Missing – one carefully constructed narrative. If found, please return to BBC or Guardian.
UPDATE. Do the Germans have a word for the schadenfreude one feels when another person’s schadenfreude turns sour?
Missing – one carefully constructed narrative. If found, please return to BBC or Guardian.
UPDATE. Do the Germans have a word for the schadenfreude one feels when another person’s schadenfreude turns sour?
As I predicted on another blog today, the selective editing of the Commons select committee hearings showed a totally different version of what happened. The Murdochs were open and fully answered everything to the best of their ability. The committee failed to ‘land a single punch’ on them, so the BBC showed a small part where Murdoch showed contrition, and then the bit where he admitted going to see Cameron via the back door of number 10 after Cameron became PM… OMITTING the bit where he stated he often did the same for Brown and Blair. They then finished the report with smear and innuendo.
The BBC led by Gavin Esler on Newsnight (who almost had an apoplectic arrythmia last night on the same subject) are now trying to drag this story into Watergate territory. You can’t make this nonesense up…
I must have been watching another Commons select committee to the BBC this afternoon.
Tossers can’t let thi nonesense go, the bone has no more marrow, but that doesn’t stop them chewing.
Sadly, that’s all we can expect from them..
So the titans in Westminster can`t even secure the safety of an 80 yr old man these days.
Parliament is the new Southern Cross.
We should have suspected that the House of Lords is unable to be sure that its old folk are safe these days.
It didn`t matter what happened-Eddie Mair and his ilk had already written their script beforehand.
James only spoke in Blairspeak-you`d think they`d like that!
Rupert is an old bloke who has lived far more lives, and done far more good to ensure a free press that the slop bucket brigade from Esler to Bryant.
Elder abuse won`t quench the family love and respect that father and son today!
No wonder the BBC hate the whole thing…if they hoped a Farrelly or Prescott would usher in the revolution, God help them.
Pigmies and pipsqueaks who`ve had their day in compost corner…and the Murdochs end up smelling of roses…only the BBC could do this!
That was a good punch though ! Real feisty.
I watched the whole session, James Murdoch came across much more forcefully than had been expected, Rupert seemed genuinely contrite about what had happened in a newspaper that was under 1% of his global empire.
I don’t think there was a single question/answer that implicated either of them in wrongdoing. What seemed clear to me was that senior management – including Reekah Brooks – were acting not just on the view of the Met that there was nothing substantial to what the Guardian had been alleging, but also on view of a senior independent law firm agreeing with this.
Labour members on the Committee are trying to pin things on senior News International management – with Rupert as the ultimate target. Nothing has stuck so far IMHO.
Unfortunately, the Narrative here – and it’s throughout Leftoid media – is too tarnish all media outlets owned by Murdoch with this single brush. It’s pretty easy to do, apparently. The bleeding-heart human interest columnist in the NY Daily News was moaning the other day that he can no longer trust the Wall Street Journal.
Was listening to Michael Savage on this. He ripped into the British media and our wimpy “police service” for letting “Marbles” get his shot in, and tore into the whole unedifying circus in his unique style. Words to the effect that here we have the UK – where Sharia is already practiced, and where we breed our own in-house Islamo-terrorists – yet all the socialist political/media axis wants to do is conduct a Nurenburg trial against the one part of the media not under the Left’s control.
Savage in full vitriolic flow is one mean beast – I’d love to see him on Question Time!
Savage is such a contrast to the left wing pap we get day in and day out from the MSM. To anyone sick to death of the propaganda eminating from the BBC, i.e. most people here, might I suggest giving Savage a listen:
I thought settling out of Court with Gordon Taylor to – apparantly – conceal that it was at least more than one NOWT reporter involved in hacking is potentially incriminating in one form or another, as is the NOWT continuing to pay Pi Mulchair’s legal fees when he pleaded guilty. Carries a strong suspicion of ‘buying silence’.
I have to say, I’ve been watching coverage on BBC News 24 for the last couple of hours and have seen little to gripe about. At variance with what I’ve seen on previous occasions.
News at 10 with Huw Edwards and Nick Robinson on ‘the only story in the world’ and things take a decidedly bent turn in tone and comment.
What a contrast the 2 hours or so coverage I watched under Matthrew Amroliwala. I went from what the BBC shouild be to a cesspit of bias. Nick Robinson is screamingly bent. The whole snide, sneering tone and mispresentations and misleading of the viewer.
What stood out most is the way he sought to falsify the fact that Murdo enterered No 10 by the back door with Brown as with Cameron.
Scuzzo Robinson!
Listened to lots or right-on Socialist types up in London lunchtime today baying for Murdoch’s blood, saying he should be smashed, trampled on, a member of the ruling class to be brought down. Such unbridled hatred and venom, completely disproportionate to the fact however many millions of people freely pay to read and watch News International output. Thats’s what they really can’t stand. It’s all Murdoch’s fault that people buy his papers because he gives them what they want. And he has got rich by doing it. That is what the free market does. They would like to have only the Socialist Worker on the newsstand and BBC as the only source of news.
Thank you Jonny Marbles!
The Aaron Barschak for 2011…and his “career” will probably get him a spot on Radio4 for one episode at least!
Such is the quality of the forces opposed to Murdoch…no wonder the bankers, MPs and police quake at the voice of youth in the form of Uncut UK.
The PM programme managed to use the same quotes for different questions-Watson didn`t even know the name of Brooks PA-Christ, they are DUMB!
Smart enough though to pick our pockets…probably think its their nose!
Jeez the Murdochs handled that well. Mind, having idiots like Paul Farrelly asking questions helped them! Not forgetting Wendi ofcourse!
Nice one.
Rebekah Brooks has just said that she visited Blair and then Brown IN DOWNING STREET – ie on a pretty formal professional basis, not socialising – at least 6 times a year – over many years.
And has NEVER visited Cameron at No 10. Nor has she owned a racehorse with him, or any land, nor does she go horseriding regularly with him – etc etc etc.
Members of the Committee seem to have been firing a lot of blanks today. A lot of them want to eviscerate the Murdochs, Brooks, and NI generally, it is all too blatant – and too damn puny.
The pie man is a posh twat from Winsor
Let’s see if the Beeboids are as charitable about this as they were when Prescott punched that guy who threw an egg at him. Could the BBC double standard be the same as about Wikihacks vs. Prescotthacks?
Comment of the day for me was from Rupert Murdoch wh:
Competition in the media is good for the country but for some it is incovenient
Wonder who he might have been talking about?
@gavinesler Gavin Esler @bbcnews Great lineup for #Newsnight: Earl Spencer brother of Princess Diana; Carl Bernstein @arusbridger Tom Watson Paul McMullen
I make that former NOTW hack Paul McMullan outgunned 4-1 before we even count the Newsnight journos.
Still, with the “Let’s Dance On Murdoch’s Grave” party postponed for now, they’ll probably have to concentrate their fire on No.10 – and frankly I couldn’t give a toss about the Cameroons.
The BBC can try to re inflate a non story just as they have been flogging this non story but its just like a soufle and that confection has collapsed in on itself to leave nothing more than a sludge residue. It turns out that the gutter press had a closer relationship with labour PMs than with Cameron. Not what the leftist instigators want to hear at all.
After all the furious pimping of he said she said spurious and often ridiclous accusations is taken away what is left? The BBC picked up most of its story directly from a left wing MSM and promptly ran with it with no checks as to its voracity. Essentially the BBC output consisted of rumours, smears, unfounded allegations, partisan political spite and all pimped with the usual lack of maturity.
When the BBC has an opportunity to attack its commercial and political enemies they just dont think they attack, the typical actions of the smear merchants they have become. Get the smears in hard and fast and then retreat, all that people remember is the original smears and it has worked for the BBC like a charm with its output on Israel.
Because they live in a tax funded media bubble the BBC has no idea that they have just vividly demonstrated precisely the opposite of what they wanted to achieve; they have provided a textbook demonstration of the arrogance, power, and Leftist agenda of the BBC.
It does not seem to have crossed their mind that the 99.5% of the population who are not Guardian readers are starting to ask themselves why they are being forced to pay for the wages of these greedy, bigoted, hate filled middle class Leftist twats.
Newsnight has just described it as the “Mother of all Scandals”.
Their bias is almost getting funny now.
Howver, Tom Bradby on ITV basically said “calm down dear” he thought everyone was getting hysteical over this story.
I was speaking to someone today who pretty much though the same thing, outside of Milly Dowler is there anyone who has actually been hacked we give a shit about?
Not one of the 9/11 families or 7/7 or dead soldiers have come forwards, not ONE yet the BBC keep repeating these lies as facts.
I really wish ITV would start up its 24 hour news channel again, we need someone doing straight honest reporting.
Sky are as bad as the BBC, probably because they know the BBC and Guardian are watching them. I’ve lost count of leftists on Sky saying well done for your ‘coverage’
I think the BBC would have liked Sky to have been as uninterested in this story as most of us are so they could point their grubby fingers at them and shout “Fox News!”
Sky News has become BBC Newslite, but at least we don’t have to pay for it.
‘Sky News has become BBC Newslite, but at least we don’t have to pay for it.’
Or watch. Never sought a counter to the BBC (in the warped way soem BBCphiles feel its role should be), but…
The viewers looked from LauraK to SophyR, and from Kevin McG to MehdiH… again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
Trying to ingratiate, or for ratings.. whatever the reason, their parroting of critics saying questions need to be asked’ without asking any back of them all, at least for context, has lost me.
The dirt will out,yes m’lud we were told by the liebore government to go easy and here is the email from alistair to back it up.Also we have uncovered the BBC using their monopoly to smear NI so we would like the commision to look at the way it is run,funded etc……one can dream
As some perspective on Murdoch – here is an article from the New York Times of all places “In defense of Murdoch”.
BBC News channel have been running Peston of all people as the main reporter this evening on today’s proceedings.
Focus on slug Tom Watson – of course.
No proper coverage of the fact that independent lawyers advised NI management from 2007 onwards that the problem at NOTW was very limited – and dealt with by the prosecutions.
The BBC keeps interviewing a hostile biographer of Murdoch, he must have picked up thousands in fees this past fortnight – the guy always tries to put the boot in, tries to twist things.
If indeed Rupert and James Murdoch emerge in the clear – and probably Rebekah Brooks too – this will have been high-water mark of the attack on News International.
And in due course – NI will take over BSkyB.
Did anyone else catch Newnight lasti night? In particular the report from former girl guide Mark Urban on drone attacks which under Obama have gone through the roof.
I noticed how little blame Obama personally got off Urban for ordering these attacks, can you imagine if GWB had ordered a huge increase in drone attacks?
The BBC wouldn’t shut up about it.
The BBC usually either tries to shift blame away from their beloved Obamessiah when He has people killed in cold blood without due process of law or plays it way down. When He ordered Bin Laden assassinated without due process of law, Mark Mardell blamed the ugliness of the US public instead. Urban sings from the same hymn sheet The Beeboids have been very, very quiet about the fact that He has invaded more countries and launched targeted assassination drone attacks in more countries than Bush could have dreamt of.
bBC News 24 – Headline that Brooks did not visit Cameron displayed. However as usual did not add the bit Brooks was a regular visitor to Blair and Brown. Bias by DELIBERATE OMMISSION.
Did I tell you lot that I hate them….every last one of them…..beeboid scum.
Smug frothing desperate baying fixated obsessed with that little bit of White foamy spittle that loonies get.
One days coverage encapsulated everything I hate in this corrupt virulent cancerous edifice they call the beeb.
Any pretense to balance was thrown out the window and they let penis and the rest of the rabid diseased attack dogs out on Murdoch.
What was funny was they couldnt let the truth get between them and their prize so they had to make up their own story.
They were ready to defame an eighty year old man with all their blunted wit they tried all day to thrust the dagger into the digger but it bounced off.
What this week really shows is their is an open sore, a canker,in our society, where all is driven by greed arrogance and bullying and until it is disbanded British public life will be forever tainted.
We have no option,
Thought Brooks was very good. Came over as brave yet wounded.
Now why did Tom Watson suddenly disappear when Rebekah Brooks came in to testify?
Could it be that Watson was a little uneasy at the possible direction that Brooks might take when asked about her relationship with Brown. She was asked if Brown had ever put pressure on her not to run a story or indeed run a story favourable to Brown and labour during her many official visits to Brown at No10. She said and I quote “NOT DIRECTLY”. Hmmm! Now could it be that a Brown bunker henchman at the time was the go between, the middleman, the INDIRECT route to put pressure on Brooks not to run or to run a story? Brown tells his flunky to ask Brooks in an INDIRECT way that Brown would be ‘grateful’ if some puff piece misdirection story could be placed in her gutter rag or a damaging story pulled in favour of another insider story scoop gratefully supplied in an INDIRECT manner.
Now we do know that labour was famous for its burying of bad news, its close relationship with the gutter press, its dirty tricks and smear campaigns against the Tories and we know that Watson was a central figure during the downfall of McBride. Now Watson might have just got tired or fancied a quick snack/meal or had a prior engagement.
Watson went missing on both interviews, the first to buy the can of shaving foam, the second to dispose of the evidence.
But Cassandra, how fascinating is all this. This is stuff that had completely passed me by. I’ve just googled ‘Tom Watson McBride’ and have come up with intriguing stuff that shows just how much in the gutter Mr Watson is.
Why on earth, when Miliband is so keen on exploiting this issue to attack Cameron, aren’t the whips getting MPs to come on the airwaves to point out Miliband’s grubby relationship with Brown in the years when he and his henchmen such as Tom Watson were dragging British politics through the gutter.
Oh, but that might make the BBC *angry. Can’t have that. People might start to think its the Prime Minister who should govern the country, not the BBC.
We will NEVER be informed of any of this by the BBC, they know it all but it spoils the narrative. If Watson was a Tory we would have his entire life story from birth, every sordid relationship, every dirty secret.
The BBC has a set narrative Hippie and it does not and never has included telling the truth. They are lying cheating scum out to smear and attack their enemies, this entire charade is about hurting their enemies.
Tom Watson is a lying hypocritical expenses thieving cheat but the BBC needs him to be a hero so his past is airbrushed whiter than white.
The reluctance of Cameron and his ilk to take the fight to the BBC shows their cowardice and why I may never vote Conservative again. What;s the point in voting for a party that is just Blue labour. This country needs a change in direction and Cameron is not able to give it.
The left justifies the attack on Murdoch?
Unbelievable…oh, hang on, it’s MSNBC…par for the course then.
MSNBC is owned by GE, and the CEO of GE is now the Jobs Czar for The Obamessiah. What a shock that Fox News is MSNBC’s arch-nemesis. No conflict of interest there. Just like the BBC.
Thanks DP, I didn’t know that but suspected something of the sort!
Was Immelt one of the giggling schoolgirls sat with Obama when they recently laughed and joked about the bad employment figures, stating that the new jobs were not as “shovel-ready” as they had hoped?
Well, at least now we see Nicky Campbell’s true colors when he’s not pretending to ask challenging questions in that Serious Concern voice.
What’s the odds that if/when Piers Morgan appears the BBC will find something so much more important to push up the news agenda … like a cat stuck up a tree in the Scilly Isles?
Or maybe a tree stuck up a cat. I’d be interested in that.
Would that make a pussy bark?
the cross hairs are on tom watson and brown,NI will ack like a dog with a bone,no wonder tom went missing.BBC will soon drop the story like a ton of bricks when GB,Bliar,Mcbride are all questioned about the press and the liebore party…About time
Forgot to mention that this morning on the Spy paper review some woman was on who was commenting as to why Cameron was poncing around Africa.
Her words “He’s trying to make the Tory party look nice and cuddly and not the nasty party anymore, he’s trying to please the left”
She thought he was wasting his time.
Blimey I thought she’d been reading my comments here.
Cameron is as bad as McBust, pissing away my money on people who are a wasre of time for the most part and just hoping the Guardian and BBC will love him.
Wristband politics chugger Cameron! He can’t connect with anything on his pointless mission to deny he is a Tory Toff Twat. Which is exactly what he is. But there is nothing wrong with that – unless you are a foaming at the mouth Marxist loon. The middle–class left-wing pricks in the media were mostly born into Tory Twatdom, like public school educated Marcus Brigstocke.
Cameron needs to get a grip. It’s OK to be a Conservative. Conservative principles liberate people from life-long servitude to The State, where the Labour-recruiting sargeants want them.
Oh, and memo to Prickstocke: On this side of the Atlantic it’s “Arsehole” NOT “Asshole.”
If you ever need an aide-memoire, just look for your description in the 2011 edition of the “Who’s Who Of Big Talentless Yet Strangely Omnipresent Lefty Twats”.
Trade description act: Presenter Huw Edwards said go to the bBC website for an accurate description of what has gone on today. They have the bloody cheek to use the word accurate.
Newsnight is elevating this to Watergate status now. The Conservatives will be completely insane if they do not go to war with the Beeb after this whole sorry charade.
I agree, but the “conservatives” are not running the country.
Newsnight’s viewership is falling.
But like the Graun will eventually plateau when those in the BBC media monopoly and its groupies are required to support it no matter what.
Certainly getting in default ‘guest’ panels to ‘debate’ issues on a partisan-rigged basis that makes QT seem the soul of impartiality is being noticed, and not in a good way.
But, oddly, they seem to be either unaware or not care.
A side issue which illustrates the instinctive mindset of the BBC, at this time and the left philosophy which underpins this can be seen, in of all places, the Business section.
The News Corp share price has risen steadily all day. Possibly to the consternation of some at the business desk who have clearly been hunting for a bit of the Murdoch action.
“Shares in News Corporation recovered ground after Rupert and James Murdoch’s appearance in front of a committee of British MPs.
At the close of trading in New York, News Corp shares were 6% higher.
The move recovers some of the losses sustained as the phone-hacking scandal at its newspaper title, the News of the World, has unfolded.”
But then in the fourth paragraph, the information they were just gagging to get out. Held in preparation but now slightly off key.
“But pressure on the company continues, with another major shareholder questioning the company’s standards.”
Who are these major shareholders?
The BBC gives us two. One and a bit actually.
First the big one.
California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERs)
Calpers has a problem It is politicised. Prides itself on its ‘activism’ and seemingly is drawn towards the……Democrats
“The California Public Employees Pension System steered $700 million in investment capital to a wealthy financier who has donated more than $600,000 to Gov. Gray Davis and thousands more to officials who serve on the CalPERS board, according to state records.
According to the records, in the past year the CalPERS board has twice voted to make multimillion-dollar cash infusions in venture capital funds controlled by billionaire financier and supermarket magnate Ron Burkle of Los Angeles.
He is a heavy-hitting political donor with close ties to Davis and other top Democrats, including CalPERS board members San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown and state Treasurer Phil Angelides.”
San Francisco Chronicle.
The bit shareholder is the Nathan Cummings Foundation.
There is a political dimension here, too.
“In addition, the Policy makes no provision for providing investors with the strategic rationale underlying News Corporation’s political spending, something that is particularly important given the Company’s history of controversial contributions such as the much-publicized payments to the Republican Governors Association (RGA) and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in 2010.” states the Foundation
Needless to say both bodies are still invested but clearly, too have a political axe to grind with News Corp.
That the BBC has informed itself of the views of these bodies as representative of:
” pressure on the company continues, with another major shareholder questioning the company’s standards.”
is laudable.
But, as ever, a little digging, reveals who the BBC is sympathetic to. Who’s agenda gives a voice to.
If the ‘shareholders don’t like the dividends and capital appreciation provided by News Corp, perhaps they should…..sell.
But they haven’t.
The BBC is the voice of the liberal left.
Sorry about the punctuation. Been to the dentist today. She’s nice but she has to do what she has to do.!
RGH: It’s from postings like yours and Preiser’s and Vance’s etc that the strangest thing has happened: I’m beginning to visit this site for NEWS not just rants. Facts – facts – facts – we need them! keep up the good work.
By the way David, the Germans do qualify that ‘Schadenfreude’ that turns sour as:
“Voreilige Schadenfreude’
Premature Schadenfreude as in “premature ejaculation” and potentially just as maddening. Hee Hee.
Listening to a report now from Nick Robinson, and I have to say, that while his assertion about James Murdoch’s evidence may or may not be true, comparing his reporting to the balance of that of Matthew Amroliwala that I was watching earlier this evening, I have absolutely no confidence in the journalistic integrity of Mr Robinson to take his word for it.
Listen to Toenails at 6PM then turn over at 6:30 and listen to Tomy Bradby on ITV, you’d think they were reporting from different planets.
Toenails hasn’t got a clue
BBC-NUJ ‘Newsnight’ branch’s sorcerer’s apprentice, ‘UK UNCUT’, ironically spoit the ‘get Murdoch’ show for BBC-NUJ today.
‘Newsnight’ has done its utmost to politically nurture ‘UK Uncut’s direct action occupations of shop and offices, and confrontations with police.
On 31 January, ‘Newsnight’ assisted ‘UK Uncut’ to make a political propaganda film about itself. The programme where Paxman used the ‘c’ word:
And since then, ‘Newsnight’s Marxist Father of the Chapel, Paul Mason has been a participant observer with the group in March.
And, of course, like BBC-NUJ, the ‘Guardian’ politically empathises with the occupation of people’s private property, (as long as it’s not its own), and with the actions of ‘UK Uncut , and Mr. May-‘Marbles’ Bowles.
“The Guardian spent three months following members of UK Uncut, an anti-cuts protest group. One of their founders is Jonathan May-Bowles, aka Jonnie Marbles, who was arrested after attacking Rupert Murdoch at the phone-hacking hearing.”
Where’s Dezzie?
I would have thought he would be over here to gloat how well they’ve done by now. Oh, wait….
BBC World Service is still running the Murdoch saga as its lead story.
Is this really the biggest story in the world ? How about the US debt crisis, for example ? Seldom any mention of that !
It is the lead story for the left so it is the lead story for the BBC, simples 😀 .
A lot is being made of strange relationships. Rightly-so.
Via Order-order…
‘I also tried to tell one policeman after another that I’d spent the day sitting alongside them, that there was a group of four of them, and another, smartly dressed man who appeared to have been involved with them and organizing them, but they weren’t interested. Just wanted us all out.
I told Nick Robinson. I told Nick Davies. I told as many of the other journos I could see what I knew. You should tell the police, they said. But they don’t want to know, I said. I went back and had another try. No dice. The police just wanted the public out of the area. I went into the room where the journos where being allowed to wait to re-enter the meeting– the public were excluded after the attack.’
Her account may or not be accurate. But no different to the ‘source’ stories one is fed hourly.
I’d simply like to know more.
A BBC talking head yesterday evening was saying that Murdoch’s performance was likely to knock the ahre price down.
BBC “expertise” at its very best ! In fact the share price surged back on Wall Street as the hearing progressed – especially after Wendi’s right hook.
The lefties have been trying to mount a case that the Murdochs, Rebekah Brooks et all are “not fit and proper persons” to run BSkyB – that is the real target, of course. So far, nothing I have seen suggests that any fair view would deem them as unfit, not proper. They gave a candid and suitably contrite account yesterday.
Murdoch will win BSkyB in the end. The political fuss will die down – and it will then be a purely legal matter
The real villains in the matter seem to me to be the police, they failed to investigate properly. The Home Affairs Committee report this morning focusses much more harshly on the Met than on the Murdochs.
Great quote I saw the other day by Rupert Murdoch – “I don’t focus on market share, I focus on creating new markets.
Radio 4 just carried an phone interview with a US investor in NI. He kept saying that they have been happy long term with their investment, Rupert has an awesome commercial record, everyone in the UK attacked James when he was put in charge of BSkyB but he has delivered very impressive results in terms of profits and balance sheet……. Quick end to the call !
I bought BSkyB shares at 6.95 and now already ahead of the game. Thanks you left-wing morons – more of the same please.
Awesome. Please keep us posted on that score.
‘A BBC talking head yesterday evening was saying that Murdoch’s performance was likely to knock the share price down. ‘
‘News based on what the BBC likes to think should be vs. what is actually happening, being one reason few take much they come out with seriously.
We had Peston on Today this morning explaining why the share price went up. Apparently it’s because Murdoch Snr was so doddery the investors think it’s more likely he’ll be given the push.
Reminded me of global warming. If it gets warmer, it’s proved. If it gets colder, it’s also proved.
they are such a bunch of simps,they really are
Just before Peston, Trevor Kavanagh attacked the Beeb for its gleeful coverage of this. Where are the Tory MPs doing the same? Just what is the matter with them?
Dame Nikki Campbell has just been on Radio 5 talking to former plodJohn O’Connoer.
Dame Nikki couldn’t stop sniggering over the pie in the face minute, Dame Nikki then suggested that the pie man was actually a put up job from he Murdoch’s.
‘Dame Nikki then suggested that the pie man was actually a put up job from he Murdoch’s’
Being that I got a comment erased for being ‘potentially libellous’ for taking to task a comment on the BBC website saying just this (Using the BBC Newnight URL as evidence that a NI link was unlikely), I’d love the BBC staff and cherry vultures to explain their ‘institutional view’ on this… and how responsibility does not extend right up to the top on this one.
weeks of wall to wall crap masquerading as reorting,trying to blacken the Murdochs and NI
after yesterday,I have 4 words in net meme speak
bBC -you haz FAIL!!!!
what’s that sound I hear?
must be rabid lefties feeling deflated I think…..
BBC Radio 5 Live: Keeping it going for another day.
Baroness Nicky (Miliband’s first honours list and it will be awards all round for the BBC surely?) some Guardian hack (need I say more?) and Quentin Letts (doing his comedy thing).
They all seemed a bit disappointed that the select committee couldn’t have been more of a lynching. So they concentrated on the custard pie action.
The only thing of substance that can come out of all this is whether the cops backed off due to political pressure after the royal phone hacking convictions – and that was on Labour’s watch.
The fact that some cops might to shown to have been on the take will look messy – but won’t shock any realistic observers.
However, the damage is done. The BBC has ramped up the pervasive atmosphere of socialistic sentiment. They are careful never to use words like Marxism or Socialism but they constantly pillory the ‘evil bankers’, ‘evil Tories’ and the ‘evil Murdoch gutter press’.
Job well done BBC and I’m sure we’re all feeling half way to utopia.
Share price goes up?…some double barrelled name tosser who founded UK Uncut and is a BBC reporter(having done a piece for Newslight back in late January) attacks an 80 year old bloke in the halls of Westminster?…Campbell lashed by Vanessa Feltz?…Brigstocke sniffing sugar by the muesli all huffy?…Kavanangh tells us all what the game is as Sarah Montague is reading ahead on her script?
These are better days!…now lets see how the BBC paid for Marbles…and lets get Yates back to look into the Cash for Honours scandal of 2006 with Prescott, Campbell getting the turd degree from Murdochs appointeees…then something good might come out of this whole sorry mess(sad eyes to camera!).
Oh yes-because the BBC are involved in market rigging of NI shares…and aiding and abetting home grown terrorism with Brand and Marbles attacking pensioners-then it would be criminal of any of us to fund illegality with our license fees!
Think the BBC needs to be broken down into its smaller parts-then let the Langworthy lads smash it to a pulp so Fox News can “create a new start!”
Stretford and Urmston Journal maight hire Jo Coburn…the rest of them will be Aldis/Asda greeters and trolley supervisors…if they`re lucky.
Pensions back so we can fund hospices and hospital radio perhaps…oh yes, good times!
Imagine…Lennon would hope for nothing less!
There is a feeling now that the BBC storm has passed it peak – you can sense the dissapointment of the BBC that Murdoch has got away. As the BBC attempts to show the closeness between Brookes/Cameron seems to be in tetters – no meeting at No.10, no horse-riding together, etc, whilst it turns out that Ruprects big mate was actually er…. Gordon Brown Labour desperate to kepp the story going now making up more stories about Royals. Also turns out Coulson salary wasn’t funded by News International. Hopefully, someone will ask why does the BBC treat unfounded gossip as news.
Just had a conversation with a NY Liberal who was expressing the de rigeur outrage at how Murdoch had destroyed newspapers and turned them all into tabloid rags, etc. I asked if the Wall Street Journal was now an awful tabloid, and the person had no idea nasty Uncle Rupert owned it. That didn’t cause any internal questioning. Imagine my laughter when she then said that the only good papers were the NY Times and the London Times.
The bien pensant NY Liberal (very intelligent, Mensa member, etc.) had no idea Uncle Rupert owned that, either. I casually mentioned that he couldn’t have destoryed everything if she had been reading the London Times and hadn’t noticed a drastic decine.
I doubt this revelation will cause too much introspection either, but one can always hope.
That the tosser of the pie into Ruperts face is and was a BBC stooge who was the star of some UK Uncut puffery on Newsnight(31/1/11) ought to stall the BBCs clapped out charabanc up on bricks by Broadcasting House…if they had any sense!
But as they don`t-expect the BBCs commissioning of this double barrelled street artist to come back and slap them very hard!
Newsnight just need reminding…that`s all!
Let Paxman buy shaving foam for his own use for once!
‘Newsnight just need reminding…that`s all! ‘
But…they seem keen on modding out such stuff.
To be fair, mine was included in a reply to a bloke trying to claim the pie man was a NI stooge and it was a PR set-up.
This former was deemed ‘potentially libellous’, and any reference expunged from the record.
Now… I find a BBC employee, one N. Campbell, may have said the exact same, potentially libellous, thing, out loud too.
But I am sure he was.. all together now… ‘only joking’.
Thing is, I am not laughing, as this excuse, applied to another, was used to censor my legitimate comment, using BBC URLs.
That is a wee bit too… unique in a free speech environment.