Can you imagine the coverage the BBC would have provided had George W Bush signed the WRONG YEAR in a visitor’s book at Westminster Abbey or entirely fluffed a toast to Her Majesty? But when Obama does it, why it a mere “hiccup”. One rule for one….
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HE is THE ONE. HE can do no wrong. HE IS THE Kenyan/Irish/American MESSIAH!!!
God will correct his errors. Perhaps…
Natsman, he is even more than that – he apparently has British roots too!
I linked to David Vance’s blog and some idiot has commented that Sarah Palin gets a “Bye-ball” with all her gaffes. That’s not the Sarah Palin we know whose every stumble is made into a level of gross incompetence by the MSM, BBC in particular. They even “wittily” ask if Obama will be able to see Russia from Warsaw. Ho ho I must leave for the hospital to have my sides restitched. There’s no end to the lying of the left-wingers.
Absolutely right, Demon. They leaped on “refudiate”, but have censored all reports of any Obamessiah errors, and now are actually covering up for Him. In fact, the “hiccup” DV links to above is evidence of the BBC protecting the President like North Korean media covering for the Dear Leader. That piece stretches the truth to try to convince you that it was in fact the band’s error and not His. Which is a lie.
Nicky Campbell introduced his phone-in on Obama this morning by recalling the feeling of excitement at the BBC when He was elected. Realising what he was said might sound somewhat less than impartial he tried to cover himself by claiming it wasn’t about politcs, but about what Obama represented or something. Might put a clip up of it later if I get time.
What are the Beeboids supposed to do? Their hero Tony Blair has sadly fallen from grace over that war thing. Che is long gone so Obama has to be the one.
And Gordon the Moron is in disgrace !
What did The Obamessiah represent to the BBC besides the defeat of George Bush? That’s all they cared about.
To the BBC, Obama is indeed the Second Coming. Only in their over-excited state, unfortunately the BBC came first. Electoral Dysfunction is a terrible thing.
The BBC article linked to states:” The string orchestra of the Scots Guard mistakenly began playing the British national anthem before the president had finished his speech.”
There you are. It was their fault, not His.
I posted that earlier today, before I saw your post just now.
How did I know the BBC would blame it on the Scots Guards ?
I have just seen the video of it. It is a definite gaffe by Obama. Just look at the faces of the Queen , Prince Philip and Camilla !
I think , normally, the toast comes at the end of a speech ?
Some of the US websites are saying it is a gaffe.
What is the BBC’s problem ? Expect them not to refer to it again !
They have made a big issue of it by showing Cleggy and OBAMA laughing about it. Maitliss claimed that Cameron (or Clegg or somebody British) had apologised to OBAMA for the band getting it wrong. They are unbelievable, the BBC.
From the above link:
Everyone sing along now (you know the tune):
Good Lord, he’s such a dope!
Just goes away, we hope,
in twenty-twelve!
Screws up a simple toast,
So awkward for his host,
We all must do
our uttermost
To vote him out!
Yes, it is so blatantly a cock-up by Obama. Why should anyone be apologising to him ? He should be apologising to the Queen.
If he is happy to accept the hospitality and £700 bottles of wine he should have the decency to learn basic protocol.
Obama’s problem is that he has no class, and I don’t mean in the snobbery sense of the word !
can you imagine the foam flecked cameras as the beeboid autocue readers read this story out
IF it had been bush that is……
The End Of Habeas Corpus: This Is “Justice” In Obama’s America
By Kenneth J. Theisen
25 May, 2010
On Friday, May 21, 2010 the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled in favor of the Obama administration, holding that three prisoners who are being held by the U. S. at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan cannot challenge their detention in U.S. courts.
This is a victory for reaction, essentially denying prisoners of the U.S. war of terror held at Bagram the right to habeas corpus.
The denial of this basic right means that these prisoners have no right to a hearing in which a judge would review the evidence against them and could potentially order their release. This is “justice” in Obama’s America. The Obama administration has once again advanced the political and legal agenda begun by the Bush regime. If this ruling is not overturned, many prisoners of the U.S. war of terror could be held indefinitely.
of course I’m no bleeding heart liberal retard,but ordinary citizens could now face this as well as the mozzie whackjob terrorists
It is a bit worrying if Obama doesn’t even know what year it is !
or indeed if this applies to “all57 states” of the union LMAO
sarah Palin did a skit of all his blunders
makes Bush look like a genius…..did you ever see the youtube video of O’Barmy trying to talk without an aoutocue?
This is the link to Sarah Palin’s skit.
I think I saw the second one where, if you didn’t know better, you would think he was on drink or drugs !
“Obama’s Toast to the Queen Triggers Awkward Orchestral Moment”
Wow-only a couple of hours in a state school and all that Chicago lawyerly training and affirmative action Stateside goes out the window-or more likely through it once it`s been noted by a vulnerable young person that lacked self-esteem…mais,naturellement.
Truly Bazza is a product of the British educational challenge…rispek bruv-cu at Kweens noshup innit!
Well what do you expect – he spends most of his time in the WH hosting either Motown parties or gangsta rap poets. Not much chance of him learning the etiquette of when and how to toast a reigning monarch
Obama’s muslim faith…..
awkward slip of the tongue there Hussein….
O’barmy mocks Christianity….
I suppose we should be thankful he hasn’t quite reached the level of Frank Drebin. Mind you, there’s still time.
I consider any comparison to be an insult to Frank Drebin.
Here’s Nicky Campbell introducing today’s phone-in on Obama:
“When he was elected, I mean, I just well remember this newsroom. It was nothing to do with politics, it was to do with the racial history of the US and of the Western world, the fact that that family was going to be in the White House. It was truly an historical moment. He came into office, his words were, y’know, right out of the Martin Luther King books of speeches. He was a wonderful, a wonderful orator.”
Nothing to do with politics my arse.
“I just well remember this newsroom” – you can just imagine it can’t you? Tears of joy, lots of cheering, that sort of thing. And these people have the nerve to claim they covered that election in an impartial way, and indeed still claim to be impartial on American politics. Liars.
So Nicky Campbell reckons it is ok to be voted for on the basis of race rather than politics ?
For those who missed my comment on another post, here’s Bibi and Obama in their 20s.
“What did you do in the war, daddy?”
Well I know which one I would trust !
It makes it even funnier that tough guy Obama was giving Bibi the hairy eyebrow when Bibi was telling it to him straight the other day.
Something tells me Obama is a wimp.
Surely there`s yet another Nobel Peace Prize we can give the Great Helmsman for …well being so great an` all!
Maybe not the Southwark Family of Chillzone Schools Spelling Bee achievement award though-not yet anyway!
As I see it the Mardell Unctuous Ode just tops Nicky Campbells prize effort thus far…but the Order of the Brown Nose Award is still up for grabs…where is Nicholas Parsons when you expect him?
The thing I’ve noticed about those who swing to the left of the political spectrum. Is that they have no problem disparaging those who are their mirror opposites for the slightest mistake (or as seen in parliament,physical disabilities) yet when their own are caught redhanded ,then it’s a gaffe, he was misunderstood or the message was lost in translation. I was taught such people are hypocrites
I thought some of PM Netanyau’s speech must have had an effect on Pres. Obama. The way he spoke just now in the David Cameron/Obama news conference showed considerably more awareness of Israel’s difficulties than before. No mention of settlements being the obstacle to peace, and an almost sympathetic explanation of the impossibility of negotiating with people whose only reason for being is your elimination.
It was Cameron who let the side down, with his use of the word ‘borders’ instead of the more sensitive term ‘lines,’ demonstrating that he hasn’t done his homework. Presumably he has to think of the Muslim vote.
Here’s an open letter to Liam Fox from Denis MacEoin which is worth reading.
If anyone is as unaware of the case for Israel as Liam Fox must be, it makes you wonder why he even wanted to be thought of as a supporter. Keeping the world in ignorance is the biggest ‘recruiting sergeant’ for the Palestinian cause possible. (That’s why we’re here.)
there’s a right rogues gallery on display on al beeb from westminster hall
Blair,brown,cameron,et alo
and bercow hanging out of his arse like a pervy leprechaun
How sad is that the black girls whom the BBC seeks out for vox pops on Michelle Obama’s speech view her as an inspiration that all dreams are achievable if one tries hard enough? Marrying someone is an inspirational achievement? Nice promotion of sexism, BBC.
David P,
My (black) wife marrying me was an inspirational achievement. If only I could convince her !
PS. Surely Condi Rice should be held out as the role model ?
Her achievements did not depend on marrying.
Is there some reason the BBC don’t mention her much ? Maybe she isn’t black enough.
When it comes to right of centre Politicians, in the eyes of the BBC, the individual could have no merit even if that person was a black, lesbian woman in a wheel chair. There is no excuse for holding right of centre views.
the whole thing is a total gut wrenching gush fest
I’m glad I don’t pay for this crap
How could anyone write 2008 for 2011? I mean it is not the first of January 2011 when you might write 2010 – that would be understandable. Did Obama do it deliberately?
It’s not even understandable to write 2010 five months into the new year. But The Obamessiah is simply not as wonderfully brilliant as the Beeboids claim. The explanation for this latest error is simple: 2008 is when He was in His glory, and gave that rock-star speech in Germany. Celebrating Himself is first and foremost on His mind, so it’s perfectly understandable that He’d be fixated on 2008 and just got lost in the reverie.
After listening to the endless White House propaganda about this campaign tour of non-voting states, I’m struck by the glaring absence of one key perspective. The talking heads and Beeboids are full of praise for how the President’s foreign policy speeches are playing well back home and will help Him in the election, they are not mentioning why.
People approve of His foreign policy actions because it’s a continuation of the Bush Doctrine. There’s still plenty of discontent back home about His handling of domestic issues, especially the economy. But the BBC isn’t mentioning that at all, because today we’ve come to praise Caesar and not to bury Him.
OMFG what a bunch of sycophants. He’s proved that He can be a great “leader of the US and of the free world” just from this visit? Where do they find them?
“These Are Obama‘s ’Top 10′ Insults Against Britain”
Following all the gushing praise of the President, the News Channel just did a special segment celebrating the final episode of Oprah Winfrey’s show. There couldn’t have been more adoration. But here’s something left unremarked by the Beeboids:
With all the talk of racism and racist US bastards not wanting a black President, etc., how does the massive white fanbase of Oprah square with the BBC’s Narrative? This black woman has a huge influence on millions of people in the US, which means millions of white people love her to death. Are they still racist if they don’t want to vote for the black President? How can all those racists love Oprah, then?
A black woman simply could not become as popular and powerful in a country that’s as racist as the BBC claims.
Is there any country in the world where people with black skin and people with white skin are as well “integrated” as in the US ?
She was supposed to be all for women but as soon as a black man hove into view going for the nomination, she forgot all about that and backed him over the woman. Is she racist along with the rest of the voters? Heh.
Here’s another little something that puts the lie to the BBC’s Narrative that Republicans are too racist to vote for a black President:
Gallup: Republican candidate with highest “positive intensity” score is Herman Cain
How about it, BBC bigots?
Sorry I only get my news from the BBC; who is Herman Cain?
Can only black men go for President now? What a racist country! 😉
No, of course not, but if you don’t vote for the black man you’re a racist…er…
Barry might not be the full dollar-but what about Michelle eh?
She took thirty odd gels from Islington and inspired them to -well “search for the hero inside themselves” in effect!
They too could be lawyers-marry another lawyer and pimp off the state for a lifetime.
Case number one -surely the lack of gels like them all at “Axfourd”-Trevor Phillips may still stump up the dough if they get a move on!
Hopefully Oxford will charge the market rate to keep these Michelle clones out of Lincolns Inn…
On behalf of the United States of America, I humbly offer my sincere apologies to Her Majesty the Queen, Her Government, and the people of Great Britian for the way this bumbling bufoon has treated you during this election campaign trip, and for the last two years.
Not in my name! Not in my name!
Well, at last he has seen some advantage in cosying up to us on this side of the pond. Will the US of A now vote him out please, if only so that we do not have to endure this appalling stream of guff from the Beeboid Corporation for another six years? Thank you in anticipation.
BBC live text commentator on Obama: ” I wonder if he’s doing all this from memory
Couldn’t they see any of the TelePrompters?
Perhaps they also think all those Shatner-esque pauses are completely natural as well?
Talking about Shatner, Palin, McCain and Obama:
Check out BBC favourite Dan “The History Guy” Snow’s gushing appraisal of the Obama – Marr interview.
The “Son of Heaven” bit (that’s right, Son of Heaven – follow the second link above if you don’t believe me) refers to British ambassador George Macartney’s meeting with the Quianlong emperor in the 1790s. A big deal was made about Chinese demands that the British kowtow to the Emperor (and that’s what Snow is referring to), but here’s how Macartney later described his experience:
“whenever an insufficient man happens to have the command on deck, adieu to the discipline and safety of the ship. She may, perhaps, not sink outright; she may drift some time as a wreck, and will then be dashed to pieces on the shore; but she can never be rebuilt on the old bottom.”
Sounds like a good analogy for the trillions of dollars of debt Obama’s stimulus spending has created. I somehow doubt that’s the comparison Dan Snow was trying to draw, though.
Did anyone hear that vomit fest on Radio 4’s PM this evening. Some bloke was talking to Eddie Mair about Obama, it was a full on Obama love fest, the best bit being when he said he’d managed to shake Obama’s hand and Mair asked him if he was going to wash his hands again! To cap it all off the caller claimed Obama is the greatest speaker in history. I kid you not.
Oh my God, yes I did. I heard it in the car coming back from work. I had to check the car when I got home to make sure he hadn’t ejaculated out the speakers.
If it was Mark Mardell, he never washes his hands anyway.
Kaks wrote: “Did anyone hear that vomit fest on Radio 4’s PM this evening. Some bloke was talking to Eddie Mair about Obama, it was a full on Obama love fest”
I’ve just listened to that exchange. What’s most dispiriting is that the “some bloke” who recounted how he rushed to shake Obama’s hand and said he wouldn’t now wash his own hand for three days was Brooks Newmark – a Tory MP.
When Eddie Mair told him that fellow Conservative MP Mark Pritchard had criticised Obama for not being more committed to operations in Libya, Newmark responded condescendingly: “I never have many thoughts on Mark Pritchard.” He followed this with some bland Cameroonian waffle, even managing to get in a mention of “environmental challenges”.
Finally – and this bit beats even the fanboy handshake nonsense – Eddie Mair asked him about Jimmy Carter:
Mair: All week on the programme we’ve been running archive clips of old presidential speeches from previous speeches to the UK. We’ve got Jimmy Carter coming up later. Do you think he’ll match Obama’s oratory? [Fishing for the desired answer there, eh Eddie?]
Newmark: Er, not at all, although I have to say that Jimmy Carter was a very smart man, a very smart president, and since he’s stepped down as president has done a lot of good in the world. Um, I think that probably President Obama will go down as one of the, probably the best speakers in history.
What a sickeningly pathetic display, but sadly not surprising from a member of today’s parliamentary Conservative party. I predict Newmark will do rather well under Cameron.
My tweet to Brooks Newmark.
“one of the best speakers”, but not one of the best Presidents? Heh.
I see this greasy-pole climbing dickhead is already a government whip.
If Newmark thinks that of Carter, he must be mentally deranged.
He symbolises why I will not vote for the current Conservative Party.
And indeed why said party does f*** all about the BBC.
When the telly showed Oprah saying goodbye, I thought that Diana Ross had died!
Presumably a nice big sofa awaits Michelle when she gets her own TV show once she has dusted off the petals-such star quality…we can all be M People now!
Indeed I contine to search for the hero inside myself-but the BBCs squires Michelle…oh lucky girl..and even luckier world!
I suspect Oprah’s farewell show will be followed shortly by a comeback series “by popular demand”.
I have no problem with Ophrah Winfrey. With her achievements as a communicator, business chief executive, marketer and philantropist with her own money she would make a far better POTUS than Obama.
Pity that Obama scooted off without You and Yours being able to ask him a question that no-one but they are empowered to ask.
What Winifred wanted to know today was-when is toilet roll able to be defined as water soluble for the sewage industrys criteria?
Turns out that wet wipes are not so defined and this is a source of concern both to Winnie and all yummy mummies who were having to listen in to this stuff!
Where`s the guidelines…the legislators…what does the E.U think and how do we agree on standards?
Wet wipes…no discrimination-no excuse to do so thanks to those selfless servants of ours at You and Yours!
No wonder Obama made his excuses and left early!
It never ceases to amaze me the number of trivial issues, or should I say tissues, covered by “You and yours”. Have some people really nothing better to do with their time ?
Come to think of it , why were you listening ?
I took my cue from the wonderful Sue!
She stayed up a few weeks ago as Dimbleby was wheeled from Any Questions to Vote2011 or suchlike.
She watched it so that the rest of us need not have to!
In that spirit I suffered You and Yours…so others wouldn`t have to.
Currently looking up the absorption coefficient of kitchen roll, so if you see Black or Harridan, tell them that TRUE science goes on here in Wessex!
I salute your indefatigability !
I just caught the end of “From our own correspondent today”, a piece from Sri Lanka.
I am offering a special bottling of 4-year old “Tiger’s Breath ” Irn Bru from the small, little-known distillery of MacJaffna at the Northern tip of the much troubled Isle of Arran here in Bonnie Scotland to the first BBBC poster who can answer the following question :-
Which people were the BBC reporting on and were most sympathetic to ? Was it :
1. Sinhalese
2. Tamil
I realise you have a 50% chance, but to make it easier there is a clue in the name of the Irn Bru.
Good luck !
3. Palestinians. I win ! 😀
But then I’ve won at least one of your little contests before, and the promised prize (a dozen cases of Tokay IIRC) is yet to land on my doorstep. Since this does rather reinforce the old stereotype about about Scots, wallets and combination locks I’m sure you’ll be keen to rectify what I’m sure is an oversight on your part.
Oh, and you can keep the Irn Bru.
It may be 4 years old, but it doesn’t mature for another 20 years, so you would have to wait anyway !
Palestinians is close , but not quite right.
Sorry, posted on wrong thread !
Earlier this week – BBC Oz correspondent Nick Bryant on the Beast getting stuck in Ireland:
It says much about Obama’s revived fortunes that the stranded ‘Beast’ isn’t being deployed as the metaphor de jour.
I think you’ll find it says a great deal more about the sycophantic media, Nick. As indeed does your tweet. (And shouldn’t it be “du jour”?)
I want do a post making fun of Mark Mardell’s latest piece about his beloved Obamessiah, but am unable to log in with this blogpsot/blogger weirdness with Firefox.
One amusing bit is where Mardell sympathizes with a colleague (he doesn’t say it’s a fellow Beeboid, what whom else whould he refer to as a colleague?) about not wanting to tell the grandchildren that he saw The Obamessiah’s speech only from an editing suite and not in the flesh. Is it cos He is black? Utterly pathetic.
But notice how Mardell makes an utterly ludicrous statement about how some “rising powers” may want to foster democracy but just not “at the point of a gun”. WTF? Which ones, Mark? Do tell.
He also makes it clear that the President’s speech was disappointing only in that He didn’t say exactly what Mardell himself wanted to hear. Pretty hilarious. Other personal bias is revealed as usual for a Mardell piece, but it really deserves a full post on its own due to the sheer insanity and inanity of what he’s saying. Especially where he reveals his inner racist by judging a black man exclusively by the color of his skin and not the content of his character.