Thanks for posting that. I was just writing something, which I’ll put here as a comment instead, as it’s related to Pat Condell’s vid, and also it saves me having to think of a title.
The question of BBC impartiality won’t lie down. While Guido has a point – true impartiality is impossible in the sense that only inanimate objects can literally achieve impartiality, we don’t mean we want the BBC to behave as though everything under the sun has equal merit. We want it to recognise certain values, based on what people call JudeoChritian values. Melanie Phillips says: “Britain’s whole centre of political gravity shifted, as what was formerly considered ultra-Left thinking became deemed mainstream while what was formerly mainstream was labelled ‘Right-wing’.
You have only to listen to BBC group- think to realise how completely all this has been achieved.”
and Peter Hitchens: “Who sneers at Oxbridge? Er, the BBC, Mr Paxman
Only those who have lived in communist states ever understand me when I say that this country is turning into a People’s Republic in all but name. But maybe this will alert the complacent. The BBC presenter Jeremy Paxman amazingly urges the holders of Oxbridge degrees not to be ashamed of them. He says: ‘Whythere should be any shame attached to them I simply do not know.’
I do. I can think of no other country in the world where attendance at its finest universities should be seen as shameful. But then no other country has the BBC, where the gilded beneficiaries of British liberty work day and night to denigrate the country that gave them all they have, its institutions, its laws, its faith and its traditions.”
Andrew Griffiths was mainly concerned with party political bias when he wrote his piece in The Commentator. That is one area of bias that is becoming more and more overt as the median moves ever leftwards. The others are of course, Israel and AGW.
By striving for a new super-duper non-judgmental society, the BBC has decided that all the old values need to be questioned. They’ve taken the whole idea so far in one direction that it meets itself coming round the other way. Meanwhile we’re left with the self-hating topsy-turvy politically correct credo that pervades the world, the universe and everything.
Impartiality is no more than presenting, so far as it is possible, all sides of an argument, not just part of it. Bias and partiality are one of the same thing.
One wonders how many BBC pricks will be in attendance for the preparation of the rebuttle.
You know the type :
“No we are not biased, being so even handed we therefore deny accusations from anyone, let alone lunatic right-wingers who shouldn’t even have the right to exist”.
Anyone for Eastenders or Why Palestinians are always right ?
Ad infinitum.
Or a 6.30pm Radio 4 spot, instead of yet another series for Mark Steel, Mark Thomas or Marcus Brigstocke (and all the rest of the left-wing in-crowd). Possible titles:
The Pat Condell Lectures
Pat Condell: The Manifesto
The Pat Condell Show
It shows how far the BBC has moved to the Left that such ideas sound so unlikely to happen, even as you write them.
If Pat stuck to attacking Christianity or religion in general they might consider him, but a comedian who attacks Islam and is sympathetic to UKIP won’t be given a series at the BBC.
If the BBC was truly unbiased it would have no problem giving us Mark Thomas one month and Pat Condell the next. That it doesn’t – and wouldn’t even think of doing so – shows how biased the uniquely-funded organisation really is.
I rarely listen to Radio 4 6.30pm comedy shows now. (I used to.) I’d listen to The Pat Condell Lectures though – and I bet a lot of other Radio 4 listeners are crying out for something like that.
That is a very good point. Why should the BBC allow Mark Thomas & Jeremy Hardy to express their often repellent left-wing opinions without challenge and not give someone from the right the same opportunity? I don’t agree with everything that Pat Condell says but he is rarely less than entertaining and even more rarely as offensive as Mark Thomas or Jeremy Hardy.
The fact that I had never previously even considered the possibility that Pat Condell could have a BBC show shows how even I have been brainwashed by the BBC as to what is acceptable programming.
Same here. I used to love the 6 30 programmes and all the larking about with the likes of Humphrey Littleton, Willie Rushton and Alan Coren; also the Just A Minute team with Nicholas Parsons, Kenneth Williams, Clement Freud & co was a hoot.
sadly i can imagine, standing orders will be to have on the panel for balance 2 leftie politicians, 1 leftie journo and 1 leftie celeb shouting him down, Dimbo interrupting should he ever get a word in edgeways, and of course an audience packed with shouty hostile outraged mussies and the guardian hamas supporters club.
I’m surprised Condell isn’t allowed onto the BBC. His particularly vile form of violence-driven atheist bullshit would certainly fit at that dung heap.
Think I’ll leave it to a truly intelligent commentator, Dinesh D’Souza, to clarify my position: ” “If the televangelists are guilty of producing some simple-minded, self-righteous Christians, then the atheist authors are guilty of producing self-congratulatory buffoons like Condell.”
The fact that Condell’s poison get any airtime at all, apart from the BBC where it really belongs, is shocking to me. He stirs up hatred in his own way. He doesn’t need Muslims, he’s got his own reflection and self-masturbatory fantasies to get him through his life.
And, let’s face it, if douchebags like Dawkins and Myers like you, then the shit doesn’t fall too far from the bat now does it?
How would Condell fit in at the BBC? You’re shocked that someone can post a video to YouTube if they feel like it? Oh, I get it. If you don’t agree with someone, they must be vicious and violent. Dinesh D’Souza might have something to say about that.
Condell’s atheism fits like a glove with BBC opinion and well you know it. All you have to do is read his bilge. I don’t see the BBC stopping Dawkins spewing on their airwaves, or Hitchens, or anyone else the hates Judeo/Christian values. It’s only because he attacks Islam that they won’t touch him. But, in actuality, he really is no different. Just a right-wing Brigstocke.
That Condell’s words are vicious, hateful and brutal is not even debateable. He would probably cheerfully admit to it himself. Res ipsa loquitur I’m afraid.
As for D’Souza’s quote it suited my purposes on this one, so I used it. I’m not of D’Souza’s faith, but he speaks more sense than Condell ever could, or ever will.
Dino, similarity in one out of a million issues is all it takes for you to decide he fits in? Condell disagrees with the BBC on practically every single other issue. Which, you know, is kind of the point of his rant here. Or didn’t you get that?
Yeah, I “get that.” What I’m saying, and it’s something you’re not grasping here, is that his atheism fits perfectly at the BBC. He throws accusations about Christians like effing confetti, using swiss-cheese arguments and long-disproved lies.
In fact in one of his rants on YT, he goes as far as to say he would wipe the Catholic Church off the face of the earth if he could.
He is one of those incredibly deranged people that just likes the sound of his own voice a little too much while telling every one that is faith-based how stupid they are. Then he has the audacity to tell these same people that he has no clue about, that they are complicit in the holocaust because they’re Catholic.
The only difference between him and Ahmadinejad is whom they hate and their power base. Nothing else. If he was ruler of a state he would probably raze Vatican City to the ground. On seconds thoughts, comparisons to Ahmadinejad are actually a little too kind. He’s the worst kind of human detritus.
Wrong, Dino, I actually did get that your point is that Condell’s atheism would fit in at the BBC. I shall repeat the relevant phrase (actually one of two):
similarity in one out of a million issues
Atheism was the only issue you raised, so obviously the “one” issue to which I was referring is atheism. How can you not understand that? Why are you saying that I didn’t get that Condell’s atheism would fit in at the BBC?
In case you missed it, Condell supports Israel’s right to exist and did a recent rant against those who scapegoat Jews. That would make him an immediate outcast at the BBC, and is certainly not the type of right-on atheist so common at the BBC.
Okay, fair enough, you “get it.” Move on man for goodness sake.
As far as Condell goes, his brand of atheism puts him out of any reasoned debate about anything else, especially politically (he supports UKIP FFS), simply because someone with that much hatred eliminates themselves. Not only are his opinions on the world-at-large disgusting (and wildly inaccurate 99.9% of the time), they are also dangerous as they influence quite a few people for the idiot and against the idiot.
Therefore, the similarity in one out of a million issues you bring up doesn’t mean anything to me in regards to the point I’m making. So, I’ll bypass it if you don’t mind. If you do mind, oh well, jog on, I suppose.
Also, having seen the death threats on his website, he’s stoking more fires there than he’ll ever put out. Also, just as an aside, being Catholic (someone that Condell would like wiped off the face of the earth by the way), I fully support Israel’s fight to exist, but the fact the many Catholics support Israel would obviously rankle with this bitter vile old fool. And that massively exposes a huge tissue of lies that he continues to peddle.
If someone of the muslim variety that actually reads his hate-filled screeds, does actually catch up with him, and actually recognises him, he may meet his make quicker than he’s planning to.
He may be brave making videos in his basement, but when faced with some knife-wielding maniac screaming allahu akbar in his face, he may suddenly get an urge to say a quick prayer. Mind you, that might a bit difficult if he has no head.
Saying that Condell is no different from the Beeboids is rather like saying of someone that they would be leftist if it weren’t for the fact of their rightism.
Stirs up hatred or puts into words what many agree with, those two things aren’t mutually exclusive I know but you pays your money and you takes your choice. Of course he doesn’t need Muslims, they’re just the flavour of the month and whilst they insist on their extreme views they will remain a subject for Condell.
I’ve got some time for Dinesh D’Souza but all he is doing in your quote is fighting his evangelist corner.
Stirring up hatred and having people agreeing with is a pretty common occurance as far as I can see. Osama Bin Laden as your starter for 10? Stirring up hatred can cause violence, unless I missed a memo somewhere.
I totally agree with you that Muslims are the flavour of the month, so to speak, therefore he offends BBC sensibilities, such as they aren’t. But, I will maintain that he is just a right-wing Marcus Brigstocke (but far nastier), in fact he could probably even be an EFD version to be honest.
As I mentioned in my reply to David Preiser above, I used the D’Souza quote because it suited my purpose at that point. Nothing deeper than that.
Quote “I will maintain that he is just a right-wing Marcus Brigstocke (but far nastier)”
that’ll be because anything vaguely right wing is by it’s very nature nasty (to those on the left).
I believe the modern turn of phrase here is – “get over yourself”
Brigstocke (rhymes with cock – conveniently) is a left wing Little Lord Fauntleroy. Unable to think for himself he regurgitates leftwing Guardiaista rhetoric and joins the slew of modern BBC sponsored comedians who seem to think that shouting a punch line will make it funny. Admittedly there appears to be a number of leftwing middle class pricks who do manage find him funny. Their number being limited to those people who regularly apply for tickets to appear in the audience of BBC panel shows.
Just read my latest answer to David Preiser, I can’t be bothered to answer you too. I’ve made my point. I have no more to offer this conversation apart from the fact that I’ll continue to vote with my faith, my beliefs, and will support Israel’s fight to exist to the very marrow of my aching bones.
Dino, Condell supports Israel’s right to exist, and has complained about how Christians are one of the last groups left for which ridicule is sanctioned at the BBC. It’s difficult to understand how you don’t know this.
Yes I know he supports Israel’s right to exist, but he lays the blames for the holocaust completely with the Catholic Church. I think he needs to see a doctor. His brain does not function as it should. Sandwich. Picnic. Elevator. Top floor.
Can you not see my problem with this maniac? Do you really need me to continue? Haven’t I nailed my colours to the mast highly enough so everyone can see them? I know what this excuse of a human being is about. He wears his hatred just like the people who threaten his life. He’s no better than they are.
I don’t know the man but from a couple of videos of his that I’ve seen I don’t think he threatens or wants to kill anybody – even Catholics, as far as I know. That makes him different from those who threaten his life or those whom you envisage beheading him. Once again, it’s a crucial difference and one that makes him better than they are.
In the video I watched on YT, which you obviously haven’t stumbled into yet, he says quite categorically that if he could he would wipe out the Catholic Church altogether he would. If that’s not wanting the Church and it’s people to disappear (ergo wishing violence upon a set of peaceful people), then what is it exactly? It probably also annoys him greatly that you’ll never see a Catholic in a bomb belt. He’d love that I would imagine.
He also said that if it wasn’t for the Catholic Church the world would be a better place. It would be like me blaming him for the next attack on the UK when it comes (which it undoubtedly will at some point). He’s a sociopath, a psychotic and utterly deranged.
He should be put away in a place where knives and forks are kept away from the customers. His words are weapons and he seems to be forgetting how dangerous words can be. Or maybe he’s not, which is even more demented.
His vitriol and hate speech is the same in meaning, if not delivery, as the people who threaten his life and just because he slags off radical Islam and now has the hump with the BBC it doesn’t suddenly make him a better person or a politically more viable bedfellow. After all, a scumbag is a scumbag is a scumbag…
Dino. “He should be put away in a place where knives and forks are kept away from the customers”.
By that I presume you are referring to an airport and not the Vatican’s local Mc.Donalds.
Quote “Haven’t I nailed my colours to the mast highly enough so everyone can see them? I know what this excuse of a human being is about. He wears his hatred just like the people who threaten his life. He’s no better than they are.”
It would seeem you want to see hatred as his logic defies your beliefs. A desire for honesty and equal treatment for all isn’t a mark of hatred on this planet.
Which mast are you using today btw ?
*sigh* For the last fucking time that bigoted maladjusted freakshow wants to eliminate the Catholic Church from existence. HIS WORDS. He carries his own hatred on HIS back. Do you not fucking understand that?
By the way, your mast remark makes no sense as I’ve not changed my stance or opinion throughout this thread. So, that’s an idiotic remark. If you’re going to attempt to be clever at least get it right.
You’ve clearly never looked at the description of his videos, he lists everything he writes there and from where he got it, none of that wish-washy J-Hari business here…
And you’ve clearly not been reading my replies on this. Any prick can make a list. And whatever words ooze out of that disgusting pie hole of his are not to be taken seriously, let alone his lists.
As I’ve said above, he’s plainly not a well man. He needs to be locked up somewhere where he can shout at the wall and get regular medication because he’s obviously been off his for a long time.
“The only difference between (Pat Condell) and Ahmadinejad is who they hate and their power base “.
Leaving aside the hilarious idea of Pat Condell having a “power base” ( is he building nuclear weapons on Youtube ? ) , anyone who could write that is certifiable.
Oh come on Grant you’re better than that. You know perfectly well what I was saying there. If you didn’t grasp that, then I don’t know what to tell ya.
The hatred that Condell has for Christianity (leaving aside his pandering remarks about Islam) is incredibly disturbing. I wonder if he is kept awake at night by his burning, sulferous hatred. He’s a uniquely, factually light, intellectually inept and thoroughly vile individual.
I would put him in a very secure mental facility in a nano second. Not very Christian, I hear you say? In that prick’s case, I don’t give a flying fuck.
In terms of his hatred for Christianity, absolutely. Hatred is hatred is hatred Grant. Condell has gone down as saying, and it bears repeating, that he wants to eliminate the Catholic Church and blames it almost completely for the Holocaust.
There is no grey area there is there?
To me, in terms of tone at least, that is as hateful, not to mention packing a tissue of astounding lies, accusations and outright defamations, as it gets. It’s very much like Ahmadinajad (or any other cookie cutter dictator), as I say, in terms of tone. There is no difference in rhetorical delivery between them as far as I can tell. Listen to the pair of lunatics and tell me where the difference is.
Condell’s very explicity saying how much he wants the Catholic Church wiped out. What he is thinking he would do with the faithful that would die for their faith (me, for instance) is only visible to him in his darkest fantasies. I think he is that deranged. Would he deny or deflect what I’m saying here? He’d laugh it off probably. But somewhere inside him, maybe he’d be wondering “what if I could…” I don’t think that’s beyond the realms of possibility. He’s already said how much he wants to wipe the Church out.
As I had written in an earlier post, the only difference between them is that one actually has power (the charming Iranian fellow) and one just has an audience of baying for Christian blood fellow haters (his militant atheist douchebag friends). The tone is frighteningly similar and their audience’s reactions are not too dissimilar either (just look at the hate he dredges up from people on YT, it’s very scary what one deranged and hateful soul can do).
All through this thread, I’ve repeated and repeated his hatred and wishes for the Catholic Church. About 99.9% of people that have answered my posts have chosen to ignore this fact and wondered out loud why I cannot agree with someone on one point out of a million points I totally detest.
Well, also as I’ve mentioned, I vote with my faith without exception. I am pro-life, believe in fiscal conservatism and small government. It should stay the hell out of my life, and my wallet and my family life, and I will not make a “strange bedfellow” with someone who has wished my faith wiped out, no matter if what he says may criss-cross with my political beliefs. It’s that simple. No half measures, no compromise. If someone attacks my faith, I attack back with words. It’s all I have after all.
In closing, I just want to apologise for the heinous length of this post, and I’ll let the thread die in peace as it should now. You take care.
*Taken down and put back up about half a dozen times to edit for spelling and grammar. 🙂
Just as BBC-NUJ has had to (reluctantly and unwillingly) bow to the truth on its propaganda on ‘man-made’ global warming, and on its advocacy of open-door mass immigration, so too it will have to admit the truth on ‘human rights’ for illegal immigrants, and on its advocacy of E.U supremacy.
To pick up on Melanie Phillips again:
“From human rights to the EU, the tide’s turning against the liberal thought police”
Which reminds me to mention that Condell was wrong about the Nazis. They were of the Left, not Right. Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partie. National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Take out the German nationalist bit and they’re no different from Labour, other than whom they scapegoat for the country’s woes.
And anyone who wants to claim that those on the Left can’t be nationalist or racist had better tell that to China and Russia for a start.
Condell hits the button 19/20, which is good enough for me. He also caused me to laugh out loud five times in that YouTube, which Brigstocke has never managed once, yet the BBC think Brigstocke is the one that is a comedian that is worth thousands of pounds performance fee from my license tax.
The “I’m mad as hell, and I ain’t going to take this any more” never sounded so resonant as it does today. Hear it again:
Condell speaks for more people than the BBC/Guardianista Leftists, I’d like him to replace Brigstocke. He can handle it – did you see his site where he shows some of the hate mail he routinely gets?
Left is today’s Establishment. Right is the new Left.
There’s an issue here. If you dont pay the license fee, you dont have any grounds for complaint. I don’t subscribe to Sky, so I don’t give a toss what they say. You seem to want to dodge the BBC tax but still complain about the content. Can’t have it both ways.
Not quite. i live abroad but pay the ‘Tax’ indirectly via my family. My mother was hounded for years re non-payment but she didn’t ahve a TV! Howeevr the radio is on all day and each week Dimbledork minor tries to outdo his older TV brother. I use the BBC online a lot more before when they ahd their message boards open) yet I do not pay the fee; on a weekly basis I complaned about the DIRE and bias online editing. WHY shouldn’t I complain? Lies, omission, bias…everyone pays. WHY? The BBC can say what they like if they were independent; whilst they are not ANYONE can complain about it: no issue here at all.
Yes, I hope that people who airily proclaim that no one needs to buy the infamous licence, realises that people will be hounded for years as Span Ows says, and that many people cannot cope with that, so will buy the licence under duress just to avoid the harassment and pressure put on them by the forces of the Beeboid State.
I disagree. The very fact of the compulsory licence fee gives the BBC a hugely disproportionate influence over the entire UK politics scene, with results that are only too plain to see. Everyone has a right to complain about that, whether they pay the fee or not.
London, I believe I do have a right to complain about the BBC spreading poison about the US and misinforming the citizens of my country’s greatest ally. Not to mention spreading their biased propaganda around and misleading my friends and business acquaintances, and encouraging the public to vote in ways which may harm my country.
I also have a right to object to Kevin Connolly insulting me and hundreds of thousands of others on air with a sexual innuendo, simply becuase he and his producer don’t agree with me politically.
Perfectly described. I wondered when Pat was going to take aim at this odious left wing corporation, and say what virtually half the Country thinks these days, but then question themselves as to whether or not they’re wrong.
I mean, this is the BBC, and we’ve always been told that we can all trust the BBC with our very lives as to tell us the truth. Haven’t we?
I’m delighted that Condell addresses the BBC, the Grauniad and the incestuous relationship between their readers/workers.
Unfortunately the brainwashed meekly accept whatever the BBC broadcasts – I quoted to a friend an ex BBC journalist saying that the BBC had an institutional left wing bias and he rejoined by quoting current BBC journalists who say that none of them will interview him! Wonder why not!
Student Unions are full of the MuliKulti-MiddleClass-Bisexual-LeftWing (probably called Moonbeam or Breathmint) Guardiantas.if you read through they deny the human right of freedom of speech to the likes of the BNP and EDL whilst actively supporting the anti-jewish UAF. I dont condone some of the idelogies of the BNP or the EDL but the best way to attack the BNPs and EDL’s views is by giving them the free speech ala Nick Grififn. The last time free speech was denied to a BNP member the University (Dueham i think) left the NUS through a referednum. The NUS relies on contributions from Students to survive (like the BBC). I do not pay a part of my fees (i wouldnt if i didnt have to) so that my Union can spread this lefty propaganda.
Theese people who write this are the future Labour Party members, Guardian Columnists and BBC hacks
Wasn’t New Labour retard Tom Miller a big cheese in this Manchester Uni bollocks a few years back now?….And Just look at him since, He was involved in every underhand trick in the book on the official New Labour website “Labour List” with the former editor Derek Draper.
As a practicing (and often failing)left footer I find Condells views about my church abhorrent. Therefore I am conflicted.
In his five minute rant he summed up everything wrong with the beeb.
He is a militant atheist , well so are many in broadcasting house,50% not believing in any god.
I personally don’t want to silence atheists. Any belief system should be able to stand up to bigotry and my religion has had to put up with a lot(as well as dish it out on occasion).
What I want for my state media is TRUE pluralism. I don’t want a left wing beeb replaced by a right wing one. I don’t want the atheism replaced with slavish devotion. I just want a fair crack
1 presenters represent the real British demographic not just that of central London
2 dramas and comedies contain realistic portrails of society not PC tokenism with one black family one gay couple one Indian one disabled.
3 where historical dramas or classic tales aren’t twisted to fit some single left wing meme
4 where All the newspapers are reviewed
5 where ‘independent’ contributors aren’t from a short list of labour party aparatchiks
6 where Christians are not all portrayed as nutters or bigots
7 where you can broadcast shows which make you proud of the UK without being accused of jingoism.
8 where smugness is banned
9 where NGOs are not automatically given expert status even with their unqualified activists.
So in summary I don’t like Condell but by Christ I like his video. As in the second world war, ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’
….and in other news the Today programme chooses to report briefly on the Gipper’s new statue through the lens of the Independent cartoon, to the accompaniment of much sniggering….
Yes, and preceded it by quoting an opinion from the Indie that Gorbachev should have had the statue rather than Reagan…and preceded that with a another dismissive comment from the Guardian.
Yes, just the Independent and the Guardian from ol’ Justin.
Prescott, Campbell,Paxman,Mason-all were on Newslight tonight, and Pats description of the Prickocracy means I needn`t subdivide this shower of slime!
Three stories fingered the last Godawful mediocrities that crashed the finances into a wall, before running way whilst blaming the Tories.
They even had Campbell in the studio-but News International, the Siemens deal and Prescotts “Pathfinder” scheme somehow were all the Tories fault. Paxman and Mason would not hear of anything less!
So there we are-the Tories spooked the last lot into 15 year plans for slum clearance(slums that THEY deliberately created!)…they got Labour to sign contracts for trains that excluded social consequences regarding employment…and News International and Iain Blair were never implicated in Campbell/Tonys policy decisions…how very dare you!
Newslight now have 159,999 viewers-I`ve jumped ship and let the slum clearance of the mind begin!
Newsnight has become Drop the Dead Donkey, at least in professional parody terms (the target of the satire being commercial and NI in particular) in all but channel.
I think Pat is a very refreshing outlet on what some people think but seem baffled by the monotonous on-message bilge emanating from media outlets such as the BBC.
And as for not being allowed to complain about the BBC whilst not succumbing to the terrors of the telly tax, how barking is that? The very fact that you put up a notice on your front door withdrawing the implied right of access to the BBC and cancel your direct debit to TV Licencing is the very essence of making a complaint i.e. I’m withdrawing my funding and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.
While I am more than happy for people to hold a religious belief, I am equally happy for people to comment on the ridiculous stranglehold it has on them.
As for Dino64’s posts: so much anger, so much vitriol poured upon a former comic and scriptwriter.
<i>Dino64: “It’s only because he attacks Islam that they won’t touch him. But, in actuality, he really is no different. Just a right-wing Brigstocke.
That Condell’s words are vicious, hateful and brutal is not even debateable. He would probably cheerfully admit to it himself.”</i>
Biggest load of bollocks from someone that’s so overtly determined to stick the knife into a comic hasbeen that I’ve ever read.
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Yes indeed, thanks to Sres, I listened and immediately blogged it too. The advanced bubble of Guardianista multi culti left wing pricks…wonderful.
Coherent and complete!
Thanks for putting it up!
Thanks for posting that. I was just writing something, which I’ll put here as a comment instead, as it’s related to Pat Condell’s vid, and also it saves me having to think of a title.
The question of BBC impartiality won’t lie down. While Guido has a point – true impartiality is impossible in the sense that only inanimate objects can literally achieve impartiality, we don’t mean we want the BBC to behave as though everything under the sun has equal merit. We want it to recognise certain values, based on what people call JudeoChritian values.
Melanie Phillips says:
“Britain’s whole centre of political gravity shifted, as what was formerly considered ultra-Left thinking became deemed mainstream while what was formerly mainstream was labelled ‘Right-wing’.
You have only to listen to BBC group- think to realise how completely all this has been achieved.”
and Peter Hitchens:
“Who sneers at Oxbridge? Er, the BBC, Mr Paxman
Only those who have lived in communist states ever understand me when I say that this country is turning into a People’s Republic in all but name. But maybe this will alert the complacent. The BBC presenter Jeremy Paxman amazingly urges the holders of Oxbridge degrees not to be ashamed of them. He says: ‘Why there should be any shame attached to them I simply do not know.’
I do. I can think of no other country in the world where attendance at its finest universities should be seen as shameful. But then no other country has the BBC, where the gilded beneficiaries of British liberty work day and night to denigrate the country that gave them all they have, its institutions, its laws, its faith and its traditions.”
Andrew Griffiths was mainly concerned with party political bias when he wrote his piece in The Commentator. That is one area of bias that is becoming more and more overt as the median moves ever leftwards. The others are of course, Israel and AGW.
By striving for a new super-duper non-judgmental society, the BBC has decided that all the old values need to be questioned. They’ve taken the whole idea so far in one direction that it meets itself coming round the other way. Meanwhile we’re left with the self-hating topsy-turvy politically correct credo that pervades the world, the universe and everything.
Sorry if this looks too preachy for a comment.
The Left are ultra-judgemental. Being anti-Western, anti-White, anti-Christian, and anti-male, is not the same thing as being anti-judgemental.
Impartiality is no more than presenting, so far as it is possible, all sides of an argument, not just part of it. Bias and partiality are one of the same thing.
One wonders how many BBC pricks will be in attendance for the preparation of the rebuttle.
You know the type :
“No we are not biased, being so even handed we therefore deny accusations from anyone, let alone lunatic right-wingers who shouldn’t even have the right to exist”.
Anyone for Eastenders or Why Palestinians are always right ?
Ad infinitum.
I like Pat, he’s prejudiced against everyone. Some one should give him his own talk radio show, that would stir things up.
Or a 6.30pm Radio 4 spot, instead of yet another series for Mark Steel, Mark Thomas or Marcus Brigstocke (and all the rest of the left-wing in-crowd). Possible titles:
The Pat Condell Lectures
Pat Condell: The Manifesto
The Pat Condell Show
It shows how far the BBC has moved to the Left that such ideas sound so unlikely to happen, even as you write them.
If Pat stuck to attacking Christianity or religion in general they might consider him, but a comedian who attacks Islam and is sympathetic to UKIP won’t be given a series at the BBC.
If the BBC was truly unbiased it would have no problem giving us Mark Thomas one month and Pat Condell the next. That it doesn’t – and wouldn’t even think of doing so – shows how biased the uniquely-funded organisation really is.
I rarely listen to Radio 4 6.30pm comedy shows now. (I used to.) I’d listen to The Pat Condell Lectures though – and I bet a lot of other Radio 4 listeners are crying out for something like that.
That is a very good point. Why should the BBC allow Mark Thomas & Jeremy Hardy to express their often repellent left-wing opinions without challenge and not give someone from the right the same opportunity? I don’t agree with everything that Pat Condell says but he is rarely less than entertaining and even more rarely as offensive as Mark Thomas or Jeremy Hardy.
The fact that I had never previously even considered the possibility that Pat Condell could have a BBC show shows how even I have been brainwashed by the BBC as to what is acceptable programming.
Same here. I used to love the 6 30 programmes and all the larking about with the likes of Humphrey Littleton, Willie Rushton and Alan Coren; also the Just A Minute team with Nicholas Parsons, Kenneth Williams, Clement Freud & co was a hoot.
Now, this guy should be on Question Time. Can you imagine!
sadly i can imagine, standing orders will be to have on the panel for balance 2 leftie politicians, 1 leftie journo and 1 leftie celeb shouting him down, Dimbo interrupting should he ever get a word in edgeways, and of course an audience packed with shouty hostile outraged mussies and the guardian hamas supporters club.
In short, a bloody farcical shambles.
Forget QT we need Pat Condell for PM!
I’m surprised Condell isn’t allowed onto the BBC. His particularly vile form of violence-driven atheist bullshit would certainly fit at that dung heap.
Violence driven? Please elaborate; while you’re at it explain why YOU think it’s bullshit.
Think I’ll leave it to a truly intelligent commentator, Dinesh D’Souza, to clarify my position: ” “If the televangelists are guilty of producing some simple-minded, self-righteous Christians, then the atheist authors are guilty of producing self-congratulatory buffoons like Condell.”
The fact that Condell’s poison get any airtime at all, apart from the BBC where it really belongs, is shocking to me. He stirs up hatred in his own way. He doesn’t need Muslims, he’s got his own reflection and self-masturbatory fantasies to get him through his life.
And, let’s face it, if douchebags like Dawkins and Myers like you, then the shit doesn’t fall too far from the bat now does it?
How would Condell fit in at the BBC? You’re shocked that someone can post a video to YouTube if they feel like it? Oh, I get it. If you don’t agree with someone, they must be vicious and violent. Dinesh D’Souza might have something to say about that.
Condell’s atheism fits like a glove with BBC opinion and well you know it. All you have to do is read his bilge. I don’t see the BBC stopping Dawkins spewing on their airwaves, or Hitchens, or anyone else the hates Judeo/Christian values. It’s only because he attacks Islam that they won’t touch him. But, in actuality, he really is no different. Just a right-wing Brigstocke.
That Condell’s words are vicious, hateful and brutal is not even debateable. He would probably cheerfully admit to it himself. Res ipsa loquitur I’m afraid.
As for D’Souza’s quote it suited my purposes on this one, so I used it. I’m not of D’Souza’s faith, but he speaks more sense than Condell ever could, or ever will.
Dino, similarity in one out of a million issues is all it takes for you to decide he fits in? Condell disagrees with the BBC on practically every single other issue. Which, you know, is kind of the point of his rant here. Or didn’t you get that?
Yeah, I “get that.” What I’m saying, and it’s something you’re not grasping here, is that his atheism fits perfectly at the BBC. He throws accusations about Christians like effing confetti, using swiss-cheese arguments and long-disproved lies.
In fact in one of his rants on YT, he goes as far as to say he would wipe the Catholic Church off the face of the earth if he could.
He is one of those incredibly deranged people that just likes the sound of his own voice a little too much while telling every one that is faith-based how stupid they are. Then he has the audacity to tell these same people that he has no clue about, that they are complicit in the holocaust because they’re Catholic.
The only difference between him and Ahmadinejad is whom they hate and their power base. Nothing else. If he was ruler of a state he would probably raze Vatican City to the ground. On seconds thoughts, comparisons to Ahmadinejad are actually a little too kind. He’s the worst kind of human detritus.
Wrong, Dino, I actually did get that your point is that Condell’s atheism would fit in at the BBC. I shall repeat the relevant phrase (actually one of two):
similarity in one out of a million issues
Atheism was the only issue you raised, so obviously the “one” issue to which I was referring is atheism. How can you not understand that? Why are you saying that I didn’t get that Condell’s atheism would fit in at the BBC?
In case you missed it, Condell supports Israel’s right to exist and did a recent rant against those who scapegoat Jews. That would make him an immediate outcast at the BBC, and is certainly not the type of right-on atheist so common at the BBC.
Okay, fair enough, you “get it.” Move on man for goodness sake.
As far as Condell goes, his brand of atheism puts him out of any reasoned debate about anything else, especially politically (he supports UKIP FFS), simply because someone with that much hatred eliminates themselves. Not only are his opinions on the world-at-large disgusting (and wildly inaccurate 99.9% of the time), they are also dangerous as they influence quite a few people for the idiot and against the idiot.
Therefore, the similarity in one out of a million issues you bring up doesn’t mean anything to me in regards to the point I’m making. So, I’ll bypass it if you don’t mind. If you do mind, oh well, jog on, I suppose.
Also, having seen the death threats on his website, he’s stoking more fires there than he’ll ever put out. Also, just as an aside, being Catholic (someone that Condell would like wiped off the face of the earth by the way), I fully support Israel’s fight to exist, but the fact the many Catholics support Israel would obviously rankle with this bitter vile old fool. And that massively exposes a huge tissue of lies that he continues to peddle.
If someone of the muslim variety that actually reads his hate-filled screeds, does actually catch up with him, and actually recognises him, he may meet his make quicker than he’s planning to.
He may be brave making videos in his basement, but when faced with some knife-wielding maniac screaming allahu akbar in his face, he may suddenly get an urge to say a quick prayer. Mind you, that might a bit difficult if he has no head.
“his brand of atheism puts him out of any reasoned debate about anything else, especially politically (he supports UKIP FFS)“
Ah yes, that’s the clincher, isn’t it. Anyone who supports UKIP is beyond reasoned debate. Unlike yourself, with that piece of reasoning.
Yeah, cheap shot about UKIP, but who cares? It made me laugh, so there you go. Deal.
Saying that Condell is no different from the Beeboids is rather like saying of someone that they would be leftist if it weren’t for the fact of their rightism.
Stirs up hatred or puts into words what many agree with, those two things aren’t mutually exclusive I know but you pays your money and you takes your choice. Of course he doesn’t need Muslims, they’re just the flavour of the month and whilst they insist on their extreme views they will remain a subject for Condell.
I’ve got some time for Dinesh D’Souza but all he is doing in your quote is fighting his evangelist corner.
Stirring up hatred and having people agreeing with is a pretty common occurance as far as I can see. Osama Bin Laden as your starter for 10? Stirring up hatred can cause violence, unless I missed a memo somewhere.
I totally agree with you that Muslims are the flavour of the month, so to speak, therefore he offends BBC sensibilities, such as they aren’t. But, I will maintain that he is just a right-wing Marcus Brigstocke (but far nastier), in fact he could probably even be an EFD version to be honest.
As I mentioned in my reply to David Preiser above, I used the D’Souza quote because it suited my purpose at that point. Nothing deeper than that.
I don’t agree with every last thing Condell says, but I like him.
Quote “I will maintain that he is just a right-wing Marcus Brigstocke (but far nastier)”
that’ll be because anything vaguely right wing is by it’s very nature nasty (to those on the left).
I believe the modern turn of phrase here is – “get over yourself”
Brigstocke (rhymes with cock – conveniently) is a left wing Little Lord Fauntleroy. Unable to think for himself he regurgitates leftwing Guardiaista rhetoric and joins the slew of modern BBC sponsored comedians who seem to think that shouting a punch line will make it funny. Admittedly there appears to be a number of leftwing middle class pricks who do manage find him funny. Their number being limited to those people who regularly apply for tickets to appear in the audience of BBC panel shows.
I don’t see the comparison myself.
Just read my latest answer to David Preiser, I can’t be bothered to answer you too. I’ve made my point. I have no more to offer this conversation apart from the fact that I’ll continue to vote with my faith, my beliefs, and will support Israel’s fight to exist to the very marrow of my aching bones.
Dino, Condell supports Israel’s right to exist, and has complained about how Christians are one of the last groups left for which ridicule is sanctioned at the BBC. It’s difficult to understand how you don’t know this.
Yes I know he supports Israel’s right to exist, but he lays the blames for the holocaust completely with the Catholic Church. I think he needs to see a doctor. His brain does not function as it should. Sandwich. Picnic. Elevator. Top floor.
Can you not see my problem with this maniac? Do you really need me to continue? Haven’t I nailed my colours to the mast highly enough so everyone can see them? I know what this excuse of a human being is about. He wears his hatred just like the people who threaten his life. He’s no better than they are.
I don’t know the man but from a couple of videos of his that I’ve seen I don’t think he threatens or wants to kill anybody – even Catholics, as far as I know. That makes him different from those who threaten his life or those whom you envisage beheading him. Once again, it’s a crucial difference and one that makes him better than they are.
In the video I watched on YT, which you obviously haven’t stumbled into yet, he says quite categorically that if he could he would wipe out the Catholic Church altogether he would. If that’s not wanting the Church and it’s people to disappear (ergo wishing violence upon a set of peaceful people), then what is it exactly? It probably also annoys him greatly that you’ll never see a Catholic in a bomb belt. He’d love that I would imagine.
He also said that if it wasn’t for the Catholic Church the world would be a better place. It would be like me blaming him for the next attack on the UK when it comes (which it undoubtedly will at some point). He’s a sociopath, a psychotic and utterly deranged.
He should be put away in a place where knives and forks are kept away from the customers. His words are weapons and he seems to be forgetting how dangerous words can be. Or maybe he’s not, which is even more demented.
His vitriol and hate speech is the same in meaning, if not delivery, as the people who threaten his life and just because he slags off radical Islam and now has the hump with the BBC it doesn’t suddenly make him a better person or a politically more viable bedfellow. After all, a scumbag is a scumbag is a scumbag…
“He should be put away in a place where knives and forks are kept away from the customers”.
By that I presume you are referring to an airport and not the Vatican’s local Mc.Donalds.
Ding ding, thanks for playing, no I’m afraid the answer is a mental institution. Thanks for playing.
And thank you for clearing that up.
You are most welcome.
Quote “Haven’t I nailed my colours to the mast highly enough so everyone can see them? I know what this excuse of a human being is about. He wears his hatred just like the people who threaten his life. He’s no better than they are.”
It would seeem you want to see hatred as his logic defies your beliefs. A desire for honesty and equal treatment for all isn’t a mark of hatred on this planet.
Which mast are you using today btw ?
*sigh* For the last fucking time that bigoted maladjusted freakshow wants to eliminate the Catholic Church from existence. HIS WORDS. He carries his own hatred on HIS back. Do you not fucking understand that?
By the way, your mast remark makes no sense as I’ve not changed my stance or opinion throughout this thread. So, that’s an idiotic remark. If you’re going to attempt to be clever at least get it right.
You’ve clearly never looked at the description of his videos, he lists everything he writes there and from where he got it, none of that wish-washy J-Hari business here…
And you’ve clearly not been reading my replies on this. Any prick can make a list. And whatever words ooze out of that disgusting pie hole of his are not to be taken seriously, let alone his lists.
As I’ve said above, he’s plainly not a well man. He needs to be locked up somewhere where he can shout at the wall and get regular medication because he’s obviously been off his for a long time.
“The only difference between (Pat Condell) and Ahmadinejad is who they hate and their power base “.
Leaving aside the hilarious idea of Pat Condell having a “power base” ( is he building nuclear weapons on Youtube ? ) , anyone who could write that is certifiable.
Oh come on Grant you’re better than that. You know perfectly well what I was saying there. If you didn’t grasp that, then I don’t know what to tell ya.
The hatred that Condell has for Christianity (leaving aside his pandering remarks about Islam) is incredibly disturbing. I wonder if he is kept awake at night by his burning, sulferous hatred. He’s a uniquely, factually light, intellectually inept and thoroughly vile individual.
I would put him in a very secure mental facility in a nano second. Not very Christian, I hear you say? In that prick’s case, I don’t give a flying fuck.
But are you seriously saying he is in the same league as the President of Iran ?
In terms of his hatred for Christianity, absolutely. Hatred is hatred is hatred Grant. Condell has gone down as saying, and it bears repeating, that he wants to eliminate the Catholic Church and blames it almost completely for the Holocaust.
There is no grey area there is there?
To me, in terms of tone at least, that is as hateful, not to mention packing a tissue of astounding lies, accusations and outright defamations, as it gets. It’s very much like Ahmadinajad (or any other cookie cutter dictator), as I say, in terms of tone. There is no difference in rhetorical delivery between them as far as I can tell. Listen to the pair of lunatics and tell me where the difference is.
Condell’s very explicity saying how much he wants the Catholic Church wiped out. What he is thinking he would do with the faithful that would die for their faith (me, for instance) is only visible to him in his darkest fantasies. I think he is that deranged. Would he deny or deflect what I’m saying here? He’d laugh it off probably. But somewhere inside him, maybe he’d be wondering “what if I could…” I don’t think that’s beyond the realms of possibility. He’s already said how much he wants to wipe the Church out.
As I had written in an earlier post, the only difference between them is that one actually has power (the charming Iranian fellow) and one just has an audience of baying for Christian blood fellow haters (his militant atheist douchebag friends). The tone is frighteningly similar and their audience’s reactions are not too dissimilar either (just look at the hate he dredges up from people on YT, it’s very scary what one deranged and hateful soul can do).
All through this thread, I’ve repeated and repeated his hatred and wishes for the Catholic Church. About 99.9% of people that have answered my posts have chosen to ignore this fact and wondered out loud why I cannot agree with someone on one point out of a million points I totally detest.
Well, also as I’ve mentioned, I vote with my faith without exception. I am pro-life, believe in fiscal conservatism and small government. It should stay the hell out of my life, and my wallet and my family life, and I will not make a “strange bedfellow” with someone who has wished my faith wiped out, no matter if what he says may criss-cross with my political beliefs. It’s that simple. No half measures, no compromise. If someone attacks my faith, I attack back with words. It’s all I have after all.
In closing, I just want to apologise for the heinous length of this post, and I’ll let the thread die in peace as it should now. You take care.
*Taken down and put back up about half a dozen times to edit for spelling and grammar. 🙂
You are nuts !
Just as BBC-NUJ has had to (reluctantly and unwillingly) bow to the truth on its propaganda on ‘man-made’ global warming, and on its advocacy of open-door mass immigration, so too it will have to admit the truth on ‘human rights’ for illegal immigrants, and on its advocacy of E.U supremacy.
To pick up on Melanie Phillips again:
“From human rights to the EU, the tide’s turning against the liberal thought police”
By Melanie Phillips
Read more:
Jesus – what a victim!
sycophantic guardianistic multi culti left wing prickery par excellence
almost gut wrenching,(honestly.. don t hold anything breakable)
And now for a Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party……
I noticed the BBC overtly referring to Wilders as “far right” as well.
I saw him on Newsnight recently and he seemed eminently reasonable.
I stopped paying my TV Licence several weeks ago.
Which reminds me to mention that Condell was wrong about the Nazis. They were of the Left, not Right. Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partie. National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Take out the German nationalist bit and they’re no different from Labour, other than whom they scapegoat for the country’s woes.
And anyone who wants to claim that those on the Left can’t be nationalist or racist had better tell that to China and Russia for a start.
absolutely correct Mr Preiser
Condell hits the button 19/20, which is good enough for me. He also caused me to laugh out loud five times in that YouTube, which Brigstocke has never managed once, yet the BBC think Brigstocke is the one that is a comedian that is worth thousands of pounds performance fee from my license tax.
The “I’m mad as hell, and I ain’t going to take this any more” never sounded so resonant as it does today. Hear it again:
Condell speaks for more people than the BBC/Guardianista Leftists, I’d like him to replace Brigstocke. He can handle it – did you see his site where he shows some of the hate mail he routinely gets?
Left is today’s Establishment. Right is the new Left.
Made me laugh out loud too.
See this good blog post at the Telegraph about how all the rebellion has gone from comedy. Couldn’t agree more myself.
He’s wrong about having to pay for the BBC. I don’t.
The only change not paying made to my life is that I now have to put unopened BBC letters demanding my money in the recycling bin.
There’s an issue here. If you dont pay the license fee, you dont have any grounds for complaint. I don’t subscribe to Sky, so I don’t give a toss what they say. You seem to want to dodge the BBC tax but still complain about the content. Can’t have it both ways.
Not quite. i live abroad but pay the ‘Tax’ indirectly via my family. My mother was hounded for years re non-payment but she didn’t ahve a TV! Howeevr the radio is on all day and each week Dimbledork minor tries to outdo his older TV brother. I use the BBC online a lot more before when they ahd their message boards open) yet I do not pay the fee; on a weekly basis I complaned about the DIRE and bias online editing. WHY shouldn’t I complain? Lies, omission, bias…everyone pays. WHY? The BBC can say what they like if they were independent; whilst they are not ANYONE can complain about it: no issue here at all.
Yes, I hope that people who airily proclaim that no one needs to buy the infamous licence, realises that people will be hounded for years as Span Ows says, and that many people cannot cope with that, so will buy the licence under duress just to avoid the harassment and pressure put on them by the forces of the Beeboid State.
London Calling
I disagree. The very fact of the compulsory licence fee gives the BBC a hugely disproportionate influence over the entire UK politics scene, with results that are only too plain to see. Everyone has a right to complain about that, whether they pay the fee or not.
yet the BBC are obsessed by the prospect of Rupert Murdoch controlling too much of gthe media.
Of course they will be, why would they want Murdoch to take their crown in the UK?
London, I believe I do have a right to complain about the BBC spreading poison about the US and misinforming the citizens of my country’s greatest ally. Not to mention spreading their biased propaganda around and misleading my friends and business acquaintances, and encouraging the public to vote in ways which may harm my country.
I also have a right to object to Kevin Connolly insulting me and hundreds of thousands of others on air with a sexual innuendo, simply becuase he and his producer don’t agree with me politically.
Perfectly described. I wondered when Pat was going to take aim at this odious left wing corporation, and say what virtually half the Country thinks these days, but then question themselves as to whether or not they’re wrong.
I mean, this is the BBC, and we’ve always been told that we can all trust the BBC with our very lives as to tell us the truth. Haven’t we?
I’m delighted that Condell addresses the BBC, the Grauniad and the incestuous relationship between their readers/workers.
Unfortunately the brainwashed meekly accept whatever the BBC broadcasts – I quoted to a friend an ex BBC journalist saying that the BBC had an institutional left wing bias and he rejoined by quoting current BBC journalists who say that none of them will interview him! Wonder why not!
Student Unions are full of the MuliKulti-MiddleClass-Bisexual-LeftWing (probably called Moonbeam or Breathmint) Guardiantas.if you read through they deny the human right of freedom of speech to the likes of the BNP and EDL whilst actively supporting the anti-jewish UAF. I dont condone some of the idelogies of the BNP or the EDL but the best way to attack the BNPs and EDL’s views is by giving them the free speech ala Nick Grififn. The last time free speech was denied to a BNP member the University (Dueham i think) left the NUS through a referednum. The NUS relies on contributions from Students to survive (like the BBC). I do not pay a part of my fees (i wouldnt if i didnt have to) so that my Union can spread this lefty propaganda.
Theese people who write this are the future Labour Party members, Guardian Columnists and BBC hacks
@ Evil Tory:
Wasn’t New Labour retard Tom Miller a big cheese in this Manchester Uni bollocks a few years back now?….And Just look at him since, He was involved in every underhand trick in the book on the official New Labour website “Labour List” with the former editor Derek Draper.
As a practicing (and often failing)left footer I find Condells views about my church abhorrent. Therefore I am conflicted.
In his five minute rant he summed up everything wrong with the beeb.
He is a militant atheist , well so are many in broadcasting house,50% not believing in any god.
I personally don’t want to silence atheists. Any belief system should be able to stand up to bigotry and my religion has had to put up with a lot(as well as dish it out on occasion).
What I want for my state media is TRUE pluralism. I don’t want a left wing beeb replaced by a right wing one. I don’t want the atheism replaced with slavish devotion. I just want a fair crack
1 presenters represent the real British demographic not just that of central London
2 dramas and comedies contain realistic portrails of society not PC tokenism with one black family one gay couple one Indian one disabled.
3 where historical dramas or classic tales aren’t twisted to fit some single left wing meme
4 where All the newspapers are reviewed
5 where ‘independent’ contributors aren’t from a short list of labour party aparatchiks
6 where Christians are not all portrayed as nutters or bigots
7 where you can broadcast shows which make you proud of the UK without being accused of jingoism.
8 where smugness is banned
9 where NGOs are not automatically given expert status even with their unqualified activists.
So in summary I don’t like Condell but by Christ I like his video. As in the second world war, ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’
….and in other news the Today programme chooses to report briefly on the Gipper’s new statue through the lens of the Independent cartoon, to the accompaniment of much sniggering….
Yes, and preceded it by quoting an opinion from the Indie that Gorbachev should have had the statue rather than Reagan…and preceded that with a another dismissive comment from the Guardian.
Yes, just the Independent and the Guardian from ol’ Justin.
If Gorbachev deserves a statue, so should Mubarak.
Wonderful – absolutely wonderful. Took the words out of my mouth.
I must disagree though – I think that the days for the Guardianista are not numbered. I think they have poisoned the host beyond recovery…
Prescott, Campbell,Paxman,Mason-all were on Newslight tonight, and Pats description of the Prickocracy means I needn`t subdivide this shower of slime!
Three stories fingered the last Godawful mediocrities that crashed the finances into a wall, before running way whilst blaming the Tories.
They even had Campbell in the studio-but News International, the Siemens deal and Prescotts “Pathfinder” scheme somehow were all the Tories fault. Paxman and Mason would not hear of anything less!
So there we are-the Tories spooked the last lot into 15 year plans for slum clearance(slums that THEY deliberately created!)…they got Labour to sign contracts for trains that excluded social consequences regarding employment…and News International and Iain Blair were never implicated in Campbell/Tonys policy decisions…how very dare you!
Newslight now have 159,999 viewers-I`ve jumped ship and let the slum clearance of the mind begin!
Newsnight has become Drop the Dead Donkey, at least in professional parody terms (the target of the satire being commercial and NI in particular) in all but channel.
I think Pat is a very refreshing outlet on what some people think but seem baffled by the monotonous on-message bilge emanating from media outlets such as the BBC.
And as for not being allowed to complain about the BBC whilst not succumbing to the terrors of the telly tax, how barking is that? The very fact that you put up a notice on your front door withdrawing the implied right of access to the BBC and cancel your direct debit to TV Licencing is the very essence of making a complaint i.e. I’m withdrawing my funding and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.
While I am more than happy for people to hold a religious belief, I am equally happy for people to comment on the ridiculous stranglehold it has on them.
As for Dino64’s posts: so much anger, so much vitriol poured upon a former comic and scriptwriter.
<i>Dino64: “It’s only because he attacks Islam that they won’t touch him. But, in actuality, he really is no different. Just a right-wing Brigstocke.
That Condell’s words are vicious, hateful and brutal is not even debateable. He would probably cheerfully admit to it himself.”</i>
Biggest load of bollocks from someone that’s so overtly determined to stick the knife into a comic hasbeen that I’ve ever read.