruction of The Empire of The White City. He has some form. He did manage to lose Hong Kong.
Just listening to a sickly, fingers-down-the-throat sugary diatribe about the Obama one’s visit on Radio 4 – what utter, drivelling, snivelling, gooey, treacly rubbish. It’s almost like a fairy story for kids. This is radio 4, “Today” – a supposedly serious, hard hitting news programme.
Oh, it’s lardy Mark Mardell. YUK, yuk and thrice yuk.
Spot on Natsman!
Heard the gloopy syrup intro of Mark Mardell and had to brush my teeth again.
The Bord Failte(Irish Tourist Board) love this scam-they`ll find an Oirish limk with any president of the USA.
DSK should be looking for one-might explain a few things in his defence.
Alongside the Irish theme-poor old Humphrys blew himself up with a Salter Chemistry set, when he really should have stuck to the highlighted script that nursie gave him.
Alex Salmond could only dream about how many more SNP converts he got today, after Humph managed to piss on his mobile, squit on his jelly and continually seep his own fertiliser throughout the mauling that ensued for the Tired Tabby of Tiger Bay!
I too want Scottish independence now for Alex-poor John needs to get a blanket put on his lap and be sent over to be the BBCs Radio Newport correspondent for olives or something similar.
One long dirty protest is Johns current performance. Interview after interview are embarrassing…presumably the Scottish Raj fed John to Alex in order to make the Union cave in as fast as possible…and Humph duly obliged them today!
Send for Shirley Bassey!
Just back after listening to the car radio full of a BBC ‘exclusive’ regarding a ‘friend’ of Bob Dylan’s releasing tapes of him in confessional on a plane.
One presumes that Mr. Dylan was/is on board with this release (if he was, then fair do’s; trading past juicy morsels to extent current profile is standard fare) as it might have been awkward for our ratings hungry media had, say, a super-injunction gone out in complement.
Loved this wadding of the psyche today!
The Beeb managed to find tapes from a plane interview of Bob talking to a pal.
This will thrill archivists and Dylanolgists/academics for some time to come…and ,of course, we`ll be making a film or programme about this! Who needs the true rate of crime or immigration when we`ve got THIS maan!
THis was in the walking into work part of the show,so presumably won`t bring the Hitler Diaries to mind, but the BBC will believe anything.
Maybe if their pappies weren`t all space cadets who ARE Dylanologists…as opposed to scientists who might help re their global warming programmes that they run up the pole ad nauseum-they might know that Bob also says that he worked in circuses, came from a childrens home and met Woody Guthrie out West etc. A serial fantasist who only mocks the likes of earnest drowning behind the ears types like the Today poppet we heard.
The tapes were 45 years old-yet she was interpreting them as if he was saying them today…are there no adults in the editing suite anymore or are they all Russell Brands remnants that no-one bothered to remove in 2008?
Get a grip Beeb-” don`t criticise what you don`t understand?”-that is all they need to know of Bob.
On this showing the BBC understands very little of anything anymore-from AV to the effects of farting in your spacesuits after too much weed from the night before…because all this Beeb output does rather smell like the latter!
I too was alarmed at the BBCs negligence.
Our client was clearly taped in a clandestine way.
He was clearly emotionally vulnerable and recovering and had issues that were not addressed by Southwark Socail serices as he got off the plane.
The BBC were not a caring sharing broadcaster promoting his emotional good health in any way pertaining to best practice-nor was health warning given before the broadcasting of this item today.
The flash photography did induce a queasy feeling in my clients fanbase, and so I feel the BBC needs to be structurally deep cleaned.
This was worse than Twitter nudge and wink. Mr Dylans ravings showed the BBC institutionally mentalist and did not apply a super duper injunction to themselves in this tragic case!
I feel a lawsuit coming on-we are all Dylanologists in the community now, and to quote Mr Justice Eady( allegedly bruv!)
“No matter what they tell you-what you belive is true”…the Blair defence, as handed down from St Stephen of Gately(R.I.P)
Getting seriously worried about you now, replying to your own posts.
But, you make a good point about the “Dylan Plane Tapes” , although I haven’t heard them. Best to wait until someone publishes a PhD. thesis on them and the BBC make a 6-hour documentary, as I couldn’t possibly be capable of interpreting them myself.
Was it just me or did Humphreys give Mr Toad (aka Alex Salmond) an incredibly soft interview on Today at 8.10 this morning? Where was the nasty, cutting contempt and irony that Humphreys normally deploys, particularly againsy Conservative politicians?
I wrote on this car crash of an interview in the bit under Salmond earlier on the blog.
Poor old Humph is simply befuddled-Salmond is oilier than the fish that bears his name and tied poor John up in silk ready for the next politico!
John needs to get over that bridge and back to Newport or somewhere. We can call him back if we need a Tabby of Tiger Bay to inform us of the Welsh Rebellion downt the road in Cardiff!
So sad to see Humph have to get up to be so slithered round and jabbed at will by any two bob jock like Fat Alex!
Stop the fight-the Battling Rembrandt merely a sandbag without the sand!
“Ms Guerin, who during her stint in Israel often seemed more like a prosecutor than a reporter, has adopted the full hijab or headscarf, completely covering her hair, plus a very, very long dress.”
‘The BBC said it was a ‘conservative area’ but couldn’t provide any details of how it measured this. It also said other female reporters had done the same thing, but couldn’t, despite repeated requests, substantiate this.’
Well, there’s a thing.
Maybe Aunty needs to deploy a squad of HR counsellors PDQ to avoid any law suits from family should the attractive Ms. G go the whole hog.. sorry, fully native… and sport the one-time fashion accessory with which the girls of the back stuff can be persuaded to stroll into hospitals, etc around their torsos.
Luckliy, even when Mr. Bowen makes the conversion he’ll only be in beard and beanie, and can still send off as many Orla’s as he can persuade, being such sacrifices don’t seem to apply to male old farts as much as daft kids and silly tarts.
Ireland does have a habit of sending its Orlas, Lys, Olivia O Leary types over the water when they aren`t pretty enough for Gay Byrnes late night carpfest!
The BBC presumably thinks that they`ll be safe-or not missed anyway-should they fall victim to a terminal event or involuntary flat share somewhere that the blokes don`t go-and the Oirish accent and passport helps with Gaddafis challenges as and when.
If we`d not let the EU screw up the farms over there-all three might have made much of themselves back home where they do know one end of an arse from another as they milk the cow and don`t suck at the public teat here in nasty old England.
Lisdoonvarna?…sure why not?
The bBC, it’s International Development Correspondent and defending British Aid to Pakistan.
Many questions have been raised in the UK about how in this age of belt tightening and austerity the budget for International Aid has risen. Despite the good intentions of the political elite, there is a growing anger over how money is been thrown away to countries which can afford nuclear weapons, Space programs and the like. Of course the bBC champions any aid giving simply because they believe we in the UK are responsible for all the worlds Ills. And so it appears it has set in motion a publicity campaign in which to justify the tripling of the British Aid Budget to Pakistan. Today it has aired another article in which to make us all feel guilty for even thinking ill about country’s such as Pakistan receiving Aid. Donors play ‘blame game’ with disaster victims People give more to victims of natural disasters than to casualties of man-made calamities like wars, according to new research by psychologists. We give more to a drought victim than a war victim because we suspect the latter may be partly to blame for their plight, the authors say.It could explain why the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami sparked a huge response but the Darfur appeal received less. The study was published in the European Journal of Social Psychology… While the “blame-game” psychology that favours natural disasters goes some way to explaining aid flows, it is far from the only dynamic at play. Pakistan, for example, suffered a huge natural disaster when floods hit much of the country in 2010. But a senior source in the Western aid world said: “The country has an image problem so people didn’t give as generously as they would have done if the floods have happened elsewhere.”
The above article appears to be a damage limitation article in which to excuse a country which just after the UK said it was increasing its Aid budget to them, said it was increasing its military budget by 12%. This is on top of the 18% increase to the Military handed out last June. Funny enough while the bBC waxes lyrical about the poor image of Pakistan it doesn’t mention how while the Military garners 16% of the countries budget, education receives 1.6%. IN light of how the bBC champions the cutting of the British Military budget in favour of the Educational one, you’d think they would be pushing the Pakistani Government to do likewise. And if you have the time here is something I wrote last night on the very subject at hand but before I came across the above.
Lord Longford is your prototype for the “the worst the cause-the more I`m cherished in the salons of Bloomsbury” set that will be slavering for Sutcliffe.
It`s all so populist to feel that Hindley and Brady were not simply products of poverty and prejudice-that is why we have these lily livered handwringing apologists for evil right the way from top to the lower reaches of ambition.
For every Sharon Shoesmith-there are many others all too willing to defend the indefensible-and Ken Clarke/Charles Clarke smile and note the next Radio4 criminologist that Laurie or Justin ought to be interviewing soon.
Note that Harriet Harman is a niece of Longford-is there some kind of sap gene that causes them to pick the wrong cause every time and wreak havoc(whilst we pay for it in blood and treasure-plenty of the latter as pensions approach!
I notice that we have a new series of Adam (Al Quieda doesn’t exist) Curtis documetaries starting tonight at 9pm on BBC2. Expect a lot of film clips put together with music which will be visually clever but the underlaying message being the usual BBC right on bullsh*t. Tonights appears to take aim at those nasty Ayn Rand loving Libertarian types who created the web. I don’t know if I can be arsed with it to be honest.
Same here! I felt he may have had a talent for clever film making but sadly is now the in house BBC arty fluff producer just as controlled by his superiors as he keeps claiming we all are and all it’s got him is bumped up to the main channel !.
The blurb I read about this documentary says that idiots like me think that computers have increased our freedom whereas, of course, they have enslaved us.
Not that the BBC has an agenda !
I don’t think the cultural output on BBC Radio 4 is for me.
Dipped in for a listen this afternoon and they appear to imagine that Bob Dylan ought to be a universal idol to eveyone of a certain age. Now I have broad tastes but frankly find Dylan unlistable. I saw him recently at the O2 and was completely unmoved. I guess it’s because I don’t buy in to the 60s Revolution thing, man? The more I hear – and there are some considerable large helpings on Radio 4 – the more Dylan strikes me as a posuer. I did notice someone defend him from potential accusations of sexism – something about him actually having really been in love with all those girls and anyway that was then.
I don’t know much about Gilbert and Sullivan. Radio 4 assures me that although some may regard W S Gilbert as socially conservative in fact he was ‘an anarchist’.
You see the drift of things here on Radio 4? The test of an artist’s cultural worth is how they fit current BBC PC guidelines.
Oh good it’s not just me thank god I hate his stuff which is odd as there is always something in a bands or musicians music I can like !but he is one i can find nothing of interest in, especially this puffed up piece of nothing just to up his R6 rating the rebel !!
How funny. When I did my original post on Dylan I expected to be disappear under a deluge of ordure, so have been pleasantly surprised by the response !
The best BBC-greenies can come up with on tonight’s preview for dull ‘Newsnight’:
Icelandic ash watch –
“And our Science editor Susan Watts is keeping an eye on the ash cloud from the Grimsvotn volcano in Iceland, which is expected to reach the UK by the early hours of Tuesday morning, the Met Office has said.”
Newsnight is rather like watching the ashes of BBC news output, so no real change there.
Paxman as burnt out volcano belching lots of noise and wind-with Kirsty,Gavin etc probing the warm and smouldering rubble but feigning outrage and excitement between theatres to vist and first class berths on the Lying Scotsman( Fat Alex Salmond!)
So the Spanish Socialists got smacked down in the local elections. Accoeding to the BBC, it’s because people are still reeling from the economic crisis of three years ago and nothing to do with the government’s mismanagement and the unsustainability of the Socialst paradise. Gavin Hewitt even moans that not even more cuts can save Zapatero.
Also, notice the casual mention that protesters around the country defied a government ban on protests. No Beeboid crying about this stifling of freedom in Spain. Perhaps is Syria and the Saudis wouls simply pledge to adopt Socialism, the BBC will stop grumbling about US double standards in dealing with oppressive governments.
But back to Hewitt. He worries…sorry…says that the Spanish are worried that the newly eleted local leaders will find that the Socialists had bled the place dry and cooked the books to hide it. Just like California, he says. Anybody remember the BBC reporting that before? Oops. Of course, a better analogy would be the UK, where the new conservative government came in only to be told that there was no money left. Can’t remind people about that or who cooked the books to hide it, eh, BBC?
In essence, the BBC Narrative is that people are angry at the economic crisis which we all is global and started in America and was exclusively the fault of greedy bankers, even though the Socialist government has spent the county into the poorhouse.
Yestedays World at One was a classico!
The last ten minutes were given over to the collapse of the steel industry in Toledo.
It flip flopped repeatedly…the socialists in Madrid were to blame,but the local council was likely to go to the Popular Party(or so I think-to be honest,it was confusing)
No mention of the Euro or the Socialists soon in need of a bail out-not at all bruv, bleedin` cuts to youth employment schemes innit?
Unfortunately the Toledo craftsman said what we here know to be true-the kids were thick,lazy unemployable and only lived online. No use to be apprenticed… it all trailed off then as we cut back to Madrid!
Hope he kept his sangria receipts-still it took up the rear bumper of a car crash of a show!
P.S-lots of lawyers crawling over the BBC over this injunction stuff and Prescott…all pro bono I`m expecting! Or is Martha Kearney paying for it all?
Better still is the blog of the BBCs economics editor Stephanie Flanders. She has just posted a waffling blog that flounders around and tries to make it look as if she knows what is happening.
However today things have gone badly in the markets due to further Euro zone problems but less than a fortnight ago the irrepressably incompetent Ms Flanders offered us this.
Of course Ms. Flanders does not mention this and will probably complain like she has in the past if people point out her errors. Its hard not to as she makes so many…
It has been posted here, but it is still incredible that someone as spectacularly ignorant of business, finance, economics etc. etc. should be in Steph’s job. Oh, I forgot , it is the BBC , ignorance is a pre-requisite for a job there.
Heard “Start the Week” when Andrew Marr was free to say what he liked without that injunction being visible!
Simon Baron Cohen said that evil didn`t exist-but a lack of empathy was a much more helpful way of looking at what befell the Dahmers, Sutcliffes and other underachievers.
Today I heard Steve Jones mull on the same topic-and got the pliant Steven Pinker to confirm the notion that it will be genetic, and(but of course) treatable in the therapeutic environment. None of that prison malarkey mind!
Do I see another freewheeling bandwagon for our enlightened and progressive suits of linen at the Beeb? Sutcliffe as “challenging the stereotype of the sex worker as victim, albeit intemperately at times…hell even diasppointingly or inappropriately in the worst cases!” Lord Longford spins in his urn-and niece Harman looks suitably conpassionate(spelt it right too!)
No shortage of Gitta Serenys or Frances Crook( the clues in the name!) to manage his campaign for compassion to be shown-no shortage of empathy round the coming cause od Sutcliffe so it seems.
Only hope he`s racist-THAT will keep him inside if nothing else can!
Wonder what that murdering PhD student in criminology thinks-he`s from the West Riding too, so maybe THAT`S genetically based as well!
Rather you listening to that waffle, cj, than me. I’m getting concerned about the BBC’s collosal CO2 output, it’s been poisoning too many of us for years. I rarely go anywhere near White City without an oxygen canister. Baron Cohen, & his ilk, could try explaining to the shattered parents of a daughter who has been systematically raped, tortured & then murdered that evil does not exist, & that they should reach out to the killer, & feel his pain. See no evil then? So what is it? A temporary problem with ‘anger management’ that can be cured? Like fcuk! Were the 7/7 bombers deprived of fireworks when they were young? The madness of the neo Liberal mind, & its warped, contorted ‘thinking’ is so often devoted to the offender, rarely the victims, or their loved ones. Perhaps these people are just too mundane for our ‘intelligentsia’.
Baron Cohen unfortunately is unable to reach out to Sutcliffe etc, because he is indisposed in a Cambridge common room. His dreaming spires will not tolerate nightmares either-for such useful idiots are never wrong.
Related to Ali G, but equally contemptible..and more corrosive in the end.
Maybe he could entertain a few suitably vulnerable victims instead of comfortable seminars wondering how high up his own arse his head might go. Sutcliffe, Brady, Huntley,Neilson,Wright, Whiting…let me model the empathy you apparently lacked until today…no, Peter…put that down….
Oh Lordy!
Turns out that Rory Bremner has self certified himself as “presenting” with ADHD!
Cue a half hour Radio4 paean to the wonders of Ritalin, and the rest of us only not being victims of ADHD because of the booze and fags. Were that we were as aware of our illness and vulnerability as our Rory…and to say other?…well you`re in denial!
Thought that the BBC told us all to say “no” to drugs!
You can expect this defence now for Peter Sutcliffe I fear!
During my Mothers last year teaching before she retired the powers that be decided that the kids (sorry students) couldn’t carry their own Ritalin about in case they overdosed or more likely sold it. Instead they had to give it to my Mother who has no training in this what so ever and she would then dole the pills out to the little darlings. To her horror she found that around half of the dribblers from the lower sets were on the stuff maninly because the school was suggesting to their Mothers (no Fathers were around as usual) that little Kyle may have a problem because they couldn’t control him and that he should be taken to the GPs. Without a hint of irony the same kids were also given anti-drugs lessons by the school.
Just channel hopped from the end of BBC1s news( where some arse holds cards up to describe Dylans “heroin” problems…such originality and wit!) and over to Newsnight where a Sir, a Lord a Baroness and a Newsnight hack gang up on an elected MP for daring to take up his option on Parliamentary Privilege-how very dare he?).
A perfect little vignette of BBC life-smug,patronising and derivateive copying of someone who at least was original…followed by grassing up a democratically elected MP with assorted toffs and Beeboid offwering to hold their ermines for the scrap.
With Prescott and Esler having played away, I can see why they`d not like this upstart MP telling the lower orders about “goin`s on upstairs”…but to hear Prescott barking over everybody spitting out his wasp was fine telly!
1. Thought drugs were a serious issue and not to be condoned-so why the bald nerdy bloke (Will Gomphert was it?) being allowed to do his sad impression of a talent?
2. Hammock for Prescott at the BBC for the night-does Pauline know?
3. Oh dear-some shit now on how the lefties might learn from Obama now he`s here…they`ll not be sleeping easy in the flats above the restaurants in Bradford tonight. Baeanies off dad!
Of course, we can expect the BBC to be in favour of injunctions. Anything which suppresses the freedom of the plebs is a good think in the eyes of the all-knowing Beeboid elite.
That reminds me, unless your psychic, channel hopping is a new skill you will have to learn if you want to watch Live Rugby League on the BBC.
Recently the Carnegie Challenge Cup fourth round tie between the Leeds Rhinos and Crusaders started well enough on BBC1, but then disappeared at half-time to another BBC channel.
Totally unacceptable of course.
Where channel hopping skills wont help you in the slightest is if you want to watch the BBC’s Super League Show.
Talk about “Little Orphan Annie”, it’s banded about from numerous time slots, days of the week and channels.
Clearly the children at the BBC haven’t been told ” its a working class game – not like Uni’ – played up north amidst large populations of Islamists”.
Or maybe the infants were enlightened, as this weekends games between Wakefield/Castleford and Bradford/Wigan went out uninterrupted on just one BBC channel.
When Newsnight is on, it`s a doddle to turn over to get the other slant on the swill n bilge on The Westminster Hour or suchlike on all manner of Goebbels-lite platforms and infotainment streams!
BBC is binary at this time of night-do you want shit or shite-and the pronunciation is “crucial” to move the debates forward,should you want to!
Couldn’t the BBC have one Channel dedicated to sport so the rest of us don’t have to channel hop to avoid sport.
I exempt cricket , of course, but that is banned from BBC TV now anyway as only people with a high IQ can understand it.
Can’t wait for the Olympics, yawn…………………….
Very good points and yes only the BBC will have any hopes for their Olympic ennui-fest, let alone justify the costs.
Back to Rugby League coverage, for those Beeboids being bribed to move North by the BBC with licence-fee money, I don’t see why it shouldn’t allow us to officially refer to them as the SALFORD CITY REDS !
I never thought the day would come when I would defend John Humphrys.
Apparently he is in trouble with The Rabbit Welfare Association for saying that rabbits ” shouldn’t be in a hutch, they should be in a casserole “.
Tricky one for the BBC !
You`re onto something here Grant!
The rights of casseroles not to be so denigrated by the Watership Down lobby seems to be one for the BBC Trust before the beano to Brussels. Victory to Vulnerable Vegetables!
Not only casseroles either-stews too!…curries if we`re wanting inclusion and diversity…
Uncooked food like salad as yet has no passionate community champions, so they`ll be O.K as long as we`ve obtainerd our licences-unless you scald, boil or injure any constituent part-then I`m no longer pro Bono!
Careful, cj, The Lettuce Welfare Association has your number.
Apparently, Sarah Montague’s reaction to Boyo Humphrys PC lapse was that she hoped her daughter wasn’t listening. Well I would hope her daughter doesn’t listen to Humphrys anyway.
Glad to hear you have forsaken Bono !
I heard a trailer for this today with horror. It was only a matter of time for the BBC to discover this sinister, evil, movement and present it as benign. It just surprises me it took so long.
A sort of Turkish Common Purpose without the openess.
Thanks BBC, for dropping the Turkish secularists, who are fighting for survival, right in the merde again.
Beeboids – The ultimate useful idiots.
Hats off to the woman in Womans Hour today!
Who cares about her name?,Her comments about children in effect not being sexualised enough were grand to behold. Who booked THIS one?…
Adrian Chiles ex nearly burnt her curry and the feminist harpie with a book to plug was “deeply disappointed”…does it get any worse at the BBC?
Our slut of choice was an idiot-but a “reductio ad adsurdem” idiot and the child of the same liberal stripe as her twisted sisters. She only took their logic and extrapolated…oh dear did she miss the seminar on “it`s the liberal elite that set the boundaries of taste” then?
Not the likes of Playboy and their padded bras for 7 year olds-so private sector! Come on Dave, make us a law-anyone will do!
A joy to see all their guff on “responsible choice” definitions of words like “sexualisation” all thrown back into the curry mix!
The “jury is out”, “we`re having a debate”, “who`s to say what children are?”…all well and good saying these things, but not to define or to act on! Where`s that Annie Lennox song to blot out the contradictions? ”
Is there a man -apart from Prescott-still in the building love?”
So many questions!
A real insight into the liberal guilt trip resulting from their years of empowering the sistas…and where it all ends.
Basically in intellectual twister and harpie screech fests…as if that nice John Prescott left his spirit in the very studio!…amongst other unpleasantness I`m not allowed by law to say of course!
The BBC -providing confusion as solutions since 1968!
Still-a womans prerogative eh Jenni?
If you are reading this you will be amused to know that I thought I had escaped Prescott when you closed your blog, only for cj to resurrect him.
Is there no escape ?
Stop laughing, it is not funny !
Somewhat pedantic of me. But it really grips my shit when so called Defence experts can’t even get the basics right:
“On Monday, French Defence Minister Gerard Longuet confirmed media reports France was deploying attack helicopters to Nato’s Libya mission. French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said 12 Tiger– and Gazelle-type helicopters were being despatched to Libya.”
Err actually the French helicopter gunships are called tigre, yes it means tiger in French. But the Eurocopter made Helicopter comes in many variants and as such the French Tigre is a much different beast than the German Tiger. For a start it can fire missiles (Well one variant can) it mounts its gun and radar on the vehicle body. The German one carries its radar above the rotor blades, cannot fire missiles and carries its gun in a pod. Oh and the reason why the French are deploying the Gazelle alongside the Tigre. It’s because the HAP Tigre isn’t fitted with a laser designator and so requires another vehicle to laze targets. Something they have been doing in Afghanistan. Here is what I wrote about the Tigre/Tiger last year.
Now I know some will think I am been a pain, yet a so called news org which is more than happy to inform you how to pronounce ‘Neucastle’, Hezb-allah,Mum-by and the rest should be getting it right when it comes to all things Par-ree.
It’s not worth the bother Grant. In 1983 and a very young pounce found himself working as a Combat support Boat operator in the Falklands. One day one of my passengers (a so called defence expert for the media) was making his way to one of the ships in which to use their mari-sat so as to report back to England what had been happening. As I’m piloting the boat, he asks me:
“How many engines ,has a Harrier?’
As we had just lost one, I presumed his report was about said aircraft. I really wiish I had told him 2,3 or even 4 in which to have exposed him for the fraud he was. However I was young so I told him the truth.
Martha Kearney on the World At One today managed to
a) Quote Polly Toynbee at Giles Coren-you,sir are encouraging mob rule.
b) Raise Prescotts concerns about his phone being hacked as proof that the PCC are useless( we need a Privacy Act-Marr will write it!)
c) Wheel in the Guardians editor to the studio-whilst leaving Coren on the mobile(his bill too I bet,seeing as he works for Murdoch!)
In short-liberal chattering classes collude to deal with free speakers-Guardian and BBC like two stiffs propping each other up once the Twitter bus has long gone!
Martha and the Muffin Tops…off their trolleys!
In the 8:00 news on Radio 4 this morning I heard the first BBC mention (in my experience: it might have been mentioned before but not, I think, in the BBC flagship news) of the energy riches accruing to the world from the extraction of gas from shale. Of course, being the BBC, the only reason shale has become worthy of notice in the BBC newsroom is apropos of (although AFAIAA omitted from the 8:00 News) the approval for shale drilling by a Commons Committe. Staightforward reportage of this was thrown under a passing bus as the BBC took the opportunity to resuscitate a 2-week old report http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-13333473 that extraction of gas from shale could poison the water table. BTW on the BBC website extracting gas from shale is more or less always referred to as “controversial”. Bias? What bias?
I caught a trailer for tomorrow’s “Women’s Hour”, which seemed to be about masturbation and why it is not discussed more openly. I may have misheard as I was driving at the time.
But, good for the ladies fearlessly to grasp a big subject !
I don’t think that the gals “grab” anything in that situation: the *ahem* process is rather different for them.
(This is according to Mrs Bug, though she admits her memory for this sort of thing may be a bit fuzzy, since being married to a studly sex-god like me means she has no recourse to DIY these days……)
LUCKY Mrs Bug. And it’s me who does the dishes, mostly, since I am not only sooo studly she can’t help herself, but also trés helpful arould the old family schloss here.
Oh, dear. a big round of applause from the US Congress when Netanyahu said that Jews in Israel are not foreign occupiers. Cue wailing and gnashing of Beeboid teeth.
Kim Ghattas clearly hated the reception Netanyahu got in Congress today. The Beeboid newsreader set her up by saying that the Israeli PM was “stirring up trouble” while the President was out of town. With the Narrative thus set in motion, Ghattas said that he was “playing American politics”, and causing mischief.
Wyre Davies then says it’s just noise to please the right-wingers in Israel, no peace talks possible in the foreseeable future.
Narrative gotten across, BBC job done. Informing you, not so much.
Anybody else notice this bBC article surreptitiously disparaging Lord Ashcroft on been tasked to lead a government review of the UK’s military bases in Cyprus. A task I should which is unpaid. I quote: Lord Ashcroft has come under fire from Labour and the Lib Dems, including leader Nick Clegg, over his tax status. In the run up to last year’s general election, Lord Ashcroft was the subject of fierce criticism from Mr Clegg. The future deputy prime minister said it was “wholly wrong” that someone “seeking to influence the outcome of the general election” sought to pay taxes “only partially” in the UK. And Lord Ashcroft has donated more than £4m to the party in recent years, much of which has been spent on campaigns by Tory candidates in marginal seats.
So do you get the impression that the bBC isn’t that keen on anybody in Government who is tainted by controversy.
Here is the very same bBC reporting on a certain Peter Mandelson in 1998 when it was revealed he had been the recipient of a £373,000 interest free loan : Peter Mandelson is innocent By Stephen Evans, BBC industry correspondent Peter Mandelson is innocent. It’s important to clear the great man’s name. After all, as some bard nearly said, rumour runs round the world before truth gets its track-shoes on. And the great politician without portfolio needs help against idle rumour more than most.
And here is how the bBC reported his tenure at the British Council in 1999: Mandelson joins British Council
Former Trade Secretary Peter Mandelson has been appointed as vice chairman of the British Council, which promotes the UK around the world. Mr Mandelson will be one of two vice chairs, alongside Virginia Bottomley, the Tory MP for Surrey South West. Baroness Helena Kennedy QC, chair of the British Council, said: “I am delighted to welcome Peter and Joan to the board.
And here is how the bBC reported his tenure as the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland: Mandelson returns to cabinet The British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, is reshuffling his cabinet. There are few details so far, but a BBC correspondent says Mr Blair has appointed one of his closest allies, Peter Mandelson, as Northern Ireland Secretary, replacing Mo Mowlam. For Mr Mandelson, it marks a return to the cabinet less than a year after he resigned as Trade and Industry Secretary when a controversial loan he took from another minister to buy a house became public knowledge.
And here is how the bBC reported when Mandelson gained the position of European commissioner. Mandelson offered top Europe post Tony Blair has nominated long-time ally Peter Mandelson as Britain’s next European commissioner. The prime minister said the Hartlepool MP had the right skills and contacts and was “the best man for the job”. The move represents a remarkable political comeback for Mr Mandelson, who has twice resigned from the cabinet in controversial circumstances. Tory co-party chairman Liam Fox said Mr Mandelson would not stand up for the UK in Europe as he was too pro-European. Dr Fox also questioned whether “someone with his track record” could be trusted in such an important role.
The description of the corrupt, dishonest, sleazeball, Mandelson as
“The great man” rather gives the game away, especially as we know Beeboids don’t do irony.
The only two school in London which BBC-Obamessiah is interested in are both apparently predominantly non-white ethnically, which are presented as some wonderful portend of what the future of British society entails when based on an open door immigration policy.
So has anybody seen the bBCs video on the Banquet held at Buck house in Honour of the US President: VIP guests arrive for state banquet at Buckingham Palace
VIP = very important person and who does the bBC spend more time on?
Why that would be Mrs Blair. (Very clever how they insert her in)
Why that would be Ed Millband and Guest
Why that would be Gordon Brown and Wife.
Now see if you can catch the PM, he’s there, but he isn’t given special treatment like the bBC gives to Labour MPs (and their spouses)
How ironic that Gordon the Moron was invited to dinner by the Queen, but not by Obama when the Moron visited Washington. You couldn’t make it up.
I wonder if Obama asked Brown how he is enjoying his DVDs ?
NW NinepenceMar 3, 13:47 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Friday Whitehouse meeting with a ‘washed up’ Zalenski was certainly an eye-opener. As 1066 poem goes… they all started…
FlotsamMar 3, 13:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 David Starkey, spot on as usual. He touched upon an issue I voiced during the Brexit campaign with our European…
wwfcMar 3, 13:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GlGoCnYXcAAQ5n1?format=jpg&name=medium[/img]
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 3, 13:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Lucy. Does that mean we can all now get acting jobs on tv adverts.
MarkyMarkMar 3, 13:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 White slaves? “Many societies in Africa with kings and hierarchical forms of government traditionally kept slaves. But these were mostly…
MarkyMarkMar 3, 13:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Date Migrants arrived Boats arrived Boats involved in uncontrolled landings Notes 24 February 2025 0 0 0 25 February 2025…
AlthepalerpMar 3, 13:01 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Meanwhile.. . 592 came yesterday. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/migrants-detected-crossing-the-english-channel-in-small-boats/migrants-detected-crossing-the-english-channel-in-small-boats-last-7-days
Has anybody seen the bBC article about how the state of Britain’s roads is all down to spending cuts by the current incumbents and get this. They actually give labour a platform in which to attack the lib/dems over the state of Britains roads.
“Pothole death only matter of time” FEB 2011
Army officer dies avoiding pothole: AUG 2010
Glad they made a BBC projest of it though, in April. One wonders why they didn’t think of it before….NOT.
What is patently obvious is (as Philip Hammond says) that 90% plus of the damage came in Labour’s years and that the plan is to spend more despite John Woodcock lies “...it’s clear that the Tory-led government has no serious long-term plan to get our roads back into shape.“
BBC programme called Britain’s Secret seas. Unopposed, gushing support and love for windfarms. Horrible.
I never thought I would see the day that our countryside would be destoyed in the name of environmentalism.
Shades of Orwells Newspeak here.
Ah yes, the base of these windmills provides a new habitat for the sea creatures that wouldn’t have been there otherwise, wonderful. No mention of anything that could go wrong above the waves of course. The programme also remarked that in the late 70’s and early 80’s the stocks of cod nosedived. Any thoughts as to why? Of course not, was the EU fisheries policy mentioned? no, no mention of the EU of course. But theres a huge plus side according to the prog, in that The stocks of lobster are thriving! yes lobster, that well known dish that every home lives on. The lobsters are thriving because the nasty cod are no longer there to eat the eggs and larvae, so well done whoever decimated the cod huh? All twisted false logic I’m afraid.
Oh and the pearl of wisdom, the lightship definition: A kind of combination of a lighthouse and a ship! Well I never wooda thunk it!.
Bah…cod has all the flavour of deep fried sea water! No actually, sea water actually has more flavour than cod!
But I get your point.
There is a flip side though…lobster is bloody nice! 🙂
Every home may not live on Lobster, but every Beeboid does !
Things are shaping up as expected (so far) concerning yesterday’s entry of Tea Party-inspired Herman Cain into the race for the Republican nomination for president in 2012. The story was covered by Mail Online yesterday, and has now been covered by the Telegraph, the F.T. and the Independent. The BBC? zzzzzz
This is good news, seriously. The Hermantor really knows business having run successful companies, economics too, not like so many politicians. Get this guy up witrh Allen West and listen to what they say: believe me, you’d get the KKK supporting them.
The BBC would…ALMOST…be f8cked if Herman gets the nod to run for President with West as his VP. Actually, at that point these two would cease being black and would just be republicans…so actually, no, the BBC wont be f8cked. They still have a way out so they can provide their unfettered loyalty to Barry the Boy Wonder.
The BBC would dismiss Cain’s candidacy as tokenism (nobody dared say that about The Obamessiah, because the goal was to defeat the Repubs). But don’t expect the stellar team covering the US to take him seriously for some time. They’re all inside the Beltway bubble and focus only on the big names their friends in US eltie media do: Pawlenty, Paul, Gingrich, Romney. Oh, and of course Sarah Palin is never far from their thoughts.
The BBC simply can’t inform you properly about the US. Another possible name to watch is NJ Gov. Chris Christie.
So here I am enjoying a cup of Rosy (and a couple of ginger nuts) when I came across this article about Peter Sutcliffe (Aka Jack the Ripper). Is it me but does anybody else get the impression that the article may be laying the foundations of a Jack the Ripper is innocent campaign?
I refer to these comments:
“Sutcliffe himself was a sorrowful figure in many ways, not very well built and towered over by four prison guards.
“His wife turned up quite a lot of times to lend what support she could, but it all stemmed on the medical and mental problems he may or may not have had.He really showed no emotion, no smiling, no laughing… and he had this funny softly-spoken voice. He was the most unlikely killer you’ve ever seen, he didn’t fit the bill, but you never can tell.”
Sutcliffe pleaded not guilty to 13 counts of murder, but guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.
The basis of this defence was that he had heard “voices from God” telling him to go on a mission to rid the streets of prostitutes.
Mr St George said there was a “certain inevitability” about the verdict because of the number of victims involved.
Much of the evidence went uncontested, he said, which meant there were relatively few witnesses heard.
“It was over pretty quickly for a trial of that magnitude. They had to agree 13 victims had been murdered by someone; he was the only candidate,”
Part 2
Sutcliffe was found guilty of murder on all counts and sentenced to 20 life sentences with a recommendation he serve a minimum of 30 years before he be considered for parole.
The judge said he was beyond redemption and hoped he would never leave prison.
With 30 years now served, the 65-year-old killer would have been eligible to apply for parole had the terms of his sentence not been changed last year.
Or do you think some wanker at the bBC feels that Peter Sutcliffe has been hard done by?
The BBC always side with criminals and terrorists.
“sorrowful figure”. So would I be after 30 years in prison.
“not very well built “. But , perhaps , stronger than his victims.
“showed no emotion”. One of the main symptoms of psychopaths.
“unlikey killer “. Please describe a “likely” one.
Quick trial. Maybe because the evidence was so overwhelming, the prosecution didn’t want to waste the court’s time by presenting all of it.
I shall say it again, the BBC really are the pits.
“unlikely” !
Funny softly-spoken voice huh? I guess he let his somewhat harder ball-pein engineer’s hammer do his talking for him. Will the beeb mention that?
Algeria: Ottoman, Arab French: heading for England…but hey they like our football and, ya know, Tarzan was English.
Tunisia: Ottoman, Arab, French: heading for England
Libya: Ottoman Arab, Italian: heading for England
Why not, this country is self-destructing anyway.
Mark Mardell‘s latest piece contains this dig at the British press:
“The centrepiece of the whole tour will be a speech in Westminster Hall. There will be lots of warm words about the special relationship. The White House took a bruising learning in how obsessed the British press (although I suspect not politicians or the public) are about taking the temperature of that relationship.”
Before you click on the link at “taking the temperature of that relationship”, can you guess which “obsessed” online newspaper he uses as an example? And for a bonus point (prize: one of Grant’s cans of iron bru!), can you guess which columnist at that paper is on the receiving end of Mardell’s dig?
Heard Montague gassing on about injunctions to two trusties on speed dial.
She spent a good five minutes on them-but ,as ever in Beebland: manged to imply that all this gossip was tabloid fayre…the papers are the problem.
Still it filled five more minutes, so the BBC are every bit as bitchy/gossip/depending on titbits from over the garden fence-but spend alot of time claiming that they are merely reporting on it…as opposed to being the self same problem of trivia turners for moolah!
The BBC never are as creepy and self satisfied when they see the moat in someone elses eye..but not the bee in their own( well-they`ll never know the real version of the saying,so why bother-they don`t!)
Funny how the Beeboids were happy to trash the idea of the “special relationship” when Bush was in charge. Now it’s bruising to do so?
Seems that Auntie Beeb has called Justin and Evan in for their tea!
There they were-rappin`,chillin` and a dissin` on the corner with their homies-Tracey, Banksy, Bob and assorted Russells and Wossys!
Seems though that the low slung trousers fell down round their ankles over all this Twitter stuff, they had encouraged in their glottal stop mockney! As if…what`eva!
Grandad Adolf in Strasbourg rang through and auntie has stopped indulging her posing overpaid nephews as of now! Time to get some red braces-remember you`re a Beeboid, and to take pride in that name! Call them in ,dearie!
We do NOT mock the courts…Uncle Eady, Lord Carlile/Prescott/Lester and all manner of “dads” that passed through Aunties parlour way back. Parliamentary privilege is NOT an absolute right-and you are to sneer at the very names of these real rebels like Hemming and Carswell. They are not house trained trusties like you`re well paid to be! Poor old Michael Martin won`t be happy at all this you know!
So Justin and Evan redisover the rule of law now that Andrew Marr from the old school is in trouble…and all that Banksy and Bragg schtick is just that!
As I`ve said-weekend rebels all our Jeremys,Dinbos, Evans etc-well paid poseurs that confuse Joy Division with revolution.
One John Hemming-indeed one Ryan with a Gigging order-is worth the thousands of dramaitis personae affecting outrage at the black heart of where law,media,politics all gather under Adolfs passionate certainties! Gordons revenge,luckily for us. was to dump Cathy Ashton with him,so let`s thank him for that at least!
P.S-Strummer did say that they`d be” fat and old queuing up for the house of Lords”-but actually they seem to have been walked two by two, crocodile style and holding hands: to the BBCs varied and padded platforms today…poor old Hemmings croissant will be cold this morning by the time he`s had the ritual gumming by Prescott, Lester etc for the next few hours!
“Gigging order “, love it !
If the prize is to be a “can” of Irn Bru, the winner would have to be South of the Border. Bottles are reserved for those of us to the North.
Even in this age of moral relativism, Sutcliffe will, hopefully, die in prison. The BBC, though, & disastrously for us, remains at large, & ever more psychologically unhinged. The Corporation is on a spree. Virtually no programme is now exempt from the asphyxiating embrace of political correctness. Topic after topic is reframed, I would say bent, in a remorseless, pathological drive to further the Corporation’s ‘narrative’, which is unashamedly cultural Marxist. A ‘philosophy’ that rewards its state-suckled servants with eye-watering remuneration. High toleration of criminality, & the gradual legitimization of crime are, of course, high on the agenda of the communist Frankfurt School’s blueprint for the destruction of the nation state.
Last year. on the Today programme, a survey that found the public was, rightfully, confused about ‘life sentences’, was interpreted by the BBC as evidence that the public thought sentences were too harsh! Incredible. But as the discussion took shape I could see it coming. As predictable as an alcoholic reaching for that first one of the day.
The acid test of a person’s opinions is how they stand up under extreme pressure. After an horrific attack on one of his children, a media liberal I knew radically altered his opinions on crime & punishment. The harsh wind of reality blew the scales from his eyes. One day that harsh wind may blow through the BBC, & the indulgent, subsidised play-acting will have to stop. Perhaps Richard Bacon will have his ‘inappropriate’ name changed at the point of a scimitar? It’s what happens when you play with fire.
Excellent ! And I am sure the BBC has become worse since they realised Dave is going to do bugger all and Fatty Patten became Chairman of the Trust. The BBC is totally out of control now and capable of anything.
Too true, Grant. Chameleon either missed his chance of curtailing the Beeboids, or had no intention of rocking the boat in the first place. Or, Patten is a brilliantly placed mole, who, behind his bloated mask, plots the destruction of The Empire of The White City. He has some form. He did manage to lose Hong Kong.
Oh, I hope you are right about Fatty, but I am not going to hold my breath.
Just listening to a sickly, fingers-down-the-throat sugary diatribe about the Obama one’s visit on Radio 4 – what utter, drivelling, snivelling, gooey, treacly rubbish. It’s almost like a fairy story for kids. This is radio 4, “Today” – a supposedly serious, hard hitting news programme.
Oh, it’s lardy Mark Mardell. YUK, yuk and thrice yuk.
Spot on Natsman!
Heard the gloopy syrup intro of Mark Mardell and had to brush my teeth again.
The Bord Failte(Irish Tourist Board) love this scam-they`ll find an Oirish limk with any president of the USA.
DSK should be looking for one-might explain a few things in his defence.
Alongside the Irish theme-poor old Humphrys blew himself up with a Salter Chemistry set, when he really should have stuck to the highlighted script that nursie gave him.
Alex Salmond could only dream about how many more SNP converts he got today, after Humph managed to piss on his mobile, squit on his jelly and continually seep his own fertiliser throughout the mauling that ensued for the Tired Tabby of Tiger Bay!
I too want Scottish independence now for Alex-poor John needs to get a blanket put on his lap and be sent over to be the BBCs Radio Newport correspondent for olives or something similar.
One long dirty protest is Johns current performance. Interview after interview are embarrassing…presumably the Scottish Raj fed John to Alex in order to make the Union cave in as fast as possible…and Humph duly obliged them today!
Send for Shirley Bassey!
Isn’t it incredible that the same country that produced Shirley also produced Humphrys. Maybe he is a closet Irishman.
Just back after listening to the car radio full of a BBC ‘exclusive’ regarding a ‘friend’ of Bob Dylan’s releasing tapes of him in confessional on a plane.
One presumes that Mr. Dylan was/is on board with this release (if he was, then fair do’s; trading past juicy morsels to extent current profile is standard fare) as it might have been awkward for our ratings hungry media had, say, a super-injunction gone out in complement.
Loved this wadding of the psyche today!
The Beeb managed to find tapes from a plane interview of Bob talking to a pal.
This will thrill archivists and Dylanolgists/academics for some time to come…and ,of course, we`ll be making a film or programme about this! Who needs the true rate of crime or immigration when we`ve got THIS maan!
THis was in the walking into work part of the show,so presumably won`t bring the Hitler Diaries to mind, but the BBC will believe anything.
Maybe if their pappies weren`t all space cadets who ARE Dylanologists…as opposed to scientists who might help re their global warming programmes that they run up the pole ad nauseum-they might know that Bob also says that he worked in circuses, came from a childrens home and met Woody Guthrie out West etc. A serial fantasist who only mocks the likes of earnest drowning behind the ears types like the Today poppet we heard.
The tapes were 45 years old-yet she was interpreting them as if he was saying them today…are there no adults in the editing suite anymore or are they all Russell Brands remnants that no-one bothered to remove in 2008?
Get a grip Beeb-” don`t criticise what you don`t understand?”-that is all they need to know of Bob.
On this showing the BBC understands very little of anything anymore-from AV to the effects of farting in your spacesuits after too much weed from the night before…because all this Beeb output does rather smell like the latter!
I too was alarmed at the BBCs negligence.
Our client was clearly taped in a clandestine way.
He was clearly emotionally vulnerable and recovering and had issues that were not addressed by Southwark Socail serices as he got off the plane.
The BBC were not a caring sharing broadcaster promoting his emotional good health in any way pertaining to best practice-nor was health warning given before the broadcasting of this item today.
The flash photography did induce a queasy feeling in my clients fanbase, and so I feel the BBC needs to be structurally deep cleaned.
This was worse than Twitter nudge and wink. Mr Dylans ravings showed the BBC institutionally mentalist and did not apply a super duper injunction to themselves in this tragic case!
I feel a lawsuit coming on-we are all Dylanologists in the community now, and to quote Mr Justice Eady( allegedly bruv!)
“No matter what they tell you-what you belive is true”…the Blair defence, as handed down from St Stephen of Gately(R.I.P)
Getting seriously worried about you now, replying to your own posts.
But, you make a good point about the “Dylan Plane Tapes” , although I haven’t heard them. Best to wait until someone publishes a PhD. thesis on them and the BBC make a 6-hour documentary, as I couldn’t possibly be capable of interpreting them myself.
Wasn’t Dylan some sort of drug ridden protest singer? So what earth shattering revalations could possibly come from secret tapes?
Dylan becomes even greater hero for BBC-NUJ?:
“Dylan tapes reveal heroin addiction “http://news.bbc.co.uk/today/hi/today/newsid_9492000/9492886.stm
But its not news
Was it just me or did Humphreys give Mr Toad (aka Alex Salmond) an incredibly soft interview on Today at 8.10 this morning? Where was the nasty, cutting contempt and irony that Humphreys normally deploys, particularly againsy Conservative politicians?
I wrote on this car crash of an interview in the bit under Salmond earlier on the blog.
Poor old Humph is simply befuddled-Salmond is oilier than the fish that bears his name and tied poor John up in silk ready for the next politico!
John needs to get over that bridge and back to Newport or somewhere. We can call him back if we need a Tabby of Tiger Bay to inform us of the Welsh Rebellion downt the road in Cardiff!
So sad to see Humph have to get up to be so slithered round and jabbed at will by any two bob jock like Fat Alex!
Stop the fight-the Battling Rembrandt merely a sandbag without the sand!
Welsh Pygmy interviews Scots Pygmy, no insult to Pygmies intended.
Peter Hitchens:
“Ms Guerin, who during her stint in Israel often seemed more like a prosecutor than a reporter, has adopted the full hijab or headscarf, completely covering her hair, plus a very, very long dress.”
‘The BBC said it was a ‘conservative area’ but couldn’t provide any details of how it measured this. It also said other female reporters had done the same thing, but couldn’t, despite repeated requests, substantiate this.’
Well, there’s a thing.
Maybe Aunty needs to deploy a squad of HR counsellors PDQ to avoid any law suits from family should the attractive Ms. G go the whole hog.. sorry, fully native… and sport the one-time fashion accessory with which the girls of the back stuff can be persuaded to stroll into hospitals, etc around their torsos.
Luckliy, even when Mr. Bowen makes the conversion he’ll only be in beard and beanie, and can still send off as many Orla’s as he can persuade, being such sacrifices don’t seem to apply to male old farts as much as daft kids and silly tarts.
Ireland does have a habit of sending its Orlas, Lys, Olivia O Leary types over the water when they aren`t pretty enough for Gay Byrnes late night carpfest!
The BBC presumably thinks that they`ll be safe-or not missed anyway-should they fall victim to a terminal event or involuntary flat share somewhere that the blokes don`t go-and the Oirish accent and passport helps with Gaddafis challenges as and when.
If we`d not let the EU screw up the farms over there-all three might have made much of themselves back home where they do know one end of an arse from another as they milk the cow and don`t suck at the public teat here in nasty old England.
Lisdoonvarna?…sure why not?
I’d suggest a paper bag would be in order for Ms Guerin, wherever she reports from.
To be kind to the viewers, couldn’t Orla adopt the full ninja outfit so only her eyes are seen on camera.
The bBC, it’s International Development Correspondent and defending British Aid to Pakistan.
Many questions have been raised in the UK about how in this age of belt tightening and austerity the budget for International Aid has risen. Despite the good intentions of the political elite, there is a growing anger over how money is been thrown away to countries which can afford nuclear weapons, Space programs and the like. Of course the bBC champions any aid giving simply because they believe we in the UK are responsible for all the worlds Ills. And so it appears it has set in motion a publicity campaign in which to justify the tripling of the British Aid Budget to Pakistan. Today it has aired another article in which to make us all feel guilty for even thinking ill about country’s such as Pakistan receiving Aid.
Donors play ‘blame game’ with disaster victims
People give more to victims of natural disasters than to casualties of man-made calamities like wars, according to new research by psychologists. We give more to a drought victim than a war victim because we suspect the latter may be partly to blame for their plight, the authors say.It could explain why the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami sparked a huge response but the Darfur appeal received less. The study was published in the European Journal of Social Psychology… While the “blame-game” psychology that favours natural disasters goes some way to explaining aid flows, it is far from the only dynamic at play. Pakistan, for example, suffered a huge natural disaster when floods hit much of the country in 2010. But a senior source in the Western aid world said: “The country has an image problem so people didn’t give as generously as they would have done if the floods have happened elsewhere.”
The above article appears to be a damage limitation article in which to excuse a country which just after the UK said it was increasing its Aid budget to them, said it was increasing its military budget by 12%. This is on top of the 18% increase to the Military handed out last June. Funny enough while the bBC waxes lyrical about the poor image of Pakistan it doesn’t mention how while the Military garners 16% of the countries budget, education receives 1.6%. IN light of how the bBC champions the cutting of the British Military budget in favour of the Educational one, you’d think they would be pushing the Pakistani Government to do likewise. And if you have the time here is something I wrote last night on the very subject at hand but before I came across the above.
BBC-NUJ gets an appropriate mention here:
“Boo me if you like, but it’s time to ignore the bleeding hearts and shut down the ministry of foreign aid”
By Melanie Phillips
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1389886/Foreign-aid-budget-Its-time-shut-ministry-foreign-aid.html#ixzz1NBDK5iyS
Lord Longford is your prototype for the “the worst the cause-the more I`m cherished in the salons of Bloomsbury” set that will be slavering for Sutcliffe.
It`s all so populist to feel that Hindley and Brady were not simply products of poverty and prejudice-that is why we have these lily livered handwringing apologists for evil right the way from top to the lower reaches of ambition.
For every Sharon Shoesmith-there are many others all too willing to defend the indefensible-and Ken Clarke/Charles Clarke smile and note the next Radio4 criminologist that Laurie or Justin ought to be interviewing soon.
Note that Harriet Harman is a niece of Longford-is there some kind of sap gene that causes them to pick the wrong cause every time and wreak havoc(whilst we pay for it in blood and treasure-plenty of the latter as pensions approach!
I notice that we have a new series of Adam (Al Quieda doesn’t exist) Curtis documetaries starting tonight at 9pm on BBC2. Expect a lot of film clips put together with music which will be visually clever but the underlaying message being the usual BBC right on bullsh*t. Tonights appears to take aim at those nasty Ayn Rand loving Libertarian types who created the web. I don’t know if I can be arsed with it to be honest.
Same here! I felt he may have had a talent for clever film making but sadly is now the in house BBC arty fluff producer just as controlled by his superiors as he keeps claiming we all are and all it’s got him is bumped up to the main channel !.
The blurb I read about this documentary says that idiots like me think that computers have increased our freedom whereas, of course, they have enslaved us.
Not that the BBC has an agenda !
A reminder for BBC-NUJ-Labour:
“UK spending cuts ‘lower than average in Europe’ as BBC criticised over coverage ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1389874/UK-spending-cuts-lower-than-average-Europe-BBC-criticised-coverage.html#ixzz1NBj40TpO
BBC-NUJ/S Chakrabarti claim to be interested in freedom of speech, so here is an update for them on issue they avoid: GEERT WILDERS
Dutch court rejects Wilders’ claim of bias, rules that his Sharia kangaroo court must go on
I don’t think the cultural output on BBC Radio 4 is for me.
Dipped in for a listen this afternoon and they appear to imagine that Bob Dylan ought to be a universal idol to eveyone of a certain age. Now I have broad tastes but frankly find Dylan unlistable. I saw him recently at the O2 and was completely unmoved. I guess it’s because I don’t buy in to the 60s Revolution thing, man? The more I hear – and there are some considerable large helpings on Radio 4 – the more Dylan strikes me as a posuer. I did notice someone defend him from potential accusations of sexism – something about him actually having really been in love with all those girls and anyway that was then.
I don’t know much about Gilbert and Sullivan. Radio 4 assures me that although some may regard W S Gilbert as socially conservative in fact he was ‘an anarchist’.
You see the drift of things here on Radio 4? The test of an artist’s cultural worth is how they fit current BBC PC guidelines.
As I see it,
At last , I can come out of the closet. I have always found most of Dylan’s music ( I haven’t heard it all, of course ), well boring !
Actually, his songs are better when someone else sings them.
Like Jimi Hendrix, for example !
Dylan couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket
a droning bore
Oh good it’s not just me thank god I hate his stuff which is odd as there is always something in a bands or musicians music I can like !but he is one i can find nothing of interest in, especially this puffed up piece of nothing just to up his R6 rating the rebel !!
How funny. When I did my original post on Dylan I expected to be disappear under a deluge of ordure, so have been pleasantly surprised by the response !
The best BBC-greenies can come up with on tonight’s preview for dull ‘Newsnight’:
Icelandic ash watch –
“And our Science editor Susan Watts is keeping an eye on the ash cloud from the Grimsvotn volcano in Iceland, which is expected to reach the UK by the early hours of Tuesday morning, the Met Office has said.”
Newsnight is rather like watching the ashes of BBC news output, so no real change there.
Paxman as burnt out volcano belching lots of noise and wind-with Kirsty,Gavin etc probing the warm and smouldering rubble but feigning outrage and excitement between theatres to vist and first class berths on the Lying Scotsman( Fat Alex Salmond!)
So the Spanish Socialists got smacked down in the local elections. Accoeding to the BBC, it’s because people are still reeling from the economic crisis of three years ago and nothing to do with the government’s mismanagement and the unsustainability of the Socialst paradise. Gavin Hewitt even moans that not even more cuts can save Zapatero.
Also, notice the casual mention that protesters around the country defied a government ban on protests. No Beeboid crying about this stifling of freedom in Spain. Perhaps is Syria and the Saudis wouls simply pledge to adopt Socialism, the BBC will stop grumbling about US double standards in dealing with oppressive governments.
But back to Hewitt. He worries…sorry…says that the Spanish are worried that the newly eleted local leaders will find that the Socialists had bled the place dry and cooked the books to hide it. Just like California, he says. Anybody remember the BBC reporting that before? Oops. Of course, a better analogy would be the UK, where the new conservative government came in only to be told that there was no money left. Can’t remind people about that or who cooked the books to hide it, eh, BBC?
In essence, the BBC Narrative is that people are angry at the economic crisis which we all is global and started in America and was exclusively the fault of greedy bankers, even though the Socialist government has spent the county into the poorhouse.
Yestedays World at One was a classico!
The last ten minutes were given over to the collapse of the steel industry in Toledo.
It flip flopped repeatedly…the socialists in Madrid were to blame,but the local council was likely to go to the Popular Party(or so I think-to be honest,it was confusing)
No mention of the Euro or the Socialists soon in need of a bail out-not at all bruv, bleedin` cuts to youth employment schemes innit?
Unfortunately the Toledo craftsman said what we here know to be true-the kids were thick,lazy unemployable and only lived online. No use to be apprenticed… it all trailed off then as we cut back to Madrid!
Hope he kept his sangria receipts-still it took up the rear bumper of a car crash of a show!
P.S-lots of lawyers crawling over the BBC over this injunction stuff and Prescott…all pro bono I`m expecting! Or is Martha Kearney paying for it all?
What has Bono got to do with it ?
Better still is the blog of the BBCs economics editor Stephanie Flanders. She has just posted a waffling blog that flounders around and tries to make it look as if she knows what is happening.
However today things have gone badly in the markets due to further Euro zone problems but less than a fortnight ago the irrepressably incompetent Ms Flanders offered us this.
Why the Greek bail-out has worked
Of course Ms. Flanders does not mention this and will probably complain like she has in the past if people point out her errors. Its hard not to as she makes so many…
Oof, sorry for all the typos there. My fault for working on a tiny keyboard in haste.
It has been posted here, but it is still incredible that someone as spectacularly ignorant of business, finance, economics etc. etc. should be in Steph’s job. Oh, I forgot , it is the BBC , ignorance is a pre-requisite for a job there.
It’s not ignorace, Grant, but ideology.
Heard “Start the Week” when Andrew Marr was free to say what he liked without that injunction being visible!
Simon Baron Cohen said that evil didn`t exist-but a lack of empathy was a much more helpful way of looking at what befell the Dahmers, Sutcliffes and other underachievers.
Today I heard Steve Jones mull on the same topic-and got the pliant Steven Pinker to confirm the notion that it will be genetic, and(but of course) treatable in the therapeutic environment. None of that prison malarkey mind!
Do I see another freewheeling bandwagon for our enlightened and progressive suits of linen at the Beeb? Sutcliffe as “challenging the stereotype of the sex worker as victim, albeit intemperately at times…hell even diasppointingly or inappropriately in the worst cases!” Lord Longford spins in his urn-and niece Harman looks suitably conpassionate(spelt it right too!)
No shortage of Gitta Serenys or Frances Crook( the clues in the name!) to manage his campaign for compassion to be shown-no shortage of empathy round the coming cause od Sutcliffe so it seems.
Only hope he`s racist-THAT will keep him inside if nothing else can!
Wonder what that murdering PhD student in criminology thinks-he`s from the West Riding too, so maybe THAT`S genetically based as well!
Rather you listening to that waffle, cj, than me. I’m getting concerned about the BBC’s collosal CO2 output, it’s been poisoning too many of us for years. I rarely go anywhere near White City without an oxygen canister. Baron Cohen, & his ilk, could try explaining to the shattered parents of a daughter who has been systematically raped, tortured & then murdered that evil does not exist, & that they should reach out to the killer, & feel his pain. See no evil then? So what is it? A temporary problem with ‘anger management’ that can be cured? Like fcuk! Were the 7/7 bombers deprived of fireworks when they were young? The madness of the neo Liberal mind, & its warped, contorted ‘thinking’ is so often devoted to the offender, rarely the victims, or their loved ones. Perhaps these people are just too mundane for our ‘intelligentsia’.
Baron Cohen unfortunately is unable to reach out to Sutcliffe etc, because he is indisposed in a Cambridge common room. His dreaming spires will not tolerate nightmares either-for such useful idiots are never wrong.
Related to Ali G, but equally contemptible..and more corrosive in the end.
Maybe he could entertain a few suitably vulnerable victims instead of comfortable seminars wondering how high up his own arse his head might go. Sutcliffe, Brady, Huntley,Neilson,Wright, Whiting…let me model the empathy you apparently lacked until today…no, Peter…put that down….
Oh Lordy!
Turns out that Rory Bremner has self certified himself as “presenting” with ADHD!
Cue a half hour Radio4 paean to the wonders of Ritalin, and the rest of us only not being victims of ADHD because of the booze and fags. Were that we were as aware of our illness and vulnerability as our Rory…and to say other?…well you`re in denial!
Thought that the BBC told us all to say “no” to drugs!
You can expect this defence now for Peter Sutcliffe I fear!
During my Mothers last year teaching before she retired the powers that be decided that the kids (sorry students) couldn’t carry their own Ritalin about in case they overdosed or more likely sold it. Instead they had to give it to my Mother who has no training in this what so ever and she would then dole the pills out to the little darlings. To her horror she found that around half of the dribblers from the lower sets were on the stuff maninly because the school was suggesting to their Mothers (no Fathers were around as usual) that little Kyle may have a problem because they couldn’t control him and that he should be taken to the GPs. Without a hint of irony the same kids were also given anti-drugs lessons by the school.
Just channel hopped from the end of BBC1s news( where some arse holds cards up to describe Dylans “heroin” problems…such originality and wit!) and over to Newsnight where a Sir, a Lord a Baroness and a Newsnight hack gang up on an elected MP for daring to take up his option on Parliamentary Privilege-how very dare he?).
A perfect little vignette of BBC life-smug,patronising and derivateive copying of someone who at least was original…followed by grassing up a democratically elected MP with assorted toffs and Beeboid offwering to hold their ermines for the scrap.
With Prescott and Esler having played away, I can see why they`d not like this upstart MP telling the lower orders about “goin`s on upstairs”…but to hear Prescott barking over everybody spitting out his wasp was fine telly!
1. Thought drugs were a serious issue and not to be condoned-so why the bald nerdy bloke (Will Gomphert was it?) being allowed to do his sad impression of a talent?
2. Hammock for Prescott at the BBC for the night-does Pauline know?
3. Oh dear-some shit now on how the lefties might learn from Obama now he`s here…they`ll not be sleeping easy in the flats above the restaurants in Bradford tonight. Baeanies off dad!
“..how the lefties might learn from Obama” Lets hope they do
“The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 26% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Thirty-six percent (36%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -10”
Of course, we can expect the BBC to be in favour of injunctions. Anything which suppresses the freedom of the plebs is a good think in the eyes of the all-knowing Beeboid elite.
“thing” !
I thought exactly the same cj
Prescott is a big overweight bullying turd
“Just channel hopped ……..” Cjhartnett.
That reminds me, unless your psychic, channel hopping is a new skill you will have to learn if you want to watch Live Rugby League on the BBC.
Recently the Carnegie Challenge Cup fourth round tie between the Leeds Rhinos and Crusaders started well enough on BBC1, but then disappeared at half-time to another BBC channel.
Totally unacceptable of course.
Where channel hopping skills wont help you in the slightest is if you want to watch the BBC’s Super League Show.
Talk about “Little Orphan Annie”, it’s banded about from numerous time slots, days of the week and channels.
Clearly the children at the BBC haven’t been told ” its a working class game – not like Uni’ – played up north amidst large populations of Islamists”.
Or maybe the infants were enlightened, as this weekends games between Wakefield/Castleford and Bradford/Wigan went out uninterrupted on just one BBC channel.
Or maybe this was just an abberation.
When Newsnight is on, it`s a doddle to turn over to get the other slant on the swill n bilge on The Westminster Hour or suchlike on all manner of Goebbels-lite platforms and infotainment streams!
BBC is binary at this time of night-do you want shit or shite-and the pronunciation is “crucial” to move the debates forward,should you want to!
Couldn’t the BBC have one Channel dedicated to sport so the rest of us don’t have to channel hop to avoid sport.
I exempt cricket , of course, but that is banned from BBC TV now anyway as only people with a high IQ can understand it.
Can’t wait for the Olympics, yawn…………………….
Very good points and yes only the BBC will have any hopes for their Olympic ennui-fest, let alone justify the costs.
Back to Rugby League coverage, for those Beeboids being bribed to move North by the BBC with licence-fee money, I don’t see why it shouldn’t allow us to officially refer to them as the SALFORD CITY REDS !
o’barmy comes to the UK a day early because of the volcano……
he must be slipping……I expected him to stand in front of the ash cloud and command it to leave immediately
come on lardarse mardell……get on the ball in your blog and gives us all a laugh
or am I being cynical? *cough cough*
Volcano ,my ashtray!
I was right to predict this as the outcome of the smoking ban in Ireland.
And he has brought a massive limousine named “The Beast” with him. Carbon footprint anyone ? What’s wrong with a British Rolls Royce ?
whenever the BBC siad that “the beast2 had got stuck on a ramp somewhere,the first thing that went through my mind was
“and what about the car he was in?” 😉
I never thought the day would come when I would defend John Humphrys.
Apparently he is in trouble with The Rabbit Welfare Association for saying that rabbits ” shouldn’t be in a hutch, they should be in a casserole “.
Tricky one for the BBC !
You`re onto something here Grant!
The rights of casseroles not to be so denigrated by the Watership Down lobby seems to be one for the BBC Trust before the beano to Brussels. Victory to Vulnerable Vegetables!
Not only casseroles either-stews too!…curries if we`re wanting inclusion and diversity…
Uncooked food like salad as yet has no passionate community champions, so they`ll be O.K as long as we`ve obtainerd our licences-unless you scald, boil or injure any constituent part-then I`m no longer pro Bono!
Careful, cj, The Lettuce Welfare Association has your number.
Apparently, Sarah Montague’s reaction to Boyo Humphrys PC lapse was that she hoped her daughter wasn’t listening. Well I would hope her daughter doesn’t listen to Humphrys anyway.
Glad to hear you have forsaken Bono !
And tomorrow on Radio 4 in Islam Inc Edward Stourton investigates the new global network known as the Gulen movement.
This week’s Dear BBCC There Are Other Religions You Know slot.
I’m only protestan because I’m sikh of this focus on BBCC’s fave religion. :'(
I heard a trailer for this today with horror. It was only a matter of time for the BBC to discover this sinister, evil, movement and present it as benign. It just surprises me it took so long.
A sort of Turkish Common Purpose without the openess.
Thanks BBC, for dropping the Turkish secularists, who are fighting for survival, right in the merde again.
Beeboids – The ultimate useful idiots.
No doubt Gulen has friends at INBBC.
The following item is a counter to E. Stourton’s whitewash:
“Fethullah Gulen’s Grand Ambition: Turkey’s Islamist Danger”
Hats off to the woman in Womans Hour today!
Who cares about her name?,Her comments about children in effect not being sexualised enough were grand to behold. Who booked THIS one?…
Adrian Chiles ex nearly burnt her curry and the feminist harpie with a book to plug was “deeply disappointed”…does it get any worse at the BBC?
Our slut of choice was an idiot-but a “reductio ad adsurdem” idiot and the child of the same liberal stripe as her twisted sisters. She only took their logic and extrapolated…oh dear did she miss the seminar on “it`s the liberal elite that set the boundaries of taste” then?
Not the likes of Playboy and their padded bras for 7 year olds-so private sector! Come on Dave, make us a law-anyone will do!
A joy to see all their guff on “responsible choice” definitions of words like “sexualisation” all thrown back into the curry mix!
The “jury is out”, “we`re having a debate”, “who`s to say what children are?”…all well and good saying these things, but not to define or to act on! Where`s that Annie Lennox song to blot out the contradictions? ”
Is there a man -apart from Prescott-still in the building love?”
So many questions!
A real insight into the liberal guilt trip resulting from their years of empowering the sistas…and where it all ends.
Basically in intellectual twister and harpie screech fests…as if that nice John Prescott left his spirit in the very studio!…amongst other unpleasantness I`m not allowed by law to say of course!
The BBC -providing confusion as solutions since 1968!
Still-a womans prerogative eh Jenni?
If you are reading this you will be amused to know that I thought I had escaped Prescott when you closed your blog, only for cj to resurrect him.
Is there no escape ?
Stop laughing, it is not funny !
Somewhat pedantic of me. But it really grips my shit when so called Defence experts can’t even get the basics right:
“On Monday, French Defence Minister Gerard Longuet confirmed media reports France was deploying attack helicopters to Nato’s Libya mission. French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said 12 Tiger– and Gazelle-type helicopters were being despatched to Libya.”
Err actually the French helicopter gunships are called tigre, yes it means tiger in French. But the Eurocopter made Helicopter comes in many variants and as such the French Tigre is a much different beast than the German Tiger. For a start it can fire missiles (Well one variant can) it mounts its gun and radar on the vehicle body. The German one carries its radar above the rotor blades, cannot fire missiles and carries its gun in a pod. Oh and the reason why the French are deploying the Gazelle alongside the Tigre. It’s because the HAP Tigre isn’t fitted with a laser designator and so requires another vehicle to laze targets. Something they have been doing in Afghanistan. Here is what I wrote about the Tigre/Tiger last year.
Now I know some will think I am been a pain, yet a so called news org which is more than happy to inform you how to pronounce ‘Neucastle’, Hezb-allah,Mum-by and the rest should be getting it right when it comes to all things Par-ree.
I’ll need to check that with the BBC “Defence Correspondent”, Caroline Wyatt, and get back to you.
It’s not worth the bother Grant. In 1983 and a very young pounce found himself working as a Combat support Boat operator in the Falklands. One day one of my passengers (a so called defence expert for the media) was making his way to one of the ships in which to use their mari-sat so as to report back to England what had been happening. As I’m piloting the boat, he asks me:
“How many engines ,has a Harrier?’
As we had just lost one, I presumed his report was about said aircraft. I really wiish I had told him 2,3 or even 4 in which to have exposed him for the fraud he was. However I was young so I told him the truth.
BBC-EU reports:
“Hague says Europe ‘must be tough’ on N Africa migrants”
“Camp of the Saints: Trucking Across Europe “
Martha Kearney on the World At One today managed to
a) Quote Polly Toynbee at Giles Coren-you,sir are encouraging mob rule.
b) Raise Prescotts concerns about his phone being hacked as proof that the PCC are useless( we need a Privacy Act-Marr will write it!)
c) Wheel in the Guardians editor to the studio-whilst leaving Coren on the mobile(his bill too I bet,seeing as he works for Murdoch!)
In short-liberal chattering classes collude to deal with free speakers-Guardian and BBC like two stiffs propping each other up once the Twitter bus has long gone!
Martha and the Muffin Tops…off their trolleys!
Yep, funny how it is Leftoids , including Left-Wing judges, who support the injunctions. I wonder why ?
In the 8:00 news on Radio 4 this morning I heard the first BBC mention (in my experience: it might have been mentioned before but not, I think, in the BBC flagship news) of the energy riches accruing to the world from the extraction of gas from shale. Of course, being the BBC, the only reason shale has become worthy of notice in the BBC newsroom is apropos of (although AFAIAA omitted from the 8:00 News) the approval for shale drilling by a Commons Committe. Staightforward reportage of this was thrown under a passing bus as the BBC took the opportunity to resuscitate a 2-week old report http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-13333473 that extraction of gas from shale could poison the water table. BTW on the BBC website extracting gas from shale is more or less always referred to as “controversial”. Bias? What bias?
Have we all got to dig up our gravel drives now then?
I caught a trailer for tomorrow’s “Women’s Hour”, which seemed to be about masturbation and why it is not discussed more openly. I may have misheard as I was driving at the time.
But, good for the ladies fearlessly to grasp a big subject !
I don’t think that the gals “grab” anything in that situation: the *ahem* process is rather different for them.
(This is according to Mrs Bug, though she admits her memory for this sort of thing may be a bit fuzzy, since being married to a studly sex-god like me means she has no recourse to DIY these days……)
Thanks for that. I have always wanted to know, but have been afraid to ask.
Poor Mrs. Bug. Can’t you just leave her alone to wash the dishes ?
LUCKY Mrs Bug. And it’s me who does the dishes, mostly, since I am not only sooo studly she can’t help herself, but also trés helpful arould the old family schloss here.
Well I guess it is refreshing to have a “modern man” on this blog. 😀
Oh, dear. a big round of applause from the US Congress when Netanyahu said that Jews in Israel are not foreign occupiers. Cue wailing and gnashing of Beeboid teeth.
Kim Ghattas clearly hated the reception Netanyahu got in Congress today. The Beeboid newsreader set her up by saying that the Israeli PM was “stirring up trouble” while the President was out of town. With the Narrative thus set in motion, Ghattas said that he was “playing American politics”, and causing mischief.
Wyre Davies then says it’s just noise to please the right-wingers in Israel, no peace talks possible in the foreseeable future.
Narrative gotten across, BBC job done. Informing you, not so much.
Anybody else notice this bBC article surreptitiously disparaging Lord Ashcroft on been tasked to lead a government review of the UK’s military bases in Cyprus. A task I should which is unpaid.
I quote:
Lord Ashcroft has come under fire from Labour and the Lib Dems, including leader Nick Clegg, over his tax status. In the run up to last year’s general election, Lord Ashcroft was the subject of fierce criticism from Mr Clegg. The future deputy prime minister said it was “wholly wrong” that someone “seeking to influence the outcome of the general election” sought to pay taxes “only partially” in the UK.
Lord Ashcroft has donated more than £4m to the party in recent years, much of which has been spent on campaigns by Tory candidates in marginal seats.
So do you get the impression that the bBC isn’t that keen on anybody in Government who is tainted by controversy.
Here is the very same bBC reporting on a certain Peter Mandelson in 1998 when it was revealed he had been the recipient of a £373,000 interest free loan :
Peter Mandelson is innocent
By Stephen Evans, BBC industry correspondent
Peter Mandelson is innocent. It’s important to clear the great man’s name. After all, as some bard nearly said, rumour runs round the world before truth gets its track-shoes on. And the great politician without portfolio needs help against idle rumour more than most.
And here is how the bBC reported his tenure at the British Council in 1999:
Mandelson joins British Council
Former Trade Secretary Peter Mandelson has been appointed as vice chairman of the British Council, which promotes the UK around the world. Mr Mandelson will be one of two vice chairs, alongside Virginia Bottomley, the Tory MP for Surrey South West. Baroness Helena Kennedy QC, chair of the British Council, said: “I am delighted to welcome Peter and Joan to the board.
And here is how the bBC reported his tenure as the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland:
Mandelson returns to cabinet
The British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, is reshuffling his cabinet.
There are few details so far, but a BBC correspondent says Mr Blair has appointed one of his closest allies, Peter Mandelson, as Northern Ireland Secretary, replacing Mo Mowlam. For Mr Mandelson, it marks a return to the cabinet less than a year after he resigned as Trade and Industry Secretary when a controversial loan he took from another minister to buy a house became public knowledge.
And here is how the bBC reported when Mandelson gained the position of European commissioner.
Mandelson offered top Europe post
Tony Blair has nominated long-time ally Peter Mandelson as Britain’s next European commissioner.
The prime minister said the Hartlepool MP had the right skills and contacts and was “the best man for the job”. The move represents a remarkable political comeback for Mr Mandelson, who has twice resigned from the cabinet in controversial circumstances. Tory co-party chairman Liam Fox said Mr Mandelson would not stand up for the UK in Europe as he was too pro-European. Dr Fox also questioned whether “someone with his track record” could be trusted in such an important role.
So the bBC has no problem defending a bum bandit (now before anybody calls me Homophobic, this twat while at the EU got his Brazilian parking space a British passport (while living abroad) when the Coach of then British cricket team Duncan Fletcher couldn’t as he was away on tour all the time) yet gives Lord Archer a hard time.
Yup no bias here what soever.
The description of the corrupt, dishonest, sleazeball, Mandelson as
“The great man” rather gives the game away, especially as we know Beeboids don’t do irony.
Right up there with Kim Il-Jong, “The Dear Leader”.
I haven’t been able to find this report on events in London (not Kabul or Islamabad), at INBBC today:
“Muslim gang launched horrific attack on religious studies teacher they did not want teaching girls”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1390082/Muslim-gang-launched-horrific-attack-religious-studies-teacher-did-want-teaching-girls.html#ixzz1NI2EDy3S
The only two school in London which BBC-Obamessiah is interested in are both apparently predominantly non-white ethnically, which are presented as some wonderful portend of what the future of British society entails when based on an open door immigration policy.
The two London schools:
1.) Michelle Obama –
2.) Barack Obama (plus Cameron as ‘multicultural’ underling):
Astonishing racism! They think the President can deal only with people who look like Him. >:o
To be fair it is probably impossible to find a convenient state school in London with anything more than a handful of white English children.
I tried to find it as well. Does not compute for the BBC so best ignored. Reality is not something the beeboids are very keen on.
So has anybody seen the bBCs video on the Banquet held at Buck house in Honour of the US President:
VIP guests arrive for state banquet at Buckingham Palace
VIP = very important person and who does the bBC spend more time on?
Why that would be Mrs Blair. (Very clever how they insert her in)
Why that would be Ed Millband and Guest
Why that would be Gordon Brown and Wife.
Now see if you can catch the PM, he’s there, but he isn’t given special treatment like the bBC gives to Labour MPs (and their spouses)
How ironic that Gordon the Moron was invited to dinner by the Queen, but not by Obama when the Moron visited Washington. You couldn’t make it up.
I wonder if Obama asked Brown how he is enjoying his DVDs ?