First things first. All decent people will be horrified at what has happened in Oslo last evening. The atrocious terrorist act is beyond words and the loss of so many lives devastating. And now I turn to the BBC coverage.
Within hours of the breaking news the BBC was very quick to repeat comment that the culprit was a “tall blonde man” perspective, followed this morning by “fundamental Christian” and “far-right.” The words “Timothy McVeigh” also have been repeated on every news loop. Now, I don’t think there is anything WRONG per se with providing us with this information so promptly but I contrast this with those OTHER acts of terrorism where the culprits were Islamists and the BBC were extremely reluctant to provide us with similar backgrounds preferring to use euphemisms. As someone who professes a Christian faith, I also vehemently dispute BBC use of “fundamentalist Christian” to describe the killer. There is a commandment all Christians are instructed to follow – “Thou shalt not kill”. Anyone carrying out this sort of savagery is a lunatic in flagrant denial of Christian values. Of course the BBC hates Christians, it loathes anything vaguely “right-wing” and so in a sense it is feeding of this atrocity and advancing its own hateful meme. Thoughts?
The bBC is loving this, simply because they now have a foil to bring out whenever somebody refers to Islam as a violent faith.
To me it looks like somebody sick to death of the leftwing, liberal mindset of the Norwegian government (Labour party) is the reason it was targeted. AUF the labour youth party has aligned itself with Hamas, condemned Israel every chance its gets and has pressed charges against a member of Parliament for speaking out against Islamic Immigration. I won’t say its a wake up call, but when folks sick of the Anti-western drivel promoted by the left decide to murder so many, then questions have to be asked about the reasons why. Instead the bBC as per usual goes down the nasty evil Christian angle in which to avoid asking those questions.
The BBC are always fond of telling us that Islamic terrorism is ‘our fault’. Somehow, I dont see them trying to convince us it was the fault of Norway’s ‘Labour Youth’ what befell them.
The only reason why anyone commits acts of evil like this, whether they be Muslim or Nazi, is because they’re scum. No other reason.
The BBC are always lighning fast in giving primetime airtime to islamofascists to claim provocation by the west but you can bet the farm that the BBC will never ever allow the views or reasoning of the killer(s) to be aired.
If the terrorist has described himself as a ‘fundamentalist Christian’ it would be fair to report that that’s how he’s described himself. If they’re just calling him a ‘fundamentalist Christian’ because he’s posted ‘Christian’ as his religion, than that’s just the BBC exploiting an act of evil to commit an act of evil of its own.
When Muslims commit acts of terrorism the BBC never calls them ‘fundamentalists’, in fact enough times they go out of their way to draw a complete distinction between being a fundamentalist Muslim and a terrorist.
Let’s see how this plays out. Unfortunately, if the past is anything to judge by, one doesn’t anticipate the BBC covering itself in glory.
Well, from what I’ve heard, he described himself as a Christian and a conservative. Where the Beeboid Corporation got Christian fundamentalist from I don’t know. Probably just lifted it from the shelf of stock phrases that they keep to hand. Saves them from having to think too much or bother with unimportant things like accuracy.
I suspect BBC has its own left-wing version of “Predictive Text” on their PCs, which inserts the relevant adjective without having to type it. “Right” automatically become “Far Right”
The BBC and their islamofascist friends must be wetting their panties in delight right now, the obvious angle will be ‘look its not just islam that perpetrates violence’ and now every time someone dares to call out islamofascism the BBC will be on hand to point out this example as though it somehow absolves islam of blame.
BTW is it surprising that pissed off angry people with no power to change things are looking at the example of direct action by islamofascism are are beginning to copy the ideal of ‘kill kill kill’?
The biggest mistake the liberal fascists made was the urge to tolerate the intolerant, to try and treat murderous vermin as though they had a valid point. Somehow I dont think the left/liberal chattering classes are going to be as sympathetic or as understanding this time.
The BBC describes fundamentalist Muslim terrorists as “insurgents” , “militants” or “dissidents”. Insurgent sounds like a detergant , dissidents sounds like or a stomach upset. No such delicacy with the Norwegian fruit cake.
This is Christmas and all their birthdays in one for the BBC. Now if anyone dares to doubt the ‘religion of peace’ then this Islo attack will be brought up oshow that ‘all religions have their extremists’. Ignore the relative number of attacks, ignore the vicious genoicidal hatred pumped out by Islamic regimes and terrorist groups on a daily basis and concentrate and concentrate on one isolated event. The BBC were muted in their initial coverage of these attacks but now will be in full flow.
This is a vile and despicable act by a seriously disturbed indivudual. However I am also concerned aside from the way the BBC has identified this person as “fundamentalist” Christian but also the way that the BBC interviewer today Kate Siilverton made a great deal of effort to get an eye witness to confirm that the perp was dressed “like a nazi” oh and ther eis the fact that news photos have shown the perp wearing a Masonic apron. Something stinks here.
Yes you could almost hear the glee from Radio 5 that it’s a “tall blonde white man”.
Cries of “YES”” all round TV centre oh and no holding back about his politics and no sympathy from the BBC about how he might feel wronged about all those foreigners in his lands.
Strange that whenever muslims set fire to a church full of Christians , as has happened on several occasions in the last few years, the bbc completely downplay it, whereas this gets the full Murdoch monty.
As has been pointed out already, ‘far right wing’ always gives a beeboid a hard on.
Stand by for phase 2, beeboids will trot out sid & dorris bonkers, from the ‘gun control network’ – beeboids never miss an opportunity to plug their pro gun control agenda.
“Christian fundamentalism” being repeated over on the BBC. No softfooting here from the BBC.
BBC line taken from quotes attributed to those well known political analysts, a “friend”, and a Police Chief (Labour appointed mouthpiece) who share with us their definition of right wing extremism, as “nationalistic” (proud of his country, with a hint: “anti-muslim”), christian and conservative.
That probably decribes a couple of million Norwegians, none one of whom have gone around slaughtering young socialists or planting car bombs.
Initial comment worlwide focussed on the usual suspects – Islamic Extremism – I wonder why? Perhaps because they are the ones most commonly associated with these action. Turns out otherwise.
Instead a golden opportunity for the Beeb to slander their ideological opponents – “the Right”.
I am betting real dosh that it won’t take long before they start linking the ”far-right” nature of the bomber and the influence of ”right-wing” Murdoch and NI. They will become one blurry malign mass that the ever unbiased BBC will feel compelled to defend against with foam-flecked vitriol and faux outrage.
So we will now see the BBC kick off full exploitation mode, i.e. exploiting 91 dead people, for their own political ends. You can guarantee that they will pretend this is a typical example of how violent the “right” are.
Whatever their politics, these 91 people were innocent and did not deserve this. The self-righteousness that will come from the left about what is, after all, a single crazy person will be sickening to behold. Someone above says their Christmases will have come all at once that there is a tragedy that they can exploit.
speaking as an atheist, I think you will find very few Christian groups supporting this carnage, but you are always able to find Muslims dancing in teh street when an act is commited by one of their own number, e.g. 9/11. That’s why this man cannot be claimed as representing Christians as he doesn’t.
If he claims he did what he did because Jesus Christ is his risen Lord and Saviour than we can safely say what he’s done is a gross aberration of his ‘faith’. 99,99% of Christians would say so.
That’s not quite the case when Muslims commit such acts in the name of their faith. Those who ‘condemn’ oftentimes speak out of both sides of their mouth.
Should the terrorism of the Baader Meinhoff gang and Red Brigades tarnish people on the left? Well, let’s see. These leftist terrorists commited joint terror acts with the PLO, and now the generation who could be found with RAF posters on their walls have a propaganda alliance with Hamas and seek to dehumanise Israelis.
There’s never any equivocation from Christians in condemning fringe lunatics who commit atrocities in the name of the Christian faith. Not so clear cut on the Left or with Islam. I do hope the unholy alliance doesn’t try to spin too much out of the actions of this monster. It will say far more about them if they do.
Imagine the BBC still rage at the Christian B&B owners, even though they “won” their case.
Christians could never do right in Beebland, unless Rowan Williams sets about the Tory toffs in their chosen red rags(New Statesman etc)…or welcomes sharia,women bishops(no don`t ask how he squares those two-but the BBC will porvide the earplugs and tumbleweed!).
In short-I`ve not heard the Christian bit and were it to be so-I`d go to church twice tomorrow!
If the BBC hate you-you`re on the side of the angels in all cases these days!
The bit in the Gospels wheree Jesus mentions millstones for those who harm children etc should certainly have been known to this creep…but so too should abusing priests and cBBCers too have leaned it before they did their worst.
In the case of cBBC -they still do.I wouldn`t bother telling them though-or else they`ll only do it all the more!
In short-watch and pray…I`d not watch the BBC though!
I abhor this act and would wish the gravest punishment on the perpetator. However my reason for adding this comment on the BBBC blog is to agree with the sentiment that this will no doubt be reflected in warped reporting by the state media. I am minded that after Sep 11, the BBC was quite content to run a panel question programme full of venom for the US government and the fact that the US somehow deserved what they got. I ponder if the BBC will be equally reflective here in taking a stance that criticises an immigration policy and the outcome it may have provoked – I don’t think so.
That programme wa swhat finally sent me into the “more anti than pro BBC” group. I sat open mouthed and even went red with embarrassment imaginging what any US viewer would think. I was ashamed and physically shaken (I am not exaggerating). I have hated Dimbledork ever since.
Could only be a Tanweer or a Michael Ryan type-event.
Yet just like you above, I too contrast the timidity to speculate on any Islamic link to any such event-at best they`ll be “Asian” and the word Muslim needs pliers to be extracted. I contrast it with the rush to”far right links” of the murderer…and ceaselessly telling us that the victims were from the Labour Party…as if there might be some purchase in carrying over to here.
Miliband and Balls will be looking for links to their own Party to get some sympathetic coverage…after Millie Dowler , the dead can now be used for political gain.
There won`t be any attempt either to justify his atrocity with the regular belittling, demonisation of the Right…had he been a Mislim, the BBC would already be making all required excuses-maybe a Norwegian sold the 7/7 nutjobs with watered-down peroxide or something equally scathing of the white west!
It`s an outrage-and the BBC have a lot to blame themselves for when our first instincts have to be…why Labour, why right wing, why Olaf Palme etc, etc…
God bless the poor families and people involved. Un Human Rights Law will get the bloke off in some way soon ,no doubt as well!
That’s right as someone who opposed both the Iraq war and Afghanistan no one can justify such acts.
This should however, be a wake up call to western Governments that there is a build up of anti Muslim feeling, in the UK it’s just a few loons in the EDF but Europe has generally always had more extreme elements on both the left and right.
The left in the UK is far more violent and hate filled than the right is, but the BBC only ever concentrate on the so called right wing extremism.
“I think you will find very few Christian groups supporting this carnage”
To be accurate (although pedantic) you will find no (none – zero) Christian groups defending this – if you find one I will go on a pilgrimage to Mecca.
This is not an act of terrorism (it has no political or religious purpose) it is a psychopath with a gun. Any justification he produces is irrelevant because it is irrelevant. It is about as relevant as his taste in music.
If you want an explanation, ask why so many males like to watch films or play computer games where the hero goes around shooting people with guns. He is simply acting out that fantasy in real life.
As regards the shooting of youth, a lot of these computer game style shooters end up either turning the gun on themselves or go down in a hail of gunfire, as befits the “game over” meme. I am suprised he let himself be taken alive, in the light of what he did. Disturbing.
In my opinion this is partly right.But this is an act of terrorism as it does contain a political motive- the state and the ruling party were the targets.
Popular culture does play its part-you mentioned music, and I am speaking as a fan of punk, metal, industrial and techno, some people are influenced by what is produced by some acts-and take their words in a quite literal sense.
Some artists have a rather paranoid worldview (take Skrewdriver,or some extream metal and industrial acts) and combine them with sexy rock n roll attitude-then that is a powerful combination.
All political groups are aware of this connection with popular culture (Remember Bill Clinton and Fleetwood Mac? Tony Blair and “Cool Britannia” Live Aid?) and extreme political organizations are no different.
But it is not just music that fuels the rather paranoid vision of the world-many TV Dramas, Computer games, films and art have dystopian themes to them. If you think about it the make great stories and explore the darker side human condition.
I am not for one moment saying “Judus Priest” made him do it-but for groups and individuals, if all you are exposed to is this immersive, paranoid world of corrupt Government agents, secret societies, black ops etc coupled with I suspect been apocalypitic and fatalistic vision and the drive to be “somebody” and be “different”-then like the 9/11 or 7/7 bombers, or Timothy Mcviegh or David Copeland his statement is “propaganda by deed” which is what terrrorism is all about.
The challenge for society is to provide the counter-arguments (banning it simply drives it underground). As I said in a previous post, these groups do share an end of the world ethic and see conspiracy everywhere-it how we combat that world view that we should be thinking about.
Like the post but he targetted the Norwegian Labour Party, so it appears, in two separate attacks. A psycopath with a gun, sure, but this is what terrorists are.
When i turned News 24 on this morning, the first words I heard were, “He was a Christian, a blonde haired Christian!”
I mean, what further evidence do you need to prove that he’s a Nazi? It wouldn’t surprise me if he was a football fan too!
I like the way that they’re trying to portray this kind of lunatic as the polar opposite of Islamic terrorists, when in fact they’re just two sides of the same coin.
Exactly right; as Ron Todd says on the open thread: “Right wing terrorist group and Islamic terrorits are not mutually exclusive sets.”
The BBC “suspect” page has:
“…suggest that he has some political traits directed toward the right, and anti-Muslim views”
“Little is currently known about him apart from what has appeared on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter – and these entries appear to have been set up just days ago.
On the Facebook page attributed to him, he describes himself as a Christian and a conservative.”
Nothing else, just those two entries?
P.S. it does also mention bodybuilding and freemasonry.
Mein Kampf is a very popular book amongst Muslims. This article takes a nice little swipe at the BBC too:
I think there is a pervasive media culture-both in the “fringe media” and “MSM” that rather than reporting the “facts”, it reports with conspiracy theories
Lets us consider Mr Alex Jones
It’s all there: FEMA “Death Camps”/CIA false flag operations/an Illuminati conspiracy/Princess Diana murdered because “she knew too much”/ Bohemian Grove/ UN shadow Government/911 was an “inside job”, etc….
“Loose Change” suggests much the same thing, as well as David Icke, and by extension so do terrorist groups ranging from al-Qaeda, Aryan Nations to Revolutionary Organization 17 November and Aum Shinrikyo.
Books like the Turner Diaries or Ma’alim fi’l-tareeq (Milestones), Mein Kampf, and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion do well because they provide a simple narration to explain complex world events.
People believe them because they no longer feel empowered or have ownership in their society, thats why the likes of Alex Jones or the jihadist movement do so well.
The MSM also reinforce this worldview. Since merging news reporting with current affairs,simply “telling the facts” is no longer a requirement-everything must be “in context”. This means everything is now through a prism of bias-either left or right, and because “a good story sells”- conspiracy theories flourish.
The “rich and powerful of the ruling elite” (funny how Marxist class warfare analogies are ever present, even in non-Marxist beliefs) are out to enslave the rest of us. Nothing is what it seems, and everything is a construct to sustain “the system”.
The stuff reported by B-BBC is simply reporting on the BBC’s own pet theories,through its own centre left interpretation.
The problem is that while it is healthy in the main- discourse and debate are essential in a democratic society- it is also provides the cause célèbre for people who revel in thoughts of “cleansing” society of its ills and creating “utopia”- something that both the National, International Socialists wanted to achieve.
As a Bible-believing Christian, elder at an evangelical church, evangelist and lay preacher (i.e. I know my Bible a bit), I can assure the BBC that this murderous lunatic does not know the ‘fundamentals’ of Christianity. The BBC will have to provide a link between his actions and Jesus’ teaching to justify their usage of the term ‘fundamentalist Christian’ (don’t hold your breath folks).
Oh, he describes himself as a ‘Christian’ on facebook or twitter does he? Whoop-de-do. Theological terms must be defined else they are useless and we forever talk past one another.
May the true God (and I don’t mean Allah) grant his peace and comfort to the families of the victims of this depraved man.
It certainly smells like someone with a major grudge against the ruling Labour Party; a violent anarchist or even a Nordic supremacist.
Tags such as ‘right-wing fundamentalist Christian’ help no one, especially as details about the suspect and his motives are sketchy, at best. The media – and blogs – are better off keeping their powder dry.
As should certain self-publicists.
Anjem Choudary hinted that the attacks were reprisals by Muslims. He Tweeted, “The Norwegian regime & Stoltenberg should not have sent their troops to kill Muslims in Afghanistan or mistreated the scholar Mullah Krekar!”
It seems Choudary was wrong, as usual, and he should apologise for his anti-Muslim statements.
From the BBC live page – Via Twitter The Sunday Times’s Camilla Long I am DISGUSTED by intrusiveness of cameras on Utoya, especially Sky News just now. Barely pixellated pictures of teenagers in bodybags = WRONG#
The very same images the BBC were showing from Sky too?
I’d like to know where this christian fendamentalist thing comes from, all I’ve heard is that he had an issue with the Labour party.
You’d think someone who was anti Muslim might have blown up a Mosque or gunned down Muslims in a street?
I my opinion Martin, I think this guy may well of had a more anti-Government grievence than say a religous point to make.
Which is why the “Christian Fundamentalist” thing may well be being over played-remember there is a political context to this, and without sounding cynical, I think the Government’s media managers might want to focus on this angle (rightly or wrongly) in order present an narration regarding this man’s views or background (putting their side of the story first). It is natural to contrast your side with the other-and remember many are personally involved in the story as friends and relatives are the targets.
Until we hear directly from the suspect we cannot say for sure why he did this-but I do believe he is very paranoid.
A possible ‘catalyst’ is that someone who made a speech at a party conference against Muslim immigration had a criminal complaint made against him by Norway’s ‘Labour Youth’.
‘Catalyst’ or not, this does not excuse the fact that someone who does what this guy has done is just a scumbag.
Censorship is on its way, now all we Christians and right-wingers worldwide are shown up as even more evil tha Al Q, Hezbolla, Hamas, Talibam the 7/7 killers, the 21/7 would-be killers, the Glasgow airport rotiesserie bombers… et bloody cetera.
I don’t think so………
Yes there will be some on the left saying “look how nasty the right-wing are” and revert to tribal tub-thumping, but the more thoughtful of us (both on the left and on the right) will be asking themselves why is it a social democratic country, with a very high standard of living (the fact that he appears to come from a middle class background-and is the product of state education), which is the political model that many on the centre-left aspire to, has produced individuals and groups that hold neo-Nazi viewpoints?
Perhaps Polly Toynbee can answer that-afterall is Scandinavia a utopic society where everybody is equal?
The Muslim connection: not the action but the reason for it?
Most early reports on Oslo bombing, including the ‘Guardian’, referred to Islamic jihad threat. It is understandable: there is a real and present danger of such an attack in Norway.
The ‘Independent’ has this:
“Analysis: Jihadist networks have long singled out Norway”
We’ll have to wait for the Norwegians’ full political reaction to the two mass murders, but will Norway continue with such an ‘open’ society with such slight security?
Where are the Christian leaders to refute the ‘fundamentalist’ slur? The spineless AB of C has nothing in his diary to prevent him responding.
Oh, he’s ploughing through the Koran, biding his time before he ‘outs’ himself as a fifth columnist muslim and assists in the creation of the world wide Caliphate. Joking, i hope so!
Christian fundamentalism
and just what does a christian fundamentalist believe?
1) Inerrancy of the Scriptures – This defined that the word of the bible was the true word.
2) The virgin birth and the deity of Jesus – This refers to Mary giving birth through Immaculate Conception to the birth of god’s son.
3) The Doctrine of substitutionary atonement through god’s Grace and Human Faith – the understanding that Jesus died on the cross for their sins.
4) The bodily resurrection of Jesus – The belief that the dead body of Jesusrose 3 days after his death.
5) The authenticity of Christ’s miracles (or, alternatively, his pre-millennial second coming – Judgment day or Armageddon, the return to earth by Jesus Christ.
well excuse me al-beeb,but am I missing something?There’s no mention there about mass murder of innocent people
so belief in those 5 points is ,in the eyes of the deranged bBC,now something to be ridiculed?
your worse than words can ever begin to elucidate
A terrible, terrible incident.
There are dimensions to the current crisis we do not have on our British radar, but which might become clearer in the coming weeks..
I keep stumbling on information which causes me surprise.
Clearly, there is a massive temptation to stereotype or jump to conclusions by broadcasters but there is much that does not fit.
Clearly the attacks, whether carried out by one person or more were directed against the government of the Red/Green coalition under the premiership of Jens ‘We can’ Stoltenberg. The coalition encompasses hard left groups to achieve a governing majority of just three seats in the Storting (Parliament).
The Stoltenberg government is running a strong multicultural policy.
That is background.
The island socialist camp (for young people), which the Prime Minister was due to visit and address featured as organisers/ participants indviduals who the BBC quote as witnesses to the horrifying events on the island.
Two inviduals struck my attention.
Stine Renate Haheim
Ms Haheim seemed a familiar name to me as an “activist” in Israel.
“The Palestinians as well as some international peace activists were complaining that with the construction of the apartheid wall, Israelis are forcibly and illegally annexing land owned by Palestinians.
Israel’s apartheid wall has annexed around 60 percent of Bil’in, a village in the Ramallah district, to build illegal settlements. Villagers in Bil’in have held nonviolent anti-wall demonstrations for more than six years now.
An Israeli army spokesman said soldiers used riot dispersal methods to prevent the protesters from advancing toward the wall.
In Al Ma’sara, near Beth Lehm (Bethlehem), in the southern West Bank, soldiers fired tear gas canisters and sound grenades to prevent demonstrators from advancing and to force them back to their village.
Demonstration organizers said four demonstrators were hit by rubber-coated steel bullets, and a foreign national was detained and handed over to the Israeli police in the nearby village of Umm Salamuna.
Norwegian politicians Torunn Kanutte Husvik and Stine Renate Haheim also joined the protesters in Bil’in on Friday, the Ma’an news agency reported.”
This camp was praised by the Norwegian foreign minister (quote BBC) as ”
“The country has no finer youth than young people who go for a summer camp doing politics, doing discussions,”
Another witness/ participant, perhaps unknown outside Scandinavia, quoted by the BBC:
Ali Esbati
Esbati, arrived with parents in Sweden from Iran in 1985.
His trademark is to describe any discussion of immigration as racist.
Until 2004 he was chairman of Young Left:
“It is an organisation that organizes the youth of today that fights for a socialistic social change. Young Left is a revolutionary youth organisation developed out of the labour movement, with influences from environmentalism, the peace movement and the feminist movement. Young Left work for a communist (i.e. a classless) society, free from oppression, on the basis of marxist and feminist theories. The organization has had various names and political alignments over the years, but it is continuously characterized by the issues that have been the centre of history like antifascism, antimilitarism and internationalism.”
This gentlemen was also a participant in the youth camp which the prime minister was to visit.
I offer this merely as background.
As events unfold those in Scandinavia will know the background better than a British audience who are likely not to ubderstand how complex and fraught the atmosphere in Norway has become from the BBC.
This chimes with what some comments are saying at Harry’ Place (link in my earlier comment above) from comments (we have to assume they’re true/translated correctly) in Norwegian newspapers. It’s clear that the target was “white Norwegians of the multicultural left” who the killer saw as the primary problem for mass immigration, “he was attacking Jens Stoltenberg and his Arbeider Party (Labour Party), both the bomb site and island meeting make this seem a reasonable conclusion.
Many posts by the bomber on various sites rage against left-wing multiculturalism.
I quote from the BBC News Website
‘Following the attacks in Oslo and on Utoeya, it will be interesting to see whether many in the country develop a more sophisticated view of where the greatest threats are coming from, amid a growing realisation that extremism is deadly regardless of nationality, ethnicity or religion.’
Aren’t the BBC just loving it!
What a dishonest statement. We all know that the “growing realisation” will lead to the BBC and their fellow travelers going back to telling you that the only extremism worth worrying about is that of a very specific ethnicity and religion: white Christians. And anyone who blames a future terrorist act on Muslims will be a racist, and so on.
As I predicted, the garment-rending regret and recriminations have begun.
As the murders weren’t in the US we’ll probably be spared lots of amateurish BBC ‘analysis’ about what’s wrong with a society which produces such killers.
I doubt the BBC’s news staff will be looking too hard for tenuous links between this matter and Norway’s oil and gas supported generous welfare state.
Great post, David.
It must have been the icing on the cake for Al Beeb when a Norwegian photojournalist Jon Sopel was interviewing live from central Oslo just now agreed with Sopel’s suggestion that he never expected to see something like this in Oslo – and added that it’s more like Gaza…
We don’t know much about this killer yet so it is a bit premature for people on this blog to add to the Beeboid Corporation’s labelling by proposing their own, such as Nordic supremacist , violent anarchist and Nazi.
Agreed, Millie.
This article from the Jerusalem Post gives an insight into the governing Left in Norway and to the highly institutionalised anti-semitic stance of the left cultural and political elites.
B.BBC readers can form their own opinion as to the state of Norwegian politics as a background.
Sorry, forget to post link!
Thanks for this link RGH.
I know now a possible context to the murderous spree that I sure as hell would never get on the BBC.
Their cultural elite are as craven and as cringeing as ours.
Can`t imagine the BBC would like to see the uncomfortable truth of choosing Islam appeasement, whilst giving the locals no space to carve a niche in their own country!
Too much like home..not that the BBC will see it!
Can you explain what is driving Norway’s Socialist Left Party – a member of the current governing coalition – to be amenable to using the Norwegian military to strike Israel?
The Socialist Left Party is the spiritual home of much, if not most, of the Norwegian cultural elite. Many of its members were once card-carrying Communists and Soviet sympathizers. They despise the US and hate the fact that Norway is in NATO.
How dangerous is political and radical Islam in Norway?
Terrifyingly dangerous. And what makes it dangerous is the eagerness of the cultural elite to whitewash it. Islamists are welcomed into the elite…
…It seems clear that they are being groomed for high political office here.
Then there’s our resident terrorist, Mullah Krekar, and his family, who have long been the subjects of fawning newspaper and TV profiles in which they are depicted sympathetically as kind, gentle, suffering victims. (This is a man who founded the terrorist group Ansar al-Islam, and who is known to be guilty of murdering and torturing children.)
Two years ago, supposedly in response to Israel’s actions against Hamas, Muslims rioted in downtown Oslo, making a large area of the city look like Beirut or Sarajevo at their most violent moments in modern history. The violence was out of control, the damage extensive. Yet almost everyone got off scot-free.
(tried a search but nothing on BBC but this doean’t mean it wasn’t reported)
Early last year, in the same Oslo Square where Quisling and his henchman once held rallies, scores of radical Muslims gathered to hear a Nazi-like message of hate against Jews, gays, secular democracy, America, the West, Israel. The speeches were chilling. Yet the men who gave those speeches continue to be treated with respect by Norwegian authorities.
What types of alliances exist between Norway’s leftists parties and Islamic groups?
Very cozy alliances. They share common enemies.
Where is this from?
The link above by RGH
“Making sense of Norwegian anti-Semitism”
In an eye-opening interview, Bruce Bawer, an American literary critic, writer and poet and a sharp critic of European anti-Semitism and radical Islam, who lives in Norway, talks to The Jerusalem Post about the outbreak of Jew-hatred and loathing of Israel in his country.
The phrase ” Far Right” is infact far left. people of the right want less govenment control and more freedom for people, if you take Hitler and Stalin. One is described as far right and the other far left. They both were in fact far left.
Thank you johnney, i kept on at the guardian about this on cif, that the nazis were in fact leftwing, socialists, it’s in the name NSDAP for pitys sake, but oh no, all i got was la la la, fingers in ears full on denial, and a ban from commenting for my troubles. Oh, and one too many pops at moronic, ill-educated Toynbee.
That is inaccurate Johnny. Right and Left simply don’t mean anything much. There are those on the right who big, moderate and small government and leftwingers also who want big, moderate and small government. The right includes everyone from some individualist anarchists to fascists and the left includes everyone from social and some individualist anarchists to communists. The only thing that ties in most of the left with each other and most of the right with each, if anything, is the left are perhaps a little more ‘indulgent'(if I may use this term.) in their attitudes than the right. This difference in attitudes, which are easier to name than to fully describe, are the only things I can think of which ties the right as a whole together and the left as a whole together and it is only a minor factor. So the terms are largely meaningless.
I heard them describing him as a Right Wing Christian Fundamentalist this morning, fair enough, if that’s how he announced his killing spree and if that’s what the evidence points toward, but they can’t have it both ways. They treat the public as stupid and they’re not. The BBC are not even subtle about it anymore, but mark my words, their cards are surely marked people will draw their own conclusions from this.
David Vance, I posted a comment on the open thread that the mass murderer had it in for the Labour Government before the BBC said a word. I posted comments about eyewitness reports that he was white and spoke in a regioinal Norwegian accent long before the BBC mentioned it. I uttered the names Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols long before the BBC figured it out.
The BBC is not wrong to say those things. They seem to be horribly wrong to define the mass murderer as a fundamentalist Christian, as there is no evidence that he was killing people in the name of Christ, or that he was killing Christians (some of those victims must have been) specifically out of some religious impulse. So I agree there.
Key point, though: I’d like to see poll results of Christians who support mass murder “in defense” of their religion, and compare that to the results of polls showing how many Mohammedans supported 9/11 or 7/7 or terrorism “in defense” of their religion. We all know what the difference between the two would be, and we all know that the BBC wouldn’t dare make the comparison.
That is the BBC’s real sin here.
Of course he supposedly hates Muslims and multi culturism but didn’t target a Mosque but his own kind. Seems to me his grudge was more against the politicians and Government than ethnic minorities.
Agreed, Martin. He’s a lunatic who had no clue about how his actions were going to change anything. Murdering white children is never going to stop multiculturalism. He’s just a madman on the order of the lunatic who tried to kill Rep. Giffords in Tucson, only with better weaopns and planning. Same lunacy on display. And we know how the BBC reported about that, don’t we?
Speculation is, of course, rife. To fill the necessary gaps, it is clear that the labels of far-right and far-left are being put forward.
As the shooter has been captured alive and is apparently willing to talk, we shall find out, one way or another in due course.
But for those who indulge in knee-jerk ‘nazi’ descriptors of motivation, the fact that a certain Norwegian resistance fighter ( Max Manus (or Magnusson) has been identified as being one of the shooters heros (bad word ,but role model seems too strong?)
I’ve got it now: the most dangerous fundamentalist group in Norway are…..
The Freemasons.
The linking of some concept called ‘Christian Fundamentalism’ to violent terrorist group-like actions is something quite new that the BBC appear to be pioneering here. I don’t recall the Christian element having been stressed in the case of McVeigh (anti-big Government) or the British bomber (anti-gay).
As others have commented it is fair enough if that is how this guy has described himself.
Even so the highlighting of this part of the justificatory ravings of what could well turn out to be a lone nut (who is perhaps mirroring or competing with genuine Islamic terrorism) doesn’t ring quite right to me.
It is almost as though there was a narrative waiting and this bloke is being conveniently fitted in.
The Leftoid media often tried to conflate Christian Fundamentalists with anti-Government militia loonies. McVeigh was the latter, but because some groups in Idaho and elsewhere are also Bible-bangers, anyone who doesn’t believe that the State Is Father, Mother, Secret Lover, must be one of them.
CNN are playing the same shameful game as al beeb
A picture is emerging, gleaned from official sources and social media, of a right-wing Christian fundamentalist who may have had an issue with Norway’s multi-cultural society.
Steinar Lem, who appeared with Al Gore, and was a leading light in the environmentalist movement for 40 years, recently succombed to cancer.
In his last weeks of life, Lem stated:
““Norwegian culture is threatened. In the next 50 years we will see great changes related to that we steadily have a larger non-Western population.
“If the part of people in Norway with Islamic background becomes large enough we will have major setbacks for gender equality in Norway – due to the Norwegian social-relativistic thought that we should respect other cultures. We must accept large groups of girls who can’t have contact with boys on their free time, don’t participate in school trips, but strengthen the segregation between the pure with hijab and the whores who don’t cover themselves. This will also affect the status of Norwegian women,” writes Lem. ”The attitudes towards homosexuality and freedom of speech will also suffer setbacks,” he claims.
This is possibly at the back of the shooter#s mind, not Christianity (except in a received cultural Lutheranism) nor any derivative fundamentalism.
It seems clear that the attack was a deranged attack on the elite in politics, where the centre has shifted so far left that Socialists such as
can become ministers under Stoltenberg .
Any far right label is also highly suspect.
Meanwhile, this was to be seen in Oslo in the Gaza riots….
The ‘far-right’ Norwegian Progress Party would sound very middle ground in the UK.
But the BBC is hunting for instant analysis in the bias box.
CNN are almost indistinguishable from the BBC and they practice the same sort of soft, but constant left-liberal bias. Indeed Anderson Cooper is a past master of this sort of bias and could teach the BBC folks something.
1st…. this is a terrible atrocity, with no justification & everyones heart should go out to the victims/families at this time.
Its just gone 4pm, i hear on R5 news the Oslo story
” a man with links to extremism” so…..
is there to be a change? is there any new info?
I did hear the white Norweigan Christian fundamentalist, far right
palava earlier
so strange, one would have thought in the “culturally sensitve” enviroment we find ourselves in, that a , “northern european
national” , for whom “motive is uncertain” thats “root causes”
will have to be fully investigated, before links to quote unquote
terrorism/groups can be ascertained”
This should be standard beebo english on this.
considering the highly sensitive manner it deals with these issues
in our multicultural enviroment
The reason why the “narration” is seemingly stuttering at the moment is because this case could be “chicken’s coming home to roost” by reporting in the sensational manner that we are all to familar with, which only feeds the fevered imaginations of the paranoid-then there are probably more “ticking time” bombs out there.
It appears if my hypothisis is indeed correct-and so far I see no reason why it shouldn’t-then the groups that this man is linked to are these sort of folk or was at least a fellow traveller:
I believe also if a copy of the Turner Diaries was found at the mans home-then this sort of attack is very possible, as it is indeed a similar to the senario’s depicted both in the Turner Diaries and Hunter-another book that depicts a race war.
But here to my mind is the problem- Anders Behring Breivik world view is not all that far removed from many people-he, the groups that he is involved in, Islamic fundalmentalism and indeed many people on the internet, actually do believe that in such things as the illuminati, Bohiemian Grove, ZOG (Zionist Occupational Government), the Jewish conspiracy to engineer world government and the coming race war that must follow.
That means there is an awful lot of the “tin foil hat” brigade which will see these events as “politically significant”- if one man or a handful can do this (and by extension 9/11,Madrid or 7/7) then imagine what they can do to become “important” and “change the system”…..
Were it not so sad and terrible it would seem ironic that in a week in which writers such as Melanie Phillips were shouted down for having the temerity to suggest bias on the part of the BBC, the reporting of the Oslo tragedy only serve to emphasise their criticisms.
As so many have mentioned, there was real hesitancy to suggest that this might have been connected to an islamic terrorist plot. Even when other news stations were discussing this possibility amongst others, there seemed to be a desire to hold this down to a gas explosion.
When however they did finally acknowledge this as a possibility, they sought quite rightly to identify what would have driven an Islamic connection, namely Norway’s support for Afghanistan and Libya and the cartoon outrage. In others words such action had context and motivation.
Now that the attack may be tied to right wing extremism, no such effort to draw context is happening. In the reporting of the BBC, it just exists as though it is a spontaenous manifestation. It would seem that hateful people have just materialised. No examination exists of why such a movement might have grown. There’s no examination of some startling stories of shifting demographics which estimates Norwegians will be a minority in the capital by 2030 as well as some other unsavoury stories in which mainstream politicans have failed to hold open and honest debate, preferring to sideline the native population asking such questions.
No, apparently, right wing hate is a spontaneous manifestation.
And what of the description of the suspect. Why the need to explain that he is a tall, blonde blue eyed male. Apparently it isn’t enough for the BBC to limit their description of the alleged attacker as a “male” which seems to be good enough for other stories in this country. Nor is it enough to limit their description to a “Norwegian man”. Apparently it matters to make sure we understand that he is tall, blonde man with blue eyes.
It’s not like he’s on the run and we need the public to help track him down. To underscore this we have no description of the rumoured second so what does it do? What it does serve to do, is put some distance between some of the early suspects in the story and to really underscore the hard right narrative by giving us a description of the sterotypical Aryan Nazi.
I’m still waiting for something showing that the mass murderer was actually right wing. Freemasons keep politics out of their meetings, and Masons aren’t permitted to wear Masonic symbols when engaging in political activity. Racism isn’t exclusively right-wing, viz the BNP, Nazis, Russians, Mugabe, Hugo Chavez, etc. The Conservatives running the Government support multiculturalism.
I haven’t heard yet about this guy protesting against high taxation or the Nanny State or nationalized health care or localizing government or anything else particularly right-wing. He could be a Norewegian equivalent of a BNP member, i.e. Left-wing.
Other than being against the current Government which happens to be Socialist, where is the evidence that this mass murderer advocates real right-wing policies?
You raise a good point David. Looking at the sources – the fundamentalist christian aspect and the right wing angle comes from local press and opinions from the police. There’s nothing hard and fast but opinion and conjecture dressed up as fact.
‘Racism isn’t exclusively right-wing, viz the BNP, Nazis, Russians, Mugabe, Hugo Chavez, etc….
He could be a Norewegian equivalent of a BNP member, i.e. Left-wing.‘
You are playing around with labels here about a bit though David. The groups in bold are considered rightwing conventionally. As there is not real definition or even general list of tendencies for groups of the right(or left.), then convention is all to really go on. The implication is also clearly that the BNP being leftwing proves something against the left as a whole. This may not have been your intent, but if it is then this you are engaging in the same sort of thing the BBC are doing.
This is Norway’s Oklahoma City, and nothing more. Both awful tragedies with zero larger implications. Except this one is going to be milked for all it’s worth to promote the very policies this lunatic thought he was against.
I would like to know which church the suspect attended, to be a Christian fundamentalist as the BBC claims, with no evidence BTW means a close knit ‘family’ or clan of believers whose lives revolve around the church. You would never find a single unconnected fundamentalist individual and if there is no church there is no fundamentalist.
Until we know for sure which church and who the pastor is and what his beliefs are then all the BBC report is pure speculation based on a self description. What kind of church, what branch of Christianity?
You can bet the farrm that the BBC would have been straight round to a muslim killers church to find some answers and how the killer was a nice educated boy radicalised by some unknown tiny minority who are never named or described and its all taken as fat by the BBC.
The Lutheran tradition in Norway is very liberal and, unlike other christian traditions has no real problem with a freemasonry (as in UK the royals are in a lodge). It’s all very middle class and like the Rotary Club or Lions Club.
Working class crass brutalism in which rage is expressed by the adoption of anti-social symbols of historical nazism would, I very much doubt, played a role. (libertarian) ran a campaign for freedom of speech against the socialist government’s proposal to legislate against ‘hate speech’ and they won. He posted on this site.
He identified Islam and the chaos on his neighbourhood and criticised the burning of the Norwegian flag.
He ran an ‘organic farm’ .. soft environmentalism.
Had no criminal record.
All in all, he was, possibly, a conformist who cracked.
This is my view. It is, of course, tentative. All very puzzling.
The site which he visitedno right wing there and he was middle class with an education and ran an organic farm with environmental credentials. Middle class men in Norway do not appear in the right wing
It is not particularly relevant and it happened in very tragic circumstances unforuntately, but I found both the Cathedral and Service beautiful. One can criticise the inclusion of female priests, but other than that it was good to see such a thriving and beautiful Lutheran, Christian tradition in Norway, even if it is just in that Cathedral. It is a great shame to have seen it only under such terrible circumstances.
Cassandra, i literally groan, at how this is going to be used
to convey im-“moral equivalence” (maybe not the right words)
in the future, in much the same way T McVeigh has become a buzz word this morning, & i m sure you know by whom
….”having a field day” ring any bells 🙂
it appears the shooter had some kind of vendetta, against the increasing left Political Elite, that espouse the multi culty nightmare…i mean dream, as much as possible.
There has been growing unrest on this political position already
in Norway, but the N media appears to be erm quite beebesque
in its approach.
The actions of the Oslo shooter, are deplorable
although valid concerns are being raised about the Norways
Had these shootings happened say a week ago would the BBC have cleared the airwaves to tell us the little they know? The Today programme this morning Evans and Webb kept saying there would be more details after the X or X.30 news – but there never was. Had it happened when the BBC were in full cry about NI I guess only a sentence would have been reported ie a ’91 people have died after a gunman ran loose at a young persons’ camp’ in Norway.
But then it was only this morning that the Beeb were reporting that there may have been hackings carried out by Mirror journalists – but by lunch time the reports stopped.
And on the Today programme Cameron’s statement about the Norwegian killings was preceded by Sarkozi and followed by Obama’s messages. Lost in a sandwich? By lunch time the Queen had sent her sympathies and Cameron’s message was dropped altogther.
Like a few people mention, Brigid Kendall etal were busking it as the “news” came in yesterday evening.
They were obviously dreading the news that Islam was up to its old tricks…but that did not stop the Danish cartoons(well its all Scandinavia!), the Norwegian involvement in Afghanistan etc( how many was that then?…the BBC weren`t about to tell me), the death of Olaf Palme(well..1986…so go figure…if you can!) being cited as possible exucses for the Mullahs being grumpy with the Norwegians.
Guessing there`s a stock set of grievances and excuses for Islamists no matter where they choose to strike…being white and western?…enough to convict us all!
Now though we know it`s a white Nordic bloke who killed these Labour Party kids etc…well its the white west again…gun toting, Christian hindrances to the EU rainbow alliance of diversity. Maybe NOT being in Europe exposes the citizen to right wing murdering tendencies. There`ll be a report to this conclusion surely soon!
Did Bush or Thatcher ever accept a Christmas tree or a rollmop herring from Norway…worth a dig lads!
Excellent point, cj. Even when the Beeboids were speculating that it might have been done by Mohammedans, they had the laundry list of justifications ready. Yet no justifications were offered when it turned out to be done by someone who was against a policy they support. Instead, they frame it as something he was wrong about.
Spiegel in Germany reported that when the news first broke in all its shock and confusion, and prior to the identification of the prime suspect, that Islamic websites were filled with celebratory posts a’ la 9/11.
A number of Islamists, thought, at first, that one of their own was responsible for the bomb.
This was before the shooting appeared through the media and the suspect was shaping up as anything but an Islamist.
This celebratory posting has now, apparently, ceased.
Anybody think the BBC will be pointing this out in the aftermath, in between scolding the rest of us for saying that they do this sort of thing?
Tells you everything you need to know really.
just waiting for the N Socialist powers that be,to change laws, to accomadate, to throw hundreds of thousands of ermmm £s Krona?,(sorry) at right wing groups,(ala outreach programs/community centrs)
that errm “radicalise”…these,(to all intents & purposes) mild mannered peter parker types, into gun toting, very very very VERY rare, lone wolves
seems the multi culti thing to do
…apparently it can only take a couple of months too
Just one loner whose mental state cracked and the BBC has all the evidence it needs to convict and condemn and associate ALL right wingers and ALL Christian fundamentalists. Quite apart from his disgusting sick crimes he has just handed the left the kind of political ammunition that will keep them on the attack and playing the victim for years.
The BBC show trial has already begun, the linking of the entire right wing with mass murder just too tempting. The BBC wants us to believe that the entire right wing contributed to this mass murder, guilt by association.
Did this killer have regular contacts with right wing parties? Was he an active member of the progress party? Or any right wing group? The BBC does not care, one guilty = all guilty, in the minds of the beeboid collective the killer could be any right winger, all right wingers everywhere with every right winger planning bombings and killings right now.
The BBC has a narrative to peddle and you can bet the farm that this one lone nutter will be portrayed as every right winger on the planet. When an allied group of fanatics perpetrate mass murder the BBC finds all the time in the world to state that one crazy nutter does not represent their favoured or allied group of victims. The BBC will find no such time or sympathy or understanding with this particular lone whacko who no more represents every right wing Christian than Timothy McVeigh represented all Americans.
The Beeboid News website:
The suspect is reported by local media to have had links with right-wing extremists.
He has been named as Anders Behring Breivik. Police searched his Oslo apartment overnight and are questioning him.
The BBC’s Richard Galpin, near the island which is currently cordoned off by police, says that Norway has had problems with neo-Nazi groups in the past but the assumption was that such groups had been largely eliminated and did not pose a significant threat.
Meanwhile a farm supply firm has confirmed selling six tonnes of fertiliser to Mr Breivik, who is reported to have run a farming company. Speculation has been rife that fertiliser could have been used in the Oslo bomb.
He may well be a cracked loner but that’s not enough for the Beeboid Corporation. Before we know it a lone man will have metamorphosed into a group. Perhaps he has already. Never mind if it’s a group thought not to have been a threat. Throw it into the mix anyway. And why not? as Barry Norman used to say.
the “danger” of the “far” right
in ,”the world turned upside down”
i haven t heard of any reports of rampant, virrulent “islamophobia” yet
OOPS! i ve spoke too soon…….
driving back, around 08 40/5ish pm
5contrive news, mentioned
“Oslo, at first the thoughts were
for an Islamist attack” i thought
hmmm, “& all the unthinkable repercussions
that could have in Norway”
……oooh! brother
The Marr Show ends Sun, ends with wait for it……….
W Vague this morning stressed, to everyone that
it is Al Queada that still poses the biggest threat to our
national security????……..(what not Londonistan?)
& that is……DESPITE the recent shootings in Oslo, the connection of the gunmen to…..FAR right …..blah de blah de blah
Compare and contrast the BBC with the sourced Wikipaedia entry relating to
“There are also citizens’ websites like, where Anders Behring Breivik left racist, extremist right-wing comments along with fellow anti-Muslims, and there were attempts to start up Norwegian satellite groups in support of the English Defence League.
These all represent, with varying degrees of extremism, a section of the Norwegian population which feels that the country’s immigration policies are too lax. They feel disenfranchised despite Norway’s attempts at distributing fairly its immense oil wealth. Norway might now be forced to deal head-on with this undercurrent of nationalism and anti-immigration sentiments.”
In 2009 the website was cited by Dagbladet as the main player, when for the first time in Norwegian history, “bloggers” was credited for successfully setting the national political agenda. Rustad had on a daily basis criticized a governmental proposed extension of § 185 with regards to “hate speech so that the provision protects the need for a criminal law protection against qualified attack on religions and belief.” The proposed bill was met with nearly no exposure in the mainstream media, until close to a month later, although it had been criticizised as an attack on democracy in Danish newspapers. Eventually the bill became criticized as attacking freedom of speech, and an online petition against it was supported by numerous notable figures in Norway. In the end, the government pulled the proposal back.[6]
Anders Behring Breivik, the suspected perpetrator of the 2011 Norway attacks, reportedly posted numerous posts on and praised the blog owner.[7] He also attended meetings of “Documents venner” (Friends of Document), affiliated with the website.[8] Breivik sought to start a Norwegian version of the Tea Party movement in cooperation with the owners of, who initially expressed interest but ultimately turned down his proposal because he did not have the contacts he promised.[7] In his posts he claimed that “13 percent of young British Muslims aged between 15 and 25 support al Qaeda ideology” and asked rhetorically “When did multiculturalism cease to be an ideology designed to deconstruct European culture, traditions, identity and nation-states?” [9]
Documenta have released his postings.
I’m trying to find them. If the above is of any value, you will see that the critics see documenta as ‘right wing’ which it isn’t. And that the suspect would appear to have more interest in the Tea Party than EDL.
I hope that those postings will be accesssible in English.
Also, this madman (or whoever is making this claim on his behalf) clearly doesn’t understand what the Tea Party is about. The movement is about fiscal reality and reducing the Government oligarchy, not social engineering. Obviously this mass murderer got his information on US issues from the BBC or similar Leftoid, biased media who have misinformed him.
BBC: “Norway might now be forced to deal head-on with this undercurrent of nationalism and anti-immigration sentiments.”
So this BBC piece intrinsically calls for a crackdown on political opinions the left disapprove of.
Sinister. But nothing new or unexpected. The BBC’s reporting of Muslim terrorism not only encourages Muslim terrorism, but incites others opposed to it as well. Evil begets evil. When the BBC starts to promote democratic values again it will push this evil to the margins. Right now its a monster its fed and created.
Like i have said over and over, ‘If you sup with the devil……..’
They feel disenfranchised despite Norway’s attempts at distributing fairly its immense oil wealth.
Typical BBC perspective. They must be mad because even Socialism doesn’t satisfy them. Un@#$ingbelievable. Everything is viewed through this ideological prism.
It is even worse, David, if I include the preceding BBC paragraph.
Here, the BBC is sweepingly associating the single largest growing centre right party with its amorphous ‘disenfranchised’ comment followed by the ‘despite’. The BBC still employs the ‘far right’ label. If so, 25% of Norwegian voters are ‘far right’.
Here it is:
Media reports say the arrested man expressed sympathies for the Progress Party (FrP), Norway’s most right-wing mainstream political party. For many years, the FrP has been steadily growing in popularity at the expense of the left-leaning Labour Party and the more moderate Conservative Party, although it is yet to win an election.
There are also citizens’ websites like, where Anders Behring Breivik left racist, extremist right-wing comments along with fellow anti-Muslims, and there were attempts to start up Norwegian satellite groups in support of the English Defence League.
These all represent, with varying degrees of extremism, a section of the Norwegian population which feels that the country’s immigration policies are too lax. They feel disenfranchised despite Norway’s attempts at distributing fairly its immense oil wealth. Norway might now be forced to deal head-on with this undercurrent of nationalism and anti-immigration sentiments.”
The Norwegian government is a Red–Green coalition with a majority of 3 seats only.
The Progress Party ((FrP) has over 25% of all members of the Storting.
As the coalition talks panned out (Norway’s PR system always produces coalitions).
The Labour Party joined with the hard Left (Socialist Left Party) to gain a slim majority!
Yet the Progress Party is part of the sense of disaffection with the distributionism of the Left says the BBC.
The Progress Party, say the BBC, have yet to win an election.
Neither have the Left….
coalitions and PR you see.
This just gets weirder and weirder: just reading that the ‘conservative’ and ‘Christian’ were recent changes to the facebook page yesterday.
More interesting was that to me it appears that the Bodybuilding wa salso added with Conservative and Christian
So, 3 of the 4 things the BBC (and others) mentioned this morning were just added…
I am surprised that BBBC has not come out with something like ‘he idolised Sarah Palin’ or ‘he once, skimmed over an article about Sarah Palin’.
Give them time.
Of course the killings are horrendous are all good people will be shocked and sickened but the way the BBC springs out of the traps on the whiff of possibly bashing anything that resembles the right. It’s be interesting to see how many times the words ‘right’, ‘ blond’ and ‘Christian’ get used in their reports. When the news suits their political agenda they are lightening fast to mention all the still yet to be proved details and when the suspects are seen to be Muslim, or of an ethnic origin they hide those details deep in the news report; that’s if reported at all.
That is exactly the point, Lawrence. It is the double standard of the State Broadcaster that so offends.
On the assumption that the media treats news reports with equal status will we now see them clamouring over the cause?
Following 9/11, after which Bill Clinton leapt to the public stage blaming the Crusades (of all things) for Bin Laden’s psychopathic attack, there have been many copycat atrocities followed by reams of punditry on ‘why did they do it?’
The handwringing self loathers then pursue every possible angle, no matter how obscure on a theme of Western provocation, insulting Islam, poverty, global inequality, anything, in fact to minimise and excuse.
So, following that broad brush will we now read blog after blog of similar op-ed’s on a theme of Islamic cause and effect?
Of the way Europe is being slowly pummelled into submission by alien interlopers who have not the slightest interest in fitting in, integrating or joining the societies of the countries they so love to move to?
Of the way our supine politicians are caving in to the extent, for instance that halal meat and chicken is the silent default in our supermarkets. That Christian celebration is being airbrushed into obscurity and that Shariah Law is entering our legal systems with no public mandate whatsoever?
We all know the answer. They’ve relied on our restraint, egged on by a hectoring attitude of extreme one way political correctness and so far it would seem that that combination of our passivity and their aggressive posturing has worked.
It had to break! It was approaching meltdown as simmering anger mainly confined to the blogosphere has burst it’s chains of civilisation and thus we are witnessing the unravelling of the best laid plans of our political establishments.
This has been a long time coming and only the most wishfully thinking, head in sand crazy optimist would have predicted otherwise.
There are two ways, entirely separate in purpose and emotion of looking at this catastrophe.
One is as a phenomena which requires detachment, cool heads and inscrutible impartiality.
The other is utmost, heart-wringing sympathy for the poor souls who are totally innocent victims of a political class whose hubris failed to see this coming.
Those pictures will arouse our humanistic impulses and create the realisation of the personal level in which lives are snuffed and the bereaved are now setting out on a long, dark journey of unrelenting pain and self questioning. They are the reality of what it all boils down to.
Meanwhile our leaders really do have to rise above the emotional, listen to the people (for once) and examine their own gadfly follies of immigration policy.
Failure to address this will only result in more carnage, bloodshed and eventually riots and major civil unrest.
Plenty have seen this coming. Now what?
The Marxist Left’s attempts to clamp down on free speech over Islam haven’t made this tipping point less likely. It in no way justifies the actions of this monster, he should be hung, but then people who try to criminalise criticism of Islam should face sedition of democracy charges.
OMG, several thousand leagues behind the curve, the lamentable Sky News has just declared its sources have discovered, guess what, the shooter was a “Christian Fundamentalist”
FFS how do these utterly useless journo’s keep down their job? Which biblical text recommends gunning down socialist youth? The media are utterly clueless. Perhaps it’s only interns on duty – it is Saturday night after all.
Broke my rule and popped on the morning SKY news (BBC beyond pale).
Some ‘guest’ working ‘the conservatives’ into his pulpit sermon.
As I fink ‘is grasp of Norwegian politics and culture is on par with mine currently, an interesting descriptive leap.
Didn’t stay on long.