A bit of a revolution is going on in Canada. The Conservatives won a thumping election majority on May 3, and new premier Stephen Harper has wasted no time in cutting taxes, asserting national sovereignty and boosting defence spending. His resolve puts the Cameron government to shame and shows how far we are from having a truly conservative administration. Top of Mr Harper’s agenda, too, was scrapping climate change legislation. Hallelujah! Unlike in the UK, there will be no suicidal carbon tax, and he’s also binned plans to phase out old-fashioned light bulbs – which may seem minor, but the imposition in the UK of mercury-filled monstrosity bulbs symbolises to me all that is insane and fascist about greenie zealotry.
The BBC, of course, has scarcely metioned this major outbreak of common sense – a tectonic shift, I would argue, in that it’s the first government to comprehensively disagree with climate change lunacy – saying instead only that Mr Harper has “avoided” climate change legislation. In BBC speak, that means he’s a right wing, shifty, denialist who is taking his country to hell in a hand cart.
Meanwhile, in sharp contrast, BBC climate change zealotry is in full sympathetic flow this morning in the reporting of Australia’s continued descent into climate change lunacy. Premier Julia Gillard has blatantly broken election pledges not to introduce carbon taxes, and now, crows the BBC, has induced – in true Pravda style – the Climate Change Commission to file a report that warns that sea levels will rise by one metre by the end of the century. Oh yes? These people are such shameless propagandists that they are beaneath contempt. Nothing ever dents or blunts greenie arrogance…as this report shows.
But as usual, the BBC reports the nonsense with only a nodding mention of scepticism, and of course, it’s emphasised that “Australians are one of the highest per capita carbon emitters in the world”. In the BBC’s creed, governments are always right if they support climate change lunacy; those that don’t are simply right-wing nutters.
Gillard won’t remain the Wizard (or Witch) of Oz forever, and the good folk down under will eventually wake up and collectively screw the Sheila (metaphorically, of course). Let’s all fervently hope that as little damage as possible is caused to the Australian economy in the interim. How do these dim nutters ever get to control a country? Obama, Gillard, Brown, Cameron – they must all sound so plausible, or the good public wouldn’t elect them – would they?
These chicken lickers like Monbiot,Harrabin and IPCC queue up to mock “loopy Christian nutters” that stand around Sydney or NYC expecting the end of the world-and get a far few trips out to film these deluded doomwatchers in the process of doing so.
But when it comes to Global warming-for Gods sake maan, it`s a heavy scene-and they are not to be mocked for the low wattage that they continually apply to their own man-made parody of scientific method!
Good old Canada-Tony Abbott too in Oz-yet the Beeb suck up to Kevin Rudd and Obama for continually regurgitating Komment Macht Frei as policy for their own people…but only after we`ve committed economic hari kiri first…
Ed Milipede -Hu Jintaos gofer for the forseeable future..but he got a Chairman Mao cap and a rusty wok,so fairs fair!
Reckon this shower of climate cheerleaders are low energy models prototypes for Fu Manchus puppet show to come…Burnham,Miliband,Huhne-all look like Mitch Mercury, if no Brains!
s emphasised that “Australians are one of the highest per capita carbon emitters in the world
The BBCC and fellow travelers ‘seamlessly’ shifted to looking at per capita emission rather than total emission only when the hated America was overtaken by China as ‘the world’s biggest emitter of carbon’.
We saw the seams though.
It shouldn’t be linked to countries anyway. Everyone should have there own personal carbon emission data which are published.
I can compare myself with Al Gore, Huhne, Bono and all the assorted hypocrites, including Beeboids.
Call me an “Anorak “, I don’t care. Have just been reading about the Red-legged Partridge in ” Handbook of the Birds Of Europe , the Middle East and North Africa” ( as one does ). Published in 1980.
Under “Distribution”, we have this ” Southward retreat in natural range …. possibly due to climate changes ” ( NB Natural as opposed to introductions ).
But it was based on research in published in 1960 and 1973 when the climate was cooling , so obviously not relevant today.
Ah!! research I remember that .But isn’t our new post-modern models much better, and quicker. CO2 can now cause warming, cooling, drought, floods and even earthquakes all at the same time. Try that with your old fasioned observational science.
But, CO2 is to blame for EVERYTHING, John…
“The data don’t matter. We’re not basing our recommendations [for reductions in carbon dioxide emissions] upon the data. We’re basing them upon the climate models.”
Chris Folland of UK Meteorological Office
Can you imagine any other theory based on this “thinking” surviving? It just beggars belief
Folland owes his long and probably very comfortable career to the Hadley Centre/ UK Meteorological Office and a battery of other US Alarmist NGOs. His expertise is “Climate Modelling” He served four times as a Lead Author for the IPCC. He is one of THEM. A Professional Alarmist. He is one of the guilty men responsible for fuel poverty and the destruction of our countryside and our economy in the name of the evil climate scam.
Follow the money. Who funds the Met Office?
The Met Office funders are – the Government. How likely is it they would turn around and tell their funders “its all been a dreadful mistake. The world doesn’t need saving. CO2 is innocent. soory”
” as usual, the BBC reports the nonsense with only a nodding mention of scepticism”
It certainly was a nodding reference Robin! Even so, the BBC’s description of the sceptical Mr Jensen’s words were cut and pasted from an Australian Associated Press article, with the addition of the word “argued”.
And talking of cutting and pasting, here’s an example of the BBC engaging in churnalism:
Support for ‘Size of Wales’ rainforest campaign
Most of this article is cut and paste from a press release by the ‘Size of Wales’ campaign:
CCW announces support for Size of Wales
Note especially the identical wordings of each closing paragraph.
Reminds me of Australia’s election before last, won by Labor. There was a guy, I forget who, hosting WHYS on the eve of the elections with his sleeves rolled up in preparation to fight the good fight for Labor, I thought, but the party he pushed was the Greens. Seemed the Greens even trumped other lefties in his hierarchy of causes worthy of campaigning for. Incurably biased.