BBC in full Glastonbury mode.
Last night BBC3 and BBC4 both taken up by performances from previous years’ festivals.
But, what is this ? To my surprise the BBC website has reported the demonstration against Bono and U2s’ tax avoidance schemes. It was dealt with swiftly by PC Plod. Obviously, it wasn’t the right kind of demonstration.
Could this be the start of a BBC campaign to expose tax avoidance and evasion by celebrities, especially hypocrites like Bono ? Or will they just stick to Tory-supporting businessmen ?
Just as surprisingly, Today covered the story too, though it didn’t delve into the details of U2’s tax avoidance.
It was an odd segment because the protest was described in some detail and there was an interview with one of the Art Uncut protestors. However the reporting beeboid then went back into U2-friendly gush mode when he got a short interview with Bono.
To paraphrase Harry Hill, the BBC likes U2 but it also likes UK Uncut, but which is better? There’s only one way to find out (it seems)…present both sides of the story without much criticism of either.
I listened to this when it was on this morning Craig and was going to comment. It was a weird little piece of reporting with as you say no mention as to why UK uncut might be protesting and definately no mention of the fact that the Irish govt might welcome this tax revenue right now. The reporter told how U2s security guards trampled on the protestors banner (or was it ballon) in a very light hearted way. I somehow doubt the same light hearted tone would be used if say Barclays or any of the other companies UK uncut protest against employed security guards.
Excellent. I wonder if the UKUncut crowd has been asked to film the protests for their buddies at Newsnight again. Footage of trustafarians rummaging through a dressing-up box would be most amusing.
A great writer and thinker, Brendan O’Neill, editor of “Spiked”. Well worth subscribing to their weekly newsletter which gives hours of deep, insightful dissections of current news stories. (It’s free though I do support them when I can.)
Spiked is interesting. I don’t always agree with Brendan O’Neill’s take on things. Or with Mick Hume either. He used to write a weekly column in The Times which is where I first came across him and discovered Spiked. He also used to edit some marxist journal, I believe.
Tax avoidance is perfectly legal while tax evasion is NOT legal. When I was contracting I did everything possible to reduce the tax exposure of my company and to increase dividends to my share holders (Mrs Mailman and me).
And while the left will bang on about how the average person in the street has to pay their taxes while these faceless companies dont…thats just a load of bollocks! Every single person in this country can do what companies do (legally of course). The only difference between bob on the unemployment benefit and bob running his office is the while and desire to make it happen!
No great surprise to see which commentator Matt Frei has chosen to help him discuss the state of the nation for his final episode of Americana this week – Andrew Sullivan.
Looney toons conspiracy theorists aren’t usually treated with such reverence, but if you’re an anti-Palin nut there’s always a welcome at the BBC. Being a gay Obama-supporting faux conservative helps too, of course.
It will doubtless be a reprise of that episode after the mid-term elections last November when Sullivan spun furiously for Obama, saying he was “where most American are”, and Frei spun the president as a “moderate pragmatist”. The both also spun against the Tea Party which, “after all of the hullaballoo”, didn’t do very well according to Frei. Sullivan agreed, saying the Republicans would have won the Senate if it wasn’t for the Tea Party.
Much of the interview though was spent on Sarah Palin with Frei calling her “the Evita of the North” and Sullivan calling her “the Queen Esther of Alaska”, both laughing at each other’s comments. Sullivan also played the race card against her.
Er, Queen Esther was a Jewish heroine. As in The Book of. It’s what Purim’s about. Quite frankly, it’s despicable that the BBC would have on this deranged birther and tell you he’s a valuable contributor..
Just be thankful you no longer have to pay Frei Boy’s salary.
I’m not sure if there were any prominent journalits involved in the Birther episode – and indeed if they spent their every waking hour obsessively writing about it like Sullivan did with Sarah Palin’s child – but it’s hard to imagine some Beeboid having a jokey, light-hearted coversation with them.
That scenario is reserved for nutters like Sullivan and genocide advocate maniacs like Atwan.
U2 were of course the BBCs house band when the group put out its last CD back in Feb 2009…wasn`t the BBC criticised in some report for “product placement” and “being willingly used” by the record company-and all associated merchandising types involved.
The Beeb likes its MacCartneys,Jaggers,U2s and other rock royalty-for an anti-elitist agitprop cheerleader, the BBC seems to be happy to keep the rest of us behind the red velvet ropes when REAL royalty breeze by!
I was up early this morning and with nothing else to do (Even the Cat remained upstairs) I watched the news, well the bBC version. So from 8am to 9am what did the bBC talk about:
Milly Dowler : Where the bBC lawyer was brought on board to explain how aggressive cross examination is part of the process of judicial process in the UK and thus I was left with the impression that the Dowlers were crying over spilt milk.
Food prices in the UK have gone up and more and more families are heading to the local food bank in which to get fed.
Ed MIlliband admits that Labour has to change.
Now want to guess which subject out of those three which took up 30 minutes from am to 8.30am was given the greater prominence?
And you’d be right to guess that it was the Milliband story. Which managed to soak up nearly 15 mins of airtime. In fact from the news I have watched these past few weeks I am of the impression that the bBC is running with a pro Labour article every otherday. While at the same time airing doom and gloom about the present incumbents every chance it gets.
Then in the remaining 30 mins the bBC aired 5 seconds on the man who stabbed a burgler being released on bail, tennis and a review of the newspapers which for some reason was directed at an opinion piece in today’s Times which tries to link Todays Generals with the Generals of WW1 and them being not up to the job.
Which brings me to my next observation, the bBC isn’t reporting as much as it should fromSyria. Oh it may be but for the news I’ve watched these past few days it appears that coverage of events in the Levant has dropped far behind reporting on Shane Warnes make over, and the drought I am facing even thou the area I live in has seen nothing but rain (Lots of rain) since April (Maybe Coleridge was thinking of such a chain of events when he wrote the tale of the ancient mariner and the famous saying ‘Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink)
Now why has the bBC gone all coy on reporting from Syria, It’s not as if they have the same problem with Israel. I wonder if the open door policy the Assads have with Abu Bowenis the reason why?
Milliband admits that labour was not listening to the British public on immigration – fact is, labour engineered the mass immigration deliberately, so this latest pretence is dishonest to put it mildly.
Levis Bellfield is of Romany Pikie descent (one of the liberal Fascist’s master races), thus can be forgiven for something as trivial as a few murders.
The Today programme discussed the treatment of the Dowlers in court, pitching rentagob John Cooper QC (all over the broadcast media in the past 24 hours) against BBC favourite Helena Kennedy. I couldn’t at first figure out what the strange background noise in the studio was, but then realised – it was the sound of their anguished liberal hand-wringing.
Typical ‘Today’ programme – balance one left-wing QC from the Labour Party (as As I See It noted on the last open thread) with another left-wing QC from the Labour Party.
Earlier there was a friendly chat with Peter Preston of the Observer and Guardian (during which the press and broadcasters were exonerated). Later, incidentally, Northern Ireland was discussed with Henry McDonald of the Guardian and Observer. Reversing the order of the ‘Observer’ and ‘Guardian’ though doesn’t make things balance!!
Talking of the Guardian, that Miliband story was inevitably also featured on ‘Today’ with Jim Naughtie reviewing the Guardian‘s interview with Ed Miliband. Naughtie was bigging up Ed’s words, saying “It’s quite a moment!” The idea of opening up the Labour conference to charities and pressure groups was described by Naughtie as “intriguing”. (Sounds like the BBC News Channel).
How the bBC rewrites the story of how Gilad Shalit was kidnapped from inside Israel by terrorists (Yes terrorists) who did so by invading as the fault of…Israel. Gilad Shalit: Israelis hope for release five years on Every morning at his residence in Jerusalem, the Israeli Prime Minister wakes up to large banners and flapping flags that read, “Gilad is still alive.”There is also a tree covered in yellow ribbons on the pavement outside and a campaign tent set up by the family and supporters of the captured soldier, Gilad Shalit.His father, Noam, says the idea is to remind Israeli officials of their responsibility to ensure his son’s safe release from Gaza, where Palestinian militants are holding him at an unknown location. “He was sent on his compulsory military service, and he had no choice in this. He was sent on a mission by the government and the government should bring him back,” says Mr Shalit….A new documentary, recently aired on Israeli Channel 10, revealed previously little known details about the circumstances of Gilad Shalit’s capture. It showed how the day before he was taken, Israeli special forces entered Gaza and detained a member of the Palestinian militant group, Hamas. At the time, they did not know he was part of a unit planning to seize an Israeli soldier.When Hamas heard the man was in custody, they did not cancel the operation. Instead, they brought it forward.”What happened is they dug a tunnel that went about 400m (1,312ft) beyond the border,” says Mr Danker. “So while the Israeli soldiers were looking towards the Gaza Strip, what actually happened is that Hamas came from behind.” Separate groups attacked a watchtower, an unmanned vehicle and Gilad Shalit’s tank. He and his comrades were forced out of the hatch after a rocket-propelled grenade was fired at them. Two Israelis and two Palestinians were also killed in the raid. (Strange how the bBC dilutes the story by rebranding armed terrorists who invaded another country and who died in that other country as..Palestinians)
Yes another misinformative article from the bBC which remakes the guilty as victims and the victims as..guilty. But then I am talking about the anti-semitic bBC which is currently going out of its way in which to hide the killing fields of Syria from the public.
The bBC, reporting on unjust bans on Australian biker gangs in NSW and half the story. Australia’s High Court overturns law banning certain motorcycle gangs Australia’s High Court has overturned a law designed to criminalise certain motorcycle gangs in the state of New South Wales. The law would have allowed police to seek court orders stopping gang members from associating with each other. However, a member of the Hell’s Angels, Derek Wainohu, challenged the law on the grounds that it curtailed individual liberties.
And here is the rest of the story the bBC doesn’t tell you about: Police wage war on Australia’s 3,500 outlaw bikers as deadly feuds rage BIKER gang violence is escalating in Australia with groups such as the Nomads, Rebels, Commancheros and Bandidos waging turf wars involving drive-by shootings and firebombings, say police.”Enough is enough,” said New South Wales state police commissioner Ken Moroney, announcing a crackdown on what Australian police call outlaw motorcycle gangs. We are fed up with bikie gangs launching acts of retribution on the streets.A crackdown, named Strike Force Ranmore will involve officers from local, riot, traffic and licensing police, as well as specialist crime command squads, Mr Moroney said. It will carry out regular traffic checks on bikes, raid the gangs’ fortress-like clubhouses and check on gang licences to operate security and liquor businesses. Ranmore will also involve covert operations. “I will use every lawful means at my disposal to bring this criminal activity to an end,” said Mr Moroney.
And here is a little more the bBC doesn’t want you to know: THEY call themselves MBM – the Muslim Brotherhood Movement – a gang of 600 men who boast they are the toughest and best young street fighters of Middle Eastern descent in Sydney.The sudden appearance of MBM, with its growing membership recruited predominantly from the city’s south-western suburbs, has alarmed senior police already battling to combat open warfare among outlaw motorbike gangs. Even hardened private security guards have expressed concern to police about the indiscriminate “punch and run” tactics of MBM members who, in the past two weeks, have arrived in large numbers at city nightclub venues and who walk the streets in intimidating mobs. But the objectives of MBM – its emblem features two crossed pistols and a hand grenade – and its leadership remain unclear to officers of both the Organised Crime and Gang Squad and Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad.Police say that a fortnight ago MBM members embarked upon a campaign of random assaults on men who crossed the path of a mob of about 100 toughs stalking Darlinghurst and Kings Cross during the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras.
Instead all we get from the bBC is a one-sided story about how the human rights of Biker gangs have been infringed.
The difference in reporting from the bBC when it comes to Civilian deaths in Afghanistan.
Whenever allegations are made of NATO strikes on Civilians. The bBC will report firstly on how the story is fact (never a retraction) On how civilian deaths are a bug bare in the country for the Afghans (While omitting how civilians casualties by NATO have fallen by 52% with 3% yes 3% of all civilian casualties in Afghanistan caused by Airstrikes.) and how they present this image that NATO is murdering more civilians than they are saving.(2,700 civilians deaths in 2010 of which the Taliban accounted for 75% or 2025, NATO accounted for 675)
Now lets look at how the bBC rewrites the facts in which to give the image that actually it is NATO which is murdering civilians left right and centre in Afghanistan. Afghanistan: Attack on Logar hospital kills 60 At least 60 people have been killed in a car bomb attack at a hospital in Afghanistan’s Logar province, local officials say.Dozens more were hurt in the blast, some critically. Most of the casualties were civilians.Militants often target Afghan state employees as well as foreign forces. Officials blamed the Taliban, but a Taliban spokesman said it did not attack public places, adding the blast was caused by “someone with an agenda”.
So according to the bBC, a bomb has gone off inside a hospital , 60 people have been killed and they allow the Taliban, the only group in the area with a history of killing the sick, lame and lazy to claim they didn’t do it and that it was somebody with an agenda. Agenda bBC, you mean somebody like NATO trying to give the taliban a bad name. But it gets better after any story about a so called NATO airstrike (9 times out of 10 a false report) the bBC inserts the following paragraph:
Civilian deaths in strikes have caused widespread resentment in Afghanistan.
Yet when the Taliban murder many more, not only does the bBC remain silent on the huge number of people killed by the Taliban, but they actually allow them to claim they didn’t do it. No wonder people in the UK feel the Taliban are winning, the propaganda arm of Islamic terrorism (The bBC) only promotes the image that Islam is a religion of peace, that we have no right to be in their countries (As opposed to them having every right (and a few more) to be over here) and that as long as we kill hundreds and thousands of Muslims, then the Taliban have a right to fight back.
That is a seriously good point and one that the BBC should be made to address. The BBC’s overwhelming pursuance of agendas is disgusting and a serious government would take action. Unfortunately Cameron is a spineless PR man and deserves his footnote in history for heading the interim Coalition government that separated the longest Labour government in British history from the last British national government before the creation of the EU Superstate.
I bet he hasn’t given much thought to this side of Turkey – wonder if he is happy to import more sleazy criminal types to prey on young boys, girls boys and women:
The EU ceased to be an issue in Turkey some years ago. They are against joining, don’t want to be dragged down with Greece and all the other EU no-hopers. It will never happen. Why should the Turks put their economic miracle at risk ?
BBC & “Labour lost touch with public and members – Ed Miliband”
Yes, BBC-Labour’s totally misguided politics on e.g. open-door mass immigration, and spendthrift public expenditure, etc were totally out of touch with public opinion under Labour government; and BBC-Labour have the same beliefs now, which they still try to impose on us, despite the devious denials.
Caught 2 minutes of 5Live discussion on immigration this morning. Usual propaganda: examples of highly paid and educated immigrants contributing to country, on average immigrants pay more in taxes than receive in benefits etc. No mention that this average hides a wide discrepancy between few highly paid immigrants (inc those from USA and France working in banks) earning & paying lots and those immigrants from Somalia and elsewhere living off of benefits and contributing nothing to the UK.
The differences in bBC reporting on Spies caught in Israel and Lebanon.
The bBC is currently leading with a story about how a terrorist organisation in Lebanon which has bullied its way into power has caught 3 spies. Hassan Nasrallah: Hezbollah men ‘spied for CIA’
The article waxes lyrical about how Hezb-allah have caught 3 men who have confessed (So they must be guilty) to spying on their fellow countrymen. Now contrast that coverage with how the bBC reported on how Israel jailed an Israeli Arab for spying for Hezb-allh. Israeli Arab activist convicted of spying for Hezbollah
The bBC goes to great lengths in which to promote this man who also confessed (plea bargaining) as only a victim. The bBC not only allows human rights orgs to have their say, they even include a snippet about how Hezb-allah fought a war with Israel in 2006 which killed nearly 1200 Lebanese civilians.(And that’s in light of how Hezb-allah have admitted that over 800 of their terrorists were killed) in otherwords the bBC adds information which they feel is pertinent to the story so as to give the reader more information as to why an Arab would spy for a terrorist group against his country.
Now lets go back to the original story, does the bBC allow any human rights org to bitch about how Hezb-allah treats those it finds guilty of handing over their secrets?..NO. Does the bBC inform he reader of how Hezb-allah started a war in 2006 which saw 1200 people killed?No. In fact does the bBC mention what happens to people found spying in Lebanon..No.
Well here let me tell you: Lebanon court sentences ‘Israeli spy’ to death A Lebanese military court sentenced a man to death on charges of spying for Israel’s Mossad and providing the agency with information on the militant group Hezbollah, a judicial official said Friday.AFP “A military court has sentenced Amin Ibrahim al-Baba to death … for contacting Israeli intelligence and providing information that aided Israeli attacks on Lebanon,” the official told AFP.
Now do a search on the bBC website with the condemned mans name: Amin Ibrahim al-Baba.
I’ll bet you aren’t surprised by the answer.
And people feel that the bBC is impartial in its news reporting from the region.
Am in post traumatic shock after Humphrys interview with Wee Douggie Alexander yesterday.
Douggie was asked if Milibands recent efforts to be a strong leader was just “willy waving”!
We matrons of the BBC are and were shocked by this-and before the 8am watershed too!
At least now- Miliband is for bankers and scroungers..and waves his willy instead of letting the vegetables in his Cabinet be chosen by MPS!
That`s all we`ll be needing to know about labor for the next few years
The bBC rewrites History. The forgotten British soldiers of Italian WWI battle Many tourists visit northern France and Belgium to see the cemeteries where soldiers killed in World War I are buried, but other British WWI war graves are less well-known or remembered, as army chaplain Andrew Martlew observes.If the soldiers who lie in the British military cemetery at Granezza had died a few months earlier, their graves would have had a constant stream of visitors and their memorials at Tyne Cot or the Menin Gate would have been part of our national folklore. But in the mountains of northern Italy, I was the first British person to sign the visitors’ book this year, and hardly anyone remembers that the British fought alongside the Italians in World War I….They became the first British troops to cross the pre-war boundaries into enemy territory. They advanced so fast that it was two days before their rations caught up with them – through woods, up and down precipitous slopes that dropped hundreds of feet at a time until, on 4 November 1918, their armistice was signed.
So the bBC reports on another British war cemetery which by the look of things is very well tendered and not forgotten as the bBC claims. Then there’s the claim that these British troops were the first to cross pre-war boundaries. Really? because to anybody who has read up on the subject they would know that actually the Allied advance in 1918 in that area only recaptured land which the Austrians had gained in 1917. Then there’s how idiot features claims this grave site is forgotten and to substantiate that claim he states he was the first British person to visit this year and that was in June. Yet leaves out that due to high snow falls in the region the cemetery only opens in…May. Here don’t take my word here’s the graves commissions website saying that.
Yet another example of the bBCs so called experts knowing Sweet FA of the subject at hand.
Just watched ‘History Cold Cases’ on the BBC. In 2004, a mass of bodies was unearthed at the bottom of a well as workers dug foundations for the Chapelfield shopping centre in Norwich. The outcome of this in-depth reporting was:
Some very unpleasant things happened in mediaeval times. – Who’d a thought it?
The local Christians were a pretty unpleasant lot 700 years ago. – Here we go.
The skeletons were Jewish. – You know where this is heading.
The dead people were either murdered, or they committed suicide as a result of persecution by the locals. – Yes!
At the conclusion of this stunning bit of investigative programming, the assembled experts and locals looked suitably shocked and thoroughly ashamed. – And so they should.
Weren’t those Anglo-Saxon Chrsitians a nasty, bigoted bunch? A shame, though, that the BBC is more interested in anti-semitism in Norwich, 700 years ago, than the modern variety in Tower Hamlets?
A lot of fuss over nothing. Television news items of the time indicated that a string of “unfortunate accidents” occurred at the well head, due to the presence of a carelessly discarded piece of soap. The skeletons were only Jewish, because it was the turn of the employees at the local synagogue to fetch the water for the village that day. Move along, now – nothing to see here…
Its funny how BBC history gets so aghast at things that happened hundreds of years ago. Particularly if it was the English doing it.
They see absolutly every issue filtered through such rosy pink liberal lenses. That big black guy in Pulp Fiction was more historically aware when he threaten ‘to get medieval’ on some bad guys ‘ass’.
Still, we’ve come a long way since we used to stone people and lop their heards off at the drop of a hat – and the BBC should celebrate that….?
The Radio 4 News bulletin on Today this morning managed to find space to feed its bottomless obsession with the Palestinians with a ‘report’ about a very minor story concerning a Picasso painting being exhibited for the first time in the West Bank. Jon Donnison went along to the opening, telling us of the difficulties faced by the painting on its journey to ‘Palestine’, “which had to pass through several Israeli checkpoints”. It was a sign on the road to Palestinian statehood, we were told.
The idea here is to humanize the Palestinians while de-humanizing the Israelis. The Beeboids believe that the world has an unfair view of them as killing civilians in their sleep, teaching their children to dream of mass murder, and not really wanting peace with a Jewish state. Now, where would anyone get that idea? In any case, the BBC feels it is their duty to counter this impression, and presenting them as civilized patrons of the elite arts is just the thing for it.
I await BBC footage of long lines waiting to see the masterpiece.
“Organisers of the project said it had taken two years of logistical work to get the painting transported to the city in a specially-protected box, which had to pass through several Israeli checkpoints.”
Stupid. All art of any value has to be transported anywhere and everywhere in specially protected boxes to prevent damage and for insurance purposes.
All goods have to go through checkpoints, because of the Palestinians’ annoying habit of trying to harm Israelis.
The BBC correspondent (Jon Donnison ?) might not realise this, and thinks mentioning it makes Palestinians look heroic and resolute, and ready to run their own state.
It’s a hideous painting, but I hope they enjoy it.
In the sense that any story that shows Palestinians in a positive light IS a news story and any story (true or not) that shows Israelis in a negative light IS a news story. The Picasso to Palestine story contrasts nicely with the Israelis stone a dog LIE.
Surely, it shows the humanity of the Israelis in letting it through.
But, it looks like a depiction of the human form. Shouldn’t the Palestinians be destroying it ?
First the News Quiz and now I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue… I heard last night on a promo for the new series, that Brigstocke is joining the show. Is any programme safe from the malignant lefty twats?
Please say this is not true. It’s bad enough that they give airtime to Jeremy ‘versus the Israeli army’ Hardy but Marcus ‘Jews! I know you’re god’s ‘Chosen People’ and the rest of us are just whatever, but when Israel behaves like a violent, psychopathic bully and someone mentions it that doesn’t make them antisemitic. And for the record, your troubled history is not a license to act with impunity now.”‘ Brigstocke. My favourite radio programme since my teenage years may have to be off-limits. Thanks BBC; remind me why I should renew my TV licence?
By the way, my eye caught a headline in The Mail Online last night about this Brigstocke, something about how he used to be a 24-stone heavyweight. I didn’t read it so that’s all I know.
Still on today’s Today, there was also a feature by the BBC’s Australia correspondent Nick Bryant (of ‘budgie smugglers’ fame). Bryant’s blog repeatedly shows him to be pro-immigration and highly critical of those who advocate a tough policy towards illegal immigrants. His favourite word to describe the Boat People debate is “paranoaic”. (The word comes up again and again over the last three years of his blog). It’s not easy to square any of this with the idea of impartiality.
The feature today, with the headline Understanding Australia’s Boat People, makes the tiniest nod to impartiality with a brief mention of critics of the reality show in question, but Bryant is clearly supportive of the show and its message.
Then to mark Armed Forces Day, Todaychose to discuss the “tensions” between the government and “the military establishment” – the “decline” in the relationship. Not much of a way to mark Armed Forces Day really.
James Landale was talking to James Naughtie. Landale talked about how close the Conservatives were to the military when Labour were in power and mentioned the appointment of General Sir Richard Dannatt as an advisor. As he did so, Naughtie couldn’t contain himself and interrupted to comment authoratively “Well that backfired, didn’t it!”
Oh for those heady days when we had a Labour Government with an excellent relationship with the Armed Services. Gordon the Moron, the Forces’ Sweetheart. He even wrote a book on courage, didn’t he ?
Radio 3 is running a light music weekend at the moment and I’m cheerfully humming along to Ketelby, Coates, Goodwin, Tomlinson and the like. Then along comes the inevitable BBC documentary.
Matthew Sweet, presenter of Nightwaves and film critic of the Independent, looks at “the relationship between light music and the media” and adopts the typical BBC sneer at the “boring”, “oppressive” 1950s – Famous Five, xenophobia, racism, women in the kitchen, etc. (The 1950s and the 1980s seem to be the average beeboid’s bogey decades.)
To paraphrase Vaughan Williams (about people reading political meanings into his Fourth Symphony), can’t a man just enjoy listening to a tune?
Talking of which, here’s a piece of light music that depicts Mahmoud Ahmadinejad campaigning before an adoring crowd at an Iranian market (or so the BBC will probably tell me):
New Weather presenter Rudolf Hess started work on BBC Scotland.
Marcus Bridgestock launched his Darwinian Two Faced Sauce.
Richard Black cooked up a new recepie for Baked Alaska.
St. Bono’s tax returns were found stuck in the hole of a Dutch dyke.
Jake Humpty-Dumpty on BBCF1 told us Canada was as unique as Valencia because they are both the same.
Finally, the idiots in Bristol forgot to send me my weekly “wishing you were here” postcard.
Oh well ! There’s always next week to look forward to.
Here’s more cluelessness from the US President the BBC won’t be telling you about. Last week, He said that ATMs are bad because they cost jobs, and banks should have loads of tellers instead. Needelss to say, it was moronic and didn’t go over well.
He has no clue about any of this. It’s just desperate throwing a ton of sh!t at the wall and seeing if any of it sticks. Mark Mardell is utterly silent on all of it, and instead purrs quietly about how His beloved Obamessiah has snubbed the warmongers about Afghanistan whilst also defeating the isolationists who don’t want war in Libya.
Anyone catch the odious public schoolboy interviewing Paul Simon on Today a couple of days ago? His principle question: Why are you playing your last concert in Israel?
Well Justin, he’s probably playing in Israel because he is a Jew, and because Israelis love music as much as Hamas loves death, and that Israel is the spiritual home of the Jewish people.
Any why should this talented and charming man give a fuck what some little privileged anti-semitic Beeboid prick like Justin Webb thinks?
Yes, I heard that.
Justin Webb mentions that Paul Simon is ending his tour in Israel. “As you know, some people won’t go to Israel, some artists, stars. Do you have a message for them in this?”
For a moment it almost seemed Justin might be implying that it’s wrong to boycott Israel…….
P.S.: “…….I’ve been through this situation before, in SA.”
J.W.: “Yes, because you went there before apartheid ended, didn’t you, to do Graceland?”
……….but no. He’s pointing out that Paul Simon is an unprincipled perfomance-whore, and comparing Israel to apartheid SA.
And Simon exploited the local musical talent in SA and made millions off that record. When challenged about it, he basically ahrugged it off by saying he got those artists worldwide attention they otherwise wouldn’t have had. Still, I thought Leftoids liked it when artists reached out to shunned states in order to open dialogue. Everybody was pleased for the New York Philharmonic to do that concert in North Korea, but it’s somehow worse to do one in Israel?
Yes I too heard this.
I`m amazed that Simon, Cohen and other Jewish artists don`t blow this one back into the BBCs face.
Only a Justin Webb would dare to lob his cherry bomb into the loo like this.
To me Israel is the newest and most courageous country on earth at the moment-has been for quite some time.
It was created in the face of the nastiest opposition, and is only taking the baton( of welcoming all from around the world in the teeth of persecution) from the USA.
OK it`s not perfect-I`ve never even been-but at least their political elite know something about the price of war, unlike our creeps…and Webb is one of them.
Apt that he`s named after a wet lettuce!
Presumably they`d like Simon to finish his tour on a Turkish gunship masquerading as a peaceful cruise liner!
Simon did more to remove apartheid that 1,000 Webbs-yet look who dares to judge the other!
BBC signs its own death certificate each and every day!
“Look around you all you see are sympathetic eyes”
‘DARWIN is “on track” to break another weather record – heading for the coldest month on record.
Weather bureau senior forecaster Angeline Prasad said that the mercury had dropped below 20C every day in June. “There has been 32 consecutive days below 20C,” she said. “It is unusual.”
She said the record for consecutive days below 20C in Darwin was 53, set in 1965.
It’s winter in the Southern Hemisphere. So add six months to give you what the equivalent month would be here in the north, i.e December.
Well now, it’s hardly surprising that it’s cold in December now, is it ?
In fact, the Darwin temperatures seem pretty high for midwinter, don’t they now ? Do you see any snow there, hmmmm ? I don’t !
In short, it might SEEM to be cold in Darwin, but it’s not really at all. And you know why.
Yes ! So it is that AGW continues to manifest itself in spite of the feeble, anti-life attempts of flat-earthers, anti-science wackos and other pondlife to fiddle the holy facts !
I thought that the phrase “the holy facts” might have given the game away. That or my highlighting the lack of snow in Darwin.
Shame: I was rather proud of coming up with “the holy facts”, and had planned to give it little outings elsewhere, but now you’ve gone and spoiled it……….
The justices of the United States Supreme Court this week became the world’s most august global warming sceptics. Not by virtue of their legal reasoning – the global warming case they decided turned on a technical legal issue — but in their surprising commentary. Global warming is by no means a settled issue, they made clear, suggesting it would be foolhardy to assume it was.
“The court, we caution, endorses no particular view of the complicated issues related to carbon-dioxide emissions and climate change,” reads the 8-0 decision, delivered by the court’s acclaimed liberal, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
The case involved Connecticut trying to bleed the power companies dry and limit their business by calling in Federal Law (the Clean Air Act), which didn’t pan out for them. The lower court dismissed it saying they could instaed sue the power companies on an individual basis using public nuisance laws. Gin up enough local complaints about carbon, and you’ve got a nice set of business-crimping lawsuits. So the power companies got the Supreme Court to look at that aspect of it, and the justices apparently had a clue.
The court decision noted that the Environmental Protection Agency itself had “Acknowledg[ed] that not all scientists agreed on the causes and consequences of the rise in global temperatures,” before suggesting readers consult “views opposing” the conventional wisdom. Specifically, the justices’ recommended reading was a superb profile of Princeton’s Freeman Dyson, perhaps America’s most respected scientist, written in the New York Times Magazine, March 29, 2009.
Freeman Dyson is another denier the BBC won’t allow on air to discuss it. Contradicts the “science is settled” Narrative. If Black or Harrabin are aware of this (and they probably are, as you can bet they receive all sorts of daily briefs from environmentals), I hope they’re rending their garments over it.
On the last open thread, I made a comment about how the BBC censored news of The Obamessiah confusing a live Medal of Honor recipient with a dead one – during a speech to the dead man’s unit. Oh, yes: the President Himself awarded the medal to the living recipient, thus compounding the erorr. The utter incompetence was ignored by the MSM, and the Beeboids felt secure in doing the same.
And were it Bush we KNOW it would be covered in depth with highlights of past gaffs etc…we KNOW it but we can’t prove it but anyone with half a brain can see it.
Oh, we can prove it. When reporting on Bush, the BBC delighted in highlighting his gaffes. When Bush walked into a locked door after a press conference, the BBC not only put the photo on the front page (image below), but felt it was worthy of both a giggle in the news brief about it, and a full video posted for posterity. It’s still there.
When writing the “Diary” following Bush around some diplo trip, the BBC felt that, rather than interesting images, the best thing for it was a photo of Bush slumped in a chair drinking what looks like a beer (it’s funny ’cause he’s teetotal, but it’s really a non-alcoholic beverage, you see. Classic BBC humor!), and a family photo with the President of Poland, his wife, and his dog in which Bush has a silly look on his face.
And remember when The Obamessiah screwed up the toast to the Queen and the BBC blamed the band for it instead? When it was Bush making a less important mistake, the BBC was all over it, and even supported the Queen!
And then there’s this gaffe the BBC thought worth mentioning, and this one, and this one. Do a search for “Obama gaffe” and watch the tumbleweeds roll by. There’s only one: when He made that unfortunate remark about bowling like someone from the Special Olympics. The only other BBC story with “Obama” and “gaffe” in the same sentence is when “gaffe” is in scare quotes, to protect Him. There won’t be a Beeboid doing a farewell to The Obamessiah full of His gaffes like what Rory Bremner did for Bush.
And don’t forget this montage. Or the screenshots below:
BBC unable to finish the story with Wilders aquittal, they had to pop in a “But”….
“But a lawyer for many of the Muslim plaintiffs, Ties Prakken, says she will take their case beyond Dutch borders to the UN Human Rights Committee in Geneva. ”
To the BBC only left-wing parties are mainstream. Centre right means Somewhere between Tony Blair and Ken Clarke. Anywhere to the right of them is right-wing.
Today’s Sunday with Ed Stourton began with someone who wants us to talk to the Taleban. We didn’t hear from the other side of the debate.
Next up it was gay marriage in Australia. The report had a classic BBC structure, beginning with a long segment where we heard from supporters of gay marriage, following this with a shorter segment for the purely Christian opponents, then returning to the supporters to give them the final word and even more air-time – three talking heads for ‘marriage equality’, just two against. The balance was further tipped towards the supporters by the use of clips from a supportive Kylie and some pro-gay marriage ads.
After a piece on the Anglican Olympic prayer, there was another report, this time on the subject of UNISON’s call for concerted action with faith groups against THE CUTS . Same structure, beginning with the view of the union and a Muslim supporter before, after a more cautious welcome from a third talking head, giving a brief bite to a sceptical voice, and then handing back to the union mouthpiece for the final word.
After two e-mails from listeners – one attacking “privelege”, the other attacking the Catholic Church over child abuse -, it was onto gay bishops in the Church of England (beeboid on beeboid interview).
Next the Bishop of Oxford on widening admission to church schools, especially to “the poor”.
Finally, assisted suicide. This was fair enough, giving a fair crack of the whip to both sides of the argument (anti-euthansia George Pitcher and pro-euthanasia “Charlie” Falconer, Labour), though Ed Stourton did editorialise over Mr Pitcher’s “colourful language”.
Sunday morning means I switch to LBC. Steve Allen for the early hours is pleasantly entertaining, then Ed Pearce does a 3-hour political show. Sometimes he has Maguire with him – but always there is some attempt at BALANCE.
I’d be delighted if Charlie Falconer & the rest of the neo liberal advocates of euthanasia swallowed their own medicine. Nobody wants to be an encumbrance to others, do they Charlie? Not when their ‘best work’ is behind them, & the rest of us have our hands full picking up the pieces after the Nu Labour catastrophe. Perhaps his silver tongue could persuade his old mucker Blair to join him in finally doing something good for the nation.
Yes, that’s about the size of it.
The BBC just love this sort of thing and it’s on the licence fee anyway.
God knows how many new and exciting perfidious people will have brainwashed them with ideas for the BBC to champion.
Well here’s mine :
The location for the UK’s next nuclear power station – Glastonbury – upon – the – mud.
Not only that but Beeboid idiots had to bring their favoured place and pastime into the intro to the Wimbledon highlights programme yesterday evening with a contrived reference to choosing between Glastonbury and Wimbledon, ending with the excruciating “punchline”: “…the best grass in the world is here at SW19 – and it’s legal”.
How crass can you get?
See 0 – 20 seconds for this naff contribution to the tennis coverage by the idiotic would-be “comedian” and Jack-the-Lad presenter Inverdale – God knows why this fool was ever given the job of presenting a tennis programme:
“BBC One to spend millions on new shows that will trigger new ratings war. BBC One is prepared to spend millions to create entertainment shows to attract high ratings, according to the channel’s controller.”
The head of Reprieve (Ken MacDonald) and the head of Liberty (Shami Chakrabarti) both appearing on Marr today. (Whose bright idea was that?) Shami admired what the head of Reprieve had said – as well she might, given that they usually agree on most things.
But there was also Nigel Farage of UKIP, whose been on the programme while Caroline Lucas of the Green Party hasnt been on yet since before the 2010 general election,even though she won her seat and UKIP failed to win a seat. That doesnt mean that The Andrew Marr Show is pro UKIP or anti Green Party though.
She must be on holiday! There was a spell before, during and since the election when it seemed that she was never off the Beeboid telly – they love her in Beeboidland.
BBC-Labour still lobbies for illegal Muslim immigrants to get into E.U and Britain (as part of the reality of ‘Arab spring’).
The main political voice emphasised here in (Tahrir Square visitor) Naughtie’s piece is that of the open-door Swedish left, as guide for way to complete the Islamic colonisation of the E.U. and Britain.
Note the unchanging BBC-Labour political propaganda for mass illegal immigration: ‘if you don’t support all this, you’re prejudiced’:
“The main political voice emphasised here in (Tahrir Square visitor) Naughtie’s piece is that of the open-door Swedish left”
But I heard a British Conservative speaking twice and a right wing Belgian and a Dutch liberal. Two of them were on one side of the argument and two of the them were on the other and to me the report seemed fair not propoganda.
The main political thread throughout was that of the Swedish political left woman. And the political tone was set by Naughtie’s opening doleful tone about the (opportunistic) Muslims illegal immigrants from North Africa.
And where does that headline word ‘prejudice’ come from? And who is it aimed at? We Europeans/ Brits. More BBC-Labour open-door propaganda. BBC-Labour campaigned for mass immigration for years, and still do, now they’re forcing us to accepted the consequences of their action.
Talking about the Swedish political left, this is Malmo today, as a result of mass Islamic immigration, campaigned for by Swedish left:
“Jews leave Swedish city after sharp rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes. Sweden’s reputation as a tolerant, liberal nation is being threatened by a steep rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes in the city of Malmo. ”
I agree with Daisy in part, but not completely. They did have on voices from both sides of the issue, but I think that overall the piece was weighted against the anti-immigration position.
The anti-immigration Belgian guy was allowed to talk sense, but when he’d finished, Naughtie seemed to dismiss his comments by saying, “But what to do?”, then moved on to the next opinion. Also, Vlaams Blok is more interested in dumping the Wallonian albatross than starting an Aryan Nation club, Both halves of Belgium have a problem with immigration-fueled ghettos, though, which is why the issue gets votes.
I think the only real biased part, though, was allowing the pro-Open Borders woman to lay out what is essentially total BS without challenge. If we take her seriously about the idea that the EU has one big border and no internal ones, then logically the first point of entry is the real border where controls must be implemented and not somewhere else like she claimed. Naughtie instead supported her position.
Is anyone going to comment about the right wing bias on Sunday Morning with Susanna Reed? Two out of three guests were right wing; ick Ferrari and Richard North. They often agreed with each other. Next week two out of the three guests might be left wing, so its no big deal.
No Not really because you have! I find that the one item that you found against the hundreds the other way is not balance it’s not even a start ! come back when you have say 10 or more instances mind I won’t hold my breath as impartiality is no big deal ! !!
It’s about trends Daisy. Two swallows don’t make a summer, especially if most weeks it’s left-leaning swifts rather than right-leaning swallows.
For example, the Politics Show with Jon Sopel is unusually good for a BBC current affairs programme (outside of the Daily Politics) at balancing its pair of commenting journalists between Left and Right, but today’s programme features a Labour-supporting journalist from the Times, Philip Collins, and someone from even further left, Yasmin Alibhai Brown. If this begins to happen more regularly, and if the trend is that it happens to favour the Left rather than the Right, it could become a big deal. Especially if it fits in with an even bigger trend – that across the whole of the BBC’s output – towards the Left.
The strong tendency for Andrew Marr’s sofa to feature disproportionate numbers of voices from the Left is just one example of that (Nigel Farage notwithstanding!)
The consequence of having Yasmin Alibhai Brown and former Labour advisor Phil Collins on the Politics Show from the same (Left) wing of politics soon became clear as the conversation turned to Ed Miliband’s contribution to the debate. Collins said “I thought he was clear. I thought he said the right thing. I thought he was quite measured”. YAB agreed, “his words were well-chosen, I think.” Full marks for Ed then.
Then YAB attacked possible anti-union legislation from the government. Collins said “I agree with that.”
There was some debate though – a classic BBC debate between shades of Left, as YAB supports the strikes and PC doesn’t. And they don’t see eye to eye on Tony Blair. Jon Sopel and Phil Collins both had to defend Blair against YAB’s typically inflexible hatred.
I still think Daisy is Scottie and Dezzie’s alter ego, feminine side, trying to play Damsel to your Chilvalry !
She found an exception , maybe two. For a Beeboid, that is statistical proof ! After all, they are masters and mistresses of science and logic.
‘.. alter ego, feminine side, trying to play Damsel to your Chilvalry !’
Can be effective. There’s a poster on Richard Black’s blog who flutters doe-eyes virtually to ask a series a daft questions in all ‘innocence’ that render usually incisive contributors to mush. ‘She’ is probably a male LSE lecturer in ‘Propaganda techniques for beginners’. Hence I fear my chivalry does not depend on nom de plume, but only on the quality of argument.
As clearly highlighted here already, a function is served by again making the point that few rights do not atone for vast wrongs, especially when brought up so selectively, if daintily.
However, there is no real problem in plucking the odd inconsistency out on occasion, one supposes, if only to highlight the overall situation.
But I’m confused.
Not too long ago, this very thing was decried by some (rather undercut when it was shown to apply over a season) when a snapshot of Graun ‘guests’ over-dominating BBC was shared.
Which is it Daisy (credit due for leaving comment history visible), give us your answer do.
With all the pension stuff about to come this week-I imagine we`ll not be hearing too much about what Brown did to them in 97/8 to break the spine of the system that had once been the envy of many other places will we?
Don`t imagine we`ll hear too much about Alan Johnson refusing to grasp this nettle of public sector pension reform, because the unions were all huffy. Johnson bottled it and left it in the Tories in-tray. No doubt we`ll see plenty of him telling us what he would do about all this…and the BBC goldfish will continue to admire the castle that they swim round rediscovering anew!
It’s not just about who the guests are, it’s also about how they’re treated. I didn’t catch the programme, so have no comment to make on it, but in general right wing guests appear to be given a harder time than left wing guests. Perhaps those who caught the programme can enlighten us?
Naughtie helped the pro-Open Borders woman clarify her (completely illogical, BS) position, but gave no such assistance to voices from the other side. He in fact casually dismissed the Belgian guy’s statement against open borders.
Yes he is Grant!
I see the old buffer every year and have a blanket to hand as he wobbles down the main street of Tolpuddle.
One of the worst ministers we ever had in a Department, so lionised by the Left-if all ministers had been as crap, we`d have had his Soviet by now! The last Labour lot certainly tried to follow in his carpet slippers anyway!
Still-he is infinitely better than Billy Bragg-as soon as he heads for the stage, me and many other good souls head for the buses…and we cyclists have a cider and a pastie round the first bend(Bragg Bend!) where we can`t hear the git on the wind!
Welcome to my world!
A blanket is hardly a precision weapon to use on Dear Ol’ Wedgie, cj.
I’d suggest a cane, as used in countless silents by the likes of Mr C.S. Chaplin to whip the undercarriage from some unsuspecting dupe. 😀
On a more serious note, I’d recommend getting hold of Michael Wharton’s collected columns (several volumes) as it’s useful for those of us who are too young (thankfully) to have experienced the likes of Benn on full throttle to get a look at the full hideous picture, and thus have the capacity to utter a choice expletive or two when they’re paraded before us as cuddly national treasures who “didn’t really mean it.”
The best story I heard about Benn came from a number of people who lived in Chesterfield when he was the MP there. As his train from London pulled into Chesterfield station he used to run from his first class carriage which he travelled in in. To a standard class one so he could get off the train looking like a member of the toilng working class artisan and not a capitalist in first class.
Despite having a small army of reporters in the U.S., many of them based in Washington, Paddy O’Connell flew to Washington (and back again) this week to assess reactions to Obama’s announcement of the beginning of the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
“I travelled to Washington D.C. to hear how news of the withdrawal was being greeted.”
All that expense for a fairly short report for Broadcasting House which any U.S.-based BBC reporter could have compiled. It was nothing special. Obviously there’s still money to burn at the “cash-strapped” BBC.
Are we not to worry about global warming this weekend then?
Still-no doubt we`ll be expected to when Paddy flies home…and any resemblance to hypocritical prep school guilt wringing jellyfish will be purely coincidental!
Has anyone watched BBC’s ‘Planet of the Apeman’ which charts the rise of early man?
Well in it ‘early man’ is black. There is no proof that this was the case and even the ‘out of Africa’ theory has now been discredited as earlier human remains have now been found in China. But the BBC conveniently ignores this fact.
What this show is all about is the blatant peddling and promotion of multiculturalism – one of the BBC’s pet projects (just look at CBeebies!).
And things don’t get much more biased than that.
I saw that programme -it was pathetic, dumbed down cr*p. Ideal material for BBC1! There is no way we can know what colour the early humans of India were, so I do not have a problem with using African actors (the programme was made in the Rainbow Nation). Why not?. I did notice, however, that the cannabalistic, stupid, grunting half-brained, beetle browed savages – Homo Erectus – were portrayed by white skinned actors.
As an aside, amazingly these savages had invented shoes and loin-cloths before the power of speach.
The “Out of Africa” theory hasn’t been discredited yet. It’s just that it turns out there were more ‘waves’ of early humans coming out than previously thought. China wants to prove that humans evolved there first or at least separately from Homo Erectus or something, and who knows how that’s going to work out.
I don’t really want to dwell on this, but as is often the case with the BBC, they see everything in black and white (no pun intended).
In real life it really is not that simple. Theories are not facts. There are many theories of where man first appeared, but none are fact. The reason why most fossils are found in Africa could be because that is where paleontologist have concentrated their efforts.
What if the earliest man had come from Greenland? You would never find out unless they were discovered by mistake. Which seems to have been the case in Israel, China and Spain.
To the BBC everything is simple, to the rest of the human race it is complicated. Its like the difference between a two year old (BBC) and Einstein (Realiity).
Beeboids are so stupid they are totally unaware of the contempt with which many intelligent educated Black Africans hold them.
Patronising people is the worst insult.
anyone see sunday live about the rise of antisemitism?
not a victim of it/or rabbi in sight?,(a la tower hamlets)
but it did have a muslim rep from engage, whose only contribution seemed to be, islamophobia is much worse,(actually factually false, but not the question?), as recent reports show vast majority of mosques are fierce
advocates of it, & majority of muslim schools are too.
Brings to mind a recent big questions,”does britain have a problem with muslims” where actually nobody asked, & and it turned into a nauseating
parade of victim mentality.
Is the head of religious programmes still muslim, i think er…he needs to be asked “big questions” .
I didn’t see it. I think someone was complaining about it having two rightwingers to one lefy, or something along those lines. I suppose the idea that there should have been some Jews on, didn’t occur to the complainer – or to the Beeboid Corporation either.
Millie Tant, I only didnt mention it because two of the video guests were Mark Gardner of the Community Security Trust, that protects the Jewish community from antisemitic attacks and former MP Evan Harris, whose parents were both Jewish. The third video guest was a Muslim.
don t you think that the premis of the discussion, was moved away from antisemitism,(a real phenom), towards “islamophobia”(an invented construct used to stifle discussion) as if there was some relativity? there
…when there was & is none,
It is a bit rich, asking a politicised muslim to wax lyrical about it, when today islam, is the overwhelming producer of both antisemitic material/attacks on jewish people.
That show was typical of the tabloid style TV that the BBC is pumping out these days.
Does the human rights act stop us from deporting foreign criminals?
Rephrased for this debate to the nonsensical-sounding:
“Do criminal immigrants deserve human rights?”
Saying they don’t sounds as though you think immigrants are sub human, which makes anyone who thinks the rights of criminal immigrants shouldn’t trump those of their victim or everyone else, seem to be ‘racist’.
Richard D North and Nick whassisname disagreed over almost everything, so saying that they’re both “on the right’ seems irrelevant and hardly balances the default lefty bias that we’re used to.
The antisemitism discussion was more interesting, and I tended to agree with various parts of what everyone said, right up until they brought in a Muslim to complain about Islamophobia. The programme was supposed to be about antisemitism, not the trumped up phobia that criticism of Islam has turned itself into. Muslims are not the new Jews.
And did you say the Community Security Trust protects the Jewish community from antisemitic attacks? If only.
Incidentally just because Evan Harris’s parents are Jewish it doesn’t mean he wants to jail people for antisemitism. On the contrary, he’s a devout secularist and campaigner for free speech.
Opinion was divided regardless of left or right political labels, sometimes the lefty agreed with one of the righties, and sometimes she agreed with the other. The Jews disagreed with each other as did the righties.
In any case, the programme is dumbed down till it’s positively moronic.
What’s the point in Susannah Reid telling the audience that they might be able to join in if they’ve got Skype? Everyone knows these things are pre-arranged and the Skype contributors have been on stand-by for days beforehand, and even then some of them aren’t used. They’re probably still standing by.
“And did you say the Community Security Trust protects the Jewish community from antisemitic attacks?”
That was what Susannah Reed said. The Community Security Trusts website says “CST (Community Security Trust) is proud of Britain’s diverse and vibrant Jewish community, and seeks to protect its many achievements from the external threats of bigotry, antisemitism and terrorism.”
and that is it in a nutshell……no one who actually, could be really direct/vociferous, about it, not because some millionaire dresser, got drugged up, BUT because they have been attacked /prevented from going to school/terrorised etc, was on.
Put that in sharp contrast to a ridiculous charade of a programme, big questions last week, where it was nothing but,(direct/vociferous),over what is not a real phenom, but little more than a propaganda exercise.
It is openly once again, downplaying genuine acts of threat/violence/terror, whilst playing up to a an invented construct used to stifle discussion, that insinuates that any reservations/criticisms about Islam must ipso facto be “phobic.”
“A divine belief by the radical Islamic movement in the institution of the Caliphate as a fortress to restore Islam’s power and a vehicle to challenge the primacy of Western civilisation is gathering storm in the Islamic world and beyond. Sourced from the Koran and Islamic history, the Islamic movement may differ as to whether the methodology of revival should be jihad, reformist or political, but the goal of restoring the Caliphate is now uniformly agreed upon. ”
If you do not support this aim you are an Islamophobe? The only way to avoid the label is to lie down and surrender.
Was there such a thing as Naziophobia? or Communistophobia?
There was definitely a lot of fun had about stupid people in the US who saw “Reds Under The Bed”. Lots of scoldling of people a few decades ago for thinking Communism might be a problem. For “Communistophobia”, subsitute “McCarthyism”.
Turns out those who were afraid of Communists infiltrating the Government and Hollywood were right, though.
There are two key factors missing from this BBC news brief about Israel dismantling and re-routing a barrier between Israel and the West Bank. First, the barrier greatly reduced the suicide bomber attacks on Israeli civilians. How do I know that without providing a link? Well, if it wasn’t true, the BBC would do more than say Israel claims it’s a “necessary security measure” and would quote figures to disprove Israel’s position, just like they do with every other issue. Also, if it’s not true, where have all the reports about suicide bombers in Israeli pizza parlors and hotels been? It’s obvious the attempts have dropped drastically, but the BBC doesn’t want you to know that. They want you to think that it’s merely Israel’s opinion, which we all know is worthless to them.
Secondly – and far more important: the fact that it’s happening in this particular location is proof that peaceful protest works and attempts at mass murder don’t. Yet the BBC won’t acknowledge it. Like I and others keep asking: Where is the Palestinian Ghandi or ML King, BBC? Where are your features on peaceful protest, except when you lie about attacks on Israeli border patrols? This would have been a perfect time to do it, yet the BBC demurs. Why?
BBC report on the sad death of Cameron’s local Chairman at Glasto. They can’t help but slip in a wee dig. The whole article is about his untimely death but they also slipped in this:
“The area is usually off-limits to most festival-goers, with gates manned by security staff enforcing a strict no-pass, no-entry rule.
Mr Shale features in an article in the Mail on Sunday, which portrayed him as being critical of his Conservative association. In what the newspaper calls a strategy document looking at how to increase association membership – which Mr Cameron is said to be aware of – Mr Shale says that at present there was “no reason to join – lots of reasons not to”. In the document, he presented a scathing assessment of the social skills and fundraising efforts of his association.
More than 137,000 people are thought to be attending the festival at Worthy Farm in Pilton, which ends on Sunday.”
For goodness sake….the bit in italics doesn’t even make sense as English when it is topped and tailed by two linked sentences about the same topic ie Glasto!
The bit about the Mail on Sunday article should not have been included in the article and the last paragraph is disgracefully inappropriate. Have they no editors to vet these things, or did the editors see nothing wrong with it too?
Anyone find it tasteless, BBC trumpeting that Cameron’s Oxfordshire Conservative Party Chair was found dead at Glastonberry “in a toilet” – any opportunity to associate “Tory” with “sh1t” eh?
As anyone with a passing aquaintance with medical statistics knows, sadly, the toilet is a place many dead people are found, their failing heart condition or whatever being triggered by natural circumstances.
I have no idea whether his place of death is relevant, neither does the BBC, but that hasn’t stopped the Beeb journos gloating.
Would that Mark Thompson be found so. What would the Beeboids report then? Or Mrs T? What utterly vile people the BBC employ, knowingly.
The use of the word ‘Tory’ in the first paragraph of the article David Terron links to above seems inappropriate too. In the context the word ‘Conservative’ was surely the correct word and I can’t see why it wasn’t used.
Here’s the BBC’s special platform for the Unions to air their grievances and get the public on side for their upcoming strikes. The balancing page for the Government’s position is….um…..oh, wait…..
“The world breathed a sigh of relief that Pakistani jihadists had failed in their attempt to use nine-year-old Sohana Jawed to carry a bomb in an attack that would have killed her. Now, Afghan jihadists tried, and this time, it worked. Perhaps this was a copycat attack; in any event, Sohana’s case is no longer an anomaly, but part of the jihadist playbook in the region.
Where is the outrage? As with yesterday’s hospital bombing — which reportedly hit a maternity ward the hardest — all of Afghanistan, and indeed all of the Muslim world ought to be furious. If there ever were a time for righteous indignation, this would be it. But if protests over the Muhammad cartoons and the Florida Qur’an burning have shown us the ferocity of anger that something said to be ‘against Islam’ can provoke, the relative silence in the face of these acts is deafening.”
Islamic terrorist failures as human beings, doted on by fellow-travelling western leftist journalists, funded by super-annuated Islington Animal-farm Pigs like Mark Thompson.
If this story is true it is indeed despicable; but according to Jihadwatch it’s not only the terrorists who carried out the attack who are responsible but every other Muslim across the globe.
Akin to implying that 1.6 billion Catholics are implicated in the actions of the IRA.
I don’t recall massive worldwide demonstrations by Catholics every time a republican bomb went off in NI. According to the logic of Jihadwatch this means Catholics don’t care; “the relative silence in the face of these acts is deafening”.
What excites “Dez” is the “but”. Of course he does not approve of using a child as a bomb but……it is of course “despictable” but….For moral inverts it is the “but” which excites.
For your information the IRA were a secular Leftist Irish Nationalist terrorist group, and insofar as there was any connection with the Catholic Church, this is an issue that Catholics do have to address.
Did the IRA set off bombs as Christians? Go on, answer your own question.
If they did not set off bombs as Christians then you are just having a Leftist jerk off. If the IRA did set of bombs because they believed that they were directed to do so by their Christian faith, then what happened to the secular Leftist desire that Christians should have to face up to the link between their faith and bad actions?
Geroge R, in the report you cite: “An eight-year-old girl has been killed after insurgents…” should read “Insurgents have killed an eight-year-old girl…”
Dez, Scott, often David and even the butter-wouldn’t-melt Daisy seem to err a smidge more of heat over light in the contrarian scheme of debate.
Beyond the vulture swoops on cherry orchards, they also scamper back into the bunker on watertight oversight when slight disconnects on standards get highlighted.
One might almost imagine their intentions are less than in the spirit of getting to the truth.
the tramp commonly known as Dez also tried a bit of moral somersaulting last last weekend about substituting muslims for jews in his league of victimhood
until it was pointed out to the retard that the muslims actually backed Hitler in ww2 and in many cases,joined special SS battalions to kill jews
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BBC in full Glastonbury mode.
Last night BBC3 and BBC4 both taken up by performances from previous years’ festivals.
But, what is this ? To my surprise the BBC website has reported the demonstration against Bono and U2s’ tax avoidance schemes. It was dealt with swiftly by PC Plod. Obviously, it wasn’t the right kind of demonstration.
Could this be the start of a BBC campaign to expose tax avoidance and evasion by celebrities, especially hypocrites like Bono ? Or will they just stick to Tory-supporting businessmen ?
Just as surprisingly, Today covered the story too, though it didn’t delve into the details of U2’s tax avoidance.
It was an odd segment because the protest was described in some detail and there was an interview with one of the Art Uncut protestors. However the reporting beeboid then went back into U2-friendly gush mode when he got a short interview with Bono.
To paraphrase Harry Hill, the BBC likes U2 but it also likes UK Uncut, but which is better? There’s only one way to find out (it seems)…present both sides of the story without much criticism of either.
It just proves that the BBC is impartial and even-handed.
Peace and Love,
Dezzie and Scottie
C/O BBC, Glastonbury
You didn`t mean “Peace and Love” as Ringo Starr said it did you?
He`s in the country I believe, so dare not say any more about the Great Man!
Ringo ? Now there is a real star !
I listened to this when it was on this morning Craig and was going to comment. It was a weird little piece of reporting with as you say no mention as to why UK uncut might be protesting and definately no mention of the fact that the Irish govt might welcome this tax revenue right now. The reporter told how U2s security guards trampled on the protestors banner (or was it ballon) in a very light hearted way. I somehow doubt the same light hearted tone would be used if say Barclays or any of the other companies UK uncut protest against employed security guards.
Fantastic piece here on the ignorant half-wits that make up ‘UKUncut’:–-uk-uncut-bravely-goes-slumming-with-the-lower-orders/
Excellent. I wonder if the UKUncut crowd has been asked to film the protests for their buddies at Newsnight again. Footage of trustafarians rummaging through a dressing-up box would be most amusing.
A great writer and thinker, Brendan O’Neill, editor of “Spiked”. Well worth subscribing to their weekly newsletter which gives hours of deep, insightful dissections of current news stories. (It’s free though I do support them when I can.)
Spiked is interesting. I don’t always agree with Brendan O’Neill’s take on things. Or with Mick Hume either. He used to write a weekly column in The Times which is where I first came across him and discovered Spiked. He also used to edit some marxist journal, I believe.
Tax avoidance is perfectly legal while tax evasion is NOT legal. When I was contracting I did everything possible to reduce the tax exposure of my company and to increase dividends to my share holders (Mrs Mailman and me).
And while the left will bang on about how the average person in the street has to pay their taxes while these faceless companies dont…thats just a load of bollocks! Every single person in this country can do what companies do (legally of course). The only difference between bob on the unemployment benefit and bob running his office is the while and desire to make it happen!
All highly paid Beeboids probably use similar, legal, tax avoidance methods. Personal companies etc. They just seem rather coy about it !
No great surprise to see which commentator Matt Frei has chosen to help him discuss the state of the nation for his final episode of Americana this week – Andrew Sullivan.
Looney toons conspiracy theorists aren’t usually treated with such reverence, but if you’re an anti-Palin nut there’s always a welcome at the BBC. Being a gay Obama-supporting faux conservative helps too, of course.
It will doubtless be a reprise of that episode after the mid-term elections last November when Sullivan spun furiously for Obama, saying he was “where most American are”, and Frei spun the president as a “moderate pragmatist”. The both also spun against the Tea Party which, “after all of the hullaballoo”, didn’t do very well according to Frei. Sullivan agreed, saying the Republicans would have won the Senate if it wasn’t for the Tea Party.
Much of the interview though was spent on Sarah Palin with Frei calling her “the Evita of the North” and Sullivan calling her “the Queen Esther of Alaska”, both laughing at each other’s comments. Sullivan also played the race card against her.
Er, Queen Esther was a Jewish heroine. As in The Book of. It’s what Purim’s about. Quite frankly, it’s despicable that the BBC would have on this deranged birther and tell you he’s a valuable contributor..
Just be thankful you no longer have to pay Frei Boy’s salary.
I’m not sure if there were any prominent journalits involved in the Birther episode – and indeed if they spent their every waking hour obsessively writing about it like Sullivan did with Sarah Palin’s child – but it’s hard to imagine some Beeboid having a jokey, light-hearted coversation with them.
That scenario is reserved for nutters like Sullivan and genocide advocate maniacs like Atwan.
U2 were of course the BBCs house band when the group put out its last CD back in Feb 2009…wasn`t the BBC criticised in some report for “product placement” and “being willingly used” by the record company-and all associated merchandising types involved.
The Beeb likes its MacCartneys,Jaggers,U2s and other rock royalty-for an anti-elitist agitprop cheerleader, the BBC seems to be happy to keep the rest of us behind the red velvet ropes when REAL royalty breeze by!
BBC, “product placement”, surely not ?
I was up early this morning and with nothing else to do (Even the Cat remained upstairs) I watched the news, well the bBC version. So from 8am to 9am what did the bBC talk about:
Milly Dowler : Where the bBC lawyer was brought on board to explain how aggressive cross examination is part of the process of judicial process in the UK and thus I was left with the impression that the Dowlers were crying over spilt milk.
Food prices in the UK have gone up and more and more families are heading to the local food bank in which to get fed.
Ed MIlliband admits that Labour has to change.
Now want to guess which subject out of those three which took up 30 minutes from am to 8.30am was given the greater prominence?
And you’d be right to guess that it was the Milliband story. Which managed to soak up nearly 15 mins of airtime. In fact from the news I have watched these past few weeks I am of the impression that the bBC is running with a pro Labour article every otherday. While at the same time airing doom and gloom about the present incumbents every chance it gets.
Then in the remaining 30 mins the bBC aired 5 seconds on the man who stabbed a burgler being released on bail, tennis and a review of the newspapers which for some reason was directed at an opinion piece in today’s Times which tries to link Todays Generals with the Generals of WW1 and them being not up to the job.
Which brings me to my next observation, the bBC isn’t reporting as much as it should fromSyria. Oh it may be but for the news I’ve watched these past few days it appears that coverage of events in the Levant has dropped far behind reporting on Shane Warnes make over, and the drought I am facing even thou the area I live in has seen nothing but rain (Lots of rain) since April (Maybe Coleridge was thinking of such a chain of events when he wrote the tale of the ancient mariner and the famous saying ‘Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink)
Now why has the bBC gone all coy on reporting from Syria, It’s not as if they have the same problem with Israel. I wonder if the open door policy the Assads have with Abu Bowenis the reason why?
Milliband admits that labour was not listening to the British public on immigration – fact is, labour engineered the mass immigration deliberately, so this latest pretence is dishonest to put it mildly.
Levis Bellfield is of Romany Pikie descent (one of the liberal Fascist’s master races), thus can be forgiven for something as trivial as a few murders.
The Today programme discussed the treatment of the Dowlers in court, pitching rentagob John Cooper QC (all over the broadcast media in the past 24 hours) against BBC favourite Helena Kennedy. I couldn’t at first figure out what the strange background noise in the studio was, but then realised – it was the sound of their anguished liberal hand-wringing.
Typical ‘Today’ programme – balance one left-wing QC from the Labour Party (as As I See It noted on the last open thread) with another left-wing QC from the Labour Party.
Earlier there was a friendly chat with Peter Preston of the Observer and Guardian (during which the press and broadcasters were exonerated). Later, incidentally, Northern Ireland was discussed with Henry McDonald of the Guardian and Observer. Reversing the order of the ‘Observer’ and ‘Guardian’ though doesn’t make things balance!!
Talking of the Guardian, that Miliband story was inevitably also featured on ‘Today’ with Jim Naughtie reviewing the Guardian‘s interview with Ed Miliband. Naughtie was bigging up Ed’s words, saying “It’s quite a moment!” The idea of opening up the Labour conference to charities and pressure groups was described by Naughtie as “intriguing”. (Sounds like the BBC News Channel).
How the bBC rewrites the story of how Gilad Shalit was kidnapped from inside Israel by terrorists (Yes terrorists) who did so by invading as the fault of…Israel.
Gilad Shalit: Israelis hope for release five years on
Every morning at his residence in Jerusalem, the Israeli Prime Minister wakes up to large banners and flapping flags that read, “Gilad is still alive.”There is also a tree covered in yellow ribbons on the pavement outside and a campaign tent set up by the family and supporters of the captured soldier, Gilad Shalit. His father, Noam, says the idea is to remind Israeli officials of their responsibility to ensure his son’s safe release from Gaza, where Palestinian militants are holding him at an unknown location.
“He was sent on his compulsory military service, and he had no choice in this. He was sent on a mission by the government and the government should bring him back,” says Mr Shalit….A new documentary, recently aired on Israeli Channel 10, revealed previously little known details about the circumstances of Gilad Shalit’s capture.
It showed how the day before he was taken, Israeli special forces entered Gaza and detained a member of the Palestinian militant group, Hamas. At the time, they did not know he was part of a unit planning to seize an Israeli soldier.When Hamas heard the man was in custody, they did not cancel the operation. Instead, they brought it forward.”What happened is they dug a tunnel that went about 400m (1,312ft) beyond the border,” says Mr Danker. “So while the Israeli soldiers were looking towards the Gaza Strip, what actually happened is that Hamas came from behind.”
Separate groups attacked a watchtower, an unmanned vehicle and Gilad Shalit’s tank. He and his comrades were forced out of the hatch after a rocket-propelled grenade was fired at them.
Two Israelis and two Palestinians were also killed in the raid.
(Strange how the bBC dilutes the story by rebranding armed terrorists who invaded another country and who died in that other country as..Palestinians)
Yes another misinformative article from the bBC which remakes the guilty as victims and the victims as..guilty. But then I am talking about the anti-semitic bBC which is currently going out of its way in which to hide the killing fields of Syria from the public.
The bBC, reporting on unjust bans on Australian biker gangs in NSW and half the story.
Australia’s High Court overturns law banning certain motorcycle gangs
Australia’s High Court has overturned a law designed to criminalise certain motorcycle gangs in the state of New South Wales. The law would have allowed police to seek court orders stopping gang members from associating with each other. However, a member of the Hell’s Angels, Derek Wainohu, challenged the law on the grounds that it curtailed individual liberties.
And here is the rest of the story the bBC doesn’t tell you about:
Police wage war on Australia’s 3,500 outlaw bikers as deadly feuds rage
BIKER gang violence is escalating in Australia with groups such as the Nomads, Rebels, Commancheros and Bandidos waging turf wars involving drive-by shootings and firebombings, say police.”Enough is enough,” said New South Wales state police commissioner Ken Moroney, announcing a crackdown on what Australian police call outlaw motorcycle gangs. We are fed up with bikie gangs launching acts of retribution on the streets.A crackdown, named Strike Force Ranmore will involve officers from local, riot, traffic and licensing police, as well as specialist crime command squads, Mr Moroney said. It will carry out regular traffic checks on bikes, raid the gangs’ fortress-like clubhouses and check on gang licences to operate security and liquor businesses. Ranmore will also involve covert operations. “I will use every lawful means at my disposal to bring this criminal activity to an end,” said Mr Moroney.
And here is a little more the bBC doesn’t want you to know:
THEY call themselves MBM – the Muslim Brotherhood Movement – a gang of 600 men who boast they are the toughest and best young street fighters of Middle Eastern descent in Sydney.The sudden appearance of MBM, with its growing membership recruited predominantly from the city’s south-western suburbs, has alarmed senior police already battling to combat open warfare among outlaw motorbike gangs.
Even hardened private security guards have expressed concern to police about the indiscriminate “punch and run” tactics of MBM members who, in the past two weeks, have arrived in large numbers at city nightclub venues and who walk the streets in intimidating mobs. But the objectives of MBM – its emblem features two crossed pistols and a hand grenade – and its leadership remain unclear to officers of both the Organised Crime and Gang Squad and Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad.Police say that a fortnight ago MBM members embarked upon a campaign of random assaults on men who crossed the path of a mob of about 100 toughs stalking Darlinghurst and Kings Cross during the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras.
Instead all we get from the bBC is a one-sided story about how the human rights of Biker gangs have been infringed.
The difference in reporting from the bBC when it comes to Civilian deaths in Afghanistan.
Whenever allegations are made of NATO strikes on Civilians. The bBC will report firstly on how the story is fact (never a retraction) On how civilian deaths are a bug bare in the country for the Afghans (While omitting how civilians casualties by NATO have fallen by 52% with 3% yes 3% of all civilian casualties in Afghanistan caused by Airstrikes.) and how they present this image that NATO is murdering more civilians than they are saving.(2,700 civilians deaths in 2010 of which the Taliban accounted for 75% or 2025, NATO accounted for 675)
Now lets look at how the bBC rewrites the facts in which to give the image that actually it is NATO which is murdering civilians left right and centre in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan: Attack on Logar hospital kills 60
At least 60 people have been killed in a car bomb attack at a hospital in Afghanistan’s Logar province, local officials say.Dozens more were hurt in the blast, some critically. Most of the casualties were civilians.Militants often target Afghan state employees as well as foreign forces. Officials blamed the Taliban, but a Taliban spokesman said it did not attack public places, adding the blast was caused by “someone with an agenda”.
So according to the bBC, a bomb has gone off inside a hospital , 60 people have been killed and they allow the Taliban, the only group in the area with a history of killing the sick, lame and lazy to claim they didn’t do it and that it was somebody with an agenda. Agenda bBC, you mean somebody like NATO trying to give the taliban a bad name. But it gets better after any story about a so called NATO airstrike (9 times out of 10 a false report) the bBC inserts the following paragraph:
Civilian deaths in strikes have caused widespread resentment in Afghanistan.
Yet when the Taliban murder many more, not only does the bBC remain silent on the huge number of people killed by the Taliban, but they actually allow them to claim they didn’t do it. No wonder people in the UK feel the Taliban are winning, the propaganda arm of Islamic terrorism (The bBC) only promotes the image that Islam is a religion of peace, that we have no right to be in their countries (As opposed to them having every right (and a few more) to be over here) and that as long as we kill hundreds and thousands of Muslims, then the Taliban have a right to fight back.
That is a seriously good point and one that the BBC should be made to address. The BBC’s overwhelming pursuance of agendas is disgusting and a serious government would take action. Unfortunately Cameron is a spineless PR man and deserves his footnote in history for heading the interim Coalition government that separated the longest Labour government in British history from the last British national government before the creation of the EU Superstate.
Pro-EU-open door-BBC: relegates importance of immigration control to Britain, and relegates role of PM Cameron:
“Schengen zone: EU to clarify new border controls”
In contrast, ‘Daily Telegraph’ has:
“David Cameron claims asylum law victory.David Cameron has claimed victory in blocking an attempt by Brussels to soften current asylum laws. ”
Victory for DC who wants to see Turkey in the EU……How will he stop them flooding in then?……his thinking is fatally flawed!
I bet he hasn’t given much thought to this side of Turkey – wonder if he is happy to import more sleazy criminal types to prey on young boys, girls boys and women:
Politicians usually aren’t the ones who pay the price for such imports.
It’s not really a victory in that it should never have even been on the table.
The EU ceased to be an issue in Turkey some years ago. They are against joining, don’t want to be dragged down with Greece and all the other EU no-hopers. It will never happen. Why should the Turks put their economic miracle at risk ?
BBC & “Labour lost touch with public and members – Ed Miliband”
Yes, BBC-Labour’s totally misguided politics on e.g. open-door mass immigration, and spendthrift public expenditure, etc were totally out of touch with public opinion under Labour government; and BBC-Labour have the same beliefs now, which they still try to impose on us, despite the devious denials.
Caught 2 minutes of 5Live discussion on immigration this morning. Usual propaganda: examples of highly paid and educated immigrants contributing to country, on average immigrants pay more in taxes than receive in benefits etc. No mention that this average hides a wide discrepancy between few highly paid immigrants (inc those from USA and France working in banks) earning & paying lots and those immigrants from Somalia and elsewhere living off of benefits and contributing nothing to the UK.
And how are the incomes of immigrants in the black economy measured ? !
The differences in bBC reporting on Spies caught in Israel and Lebanon.
The bBC is currently leading with a story about how a terrorist organisation in Lebanon which has bullied its way into power has caught 3 spies.
Hassan Nasrallah: Hezbollah men ‘spied for CIA’
The article waxes lyrical about how Hezb-allah have caught 3 men who have confessed (So they must be guilty) to spying on their fellow countrymen. Now contrast that coverage with how the bBC reported on how Israel jailed an Israeli Arab for spying for Hezb-allh.
Israeli Arab activist convicted of spying for Hezbollah
The bBC goes to great lengths in which to promote this man who also confessed (plea bargaining) as only a victim. The bBC not only allows human rights orgs to have their say, they even include a snippet about how Hezb-allah fought a war with Israel in 2006 which killed nearly 1200 Lebanese civilians.(And that’s in light of how Hezb-allah have admitted that over 800 of their terrorists were killed) in otherwords the bBC adds information which they feel is pertinent to the story so as to give the reader more information as to why an Arab would spy for a terrorist group against his country.
Now lets go back to the original story, does the bBC allow any human rights org to bitch about how Hezb-allah treats those it finds guilty of handing over their secrets?..NO.
Does the bBC inform he reader of how Hezb-allah started a war in 2006 which saw 1200 people killed? No.
In fact does the bBC mention what happens to people found spying in Lebanon..No.
Well here let me tell you:
Lebanon court sentences ‘Israeli spy’ to death
A Lebanese military court sentenced a man to death on charges of spying for Israel’s Mossad and providing the agency with information on the militant group Hezbollah, a judicial official said Friday.AFP “A military court has sentenced Amin Ibrahim al-Baba to death … for contacting Israeli intelligence and providing information that aided Israeli attacks on Lebanon,” the official told AFP.
Now do a search on the bBC website with the condemned mans name:
Amin Ibrahim al-Baba.
I’ll bet you aren’t surprised by the answer.
And people feel that the bBC is impartial in its news reporting from the region.
Am in post traumatic shock after Humphrys interview with Wee Douggie Alexander yesterday.
Douggie was asked if Milibands recent efforts to be a strong leader was just “willy waving”!
We matrons of the BBC are and were shocked by this-and before the 8am watershed too!
At least now- Miliband is for bankers and scroungers..and waves his willy instead of letting the vegetables in his Cabinet be chosen by MPS!
That`s all we`ll be needing to know about labor for the next few years
May I remind you that Maggie once said that “everyone needs a Willie ” .
PS. I was just about to grill some pork spare ribs for lunch. Not so sure now.
The bBC rewrites History.
The forgotten British soldiers of Italian WWI battle
Many tourists visit northern France and Belgium to see the cemeteries where soldiers killed in World War I are buried, but other British WWI war graves are less well-known or remembered, as army chaplain Andrew Martlew observes.If the soldiers who lie in the British military cemetery at Granezza had died a few months earlier, their graves would have had a constant stream of visitors and their memorials at Tyne Cot or the Menin Gate would have been part of our national folklore.
But in the mountains of northern Italy, I was the first British person to sign the visitors’ book this year, and hardly anyone remembers that the British fought alongside the Italians in World War I….They became the first British troops to cross the pre-war boundaries into enemy territory. They advanced so fast that it was two days before their rations caught up with them – through woods, up and down precipitous slopes that dropped hundreds of feet at a time until, on 4 November 1918, their armistice was signed.
So the bBC reports on another British war cemetery which by the look of things is very well tendered and not forgotten as the bBC claims. Then there’s the claim that these British troops were the first to cross pre-war boundaries. Really? because to anybody who has read up on the subject they would know that actually the Allied advance in 1918 in that area only recaptured land which the Austrians had gained in 1917. Then there’s how idiot features claims this grave site is forgotten and to substantiate that claim he states he was the first British person to visit this year and that was in June. Yet leaves out that due to high snow falls in the region the cemetery only opens in…May. Here don’t take my word here’s the graves commissions website saying that.
Yet another example of the bBCs so called experts knowing Sweet FA of the subject at hand.
Just watched ‘History Cold Cases’ on the BBC. In 2004, a mass of bodies was unearthed at the bottom of a well as workers dug foundations for the Chapelfield shopping centre in Norwich. The outcome of this in-depth reporting was:
Some very unpleasant things happened in mediaeval times. – Who’d a thought it?
The local Christians were a pretty unpleasant lot 700 years ago. – Here we go.
The skeletons were Jewish. – You know where this is heading.
The dead people were either murdered, or they committed suicide as a result of persecution by the locals. – Yes!
At the conclusion of this stunning bit of investigative programming, the assembled experts and locals looked suitably shocked and thoroughly ashamed. – And so they should.
Weren’t those Anglo-Saxon Chrsitians a nasty, bigoted bunch? A shame, though, that the BBC is more interested in anti-semitism in Norwich, 700 years ago, than the modern variety in Tower Hamlets?
A lot of fuss over nothing. Television news items of the time indicated that a string of “unfortunate accidents” occurred at the well head, due to the presence of a carelessly discarded piece of soap. The skeletons were only Jewish, because it was the turn of the employees at the local synagogue to fetch the water for the village that day. Move along, now – nothing to see here…
Its funny how BBC history gets so aghast at things that happened hundreds of years ago. Particularly if it was the English doing it.
They see absolutly every issue filtered through such rosy pink liberal lenses. That big black guy in Pulp Fiction was more historically aware when he threaten ‘to get medieval’ on some bad guys ‘ass’.
Still, we’ve come a long way since we used to stone people and lop their heards off at the drop of a hat – and the BBC should celebrate that….?
Is that one of those typos that turn into a clever new word?
Heards. A word signifying bearded heads?
The Radio 4 News bulletin on Today this morning managed to find space to feed its bottomless obsession with the Palestinians with a ‘report’ about a very minor story concerning a Picasso painting being exhibited for the first time in the West Bank. Jon Donnison went along to the opening, telling us of the difficulties faced by the painting on its journey to ‘Palestine’, “which had to pass through several Israeli checkpoints”. It was a sign on the road to Palestinian statehood, we were told.
Yes – in what possible sense was that boring non-story a news item ?
Inevitably, the non-story even makes it to the main page of the BBC News website (their ‘Also in the news’ section).
The idea here is to humanize the Palestinians while de-humanizing the Israelis. The Beeboids believe that the world has an unfair view of them as killing civilians in their sleep, teaching their children to dream of mass murder, and not really wanting peace with a Jewish state. Now, where would anyone get that idea? In any case, the BBC feels it is their duty to counter this impression, and presenting them as civilized patrons of the elite arts is just the thing for it.
I await BBC footage of long lines waiting to see the masterpiece.
“Organisers of the project said it had taken two years of logistical work to get the painting transported to the city in a specially-protected box, which had to pass through several Israeli checkpoints.”
Stupid. All art of any value has to be transported anywhere and everywhere in specially protected boxes to prevent damage and for insurance purposes.
All goods have to go through checkpoints, because of the Palestinians’ annoying habit of trying to harm Israelis.
The BBC correspondent (Jon Donnison ?) might not realise this, and thinks mentioning it makes Palestinians look heroic and resolute, and ready to run their own state.
It’s a hideous painting, but I hope they enjoy it.
In the sense that any story that shows Palestinians in a positive light IS a news story and any story (true or not) that shows Israelis in a negative light IS a news story. The Picasso to Palestine story contrasts nicely with the Israelis stone a dog LIE.
There’s a woman here with a burqa, but not a lot else…
“There’s a woman here with a burqa, but not a lot else…”
Last year I posted re the same though wearing even less: 😀
Picasso was a very prolific artists – there are thousands of his paintings.
So one obscure small gallery sends one obscure picture to Palestine.
And this is news – headline news ?
The BBC’s obsession against Israel is pathological.
Surely, it shows the humanity of the Israelis in letting it through.
But, it looks like a depiction of the human form. Shouldn’t the Palestinians be destroying it ?
First the News Quiz and now I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue… I heard last night on a promo for the new series, that Brigstocke is joining the show. Is any programme safe from the malignant lefty twats?
Please say this is not true. It’s bad enough that they give airtime to Jeremy ‘versus the Israeli army’ Hardy but Marcus ‘Jews! I know you’re god’s ‘Chosen People’ and the rest of us are just whatever, but when Israel behaves like a violent, psychopathic bully and someone mentions it that doesn’t make them antisemitic. And for the record, your troubled history is not a license to act with impunity now.”‘ Brigstocke. My favourite radio programme since my teenage years may have to be off-limits. Thanks BBC; remind me why I should renew my TV licence?
No programme is safe.
By the way, my eye caught a headline in The Mail Online last night about this Brigstocke, something about how he used to be a 24-stone heavyweight. I didn’t read it so that’s all I know.
Is BBC-EU’s Mr BLOOM trying to catch the attention of Mr Patten with this sycophantic, nonsensical propaganda for the E.U.?:
Here’s the BBC’s reprot on the UK’s new nuclear power stations.
As soon as we’ve been told where they are going to be we get this –
‘The announcement comes three months after the Fukushima disaster in Japan.’
The announcement also comes after 50 odd years of trouble free operation of the UK’s nuclear plants, but that isn’t mentioned at all.
Still on today’s Today, there was also a feature by the BBC’s Australia correspondent Nick Bryant (of ‘budgie smugglers’ fame). Bryant’s blog repeatedly shows him to be pro-immigration and highly critical of those who advocate a tough policy towards illegal immigrants. His favourite word to describe the Boat People debate is “paranoaic”. (The word comes up again and again over the last three years of his blog). It’s not easy to square any of this with the idea of impartiality.
The feature today, with the headline Understanding Australia’s Boat People, makes the tiniest nod to impartiality with a brief mention of critics of the reality show in question, but Bryant is clearly supportive of the show and its message.
Then to mark Armed Forces Day, Today chose to discuss the “tensions” between the government and “the military establishment” – the “decline” in the relationship. Not much of a way to mark Armed Forces Day really.
James Landale was talking to James Naughtie. Landale talked about how close the Conservatives were to the military when Labour were in power and mentioned the appointment of General Sir Richard Dannatt as an advisor. As he did so, Naughtie couldn’t contain himself and interrupted to comment authoratively “Well that backfired, didn’t it!”
So Labour said Jim, so Labour said.
Oh for those heady days when we had a Labour Government with an excellent relationship with the Armed Services. Gordon the Moron, the Forces’ Sweetheart. He even wrote a book on courage, didn’t he ?
James “If we win the election” Naughtie spouting the Labour line; shocking!
The BBC’s left-liberal mindset gets everywhere.
Radio 3 is running a light music weekend at the moment and I’m cheerfully humming along to Ketelby, Coates, Goodwin, Tomlinson and the like. Then along comes the inevitable BBC documentary.
Matthew Sweet, presenter of Nightwaves and film critic of the Independent, looks at “the relationship between light music and the media” and adopts the typical BBC sneer at the “boring”, “oppressive” 1950s – Famous Five, xenophobia, racism, women in the kitchen, etc. (The 1950s and the 1980s seem to be the average beeboid’s bogey decades.)
To paraphrase Vaughan Williams (about people reading political meanings into his Fourth Symphony), can’t a man just enjoy listening to a tune?
Talking of which, here’s a piece of light music that depicts Mahmoud Ahmadinejad campaigning before an adoring crowd at an Iranian market (or so the BBC will probably tell me):
It’s been a funny old week.
New Weather presenter Rudolf Hess started work on BBC Scotland.
Marcus Bridgestock launched his Darwinian Two Faced Sauce.
Richard Black cooked up a new recepie for Baked Alaska.
St. Bono’s tax returns were found stuck in the hole of a Dutch dyke.
Jake Humpty-Dumpty on BBCF1 told us Canada was as unique as Valencia because they are both the same.
Finally, the idiots in Bristol forgot to send me my weekly “wishing you were here” postcard.
Oh well ! There’s always next week to look forward to.
Here’s more cluelessness from the US President the BBC won’t be telling you about. Last week, He said that ATMs are bad because they cost jobs, and banks should have loads of tellers instead. Needelss to say, it was moronic and didn’t go over well.
This week, He says that….wait for it….automated machines are the way to create jobs.
He has no clue about any of this. It’s just desperate throwing a ton of sh!t at the wall and seeing if any of it sticks. Mark Mardell is utterly silent on all of it, and instead purrs quietly about how His beloved Obamessiah has snubbed the warmongers about Afghanistan whilst also defeating the isolationists who don’t want war in Libya.
Anyone catch the odious public schoolboy interviewing Paul Simon on Today a couple of days ago? His principle question: Why are you playing your last concert in Israel?
Well Justin, he’s probably playing in Israel because he is a Jew, and because Israelis love music as much as Hamas loves death, and that Israel is the spiritual home of the Jewish people.
Any why should this talented and charming man give a fuck what some little privileged anti-semitic Beeboid prick like Justin Webb thinks?
Yes, I heard that.
Justin Webb mentions that Paul Simon is ending his tour in Israel.
“As you know, some people won’t go to Israel, some artists, stars. Do you have a message for them in this?”
For a moment it almost seemed Justin might be implying that it’s wrong to boycott Israel…….
P.S.: “…….I’ve been through this situation before, in SA.”
J.W.: “Yes, because you went there before apartheid ended, didn’t you, to do Graceland?”
……….but no. He’s pointing out that Paul Simon is an unprincipled perfomance-whore, and comparing Israel to apartheid SA.
And Simon exploited the local musical talent in SA and made millions off that record. When challenged about it, he basically ahrugged it off by saying he got those artists worldwide attention they otherwise wouldn’t have had. Still, I thought Leftoids liked it when artists reached out to shunned states in order to open dialogue. Everybody was pleased for the New York Philharmonic to do that concert in North Korea, but it’s somehow worse to do one in Israel?
Yes I too heard this.
I`m amazed that Simon, Cohen and other Jewish artists don`t blow this one back into the BBCs face.
Only a Justin Webb would dare to lob his cherry bomb into the loo like this.
To me Israel is the newest and most courageous country on earth at the moment-has been for quite some time.
It was created in the face of the nastiest opposition, and is only taking the baton( of welcoming all from around the world in the teeth of persecution) from the USA.
OK it`s not perfect-I`ve never even been-but at least their political elite know something about the price of war, unlike our creeps…and Webb is one of them.
Apt that he`s named after a wet lettuce!
Presumably they`d like Simon to finish his tour on a Turkish gunship masquerading as a peaceful cruise liner!
Simon did more to remove apartheid that 1,000 Webbs-yet look who dares to judge the other!
BBC signs its own death certificate each and every day!
“Look around you all you see are sympathetic eyes”
“BBC to give back RTS award for ‘faked’ Primark Panorama programme”
Read more: (access restricted to UK):’Newswatch’
‘DARWIN is “on track” to break another weather record – heading for the coldest month on record.
Weather bureau senior forecaster Angeline Prasad said that the mercury had dropped below 20C every day in June. “There has been 32 consecutive days below 20C,” she said. “It is unusual.”
She said the record for consecutive days below 20C in Darwin was 53, set in 1965.
“June is on track to being the coldest month ever recorded,” Ms Prasad said.’
Richard Black? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Dont worry, the warmth is only being masked by all that cold! The BBC said so, therefore it must be true!
It’s winter in the Southern Hemisphere. So add six months to give you what the equivalent month would be here in the north, i.e December.
Well now, it’s hardly surprising that it’s cold in December now, is it ?
In fact, the Darwin temperatures seem pretty high for midwinter, don’t they now ? Do you see any snow there, hmmmm ? I don’t !
In short, it might SEEM to be cold in Darwin, but it’s not really at all. And you know why.
Yes ! So it is that AGW continues to manifest itself in spite of the feeble, anti-life attempts of flat-earthers, anti-science wackos and other pondlife to fiddle the holy facts !
More wind farms for Darwin !
Did you even read the quotes?
Yes it’s winter in australia, we know it’s winter in Australia BUT “There has been 32 consecutive days below 20C,” she said. “It is unusual.”
“June is on track to being the coldest month ever recorded,” Ms Prasad said.’
Notasheep, I think you missed Buggy’s irony, he had his BBC making pathetic excuses to support failing agenda hat on…I think!
I thought that the phrase “the holy facts” might have given the game away. That or my highlighting the lack of snow in Darwin.
Shame: I was rather proud of coming up with “the holy facts”, and had planned to give it little outings elsewhere, but now you’ve gone and spoiled it……….
Bbbbut three fields in Lincolnshire have had a drought!
Oh, dear. Even the US Supreme Court has climate deniers.
The supremes recommend the supreme skeptic
The justices of the United States Supreme Court this week became the world’s most august global warming sceptics. Not by virtue of their legal reasoning – the global warming case they decided turned on a technical legal issue — but in their surprising commentary. Global warming is by no means a settled issue, they made clear, suggesting it would be foolhardy to assume it was.
“The court, we caution, endorses no particular view of the complicated issues related to carbon-dioxide emissions and climate change,” reads the 8-0 decision, delivered by the court’s acclaimed liberal, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
The case involved Connecticut trying to bleed the power companies dry and limit their business by calling in Federal Law (the Clean Air Act), which didn’t pan out for them. The lower court dismissed it saying they could instaed sue the power companies on an individual basis using public nuisance laws. Gin up enough local complaints about carbon, and you’ve got a nice set of business-crimping lawsuits. So the power companies got the Supreme Court to look at that aspect of it, and the justices apparently had a clue.
The court decision noted that the Environmental Protection Agency itself had “Acknowledg[ed] that not all scientists agreed on the causes and consequences of the rise in global temperatures,” before suggesting readers consult “views opposing” the conventional wisdom. Specifically, the justices’ recommended reading was a superb profile of Princeton’s Freeman Dyson, perhaps America’s most respected scientist, written in the New York Times Magazine, March 29, 2009.
Freeman Dyson is another denier the BBC won’t allow on air to discuss it. Contradicts the “science is settled” Narrative. If Black or Harrabin are aware of this (and they probably are, as you can bet they receive all sorts of daily briefs from environmentals), I hope they’re rending their garments over it.
On the last open thread, I made a comment about how the BBC censored news of The Obamessiah confusing a live Medal of Honor recipient with a dead one – during a speech to the dead man’s unit. Oh, yes: the President Himself awarded the medal to the living recipient, thus compounding the erorr. The utter incompetence was ignored by the MSM, and the Beeboids felt secure in doing the same.
Now He has apologized for it. BBC: ZZZZzzzzzzz
These gaffs appear to be stacking up – I expect the BBC will compile them all into a “Let’s Laugh at ‘Bama” page, in the run up to the Presidentials.
And were it Bush we KNOW it would be covered in depth with highlights of past gaffs etc…we KNOW it but we can’t prove it but anyone with half a brain can see it.
Oh, we can prove it. When reporting on Bush, the BBC delighted in highlighting his gaffes. When Bush walked into a locked door after a press conference, the BBC not only put the photo on the front page (image below), but felt it was worthy of both a giggle in the news brief about it, and a full video posted for posterity. It’s still there.
When writing the “Diary” following Bush around some diplo trip, the BBC felt that, rather than interesting images, the best thing for it was a photo of Bush slumped in a chair drinking what looks like a beer (it’s funny ’cause he’s teetotal, but it’s really a non-alcoholic beverage, you see. Classic BBC humor!), and a family photo with the President of Poland, his wife, and his dog in which Bush has a silly look on his face.
And remember when The Obamessiah screwed up the toast to the Queen and the BBC blamed the band for it instead? When it was Bush making a less important mistake, the BBC was all over it, and even supported the Queen!
And then there’s this gaffe the BBC thought worth mentioning, and this one, and this one. Do a search for “Obama gaffe” and watch the tumbleweeds roll by. There’s only one: when He made that unfortunate remark about bowling like someone from the Special Olympics. The only other BBC story with “Obama” and “gaffe” in the same sentence is when “gaffe” is in scare quotes, to protect Him. There won’t be a Beeboid doing a farewell to The Obamessiah full of His gaffes like what Rory Bremner did for Bush.
And don’t forget this montage. Or the screenshots below:
Excellent post David and proof indeed. Worth sending it to the buggers!
Anyone seen this on al beeb yet?
“Far Right poster boy”? Now that’s the sort of impartiality I do expect to see should the story ever be mentioned by the BBC!
If he been found guilty it would have been the top story at the BBC
At what point does a party cease to become ‘far right’ and become ‘mainstream’ or ‘centre right’?
Clearly not when it’s the third biggest party.
BBC unable to finish the story with Wilders aquittal, they had to pop in a “But”….
“But a lawyer for many of the Muslim plaintiffs, Ties Prakken, says she will take their case beyond Dutch borders to the UN Human Rights Committee in Geneva. ”
In her wiki the retired but still practicing lawyer gives it all away: “I enjoy the political criminal cases the most”
To her, it’s politics. To the BBC, likewise
Good grief! Muslims engaging a FEMALE lawyer? What is their world coming to?
There’s no such thing as centre-right in beebland. You’re either far-right or right wing extremist.
To the BBC only left-wing parties are mainstream. Centre right means Somewhere between Tony Blair and Ken Clarke. Anywhere to the right of them is right-wing.
priorities, Priorities, PRIORITIES*
*Like cuts, Cuts, CUTSSS!, only ratings are also better for bonusses in certain uniquely funded public sector organisations.
Oh joy that should be worth 25 mil !
The ROP ‘at work’
One is sure the MSM, and even those who seem to have a more nuanced view of how news gets reported will see this in purely factual terms.
Today’s Sunday with Ed Stourton began with someone who wants us to talk to the Taleban. We didn’t hear from the other side of the debate.
Next up it was gay marriage in Australia. The report had a classic BBC structure, beginning with a long segment where we heard from supporters of gay marriage, following this with a shorter segment for the purely Christian opponents, then returning to the supporters to give them the final word and even more air-time – three talking heads for ‘marriage equality’, just two against. The balance was further tipped towards the supporters by the use of clips from a supportive Kylie and some pro-gay marriage ads.
After a piece on the Anglican Olympic prayer, there was another report, this time on the subject of UNISON’s call for concerted action with faith groups against THE CUTS . Same structure, beginning with the view of the union and a Muslim supporter before, after a more cautious welcome from a third talking head, giving a brief bite to a sceptical voice, and then handing back to the union mouthpiece for the final word.
After two e-mails from listeners – one attacking “privelege”, the other attacking the Catholic Church over child abuse -, it was onto gay bishops in the Church of England (beeboid on beeboid interview).
Next the Bishop of Oxford on widening admission to church schools, especially to “the poor”.
Finally, assisted suicide. This was fair enough, giving a fair crack of the whip to both sides of the argument (anti-euthansia George Pitcher and pro-euthanasia “Charlie” Falconer, Labour), though Ed Stourton did editorialise over Mr Pitcher’s “colourful language”.
Standard Sunday morning Radio 4 fare.
That’s why I tend to listen to Radio 3 on Sundays.
Sunday morning means I switch to LBC. Steve Allen for the early hours is pleasantly entertaining, then Ed Pearce does a 3-hour political show. Sometimes he has Maguire with him – but always there is some attempt at BALANCE.
I’d be delighted if Charlie Falconer & the rest of the neo liberal advocates of euthanasia swallowed their own medicine. Nobody wants to be an encumbrance to others, do they Charlie? Not when their ‘best work’ is behind them, & the rest of us have our hands full picking up the pieces after the Nu Labour catastrophe. Perhaps his silver tongue could persuade his old mucker Blair to join him in finally doing something good for the nation.
I think this could be the answer:
Working together…
For a Bigger, Better, Cleaner, Greener, Fairer Glastonbury”
I have some time for Water Aid although it too has been politicised but the others are our old friends and favourites Oxfam and Greenpeace
Yes, that’s about the size of it.
The BBC just love this sort of thing and it’s on the licence fee anyway.
God knows how many new and exciting perfidious people will have brainwashed them with ideas for the BBC to champion.
Well here’s mine :
The location for the UK’s next nuclear power station – Glastonbury – upon – the – mud.
Working together…
For a Bigger, Better, Cleaner, Greener, Fairer Glastonbury”
Wouldn’t Glastonbury be “cleaner” if they didn’t import thousands of people to a site with no mains sewerage system ?
Not only that but Beeboid idiots had to bring their favoured place and pastime into the intro to the Wimbledon highlights programme yesterday evening with a contrived reference to choosing between Glastonbury and Wimbledon, ending with the excruciating “punchline”: “…the best grass in the world is here at SW19 – and it’s legal”.
How crass can you get?
See 0 – 20 seconds for this naff contribution to the tennis coverage by the idiotic would-be “comedian” and Jack-the-Lad presenter Inverdale – God knows why this fool was ever given the job of presenting a tennis programme:
“BBC One to spend millions on new shows that will trigger new ratings war. BBC One is prepared to spend millions to create entertainment shows to attract high ratings, according to the channel’s controller.”
The head of Reprieve (Ken MacDonald) and the head of Liberty (Shami Chakrabarti) both appearing on Marr today. (Whose bright idea was that?) Shami admired what the head of Reprieve had said – as well she might, given that they usually agree on most things.
But there was also Nigel Farage of UKIP, whose been on the programme while Caroline Lucas of the Green Party hasnt been on yet since before the 2010 general election,even though she won her seat and UKIP failed to win a seat. That doesnt mean that The Andrew Marr Show is pro UKIP or anti Green Party though.
She must be on holiday! There was a spell before, during and since the election when it seemed that she was never off the Beeboid telly – they love her in Beeboidland.
she’s addressing a political meeting in Glastonbury
where else?
Love your Left-wing sense of humour !
BBC-Labour still lobbies for illegal Muslim immigrants to get into E.U and Britain (as part of the reality of ‘Arab spring’).
The main political voice emphasised here in (Tahrir Square visitor) Naughtie’s piece is that of the open-door Swedish left, as guide for way to complete the Islamic colonisation of the E.U. and Britain.
Note the unchanging BBC-Labour political propaganda for mass illegal immigration: ‘if you don’t support all this, you’re prejudiced’:
“‘Prejudice building’ over EU immigration”
‘Daily Mail’:
“Cameron has finally woken up to the disaster that is immigration. But he’s left it too late”
Read more:
INBBC: total disdain for persecuted Christians in Islamic Egypt (post-‘Arab spring’), has nothing on this:
Egypt: Muslims torch eight Christian homes on rumor of church construction
“The main political voice emphasised here in (Tahrir Square visitor) Naughtie’s piece is that of the open-door Swedish left”
But I heard a British Conservative speaking twice and a right wing Belgian and a Dutch liberal. Two of them were on one side of the argument and two of the them were on the other and to me the report seemed fair not propoganda.
The main political thread throughout was that of the Swedish political left woman. And the political tone was set by Naughtie’s opening doleful tone about the (opportunistic) Muslims illegal immigrants from North Africa.
And where does that headline word ‘prejudice’ come from? And who is it aimed at? We Europeans/ Brits. More BBC-Labour open-door propaganda. BBC-Labour campaigned for mass immigration for years, and still do, now they’re forcing us to accepted the consequences of their action.
Talking about the Swedish political left, this is Malmo today, as a result of mass Islamic immigration, campaigned for by Swedish left:
“Jews leave Swedish city after sharp rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes. Sweden’s reputation as a tolerant, liberal nation is being threatened by a steep rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes in the city of Malmo. ”
I agree with you. The right-wing bias of the BBC disgusts me. Are you going to stop paying your TV tax ?
I agree with Daisy in part, but not completely. They did have on voices from both sides of the issue, but I think that overall the piece was weighted against the anti-immigration position.
The anti-immigration Belgian guy was allowed to talk sense, but when he’d finished, Naughtie seemed to dismiss his comments by saying, “But what to do?”, then moved on to the next opinion. Also, Vlaams Blok is more interested in dumping the Wallonian albatross than starting an Aryan Nation club, Both halves of Belgium have a problem with immigration-fueled ghettos, though, which is why the issue gets votes.
I think the only real biased part, though, was allowing the pro-Open Borders woman to lay out what is essentially total BS without challenge. If we take her seriously about the idea that the EU has one big border and no internal ones, then logically the first point of entry is the real border where controls must be implemented and not somewhere else like she claimed. Naughtie instead supported her position.
I prefer the word realism to prejudice. The BBC/Left don’t do realilty . It is probably not “appropriate”
Is anyone going to comment about the right wing bias on Sunday Morning with Susanna Reed? Two out of three guests were right wing; ick Ferrari and Richard North. They often agreed with each other. Next week two out of the three guests might be left wing, so its no big deal.
No Not really because you have! I find that the one item that you found against the hundreds the other way is not balance it’s not even a start ! come back when you have say 10 or more instances mind I won’t hold my breath as impartiality is no big deal ! !!
It’s about trends Daisy. Two swallows don’t make a summer, especially if most weeks it’s left-leaning swifts rather than right-leaning swallows.
For example, the Politics Show with Jon Sopel is unusually good for a BBC current affairs programme (outside of the Daily Politics) at balancing its pair of commenting journalists between Left and Right, but today’s programme features a Labour-supporting journalist from the Times, Philip Collins, and someone from even further left, Yasmin Alibhai Brown. If this begins to happen more regularly, and if the trend is that it happens to favour the Left rather than the Right, it could become a big deal. Especially if it fits in with an even bigger trend – that across the whole of the BBC’s output – towards the Left.
The strong tendency for Andrew Marr’s sofa to feature disproportionate numbers of voices from the Left is just one example of that (Nigel Farage notwithstanding!)
The consequence of having Yasmin Alibhai Brown and former Labour advisor Phil Collins on the Politics Show from the same (Left) wing of politics soon became clear as the conversation turned to Ed Miliband’s contribution to the debate. Collins said “I thought he was clear. I thought he said the right thing. I thought he was quite measured”. YAB agreed, “his words were well-chosen, I think.” Full marks for Ed then.
Then YAB attacked possible anti-union legislation from the government. Collins said “I agree with that.”
There was some debate though – a classic BBC debate between shades of Left, as YAB supports the strikes and PC doesn’t. And they don’t see eye to eye on Tony Blair. Jon Sopel and Phil Collins both had to defend Blair against YAB’s typically inflexible hatred.
I still think Daisy is Scottie and Dezzie’s alter ego, feminine side, trying to play Damsel to your Chilvalry !
She found an exception , maybe two. For a Beeboid, that is statistical proof ! After all, they are masters and mistresses of science and logic.
‘.. alter ego, feminine side, trying to play Damsel to your Chilvalry !’
Can be effective. There’s a poster on Richard Black’s blog who flutters doe-eyes virtually to ask a series a daft questions in all ‘innocence’ that render usually incisive contributors to mush. ‘She’ is probably a male LSE lecturer in ‘Propaganda techniques for beginners’. Hence I fear my chivalry does not depend on nom de plume, but only on the quality of argument.
As clearly highlighted here already, a function is served by again making the point that few rights do not atone for vast wrongs, especially when brought up so selectively, if daintily.
However, there is no real problem in plucking the odd inconsistency out on occasion, one supposes, if only to highlight the overall situation.
But I’m confused.
Not too long ago, this very thing was decried by some (rather undercut when it was shown to apply over a season) when a snapshot of Graun ‘guests’ over-dominating BBC was shared.
Which is it Daisy (credit due for leaving comment history visible), give us your answer do.
With all the pension stuff about to come this week-I imagine we`ll not be hearing too much about what Brown did to them in 97/8 to break the spine of the system that had once been the envy of many other places will we?
Don`t imagine we`ll hear too much about Alan Johnson refusing to grasp this nettle of public sector pension reform, because the unions were all huffy. Johnson bottled it and left it in the Tories in-tray. No doubt we`ll see plenty of him telling us what he would do about all this…and the BBC goldfish will continue to admire the castle that they swim round rediscovering anew!
It’s not just about who the guests are, it’s also about how they’re treated. I didn’t catch the programme, so have no comment to make on it, but in general right wing guests appear to be given a harder time than left wing guests. Perhaps those who caught the programme can enlighten us?
Naughtie helped the pro-Open Borders woman clarify her (completely illogical, BS) position, but gave no such assistance to voices from the other side. He in fact casually dismissed the Belgian guy’s statement against open borders.
Politics show London; soft interview with Tony Benn then combative one with someone from TFL hammering on about how bad Boris was on transport.
Had a look at the presenter’s twitter feed; their true colours are hardly concealed –!/tweeta_anita
Is Tony Benn still alive ? What possible relevance does he have to anything ? Of course, he is extreme left-wing, so a Beeboid favourite.
Yes he is Grant!
I see the old buffer every year and have a blanket to hand as he wobbles down the main street of Tolpuddle.
One of the worst ministers we ever had in a Department, so lionised by the Left-if all ministers had been as crap, we`d have had his Soviet by now! The last Labour lot certainly tried to follow in his carpet slippers anyway!
Still-he is infinitely better than Billy Bragg-as soon as he heads for the stage, me and many other good souls head for the buses…and we cyclists have a cider and a pastie round the first bend(Bragg Bend!) where we can`t hear the git on the wind!
Welcome to my world!
A blanket is hardly a precision weapon to use on Dear Ol’ Wedgie, cj.
I’d suggest a cane, as used in countless silents by the likes of Mr C.S. Chaplin to whip the undercarriage from some unsuspecting dupe. 😀
On a more serious note, I’d recommend getting hold of Michael Wharton’s collected columns (several volumes) as it’s useful for those of us who are too young (thankfully) to have experienced the likes of Benn on full throttle to get a look at the full hideous picture, and thus have the capacity to utter a choice expletive or two when they’re paraded before us as cuddly national treasures who “didn’t really mean it.”
The best story I heard about Benn came from a number of people who lived in Chesterfield when he was the MP there. As his train from London pulled into Chesterfield station he used to run from his first class carriage which he travelled in in. To a standard class one so he could get off the train looking like a member of the toilng working class artisan and not a capitalist in first class.
Another example of BBC extravagence.
Despite having a small army of reporters in the U.S., many of them based in Washington, Paddy O’Connell flew to Washington (and back again) this week to assess reactions to Obama’s announcement of the beginning of the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
“I travelled to Washington D.C. to hear how news of the withdrawal was being greeted.”
All that expense for a fairly short report for Broadcasting House which any U.S.-based BBC reporter could have compiled. It was nothing special. Obviously there’s still money to burn at the “cash-strapped” BBC.
Are we not to worry about global warming this weekend then?
Still-no doubt we`ll be expected to when Paddy flies home…and any resemblance to hypocritical prep school guilt wringing jellyfish will be purely coincidental!
Didn’t you know? BBC activities don’t produce CO2. In the same way as politicians don’t. Only us little people need consider CO2.
Has anyone watched BBC’s ‘Planet of the Apeman’ which charts the rise of early man?
Well in it ‘early man’ is black. There is no proof that this was the case and even the ‘out of Africa’ theory has now been discredited as earlier human remains have now been found in China. But the BBC conveniently ignores this fact.
What this show is all about is the blatant peddling and promotion of multiculturalism – one of the BBC’s pet projects (just look at CBeebies!).
And things don’t get much more biased than that.
Maybe the BBC could not swallow this evidence.
“World’s Oldest Human Remains? Discovered in Israel, the finding challenges conventional wisdom that Homo sapiens originated in Africa.”
This makes the oldest human remains Palestinian not Jewish; come on follow the BBC narrative.
I saw that programme -it was pathetic, dumbed down cr*p. Ideal material for BBC1! There is no way we can know what colour the early humans of India were, so I do not have a problem with using African actors (the programme was made in the Rainbow Nation). Why not?. I did notice, however, that the cannabalistic, stupid, grunting half-brained, beetle browed savages – Homo Erectus – were portrayed by white skinned actors.
As an aside, amazingly these savages had invented shoes and loin-cloths before the power of speach.
The “Out of Africa” theory hasn’t been discredited yet. It’s just that it turns out there were more ‘waves’ of early humans coming out than previously thought. China wants to prove that humans evolved there first or at least separately from Homo Erectus or something, and who knows how that’s going to work out.
I don’t really want to dwell on this, but as is often the case with the BBC, they see everything in black and white (no pun intended).
In real life it really is not that simple. Theories are not facts. There are many theories of where man first appeared, but none are fact. The reason why most fossils are found in Africa could be because that is where paleontologist have concentrated their efforts.
What if the earliest man had come from Greenland? You would never find out unless they were discovered by mistake. Which seems to have been the case in Israel, China and Spain.
To the BBC everything is simple, to the rest of the human race it is complicated. Its like the difference between a two year old (BBC) and Einstein (Realiity).
Beeboids are so stupid they are totally unaware of the contempt with which many intelligent educated Black Africans hold them.
Patronising people is the worst insult.
Grant – do you think we could get a Benefit Concert organised in Africa, to raise money towards Bono’s Irish tax-bills?
I know, we could get “Gi’s yer fookin’ money” Geldof to do it – and make it worth his while…
anyone see sunday live about the rise of antisemitism?
not a victim of it/or rabbi in sight?,(a la tower hamlets)
but it did have a muslim rep from engage, whose only contribution seemed to be, islamophobia is much worse,(actually factually false, but not the question?), as recent reports show vast majority of mosques are fierce
advocates of it, & majority of muslim schools are too.
Brings to mind a recent big questions,”does britain have a problem with muslims” where actually nobody asked, & and it turned into a nauseating
parade of victim mentality.
Is the head of religious programmes still muslim, i think er…he needs to be asked “big questions” .
I didn’t see it. I think someone was complaining about it having two rightwingers to one lefy, or something along those lines. I suppose the idea that there should have been some Jews on, didn’t occur to the complainer – or to the Beeboid Corporation either.
Millie Tant, I only didnt mention it because two of the video guests were Mark Gardner of the Community Security Trust, that protects the Jewish community from antisemitic attacks and former MP Evan Harris, whose parents were both Jewish. The third video guest was a Muslim.
don t you think that the premis of the discussion, was moved away from antisemitism,(a real phenom), towards “islamophobia”(an invented construct used to stifle discussion) as if there was some relativity? there
…when there was & is none,
It is a bit rich, asking a politicised muslim to wax lyrical about it, when today islam, is the overwhelming producer of both antisemitic material/attacks on jewish people.
That show was typical of the tabloid style TV that the BBC is pumping out these days.
Does the human rights act stop us from deporting foreign criminals?
Rephrased for this debate to the nonsensical-sounding:
“Do criminal immigrants deserve human rights?”
Saying they don’t sounds as though you think immigrants are sub human, which makes anyone who thinks the rights of criminal immigrants shouldn’t trump those of their victim or everyone else, seem to be ‘racist’.
Richard D North and Nick whassisname disagreed over almost everything, so saying that they’re both “on the right’ seems irrelevant and hardly balances the default lefty bias that we’re used to.
The antisemitism discussion was more interesting, and I tended to agree with various parts of what everyone said, right up until they brought in a Muslim to complain about Islamophobia. The programme was supposed to be about antisemitism, not the trumped up phobia that criticism of Islam has turned itself into. Muslims are not the new Jews.
And did you say the Community Security Trust protects the Jewish community from antisemitic attacks? If only.
Incidentally just because Evan Harris’s parents are Jewish it doesn’t mean he wants to jail people for antisemitism. On the contrary, he’s a devout secularist and campaigner for free speech.
Opinion was divided regardless of left or right political labels, sometimes the lefty agreed with one of the righties, and sometimes she agreed with the other. The Jews disagreed with each other as did the righties.
In any case, the programme is dumbed down till it’s positively moronic.
What’s the point in Susannah Reid telling the audience that they might be able to join in if they’ve got Skype? Everyone knows these things are pre-arranged and the Skype contributors have been on stand-by for days beforehand, and even then some of them aren’t used. They’re probably still standing by.
“And did you say the Community Security Trust protects the Jewish community from antisemitic attacks?”
That was what Susannah Reed said. The Community Security Trusts website says “CST (Community Security Trust) is proud of Britain’s diverse and vibrant Jewish community, and seeks to protect its many achievements from the external threats of bigotry, antisemitism and terrorism.”
“That was what Susannah Reed (sic) said.”
Don’t take her word for it. At one point she started calling it the ‘Community Safety Trust.’
If the CST protects the Jewish Community from antisemitic attacks, there’s nothing to worry about. Sorted.
Pedantic, I know.
and that is it in a nutshell……no one who actually, could be really direct/vociferous, about it, not because some millionaire dresser, got drugged up, BUT because they have been attacked /prevented from going to school/terrorised etc, was on.
Put that in sharp contrast to a ridiculous charade of a programme, big questions last week, where it was nothing but,(direct/vociferous),over what is not a real phenom, but little more than a propaganda exercise.
It is openly once again, downplaying genuine acts of threat/violence/terror, whilst playing up to a an invented construct used to stifle discussion, that insinuates that any reservations/criticisms about Islam must ipso facto be “phobic.”
“A divine belief by the radical Islamic movement in the institution of the Caliphate as a fortress to restore Islam’s power and a vehicle to challenge the primacy of Western civilisation is gathering storm in the Islamic world and beyond. Sourced from the Koran and Islamic history, the Islamic movement may differ as to whether the methodology of revival should be jihad, reformist or political, but the goal of restoring the Caliphate is now uniformly agreed upon. ”
If you do not support this aim you are an Islamophobe? The only way to avoid the label is to lie down and surrender.
Was there such a thing as Naziophobia? or Communistophobia?
There was definitely a lot of fun had about stupid people in the US who saw “Reds Under The Bed”. Lots of scoldling of people a few decades ago for thinking Communism might be a problem. For “Communistophobia”, subsitute “McCarthyism”.
Turns out those who were afraid of Communists infiltrating the Government and Hollywood were right, though.
There are two key factors missing from this BBC news brief about Israel dismantling and re-routing a barrier between Israel and the West Bank. First, the barrier greatly reduced the suicide bomber attacks on Israeli civilians. How do I know that without providing a link? Well, if it wasn’t true, the BBC would do more than say Israel claims it’s a “necessary security measure” and would quote figures to disprove Israel’s position, just like they do with every other issue. Also, if it’s not true, where have all the reports about suicide bombers in Israeli pizza parlors and hotels been? It’s obvious the attempts have dropped drastically, but the BBC doesn’t want you to know that. They want you to think that it’s merely Israel’s opinion, which we all know is worthless to them.
Secondly – and far more important: the fact that it’s happening in this particular location is proof that peaceful protest works and attempts at mass murder don’t. Yet the BBC won’t acknowledge it. Like I and others keep asking: Where is the Palestinian Ghandi or ML King, BBC? Where are your features on peaceful protest, except when you lie about attacks on Israeli border patrols? This would have been a perfect time to do it, yet the BBC demurs. Why?
Thank goodness for John McEnroe at Wimbledon. Gary Richardson is toe-curlingly embarrassing with his obsequious interviewing style.
Yes, I like him. He is interesting and the only thing I have against him is that he talks too much during matches.
BBC report on the sad death of Cameron’s local Chairman at Glasto. They can’t help but slip in a wee dig. The whole article is about his untimely death but they also slipped in this:
“The area is usually off-limits to most festival-goers, with gates manned by security staff enforcing a strict no-pass, no-entry rule.
Mr Shale features in an article in the Mail on Sunday, which portrayed him as being critical of his Conservative association.
In what the newspaper calls a strategy document looking at how to increase association membership – which Mr Cameron is said to be aware of – Mr Shale says that at present there was “no reason to join – lots of reasons not to”.
In the document, he presented a scathing assessment of the social skills and fundraising efforts of his association.
More than 137,000 people are thought to be attending the festival at Worthy Farm in Pilton, which ends on Sunday.”
For goodness sake….the bit in italics doesn’t even make sense as English when it is topped and tailed by two linked sentences about the same topic ie Glasto!
BBC – sickening really sickening….
The bit about the Mail on Sunday article should not have been included in the article and the last paragraph is disgracefully inappropriate. Have they no editors to vet these things, or did the editors see nothing wrong with it too?
Anyone find it tasteless, BBC trumpeting that Cameron’s Oxfordshire Conservative Party Chair was found dead at Glastonberry “in a toilet” – any opportunity to associate “Tory” with “sh1t” eh?
As anyone with a passing aquaintance with medical statistics knows, sadly, the toilet is a place many dead people are found, their failing heart condition or whatever being triggered by natural circumstances.
I have no idea whether his place of death is relevant, neither does the BBC, but that hasn’t stopped the Beeb journos gloating.
Would that Mark Thompson be found so. What would the Beeboids report then? Or Mrs T? What utterly vile people the BBC employ, knowingly.
The use of the word ‘Tory’ in the first paragraph of the article David Terron links to above seems inappropriate too. In the context the word ‘Conservative’ was surely the correct word and I can’t see why it wasn’t used.
Probably because in Beeboidland, having only two syllables, it is easier to spit out the word “Tory” with their customary venom. A bit like Thatcher.
Here’s the BBC’s special platform for the Unions to air their grievances and get the public on side for their upcoming strikes. The balancing page for the Government’s position is….um…..oh, wait…..
INBBC headline:
-understatement of the Islamic jihad year –
“Afghanistan: Eight-year-old girl ‘used in attack'”
‘Jihadwatch’ puts it in context:
“The world breathed a sigh of relief that Pakistani jihadists had failed in their attempt to use nine-year-old Sohana Jawed to carry a bomb in an attack that would have killed her. Now, Afghan jihadists tried, and this time, it worked. Perhaps this was a copycat attack; in any event, Sohana’s case is no longer an anomaly, but part of the jihadist playbook in the region.
Where is the outrage? As with yesterday’s hospital bombing — which reportedly hit a maternity ward the hardest — all of Afghanistan, and indeed all of the Muslim world ought to be furious. If there ever were a time for righteous indignation, this would be it. But if protests over the Muhammad cartoons and the Florida Qur’an burning have shown us the ferocity of anger that something said to be ‘against Islam’ can provoke, the relative silence in the face of these acts is deafening.”
Where is the outrage? After earlier failure, jihadists succeed in using eight-year-old girl to carry remote-controlled bomb to police, killing her
Islamic terrorist failures as human beings, doted on by fellow-travelling western leftist journalists, funded by super-annuated Islington Animal-farm Pigs like Mark Thompson.
Vile Vile Vile BBC.
Typical example of ‘Jihadwatch’ propaganda.
If this story is true it is indeed despicable; but according to Jihadwatch it’s not only the terrorists who carried out the attack who are responsible but every other Muslim across the globe.
Akin to implying that 1.6 billion Catholics are implicated in the actions of the IRA.
I don’t recall massive worldwide demonstrations by Catholics every time a republican bomb went off in NI. According to the logic of Jihadwatch this means Catholics don’t care; “the relative silence in the face of these acts is deafening”.
What excites “Dez” is the “but”. Of course he does not approve of using a child as a bomb but……it is of course “despictable” but….For moral inverts it is the “but” which excites.
For your information the IRA were a secular Leftist Irish Nationalist terrorist group, and insofar as there was any connection with the Catholic Church, this is an issue that Catholics do have to address.
Did the IRA set off bombs as Christians? Go on, answer your own question.
If they did not set off bombs as Christians then you are just having a Leftist jerk off. If the IRA did set of bombs because they believed that they were directed to do so by their Christian faith, then what happened to the secular Leftist desire that Christians should have to face up to the link between their faith and bad actions?
Great answer to a particularly nauseating question.
When a teacher calls a teddybear mohammed there are riots in the street. Protests by hundreds of thousands.
When cartoons are published the death toll goes into double figures embassies are attacked and journalists targeted.
Yet when a bomb is strapped to a little girl to try and bring about a stricken form of sharia law not one banner. Not one raised voice.
Always justified…. Why?
The parallels with NI are pretty lame as thousands of Catholics and prtestants marched on peace marches.
How many times did the ira strap a bomb to a child?
How many times did the uvf use suicide bombing?
Did P O’Neil ever send a coded message saying for ‘the holy trinity and the holy catholic church’?
Strict. Oops
Geroge R, in the report you cite: “An eight-year-old girl has been killed after insurgents…” should read “Insurgents have killed an eight-year-old girl…”
Beware the passive tense in news reports
“Typical example of ‘Jihadwatch’ propaganda.”
All too typical example of a hate filled Leftist moral imbecile. Go back to selling your Socialist Worker you sad excuse for a human being.
and last week Dez was supporting the bullying and prurient behaviour of the defence lawyers in the Milly Dowler case.
Seems like Dez is a natural defender of the despicable.
Dez, Scott, often David and even the butter-wouldn’t-melt Daisy seem to err a smidge more of heat over light in the contrarian scheme of debate.
Beyond the vulture swoops on cherry orchards, they also scamper back into the bunker on watertight oversight when slight disconnects on standards get highlighted.
One might almost imagine their intentions are less than in the spirit of getting to the truth.
the tramp commonly known as Dez also tried a bit of moral somersaulting last last weekend about substituting muslims for jews in his league of victimhood
until it was pointed out to the retard that the muslims actually backed Hitler in ww2 and in many cases,joined special SS battalions to kill jews
this is typical trolling M.O.
Is there the chance that the BBC might be the subject of a takeover?