Anyone catch this interview on the BBC this morning? It concerns the government plan to tackle Islamic extremism and in brings the BBC Former security minister Baroness Neville-Jones and Azad Ali, chair of the Muslim Safety Forum and an adviser to the previous Labour government. Azad plays the role of outraged moderate Muslim except that is not quite the entire picture.
Mayor Boris Johnson has given at least £30,000 of taxpayers’ money to an organisation co-controlled by an Islamist “extremist”, the Standard can reveal. Azad Ali praises a spiritual leader of al Qaeda on his blog, denies the Mumbai attacks were “terrorism” and quotes, apparently approvingly, a statement advocating the killing of British troops in Iraq. He also criticises those Muslims who “tell people that Islam is a religion of peace”. He describes non-Muslims as “sinners” and says Muslims should “hate [non-Muslims’] disbelieving actions”.
Talking about jokes, and reactions to jokes:
U.K.: Comedy show host threatened over suicide bomber joke
“In an internet post she said: ‘I am anti any prejudice of any kind. And particularly the generally lazy media portrayal of Muslims or any blanket negativity towards Islam.
‘But HIGNFY is a political satire. Its job is to hold a mirror up to most media prejudice. It deals in irony and in that sense it does the OPPOSITE of what it’s actually saying.”
Does that mean Sandi Toksvig was really trying to say the Tories aren’t cunts?
So Sharon Hogan’s HIGNFY joke was really aimed at anti-Muslim prejudice, was it? Sounds like a weak argument but I suppose it is at least consistent with the BBC’s usual tippy-toe treatment of Islam.
Does Sharon Lorgan have a future with the BBC?
Anger at HIGNFY’s Mecca joke
Note the BBC has already attempted to censor this by claiming copyright.
Praise and embarass the BBC on their complaints form to counter the real complaints. I guess the BBc will find its boilerplate response I guess we got it about right will be hard to produce on a praise, however cynical. Make this viral and see how the BBC responds.
Praise the BBC
This Muslim appointment by UK government show how it is still duped by many Islamic apologists who have a frightening personal history, but still it naively turns to.
Just as when the big problem of Islamic jihad and sharia propaganda in e.g. British universities is in the news, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) turns to Muslims predominantly, to decide on the matter, while the vast majority of the non-Islam, or anti-Islamic British people are excluded by INBBC! INBBC gets Muslims to decide what will be the Islamic-compliant fate of British people! This is INBBC ‘multiculturalism’.
Despite, or because of political preferences of British government, UK universities, and INBBC, this continues:
U.K.: Guest of Federation of Student Islamic Societies told audience a “permanent state of war exists between the people of Islam and the people who opposed Islam”
And, as is well known, supporters of e.g. Israel are not allowed to speak at most British universities.
“Extremist websites to be blocked under new plans to tackle radicalisation”
Read more:
As a necessary first step, the British government should CLOSE DOWN the Islamic Republic of Iran’s state political propaganda TV HQ in LONDON, ‘PRESS TV’, which opposes the West, 24/7, on Sky satellite.
No doubt INBBC would concur…
Scratch the surface of pretty well any spokesman for a Muslim group, it seems, and you find that they are not as moderate as they, and the BBC, would like you to think.
Note to Government:
Its not Radical.
Its not Extreme.
Just Islam.
Still, at this very moment, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) on ‘PM’continues the utterly misguided political ‘PREVENT’ path of its Labour chums.
We paid for Radio 4 ‘PM’ reporter today to go to Leeds, home of 7/7 Islamic jihad mass murderers, and ‘interview’ only Muslims who tell INBBC reporter what she wants to hear, and this is the ‘multicultural’ propaganda which non-Muslim British people and opponents of Islam ideology are mischievously fed by INBBC still!
It won’t work, INBBC, you continue the ‘Prevent’ stupidity; and you continue to turn to Muslims to decide on how to stop Islamic jihad attacks on the vast majority of non-Muslim, anti-Islam British people! With 57 million other British people as political bystanders!(If you can stand it, it’ll be on i-Player soon.)
During the speech the Tory leader categorised those who espoused an ideology of Islamic extremism alongside those who supported violence. He said: “Move along the spectrum, and you find people who may reject violence, but who accept various parts of the extremist world view, including real hostility towards western democracy and liberal values.”
So we can now expect some action against BBC propaganda?
In Islam Not BBC (INBBC) review of report, INBBC does not even mention the words ‘MUSLIMS’ or ‘ISLAM’ until two-thirds down the page. In fact, if you had not read another source, you would not know until a long way into the INBBC report, that it is supposed to be about the threat from Islamic jihad and sharia. (But the words ‘jihad’ and ‘sharia’ are taboo in the INBBC ‘school of journalism’.)
INBBC’s main tone is to continue to leave the real daily threat against British people from Islamic jihad and sharia advocates and practitioners, to Muslims to solve. It is INBBC applying the old Labour ‘Prevent’ dangerous and costly stupidity.
This is quite a list of cities which have been colonised by Islam, and where there is a threat, according to the Government:
The list is so long that INBBC does not complete it, but just mentions ’15 areas of London’. 15 boroughs, INBBC. Name them all, in the interests of the ‘security’ of the British people, INBBC.
“Priority areas<!– pullout-items–><!– pullout-body–>BirminghamBlackburn with DarwenBradfordDerbyLeeds LeicesterLutonManchesterStoke15 areas of London ”
“Terrorists exploit legal ideologies”
25 priority areas – 16 are London boroughs
16 of those areas are London Boroughs. Including every east London borough bar the one furthest into Essex.
For 2011/12, following an analysis of all local authority areas across the UK, the 25 priority areas are as follows (listed in alphabetical order): Barking and Dagenham, Birmingham, Blackburn with Darwen,Bradford, Brent, Camden, Derby, Ealing, Hackney, Hammersmith and Fulham, Haringey, Kensington and Chelsea, Lambeth, Leeds, Leicester, Lewisham, Luton, Manchester, Newham, Redbridge, Stoke-on-Trent, Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest, Wandsworth, Westminster.
The same old ‘multicultural’ ideology pervades this latest version of ‘Prevent Strategy’. It pervades all strata of the UK political elite (inc INBBC).
There is no understanding that the ideology of the tenets of Islam are the key motivation of Islamic jihad and sharia.
There is no recognition that a detailed independent (not ‘guided’ by any Muslims) understanding of these Islamic tenets by Western, non-Muslims is essential.
There is no recognition as to how politically useful ex-Muslims, and opponents of the jihad and sharia and general supremacist ideology of Islam, can be.
There is a dangerous presumption that 57 million non-Muslim people can depend on the ‘Muslim community’ to solve the massive problems of Isloamic jihad and sharia when the ‘Muslim community’ is committed to such tenets as they appear in Islam.
There is no commitment to stop all further immigration into Britain from Islamic countries; on the contrary, there is silence on this crucial issue which involves even more immigration from additional Islamic areas such as Turkey (with all parties campaign for 80 million Muslims to join EU) and from North Africa.