Look, let’s get ONE THING straight. There is no way that the imminent shelving of the proposed 50% sentence cuts for an early plea of guilty can be blamed on Justice Secretary Ken Clarke. No way. Have a laugh and listen to Nick Robinson come to Clarke’s rescue on Today this morning in a quite remarkable example of BBC bias. It seems Oliver Letwin is to blame! You see whilst the BBC loathes Conservatives, it likes those who are Conservative In Name Only, hence the desire to love Clarke and Chris Patten. I also thought that the idea of the prime breakfast-time interview being between one BBC journalist and another is quite incestuous (With a pre-record of Michael Howard thrown in as faux balance)
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Ken Clarke is the Tory plumb line of choice-a lead standard as it were.
John Humprys said on air that if you`re to the right of Ken Clarke, then you`ll be defined as “Right” wing-and therefore wrong of course!
That means that the vast majority of the British people including many Labour MPs are Right Wing !
The fat traitor was described by a beeboid this Am on toady as the only social liberal in the cabinet =-O
Pro ecofascist pro euroslime pro criminal pro human rights and a slimy traitor to boot. He aint a right winger but he is one of the reasons for the decline in genuine right wing policies. He would be right at home in newslavelabour. No wonder the beeboids love him. Big beast as the BBC label him? Big fat traitor more like.
Hilarious interview by Eddie Mair with Ken’s Best Man, John Bummer.
Eddie asked him “Wouldn’t Ken be better off in the Labour Party ?”
Bummer says ” No, Ken is in the tradition of Tories that include Peel, Disraeli, Macmillan and Heath “.
Save Ken? Fuck ‘im…
Jazz loving, E.U fronting, Euro pushing tobacco selling patronising pompous slacker who left his brain back in the Treasury in 1997.
Apart from his flogging ciggies to Chinese kids, what`s not to like about Ken at the BBC?
He`s living the dream as the mole that Leon Brittain could have been!
Actually, DV, I think Robinson was going much further than that. He’s pinning this on Call me Dave in particular and the entire Conservative Party in general. Reminding everyone that it started with Letwin as Shadow Home Secretary is just to set this up, as it implies that it’s been a Tory thing since before Clarke.
Beginning @2:01, after Robinson starts saying that it wasn’t just Letwin’s idea: “It was David Cameron who signed up to it. And the idea of this sentencing discount was not some quirky idea from a Left-wing Tory that then offended the Daily Mail, but was actually in the Government’s Spending Review documents last October.”
Robinson is such a great shill for the Conservatives, is he? Not here, he isn’t. And what did he mean when he started answering Davis’s question about whether or not other proposals are headed for the scrap heap or just the “whole Ken Clarke approach” (whatever that means) with, “…and let me pick you up on that“? Was he expected a leading question based on the pre-determined script and didn’t quite get the right one? I ask because his answer only half dealt with the question, and instead took just one part of it a big step further.