An interesting little insight into the BBC mindset – here’s Newsnight journalist Alex Bolton (KentishTownie) responding to a comment about Carter and Reagan earlier this week :
@gabrielmilland Anyone ambivalent about Ronald Reagan should probably have a long, hard think about what a second Carter term would have been like.
@KentishTownie @gabrielmilland apart from avoiding the rise of the new right, social security cuts, flag waving jingoism you mean..?
Alex Bolton ? Another new Beeboid name for me. They breed like rabbits.
But, he really gives the game away, doesn’t he ?
He forgot to mention avoiding the fall of the Soviet Union if the useless Carter had a second term. Beeboids still can’t get over that can they ?
Anyone wondering what a second Carter term would look like need only observe the current state of the US. Oh, wait: according to the BBC we haven’t avoided the rise of of the new right, and I can assure everyone that we won’t be avoiding social security cuts or more flag-waving jingoism.
The only flag the BBC want to see waving is a red one. They are all scum when it comes to discussing the US.
OK I’m lost can anyone point me at a link to the BBC’s in-depth investigation into Labours involvement in N.I. and a certain Mr Murdoch’s affairs and dinner dates with Labour ministers? or maybe the new coverage of shadow cabinet involvement with elements of the media in the placing of news and here say about said Mr Murdoch ?
I mean I know the beebles like waving their hatred of Murdoch at any one passing in the street like a drunk TV b-Lister in a rain coat but even they must find some thing to ask abut this !
Given that BBC-EU is keen to emphasise politics in sport (as with its
Tour de France reporting of Team Sky and Murdoch), will BBC-EU end its censorship on this, which ‘Telegraph’ reports?:
“England football team ‘could be forced to wear EU flag'”
‘ everyone began to love himself better than anyone else, and indeed they could not do otherwise. All became so jealous of the rights of their own personality that they did their very utmost to curtail and destroy them in others, and made that the chief thing in their lives.’ Fyodor Dostoevsky 1877
Seems even back then the BBC mindset was a common problem!!
Dostoevsky is one of those writers (like George Orwell) who used fiction as a way of explaining the Left.
If you want to understand why the more Left you go the more sympathetic they are to Islamists read “The Devils” by Dostoevsky. If you want to understand the BBC hive mindset read “1984” by Orwell.
Both wrote from inside knowledge of the mentality, although of course all the Leftist BBC Drama Department comprehends is the inside knowledge bit. The critique goes over their head; although it is hardly subtle.
repost small piece, from R4 Today, about “bradfordians in bradford”
its 10yrs since the the riots
the beeb wants to know
what we colonial islamophobic guilt ridden bigots yawn
have done, have WE improved community cohesion have we done enough in efforts to improve community cohesion
Funny according the Guardian, when they phone hack its “morally justified”
“This adds to the complexity of the situation, as lawyers seek to bring more claims against newspapers, in the wake of News International’s admission of liability.
Ironically, one of the few newspapers to admit to phone-hacking is the Guardian, which exposed the News of the World’s illegal activities.
Its investigative reporter David Leigh wrote in the Guardian, in the wake of Clive Goodman’s guilty plea in 2006.
“I, too, once listened to the mobile phone messages of a corrupt arms company executive – the crime similar to that for which Goodman now faces the prospect of jail. The trick was a simple one: the businessman in question had inadvertently left his pin code on a print-out and all that was needed was to dial straight into his voicemail.”
Leigh saw a fundamental distinction between his actions and Goodman’s.
“I was not interested in witless tittle-tattle about the royal family. I was looking for evidence of bribery and corruption. And unlike the News of the World, I was not paying a private detective to routinely help me with circulation-boosting snippets.
“That is my defence, when I try to explain newspaper methods to my current university journalism students, some of whom are rather shocked.”
It may be a defence under the Data Protection Act, but not under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act of 2000.
Caroline Kean, of the law firm Wiggin, says: “It is an offence under section 1 of the RIPA to intercept any communication in the course of its transmission without lawful authority. There is no public interest defence.”
Like I said yesterday-the Guardian/BBC might be smiling today, but it will not be long before the spotlight is on them…….
Listening to the BBC today I realised even an alien space craft landing near Basingstoke would be hard put to get more than a brief mention.
Do they not realise most people are heartly sick of the NOTW,Murdoch and the rest of it.
It just is not that interesting to most of us.
Contrast: On Sky news Miliband was being interviewed by Boulton. Miliband did his usual about Cameron judgement employing Coulson. When challenged about his hiring of Tom Baldwin and his ‘powder’ habits; Miliband got very uncomforable. Cannot see the bBC bringing up this aspect of his judgement.
That’s interesting, John. I’m using IE9. Another funny thing that’s happening is that it displays the “like” names (under comments) vertically, in list form. But it only does that sometimes. At other times it shows them in the normal way. Also I don’t get the small font problem when I visit other forum sites.
Not miniscule, but, like John, definitely much smaller on my Explorer 8 browser than usual. Also, the list of people who “like” comments is set up differently.
The BBC is clearly extremely anxious about Murdoch owning all of B Sky B because they are getting totally hysterical with their coverage. They must be utterly desperate to throw a spanner in the works. is it all the anxiety about those beeb ‘senior managers’ being chucked out – that’ll be the day.
And exactly what wrong has been done? Some of the so-called celebs whose phones have allegedly been hacked, have no reputations whatsoever, so what damage could they possibly have suffered? It’s all totally BORING and IRRELEVANT but the beeb are so far up their arses they can’t see that.
Yep same as I feel mind I must admit to a smile at lard pressalot and his ” its not my fault I am a ugly two-faced hypocrite and adulterer with a love of taxpayer cash they made me do it !!”
REBEKAH Brooks is clearly keeping the Murdochs out of jail, it has emerged.
As James Murdoch closed the most successful newspaper in the western world rather than sack a devious harpie, experts said that harpie must have some weapons-grade shit up her sleeve.
Professor Henry Brubaker, of the Institute for Studies, said: “Jesus fucking Christ, they must have killed a tramp.”
The News of the World will be axed on Sunday, followed a day later by Brooks returning to work at a desk that is obviously filled with grisly secrets.
Yep probably 100% true but sadly thanks to the BBC/gurndion/mirror/Labour turf war and their truly award/Oscar winning hysteria and hyperbole about anyone they see as a threat, I really have lost the will to care seriously she could bring forth the end of days and I would welcome it !!!
“their truly award/Oscar winning hysteria and hyperbole about anyone they see as a threat”
It is an opportunity for Cameron, if he is wise, to raise the whole question about the compatibility of the dominance ANY media behomoth with a free society; top of the list (by far) being the BBC, which is (by far) the most dominant media organisation in the country.
If it was an oil company or drug manufacturer the Left would be on protest marches with signs saying that the BBC is a manufacturing monopoly.
Power should be shifted away from the (tax funded) Leftist elite who seek to instruct people in correct thinking; the conclusion of correct thinking always being more power to the tax funded Leftist elite.
It s time somebody nailed a set of theses to the door of Brodcasting House saying “Who gave you permission to tell us what to think you pig ignorant self-serving Leftist slimebags”
What is the point of being born if we are slaves to an intellectually corrupt self-serving elite who view their life as an opportunity to feed off serfs who are forbidden even from thinking anything which threatens the status quo.
Actually it is even worse than that, a Leftist elite does not simply want to live off the backs of the serfs (a mentality familiar since at least Ancient Egypt) they hate the country and actively seek its destruction.
Even when they have turned English society into something resembling Yemen (disparate tribes fighting over a wasteland) they will still be so obsessed with their own hatreds (of both the world and themselves) they will still be going on about “Tories” and “Capitalism” and how it is not fair that God (who of course does not exist) made them such sad pathetic excuses for human beings.
The voice mail hacking (or even Police earning money on the side by giving leads to the press) story is not quite the earth shattering revelation the BBC (and the commercial rivals of News International) want it to be…
by going so over the top in their efforts to big the story up, for their own commercial and ideological ends, the BBC have starkly exposed their agenda pushing power.
The last few days have made it pretty much inevitable that the power of the BBC to promote its own interests will be curtailed, via some sort of arrangement that shifts power away from the centre and back to the viewers and listeners.
The fact that the Left are so passionately opposed to breaking up the BBC tell all you need to know about its lack of political balance, because if you had to boil their hatreds down into one phrase it would be “opposition to a free society” and they see the BBC as on their side.
The BBC have a dilemma. They can either try to see off threat to their power by campaigning even more strongly (if that is possible) for a Labour government, or try to counter the generally held view (except for Daisy of course) that the BBC are the broadcasting arm of the Public Services Party by supplying a more balanced and diverse in its output, risking giving a platform to people who read The Sun or the Daily Mail rather than the usual “Fiddle Your Expenses Monthly” readers who foam at the mouth at the very possibility that people might be given the freedom to view the news and analysis providers of their choice.
A good example on Newsnight just now. Four Leftists arguing amongst themselves about who hates Sun and Daily Mail readers the most. Not sure why I should be forced to pay for such trash.
It took a while but the BBC reports on the Flytilla. Israel blocks ‘flytilla’ activists There’s much they could say but don’t which suggests that as so often the world’s largest news souirce is once again relying on agencies to do its leg work. How about somehting on the Brits taking part?
The last paragraph, continuing BBC habit, throws a generalised superficial history in at the end not matter how distant from the story. It suggests the problem between Israel and Hamas is just a conflict of perceptions and has nothing to do with thousands of unmentioned rockets.
Hey, BBC, if the border with Egypt is open, why do these people need boats? Do they hate Israel more than they love saving Palestinian lives? Why is no BBC “journalist” asking this question?
If you’d been bothered to check, you’d find that the Gaza/Egypt border hasn’t been fully opened;
“Palestinians hoping for easier transit and increased trade have been frustrated by bureaucratic hurdles and Egypt’s refusal to open the border to trade.”
Sure, Dez. You want to tell me that Hamas’s big Brotherhood wouldn’t allow “humanitarian aid” through if it came with the massive positive publicity? Especially when half the complaints by the Egyptians themselves about Mubarak during those protests were concerned with how he sided with the nasty Israelis against the heroic Palestinians.
If the saviors really wanted to give vital humanitarian aid to the Palestinians more than they wanted to attack Israel, they could go through Egypt. It’s impossible to believe that they wouldn’t be allowed through. Yet they don’t, and the BBC doesn’t even mention the possibility, even to dismiss it the way you have.
“Sure, Dez. You want to tell me that Hamas’s big Brotherhood wouldn’t allow “humanitarian aid” through if it came with the massive positive publicity?”
No. If I’d wanted to tell you that, I would of told you that [!]
“Humanitarian aid” has been let through the Egypt border since at least 2010 and in supposedly increased quantities on the Israel border since 2009.
“Humanitarian aid” consists of food and medical supplies.
Other goods: such as construction materials (concrete, steel etc) and raw materials for industry (stuff that would allow Gaza to rebuild it’s economy) are restricted.
They are still restricted on the Egypt/Gaza border. Or in other words:
“the Gaza/Egypt border hasn’t been fully opened”
Perhaps you should notice the difference between what I ‘actually’ said and what you ‘imagined’ I said and use it for future reference ;p
Heh, now that would be funny if I’d ever criticised anyone for their spelling/grammar. Except that I never have. Which sort of leaves you as the only jobbie in the swimming pool ;p
So, Dez, if in fact Gaza’s border with Egypt is not closed off to humanitarian aid, why are these humanitarian saviors not bringing their vital humanitarian aid through there? Why do they need to attack Israel’s border instead? Surely the publicity and actual help to the innocent Gazans would be infinitely greater than what they’re donig now?
You still have to explain how this whole show isn’t more of an attack on Israel than an actual attempt to help Gazans.
“So, Dez, if in fact Gaza’s border with Egypt is not closed off to humanitarian aid, why are these humanitarian saviors not bringing their vital humanitarian aid through there?”
Because they were also trying to deliver construction materials (supposedly up to 700 tonnes of cement) which wouldn’t be allowed across the Egyptian border.
You claimed the Egypt border was open. It isn’t. That’s the only point I was making; get over it and move on.
Flotilla/Flytilla, the absolute desperation of it all, this ship of fools
A difference of perception!….. yes, everyone with an ounce of sanity, knows hamas is a genocidal murder organisation…
while hamas wants to “obliterate” all the jews.
theres a link somewhere…BBC
ah! perhaps israel “misunderstands” islam?
wait a minute…those on the LAST jihad flotilla they
“misunderstand” islam too?
those on the “Audacity of Dopes” sheesh! yep right on the brink?
but…but…..deep down they only want peace?
christopher hitchens might have a couple of questions for them
from Slate, July 4
Unintended consequences of the NOTW affair. No BBC time to carry on with the usual anti Israel tirades.
Bowen must be upset at not getting air time.
Something positive after all.
The longer this goes on the clearer it becomes that this was all a very well orchestrated plan by the Guardian/BBC axis, perhaps even with the BBC giving the initial Milly Dowler story to the Guardian?
In the first 24 hours I thought the general tone of the BBC towards the Milly story was about right, it was obviously a horrendous story and deserved every column inch it recieved. That said every now and again a BBC reporter would throw in the name of Murdoch or Cameron and I started to raise the odd eyebrow.
Today we’ve reached the stage where the BBC is in a full on attack on NI, Murdoch and Cameron. The real rogues – Mulcaire, Brooks and other news editors as yet unamed are relegated to nothing more than a sideshow. As for Milly Dowler, well the poor girl has been used as nothing more than an incendiary with which the BBC & Guardian launched there war on News Internatioal – shame on them.
Yep got it in one they have no perception of shame in their actions as they have none of the word wrong it’s all we serve a higher purpose to them !
Sad really !
So the BBC is in Florida to watch the last space shuttle launch. After a technical talk to a former astronaut about what the shuttle crew are doing during the final countdown moments, we go to a vox pops to get average US reaction.
And what does the Beeboid ask? Are you concerned that America is losing its leading role in the space program as other countries are taking the lead, like India and China. What has India or China done yet? Not a hell of a lot, and certainly not enough to deserve being called the new industry leaders.
Of course the woman gave a nice answer that the Beeboids love: she realizes it’s all a “global” thing now, and the US merely has to “play our part in it”. The next question was also leading the woman into belittling the US, making sure there was no nasty patriotism, something so loathed by the bien pensants.
They do know how to find them. And don’t tell me it was totally random and that no BBC field producer vetted the woman beforehand. Why didn’t they talk to the smiling black man with a big US flag t-shirt? Or wouldn’t that help the “rapport” the BBC wants to create for you?
Local staffer, or did the entire crew, including the sports presenter from BBC Chipping Shoulder jump into a jumbo sooner than you can say ‘frequent flier miles’?
The twittosphere is a alive with regional no-names who have wangled a jolly with their crew to play in the great Satan under guise of a ‘story’ that could have been done on a feed with a backdrop if GHGs were a real concern. Or an on-site stringer with a mic and tripod.
Thought I do concede it will all have been offset, probably with one of the pension plan investment companies that have bitten the dust on this scam and need propping up with public funds to plant more unsuitable foliage to turn into methane within a year.
There were two correspondents: Laura Trevalyan (who is assigned to these kind of feature stories in the US) and an actual science corresondent, Pallab Ghosh, who flew over with his crew specfically for this event. This means two cameramen, two sound guys, plus (if it’s anything like what I witnessed last year at the 9/11 anniversary ceremony) additional production assistants and at least one segment producer, if not a separate one for each on-air talent. Ghosh spoke to the intelligent former astronaut (which is what should happen), and Trevalyan did the vox pops.
She was also shocked when one of the flag-waving jingoists told her that despite the cost while people are suffering, the shuttle program has been a tremendous success, and listed real valuable contributions to society.
Why should the BBC commemorate the deaths of 52 innocent people and the mutiliation of some 700 others by 4 self-confessed Islamic jihadis; it’s not as though the anniversary was newsworthy.
It is funny how Beeboids will use any excuse to have a nice holiday in the great Satan. Look at the coverage of the Obama election. Maybe the US isn’t so awful after all.
Absolutely correct David Preiser. They are social engineers rather than reporters and they simply cannot report anything without filtering it through their leftie agenda first.
On June 23rd, one of the topics on the main Have Your Say page was the acquittal of Geert Wilders on charges of inciting hatred against Muslims.
Imagine the delight of the BBC hack who found the photo of Wilders I’ve inserted in this post, from a screen shot of the page.
He’s not photogenic at the best of times, but that photo is positively menacing. And here’s the caption, purporting to be a comment from a fellow countryman:
Wilders acquittal: Dutch reaction
I find his style and rhetoric extremely repulsive
Except that when you click on the link at the photo you get this page
and find that this is what his fellow countryman actually said:
While I find Mr Wilders’ style and rhetoric extremely repugnant, I am pleased that he was acquitted on these charges.
[My emphasis]
On reading that article and the comments chosen for it, it would seem fairly reasonable, although those who know the BBC well will note that the comments are slanted against Wilders, using the trusty old technique of giving the anti-Wilders comments more prominence than those for him.
That’s the article that will remain on the website and it does not on its own conclusively demonstrate bias unlike the photo and caption on the Have Your Say page, which certainly does demonstrate it. Problem is, that page has long been consigned to oblivion along with its proof of bias as it is often updated.
This is the BBC’s hit and run bias – hit them hard and then run is one of the many tricks the biased BBC has up its sleeve.
The let’s pick the most unflattering picture of someone we don’t like meme is well known on the BBC. Consider this one of Berlusconi taken from the Europe News page. How do we read this picture? Cover up? One eyed? Unwilling to see the truth?
of the hundreds of file pictures available, why pick this one?
This is another expensive, deeply negative consequence for British people of the long-standing policy of mass immigration, as advocated by Britain’s political elites , inc BBC-NUJ. The Nigerians involved are all being financially supported in Britain by British people indefinitely.
A revealing insight into the beeboid mind tonight on R4. An arts/film programme around 720.
A beeboidette was interviewing a Palestinian? about a performance of Kafkahe was involved in.
She was very keen to equate the oppressor with the Israelis and suggested that a Palestinian audience would be making the same connection.
He sounded a little put out and thought his audience were not so keen to make simplistic assumptions. Rather they would take the work on it’s merits.
The beeboids just cannot help themselves. Patronising even the very people they feel they are here to liberate and guide along the true path .
Nothing is so patronising as a liberal Lady Bountiful.
I was listening to the interview and she neither sounded ‘keen’, nor him ‘put out’. She asked him a question (by way of a proposition) and he answered by saying (to paraphrase) “no that wasn’t the case”. Which, by the way, she then concurred with.
Standard sort of ‘arts’ interview; mostly about giving the subject an opportunity to talk about what’s important to them.
No doubt I’m about to get shot down in flames; but there can be a little bit of a problem when searching for a bias/conspiracy in everything. In that, if you’re not careful, you start to to see bias/conspiracy in everything.
And before you know it, George Bush orchestrated the 9/11 attacks, ‘Common Purpose’ controls the world, and an image of the crucifixion just miraculously appeared in the middle of my jam doughnut.
Sadly, I agree with you. The BBC is so overwhelmingly biased , there is a risk of seeing it everywhere and overlooking the very few occasions where it doesn’t exist.
Ah but Dezzie it’s only our conspiracy theory’s you don’t like! I’m sure the one about Ruppy and his world wide empire mind melding the populace and bent judges and politicians which he controls with tin foil hats and satellites all from his evil volcano under Israel’s ‘world wide dominance Ltd’ Tel Aviv branch just as the [SEE I TOLD YOU THEY WAS EVIL!] Beebles likes it ! is OK by you .
Yes, one guilty even if he is found innocent and the other innocent even if he is found guilty. Welcome to the twisted, perverted world of the BBC.
hello, i just thought id give you the heads up, i just saw a bbbc show by rageh omar advertised about mohammed ‘the prophet’ and given that we all know how impartial they are toward islam im sure itll be a good watch
i wonder if hell make mention of mohammed and a 9 yr old girl,
Rageh Omar sheesh! remember ‘An Islamic History of Europe’: utter utter bilge.
him, describing some non existent mythical, paradise then, clenching his fist and squeezing a tear in anguish, (as he explained that the Christians were able to re-conquer Spain 🙂
…ahem….i know ragead…we could all be living in crapistan eh.
i wonder how many lefty beebos helped to film in multi culti Mecca,(titter).
The signs are very very bad,
pt1. theyve filmed in Jerusalem?? where the old, jew hating, child molesting murderer, never even went.
pt2. an EXCRUTIATING line up, of apologists, to drone on ignoring the painful truth, about this paragon of wickedness who made hitler look like a boy scout.
Why haven t we seen Jian, Hindi, or Sikh extended docs
or one indepth about the talmud, or jewish faith
over many days?…..why such disproportionate coverage?
why a muslim head, of religious programming disproportionate to the vast majority of viewers?
Why is he is showing marked bias, particulary on so called flagship programmes, that include religion like biq questions, sunday live etc, – to islam? disproportionate to to other faiths?
India’s health minister has sparked a furious row over comments in which he described homosexuality as a “disease”.
Ghulam Nabi Azad told a conference on HIV/Aids that gay sex was “unnatural”. Later he said he had been misquoted.
Rageh Omar sheesh! remember ‘An Islamic History of Europe’: utter utter bilge.
him, describing some non existent mythical, paradise then, clenching his fist and squeezing a tear in anguish, (as he explained that the Christians were able to re-conquer Spain 🙂
…ahem….i know ragead…we could all be living in crapistan eh.
i wonder how many lefty beebos helped to film in multi culti Mecca,(titter).
The signs are very very bad,
pt1. theyve filmed in Jerusalem?? where the old, jew hating, child molesting murderer, never even went.
pt2. an EXCRUTIATING line up, of apologists, to drone on ignoring the painful truth, about this paragon of wickedness who made hitler look like a boy scout.
Why haven t we seen Jian, Hindi, or Sikh extended docs
or one indepth about the talmud, or jewish faith
over many days?…..why such disproportionate coverage?
why a muslim head, of religious programming disproportionate to the vast majority of viewers?
Why is he is showing marked bias, particulary on so called flagship programmes, that include religion like biq questions, sunday live etc, – to islam? disproportionate to to other faiths?
A pet hate of mine is the Beeboid Babble, whether it be Fiona Bruce chattering the news or the weather forecaster wittering on about clouds bubbling up or rain sinking south. Why can’t these numpties deliver factual information in plain language and straightforward manner instead of inflicting gibberish on us? That chattering weather forecasting ninny on Radio 4 is particularly annoying with his naff nannying voice and vowels (rain dahn sahth) – not unlike Evan Davis’s peculiarly light and fluffy cosy vocal manner. We do not need to be cosseted or wooed, thank you. <phew!>
Anyway, I am not the only one: Quentin Letts has a good go at the Beeboid waffling weather forecasters with their fake chumminess and cosy, cloying, nannying nonsense. Here are some extracts:
“Windbags! Why can’t TV weathermen cut out their self-indulgent prattle and just tell us if it’s going to rain or shine”
… The topic which has everyone in a fury, steaming like a summer pavement after a cloudburst, is the tarting-up, dumbing-down and general larkiness of BBC TV’s weather forecasting. …
…Radio 4’s Feedback programme last week had opened the sluices. Its presenter, glum Roger Bolton, was almost washed away in the rush. BBC licence-payers made plain that they are completely fed up with the way weather has been mateyed and mollified at the same time as being made more confusing. …
…The tendency to pull in a reference to some topical sporting occasion — chatty asides such as ‘a muggy start for the Open tomorrow, everyone, so take your midge cream to the fairways!’ — was also a source of widespread crossness. By the way, have you noticed how they often choose sporting events for which the BBC has the broadcasting rights? …
…Mr Blunkett singled out Liam Dutton and his over-use of expressions such as ‘today’ and ‘the rest of the day’. Dreadful windbag, Dutton. He is for ever saying ‘little bit’, which he pronounced ‘liddl bit’. ‘A liddl bit wet, a liddl bit windy.’ Aaaargh! Just get on it with, man …
…As Mr Blunkett argued: ‘There is a serious point underlying this because you could get more detail in about the kind of weather we would expect if they didn’t have seven or eight “the rest of the days”.’ He also spoke of ‘flowery language and repetition’. In effect, Mr Blunkett was talking about slipshod editing at the BBC. …
…A BBC ‘network manager’ was wheeled out to insist that viewers wanted ‘an element of informality, personality, of poetry even, because imagery helps convey information’, but the viewers, or at least those represented on Feedback, do not seem to agree. They wanted clarity rather than poetry. Nor was clarity helped by the inability of many of the new generation of forecasters to enunciate and to project their voices. Received pronunciation has been replaced by a wittering Babel of regional accents onunciation has been replaced by a wittering Babel of regional accents, jagged Northern vowels, Fenland dipthongs, Estuarial glottal stops. …
…Alex Deakin is another pingy, zingy keep-fit type, saying ‘that’s yer weather’ at the end of his bulletins. Noooo, chum. It’s ‘the’ weather. I know they are turning me loopy. It has reached the stage that I loathe them all, even poor Rob McElwee who was zapped for dropping his voice at the end of sentences. To the gallows he went, another victim of TV’s own type of climate change. …
( I don’t know why these extracts are coming up in different font sizes and one even in bold.)
Not yet having sorted out this sleeping all the way through the night idea I have been watching news 24.
They did a retrospective on Betty Ford who has just died, while she was a decent person and did some good work, so were some wives of Republican presidents I cannot imagine them getting such uncritical coverage.
Over on Sky they are doing a piece on how bad the job market is in America under Obama.
Always good value. One can see why it is stuck away where no one other than early birds or Friday Night homebodies can ‘see’ it..
I can sort of live with ‘lazy journalism’, though the last word seems a stretch.
However today’s sulk in a suit Editor was a peach…
‘With Jeremy’s [Bowen] report… No one can say the BBC were in NATO’s corner’.
No. That is true. The BBC does not have a a view. Apparently.
I just think no corner would be better. On most things.
But when it comes to interpreting events, seems they are setting up for when NoTW has been truly exhausted, they are flying another non-native speaker out to ‘report’ on stuff that has been happening in the interim.
Mr. Patten awaits your points. Well, via the BBC editorial screen first.
Of course, BBC-NUJ’s strategy of giving full priority to trying to politically destroy News International involves BBC-NUJ in not discussing stories detrimental to the BBC-NUJ political world, e.g.:
I missed R4 “Week at Westminster” ,which is usually unremitting Leftie propaganda, so caught it last week with Left-wing journalist, Jackie Ashley. Today it is Beeboid ( no need to qualify that with “Lefty” ) Elinor Goodman.
No doubt Dezzie, or his thinking man’s version, Daisy, will pop up to point out that Fraser Nelson presented it way back in 1953, which proves it is unbiased.
Elinor Goodman is a beacon of impartiality compared with most BBC types – her prog has just started, and she is relating things back to inaction in Labour’s time.
Week in Westminster dragged out those shining examples of moral righteousness David Mellor and John Prescott (yet again) to lecture on the immorality of the tabloid press. The BBC has been Voice Of The Slimeball this week; I’m heartily sick of hearing sleazy wife-cheating, whore-paying, dossier-sexing celebs and politicians pontificating about probity.
(Incidentally – if anybody is having trouble logging in to comment via various platforms you’re not alone.)
“David Mellor’s extra-marital affair with the actress Antonia De Sancha became public knowledge after his mistress blew the lid, selling her story to the News of the World for £30,000 in 1992.”
Good lord ! Did The Mirror (very nearly closed down as a threat to morale during WW2, trivia fans) actually pay the fat oaf to write about his own adultery ? =-O
This is the hypocrite who was on the TV on Newsnight a couple of days ago denouncing James Murdoch, saying that he should express shame, rather than mere regret. If that oaf had any sense of shame he wouldn’t be showing his face on the television screen or poncing about in peer’s robes, let alone proclaiming anyone else’s need for shame.
And if that’s not enough, guess who they had on “Any Questions?” on Radio 4 to pontificate about Murdoch. Why, if it isn’t old Livingstone himself. The whole programme was dedicated to the News of the World scandal. Yes, old Red Ken whom we remember for his dodgy pals (like the notorious race adviser) appointed to high places in the Mayoral government and the scandal of unaccounted-for millions of London Development Agency money.
BBC-NUJ is keen to use jokes against e.g. Sarah Palin, but it isn’t so keen to use jokes against the politics of the ‘flotilla’, such as this (video clip):
“‘Audacity of Dopes’: Satirical Song Mocks Gaza-Bound Freedom Flotilla”
On Newsnight tonight we ask if this is a watershed moment for British journalism with guests including writer Will Self, Heat magazine’s Boyd Hilton, MumsNet co-founder Justine Roberts, former BBC director general Greg Dyke and Harriet Harman MP.
Join them and Emily Maitlis
Otherwise one might feel the Newsnight producer iPhone address list was a bit one-sided.
That programme was awful, even by the BBC’s very low standards.
Steve Coogan is a very angry little man isn’t he. It seems to be quite a common characteristic of the millionaire socialist.
The BBC gave up any pretence of impartiality a long time ago. Just fill a studio full of Lefty clones all saying the same thing in the full knowledge that Fatty Patty and David Cameron will do bugger all.
this little gem, showing beebo mentality about the bradford riots
even when the head of council of mosques, denies much of the violence, was racially motivated…..totally impervious…still the same
presenter scrabbles around trying to dress it as so
R4 today 7th july
Building ‘trust and understanding’ in Bradford
I heard this one too!
No surprise that the “academic expert” who went through Bradford on a tandem was deemed to know far more about how things were in Bradford than the old Asian bloke who had lived there forty years.
Unfortunately for him ,his message did not fit the BBCs narrative of “nasty whites needing more multicultural education”; so he was quickly bumped for Blairs pal-who obviously wants more research money and to stop the Tory cuts-or else there`ll be blood on whiteys hands as well as Camerons!
Another morning start from Chickem Licken and the Race Awareness Project…
If you read a BBC Leeds reporter’s reminiscences of the Bradford riots, written in 2006, you will find that he notes that white businesses in the Manningham area were torched while ‘Asian’ businesses went untouched. He also describes the attack on the Labour Club as particularly brutal:
For some reason, however, he fails to mention that the the attack on the club was an attempt at mass murder – there are, after all, only so many dents that an image of dazzling and vibrant diversity can take:
I saw that photo set in New York Mag, and took it that they were actually making fun of everyone else for sucking up to Him. The piece was not laughing at Him at all.
Hey, the following isn’t INBBC’s arch enemy, the anti-Islamising EDL, so INBBC has no comment on Hizb ut-Tahrir’s campaign in London today, for a Caliphate:
“Are You Ready For a World Governed by Islamic Law?”
The bBC and how it tells a different story about the clamp down on those riots in Pakistan: Karachi: ‘Shoot on sight’ orders as violence soars Security forces in the Pakistani city of Karachi have been ordered to shoot on sight to stem violence in which 80 people have been killed since Tuesday.
Things must be bad if the police/army have been given orders to shoot to kill anybody walking the streets. Well that’s the impression I get from reading the bBC.
And here is how the nasty biased Fox news reports the same story: Pakistani Security Forces Ordered to Shoot on Sight After Days of Violence KARACHI, Pakistan — Security forces were ordered to shoot gunmen on sight Friday in Pakistan’s largest city, as four days of violence left at least 71 people dead and prompted political leaders to call for a day of mourning that shut businesses and kept public traffic off the roads.
By indicating that the army have been given orders to shoot gunmen on sight tells a totally different story from the bBC version . Yet the left make such a song and dance about how it is fox which is the biased news network.
A piece in the Telegraph praises Lord Patten for rounding on the Beeboid Corporation over executive over staffing and salaries and for steeping us in a stew of their metropolitan preoccupations and prejudices:
‘…It’s great to have him there, speaking up for us. You do wonder, though, given the shock that greeted Lord Patten’s speech, what message his predecessors were giving the BBC. “You should pay the director general more, really. And remember: immigration and the EU are always to be treated as good things, in every programme we make. Always describe non Left-wing guests as ‘Right-wing’, but use ‘expert’ for Left-wing ones…” That sort of thing?…’
It goes on then to develop the idea of democracy and accountability of quangos, instancing the scandal over the running of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission (that’s a joke of a name for it, considering) under the notorious leadership of Labour protege Trevor Phillips, with its wasted and unaccounted millions (reminiscent of what also happened under Red Ken’s mayoral government).
Why have the Conservatives/ Coalition not got rid of him yet? It’s been over a year since they got in.
SOUTH SUDAN: INBBC censors the Islamic threat from North.
While realistic ‘Daily Mail’ has this:
“Aid agencies fear bloodbath in Sudan as the south gets ready for independence”
“Human rights officials have called for a strong protection force in Christian South Sudan to prevent a massacre when it becomes independent from the hardline Muslim north tomorrow.
“The new country was successfully created in a 2005 peace deal after half a century of civil wars and oppression which ensued when the north attempted to impose Sharia law – leaving two million dead.”
This is really a fascinating development, and one which deserves much more attention than it’s getting. Especially considering how we were told this was never really an Islamic problem but instead mostly a mere territorial dispute amongst local tribes over arable land.
But even without the Islamic angle, it’s fascinating to see this happening.
BBC North America editor Mark Mardell has awakened from his post-Bachmann stupor to explain to you the President’s economic gambit. Mardell claims that the President is doubling the amount of spending cuts He already offered. He hasn’t, really, but that’s another story. Note, though the two sources Mardell links to for opinion and anlaysis of US issues: the ubiquitous Posts, Washington and Huffington. It’s not my fault this has become a running gag around here.
In any case, Mardell also points out that the President has laced His latest budget offer with tax rises, which are meant to put the Republicans on the spot. As we all know, the Tea Party-influenced Republicans have been put on notice by the voters that taxation for ideological purposes is a deal-breaker. So this really isn’t an honest offer at all, but a political ploy.
What’s funny is that this is the first blog post in ages where Mardell doesn’t spell out his personal opinion. It’s there between the lines, of course, but for once he doesn’t sneer or express his disappointment in something the President said or didn’t say, and doesn’t insult His political enemies. I wonder why?
Perhaps it’s because Mardell has to admit up front that this is pure politics and not based in any kind of fiscal intelligence. It’s exactly the kind of crap we were promised would vanish in The Obamessianic Age, and Mardell knows it. So, with what sounds like a heavy heart, he makes one last attempt at a smokescreen.
But the stakes are high. Mr Obama was elected in part on the big cuddly vision of bringing all sides together, to ending Washington politics as usual. That clearly hasn’t happened.
No, it sure hasn’t. And who is ultimately to blame? Mardell won’t say. Could it have anything to do with a President whose first moves were the utmost in partisan bullying? A President “I won” who let the Democracts ram through a pseudo-nationalized health care “reform” which is about to cost us nearly as much as the supposed cuts He’s offering now, and which have as much to do as any other factor with the fact that businesses are hunkering down for the long term and still not really hiring?
Mardell doesn’t want you to think about that. Just go with the context previous BBC reporting on US issues has created for you and blame white Christian racists who never wanted a black President, then move on.
So he has to have a story to explain why red and blue has not merged into a consensual purple. Indeed since he took office the gap between Republicans and Democrats has widened.
It’s all partisan politics now, eh? The story to explain why there’s no bi-partisan harmony is a partisan attack? That’s not the wonderful Obamessiah we were sold by the BBC. And Mardell is suddenly so silent about explaining how this has come about. He knows, of course. But he won’t admit it to you, because that would be like St. Paul telling the Corinthians that Jesus was actually not the Messiah but just a Pharisee rabble-rouser after all.
His latest offer of cuts is designed to make a specific argument – that he is willing to go the extra mile, to stick his neck out, but that his opponents are so entrenched in their narrow political foxhole that they would rather cause another economic crisis than make a single compromise.
In reality, this latest offer is a sign of weakness, of defeat. It’s important to remember that last October the Democrats refused to pass a budget at all just to avoid a tough issue at the mid-term elections, which is why we’re at this point now. And then when the President first sat down to work out a deal, He refused to make any cuts at all. Only Mardell doesn’t want you to know that.
The ideological tax rises (which won’t raise any revenue of signifance and will most likely end up harming the service industries whom the evil rich hire, the very working class He’s supposedly protecting) are not a sign of Him sticking His neck out, but of Him sticking His tongue out. At the Republicans, and at the public. Instead, Mardell sticks with the White House talking points and doesn’t tell you the whole story.
Spot the missing word in Stephanie Flanders‘ analysis of the latest “shocking payroll figures”. Clue – it begins with ‘O’. What if it was a Republican president etc.
Similarly – what if a Republican president’s chief advser and his press secretary had both casually dismissed the US public’s concerns about rising unemployment? Chances of the BBC not using that as a stick to beat up on the administration? Nil. But Carney is mates with Katty, and the BBC loves Obama, therefore…
I thought there must be something more than politics behind the extraordinary sinking of the latest attempt to denigrate Israel via a flotilla of Islamists and their useful idiot assistants in the form of ageing leftie “peace activists.” Turns out there were a bunch of energetic young Israeli lawyers informing anyone assisting the flotilla in any way that they would be likely to face legal complications or simply be sued:
Well this week has had 2 pronounced effects
one= I have seen some incite full and clever writing from some very level headed and smart types or my kinda people !.
two= some of the real evil the nasty abusive and cold hearted leftiod mindset has unleashed and probably now feels a bit stupid for !!!
The mother of Rachel Corrie has posted an article in the Guardian’s CIF, bemoaning her daughter’s fate and reproducing the usual stale old “liberal” left cliches about Israel and Palestine.
It’s a terrible thing of course to lose a child, but I’m guessing the last thing Cindy Corrie will ever ask herself is whether she bears any responsibility for her daughter joining the reprehensible ISM, which no doubt helped turn her into a radical, filled with hatred for Israel.
Corrie is in Israel to “confront” a witness in the civil trial brought against the IDF for the death of her daughter. No doubt she never reflects on the fact that such a trial would never take place in any Arab country and certainly not in the “Palestine” she so loves.
I was pleasantly surprised by the comments to the article. Not only was there strong support for Israel from a number of contributors, but those comments got the most recommendations – more than five hundred in some cases.
One comment responded to the title of article – ‘US collusion in the Gaza blockade is an affront to human rights’ – by simply stating this:
The terrorist attacks on Israel are “an affront to human rights.”
Lets hope CiFWatch is on the case.
Poor Rachel Corrie’s mother still thinks her daughter was trying to protect a ‘Palestinian’ home from being bulldozed, when it has been pretty well established that it was actually the entrance to a weapons tunnel.
Hey Sue – remember Kiera Feldman, the left-wing radical activist employed by the BBC to research Ground Zero mosque protesters? Unsurprisngly she’s a huge supporter of the fly- and flo- tillas. It still astonishes me to think that the BBC used her (and for all we know continues to do so.)
The frightening thing is that Rachel Corrie probably thought that she was trying to protect a ‘Palestinian’ home from being bulldozed. Not even seeing the weapons hoisted out of the tunnel would have dissuaded her.
So Broadcasting House are back in “Derry” and bemoanoing the lack of intergrated schools in the province…will the BBC still let me call it that?
1. Do Paddy O`Connell and “team” all have CRB checks to just go in and blather at primary school kids?
2. Which schools are allowing their kids to be so used-and should we know something about why they`re not learning something other than how to be buttered up by the BBC?
3. They did the exact same piece this time last year-as a child pointedly reminds them-does Paddy or one of his puppet pullers have relatives in the area-and is it their birthday or something?
So-all those years of trouble…all because Tony Blair and Mandelson had not been allowed enough time to turn schools into the states pantie liners like in Bradford, Oldham-indeed anywhere but the Brompton Oratory or Holland Park!
The beeb now so desperate for “latest” pictures of Andy Coulson they’ve taken to filming him loading up his car with his young son and his cricket stuff. Do they think we don’t know what Coulson looks like? What purpose do these latest pictures serve, ‘cept to heap pressure upon his young son?
non-licence payerFeb 23, 20:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Fed that was a sneaky early bird new thread. Five weeks now before phase two of Storm Rachel (Brian Monteith…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:28 Start the Week 24th February 2025 wwfc – Your claim has upset me so that means I can get you arrested and then I can be…
Fedup2Feb 23, 20:23 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Time for the new thread – bit early as i am going bye byes …zzz Btw it seems the Israeli…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:19 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “Allahu Akbar”, or “God is great” “Allahu Akbar”, or “God is great” ………………………………………………………………………. One person has been killed and five…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 20:09 Weekend 22nd February 2025 BBC ignoring this very sinister development as a woman is harassed by police for daring to criticise a Labour…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 19:52 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Afghan wants to box for ‘his country’….apparently that’s Ireland…according to the BBC… ‘Young asylum seeker’s dream to box for Ireland’…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 19:38 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Migrants aren’t the problem…they are the victims of racist Irish people….says BBC. ‘Ireland’s view of immigration one year since Dublin…
Fedup2Feb 23, 19:27 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It’s really hard to see anything ‘good ‘ ( for TTK ) coming out of meetings with 47 and JD…
Up2snuffFeb 23, 19:17 Weekend 22nd February 2025 MM, what? Industrialised tech you mean our steel industry, car industry and oil & gas industry?
An interesting little insight into the BBC mindset – here’s Newsnight journalist Alex Bolton (KentishTownie) responding to a comment about Carter and Reagan earlier this week :
@gabrielmilland Anyone ambivalent about Ronald Reagan should probably have a long, hard think about what a second Carter term would have been like.
@KentishTownie @gabrielmilland apart from avoiding the rise of the new right, social security cuts, flag waving jingoism you mean..?
He says that like it’s a bad thing.
Alex Bolton ? Another new Beeboid name for me. They breed like rabbits.
But, he really gives the game away, doesn’t he ?
He forgot to mention avoiding the fall of the Soviet Union if the useless Carter had a second term. Beeboids still can’t get over that can they ?
Anyone wondering what a second Carter term would look like need only observe the current state of the US. Oh, wait: according to the BBC we haven’t avoided the rise of of the new right, and I can assure everyone that we won’t be avoiding social security cuts or more flag-waving jingoism.
The only flag the BBC want to see waving is a red one. They are all scum when it comes to discussing the US.
OK I’m lost can anyone point me at a link to the BBC’s in-depth investigation into Labours involvement in N.I. and a certain Mr Murdoch’s affairs and dinner dates with Labour ministers? or maybe the new coverage of shadow cabinet involvement with elements of the media in the placing of news and here say about said Mr Murdoch ?
I mean I know the beebles like waving their hatred of Murdoch at any one passing in the street like a drunk TV b-Lister in a rain coat but even they must find some thing to ask abut this !
That has all been airbrushed from the BBC version of history.
Its the usual BBC ‘year zero’ trick, Pol Pot would have been proud.
Given that BBC-EU is keen to emphasise politics in sport (as with its
Tour de France reporting of Team Sky and Murdoch), will BBC-EU end its censorship on this, which ‘Telegraph’ reports?:
“England football team ‘could be forced to wear EU flag'”
‘ everyone began to love himself better than anyone else, and indeed they could not do otherwise. All became so jealous of the rights of their own personality that they did their very utmost to curtail and destroy them in others, and made that the chief thing in their lives.’
Fyodor Dostoevsky 1877
Seems even back then the BBC mindset was a common problem!!
Great quote. Who said B-BBC bloggers are Philistines ?
Thanks mind i went to school under a labour goverment so i have no idea where Philistainia is?
Dostoevsky is one of those writers (like George Orwell) who used fiction as a way of explaining the Left.
If you want to understand why the more Left you go the more sympathetic they are to Islamists read “The Devils” by Dostoevsky. If you want to understand the BBC hive mindset read “1984” by Orwell.
Both wrote from inside knowledge of the mentality, although of course all the Leftist BBC Drama Department comprehends is the inside knowledge bit. The critique goes over their head; although it is hardly subtle.
So true, sadly.
small piece, from R4 Today, about “bradfordians in bradford”
its 10yrs since the the riots
the beeb wants to know
what we colonial islamophobic guilt ridden bigots yawn
have done, have WE improved community cohesion
have we done enough in
efforts to improve community cohesion
re boot of the link
<!– S ILIN –>efforts to improve community cohesion <!– E ILIN –>
re- efforts to improve the link
thurs july7 r4 today
Building ‘trust and understanding’ in Bradford
And now a few words from Mark Thompson…….
EGYPT: more INBBC propaganda; Christians ignored.
INBBC’s LEYNE ingores Muslim JIZYA demands on Christians:
“Egypt: Desire for Money – Jizya – Prompts Attacks on Christians”
by Raymond Ibrahim.
Instead, Leyne & INBBC rallies to the Muslim Brotherhood, and co.:
Funny according the Guardian, when they phone hack its “morally justified”
“This adds to the complexity of the situation, as lawyers seek to bring more claims against newspapers, in the wake of News International’s admission of liability.
Ironically, one of the few newspapers to admit to phone-hacking is the Guardian, which exposed the News of the World’s illegal activities.
Its investigative reporter David Leigh wrote in the Guardian, in the wake of Clive Goodman’s guilty plea in 2006.
“I, too, once listened to the mobile phone messages of a corrupt arms company executive – the crime similar to that for which Goodman now faces the prospect of jail. The trick was a simple one: the businessman in question had inadvertently left his pin code on a print-out and all that was needed was to dial straight into his voicemail.”
Leigh saw a fundamental distinction between his actions and Goodman’s.
“I was not interested in witless tittle-tattle about the royal family. I was looking for evidence of bribery and corruption. And unlike the News of the World, I was not paying a private detective to routinely help me with circulation-boosting snippets.
“That is my defence, when I try to explain newspaper methods to my current university journalism students, some of whom are rather shocked.”
It may be a defence under the Data Protection Act, but not under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act of 2000.
Caroline Kean, of the law firm Wiggin, says: “It is an offence under section 1 of the RIPA to intercept any communication in the course of its transmission without lawful authority. There is no public interest defence.”
Like I said yesterday-the Guardian/BBC might be smiling today, but it will not be long before the spotlight is on them…….
The laws and rules which apply to the rest of us don’t apply to Lefties and Beeboids.
INBBC hasn’t political inclination to report this:
U.K. report: Most jihadists are “home-grown”
Listening to the BBC today I realised even an alien space craft landing near Basingstoke would be hard put to get more than a brief mention.
Do they not realise most people are heartly sick of the NOTW,Murdoch and the rest of it.
It just is not that interesting to most of us.
Contrast: On Sky news Miliband was being interviewed by Boulton. Miliband did his usual about Cameron judgement employing Coulson. When challenged about his hiring of Tom Baldwin and his ‘powder’ habits; Miliband got very uncomforable. Cannot see the bBC bringing up this aspect of his judgement.
One suspects this all very much about the prevention of any more zones beyond the comfort that the BBC offers.
Off topic: Has the font size of the comments been reduced to minuscule by B-BBC or is it just my system that’s acting up?
Your system, I think. All looks well from here.
Thanks, Roland. I added an ad blocker a day or so ago. Maybe that is affecting it in some strange way.
I’ve got the same problem today using internet explorer. However, in another browser, eg Chrome, the font size is back to normal.
That’s interesting, John. I’m using IE9. Another funny thing that’s happening is that it displays the “like” names (under comments) vertically, in list form. But it only does that sometimes. At other times it shows them in the normal way. Also I don’t get the small font problem when I visit other forum sites.
Not miniscule, but, like John, definitely much smaller on my Explorer 8 browser than usual. Also, the list of people who “like” comments is set up differently.
The “like” names seem to be listed vertically on some threads but not others.
And the font size in the Recent Comments and the About Biased BBC columns is not affected. It is only the text of the actual comments within threads.
The BBC is clearly extremely anxious about Murdoch owning all of B Sky B because they are getting totally hysterical with their coverage. They must be utterly desperate to throw a spanner in the works. is it all the anxiety about those beeb ‘senior managers’ being chucked out – that’ll be the day.
And exactly what wrong has been done? Some of the so-called celebs whose phones have allegedly been hacked, have no reputations whatsoever, so what damage could they possibly have suffered? It’s all totally BORING and IRRELEVANT but the beeb are so far up their arses they can’t see that.
Yep same as I feel mind I must admit to a smile at lard pressalot and his ” its not my fault I am a ugly two-faced hypocrite and adulterer with a love of taxpayer cash they made me do it !!”
Check out this at the Daily Mash.<!– /navbar end –><!– /header end –>
Rebekah Brooks must know some serious shit
REBEKAH Brooks is clearly keeping the Murdochs out of jail, it has emerged.
As James Murdoch closed the most successful newspaper in the western world rather than sack a devious harpie, experts said that harpie must have some weapons-grade shit up her sleeve.
Professor Henry Brubaker, of the Institute for Studies, said: “Jesus fucking Christ, they must have killed a tramp.”
The News of the World will be axed on Sunday, followed a day later by Brooks returning to work at a desk that is obviously filled with grisly secrets.
Yep probably 100% true but sadly thanks to the BBC/gurndion/mirror/Labour turf war and their truly award/Oscar winning hysteria and hyperbole about anyone they see as a threat, I really have lost the will to care seriously she could bring forth the end of days and I would welcome it !!!
“their truly award/Oscar winning hysteria and hyperbole about anyone they see as a threat”
It is an opportunity for Cameron, if he is wise, to raise the whole question about the compatibility of the dominance ANY media behomoth with a free society; top of the list (by far) being the BBC, which is (by far) the most dominant media organisation in the country.
If it was an oil company or drug manufacturer the Left would be on protest marches with signs saying that the BBC is a manufacturing monopoly.
Power should be shifted away from the (tax funded) Leftist elite who seek to instruct people in correct thinking; the conclusion of correct thinking always being more power to the tax funded Leftist elite.
It s time somebody nailed a set of theses to the door of Brodcasting House saying “Who gave you permission to tell us what to think you pig ignorant self-serving Leftist slimebags”
What is the point of being born if we are slaves to an intellectually corrupt self-serving elite who view their life as an opportunity to feed off serfs who are forbidden even from thinking anything which threatens the status quo.
Actually it is even worse than that, a Leftist elite does not simply want to live off the backs of the serfs (a mentality familiar since at least Ancient Egypt) they hate the country and actively seek its destruction.
Even when they have turned English society into something resembling Yemen (disparate tribes fighting over a wasteland) they will still be so obsessed with their own hatreds (of both the world and themselves) they will still be going on about “Tories” and “Capitalism” and how it is not fair that God (who of course does not exist) made them such sad pathetic excuses for human beings.
“It is an opportunity for Cameron, if he is wise…”
I think I’ve identified a flaw in your argument.
The voice mail hacking (or even Police earning money on the side by giving leads to the press) story is not quite the earth shattering revelation the BBC (and the commercial rivals of News International) want it to be…
by going so over the top in their efforts to big the story up, for their own commercial and ideological ends, the BBC have starkly exposed their agenda pushing power.
The last few days have made it pretty much inevitable that the power of the BBC to promote its own interests will be curtailed, via some sort of arrangement that shifts power away from the centre and back to the viewers and listeners.
The fact that the Left are so passionately opposed to breaking up the BBC tell all you need to know about its lack of political balance, because if you had to boil their hatreds down into one phrase it would be “opposition to a free society” and they see the BBC as on their side.
If only…
The BBC have a dilemma. They can either try to see off threat to their power by campaigning even more strongly (if that is possible) for a Labour government, or try to counter the generally held view (except for Daisy of course) that the BBC are the broadcasting arm of the Public Services Party by supplying a more balanced and diverse in its output, risking giving a platform to people who read The Sun or the Daily Mail rather than the usual “Fiddle Your Expenses Monthly” readers who foam at the mouth at the very possibility that people might be given the freedom to view the news and analysis providers of their choice.
A good example on Newsnight just now. Four Leftists arguing amongst themselves about who hates Sun and Daily Mail readers the most. Not sure why I should be forced to pay for such trash.
It took a while but the BBC reports on the Flytilla.
Israel blocks ‘flytilla’ activists There’s much they could say but don’t which suggests that as so often the world’s largest news souirce is once again relying on agencies to do its leg work. How about somehting on the Brits taking part?
The last paragraph, continuing BBC habit, throws a generalised superficial history in at the end not matter how distant from the story.
It suggests the problem between Israel and Hamas is just a conflict of perceptions and has nothing to do with thousands of unmentioned rockets.
Au contraire. It’s the perception as to whether the rockets are “mostly harmless™” or not.
Hey, BBC, if the border with Egypt is open, why do these people need boats? Do they hate Israel more than they love saving Palestinian lives? Why is no BBC “journalist” asking this question?
There is no border between Gaza and Egypt, the BBC’s maps show this very clearly…
If you’d been bothered to check, you’d find that the Gaza/Egypt border hasn’t been fully opened;
“Palestinians hoping for easier transit and increased trade have been frustrated by bureaucratic hurdles and Egypt’s refusal to open the border to trade.”
Sure, Dez. You want to tell me that Hamas’s big Brotherhood wouldn’t allow “humanitarian aid” through if it came with the massive positive publicity? Especially when half the complaints by the Egyptians themselves about Mubarak during those protests were concerned with how he sided with the nasty Israelis against the heroic Palestinians.
If the saviors really wanted to give vital humanitarian aid to the Palestinians more than they wanted to attack Israel, they could go through Egypt. It’s impossible to believe that they wouldn’t be allowed through. Yet they don’t, and the BBC doesn’t even mention the possibility, even to dismiss it the way you have.
“Sure, Dez. You want to tell me that Hamas’s big Brotherhood wouldn’t allow “humanitarian aid” through if it came with the massive positive publicity?”
No. If I’d wanted to tell you that, I would of told you that [!]
“Humanitarian aid” has been let through the Egypt border since at least 2010 and in supposedly increased quantities on the Israel border since 2009.
“Humanitarian aid” consists of food and medical supplies.
Other goods: such as construction materials (concrete, steel etc) and raw materials for industry (stuff that would allow Gaza to rebuild it’s economy) are restricted.
They are still restricted on the Egypt/Gaza border. Or in other words:
“the Gaza/Egypt border hasn’t been fully opened”
Perhaps you should notice the difference between what I ‘actually’ said and what you ‘imagined’ I said and use it for future reference ;p
No. If I’d wanted to tell you that, I would of told you that
taking a page out of dez’s book…… 😉
i would HAVE told you
do us a favour and conjugate the verb “to of” ………
😀 😀
“taking a page out of dez’s book……
i would HAVE told you”
Heh, now that would be funny if I’d ever criticised anyone for their spelling/grammar. Except that I never have. Which sort of leaves you as the only jobbie in the swimming pool ;p
So, Dez, if in fact Gaza’s border with Egypt is not closed off to humanitarian aid, why are these humanitarian saviors not bringing their vital humanitarian aid through there? Why do they need to attack Israel’s border instead? Surely the publicity and actual help to the innocent Gazans would be infinitely greater than what they’re donig now?
You still have to explain how this whole show isn’t more of an attack on Israel than an actual attempt to help Gazans.
“So, Dez, if in fact Gaza’s border with Egypt is not closed off to humanitarian aid, why are these humanitarian saviors not bringing their vital humanitarian aid through there?”
Because they were also trying to deliver construction materials (supposedly up to 700 tonnes of cement) which wouldn’t be allowed across the Egyptian border.
You claimed the Egypt border was open. It isn’t. That’s the only point I was making; get over it and move on.
So is Israel blockading Gaza or is Egypt also so doing? Doesn’t explain why BBC deliberately miss naming Egypt on those maps…
Flotilla/Flytilla, the absolute desperation of it all, this ship of fools
A difference of perception!….. yes, everyone with an ounce of sanity, knows hamas is a genocidal murder organisation…
while hamas wants to “obliterate” all the jews.
theres a link somewhere…BBC
ah! perhaps israel “misunderstands” islam?
wait a minute…those on the LAST jihad flotilla they
“misunderstand” islam too?
those on the “Audacity of Dopes” sheesh! yep right on the brink?
but…but…..deep down they only want peace?
christopher hitchens might have a couple of questions for them
from Slate, July 4
“Flightilla” Flops
“The Palestinian Muslim Money Hole”
Unintended consequences of the NOTW affair. No BBC time to carry on with the usual anti Israel tirades.
Bowen must be upset at not getting air time.
Something positive after all.
The longer this goes on the clearer it becomes that this was all a very well orchestrated plan by the Guardian/BBC axis, perhaps even with the BBC giving the initial Milly Dowler story to the Guardian?
In the first 24 hours I thought the general tone of the BBC towards the Milly story was about right, it was obviously a horrendous story and deserved every column inch it recieved. That said every now and again a BBC reporter would throw in the name of Murdoch or Cameron and I started to raise the odd eyebrow.
Today we’ve reached the stage where the BBC is in a full on attack on NI, Murdoch and Cameron. The real rogues – Mulcaire, Brooks and other news editors as yet unamed are relegated to nothing more than a sideshow. As for Milly Dowler, well the poor girl has been used as nothing more than an incendiary with which the BBC & Guardian launched there war on News Internatioal – shame on them.
It is a big ask to expect a Leftist BBC employee to have any sense of shame.
Yep got it in one they have no perception of shame in their actions as they have none of the word wrong it’s all we serve a higher purpose to them !
Sad really !
A useful summary of all the objections to the Black and Harrabin propaganda :
So the BBC is in Florida to watch the last space shuttle launch. After a technical talk to a former astronaut about what the shuttle crew are doing during the final countdown moments, we go to a vox pops to get average US reaction.
And what does the Beeboid ask? Are you concerned that America is losing its leading role in the space program as other countries are taking the lead, like India and China. What has India or China done yet? Not a hell of a lot, and certainly not enough to deserve being called the new industry leaders.
Of course the woman gave a nice answer that the Beeboids love: she realizes it’s all a “global” thing now, and the US merely has to “play our part in it”. The next question was also leading the woman into belittling the US, making sure there was no nasty patriotism, something so loathed by the bien pensants.
They do know how to find them. And don’t tell me it was totally random and that no BBC field producer vetted the woman beforehand. Why didn’t they talk to the smiling black man with a big US flag t-shirt? Or wouldn’t that help the “rapport” the BBC wants to create for you?
‘the BBC is in Florida’
Local staffer, or did the entire crew, including the sports presenter from BBC Chipping Shoulder jump into a jumbo sooner than you can say ‘frequent flier miles’?
The twittosphere is a alive with regional no-names who have wangled a jolly with their crew to play in the great Satan under guise of a ‘story’ that could have been done on a feed with a backdrop if GHGs were a real concern. Or an on-site stringer with a mic and tripod.
Thought I do concede it will all have been offset, probably with one of the pension plan investment companies that have bitten the dust on this scam and need propping up with public funds to plant more unsuitable foliage to turn into methane within a year.
There were two correspondents: Laura Trevalyan (who is assigned to these kind of feature stories in the US) and an actual science corresondent, Pallab Ghosh, who flew over with his crew specfically for this event. This means two cameramen, two sound guys, plus (if it’s anything like what I witnessed last year at the 9/11 anniversary ceremony) additional production assistants and at least one segment producer, if not a separate one for each on-air talent. Ghosh spoke to the intelligent former astronaut (which is what should happen), and Trevalyan did the vox pops.
She was also shocked when one of the flag-waving jingoists told her that despite the cost while people are suffering, the shuttle program has been a tremendous success, and listed real valuable contributions to society.
“if it’s anything like what I witnessed last year at the 9/11 anniversary ceremony”
Oh well, thay managed to make big savings on yesterday’s 7/7 anniversary coverage.
Why should the BBC commemorate the deaths of 52 innocent people and the mutiliation of some 700 others by 4 self-confessed Islamic jihadis; it’s not as though the anniversary was newsworthy.
Well, nobody was trying to build an Islamic center across the street from the Edgeware Road tube station so there was no cause to champion.
It is funny how Beeboids will use any excuse to have a nice holiday in the great Satan. Look at the coverage of the Obama election. Maybe the US isn’t so awful after all.
Absolutely correct David Preiser. They are social engineers rather than reporters and they simply cannot report anything without filtering it through their leftie agenda first.
On June 23rd, one of the topics on the main Have Your Say page was the acquittal of Geert Wilders on charges of inciting hatred against Muslims.
Imagine the delight of the BBC hack who found the photo of Wilders I’ve inserted in this post, from a screen shot of the page.
He’s not photogenic at the best of times, but that photo is positively menacing. And here’s the caption, purporting to be a comment from a fellow countryman:
Wilders acquittal: Dutch reaction
I find his style and rhetoric extremely repulsive
Except that when you click on the link at the photo you get this page
and find that this is what his fellow countryman actually said:
While I find Mr Wilders’ style and rhetoric extremely repugnant, I am pleased that he was acquitted on these charges.
[My emphasis]
On reading that article and the comments chosen for it, it would seem fairly reasonable, although those who know the BBC well will note that the comments are slanted against Wilders, using the trusty old technique of giving the anti-Wilders comments more prominence than those for him.
That’s the article that will remain on the website and it does not on its own conclusively demonstrate bias unlike the photo and caption on the Have Your Say page, which certainly does demonstrate it. Problem is, that page has long been consigned to oblivion along with its proof of bias as it is often updated.
This is the BBC’s hit and run bias – hit them hard and then run is one of the many tricks the biased BBC has up its sleeve.
The let’s pick the most unflattering picture of someone we don’t like meme is well known on the BBC. Consider this one of Berlusconi taken from the Europe News page. How do we read this picture? Cover up? One eyed? Unwilling to see the truth?
of the hundreds of file pictures available, why pick this one?
Hmm, looks like html has gone the way of all text. Ain’t no way to put in italics or bold text, at least on Explorer.
I found that happening last night. This morning, bold and italic seem to come and go. One minute they are there and the next they have gone.
For me they just disappeared. Well, I guess all will be explained in time.
This is another expensive, deeply negative consequence for British people of the long-standing policy of mass immigration, as advocated by Britain’s political elites , inc BBC-NUJ. The Nigerians involved are all being financially supported in Britain by British people indefinitely.
Slavery in the UK
Trafficked girls controlled by Juju magic rituals
Well I think we’ve said too many things about what the beeb gets wrong here. So here’s something they do really well: self-congratulation 🙂
A revealing insight into the beeboid mind tonight on R4. An arts/film programme around 720.
A beeboidette was interviewing a Palestinian? about a performance of Kafkahe was involved in.
She was very keen to equate the oppressor with the Israelis and suggested that a Palestinian audience would be making the same connection.
He sounded a little put out and thought his audience were not so keen to make simplistic assumptions. Rather they would take the work on it’s merits.
The beeboids just cannot help themselves. Patronising even the very people they feel they are here to liberate and guide along the true path .
Nothing is so patronising as a liberal Lady Bountiful.
dave s,
I was listening to the interview and she neither sounded ‘keen’, nor him ‘put out’. She asked him a question (by way of a proposition) and he answered by saying (to paraphrase) “no that wasn’t the case”. Which, by the way, she then concurred with.
Standard sort of ‘arts’ interview; mostly about giving the subject an opportunity to talk about what’s important to them.
No doubt I’m about to get shot down in flames; but there can be a little bit of a problem when searching for a bias/conspiracy in everything. In that, if you’re not careful, you start to to see bias/conspiracy in everything.
And before you know it, George Bush orchestrated the 9/11 attacks, ‘Common Purpose’ controls the world, and an image of the crucifixion just miraculously appeared in the middle of my jam doughnut.
Sadly, I agree with you. The BBC is so overwhelmingly biased , there is a risk of seeing it everywhere and overlooking the very few occasions where it doesn’t exist.
Conversely, one could be determined to see no bias anywhere.
an image of the crucifixion just miraculously appeared in the middle of my jam doughnut
there’s those drugs again…….
Ah but Dezzie it’s only our conspiracy theory’s you don’t like! I’m sure the one about Ruppy and his world wide empire mind melding the populace and bent judges and politicians which he controls with tin foil hats and satellites all from his evil volcano under Israel’s ‘world wide dominance Ltd’ Tel Aviv branch just as the [SEE I TOLD YOU THEY WAS EVIL!] Beebles likes it ! is OK by you .
A tale of two bailed men – Coulson and DSK, need I say more?
Yes, one guilty even if he is found innocent and the other innocent even if he is found guilty. Welcome to the twisted, perverted world of the BBC.
hello, i just thought id give you the heads up, i just saw a bbbc show by rageh omar advertised about mohammed ‘the prophet’ and given that we all know how impartial they are toward islam im sure itll be a good watch
i wonder if hell make mention of mohammed and a 9 yr old girl,
Didn’t see your comment 🙂 Spot on.
whoops…wrong place…sorry
Rageh Omar sheesh! remember ‘An Islamic History of Europe’: utter utter bilge.
him, describing some non existent mythical, paradise then, clenching his fist and squeezing a tear in anguish, (as he explained that the Christians were able to re-conquer Spain 🙂
…ahem….i know ragead…we could all be living in crapistan eh.
i wonder how many lefty beebos helped to film in multi culti Mecca,(titter).
The signs are very very bad,
pt1. theyve filmed in Jerusalem?? where the old, jew hating, child molesting murderer, never even went.
pt2. an EXCRUTIATING line up, of apologists, to drone on ignoring the painful truth, about this paragon of wickedness who made hitler look like a boy scout.
Why haven t we seen Jian, Hindi, or Sikh extended docs
or one indepth about the talmud, or jewish faith
over many days?…..why such disproportionate coverage?
why a muslim head, of religious programming disproportionate to the vast majority of viewers?
Why is he is showing marked bias, particulary on so called flagship programmes, that include religion like biq questions, sunday live etc, – to islam? disproportionate to to other faiths?
oh don t get me started
The BBC thinks this is important and worth your attention:
Row after India minister calls homosexuality a disease
India’s health minister has sparked a furious row over comments in which he described homosexuality as a “disease”.
Ghulam Nabi Azad told a conference on HIV/Aids that gay sex was “unnatural”. Later he said he had been misquoted.
But not this:
Outrage as Obedient Wives Club spreads across south-east Asia
Club claims Muslim women could curb prostitution and domestic violence by becoming ‘good whores’ to their husbands
I suppose this isn’t a surprise from a media organization dedicated to promoting Social Cohesion, and which has lots of time for the notion that wearing a burqa is empowering and that a woman’s greatest achievement is being married to a powerful man.
I see Raggi Knobhead is going to tell us the life story about Mohammad (like we care).
Bet he dodges the bit about him shagging an 8 year old girl.
Rageh Omar sheesh! remember ‘An Islamic History of Europe’: utter utter bilge.
him, describing some non existent mythical, paradise then, clenching his fist and squeezing a tear in anguish, (as he explained that the Christians were able to re-conquer Spain 🙂
…ahem….i know ragead…we could all be living in crapistan eh.
i wonder how many lefty beebos helped to film in multi culti Mecca,(titter).
The signs are very very bad,
pt1. theyve filmed in Jerusalem?? where the old, jew hating, child molesting murderer, never even went.
pt2. an EXCRUTIATING line up, of apologists, to drone on ignoring the painful truth, about this paragon of wickedness who made hitler look like a boy scout.
Why haven t we seen Jian, Hindi, or Sikh extended docs
or one indepth about the talmud, or jewish faith
over many days?…..why such disproportionate coverage?
why a muslim head, of religious programming disproportionate to the vast majority of viewers?
Why is he is showing marked bias, particulary on so called flagship programmes, that include religion like biq questions, sunday live etc, – to islam? disproportionate to to other faiths?
oh don t get me started
According to Guido-another Guardian hack has been at it:
Crime pays if you are a lefty hack……
That story’s gone all 404 on us. Not sure why as the original comment on the Guardian blog is still there.
A pet hate of mine is the Beeboid Babble, whether it be Fiona Bruce chattering the news or the weather forecaster wittering on about clouds bubbling up or rain sinking south. Why can’t these numpties deliver factual information in plain language and straightforward manner instead of inflicting gibberish on us? That chattering weather forecasting ninny on Radio 4 is particularly annoying with his naff nannying voice and vowels (rain dahn sahth) – not unlike Evan Davis’s peculiarly light and fluffy cosy vocal manner. We do not need to be cosseted or wooed, thank you. <phew!>
Anyway, I am not the only one: Quentin Letts has a good go at the Beeboid waffling weather forecasters with their fake chumminess and cosy, cloying, nannying nonsense. Here are some extracts:
“Windbags! Why can’t TV weathermen cut out their self-indulgent prattle and just tell us if it’s going to rain or shine”
… The topic which has everyone in a fury, steaming like a summer pavement after a cloudburst, is the tarting-up, dumbing-down and general larkiness of BBC TV’s weather forecasting. …
…Radio 4’s Feedback programme last week had opened the sluices. Its presenter, glum Roger Bolton, was almost washed away in the rush.
BBC licence-payers made plain that they are completely fed up with the way weather has been mateyed and mollified at the same time as being made more confusing. …
…The tendency to pull in a reference to some topical sporting occasion — chatty asides such as ‘a muggy start for the Open tomorrow, everyone, so take your midge cream to the fairways!’ — was also a source of widespread crossness. By the way, have you noticed how they often choose sporting events for which the BBC has the broadcasting rights? …
…Mr Blunkett singled out Liam Dutton and his over-use of expressions such as ‘today’ and ‘the rest of the day’.
Dreadful windbag, Dutton. He is for ever saying ‘little bit’, which he pronounced ‘liddl bit’. ‘A liddl bit wet, a liddl bit windy.’ Aaaargh! Just get on it with, man …
…As Mr Blunkett argued: ‘There is a serious point underlying this because you could get more detail in about the kind of weather we would expect if they didn’t have seven or eight “the rest of the days”.’ He also spoke of ‘flowery language and repetition’. In effect, Mr Blunkett was talking about slipshod editing at the BBC. …
…A BBC ‘network manager’ was wheeled out to insist that viewers wanted ‘an element of informality, personality, of poetry even, because imagery helps convey information’, but the viewers, or at least those represented on Feedback, do not seem to agree.
They wanted clarity rather than poetry. Nor was clarity helped by the inability of many of the new generation of forecasters to enunciate and to project their voices. Received pronunciation has been replaced by a wittering Babel of regional accents onunciation has been replaced by a wittering Babel of regional accents, jagged Northern vowels, Fenland dipthongs, Estuarial glottal stops. …
…Alex Deakin is another pingy, zingy keep-fit type, saying ‘that’s yer weather’ at the end of his bulletins. Noooo, chum. It’s ‘the’ weather.
I know they are turning me loopy. It has reached the stage that I loathe them all, even poor Rob McElwee who was zapped for dropping his voice at the end of sentences. To the gallows he went, another victim of TV’s own type of climate change. …
( I don’t know why these extracts are coming up in different font sizes and one even in bold.)
Not yet having sorted out this sleeping all the way through the night idea I have been watching news 24.
They did a retrospective on Betty Ford who has just died, while she was a decent person and did some good work, so were some wives of Republican presidents I cannot imagine them getting such uncritical coverage.
Over on Sky they are doing a piece on how bad the job market is in America under Obama.
Umm, Betty Ford WAS the wife of a Republican President.
Betty Ford started the celebrity rehab scene. The Beeboids owe her a great debt.
Always good value. One can see why it is stuck away where no one other than early birds or Friday Night homebodies can ‘see’ it..
I can sort of live with ‘lazy journalism’, though the last word seems a stretch.
However today’s sulk in a suit Editor was a peach…
‘With Jeremy’s [Bowen] report… No one can say the BBC were in NATO’s corner’.
No. That is true. The BBC does not have a a view. Apparently.
I just think no corner would be better. On most things.
But when it comes to interpreting events, seems they are setting up for when NoTW has been truly exhausted, they are flying another non-native speaker out to ‘report’ on stuff that has been happening in the interim.
Mr. Patten awaits your points. Well, via the BBC editorial screen first.
Of course, BBC-NUJ’s strategy of giving full priority to trying to politically destroy News International involves BBC-NUJ in not discussing stories detrimental to the BBC-NUJ political world, e.g.:
I missed R4 “Week at Westminster” ,which is usually unremitting Leftie propaganda, so caught it last week with Left-wing journalist, Jackie Ashley. Today it is Beeboid ( no need to qualify that with “Lefty” ) Elinor Goodman.
No doubt Dezzie, or his thinking man’s version, Daisy, will pop up to point out that Fraser Nelson presented it way back in 1953, which proves it is unbiased.
PS I wonder what today’s topic will be ? Ed the Muppet’s continued employment of Tom Baldwin maybe ?
Elinor Goodman is a beacon of impartiality compared with most BBC types – her prog has just started, and she is relating things back to inaction in Labour’s time.
Week in Westminster dragged out those shining examples of moral righteousness David Mellor and John Prescott (yet again) to lecture on the immorality of the tabloid press. The BBC has been Voice Of The Slimeball this week; I’m heartily sick of hearing sleazy wife-cheating, whore-paying, dossier-sexing celebs and politicians pontificating about probity.
(Incidentally – if anybody is having trouble logging in to comment via various platforms you’re not alone.)
Mellor was especially spiteful. Was it a Murdoch newspaper which exposed his adultery ?
“Mellor was especially spiteful. Was it a Murdoch newspaper which exposed his adultery ?”
Oh yes:
“David Mellor’s extra-marital affair with the actress Antonia De Sancha became public knowledge after his mistress blew the lid, selling her story to the News of the World for £30,000 in 1992.”
Can’t be bothered to listen to the Week in Westminster again, but I’m pretty sure that fact wasn’t mentioned was it?
You don’t hear Prescott slagging off the Mirror much, do you?
Good lord ! Did The Mirror (very nearly closed down as a threat to morale during WW2, trivia fans) actually pay the fat oaf to write about his own adultery ? =-O
This is the hypocrite who was on the TV on Newsnight a couple of days ago denouncing James Murdoch, saying that he should express shame, rather than mere regret. If that oaf had any sense of shame he wouldn’t be showing his face on the television screen or poncing about in peer’s robes, let alone proclaiming anyone else’s need for shame.
And if that’s not enough, guess who they had on “Any Questions?” on Radio 4 to pontificate about Murdoch. Why, if it isn’t old Livingstone himself. The whole programme was dedicated to the News of the World scandal. Yes, old Red Ken whom we remember for his dodgy pals (like the notorious race adviser) appointed to high places in the Mayoral government and the scandal of unaccounted-for millions of London Development Agency money.
Fair enough, she is not the worst, but a Lefty all the same !
It’s the casual way in which it is accepted now that resonates……-Stolen-Wimbledon-and-Margaret-Tyzack.html
‘The BBC’s real problem is its ebbing authority in the little matters of editorial judgment that nevertheless matter a lot.’
On top of the big matters, yup.
BBC-NUJ is keen to use jokes against e.g. Sarah Palin, but it isn’t so keen to use jokes against the politics of the ‘flotilla’, such as this (video clip):
“‘Audacity of Dopes’: Satirical Song Mocks Gaza-Bound Freedom Flotilla”
Of course, this is what BBC-NUJ’s beloved ‘flotilla’ is about:
“The flotilla and the Third Intifada”
(by Melanie Phillips)
Phew, thank the stars for Boyd Hilton, eh?
On Newsnight tonight we ask if this is a watershed moment for British journalism with guests including writer Will Self, Heat magazine’s Boyd Hilton, MumsNet co-founder Justine Roberts, former BBC director general Greg Dyke and Harriet Harman MP.
Join them and Emily Maitlis
Otherwise one might feel the Newsnight producer iPhone address list was a bit one-sided.
That programme was awful, even by the BBC’s very low standards.
Steve Coogan is a very angry little man isn’t he. It seems to be quite a common characteristic of the millionaire socialist.
Steve Coogan is probably angry because he isn’t funny any more.
I don’t agree. He was never funny. Not in the slightest.
The BBC gave up any pretence of impartiality a long time ago. Just fill a studio full of Lefty clones all saying the same thing in the full knowledge that Fatty Patty and David Cameron will do bugger all.
This sounds like the end of the Lord of the Rings when Middle Earth was freed from Sauron’s evil grasp.
You have to love these quaint little ethnic traits don’t you. People like this truly are the enrichers of our vibrant society:
Let’s all be good, play nice, and “celebrate diversity” like Auntie BBC keeps telling us.
this little gem, showing beebo mentality about the bradford riots
even when the head of council of mosques, denies much of the violence, was racially motivated…..totally impervious…still the same
presenter scrabbles around trying to dress it as so
R4 today 7th july
Building ‘trust and understanding’ in Bradford
I heard this one too!
No surprise that the “academic expert” who went through Bradford on a tandem was deemed to know far more about how things were in Bradford than the old Asian bloke who had lived there forty years.
Unfortunately for him ,his message did not fit the BBCs narrative of “nasty whites needing more multicultural education”; so he was quickly bumped for Blairs pal-who obviously wants more research money and to stop the Tory cuts-or else there`ll be blood on whiteys hands as well as Camerons!
Another morning start from Chickem Licken and the Race Awareness Project…
If you read a BBC Leeds reporter’s reminiscences of the Bradford riots, written in 2006, you will find that he notes that white businesses in the Manningham area were torched while ‘Asian’ businesses went untouched. He also describes the attack on the Labour Club as particularly brutal:
For some reason, however, he fails to mention that the the attack on the club was an attempt at mass murder – there are, after all, only so many dents that an image of dazzling and vibrant diversity can take:
Amusing: Iowahawk’s questions for Obama’s Twitter Town Hall and President Obama Receiving Sycophantic Laughter .
Spot the potential assasin in pic’ 9. 🙂
I saw that photo set in New York Mag, and took it that they were actually making fun of everyone else for sucking up to Him. The piece was not laughing at Him at all.
Meanwhile, not far from Wapping, and unreported by INBBC:
London is a Shariah-Controlled Zone
Londonistan Calling
Hey, the following isn’t INBBC’s arch enemy, the anti-Islamising EDL, so INBBC has no comment on Hizb ut-Tahrir’s campaign in London today, for a Caliphate:
“Are You Ready For a World Governed by Islamic Law?”
The bBC and how it tells a different story about the clamp down on those riots in Pakistan:
Karachi: ‘Shoot on sight’ orders as violence soars
Security forces in the Pakistani city of Karachi have been ordered to shoot on sight to stem violence in which 80 people have been killed since Tuesday.
Things must be bad if the police/army have been given orders to shoot to kill anybody walking the streets. Well that’s the impression I get from reading the bBC.
And here is how the nasty biased Fox news reports the same story:
Pakistani Security Forces Ordered to Shoot on Sight After Days of Violence
KARACHI, Pakistan — Security forces were ordered to shoot gunmen on sight Friday in Pakistan’s largest city, as four days of violence left at least 71 people dead and prompted political leaders to call for a day of mourning that shut businesses and kept public traffic off the roads.
By indicating that the army have been given orders to shoot gunmen on sight tells a totally different story from the bBC version . Yet the left make such a song and dance about how it is fox which is the biased news network.
A piece in the Telegraph praises Lord Patten for rounding on the Beeboid Corporation over executive over staffing and salaries and for steeping us in a stew of their metropolitan preoccupations and prejudices:
‘…It’s great to have him there, speaking up for us. You do wonder, though, given the shock that greeted Lord Patten’s speech, what message his predecessors were giving the BBC. “You should pay the director general more, really. And remember: immigration and the EU are always to be treated as good things, in every programme we make. Always describe non Left-wing guests as ‘Right-wing’, but use ‘expert’ for Left-wing ones…” That sort of thing?…’
It goes on then to develop the idea of democracy and accountability of quangos, instancing the scandal over the running of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission (that’s a joke of a name for it, considering) under the notorious leadership of Labour protege Trevor Phillips, with its wasted and unaccounted millions (reminiscent of what also happened under Red Ken’s mayoral government).
Why have the Conservatives/ Coalition not got rid of him yet? It’s been over a year since they got in.
Here is a link to the Telegraph article:
SOUTH SUDAN: INBBC censors the Islamic threat from North.
While realistic ‘Daily Mail’ has this:
“Aid agencies fear bloodbath in Sudan as the south gets ready for independence”
“Human rights officials have called for a strong protection force in Christian South Sudan to prevent a massacre when it becomes independent from the hardline Muslim north tomorrow.
“The new country was successfully created in a 2005 peace deal after half a century of civil wars and oppression which ensued when the north attempted to impose Sharia law – leaving two million dead.”
Read more:
INBBC has none of that, of course:
A haven from jihad: Republic of South Sudan set to become a nation on Saturday
“South Sudan: Sharia Law and Jihad Leads to Birth of a New Nation ”
This is really a fascinating development, and one which deserves much more attention than it’s getting. Especially considering how we were told this was never really an Islamic problem but instead mostly a mere territorial dispute amongst local tribes over arable land.
But even without the Islamic angle, it’s fascinating to see this happening.
BBC North America editor Mark Mardell has awakened from his post-Bachmann stupor to explain to you the President’s economic gambit. Mardell claims that the President is doubling the amount of spending cuts He already offered. He hasn’t, really, but that’s another story. Note, though the two sources Mardell links to for opinion and anlaysis of US issues: the ubiquitous Posts, Washington and Huffington. It’s not my fault this has become a running gag around here.
In any case, Mardell also points out that the President has laced His latest budget offer with tax rises, which are meant to put the Republicans on the spot. As we all know, the Tea Party-influenced Republicans have been put on notice by the voters that taxation for ideological purposes is a deal-breaker. So this really isn’t an honest offer at all, but a political ploy.
What’s funny is that this is the first blog post in ages where Mardell doesn’t spell out his personal opinion. It’s there between the lines, of course, but for once he doesn’t sneer or express his disappointment in something the President said or didn’t say, and doesn’t insult His political enemies. I wonder why?
Perhaps it’s because Mardell has to admit up front that this is pure politics and not based in any kind of fiscal intelligence. It’s exactly the kind of crap we were promised would vanish in The Obamessianic Age, and Mardell knows it. So, with what sounds like a heavy heart, he makes one last attempt at a smokescreen.
But the stakes are high. Mr Obama was elected in part on the big cuddly vision of bringing all sides together, to ending Washington politics as usual. That clearly hasn’t happened.
No, it sure hasn’t. And who is ultimately to blame? Mardell won’t say. Could it have anything to do with a President whose first moves were the utmost in partisan bullying? A President “I won” who let the Democracts ram through a pseudo-nationalized health care “reform” which is about to cost us nearly as much as the supposed cuts He’s offering now, and which have as much to do as any other factor with the fact that businesses are hunkering down for the long term and still not really hiring?
Mardell doesn’t want you to think about that. Just go with the context previous BBC reporting on US issues has created for you and blame white Christian racists who never wanted a black President, then move on.
So he has to have a story to explain why red and blue has not merged into a consensual purple. Indeed since he took office the gap between Republicans and Democrats has widened.
It’s all partisan politics now, eh? The story to explain why there’s no bi-partisan harmony is a partisan attack? That’s not the wonderful Obamessiah we were sold by the BBC. And Mardell is suddenly so silent about explaining how this has come about. He knows, of course. But he won’t admit it to you, because that would be like St. Paul telling the Corinthians that Jesus was actually not the Messiah but just a Pharisee rabble-rouser after all.
His latest offer of cuts is designed to make a specific argument – that he is willing to go the extra mile, to stick his neck out, but that his opponents are so entrenched in their narrow political foxhole that they would rather cause another economic crisis than make a single compromise.
In reality, this latest offer is a sign of weakness, of defeat. It’s important to remember that last October the Democrats refused to pass a budget at all just to avoid a tough issue at the mid-term elections, which is why we’re at this point now. And then when the President first sat down to work out a deal, He refused to make any cuts at all. Only Mardell doesn’t want you to know that.
The ideological tax rises (which won’t raise any revenue of signifance and will most likely end up harming the service industries whom the evil rich hire, the very working class He’s supposedly protecting) are not a sign of Him sticking His neck out, but of Him sticking His tongue out. At the Republicans, and at the public. Instead, Mardell sticks with the White House talking points and doesn’t tell you the whole story.
Spot the missing word in Stephanie Flanders‘ analysis of the latest “shocking payroll figures”. Clue – it begins with ‘O’. What if it was a Republican president etc.
Similarly – what if a Republican president’s chief advser and his press secretary had both casually dismissed the US public’s concerns about rising unemployment? Chances of the BBC not using that as a stick to beat up on the administration? Nil. But Carney is mates with Katty, and the BBC loves Obama, therefore…
Apologies if this has been mentioned before:
I thought there must be something more than politics behind the extraordinary sinking of the latest attempt to denigrate Israel via a flotilla of Islamists and their useful idiot assistants in the form of ageing leftie “peace activists.” Turns out there were a bunch of energetic young Israeli lawyers informing anyone assisting the flotilla in any way that they would be likely to face legal complications or simply be sued:
Don’t you just love it?!
Well this week has had 2 pronounced effects
one= I have seen some incite full and clever writing from some very level headed and smart types or my kinda people !.
two= some of the real evil the nasty abusive and cold hearted leftiod mindset has unleashed and probably now feels a bit stupid for !!!
The mother of Rachel Corrie has posted an article in the Guardian’s CIF, bemoaning her daughter’s fate and reproducing the usual stale old “liberal” left cliches about Israel and Palestine.
It’s a terrible thing of course to lose a child, but I’m guessing the last thing Cindy Corrie will ever ask herself is whether she bears any responsibility for her daughter joining the reprehensible ISM, which no doubt helped turn her into a radical, filled with hatred for Israel.
Corrie is in Israel to “confront” a witness in the civil trial brought against the IDF for the death of her daughter. No doubt she never reflects on the fact that such a trial would never take place in any Arab country and certainly not in the “Palestine” she so loves.
I was pleasantly surprised by the comments to the article. Not only was there strong support for Israel from a number of contributors, but those comments got the most recommendations – more than five hundred in some cases.
One comment responded to the title of article – ‘US collusion in the Gaza blockade is an affront to human rights’ – by simply stating this:
The terrorist attacks on Israel are “an affront to human rights.”
Lets hope CiFWatch is on the case.
Poor Rachel Corrie’s mother still thinks her daughter was trying to protect a ‘Palestinian’ home from being bulldozed, when it has been pretty well established that it was actually the entrance to a weapons tunnel.
Hey Sue – remember Kiera Feldman, the left-wing radical activist employed by the BBC to research Ground Zero mosque protesters? Unsurprisngly she’s a huge supporter of the fly- and flo- tillas. It still astonishes me to think that the BBC used her (and for all we know continues to do so.)
The frightening thing is that Rachel Corrie probably thought that she was trying to protect a ‘Palestinian’ home from being bulldozed. Not even seeing the weapons hoisted out of the tunnel would have dissuaded her.
didn’t they name a boat after her?
the st pancake or something?
The Rachel Corrie story really is rather flat these days ?
Thing about these CIF blogs – when the subject is Israel-Palestine they shut them down overnignt and then close them permanently shortly after that.
Most other subjects they allow to go through the night and last a lot longer.
Interesting characters out ‘there’, representing the general public… ish…
Luckily rare.
So Broadcasting House are back in “Derry” and bemoanoing the lack of intergrated schools in the province…will the BBC still let me call it that?
1. Do Paddy O`Connell and “team” all have CRB checks to just go in and blather at primary school kids?
2. Which schools are allowing their kids to be so used-and should we know something about why they`re not learning something other than how to be buttered up by the BBC?
3. They did the exact same piece this time last year-as a child pointedly reminds them-does Paddy or one of his puppet pullers have relatives in the area-and is it their birthday or something?
So-all those years of trouble…all because Tony Blair and Mandelson had not been allowed enough time to turn schools into the states pantie liners like in Bradford, Oldham-indeed anywhere but the Brompton Oratory or Holland Park!
The beeb now so desperate for “latest” pictures of Andy Coulson they’ve taken to filming him loading up his car with his young son and his cricket stuff. Do they think we don’t know what Coulson looks like? What purpose do these latest pictures serve, ‘cept to heap pressure upon his young son?
A cut above the gutter press the beeb, you know?