Haha, Francis Maude right now standing up to Stage Performer Maitlis and calling out BBC News for stating that the talks between the Government and the unions “had broken down”. She keeps trying to step over him but he won’t allow it, sticking to his guns and laying out facts which show that the BBC reports today – especially Laura K’s – have been a bit wide of the truth.
So she gives up on the first attack line and falls back to “People at home want to know what help they’ll get” if strikes happen on Thursday. So it’s the Government’s fault no matter what happens.
A jolly nice picture of 3.5 Billion Pounds going into the toilet would wonderful.
A less ingratiating image to throw us of our guard would be Dez, Daisy and Scott holding hands at Glaslonbury.
So as I say, let’s stick to the toilet.
urther to Sue’s Curious Incident post, here are some screengrabs of BBC News online editor Steve Herrmann taken from his appearance on Newswatch this week. Anybody else get the impression he was a tad pissed off that he had to be there?
Here’s a thought Steve – don’t let your Israel-hating underlings run bullshit stories just because they happen to coincide with their prejudices.
While this Website has exposed the bBCs negative bias towards ‘Israel’ I feel that we should also expose its pro-Pakistani bias. Why today the bBC explains to all and sundry that the UK which hands over almost £1 billion in Aid to Pakistan a year has withdrawn 18 military trainers at their request. Well I suppose that’s one way of saying…Expelled. Which is how everybody from the US to Australia informs their readers. But hey according to the bBC we’ve been asked nicely to leave. Then there’s the Pro Pakistan film spot, lets not forget how Pakistan denies shelling Afghanistan. Then there’s the Pakistani terrorist outfit which denies any link to OBL. Then there’s the bBC article about how gyms are all the rage in downtown Karachi. The only negative article about Pakistan is the Panorama one about dodgy surgical equipment, but then the bBC don’t actually lay the blame with them, nah they blame the NHS. Just what is it about Pakistan which stops the bBC from reporting like they would in say; the UK, the US or even Israel?
In 2001 the Census counted 747,285 people of Pakistani origin (1.3%of the population) living in the UK. Ten years later, add their ageing parents ferrried here as babysitters or for free NHS treatment, all their extended family, and the fruits of forced marriages. Deduct a few removed by honour killing, some London tube bombers, and those who have returned home to train with the Taliban.
Perhaps the BBC hope all will vote Labour, if they can be convinced Tories are racist and islamophobic?
To borrow from the “watermelon” analogy, the BBC is a giant multicultural fruitcake. White thin icing on the outside, but brown inside, filled with fruits and nuts.
There may well have been 750,000 people of Pakistani origin in London in 2001. Many of them not as personable as Imran Khan. In that year’s census 1.5 million households did not reply. The census gave the UK population as 61 million. Those reticent households could have contained 5 million+. In 2007, the author & business journalist, Martin Baker, suggested the UK’s population was well over 70 million. The research was carried out by economists studying the indices of consumption – their conclusion? 77 million. No wonder we are bursting at the seams & our infrastructure is buckling under. The truth is that this government no longer has a clue as to the actual figure. Jack Straw’s probably chuckling into his property portfolio; job well done. And this scandalous ignorance dovetails beautifully with the Beeboidian rainbow ‘narrative’ of joyous, unconfined ‘enrichment’ & ‘diversity’. That’s why Pakistanis have the Corporation’s carte blanche – even when they self-detonate on public transport. The onus is on us to ‘understand’ them as we mourn the dead. It’s like squeezing blood from a stone to get the BBC to admit that the grooming gangs are specifically Pakistani, not simply ‘men’, or even more insultingly, ‘Asian’.
The truth about multiculturalism is, of course, very different. Away from the Beeboid homesteads & watering holes, metropolitan Britain is fast becoming a seething quagmire of ethnic tension, criminality, nihilism, Muslim chest beating & justifiable resentment at what the political class has done to the indigenous people, & the settled, law-abiding immigrants who live amongst them. The BBC’s reluctance to go anywhere near the naked truth reminds me of the wilfully disingenuous ‘reports’ emanating from the Syrian Ministry of Information – the world turned upside down. I don’t know why they don’t just wave the black battle flags of Islamic totalitarianism & get it over with. They’ve been Allah’s little helpers long enough.
That’s the one, Manfred VR. And it makes for horrifying reading. Here we have the appalling fruition of Nu Labour’s masterplan – Operation High Treason. As in Tower Hamlets, the Muslims will vote Labour for as long as it suits them, & then….
The bBC and reporting on attacks on…Asians in Paris. Chinese immigrants to France attacked in Paris “I fought them off but they hit me in the face and broke my nose,” he said. “My vision was blurred for a week afterwards.“These kind of attacks happen all the time, especially to Asians,” said Mr Shi, who runs a driving school in the Belleville neighbourhood of Paris and has been mugged twice.
So the bbC reports on a protest by chinese people about the violence they faced as they get robbed on a daily basis. But who is behind all these attacks. Attacks i should add had the chinese protesting a year ago on the same subject. Here is something from a french newspaper from a year ago:`
“Et pourquoi ces incidents arrivent-ils dans le XXe arrondissement et non dans le XIIIe où réside aussi une forte communauté chinoise ? Pour certains, c’est parce que des personnes d’origine africaine et maghrébine résident aussi dans ce quartier, les agresseurs étant issus de ces communautés.”
And why do these incidents take place in the 20th arrondissement (Belleville around Montmartre) and not in the 13th where there is also a large Chinese community? Assuredly, it is because of the persons of African and North African origin (Muslim both in France, my note) also resident in the district. The aggressors come from these communities.
A few days ago I posted about how the BBC mentioned Fukushima near the top of its report about the UK’s proposed new power plants. with no mention of the UK nuclear industry’s safety record.
This time its the French. Fukushima gets a first sentence mention this time.
Because their report was written for them by Greenpeace?
Greenpeace demand lessons to be learned from Fukishima : except there are none for Europe, except don’t allow anti-nuclear campaigners to dictate policy on disposal of spent fuel rods.
Michele Bachmann has formally launched her presidential run in her home state of Iowa but is there substance beneath the style?
No prizes for guessing Mardell’s ultimate answer. The whole thing is an attempt to prematurely hole her campaign below the waterline, and do a bit of scare-mongering about social conservatives (when The Obamessiah talked about how His faith informed His life, there was no screaming from the Beeboids – it’s only when white Christian conservatives do it), so no need to parse it much. Instead I’ll just highlight a couple of things.
It is inevitable, if not really fair to either of them, that there will be comparisons to Sarah Palin. Like Palin, a strong woman, a darling of the Tea Party, who talks proudly of her marriage and motherhood, who portrays herself as an outsider who speaks truth to Washington. But unlike Palin, she hasn’t given up elective office to become a TV star. Unlike Palin, before she went into politics, she was a tax lawyer and businesswoman. Unlike Palin, she shows the occasional tendency to button her lip and calm down the rhetoric. Most importantly, unlike Palin, she is now a declared candidate.
What’s this? Sarah Palin isn’t running for office? That’s funny because she’s gotten the lion’s share of attention from the BBC for two years now. The average BBC viewer could be forgiven for thinking she declared on Nov. 4, 2008 from the way the BBC goes on and on about her. At least Mardell is finally acting like it.
But it’s really the “darling of the Tea Party” line which reveals his bias. “Darling” in this usage is clearly a pejorative. I won’t say sexist because the term is easily used for males these days as well. But did the BBC ever call The Obamessiah the “darling” of the Democrats, or of any group? I forget.
The other thing is that it’s a bit silly for Mardell to criticize Bachmann’s speech for its lacuna of concrete policy details. It’s just a speech announcing a candidacy. Nobody lays out specific policy nitty gritty in these. But never mind that, Mardell is looking for flaws and he found ’em, even if he has to kind of make them up as he goes.
Maybe some time soon Mardell can take a break from advance scouting reports on His enemies’ positions and tell you about how The Obamessiah is lamenting at recent fundraisers how He’s just not cool anymore. Yeah, probably not.
i see the Labour Party Political Broadcast lite (ie The One Show) had a predictable segment about the strikes and some expert (twat) saying the country will come to a standstill on Thursday…
BBC-Labour gives free political propaganda pass to Trotskyist, Ken Loach (Radio 4, ‘Today’, aided and abetted by Evan Davis) to say, unchallenged, that the International Brigaders who fought against Franco in Spanish Civil War are the wonderful sort of people who would be on the flotilla against Israel now!
Let’s get this right then: people fighting against fascism in Spain in the 1930s (including Jews and George Orwell) would have fought against the Jews of Israel 75 years later?!
BBC-Labour: making the leftist-Islamic-anti Israel propaganda daily.
Yes I heard this. I cannot help thinking that this was deliberate – yet another of those pre-planned Beeboid propaganda attacks that the stinking BBC excels in. You know, using the last few seconds of the interview to stick the knife into joos. Oddly, I almost thought Evan Davis was above that sort of thing, but I guess he wouldn’t be where he is if he was. Plus ca change.
But who cares? Israel is thriving and getting stronger by the day, its enemies are destroying themselves and their future, the slimy BBC is slinking slowly and vulgarly to oblivion and irrelevance, and Ken Loach’s films are still as boring as Mike Leigh’s.
What’s wrong with General Franco, if it weren’t for Franco Spain would have ended up like North Korea. And besides he made all those wonderful Spaghetti Westerns. That’s why Loach is jealous, Franco’s El Cid made more money than all his crummy films put together.
Anyone tried to engage with BBC blogs (those that are still interactive and not just broadcast only or closed for… whatever) this morning, or indeed since yesterday evening.
Are the mods out in sympathy with the NUTers, now the ‘right wing press’ is to blame for their leaders being outed for being paid a fortune, not about to lose any of it, yet keen for all others to stump up to maintain them?
I caught a snatch of R4 News at 1 yesterday with shrill Beeboidess (didn’t get her name ) grilling the UK Ambassador to the UN, complete with amazingly aggressive questions and interruptions. He was very reasonable.
That interview was a typical example of BBC bias . I would challenge anyone to listen to it and claim that the BBC is not pro-Gaddafi, anti-NATO. In this case even agruing against the UN , usually one of the BBC’s favourites.
Disgraceful, but in Beeboid La-La Land , typical.
By the way, the Libyan opposition are still “rebels”.
Just back from a very pleasant week’s holiday in Portugal. Spent most of the time outdoors, but when the sun went down we settled down indoors to watch the offerings on TV. Although I can get by with Spanish, my Portugese is non-existent so the 4 terrestrial TV channels were not much use, but we did have satellite TV. Well I don’t know which satellite it was but over 90% of the channels were German plus several French channels and a couple of Italian ones. The only English broadcast being…. BBC World. What a load of rubbish. I believe that it is funded by advertising so I suppose it can’t all be from our license fees. A regular advertiser was Shell, emphasising their ‘green credentials’ (poor Shell being obliged to do that!). Any chance of getting any news from the UK was minimal. I think the only mention of UK events was of the threat of strike action by Unison! The remainder was a series of reports from their ‘award winning’ journalists around the world, ie mainly covering the Arab springfest, problems in Africa. We even got a chance to see the smarmy Paddy O’Connell of BH fame presenting TV programmes (hadn’t seen him before). Then there were countless plugs for our old friend ‘Ethical Man’ Justin Rowlatt and his forthcoming series on the rise of China as a world force – reporting from yes China, plus South and North America… how big must his carbon footprint be?
Finally the 30 second whole world weather reports from our familiar Met Office faces – what a waste of time when they can’t get the UK weather correct in a five minute slot!
Surely you would think the BBC would promote its home, ie Britain, but no evidence of that – just what does it do exactly? In truth I can say that the continuing disappointment which is the BBC was the only thing which spoilt my week.
Had the same problem on a recent holiday in Italy. All I wanted to know was if it was raining in the UK (essential for us farmers) and nothing on BBC World was worth watching. The BBC seemed to have a policy of 1 story a day – lots of reportersd standing outside buildings where nothing was happening. The weather men told us it was hot and dry in Ryad, hot and wet in Delhi and not a pip about the weather anywhere in Europe never mind the UK.
The bBC, and the difference between Western and Chinese Imperialism. Philippine-US joint naval drill amid tension with China The Philippines and the US have begun 11 days of joint naval exercises amid growing tensions with Beijing over disputed waters in the South China Sea. The naval exercises are an annual event and will be an important chance for Manila’s badly equipped navy to learn new techniques.But they come at a strategically important time, not far from the disputed region of the South China Sea in which the Philippines says China has made a series of recent incursions….. For its part, China has said it will not resort to the use of force to resolve maritime border disputes in the South China Sea. China’s foreign ministry says it condemns any action that would exacerbate the dispute, and urged those involved to “do more that is beneficial to regional peace and stability”.
The bBC reports on military exercises in the South China sea region by the US in which to combat the growth of the might of China. Which according to the bBC has said it has no intention in which to use force in which to get its way.
And here is what the bBC isn’t telling you:
In 1976, the Chinese forcibly seized the Paracel Islands, north of the Spratlys, from Vietnam. In 1988, the two countries fought a sea battle over Johnson Reef, in which 70 Vietnamese sailors died. Currently there is a Chinese 11 Ship naval flotilla roaming around the region.
Strange how the bBC which is so quick to condemn acts of Imperial gunboat diplomacy when it comes to the West, remains silent when the Chinese do so. Why is that. Why does the bBC remain silent on bullying by others (Hamas/hezb-allah/Pakistan/China etc..) but cries a good one when anybody from the accountable west does so?
pounce, a lot of the Left actually admire, & are fascinated by the way the Chinese political elite goes about its business. They are certainly envious of its irresistible power & daydream of that kind of totalitarian force in the ‘right hands’ – their own, of course. Democracy could then ‘go to hell’, (where have we heard that sentiment lately? Oh yes, Muslim street demos) & a centrally planned Utopia could then be inflicted on a subjugated population, & true ‘progress’ could then be made. What the BBC doesn’t say is always of great significance, & those omissions help us track the corporation’s true loyalties.
Very true, jarwill, soon-to-be-ex-Beeboid Matt Frei once pined for a bit of Chinese-style autocracy so the Government could force through some Leftoid dream or other.
INBBC: furthering the Islamization of Britain via censorship.
There is one international Muslim outfit which INBBC rarely mentions: the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC).
“Britain Appoints Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC)”
[Opening extract of this non-INBBC report]:
“You won’t read about this in the news in Britain, of course. More abject dhimmitude and Islamisation of policy from the Craven Coalition:
“The British government has appointed Mohammed Shokat as the UK special envoy to the 57-member Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) (the ‘Muslim UN’) in a major bid to boost ties between the two.
“The OIC and the UK have also announced plans to develop a joint framework of dialogue and cooperation in selected areas and evinced keen interest to hold regular consultations on issues of common concerns, said a British Embassy spokesman in Riyadh Sunday.
“The move to promote relations with the OIC is significant for both sides as Islam is the second largest religion in Britain, with an estimated Muslim population of 2.5 million.”
PestonRobert PestonBlog now open for comments again. By all means cut and paste from Hari interview if you can’t think of anything to say. #interviewsbyhari
Reporting for the Taliban the bBC way. What went wrong with Afghanistan Kajaki power project? Ever since Western forces plunged into Afghanistan a decade ago, they have realised the importance of winning hearts and minds, particularly in the restive south. The idea that they could bring electricity to millions of people by upgrading the Kajaki dam in Helmand Province has proven to be a counter of counter-insurgency El Dorado – a quest into which lives and money have been poured, but so far without effect.
Reading the above article (And watching the very short clip of bBC wearing body armour in a very safe area) do you get the impression that the whole Kajaki dam project was a failure. I mean Mark Urban say’s it failed, that it was a lack of communication between the military and the Aid agencies that failed and the impression you get from that very short video clip is it was all for nothing. Here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you.
There is only one hydro-plant in Afghasntan and that is the one above. It wasn’t in good nick in 2001 and that wasn’t helped when the Yanks bombed it. Afterwards they set about repairing it. Which they did and here is how the bBC reported on the story in 2007 Engineer Sayeed Rasul pointed to the huge gap between the two round power generators: “Turbine one needs repairs and turbine three is working well and when turbine two arrives we will be able to generate much more power,” he said. “We have only one power station in southern Afghanistan and that is Kajaki power station.
(Here is a much more informative Daily mail article. Note the reporter’s lack of body armour at a time when the Taliban and Marines were slugging it out.) Which brings me back to the bBC idiot wearing body armour in a totally safe area. The Brits cleared the area of Taliban 3 years ago, handed over to the Yanks who have thousands more troops in the area. So yes the Hydro plant can be deemed as very safe. But not according to the bBC. Who give the impression that inside the hydro plant you have to wear body armour? Not a helmet, goggles or gloves. Why the twat even has a Carabineer fixed to the front of his (Military??) body armour (don’t journalists wear blue??) even thou such practices are forbidden to the military. (Secondary blast hazard) but hey it looks good. Anyway, the Yanks (US AID) have two turbines up and fully running and are waiting (yes its delayed) for the third to be fitted.
Then there’s this little snippet: In Kajaki Sofla, British attempts to buy off the local tribe had been scotched by the Taliban leadership in Pakistan, who ordered them to fight. The result was a battle in which, the British estimated at the time, 200 had been killed.
Very misleading paragraph as the bBC doesn’t say who died, British or Afghans. And here is how that story was reportied in 2008: The NATO-led force in Afghanistan says it has thwarted a Taliban attack on a key hydroelectric dam in the southern province of Helmand, RFE/RL’s Radio Free Afghanistan reported. The alliance says more than 300 troops from Britain and other NATO countries secured the Kajaki dam late on February 12 with support from NATO aircraft and Afghan government troops.Afghan provincial officials said at least 22 Taliban have been killed during the past three days in clashes near the dam.
The bBC claims 200 innocents may have died, the facts say 22.
Now in comparison here is how the LA times wrote this very same story last year:
And here is how Al Jazeera did likewise 3 weeks ago: The document highlights the Kajaki dam, a $100m effort to rebuild a hydroelectric dam in a remote part of northern Helmand province. Two of the dam’s turbines are now operational – but part of the electricity they generate is now helping the Taliban pay its bills.”Half of its electricity went into areas where the insurgents control the electric grid, enabling the Taliban to issue electric bills to consumers and send out collection agents with medieval instruments of torture to ensure prompt payment,” the report found, noting that the electricity is also often used to irrigate fields which grow poppies.
Oh and that report, it refers to a US congresional one. Which relates how Aid projects to Afganistan must be ones which the Afghans themselves can sustain onece everybody else has gone.
Something the bBC doesn’t mention, instead they shout out that the sky is goinf to fall in. (Must be why all their reporters like to wear body armour when their is no need to)
It seems that for some strange reason the bBC paints a totally different picture from that on the ground.
To paraphrase Mark Urban: “Ever since Western forces plunged into Afghanistan a decade ago, ….(the BBC)…. have realised the importance of winning hearts and minds….. (against the war)”
Usual hate fest as Jane’s guests were both dyed-in-the-wool Democrats, one an academic at Sussex University, the other from AP, both of whom appeared to be frustrated that the woman-you love-to-hate, Sarah P, would not be a candidate now Michele B was in the race.
The effect of militant feminism on the perceptiion of women’s roles was illustrated when it was mentioned (incorrectly) that, apart from her opposition to “reproductive rights” (which of course is wimminspeak for abortion, the opposite of reproduction, I would have thought) Mrs Bachmann has 5 children and “is fostering 23 teenage girls” (in fact she had fostered children in the past and no all at the same time).
There was a collective feminine gasp and Jane Garvey responded with “I am staggered”. The idea that a woman should want to raise children, including those who are not her own, is obviously thought of as profoundly eccentric by the denizens of “Woman’s Hour”.
Nice touch at the end though when Garvey asked in her usual leading manner, “But she won’t be President, will she?” and the lady from the AP, suddenly remembering trhat she worked for a supposedly impartial news organisation said that the AP does notr call elections. “Like the BBC, then” replied Jane. Errrr, no.
Bachmann doesn’t hold the approved thoughts, so her accomplishments as a politician or simply as a decent human being are worthless. I mean, she started one of those evil charter schools which harms poor black children in Hackney or something. Worse, she has a “very conservative Christian agenda”. Look out behind you, Puss!
To people like this, bearing children is sexual slavery forced on women by an uncaring Patriarchy. As long as Bachmann is in the race, watch Beeboid after Beeboid express similar sneering at the very idea of deliberately caring for so many innocent children.
But I’m wondering why it’s considered legitimate journalism to do a “profile” like this when nobody from her side is available and it’s essentially just people with an agenda discussing her behind her back. Everything positive the academic woman said about Bachmann’s qualifications were presented in the context of how she compared to Sarah Palin. This helps keep Bachmann outside of the “normal” scene. I’ve never heard a “profile” piece about a person which spends so much time talking about someone else.
Bachmann is financing her campaign mostly by small contributions from a vast amount of grassroots support? Easily dismissed: it shows her “Evangelical base”. Audience: Boo!
So how much of an extremist is she? Yawn.
Mardell’s Narrative is that Bachmann is all style over substance, she can’t win. Curious how it matches up exactly with the consensus here.
Is there anything else worth your attention going on in the US besides the election to keep their beloved Obamessiah in power? It seems not.
Tried to point out to the arrogant sh*ts that their system is buggered, but they are not listening…
‘Thank you for contacting the BBC. Off topic referrals are dealt with by individual site owners rather than by the moderators or Central Communities Team. If your comment is referred for being off topic at a weekend then you will experience a longer delay due to the majority of hosts and site owners being out of the office during this period.’
Black’s conclusion is that we must shut it all down even if we don’t know what’s going on. We can’t take the chance, and that’s that. So much for this all being driven by science.
Sopel and Peston talking about the riots in Greece just now. Sopel said that it doesn’t matter what Parliament votes for, the people just don’t want austerity, and the IMF and the EU are simply asking for too much. Austerity measures are wrong not because they’re wrong but because the cradle-to-grave crowd don’t want them.
Peston said that none of it matters because Greek politics are so fractured anyway (accompanied by a helpful caption on screen stating that the ruling party led by only the slimmest of margins) that nothing useful ever gets implemented anyway. The impression he gave was that they shouldn’t bother trying to put through austerity measures because it won’t really happen.
In sum: the violence of the Greek protests is “shocking”, but a sign that austerity is wrong.
The IMF and EU are simply asking for too much? Methinks it’s the Greeks who are asking for too much and have done for years. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. The Greeks may not want austerity, but who do they think is going to pay for all the services they want? Oh, I forgot that Socialists never have to answer that question.
Personally, I hope Greece doesn’t get the bail out, as it will only put off the inevitable and make it worse when it does happen.
Sopel said very clearly that that’s what these protests mean. Not that there was a difference of opinion between the conspiracy-minded hairddressers and oboe players who get to retire at age 50 on full pensions and the IMF and the EU who have done the figures, but that the IMF and the EU are wrong because the conspiracy-minded hairdressers and oboe players don’t agree.
The ancient Greeks knew the dangers of mob rule. Too bad the modern ones don’t, nor does the biased BBC.
jontyJonty Wareingby EvidenceMattersBBC Journalist researching Lulzsec: “I understand (ish) what a Botnet is. I have watched Die Hard 4.”
Meanwhile the entire twitterati (well, those not having a giggle), are po-faced seeing nothing wrong with top table luvvie Johann Hari’s credibility malfunction, gaily unaware of how they would be neck deep in any hapless scribe from the Mail/Murdoch stable were the tables reversed.
pollytoynbeePolly Toynbeeby GuidoFawkesJohann Hari, one the best, is no plagiarist. Save your wrath for the abominartions and harrassments by the Murdoch/Mail press.
Sans spellcheck.
And here is the same story but as written by little old me hours before the bBC did. The strange thing is I ask questions about this so called Islamic anger which the bBC doesn’t.
According to the BBC, if Muslims start slaughtering Christians it will be Sawiris’ fault and not because the modern version of Islam in Egypt fosters a culture of violence and murder.
The BBC has been calling Muslim extremists “conservative” since long before the Tories came to power. They equally refer to “conservative” Christians such as Michelle Bachmann. In the minds of Beeboids, the two are the same thing, but only the Christians may be mocked.
“He was a leading voice in the anti-government protests that ousted Hosni Mubarak from power in February and recently started a new political party, The Free Egyptians.
But many have questioned his wisdom in sharing the cartoons at a time of tensions between Coptic Christians and conservative Muslims.”
But many have questioned his wisdom.
The Egyptian press is full of anti-semitic and anti-christian cartoons.
No doubt the Muslim controlled press is also having its ‘wisdom’ questioned by the patronising moralists of Shepherds Bush.
So, lets just allow Muslim sensibilities to define what free speech is.
Muslim free speech means criticising all other religions and minority communities with impugnity.
Muslims believe free speech stops when it ‘insults, denigrates or humiliates Muslims’ (they. of course, decide when they feel insulted etc.)
The coarseness and viciousness of the anti.semitic and anti-christian cartoons in Egypt stands in contrast to the cheeky little Minnie Mouse in a Niqab.
So a persecuted minority, the BBC opines, should shut up to avoid offending its persecutors.
Where have we heard that before.
BBC. If the Muslims get offended by Minnie Mouse, perhaps you should try a work out why.
Sopel talking to another Greek protester just now, and guess what: he’s been unemployed for two years. Has the BBC found a single protester who isn’t unemployed? I thought these austerity measures were supposed to hit the middle class hardest and it was they who don’t want austerity?
BBC-NUJ ‘Newsnight’ can answer it own question on the following, as fellow ‘liberal’ past masters in the black art:
[from ‘Newsnight’ blogsite for tonight]:-
“And Johann Hari, interviewer and columnist with the Independent, has admitted inserting quotes into his interviews that were not from the original interview itself. We’ll be discussing if that’s plagiarism – or harmless journalistic sleight of hand . ”
They just can’t help themselves any more. 6pmTV news if that is what they call it.
Cuts, strikes, Greeks .All gleefully reported by the useless BBC.
And finally .They visit a typical school in Halifax.
Typical? Not one white child to be seen. Could be typical of Halifax but I doubt it.
And the only dissenting anti strike voices interviewed in the streets of that benighted town were of course old/ white and obviously English.
And they wonder why we don’t take the BBC seriously any more.
How the bBC demonizies the US (And anybody else who fights Islamic terrorists) by telling half a story. Uganda and Burundi to get US drones to fight Islamists The US is supplying drone aircrafts to Uganda and Burundi to help them fight Islamist militants in Somalia, its defence officials have told the BBC. The four drones will be part of a $45m (£28m) military aid package aid to the two countries…There have been US air strikes on al-Shabab in the past, and a US special operations team killed Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, one of the most senior leaders of al-Qaeda’s East Africa cell, inside Somalia in 2009.
So according to the bBC the Americans are going to furnish Africans with drones in which to combat Islamic freedom fighters whom the bBC used to say kept peace in Somalia when they were in power. Just think now that Drones are going to be used think of all the innocent people who may get killed by airstrikes, I mean that’s what drones do isn’t it.
And here is a picture of what those 4 UAVs (drones look like)here is the story behind them and for any bBC defence experts here is the info behind the raven UAV.
Spot the missing President’s name. It’s only “the US” doing it. Mustn’t show Him up for the warmonger that He is, taking hostilities into yet another country to slaughter Muslims wherever He pleases.
Why are the BBC talking up the coming teachers strike? we are constantly being told that a large percentage of teachers WILL strike, the large number of schools that WILL be closed etc etc. At this stage we don’t know what will happen but all figures quoted I guess come from Union press releases.
I am being bombarded on programmes such as Look North with voxpops of ‘people in the street’ explaining why they support the strike – they look and sound suspiciously like school staff or Local Government workers to me – when being asked if they support the staff I think they should be asked if they work in the private sector or the public one – but I guess it would spoil the narrative.
The strange thing is that I have spoken to many people about this forthcoming strike, but I don’t think I have met a single person who has any sympathy whatsoever. Then again, I suppose that I inhabit that parallel universe called the real world.
Question from an outsider: Does anybody here really care – or know anyone who cares – that Blue Peter is moving to Salford and will no longer be produced at Television Centre? What is the big deal? The Beeboids are bleating about how Television Centre was such “an integral part of the fabric” of Blue Peter. Is this how the audience sees it, or is it only in the minds of sentimental Beeboids? Will kids switch off just because it’s moved location? They’re acting like the show is over and moping around like it’s a funeral for some beloved member of the family.
“I hope the viewers really love” Blue Peter even though it will “require a day trip up north”. Sounds more like the kind of London-and-the-Southeast-centric navel-gazing the BBC is often accused of, no?
Like almost every programme at the BBC Blue Peter has been done to death. Read whats on in the Radio Times 20 years ago and compare it with today. There is hardly any difference. (not including the nauseating makeovers and cookery “shows” during the day)
Casualty is another, it is on every single Saturday without a break. Eastenders, Question Time, Newsnight, ad nauseum.
The only thing worth remembering at the London base was the Blue Peter garden, where some of the pets were buried.
(I was interviewed there once for the evening news about BT by Iain Carson – a BBC business journalist who was also a senior writer at the Economist – a wholly different class of journalist to the rubbish the BBC now employs.)
Explaining that a group of people yelled at his family, took pictures of them, and kicked a cup of wine onto his wife, Beck said that his security team feels that, had he reacted poorly, things might have “gone off.”
Meanwhile, Justin Webb, Mark Mardell, and the rest of them have been telling you that it’s the anger from the right which is dangerous. Name one incident on the other side like this, BBC. Just one.
… but at least not with complete and utter conflict of self-interest at its core.
So a step in a better direction.
‘It is understood that new BBC Trust chairman Lord Patten thinks allowing an external regulator to handle complaints about impartiality and accuracy could threaten the corporation’s independence.’
So much of the bias is in the slick editing.’ Has that ‘edit’ gone? Can’t seem to find it (quick scan)
if so, a double whammy… changing quotes and then stealth cover up. Well worth a complaint [snigger]… to the ‘Trust’ [RAOTFL}
Maybe Johann Hari and his Indy editor have signed up?
I`m surprised the BBC didn`t lead with the OFCOM suggestion above that the BBC should not be its own final judge-especially with the likes of Lyons and Patten as Axminster rugs for hire.
After all the BBC is never happier that when it talks about itself-but funnily enough more about Blue Peters move (“oop north” with peeing elephant jollity) than with Mark Byfords payoff.
So when Fatty Pang shakes his jowls about the BBCs “independence” being” at risk”-he needs to tell us WHAT independence?All it is ,is just the Guardian for those who can`t read or have a visual disability.
Just a Talking Book co-written by Ashdown ,Williams., Kinnock and Campblee-vanity press that we pay of…for now anyway!
Hope Petra etc get re-intrerred in the Allah Peace Pagoda experiential garden, with a suitable imam to confirm the great TV star is facing Mecca…it used to be on Cross St, Mark!
So here i am with the lunchtime news (BbC news 24) and the reporter in athens appears to be siding with the thugs attacking the police. Not only that, but while airing PMQs the bBC is showing at the sametime a split screen showing to anybody who is watching a riot outside the Greek Parliment. I get the impression that with the pro protesters reporting and the showing of those riots alongside PMQs. The bBC is sending the message for people to riot like the Greeks tomorrow.
The bBC and its penchant for refering to Muslims as Asians when the spotlight is on them.
More than 2,000 children ‘victims of sex grooming’ The first UK-wide study of street grooming of children has found more than 2,000 victims of systematic abuse. The ethnicity of around half the offenders was not known but in the remainder a quarter of offenders were Asian and 38% were white.
Yet when the bBC wants to talk about victims then Asians becomes…Muslims never Hindu.Sikhs or god forbid Christians who all can be classed as..Asians.
“This is a legitimate organisation, which Israel has never moved to ban,” she said. “Before coming to Britain, he faced horrific allegations of anti-Semitism, which he completely refuted.
“He has clarified his position of being opposed to all forms of racism, including anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and racism against his own people, the Palestinians.”
The BBC does its utmost to propagandize for Islam; not only has it appointed a Muslim, Aaqil Ahmed, as head of religious broadcasting,(please note…that since the continual drip drip, of islam into religious slots)…but the BBC, as is well known, even adopts a pro-muslim political line on Israel. On top of that, we now find the BBC is now spending British people’s money on expensive pro-Islam TV series, for which the BBC commissions Muslims like Rageh Omaar (ex-BBC, now at Islamic broadcaster, Al Jazeera..uh oh!) as presenter. In addition to the 2009 TV series which Omaar did for the BBC on: ‘an Islamic history of Europe’ re-thank goodness for islam.,(sarc)..judging by that loaded nonsense, It is due to air in July He now does a further series on Muhammad, who muslims consider to be a prophet, & everyone else does not, i wonder if that will find its way into the script,(sarc). I wonder if the painful FACTS & TRUTHS,(if islamic sources, considered actually authentic are), about this so called prophet, are likely to appear. I have a sneaking suspicion they will not Will it turn out to be used as a brainwashing tool on our youngsters impressionable minds, on ahem “culturally diverse” RE lessons?,
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) does see a problem with Raed Salah, as evidenced by the benign total wording of Ms Kearney’s introduction to him today, at the top of the Radio 4,1 pm News as: “prominent Palestinian activist”.
The BBC is silent, and will remain silent. Their double-standard on Islam is clear as usual. They continuously compromise their “core values” to protect Islam. Social Cohesion, innit.
I don’t get this. One in five groomers are Muslim, but how does that make it an “exclusively Muslim” problem? Unless there’s a much, much higher percentage of Muslims who do this than non-Muslims?
DP wrote: “I don’t get this. One in five groomers are Muslim, but how does that make it an “exclusively Muslim” problem? Unless there’s a much, much higher percentage of Muslims who do this than non-Muslims?” Actually, those figures say quite a lot. Muslims, for around 2% of the population, yet they account for 25% of all sex offenders. Then when we look at how they account for around 14% of the Prison population we see that Muslims have a preponderance to crime. Yet instead of asking why, the liberals in the UK cry foul play, roll out the ‘Islamophobia card and that old canard ‘Islam is a religion of peace.’ Anybody who does ask, is instantly deemed a racist and the subject matter is closed. The very UK which demands inquiry after inquiry over the slightest subject refuses to ask why Muslims (not Asians) have a penchant for breaking the law. It is this PC dictated silence which is behind the growth of the far right in the UK.
Yes, pounce, that’s why I was asking about the relative percentage of the population, which wasn’t explained in that article. However, the BBC helpfully did a report on it a little while ago in which they said it was a bit high, all things considered, and then told me not to draw those conclusions and stop focusing on the Asian angle.
“Top detective blasts ‘culture of silence’ that allows Asian sex gangs to groom white girls… because police and social services fear being branded racist” (Jan 2011)
“In total, 56 people, with an average age of 28, were found guilty of crimes including rape, child abduction, indecent assault and sex with a child.
“Three of the 56 were white, 53 were Asian. Of those, 50 were Muslim and a majority were members of the British Pakistani community. ”
BBC 6pm News just did a segement on this, in which they admitted that it was largely Pakistani men who “saw white girls as easy meat”. The Beeboid even mentioned that the “Asians” involvement is high considering the percentage of the population.
But then the piece was ended by an explanation from a woman that it’s wrong to focus on the Asian bit. This last bit isn’t balance, because the main report wasn’t trying to claim that Asians are a problem: it was attempting to report facts only, and in theory the audience would make up their own minds about it. Of course the BBC had to head that off at the pass and make sure the viewer didn’t take away the “wrong” message.
More hand-wringing over violent protests against the austerity measures in Greece on the BBC. Even though every protester they’ve spoken to this week has been unemployed, somehow Sopel is able to say that they represent the whole country’s wishes. The various Beeboids talking about it over the last few days have gone through the motions of discussing the “issues”, as in why Greece needs austerity measures, what bankruptcy would mean, whether or not it’s fair, blah, blah, and continue to pretend it’s an adult conversation. But when Sopel asks the latest protester (named ‘Vangelis’) what would happened if, as the protesters want, Greece just went bankrupt, the guy says, “Who knows,” and simply doesn’t care. And Sopel shrugs it off and moves on to the next question. Back in the studio, they continue what has become rote iteration of the same scenario details, completely ignoring the reality that the Greeks basically don’t give a damn and are perfectly happy to take the entire continent down with them.
Oh, sure, every once in a while they allow somebody to say that there is possibly a “silent majority” who understand that there must be some kind of belt-tightening, but this is always swept aside by more declarations of anger and how nobody trusts the government, etc. So there’s no real evidence given for the viewer to decide that most Greeks aren’t as stupid as these people sound.
Instead, the BBC is focused on the sexy violence (oooh, tear gas!) and the same rhetorical questions about where will the money come from to bail them out AGAIN, what happens to public sector pensions (wink, wink, nudge, nudge), people are angry at the politicians. Nobody on the BBC has the courage or honesty to simply state out loud that the Greeks – or at least the protesters and various vox pops – want their entitlements, want the comfort they’ve been given at other people’s expense, and simply don’t care about anything else.
We all know that the subtext of this whole thing is that this is what to expect/fear in Britain on Thursday if the nasty Tories don’t stop attacking the poor working classes….sorry….stepping back from their own austerity measures concerning public sector pensions, so it’s a bit curious that the BBC won’t come out and say that the Greeks just don’t care what happens as long as they get their way. It’s the same thing with the unions and the far-Left activists in Britain, and the Beeboids don’t want the public to get that idea.
Now some Beeboid just said that the “silent majority” is actually against the austerity measures. Which is it? And now the same Beeboid is saying – in response to a leading question from the studio – that the protesters are just anarchists and the usual suspects, and not families with children and representative of the whole society. Which is it?
Does the BBC not know? How many Beeboids do they have over there? How many people have they spoken to in the last few days? Is the “silent majority” in favor or against? Do the protesters represent all of society, or are they just the usual vandals we see at every anti-Capitalism protest? Just repeating the hand-wringing in the London studio over the consequences of Greek bankruptcy isn’t reporting, it’s just replaying a tape. It hasn’t been informative for days.
Oh FFS, now the BBC News Channel has some academic talking head on who is babbling serious bailout advocacy disguised as a lecture on history. The female Beeboid asked him how the debt got so bad, “What were they overspending on” that got Greece to this point.
The academic said, “Well, I take a long view,” and instead of answering the question launched into a monologue about how the idea of a Greek State is a European creation, Byron helped by gaining attention and giving money out of his own pocket, Greece’s existence is a European phenomenon, and the country has always “been in hock to the big boys of Europe”. In other words, who cares why Greece is bankrupt: Europe owes them a living and must bail them out.
Beeboid Ben realized he didn’t answer the question and tried to ask him again, but the academic dodged it again with the same waffle. They knew he was going to do this, which is why the producers brought him in the studio. Bailout advocacy, cradle-to-grave entitlements advocacy, can we have more of other people’s money, please.
Does BBC-NUJ have any reporters based in Canada, a country it seems to have relegated to one of no importance to British people, compared with e.g. Pakistan? I wonder why?…
The twittosphere seems be attempting some kind of equivalence between the youthful professional indiscretions of one of its own (Hari) basically fouling up royally as OK in the circumstances, while a not too age different pol (Osborne) taking a day off to be at a sporting event ‘when he should be doing stuff’ as tantamount to treason.
With the BBC seemingly taking its news lead from what its twitter mates dictate, one wonders how long before, at the very least, our Kevin is on to mutter ‘Tory Toffs’ to laughs all round.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9VZN2jTwxKc?feature=share
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
Haha, Francis Maude right now standing up to Stage Performer Maitlis and calling out BBC News for stating that the talks between the Government and the unions “had broken down”. She keeps trying to step over him but he won’t allow it, sticking to his guns and laying out facts which show that the BBC reports today – especially Laura K’s – have been a bit wide of the truth.
So she gives up on the first attack line and falls back to “People at home want to know what help they’ll get” if strikes happen on Thursday. So it’s the Government’s fault no matter what happens.
deleted earlier comment due to reams of html.
That image is brilliant, may I propose similar ‘film poster taglines’ images for future Open threads….suggestions anyone?
“From gentle to mental” (Me, myself and Irene)
“The true story of a real fake” (Catch me if you can)
Any ideas for future Open thread pics gratefully received (as opposed to “greatfully” which is what I wrote first time).
A jolly nice picture of 3.5 Billion Pounds going into the toilet would wonderful.
A less ingratiating image to throw us of our guard would be Dez, Daisy and Scott holding hands at Glaslonbury.
So as I say, let’s stick to the toilet.
Shouldn’t it read ” The Incredible Beeb ” ?
urther to Sue’s Curious Incident post, here are some screengrabs of BBC News online editor Steve Herrmann taken from his appearance on Newswatch this week. Anybody else get the impression he was a tad pissed off that he had to be there?
Here’s a thought Steve – don’t let your Israel-hating underlings run bullshit stories just because they happen to coincide with their prejudices.
“F” off – by which I mean there’s a missing letter at the beginning of my comment.
The hang-dog look. 🙁
It’s René Artois, from ” ‘Allo, ‘allo”, n’est pas?….
While this Website has exposed the bBCs negative bias towards ‘Israel’ I feel that we should also expose its pro-Pakistani bias. Why today the bBC explains to all and sundry that the UK which hands over almost £1 billion in Aid to Pakistan a year has withdrawn 18 military trainers at their request. Well I suppose that’s one way of saying…Expelled. Which is how everybody from the US to Australia informs their readers. But hey according to the bBC we’ve been asked nicely to leave. Then there’s the Pro Pakistan film spot, lets not forget how Pakistan denies shelling Afghanistan. Then there’s the Pakistani terrorist outfit which denies any link to OBL. Then there’s the bBC article about how gyms are all the rage in downtown Karachi. The only negative article about Pakistan is the Panorama one about dodgy surgical equipment, but then the bBC don’t actually lay the blame with them, nah they blame the NHS.
Just what is it about Pakistan which stops the bBC from reporting like they would in say; the UK, the US or even Israel?
In 2001 the Census counted 747,285 people of Pakistani origin (1.3%of the population) living in the UK. Ten years later, add their ageing parents ferrried here as babysitters or for free NHS treatment, all their extended family, and the fruits of forced marriages. Deduct a few removed by honour killing, some London tube bombers, and those who have returned home to train with the Taliban.
Perhaps the BBC hope all will vote Labour, if they can be convinced Tories are racist and islamophobic?
To borrow from the “watermelon” analogy, the BBC is a giant multicultural fruitcake. White thin icing on the outside, but brown inside, filled with fruits and nuts.
There may well have been 750,000 people of Pakistani origin in London in 2001. Many of them not as personable as Imran Khan. In that year’s census 1.5 million households did not reply. The census gave the UK population as 61 million. Those reticent households could have contained 5 million+. In 2007, the author & business journalist, Martin Baker, suggested the UK’s population was well over 70 million. The research was carried out by economists studying the indices of consumption – their conclusion? 77 million. No wonder we are bursting at the seams & our infrastructure is buckling under. The truth is that this government no longer has a clue as to the actual figure. Jack Straw’s probably chuckling into his property portfolio; job well done. And this scandalous ignorance dovetails beautifully with the Beeboidian rainbow ‘narrative’ of joyous, unconfined ‘enrichment’ & ‘diversity’. That’s why Pakistanis have the Corporation’s carte blanche – even when they self-detonate on public transport. The onus is on us to ‘understand’ them as we mourn the dead. It’s like squeezing blood from a stone to get the BBC to admit that the grooming gangs are specifically Pakistani, not simply ‘men’, or even more insultingly, ‘Asian’.
The truth about multiculturalism is, of course, very different. Away from the Beeboid homesteads & watering holes, metropolitan Britain is fast becoming a seething quagmire of ethnic tension, criminality, nihilism, Muslim chest beating & justifiable resentment at what the political class has done to the indigenous people, & the settled, law-abiding immigrants who live amongst them. The BBC’s reluctance to go anywhere near the naked truth reminds me of the wilfully disingenuous ‘reports’ emanating from the Syrian Ministry of Information – the world turned upside down. I don’t know why they don’t just wave the black battle flags of Islamic totalitarianism & get it over with. They’ve been Allah’s little helpers long enough.
But, jarwill, they are better integrated than “some Christians”, so it is all ok.
Jarwill, I woleheartedly agree with you on the population cover up.
Here is a link to an article in the Independent from October 2007;
The REAL population of the UK; Which concludes that it is between 77 and 80 million.
Why won’t the BBC with all it’s resources investigate this mind blowing suggestion? Could it be that all these extra people are future Labour voters?
That’s the one, Manfred VR. And it makes for horrifying reading. Here we have the appalling fruition of Nu Labour’s masterplan – Operation High Treason. As in Tower Hamlets, the Muslims will vote Labour for as long as it suits them, & then….
Classic BBC ineptitude spotted here:
Very good – brought to us by the same news organisation that can’t wait to mock Republican politicians for any minor gaffe.
I love the way Yasmin is described as “Ugandan-born” !
The bBC and reporting on attacks on…Asians in Paris.
Chinese immigrants to France attacked in Paris
“I fought them off but they hit me in the face and broke my nose,” he said. “My vision was blurred for a week afterwards.“These kind of attacks happen all the time, especially to Asians,” said Mr Shi, who runs a driving school in the Belleville neighbourhood of Paris and has been mugged twice.
So the bbC reports on a protest by chinese people about the violence they faced as they get robbed on a daily basis. But who is behind all these attacks. Attacks i should add had the chinese protesting a year ago on the same subject. Here is something from a french newspaper from a year ago: `
“There are too many people who were attacked by Arabs. They tear the bags in the street, they break the windows, it does not feel safe, “ one young protester launched under the deafening sound of gongs and drums.
A little nudge for the BBC.
“Et pourquoi ces incidents arrivent-ils dans le XXe arrondissement et non dans le XIIIe où réside aussi une forte communauté chinoise ? Pour certains, c’est parce que des personnes d’origine africaine et maghrébine résident aussi dans ce quartier, les agresseurs étant issus de ces communautés.”
And why do these incidents take place in the 20th arrondissement (Belleville around Montmartre) and not in the 13th where there is also a large Chinese community? Assuredly, it is because of the persons of African and North African origin (Muslim both in France, my note) also resident in the district. The aggressors come from these communities.
A few days ago I posted about how the BBC mentioned Fukushima near the top of its report about the UK’s proposed new power plants. with no mention of the UK nuclear industry’s safety record.
This time its the French. Fukushima gets a first sentence mention this time.
The aricle ends with a mention of Fukushima too.
Of course there is no mention in the article about safety record at French nuclear plants. I think we all know why that is.
Because their report was written for them by Greenpeace?
Greenpeace demand lessons to be learned from Fukishima : except there are none for Europe, except don’t allow anti-nuclear campaigners to dictate policy on disposal of spent fuel rods.
Phil, what no mention of Chernobyl ? How very strange.
Check out Mark Mardell’s attempted takedown of newly-declared Presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann.
Michele Bachmann presses Iowa’s buttons
Michele Bachmann has formally launched her presidential run in her home state of Iowa but is there substance beneath the style?
No prizes for guessing Mardell’s ultimate answer. The whole thing is an attempt to prematurely hole her campaign below the waterline, and do a bit of scare-mongering about social conservatives (when The Obamessiah talked about how His faith informed His life, there was no screaming from the Beeboids – it’s only when white Christian conservatives do it), so no need to parse it much. Instead I’ll just highlight a couple of things.
It is inevitable, if not really fair to either of them, that there will be comparisons to Sarah Palin. Like Palin, a strong woman, a darling of the Tea Party, who talks proudly of her marriage and motherhood, who portrays herself as an outsider who speaks truth to Washington. But unlike Palin, she hasn’t given up elective office to become a TV star. Unlike Palin, before she went into politics, she was a tax lawyer and businesswoman. Unlike Palin, she shows the occasional tendency to button her lip and calm down the rhetoric. Most importantly, unlike Palin, she is now a declared candidate.
What’s this? Sarah Palin isn’t running for office? That’s funny because she’s gotten the lion’s share of attention from the BBC for two years now. The average BBC viewer could be forgiven for thinking she declared on Nov. 4, 2008 from the way the BBC goes on and on about her. At least Mardell is finally acting like it.
But it’s really the “darling of the Tea Party” line which reveals his bias. “Darling” in this usage is clearly a pejorative. I won’t say sexist because the term is easily used for males these days as well. But did the BBC ever call The Obamessiah the “darling” of the Democrats, or of any group? I forget.
The other thing is that it’s a bit silly for Mardell to criticize Bachmann’s speech for its lacuna of concrete policy details. It’s just a speech announcing a candidacy. Nobody lays out specific policy nitty gritty in these. But never mind that, Mardell is looking for flaws and he found ’em, even if he has to kind of make them up as he goes.
Maybe some time soon Mardell can take a break from advance scouting reports on His enemies’ positions and tell you about how The Obamessiah is lamenting at recent fundraisers how He’s just not cool anymore. Yeah, probably not.
Apols if this has been posted before
i see the Labour Party Political Broadcast lite (ie The One Show) had a predictable segment about the strikes and some expert (twat) saying the country will come to a standstill on Thursday…
If the country comes to a standstill, how could we tell ?
lol…i expect there will some non entity on the sofa on The One Show on Thursday spouting some shit in support of the strikes
i bet Adrian Chiles wishes he hadn’t defected to ITV
Nice to see our money’s being well spent….
Maybe these allowances need to be cut?
Then the BBC staff can go on strike to demand that their already excessive levels of public gouging be maintained?
Then market rate talents on multiple hundred grand can cave in in case anyone notices… er… no difference.
Seems to be how it works.
BBC-Labour gives free political propaganda pass to Trotskyist, Ken Loach (Radio 4, ‘Today’, aided and abetted by Evan Davis) to say, unchallenged, that the International Brigaders who fought against Franco in Spanish Civil War are the wonderful sort of people who would be on the flotilla against Israel now!
Let’s get this right then: people fighting against fascism in Spain in the 1930s (including Jews and George Orwell) would have fought against the Jews of Israel 75 years later?!
making the leftist-Islamic-anti Israel propaganda daily.
Yes I heard this. I cannot help thinking that this was deliberate – yet another of those pre-planned Beeboid propaganda attacks that the stinking BBC excels in. You know, using the last few seconds of the interview to stick the knife into joos. Oddly, I almost thought Evan Davis was above that sort of thing, but I guess he wouldn’t be where he is if he was. Plus ca change.
But who cares? Israel is thriving and getting stronger by the day, its enemies are destroying themselves and their future, the slimy BBC is slinking slowly and vulgarly to oblivion and irrelevance, and Ken Loach’s films are still as boring as Mike Leigh’s.
The BBC-Trotskyist item on Franco and Flotilla c/o K.Loach and E.Davis is at end of short item here:
What’s wrong with General Franco, if it weren’t for Franco Spain would have ended up like North Korea. And besides he made all those wonderful Spaghetti Westerns. That’s why Loach is jealous, Franco’s El Cid made more money than all his crummy films put together.
The Spanish “flotillistas” themselves have made the comparison with their actions and the International Brigades.
One of the boats is called “Gernika” (sic) and the mayor of Guernica has compared Israel’s Operation Cast Lead with the Nazis’ bombing of the town.
Anyone tried to engage with BBC blogs (those that are still interactive and not just broadcast only or closed for… whatever) this morning, or indeed since yesterday evening.
Are the mods out in sympathy with the NUTers, now the ‘right wing press’ is to blame for their leaders being outed for being paid a fortune, not about to lose any of it, yet keen for all others to stump up to maintain them?
All still ‘down’.
Summer hols?
Amazing what £4Bpa doesn’t get you.
That’s the trouble with seeking to control everything.
When you lose it, you lose everything.
Credibility being about the first.
In complement, the mods (who are not modding any more) seem to be on one of their periodic retroactive purges.
Just had an email about a post on a… surprise… Richard Black thread that didn’t suit, but was deemed all purpose OT.
Popped back to look, and a few others who don’t share the hive mind are also now gone.
By sheer coincidence, the thread is now ‘closed for comments’.
About 15 hours, as many comments still ‘under moderation’, and now it closes.
I caught a snatch of R4 News at 1 yesterday with shrill Beeboidess (didn’t get her name ) grilling the UK Ambassador to the UN, complete with amazingly aggressive questions and interruptions. He was very reasonable.
That interview was a typical example of BBC bias . I would challenge anyone to listen to it and claim that the BBC is not pro-Gaddafi, anti-NATO. In this case even agruing against the UN , usually one of the BBC’s favourites.
Disgraceful, but in Beeboid La-La Land , typical.
By the way, the Libyan opposition are still “rebels”.
Just back from a very pleasant week’s holiday in Portugal. Spent most of the time outdoors, but when the sun went down we settled down indoors to watch the offerings on TV. Although I can get by with Spanish, my Portugese is non-existent so the 4 terrestrial TV channels were not much use, but we did have satellite TV. Well I don’t know which satellite it was but over 90% of the channels were German plus several French channels and a couple of Italian ones. The only English broadcast being…. BBC World. What a load of rubbish. I believe that it is funded by advertising so I suppose it can’t all be from our license fees. A regular advertiser was Shell, emphasising their ‘green credentials’ (poor Shell being obliged to do that!). Any chance of getting any news from the UK was minimal. I think the only mention of UK events was of the threat of strike action by Unison! The remainder was a series of reports from their ‘award winning’ journalists around the world, ie mainly covering the Arab springfest, problems in Africa. We even got a chance to see the smarmy Paddy O’Connell of BH fame presenting TV programmes (hadn’t seen him before). Then there were countless plugs for our old friend ‘Ethical Man’ Justin Rowlatt and his forthcoming series on the rise of China as a world force – reporting from yes China, plus South and North America… how big must his carbon footprint be?
Finally the 30 second whole world weather reports from our familiar Met Office faces – what a waste of time when they can’t get the UK weather correct in a five minute slot!
Surely you would think the BBC would promote its home, ie Britain, but no evidence of that – just what does it do exactly? In truth I can say that the continuing disappointment which is the BBC was the only thing which spoilt my week.
Had the same problem on a recent holiday in Italy. All I wanted to know was if it was raining in the UK (essential for us farmers) and nothing on BBC World was worth watching. The BBC seemed to have a policy of 1 story a day – lots of reportersd standing outside buildings where nothing was happening. The weather men told us it was hot and dry in Ryad, hot and wet in Delhi and not a pip about the weather anywhere in Europe never mind the UK.
The bBC, and the difference between Western and Chinese Imperialism.
Philippine-US joint naval drill amid tension with China
The Philippines and the US have begun 11 days of joint naval exercises amid growing tensions with Beijing over disputed waters in the South China Sea. The naval exercises are an annual event and will be an important chance for Manila’s badly equipped navy to learn new techniques.But they come at a strategically important time, not far from the disputed region of the South China Sea in which the Philippines says China has made a series of recent incursions….. For its part, China has said it will not resort to the use of force to resolve maritime border disputes in the South China Sea. China’s foreign ministry says it condemns any action that would exacerbate the dispute, and urged those involved to “do more that is beneficial to regional peace and stability”.
The bBC reports on military exercises in the South China sea region by the US in which to combat the growth of the might of China. Which according to the bBC has said it has no intention in which to use force in which to get its way.
And here is what the bBC isn’t telling you:
In 1976, the Chinese forcibly seized the Paracel Islands, north of the Spratlys, from Vietnam. In 1988, the two countries fought a sea battle over Johnson Reef, in which 70 Vietnamese sailors died. Currently there is a Chinese 11 Ship naval flotilla roaming around the region.
Strange how the bBC which is so quick to condemn acts of Imperial gunboat diplomacy when it comes to the West, remains silent when the Chinese do so. Why is that. Why does the bBC remain silent on bullying by others (Hamas/hezb-allah/Pakistan/China etc..) but cries a good one when anybody from the accountable west does so?
pounce, a lot of the Left actually admire, & are fascinated by the way the Chinese political elite goes about its business. They are certainly envious of its irresistible power & daydream of that kind of totalitarian force in the ‘right hands’ – their own, of course. Democracy could then ‘go to hell’, (where have we heard that sentiment lately? Oh yes, Muslim street demos) & a centrally planned Utopia could then be inflicted on a subjugated population, & true ‘progress’ could then be made. What the BBC doesn’t say is always of great significance, & those omissions help us track the corporation’s true loyalties.
Very true, jarwill, soon-to-be-ex-Beeboid Matt Frei once pined for a bit of Chinese-style autocracy so the Government could force through some Leftoid dream or other.
Scratch a neo liberal, David, & you often find a perfectly formed totalitarian underneath.
INBBC: furthering the Islamization of Britain via censorship.
There is one international Muslim outfit which INBBC rarely mentions: the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC).
“Britain Appoints Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC)”
[Opening extract of this non-INBBC report]:
“You won’t read about this in the news in Britain, of course. More abject dhimmitude and Islamisation of policy from the Craven Coalition:
“The British government has appointed Mohammed Shokat as the UK special envoy to the 57-member Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) (the ‘Muslim UN’) in a major bid to boost ties between the two.
“The OIC and the UK have also announced plans to develop a joint framework of dialogue and cooperation in selected areas and evinced keen interest to hold regular consultations on issues of common concerns, said a British Embassy spokesman in Riyadh Sunday.
“The move to promote relations with the OIC is significant for both sides as Islam is the second largest religion in Britain, with an estimated Muslim population of 2.5 million.”
Speaking of minds, here’s one to boggle a few…
…to bring fresh voices to the public.
I feel soooo reprsented.
bengoldacre ben goldacre Presumably by design but still a bit lame RT @curranhung Not one scientist in the “brightest of our bright young things”
Does anybody know why some many recent articles on the BBC website are closed for comments?
Nope. It’s across the board.
I’ve asked the BBC, but they have no clue.
Thanks to the cuts, that £4Bpa can only go so far.
Looks like they’re baaaaaack.
Now, what will be interesting if they acknowledge anything happened, or just blunder on and hope no one notices as they don’t care.
Johann Hari is looking good for their next big hire too.
It’s all about values. Unique ones.
Spoke too soon:
Due to essential maintenance, BBC iD is temporarily unavailable.
For a short time, you won’t be able to register or sign in.
Sorry for the inconvenience – we’re working quickly to resume service.
World class, BBC. 3rd.
Best one can do…
Peston Robert Peston Blog now open for comments again. By all means cut and paste from Hari interview if you can’t think of anything to say. #interviewsbyhari
Reporting for the Taliban the bBC way.
What went wrong with Afghanistan Kajaki power project?
Ever since Western forces plunged into Afghanistan a decade ago, they have realised the importance of winning hearts and minds, particularly in the restive south. The idea that they could bring electricity to millions of people by upgrading the Kajaki dam in Helmand Province has proven to be a counter of counter-insurgency El Dorado – a quest into which lives and money have been poured, but so far without effect.
Reading the above article (And watching the very short clip of bBC wearing body armour in a very safe area) do you get the impression that the whole Kajaki dam project was a failure. I mean Mark Urban say’s it failed, that it was a lack of communication between the military and the Aid agencies that failed and the impression you get from that very short video clip is it was all for nothing.
Here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you.
There is only one hydro-plant in Afghasntan and that is the one above. It wasn’t in good nick in 2001 and that wasn’t helped when the Yanks bombed it. Afterwards they set about repairing it. Which they did and here is how the bBC reported on the story in 2007
Engineer Sayeed Rasul pointed to the huge gap between the two round power generators: “Turbine one needs repairs and turbine three is working well and when turbine two arrives we will be able to generate much more power,” he said. “We have only one power station in southern Afghanistan and that is Kajaki power station.
(Here is a much more informative Daily mail article. Note the reporter’s lack of body armour at a time when the Taliban and Marines were slugging it out.) Which brings me back to the bBC idiot wearing body armour in a totally safe area. The Brits cleared the area of Taliban 3 years ago, handed over to the Yanks who have thousands more troops in the area. So yes the Hydro plant can be deemed as very safe. But not according to the bBC. Who give the impression that inside the hydro plant you have to wear body armour? Not a helmet, goggles or gloves. Why the twat even has a Carabineer fixed to the front of his (Military??) body armour (don’t journalists wear blue??) even thou such practices are forbidden to the military. (Secondary blast hazard) but hey it looks good.
Anyway, the Yanks (US AID) have two turbines up and fully running and are waiting (yes its delayed) for the third to be fitted.
Then there’s this little snippet:
In Kajaki Sofla, British attempts to buy off the local tribe had been scotched by the Taliban leadership in Pakistan, who ordered them to fight. The result was a battle in which, the British estimated at the time, 200 had been killed.
Very misleading paragraph as the bBC doesn’t say who died, British or Afghans. And here is how that story was reportied in 2008:
The NATO-led force in Afghanistan says it has thwarted a Taliban attack on a key hydroelectric dam in the southern province of Helmand, RFE/RL’s Radio Free Afghanistan reported. The alliance says more than 300 troops from Britain and other NATO countries secured the Kajaki dam late on February 12 with support from NATO aircraft and Afghan government troops.Afghan provincial officials said at least 22 Taliban have been killed during the past three days in clashes near the dam.
The bBC claims 200 innocents may have died, the facts say 22.
Now in comparison here is how the LA times wrote this very same story last year:
And here is how Al Jazeera did likewise 3 weeks ago:
The document highlights the Kajaki dam, a $100m effort to rebuild a hydroelectric dam in a remote part of northern Helmand province. Two of the dam’s turbines are now operational – but part of the electricity they generate is now helping the Taliban pay its bills.”Half of its electricity went into areas where the insurgents control the electric grid, enabling the Taliban to issue electric bills to consumers and send out collection agents with medieval instruments of torture to ensure prompt payment,” the report found, noting that the electricity is also often used to irrigate fields which grow poppies.
Oh and that report, it refers to a US congresional one. Which relates how Aid projects to Afganistan must be ones which the Afghans themselves can sustain onece everybody else has gone.
Something the bBC doesn’t mention, instead they shout out that the sky is goinf to fall in. (Must be why all their reporters like to wear body armour when their is no need to)
It seems that for some strange reason the bBC paints a totally different picture from that on the ground.
To paraphrase Mark Urban: “Ever since Western forces plunged into Afghanistan a decade ago, ….(the BBC)…. have realised the importance of winning hearts and minds….. (against the war)”
Anybody listen to the Michele Bachmann item on “Woman’s Hour” hosted by Jane (“Champagne Bottles”) Garvey?
Usual hate fest as Jane’s guests were both dyed-in-the-wool Democrats, one an academic at Sussex University, the other from AP, both of whom appeared to be frustrated that the woman-you love-to-hate, Sarah P, would not be a candidate now Michele B was in the race.
The effect of militant feminism on the perceptiion of women’s roles was illustrated when it was mentioned (incorrectly) that, apart from her opposition to “reproductive rights” (which of course is wimminspeak for abortion, the opposite of reproduction, I would have thought) Mrs Bachmann has 5 children and “is fostering 23 teenage girls” (in fact she had fostered children in the past and no all at the same time).
There was a collective feminine gasp and Jane Garvey responded with “I am staggered”. The idea that a woman should want to raise children, including those who are not her own, is obviously thought of as profoundly eccentric by the denizens of “Woman’s Hour”.
Nice touch at the end though when Garvey asked in her usual leading manner, “But she won’t be President, will she?” and the lady from the AP, suddenly remembering trhat she worked for a supposedly impartial news organisation said that the AP does notr call elections. “Like the BBC, then” replied Jane. Errrr, no.
Bachmann doesn’t hold the approved thoughts, so her accomplishments as a politician or simply as a decent human being are worthless. I mean, she started one of those evil charter schools which harms poor black children in Hackney or something. Worse, she has a “very conservative Christian agenda”. Look out behind you, Puss!
To people like this, bearing children is sexual slavery forced on women by an uncaring Patriarchy. As long as Bachmann is in the race, watch Beeboid after Beeboid express similar sneering at the very idea of deliberately caring for so many innocent children.
But I’m wondering why it’s considered legitimate journalism to do a “profile” like this when nobody from her side is available and it’s essentially just people with an agenda discussing her behind her back. Everything positive the academic woman said about Bachmann’s qualifications were presented in the context of how she compared to Sarah Palin. This helps keep Bachmann outside of the “normal” scene. I’ve never heard a “profile” piece about a person which spends so much time talking about someone else.
Bachmann is financing her campaign mostly by small contributions from a vast amount of grassroots support? Easily dismissed: it shows her “Evangelical base”. Audience: Boo!
So how much of an extremist is she? Yawn.
Mardell’s Narrative is that Bachmann is all style over substance, she can’t win. Curious how it matches up exactly with the consensus here.
Is there anything else worth your attention going on in the US besides the election to keep their beloved Obamessiah in power? It seems not.
“So whose conclusion are you on board with?” asks Richard Black on his latest posting.
Love to tell him, but no comments are allowed. Nation shall speak unto nation, perhaps, but licence-payer shall not speak unto Auntie Beeb.
‘Love to tell him, but no comments are allowed.’
Tried to point out to the arrogant sh*ts that their system is buggered, but they are not listening…
‘Thank you for contacting the BBC.
Off topic referrals are dealt with by individual site owners rather than by the moderators or Central Communities Team.
If your comment is referred for being off topic at a weekend then you will experience a longer delay due to the majority of hosts and site owners being out of the office during this period.’
Black’s conclusion is that we must shut it all down even if we don’t know what’s going on. We can’t take the chance, and that’s that. So much for this all being driven by science.
Ah. Now I’ve been able to tell him.
Pompous arse.
Sopel and Peston talking about the riots in Greece just now. Sopel said that it doesn’t matter what Parliament votes for, the people just don’t want austerity, and the IMF and the EU are simply asking for too much. Austerity measures are wrong not because they’re wrong but because the cradle-to-grave crowd don’t want them.
Peston said that none of it matters because Greek politics are so fractured anyway (accompanied by a helpful caption on screen stating that the ruling party led by only the slimmest of margins) that nothing useful ever gets implemented anyway. The impression he gave was that they shouldn’t bother trying to put through austerity measures because it won’t really happen.
In sum: the violence of the Greek protests is “shocking”, but a sign that austerity is wrong.
The Narrative is clear.
The IMF and EU are simply asking for too much? Methinks it’s the Greeks who are asking for too much and have done for years. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. The Greeks may not want austerity, but who do they think is going to pay for all the services they want? Oh, I forgot that Socialists never have to answer that question.
Personally, I hope Greece doesn’t get the bail out, as it will only put off the inevitable and make it worse when it does happen.
Sopel said very clearly that that’s what these protests mean. Not that there was a difference of opinion between the conspiracy-minded hairddressers and oboe players who get to retire at age 50 on full pensions and the IMF and the EU who have done the figures, but that the IMF and the EU are wrong because the conspiracy-minded hairdressers and oboe players don’t agree.
The ancient Greeks knew the dangers of mob rule. Too bad the modern ones don’t, nor does the biased BBC.
jonty Jonty Wareing by EvidenceMattersBBC Journalist researching Lulzsec: “I understand (ish) what a Botnet is. I have watched Die Hard 4.”
Meanwhile the entire twitterati (well, those not having a giggle), are po-faced seeing nothing wrong with top table luvvie Johann Hari’s credibility malfunction, gaily unaware of how they would be neck deep in any hapless scribe from the Mail/Murdoch stable were the tables reversed.
Speak of the… well, heeeeere’s BBC anchor Polly:
pollytoynbee Polly Toynbee by GuidoFawkesJohann Hari, one the best, is no plagiarist. Save your wrath for the abominartions and harrassments by the Murdoch/Mail press.
Sans spellcheck.
The bBC does Disney.
“What’s the purist of the faiths that’s there for you and me: M.U.S.L.I.M death to infidels”
Mickey Mouse tweet by Egypt’s Sawiris angers conservatives
Anybody else noticed that since the tories came to power, the bBC has started refering to Radical muslims as..conservatives.
And here is the same story but as written by little old me hours before the bBC did. The strange thing is I ask questions about this so called Islamic anger which the bBC doesn’t.
According to the BBC, if Muslims start slaughtering Christians it will be Sawiris’ fault and not because the modern version of Islam in Egypt fosters a culture of violence and murder.
The BBC has been calling Muslim extremists “conservative” since long before the Tories came to power. They equally refer to “conservative” Christians such as Michelle Bachmann. In the minds of Beeboids, the two are the same thing, but only the Christians may be mocked.
Glad that some spotted this.
“He was a leading voice in the anti-government protests that ousted Hosni Mubarak from power in February and recently started a new political party, The Free Egyptians.
But many have questioned his wisdom in sharing the cartoons at a time of tensions between Coptic Christians and conservative Muslims.”
But many have questioned his wisdom.
The Egyptian press is full of anti-semitic and anti-christian cartoons.
No doubt the Muslim controlled press is also having its ‘wisdom’ questioned by the patronising moralists of Shepherds Bush.
So, lets just allow Muslim sensibilities to define what free speech is.
Muslim free speech means criticising all other religions and minority communities with impugnity.
Muslims believe free speech stops when it ‘insults, denigrates or humiliates Muslims’ (they. of course, decide when they feel insulted etc.)
The coarseness and viciousness of the anti.semitic and anti-christian cartoons in Egypt stands in contrast to the cheeky little Minnie Mouse in a Niqab.
So a persecuted minority, the BBC opines, should shut up to avoid offending its persecutors.
Where have we heard that before.
BBC. If the Muslims get offended by Minnie Mouse, perhaps you should try a work out why.
Of no interest to INBBC:
Democracy collapses in Europe: EU cancels SIOA/SIOE free speech rally — Freedom From Jihad Flotilla to launch on 9/11
Sopel talking to another Greek protester just now, and guess what: he’s been unemployed for two years. Has the BBC found a single protester who isn’t unemployed? I thought these austerity measures were supposed to hit the middle class hardest and it was they who don’t want austerity?
BBC-NUJ ‘Newsnight’ can answer it own question on the following, as fellow ‘liberal’ past masters in the black art:
[from ‘Newsnight’ blogsite for tonight]:-
“And Johann Hari, interviewer and columnist with the Independent, has admitted inserting quotes into his interviews that were not from the original interview itself. We’ll be discussing if that’s plagiarism – or harmless journalistic sleight of hand . ”
They just can’t help themselves any more. 6pmTV news if that is what they call it.
Cuts, strikes, Greeks .All gleefully reported by the useless BBC.
And finally .They visit a typical school in Halifax.
Typical? Not one white child to be seen. Could be typical of Halifax but I doubt it.
And the only dissenting anti strike voices interviewed in the streets of that benighted town were of course old/ white and obviously English.
And they wonder why we don’t take the BBC seriously any more.
How the bBC demonizies the US (And anybody else who fights Islamic terrorists) by telling half a story.
Uganda and Burundi to get US drones to fight Islamists
The US is supplying drone aircrafts to Uganda and Burundi to help them fight Islamist militants in Somalia, its defence officials have told the BBC. The four drones will be part of a $45m (£28m) military aid package aid to the two countries…There have been US air strikes on al-Shabab in the past, and a US special operations team killed Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, one of the most senior leaders of al-Qaeda’s East Africa cell, inside Somalia in 2009.
So according to the bBC the Americans are going to furnish Africans with drones in which to combat Islamic freedom fighters whom the bBC used to say kept peace in Somalia when they were in power. Just think now that Drones are going to be used think of all the innocent people who may get killed by airstrikes, I mean that’s what drones do isn’t it.
And here is a picture of what those 4 UAVs (drones look like)here is the story behind them and for any bBC defence experts here is the info behind the raven UAV.
Spot the missing President’s name. It’s only “the US” doing it. Mustn’t show Him up for the warmonger that He is, taking hostilities into yet another country to slaughter Muslims wherever He pleases.
Why are the BBC talking up the coming teachers strike? we are constantly being told that a large percentage of teachers WILL strike, the large number of schools that WILL be closed etc etc. At this stage we don’t know what will happen but all figures quoted I guess come from Union press releases.
I am being bombarded on programmes such as Look North with voxpops of ‘people in the street’ explaining why they support the strike – they look and sound suspiciously like school staff or Local Government workers to me – when being asked if they support the staff I think they should be asked if they work in the private sector or the public one – but I guess it would spoil the narrative.
The strange thing is that I have spoken to many people about this forthcoming strike, but I don’t think I have met a single person who has any sympathy whatsoever. Then again, I suppose that I inhabit that parallel universe called the real world.
Question from an outsider: Does anybody here really care – or know anyone who cares – that Blue Peter is moving to Salford and will no longer be produced at Television Centre? What is the big deal? The Beeboids are bleating about how Television Centre was such “an integral part of the fabric” of Blue Peter. Is this how the audience sees it, or is it only in the minds of sentimental Beeboids? Will kids switch off just because it’s moved location? They’re acting like the show is over and moping around like it’s a funeral for some beloved member of the family.
“I hope the viewers really love” Blue Peter even though it will “require a day trip up north”. Sounds more like the kind of London-and-the-Southeast-centric navel-gazing the BBC is often accused of, no?
…maybe the BBC are planning to have a burkha wearing Blue Peter presenter
Like almost every programme at the BBC Blue Peter has been done to death. Read whats on in the Radio Times 20 years ago and compare it with today. There is hardly any difference. (not including the nauseating makeovers and cookery “shows” during the day)
Casualty is another, it is on every single Saturday without a break. Eastenders, Question Time, Newsnight, ad nauseum.
It reminds me of this
The only thing worth remembering at the London base was the Blue Peter garden, where some of the pets were buried.
(I was interviewed there once for the evening news about BT by Iain Carson – a BBC business journalist who was also a senior writer at the Economist – a wholly different class of journalist to the rubbish the BBC now employs.)
“BBC boss [Byford] who lost his job left with £950,000 pay-off”
Greedy Bankers BBC?
“It is with no real enthusiasm that I write once again about bankers’ pay. If you feel you’ve read this story before, well I would understand.”
Amazing how predictable the BBC’s preferences are:
Aren’t these smug north Londoners aware that they are so out of touch with the rest of the country?
The Violence Comes From The Left, Part One Million Or So:
Tearful Glenn Beck Describes How He And His Family Were Attacked In New York Park
Explaining that a group of people yelled at his family, took pictures of them, and kicked a cup of wine onto his wife, Beck said that his security team feels that, had he reacted poorly, things might have “gone off.”
Meanwhile, Justin Webb, Mark Mardell, and the rest of them have been telling you that it’s the anger from the right which is dangerous. Name one incident on the other side like this, BBC. Just one.
Another toothless, expensive, pointless, taxpayer-funded £ hole…
… but at least not with complete and utter conflict of self-interest at its core.
So a step in a better direction.
‘It is understood that new BBC Trust chairman Lord Patten thinks allowing an external regulator to handle complaints about impartiality and accuracy could threaten the corporation’s independence.’
Since when does “independence” mean “unaccountability”?
INBBC is pro-Islam, of course; but is it predominantly Sunni or Shia?
Iran denounces upcoming BBC2 documentary on Muhammad as attempt to “ruin Muslims’ sanctity”
On the Main Have Your Say page
The BBC has a photo of GeerWilders:
They must have been delighted with that one; be difficult to find a worse one.
And the caption, from a comment:
I find his style and rhetoric extremely repugnant
Except this is what the comment actually said:
While I find Mr Wilders’ style and rhetoric extremely repugnant, I am pleased that he was acquitted on these charges.
So much of the bias is in the slick editing.
‘And the caption, from a comment:
I find his style and rhetoric extremely repugnant
Except this is what the comment actually said:
While I find Mr Wilders’ style and rhetoric extremely repugnant, I am pleased that he was acquitted on these charges.
So much of the bias is in the slick editing.’
Has that ‘edit’ gone? Can’t seem to find it (quick scan)
if so, a double whammy… changing quotes and then stealth cover up. Well worth a complaint [snigger]… to the ‘Trust’ [RAOTFL}
Maybe Johann Hari and his Indy editor have signed up?
I`m surprised the BBC didn`t lead with the OFCOM suggestion above that the BBC should not be its own final judge-especially with the likes of Lyons and Patten as Axminster rugs for hire.
After all the BBC is never happier that when it talks about itself-but funnily enough more about Blue Peters move (“oop north” with peeing elephant jollity) than with Mark Byfords payoff.
So when Fatty Pang shakes his jowls about the BBCs “independence” being” at risk”-he needs to tell us WHAT independence?All it is ,is just the Guardian for those who can`t read or have a visual disability.
Just a Talking Book co-written by Ashdown ,Williams., Kinnock and Campblee-vanity press that we pay of…for now anyway!
Hope Petra etc get re-intrerred in the Allah Peace Pagoda experiential garden, with a suitable imam to confirm the great TV star is facing Mecca…it used to be on Cross St, Mark!
So here i am with the lunchtime news (BbC news 24) and the reporter in athens appears to be siding with the thugs attacking the police. Not only that, but while airing PMQs the bBC is showing at the sametime a split screen showing to anybody who is watching a riot outside the Greek Parliment. I get the impression that with the pro protesters reporting and the showing of those riots alongside PMQs. The bBC is sending the message for people to riot like the Greeks tomorrow.
The bBC and its penchant for refering to Muslims as Asians when the spotlight is on them.
More than 2,000 children ‘victims of sex grooming’
The first UK-wide study of street grooming of children has found more than 2,000 victims of systematic abuse. The ethnicity of around half the offenders was not known but in the remainder a quarter of offenders were Asian and 38% were white.
Yet when the bBC wants to talk about victims then Asians becomes…Muslims never Hindu.Sikhs or god forbid Christians who all can be classed as..Asians.
According to the marvellous NewsSniffer the BBC have been busy adding more to that report. More anti-Israel and pro-Islamist propaganda that is…
What’s been added?
“This is a legitimate organisation, which Israel has never moved to ban,” she said. “Before coming to Britain, he faced horrific allegations of anti-Semitism, which he completely refuted.
“He has clarified his position of being opposed to all forms of racism, including anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and racism against his own people, the Palestinians.”
The BBC does its utmost to propagandize for Islam; not only has it appointed a Muslim, Aaqil Ahmed, as head of religious broadcasting,(please note…that since the continual drip drip, of islam into religious slots)…but the BBC, as is well known, even adopts a pro-muslim political line on Israel. On top of that, we now find the BBC is now spending British people’s money on expensive pro-Islam TV series, for which the BBC commissions Muslims like Rageh Omaar (ex-BBC, now at Islamic broadcaster, Al Jazeera..uh oh!) as presenter. In addition to the 2009 TV series which Omaar did for the BBC on: ‘an Islamic history of Europe’ re-thank goodness for islam.,(sarc)..judging by that loaded nonsense, It is due to air in July He now does a further series on Muhammad, who muslims consider to be a prophet, & everyone else does not, i wonder if that will find its way into the script,(sarc). I wonder if the painful FACTS & TRUTHS,(if islamic sources, considered actually authentic are), about this so called prophet, are likely to appear. I have a sneaking suspicion they will not Will it turn out to be used as a brainwashing tool on our youngsters impressionable minds, on ahem “culturally diverse” RE lessons?,
‘Daily Mail’, page 1 headline today:
“The joke of ‘secure Britain’: Vile banned militant extremist strolls through Heathrow immigration as 200 Somalian criminals are allowed to stay due to human rights”
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) does see a problem with Raed Salah, as evidenced by the benign total wording of Ms Kearney’s introduction to him today, at the top of the Radio 4,1 pm News as: “prominent Palestinian activist”.
U.K.: “Banned” jihadist hate preacher arrives at Heathrow, goes ahead with speaking engagements as criminals dodge deportation on “human rights” grounds
Note the role of INBBC in all this:-“Raed Salah apologists push back against the vile sheikh’s arrest”
(by Michael Weiss)
Oh dear, INBBC won’t like this.
Where’s S. Chakrabarti to lecture us again about the ‘human rights’ of such ‘activists’?
Raed Salah, Sitting in a Cell, Awaiting Deportation
This was linked to in the post at Harry’s which George R mentions above:
East London Mosque accused of breaking promise on anti-gay speakers
The BBC is silent, and will remain silent. Their double-standard on Islam is clear as usual. They continuously compromise their “core values” to protect Islam. Social Cohesion, innit.
INBBC’s Casciani avoids the word ‘Muslim’ here:
“More than 2,000 children ‘victims of sex grooming'”
Casciani merely repeats the report in ‘The Times’ on page 1 of June 20:
‘2,000 victims but child sex grooming is ‘hidden issue”.
Casciani does not give the PERCENTAGE of these criminal perpetrators who are either ‘Asian’, or ‘Muslim’, by group.
‘Undhimmi’ has this comment:
New UK Bid to Tackle Muslim Sexual Grooming: Why It’s Doomed to Fail
I don’t get this. One in five groomers are Muslim, but how does that make it an “exclusively Muslim” problem? Unless there’s a much, much higher percentage of Muslims who do this than non-Muslims?
DP wrote:
“I don’t get this. One in five groomers are Muslim, but how does that make it an “exclusively Muslim” problem? Unless there’s a much, much higher percentage of Muslims who do this than non-Muslims?”
Actually, those figures say quite a lot. Muslims, for around 2% of the population, yet they account for 25% of all sex offenders. Then when we look at how they account for around 14% of the Prison population we see that Muslims have a preponderance to crime.
Yet instead of asking why, the liberals in the UK cry foul play, roll out the ‘Islamophobia card and that old canard ‘Islam is a religion of peace.’ Anybody who does ask, is instantly deemed a racist and the subject matter is closed. The very UK which demands inquiry after inquiry over the slightest subject refuses to ask why Muslims (not Asians) have a penchant for breaking the law.
It is this PC dictated silence which is behind the growth of the far right in the UK.
Yes, pounce, that’s why I was asking about the relative percentage of the population, which wasn’t explained in that article. However, the BBC helpfully did a report on it a little while ago in which they said it was a bit high, all things considered, and then told me not to draw those conclusions and stop focusing on the Asian angle.
“Top detective blasts ‘culture of silence’ that allows Asian sex gangs to groom white girls… because police and social services fear being branded racist” (Jan 2011)
“In total, 56 people, with an average age of 28, were found guilty of crimes including rape, child abduction, indecent assault and sex with a child.
“Three of the 56 were white, 53 were Asian. Of those, 50 were Muslim and a majority were members of the British Pakistani community. ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1344218/Asian-sex-gangs-Culture-silence-allows-grooming-white-girls-fear-racist.html#ixzz1Qg651q9L
I agree this angle is a serious issue which the BBC has been censoring, and is worthy of national attention.
BBC 6pm News just did a segement on this, in which they admitted that it was largely Pakistani men who “saw white girls as easy meat”. The Beeboid even mentioned that the “Asians” involvement is high considering the percentage of the population.
But then the piece was ended by an explanation from a woman that it’s wrong to focus on the Asian bit. This last bit isn’t balance, because the main report wasn’t trying to claim that Asians are a problem: it was attempting to report facts only, and in theory the audience would make up their own minds about it. Of course the BBC had to head that off at the pass and make sure the viewer didn’t take away the “wrong” message.
More hand-wringing over violent protests against the austerity measures in Greece on the BBC. Even though every protester they’ve spoken to this week has been unemployed, somehow Sopel is able to say that they represent the whole country’s wishes. The various Beeboids talking about it over the last few days have gone through the motions of discussing the “issues”, as in why Greece needs austerity measures, what bankruptcy would mean, whether or not it’s fair, blah, blah, and continue to pretend it’s an adult conversation. But when Sopel asks the latest protester (named ‘Vangelis’) what would happened if, as the protesters want, Greece just went bankrupt, the guy says, “Who knows,” and simply doesn’t care. And Sopel shrugs it off and moves on to the next question. Back in the studio, they continue what has become rote iteration of the same scenario details, completely ignoring the reality that the Greeks basically don’t give a damn and are perfectly happy to take the entire continent down with them.
Oh, sure, every once in a while they allow somebody to say that there is possibly a “silent majority” who understand that there must be some kind of belt-tightening, but this is always swept aside by more declarations of anger and how nobody trusts the government, etc. So there’s no real evidence given for the viewer to decide that most Greeks aren’t as stupid as these people sound.
Instead, the BBC is focused on the sexy violence (oooh, tear gas!) and the same rhetorical questions about where will the money come from to bail them out AGAIN, what happens to public sector pensions (wink, wink, nudge, nudge), people are angry at the politicians. Nobody on the BBC has the courage or honesty to simply state out loud that the Greeks – or at least the protesters and various vox pops – want their entitlements, want the comfort they’ve been given at other people’s expense, and simply don’t care about anything else.
We all know that the subtext of this whole thing is that this is what to expect/fear in Britain on Thursday if the nasty Tories don’t stop attacking the poor working classes….sorry….stepping back from their own austerity measures concerning public sector pensions, so it’s a bit curious that the BBC won’t come out and say that the Greeks just don’t care what happens as long as they get their way. It’s the same thing with the unions and the far-Left activists in Britain, and the Beeboids don’t want the public to get that idea.
Now some Beeboid just said that the “silent majority” is actually against the austerity measures. Which is it? And now the same Beeboid is saying – in response to a leading question from the studio – that the protesters are just anarchists and the usual suspects, and not families with children and representative of the whole society. Which is it?
Does the BBC not know? How many Beeboids do they have over there? How many people have they spoken to in the last few days? Is the “silent majority” in favor or against? Do the protesters represent all of society, or are they just the usual vandals we see at every anti-Capitalism protest? Just repeating the hand-wringing in the London studio over the consequences of Greek bankruptcy isn’t reporting, it’s just replaying a tape. It hasn’t been informative for days.
Oh FFS, now the BBC News Channel has some academic talking head on who is babbling serious bailout advocacy disguised as a lecture on history. The female Beeboid asked him how the debt got so bad, “What were they overspending on” that got Greece to this point.
The academic said, “Well, I take a long view,” and instead of answering the question launched into a monologue about how the idea of a Greek State is a European creation, Byron helped by gaining attention and giving money out of his own pocket, Greece’s existence is a European phenomenon, and the country has always “been in hock to the big boys of Europe”. In other words, who cares why Greece is bankrupt: Europe owes them a living and must bail them out.
Beeboid Ben realized he didn’t answer the question and tried to ask him again, but the academic dodged it again with the same waffle. They knew he was going to do this, which is why the producers brought him in the studio. Bailout advocacy, cradle-to-grave entitlements advocacy, can we have more of other people’s money, please.
BBC-NUJ and its relegation of CANADA.
“Royal tour: Canada learns to love the monarchy”
Does BBC-NUJ have any reporters based in Canada, a country it seems to have relegated to one of no importance to British people, compared with e.g. Pakistan? I wonder why?…
The twittosphere seems be attempting some kind of equivalence between the youthful professional indiscretions of one of its own (Hari) basically fouling up royally as OK in the circumstances, while a not too age different pol (Osborne) taking a day off to be at a sporting event ‘when he should be doing stuff’ as tantamount to treason.
With the BBC seemingly taking its news lead from what its twitter mates dictate, one wonders how long before, at the very least, our Kevin is on to mutter ‘Tory Toffs’ to laughs all round.
Evan Davis half dismissed the Hari affair as a “huge fuss in the world of journalism yesterday” on the first of the Today paper reviews today.
‘one wonders how long before’
Not long. See Mr. Bacon on next page.