Don’t watch the facile tripe masquerading as news, but one is gathering BBC Breakfast ran a piece on the teachers’ strike.
Interesting the posts in response ‘selected’ by their editors as representative of public mood on their twitter ‘feed’ (as in ‘we feed you the softball, you feed us the slam dunk as ‘viewers’ views”.
Out of the whole UK, one lady seems to have managed a double.
It isn’t bias, but is it really such a slow news day that we had to suffer an article on Today this morning at 8:20 about whether one should wear brown shoes?
This is where I switched off…maybe that was the intention! Get us all out to work.
Previously Humphrys had been trying to get Liam Fox to say that british policy was to kill Gaddafi…no matter how many times Fox said no, Hmphrys obviously was only going to get his Bob Martin tablet if he could get that truffle of a soundbite for 9a.m
When this is the level of Todays questionning of the Government, it makes the brown shoes “raging controversy” seem of more use to us out here on planet earth.
Humphrys and Naughtie had a laugh about droop in shorts or whatever…men of a certain age but don`t know why we pay for their seedy smut…”willy waving” of Friday remember?
Sure he knows, but maybe another avenue of interest for Mr. Black to pursue?
GreenSolitaireSolitaire Townsendby futerraJuicy RT @Greenpeace: We’re looking for an experienced comms person who understands climate issues.Could it be you?
To be fair – a strong piece at the start of Wimmins Hour this morning on the legislation being introduced by Baroness Cox to deal with the awful treatment of women under sharia courts in Britain. The iranian/Kurd woman who started the item gave example after example of stuff going on in those courts that should be stamped on. Or rather – a solid case for outllawing sharia courts in Britain, whereas the Bill is much weaker.
Thanks sue. I read the blog plus comments. Yes, there are some good ones. Also good to see that the hosts of the blog come back to communicate with people, e.g. Nick Reynolds, who got bashed around a bit when he came here years ago re the BBC’s alergic reaction to the word terrorist.
Looks like the BBC will eventually switch all public interaction to Facebook and Twitter. Already World Have Your Say has strangled its blog through keeping long-time contributors hanging in the “Moderation Queue” to the extent that only a die-hard handful still try to post to that blog.
I’m not shedding a tear over this. Judging from the comments, the only people upset are those who already agree 100% with the standard BBC/Leftoid ideology, and are just mad they don’t get a forum to add their “Me too”. Seems like the majority of them could all go over to Comment is Free and not miss a step.
Islam Not BBC(INBBC)-Labour has to politically censor this:
(-from ‘Daily Telegraph’s Andrew Gilligan today, not available online:
“Council leader used staff to campaign for Labour”
[Opening extract] –
“A London council leader used staff paid by the taxpayer to campaign for the Labour Party in a recent parliamentary by-election.
“Lutfur Rahman, the controversial directly elected mayor of Tower Hamlets, took a coachload of people, including a number working for the council, to canvass for Labour at the Leicester South by-election.”
So now that some International Court has indicted Ghaddafi for war crimes and put out a warrant for his arrest, where are the BBC musings about how it’s a double standard when they haven’t done the same for Assad or the mad mullahs of Iran or Mugabe or Kim Jong-Il or, well, you get the idea.
It’s a complete joke, no credibility whatsoever, yet the BBC are silent in the same way they were NOT silent about calling out Cowboy Dave over a supposed double standard about going to war against Ghaddafi and not Syria, Bahrain, etc. But the International Mandarins hath spoken, I guess, so it’s cool.
But unfortunately, the BBC can dismiss this as a tiny fringe group, not representative of anyone or anything. After all, they can’t be proper Muslims who want to rule with Shariah over Christians and everyone, because they killed “an Islamic scholar”. Never mind that Boko Haram means (I think) “Education is Forbidden/A Sin”.
leohickmanLeo Hickman@@GeorgeMonbiotDid u notice how she’s also running a “blog” where u can’t leave a comment beneath the post?
The. Very. Idea.
Like an order of hypocrisy with that guys?
(pretty sure it won’t be modded out here – and may get a better readership)
RT Davies of Dr. Who and Torchwood fame has called Cameron and Clegg “savage” and “evil” for freezing the license fee. This is the same RT Davies who put a blatant Thatcher/Belgravia reference in an episode, in which The Doctor (as played by David Tennant’s nostrils) screamed at the Thatcher proxy for being more dangerous than a race of aliens who tried to take over the Earth.
Just as biased and self-absorbed as ever, all at your expense. What’s amusing is that the Dr. Who franchise makes a huge amount of evil profit (Oh, sorry, it’s only evil when other industries do it) for the BBC. Which goes right back into the BBC treasury and no benefit to you people who are forced to pay for politically-skewed childrens’ programmes. You can be assured that any budget cuts forced on the BBC by the savage and evil Tories will not affect the production budget for the Dr. Who Cash Cow.
Isn`t he the fat gay Welshman who`s an honorary Professor or what have you at Cardiff University?
The liberal elite are as one on all these things-they`re just the Guardians Gauleiters for all received wisdom that is progressive and so modern.
Walking(or in his case) waddling sandwich boards for the chattering classes-Russells has clearly been eaten, it being a sandwich!
should be removed where it did not follow the Green Line, the internationally recognised boundary between the West Bank and Israel.
With the exception of the Lebanese border all Arab participants in the 1949 Armistice agreements insisted the Green Line (actually the cease fire line) was not the border and none has changed their position. How can it be internationally accepted if none of the parties on either side accept it. It was merely the de facto border for 19 years 1948 to 1967.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
Don’t watch the facile tripe masquerading as news, but one is gathering BBC Breakfast ran a piece on the teachers’ strike.
Interesting the posts in response ‘selected’ by their editors as representative of public mood on their twitter ‘feed’ (as in ‘we feed you the softball, you feed us the slam dunk as ‘viewers’ views”.
Out of the whole UK, one lady seems to have managed a double.!/BBCBreakfast
That she is ‘not keen’ on the government stance seems to be a factor.
Unsure if the #govemustgo hashtag was created by the BBC, but they have managed to quote a source using that too.
Though they may have their preferred demographic sussed…
Get_mummy_a_gin Caroline Heathcote [Mother, wife, tutor, drunk]I have dribbled red wine on my pyjamas. Yes readers, that is EXACTLY how classy I am.
Another report for Islam Not BBC (INBBC) to censor:
“East London Mosque breaks its promise on homophobic speakers after just eight days ”
(by Andrew Gilligan)
What’s so wrong with being a journalist and an activist?
Of course, in some places it is, uniquely, near mandatory. Oddly, one that claims genetic impartiality.
It isn’t bias, but is it really such a slow news day that we had to suffer an article on Today this morning at 8:20 about whether one should wear brown shoes?
To match their noses, I guess.
Or a subliminal reminder as to what they speak much of on Today.
This is where I switched off…maybe that was the intention! Get us all out to work.
Previously Humphrys had been trying to get Liam Fox to say that british policy was to kill Gaddafi…no matter how many times Fox said no, Hmphrys obviously was only going to get his Bob Martin tablet if he could get that truffle of a soundbite for 9a.m
When this is the level of Todays questionning of the Government, it makes the brown shoes “raging controversy” seem of more use to us out here on planet earth.
Humphrys and Naughtie had a laugh about droop in shorts or whatever…men of a certain age but don`t know why we pay for their seedy smut…”willy waving” of Friday remember?
Sure he knows, but maybe another avenue of interest for Mr. Black to pursue?
GreenSolitaire Solitaire Townsend by futerraJuicy RT @Greenpeace: We’re looking for an experienced comms person who understands climate issues.Could it be you?
Only fully paid-up members of the Khmer Vert need apply.
To be fair – a strong piece at the start of Wimmins Hour this morning on the legislation being introduced by Baroness Cox to deal with the awful treatment of women under sharia courts in Britain. The iranian/Kurd woman who started the item gave example after example of stuff going on in those courts that should be stamped on. Or rather – a solid case for outllawing sharia courts in Britain, whereas the Bill is much weaker.
On my first ever glance at the following BBC messageboards I found that they are closing today:
About this Board
We will be closing the BBC Religion and Ethics messageboards on Monday 27 June.
The messageboards will remain visible after this date but the opportunity to add new comments or open new threads will no longer be available.
The BBC Religion and Ethics web sites will remain. We will also be introducing a new blog later in the year.
Aaqil Ahmed, Commissioning Editor Religion and Head of Religion & Ethics, has posted a blog with more details.
Except that clicking on that link takes you to some irrelevant BBC Internet blog.
Hi TT,
There’s a link via Aaqil Ahmed’s name at the bottom.
(Some interesting comments)
Not going well for the ‘respect mah o-thitay!’ blog controllers, is it?
Thanks sue. I read the blog plus comments. Yes, there are some good ones. Also good to see that the hosts of the blog come back to communicate with people, e.g. Nick Reynolds, who got bashed around a bit when he came here years ago re the BBC’s alergic reaction to the word terrorist.
Looks like the BBC will eventually switch all public interaction to Facebook and Twitter. Already World Have Your Say has strangled its blog through keeping long-time contributors hanging in the “Moderation Queue” to the extent that only a die-hard handful still try to post to that blog.
I’m not shedding a tear over this. Judging from the comments, the only people upset are those who already agree 100% with the standard BBC/Leftoid ideology, and are just mad they don’t get a forum to add their “Me too”. Seems like the majority of them could all go over to Comment is Free and not miss a step.
Islam Not BBC(INBBC)-Labour has to politically censor this:
(-from ‘Daily Telegraph’s Andrew Gilligan today, not available online:
“Council leader used staff to campaign for Labour”
[Opening extract] –
“A London council leader used staff paid by the taxpayer to campaign for the Labour Party in a recent parliamentary by-election.
“Lutfur Rahman, the controversial directly elected mayor of Tower Hamlets, took a coachload of people, including a number working for the council, to canvass for Labour at the Leicester South by-election.”
(page 2 of ‘Daily Telegraph’.)
So now that some International Court has indicted Ghaddafi for war crimes and put out a warrant for his arrest, where are the BBC musings about how it’s a double standard when they haven’t done the same for Assad or the mad mullahs of Iran or Mugabe or Kim Jong-Il or, well, you get the idea.
It’s a complete joke, no credibility whatsoever, yet the BBC are silent in the same way they were NOT silent about calling out Cowboy Dave over a supposed double standard about going to war against Ghaddafi and not Syria, Bahrain, etc. But the International Mandarins hath spoken, I guess, so it’s cool.
The BBC will feature ‘guests’ who will complain of a double standard for not bombing Tel Aviv at the same time as they bomb Benghasi.
So, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) has to admit, after years of denial, that the murderous violence is ISLAMIC JIHAD, and not ‘sectarian’:
“Nigeria Boko Haram Islamists ‘bomb Maiduguri drinkers'”
But unfortunately, the BBC can dismiss this as a tiny fringe group, not representative of anyone or anything. After all, they can’t be proper Muslims who want to rule with Shariah over Christians and everyone, because they killed “an Islamic scholar”. Never mind that Boko Haram means (I think) “Education is Forbidden/A Sin”.
guardiantech Guardian Tech It’s not permission to be sloppy
Of course, some don’t need permission, ‘cos they is ‘yooneek.
leohickman Leo Hickman @ @GeorgeMonbiot Did u notice how she’s also running a “blog” where u can’t leave a comment beneath the post?
The. Very. Idea.
Like an order of hypocrisy with that guys?
(pretty sure it won’t be modded out here – and may get a better readership)
RT Davies of Dr. Who and Torchwood fame has called Cameron and Clegg “savage” and “evil” for freezing the license fee. This is the same RT Davies who put a blatant Thatcher/Belgravia reference in an episode, in which The Doctor (as played by David Tennant’s nostrils) screamed at the Thatcher proxy for being more dangerous than a race of aliens who tried to take over the Earth.
Just as biased and self-absorbed as ever, all at your expense. What’s amusing is that the Dr. Who franchise makes a huge amount of evil profit (Oh, sorry, it’s only evil when other industries do it) for the BBC. Which goes right back into the BBC treasury and no benefit to you people who are forced to pay for politically-skewed childrens’ programmes. You can be assured that any budget cuts forced on the BBC by the savage and evil Tories will not affect the production budget for the Dr. Who Cash Cow.
Isn`t he the fat gay Welshman who`s an honorary Professor or what have you at Cardiff University?
The liberal elite are as one on all these things-they`re just the Guardians Gauleiters for all received wisdom that is progressive and so modern.
Walking(or in his case) waddling sandwich boards for the chattering classes-Russells has clearly been eaten, it being a sandwich!
West Bank barrier section at Bilin is re-routed
should be removed where it did not follow the Green Line, the internationally recognised boundary between the West Bank and Israel.
With the exception of the Lebanese border all Arab participants in the 1949 Armistice agreements insisted the Green Line (actually the cease fire line) was not the border and none has changed their position. How can it be internationally accepted if none of the parties on either side accept it. It was merely the de facto border for 19 years 1948 to 1967.