I see that the BBC is giving massive prominence to our Sharia-compliant leftist loving Archbishop of Canterbury’s latest attack on the Coalition. Williams waffles on about the Government introducing reforms no-one voted for. Can’t seem to recall the Druid taking to his platform during the Labour years to denounce them on a similar basis but I suppose since this story conforms to the BBC narrative about “fear and anger” it was always going to be given a blast.
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for me,2 words encapsulate everything about Williams……
Williams is just a weirdy beardy lefty, and the BBC love him. Dame Nikki’s phone in is all about it….what a surprise and sooo boring.
Well, they love him when he says something nasty about the Tories and they can quote him. When he has a mild whine about muslims setting fire to a churchload of christians, they can ignore him.
Bit like when they appointed a muzzie as head of religious broadcasting and he didn’t complain really – ‘usefull idiots’ find occasional use for ‘usefull idiot’.
Don’t recall voting for this bloke. Who is he?
Was he on Masterchef?
I don’t know about Masterchef, but I’m damn sure he’s never been on the BBC’s Songs of Praise.
I DO agree that the coalition are merely copying New Labour. Get into power THEN you can do what you want.
Just to remind myself though – I cannot remember voting in the period from 1997 to 2007 for:
1. The state’s share of GDP to go from 32% to 52%.
2. THREE million immigrants – all bringing their own different cultures.
3. The Iraq war.
4. The invasion of Afghanistan. Remember Reid saying it would be nice if the campaign could be fought “without firing a single bullet”?
5. 1000 Quangos.
6. 1000 types non-uniformed officials with a right to enter my home.
7. The “state” being identified as the building block of society rather than the individual and the family.
8. An 80% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050.
9. A Deputy Prime Minister screwing a secretary on his desk at work.
10. A lunatic (chancellor then PM) leaving power with a plan to quadruple the national debt compared to 1997.
11. The further loss of sovereignty in the Lisbon Treaty.
12. Being told every day through the BBC that it was MY fault.
13 Secret family courts – used to protect the professionals rather than the families.
14. The use of government spending power to spread racial quotas for employment.
15. A target culture. Meet the target not the need.
16. The worst speaker(s?) of the HoC in 3 centuries.
17. Red tape – like there is no tomorrow. “Thou shalt not sell budgies to people under sixteen years of age”.
18. The doubling of my council tax.
19. Billions spent rescuing Northern Rock so New Labour didn’t have to make 5000 people redundant in their core constituencies.
Obviously I could go on and on – but I think that is more than sufficient to make the counterpoint to the Archbishop’s statement.
Why is he wearing his underpants on his head? Is this a Druid tradition? Or was he merely shading his ecclesiastical head from global warming…
20. The break-up of the UK. (Golly – how could I forget that?)
Mr Rowan has a point which I think it’s fair we let him make !
But so do I and it is why should I have any time to listen to a soulless sham of a preacher bleat about the poor of which I doubt he knows anything outside the staged soup kitchen press days come Christmas! where only the nice clean poor get vetted for the cameras ‘where was his sermons during the wars and economic disasters under Liebour ? why has he suddenly grow a moral compass that’s not surprisingly stuck hard left!
Now he spends his mornings giving succour to the ED’S in their time of need by running about to his lefty supporting press mates and the BBC , but then after his labours of the day he can go back to his empty expensive pile and weep into his copy of the gurnion and their next little match girl/evil Tory line without guilt !
lefties don’t do guilt that’s just for us poor sinners!
The Weirdy Beardy of Canterbury writes
Incidentally, this casts some light on the bafflement and indignation that the present government is facing over its proposals for reform in health and education. With remarkable speed, we are being committed to radical, long-term policies for which no one voted.
With a quick visit to the Conservative Party manifesto, I find
NHS reform – Page 45
Free shools – Page 53
As 10,703,754 voted Conservative, that makes you, Weirdy Beardy, a liar.
Christians burnt alive in Sudan?…disappointing!
Believers beheaded in Saudi?…disproportionate!
Churchgoers and converts from Islam raped in Kashmir and Pakistan?..may yet be unacceptable after a mature debate and cause for long reflection-but won`t say any word that may yet be too strong without taking the context into account!
Blair, Harman turning any proseltysing of the Christian faith into a crime-but allowing Islam to do that and FAR more?…well, I`ll get back to you on that one!
But Thatchers Bulington boy in any part of public life at all-EVIL!
WE know now who the BBCs chaplain of all the faiths( but the one named after Jesus) is going to be when we can winkle the useful idiot out of Lambeth Palace don`t we boys and girls?
Shirley Williams with a beard!
I think the only things missing on the picture are the pencils up the nostrils and a caption saying “Wibble”.
David Vance: “Can’t seem to recall the Druid taking to his platform during the Labour years to denounce them on a similar basis…”
Well I can, and the criticism was about – wait for it – increased public borrowing
On 18th December 2008 Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams said, in response to a question about Gordon Brown’s government’s plan to increase public borrowing to ‘stimulate the economy’
“I worry about that because it seems a little bit like the addict returning to the drug”
The BBC did not lead on this story despite the fact that it was highly critical of government policy and likened it to drug pushing AND the interview was conducted on the Today programme. The story here http://tiny.cc/emxxx was relegated to the ‘UK’ pages. Here is the main BBC news page on that day: http://tiny.cc/8kdpv with no mention of the Archbishop’s criticisms. Not only that but the headline of the relegated story was “Economic crisis a ‘reality check’”. Seems the addict analogy was not liked by the BBC despite that fact that the scoop happened on the BBC. If the BBC does not promote its own scoops then no-one else will.
Contrast that with today’s major splash. This is a scandal.
I remembe that day alright, sitting in the school car park as Rowan wrung his hands and beetled his brow as Humph or the like teased him out-as emollient and uselss an attack on Q.E etc as you`ll ever hear!
That it was seen as an attack on Darling etc would not have been noticed except those not of the BBC/Labor Faith…in which case it would have been coded heresy no doubt!
Didn`t notice any mandate for bringing in Sharia to the UK ,but it did`nt stop the pillbox advocating THAT earlier in the year!
The BBC front news page from December 2008 has mysteriously disappeared from the wayback machine archive in just the same mysterious way that the Archbishop did not appear on that very front page on that very day. This has rendered my link redundant.
Never fear I have a screen dump: here is the non-appearance of the Archbishop of Canterbury on the BBC news page in December 2008 after his likening the Labour Government’s borrowing plans to junkies http://tiny.cc/rwlwn
He even looks like a muslim.
Actually i think the poor man was deeply affected by the film zardoz!
Still-he got 20 minutes of the World At One.
Martha said that the C of E had form on this-and back we went to tebbit in 1985 to show the Church actively opposing the Tories.
As for Labour though- the gay adoption stuff and that unpleasantness alluded to above from 2008 and the bank crisis?…no archive material I`m afraid, so I`m afraid it`s only the Tories that the Cof E oppose-so there!
At least Stalin let the whitewash dry when he refurbished history to his own ends…the BBC still cut and paste live on air whilst the limewash is still wet!
Useful idiot number 1 today-back to historys dustbin tomorrow though…Lambeth Palace IS open to the undeserving poor tonight I`m sure…lots of old Guardians to mop the lager-induced incontinenence too!
Come on, cj, you don’t think Williams actually enjoys the trappings of power do you ? It must be agony for a down-to-earth man of the people to live in luxury when he would rather be in a rat-infested squat in the East End with his mates. But, he has to do his duty and maintain the dignity of his office, however many sacrifices he has to endure. Show some respect, please !
Having seen this story today plus others today and on previous days; I can only come to one conclusion, my biasometer is on full tilt.
Every negative coalition story is being given full and detailed prominence. I have to go to sky (FFS) to get a balanced view!!
What I’m enjoying most is how pissed off the Beeboids are that the ArchBeard chose the New Statesman for his outburst. Every time they mention it – and it’s been just about every third segment on the News Channel for the last couple hours – they have to call it a “Left-wing magazine”. They know this partially disqualifies his criticisms because he chose a political outlet for them. They’re not happy, and Sopel had to say the choice of venue complicates matters, and Laura K. had to remind everyone that the fact that it’s a Coalition actually does mean that the Government – not a single party, but the Coalition Government – does have the majority of votes.
Beeboids having to qualify a criticism of the nasty Tories: very amusing.
So much for the Church of England as the Tory party at prayer. 😉
It hasn’t been that for a very long time; the Conservative party (even now, under Cameron) must have about the same number of paid up members as the CofE gets on pews on an average Sunday. Cameron certainly managed to get more people to turn out and vote for his party last year than there are active members of the CofE (over ten million Conservative voters c/w about one million in CofE pews every week).
Maybe if Williams were to start using his pulpit to preach Anglican Christianity he might get a few more people to attend his churches, and then his opinions might carry a little more weight.
Obviously he is entitled to his opinion, like the rest of us, but why he should be given such publicity when he speaks on behalf of such a small organisation is beyond me. I can think of many larger organisations (including a couple of political parties) that have greater support, but do not get the same level of publicity.
It is because he is left-wing.