Vanessa Feltz on BBC London this morning showing up Alastair Campbell for the hypocrite he is. She puts all the big boys on Newsnight, PM, the Today programme, Radio Five Live etc to shame.
UPDATE. Talking of hypocrisy, great stuff from Cityunslicker: “The voice of the people” (h/t George R.)
Diamonds become more valuable for the amount of sh*t one has to shovel through to locate them.
So… whilst applauding, why then is this so rare?
Glad Mr. ‘Buy my book’ Campbell isn’t that bothered about insulting the UK public.
Not speaking for them, then? Ed… thoughts?
Meanwhile… recently… I seem to recall an Indy Editor mentioning ‘shaping the story’ is a pretty rampant BBC obsession.
Many thanks for posting DB
I normally immediately reach for the off button whenever Feltz is involved but that has made me see her in an entirely different light.
On the BBC as well, nothing short of amazing.
How on earth did she manage to get away with that piece of newsworthy, non biased, holding to account, valid and proper line of questioning, highly entertaining interview of that slimy, hypocritical, odious individual?
The BBC really won’t like that, what are the odds on Feltz losing her BBC contract very soon?
She really highlighted just how far her colleagues fall short. I dont think it’s just bias. It’s that Campbell is a very unpleasant individual who will turn nasty if not treated with kid gloves.
The voice of the people
Now that is hilarious, but sadly true. thanks for posting.
Well I hope she has seen the media s$it storm that is going to hit the BBC and it’s pet rags over their insane rantings and commercial/political game playing ! or she just hates the nasty two faced lying git of a mucky book hawker and as yet un-convicted war criminal !.
My moneys on both!
Not bad, however she was a bit slow in the uptake. Or rather she did not follow his gaff whereby he effectively said; ‘I will give you a Robin Cook exclusive but you must not go to the wife for her side of the story’. I fthat is not manipulation then what is?
To be fair, it was likie shooting fish in a barrel seeing that AC is a complete hypocrite and a total c***. (ends it t not k)
I know I should dislike Feltz for past media whorring but I can’t help but find her endearing.
I think Campbell met his match, it’s impossible to land every blow with someone as slippery as Campbell but no one in their right mind believes a word he says, even the party faithfull.
For the dedicated left wingers out there he just represents Labour in the fight against ‘those howwid torwies’ and that imo was ground which Labour lost today……Yeahyyyyyyyyy :0) (good find George R)
Vanessa has gone up in my esteem after this!
Campbell shown up for the venal base scum that he clearly is-and always has been.
His every answer oozed slime and stickiness; and she did the psychic autopsy on this fruitcase.
He wants his book bought and the BBC to keep him in massages, and is ignorant and thoroughly Blairs creature in a footie shirt.
Margaret Cook will already know all this-and her husband is every bit as expendeable as David Kelly and Millie Dowler in the courts of such odious types as Campbell.
Does she grow gonads to graft onto her spineless colleagues at the BBC I wonder…got to be a Gardeners Question Time here!
Thanks for the posting DB…maybe you could be her agent for thr Fox Channel to come!
The bBC, resigning from the Met and half the story.
I’ve noticed the bBC has started hinting that the hiring of Coluson by the PM is a lot worse than the use of Coluson and Mr Wallis by the Met- which led to two senior met officers resigning- however the bBC doesn’t mention that Stephenson accepted £12000 worth of services at a health resort paid for by NI or that Yates ensured that Wallis’s daughter was given a nice comfy job at the Met. There lies the reason these two resigned, they conducted themselves not in the manner becoming of senior police officers and so have fallen on their swords.
Lastly wasn’t there a phonehacking inquiry conducted in 2009 which found NI not guilty of phone hacking, You know that one where coulson spoke to parliament and said he knew nothing about any phone hacking? Now who was in Government when that inquiry took place? Let me see……..
Instead of placing all the cards on the table, the bBC gives the impression that this present government is guilty of allowing phone hacking to take place. Yet the reverse is true and that it has been this government which has gone out of its way to expose the corruption which became endemic under the last-Labour-government.
But you see Pounce, for these purposes, as far as the BBC is concerned, the Conservatives – actually the Thatcher administration – have been in power since 1979. In BBC-land Labour’s period in office was apparently a period marked by governmental impotence while Rupert Murdoch ran amok.
In the BBC narrative, everything is the fault of the Conservatives in general and Mrs T in particular and, if you don’t believe it, here’s Campbell to confirm it. All credit to Vanessa but debunking Campbell is easy – if that’s what a half-way savvy interviewer actually wanted to do. What is genuinely sinister is that not one of the regular interviewer heavyweights at the BBC (eg Humphrys, Marr, Paxman) has ever given Campbell a hard time nor, apparently, wishes to do so.
They’ve only ever sought to give him a hard time over supporting the Iraq war.
empty seats in the yates room….FFS
Fascinating review of the week’s radio in the Telegraph today.
Gillian Reynolds reviews:
Russia – the Wild East (Radio 4)
A Point of View (Radio 4)
Four Thought (Radio 4)
Under Jacques Demy’s Umbrella (Radio 4)
The Dissappeared (Radio 4)
The Hunt For Bin laden (Radio 4)
Cabin Pressure (Radio 4)
Remind me who’s making such a fuss about dominance of the airwaves?
If the BBC are producing programmes of quality to dominate radio I see no problem.
I believe John Anderson though commented on the political bias of the Hunt for Bin Laden programme.
I hope that NI start the mud slinging on the BEEB,Liebore,Cambell,blair.
payback time for all the lies they hid behind.
The committee’s remit was and is to put the boot in the Murdock empire,truth my foot what about the lies blair told he wasn’t under oath why…
Campbell says,”…Tony Blair didn’t want to lose him (Robin Cook) because of SOME SEX SCANDAL”. That is leaving his wife and child at the airport to go off with his mistress becuase Blair told him to make his mind up then and there…”Some sex scandal”? Doesn’t hat just say it all? No shame.
Well done Vanessa. And Dave Robey, the managing editor of Radio London. Stand by her.
Yes, exactly. That dismissive comment shows just how little regard he had for the family and the wife and two children who had their lives devastated in a cruel and heartless way.
I loved Vanessa’s scathing comment when she questioned how he thought he was well served by a story of his machinations to make a man “who left his wife and children at the airport look not as bad as he truly was.”
Well done Vanessa Feltz; finally someone stands up to the bully-boy Campbell. Well done indeed. My admiration for Vanessa Feltz has just gone through the roof.
A note to the producer of the News Quiz: here’s a fellow for you, not funny, not smart, not handsome but he is now famous. Perfect, I’d have thought?
At first I was joking but now I’m sure he’ll pop up beside Jeremy Hardy soon…
Way to go Vanessa. What an unpleasant bully Mr Campbell is when subject to proper scrutiny. Basically Campbell was able to get the headline he wanted from NOWT because at that time, under Rebecca Wade – it was pro-Labour and allowed Campbell to write their stories with them. Now they’re not pro-Labour this sort of thing is bad.
I wonder if British politics will ever wipe itself clean of the mud the likes of Campbell dragged it through from the moment Blair became Labour leader?
I believe Vanessa Feltz gets lots of brickbats here, time for reappraisal?
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