This woman is Head of Development at BBC Radio 5 live HQ and she gossips like an extra in Coronation Street. Is this the standard of professional people at the BBC?
Surely a public enquiry is due in order to locate the source of the perpetrator of this outrage.
I am glad that the BBC didn`t lead on this today, and so the ensuing investigation will therefore not be prejudiced.
I am also pleased that I am free to say all this without the worldwide injunction that may yet follow.
I am therefore instructing Lord Hutton/ Prescott/ Butler Sloss/Laming or indeeed any other fat trougher to be on call for the sedan chair and carrier pigeons, quill and parchments that I am in the process of acquiring…I will draw the winners name from Obamas baseball cap this Friday at the Fat Cat Brasserie.
In the meantime, do text in on 1010 to vote for your suspected pottymouth
1. Andrew Marr.
2. Russell Brand
3. Jay Hunt( has she still got access to the email here,luvvie?)
4. Lord reiths Spinning coffin.
(Texts will cost what Ant, Dec or my good self can agree on!)
It’s also a figurative imprecation that is, sadly, denied the BBC’s uniquely funding client base from applying literally.
Sort of don’t say as they do, and can’t do much about it anyway.
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Might not have been a gaffe.
It could have been any of us lot!
Obvioulsly Dimbletwit pressed the wrong button, he meant to send it to Conservative HQ.
It was someone “at the BBC”. It could have been a conservative voice crying out from the wilderness.
Was it Martin?
It could have been Obamarama. A man can only take so much sycophancy.
More proof that the BBC is now run by a bunch of 15 year olds.
Please add me to those would agree with the sentiment.
This woman is Head of Development at BBC Radio 5 live HQ and she gossips like an extra in Coronation Street. Is this the standard of professional people at the BBC?
Well, Chris Patten has proved us all wrong.
Sound chap, whoever it was
Charming lot of people, these Beeboids aren’t they? Remember the rabid, ranting effing and blinding Richard Leeming? A fine specimen of Beeboid.
Surely a public enquiry is due in order to locate the source of the perpetrator of this outrage.
I am glad that the BBC didn`t lead on this today, and so the ensuing investigation will therefore not be prejudiced.
I am also pleased that I am free to say all this without the worldwide injunction that may yet follow.
I am therefore instructing Lord Hutton/ Prescott/ Butler Sloss/Laming or indeeed any other fat trougher to be on call for the sedan chair and carrier pigeons, quill and parchments that I am in the process of acquiring…I will draw the winners name from Obamas baseball cap this Friday at the Fat Cat Brasserie.
In the meantime, do text in on 1010 to vote for your suspected pottymouth
1. Andrew Marr.
2. Russell Brand
3. Jay Hunt( has she still got access to the email here,luvvie?)
4. Lord reiths Spinning coffin.
(Texts will cost what Ant, Dec or my good self can agree on!)
Well, judging by the language, I would say it was Gordon Brown.
I thought it might have been Stephanie Flanders responding to someone who asked her how those bailouts are working.
It’s also a figurative imprecation that is, sadly, denied the BBC’s uniquely funding client base from applying literally.
Sort of don’t say as they do, and can’t do much about it anyway.