Quite the red carpet treatment from the BBC for Arianna Huffington as she launches the UK version of the Huffington Post this week. Last night Newsnight:
This morning BBC Breakfast and an interview for Radio 3. Tonight Radio Five Live’s Richard Bacon will be hosting a Huffington Post event (and naturally he’s impressed with the new site).
Let us know if you’ve spotted Arianna on the BBC or have seen BBC employees gushing about HuffPo UK. You could win a monetary prize equal to the amount Ms Huffington pays her bloggers.
Update. This morning’s Woman’s Hour on Radio 4 (h/t Millie Tant).
Update. She’s on the Richard Bacon show this afternoon. So far that’s BBC1, BBC2, and Radio 3, 4 and 5. CBeebies next?
Update. She’s been on enough channels – you’d think they would know how to spell her name correctly:
And another BBC online report here (h/t RGH). Bono will be getting jealous.
Of course, BBC-NUJ supports any global empire expansion of like-minded broadcasters (but not FOX):
(2 page article follows) –
“Will The Huffington Post Media Group Become the FOX of the Left?”
Arianna seems to be the “go to” guest on Newsnight these days.
Still I find her presence less disgusting than Alastair Campbell who they seem to treat with the respect due to an elder statesman.
Another sign of the growing desperation of the liberal left. I suppose it will be endlessly quoted by the BBC now.
They have all had their time in the sun. Just not realised the Western world is turning. Where to I am not sure but the ascendancy of the liberal left is over. Sure they will confuse and inflict damage on their way out but out they are going.
The Beeboids reporting on the US have been endlessly quoting the HuffPo for years.
Wasn`t she just the Greek Squeeze of Bernard Levin some time back?
I think you are right. He was one of her conquests. Who knows what rubbed off from him on to her ?
Hmm – obviously Fox news is well known (feared I wonder?) to the BBC and one of its audiences. On this weeks Radio 4 ‘Monkey Cage’ programme with BBC pin-up Physicist and AGW believer Brian Cox they were discussing ghosts and mythical creatures. One comment was ‘But it would be really exciting to wake up and find that Big Foot (or was it Nessie?) really did exist’ to which one of the presenters replied ‘Just tune in to Fox news to hear that’ and the audience (presumably specially selected) applauded nicely. To be honest I hadn’t heard of Fox News until recently thanks in the course of my Wattsupwiththat blogging…
She was on Woman’s Hour as well.
Yes, Bernard Levin was the one.
I am always suspicious of Jews who like Wagner !
Grant, I remember him for his column in The Times. His sagas about the trials and tribulations of dealing (on behalf of his mother, I think) with the Gas Board stuck were memorable. Of course he was a music critic, wasn’t he?
Careful, Grant, I love Wagner’s music.
David P,
I was , sort of , alluding to the old point about separating the man from the music. And Lefty Jews who may or may not love Wagner , but certainly say they do !
What – like Stephen Fry?
So Arianna gets her NUJ card of old by sleeping with an old bore like Levin.
So much for female empowerment, so beloved of the Barnsley Blimp with the Harrods” Tripe n Faggots” hamper…”oo..er missus!”
Well…did Michelle Obama no harm, and there she is telling the gels of Shoreditch how to “make it”.
A Womans Hour Special here methinks!
To be fair to Arianna, it was Levin who gave her the entree into the political class (UK section) but it was marriage to failed senatorial hopeful (and rich as Croesus nobody Michael Huffington) which did it for her in the US.
She is a bellwether for the latest trendy beliefs. She was a (US) conservative until the 90s and then shifted to the left (and bought a Prius to seal her green credentials). She’s now an honorary BBCista which is a pretty accurate indication of what type of shyster she is. I can’t see Glenn Beck on BBC Breakfast (except as a target for abuse), can you?
I don’t think so. It was going to Cambridge and being President of the Cambridge Union that launched her into the media and world of public affairs. She was already in the media before she knew Bernard Levin. They met on a Beeboid TV programme – you couldn’t make it up!
Point taken: I was first concious of her existence when she was an attachment to Levin, an attachment which did her no harm at all. If she achieved media celebrity under her own steam (well, in the UK anyway) then all credit (if that’s the right word) to her. Even so, IMHO, she’s still a liberal big mouth and (if the reports re HuffPo payment policies are true) mean (with her own money natch) with it. No wonder she’s flavour of the day at the BBC.
Tony Blair joins Huffington Post UK as unpaid blogger
The Huffington Post has launched in the UK with Tony Blair, Alastair Campbell and Sarah Brown, wife of former Prime Minister Gordon Brown, all blogging free of charge.
An online newspaper started by Arriana Huffington ? Sounds like the UK version should be called the Arealo Post as it’s full of tits.
With that lot disaster is assured. They might get no pay but we should be paid to read them.
Nice one !
Well that’s that for Huffpo – unless it allows unmoderated response to TB’s posts
“Where’s Ari ? ” . Where’s Hari, more like it !
Good old B-BBC.
You damn ” Rar Right ” contributors just can’t take Leftie
intellectuals ,like Ari Huffy-Puffy , seriously.
I am disgusted with your cynical lack of reverence.
I am cancelling my subscription to this website for the next 2 minutes while I go and pour myself a glass of Irn Bru to celebrate.
You people should be ashamed of yourselves.
Well, she was on Boulton & co. just now too.
Have to say she came across quite well.
Seemed pretty firm, and un-tribal on what was political and what was simply deep panMSMedia shambles.
Stick with that objectivity and I’ll be quite happy. But the scribe list mentioned above does not inspire.
The notion of folk so rich they can afford to be blogging for free to make a rich person richer, on the basis of pumping out narrative-enhanced views, rings a bell.
But if it doesn’t cost me, go for it.
Ok, now this starts to smell of a new sister to the ‘hood…
ariannahuff Arianna Huffington by HuffPostUKWith @richardpbacon in the studio. He is also moderating our #HuffPostUK launch party panel tonight http://yfrog.com/h3vx6bij
It does cost you, My Site. The new HuffPo is getting a huge amount of free publicity at your expense. Almost as bad as what the BBC gave U2 and got in trouble for.
True. Interesting the ‘slack’ that was allowed in the area of ‘culture’ extends a little more each day.
Maybe the BBC is just getting ready to go commercial, and merely needs to cut any competition to size a bit first, while it is in a unique position to do so.
Just read Nick R’s latest pean to Ed Miliband, who is now akin to something like King Arthur in the BBC’s eyes, though a knicker-wetting minor senator getting a last kick into Ceasar’s corpse might be a better analogy.
Plus the BBC blog sites seem to have been hijacked by the in-house desk-warming team in Wales, who seem to have nowt else better to do than write gushing tripe for others to ‘like’, while any dissent gets the thumbs down.
Indeed. It seems that my rebuttal to an earlier post has been “referred for consideration”. Must have been too close to the truth for some.
Andrew Breitbart helped get the HuffPo going before he started his own show.
Surprise, surprise!
“Have to say she came across quite well.”
Suggest you follow her new efforts here in the UK with an open mind to get some idea what she is really like. The HuffPo in the US is a venal partisan progressive outfit that consistently mounts ad hominem attacks against anyone considered a conservative, and anyone who does not worship the One (Obama).
Expect more of the same from the UK site.
No problem.
What I saw, and heard, of the person, in that one interview, was OK. I listened to the words alone.
As some here may testify on my behalf, I am not big on ad homs or conflating irrelevant personal aspects with the potency of their argument.
If her medium shows the tendencies that are being cautioned, my mind will cope accordingly.
And there’s this: “Huffington Post rejects an Inconveniently Truthful blog on Gaza and Hamas“