The Andrew Marr show was a strange one this morning. We have BBC favourite cop, Hugh Orde talking about integrity. The adulterous Orde is the man the BBC want to become next Met Chief. Then we had the economic sage Vince Cable on to praise the Eurozone and damn Murdoch, then the high minded Jacqui Smith to review the papers with Rory Bremner – then Tessa Howell who the BBC thinks is the Sport Minister. William Hague came on to waffle for a few moments but this was a massively biased progamme and it is as if we are back prior to the last election, Labour is in power and Prudence is in Number Ten.
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10 out of 10 David for watching the train-wreck of a programme.
Perhaps we should draw up a rota whereby a minimum of us are exposed at once.
After the Núrnburgh Rally syndrome wears off, we could share a few lines about our experience.
weird i thought they were running a fourth rate version
of “back to the future” with lots of “ugly stick”
pleased the narrative was returned beebo style to end
with a flourish, with wait for it……….
W Vague this morning stressed, to everyone that
it is Al Queada that still poses the biggest threat to our
national security????……..(no Londonistan?)
& that is……DESPITE the recent shootings in Oslo, the connection of the gunmen to…..FAR right …..blah de blah de blah…..swiftly followed by pics, blue eyed narcissist
im-moral equivalence lobby??
Not to mention Vince cable claiming that the biggest threat to the world economy is not Greece or Italy but those extream right wingers in America (aka the Republican Party)
See Rory Bremner managed to link the Norway massacre and the Tea Party threatening to ‘bring America down’ in one sentence, top that.
This of course gives the free rein to ‘innocent’ beeboids to quote him.
He also linked the image of St.George on the cover of the ‘right wing’ Sunday Express, the EDL using it and the use of a Knights Templar image by the Norway killer, was not challenged on this total idiocy, staggering.
Yes; that St George’s flag:'s+flag&hl=en&
No doubt when Labourite Marr does his Labourite show he assumes he is working for the Labour politics of the ‘Guardian’, like his wife.
Rory thinks he`s got post-traumatic ADHD though…presumably caught in reverse gene transfer from this suitably labelled nephew…therefore just the man the BBC WOULD turn to to make sense of all the madness.
Maybe it`s his excuse to get speed on prescription…or Ritalin as they call it for kids!
I`m with John-as David was heroically suffering the Andrew Marr Feast of Fizz, I found myself on BH duty on Radio 4.
Where do I start?…well do their reporters get the script from Head Office or do they only meet the right types that will embellish said narrative? Surely to God(oops!) they don`t create this stuff by being “investigative reporters, and going where the evidence leads…
For our boy in Oslo saw only Muslims “thinking” in Oslo Cathedral-the mosque presumably being closed on Sundays, he saw that the Norwegians really needed more multicultural integration-and not less like the conservative Christian might have been intending to say.
Absolutely no other side to take…not federalist enough, even when they`re not in the EU(the fools!)…this bloke more than covers the Islamic demonisation for ever and a day…and it goes without saying that all those who might have originally thought this the work of Muslims( those Facebook boasts from said suspects might have led people to this conclusion at the start!)-well they`re all bllody racists and Islamophobes man.
The answer?…more political camps, more diversity and multicultural contexts…and no doubt join the Eurozone and stick a pie into Ruperts face when the time comes!
Amazing how the BBC can wilfully look down the wrong end of a rose tinted telescope and call it an electron just is …OK?
Don`t the Beeb see this continual pond skating on their allocated septic tanks of convenience is only making US as angry in our way as the likes of that murdering monster?
Thank God(again!) for everybody here!
Anyone willing to trip amongst the double-barrelled Dames and Dodgers that review the papers for Fat Pat on Broadcasting House next Sunday? I`m off on holiday!
Events prevented me from posting first thing, so this is a comment / main post hybrid.
The BBC is actually turning everything upside down. When the attention-seeking May-Bowles’s foam flinging stunt instantly turned the personification of evil into a ‘victim’, the baying mob turned on him complaining that he’d spoilt it for the rest of them because they desperately wanted Mr. Murdoch to continue being their precious personification of evil.
Now, the same baying mob are blaming ‘abhorrent right-wing ideologies’ for Mr. Breivik’s atrocity, which places the ‘right-wing’ in an eerily similar position, namely having to admit that his killing spree has ‘spoilt it for the rest of them’. That goes for all the people who are concerned about the Islamification of the West, whose views are now officially considered abhorrent.
By popular demand, at least for the time being, the BBC has abandoned the pretence that the views of right wing voices, which they’ve now upgraded to far right wing voices, must be heard ‘for balance’.
The guests on the Marr show were in their element.
The expression on Jacqui Smith’s face was a mixture of schadenfreude and a kind of petulant ‘I was right all along, aren’t y’all sorry you dumped me’ . The obsolete Rory Bremner and the lady with the infantilising hairstyle unanimously decreed that Islamic terrorism isn’t the only threat. Right wing terrorism is the one to watch.
People are toying with the idea that right-wing websites are radicalising, so maybe they should be outlawed? Will total commitment to extreme tolerance make it illegal to oppose multiculturalism, alien cultural practices, Islamic Jihad, and should it be compulsory to mingle the foxes with the chickens in the name of liberalism?
if these right wing sites are radicalising….
obviously, the gov should throw 100s of 1000s £s
to outreach, to throw handsome payouts to create understanding,
get photo opportunities you know shaking hands/ arms around the site co-ordinators,
invite them in to a lucrative prevent stategy money pit
finance them to de-radicalise with a totally hands off approach
as they,(obviously) know best 😉
no?…but i thought it would be in the interest of community cohesion?…no…. foster respect & understanding?
because of course, your beliefs are be valued equally?…
you know……your right
that would be an INSANE idea wouldn t it
I like it. One more thing: we need Baron David Vance in the Cabinet – after all, he’s been elected at least as often as Sayeeda Warsi and he’s never called murderous lunatics ‘freedom fighters’.
Good idea Noggin!
Our shadow cabinet with Sue, Craig, Robin and DV!
We will of course be needing the Vancouver Summit to “coordinate our airmiles tallies” so there is a seamless narrative!L
Lessons may yet be learned and time to move on maybe?…albeit via BA Gold Club Class or a souped up golf buggy!
That means that I will not be threatening them with sparklers this coming November 5th!
Your thoughts, Sue, are both wise and perceptive. The Cosh which will be waved against all criticism of the left-liberal received wisdom will, undoubtedly, be directed against all whose skepticism is deemed as contributing to what is seen as negativity.
Criticise multiculturalism…you are a less than subtle racist
Criticise Islam……?
But criticise Israel. That’s OK.
A very contemporary reference to the awful events in Oslo, at the Labour Youth Camp, this was seen and condoned among the invitees (when not role-playing Gaza….put yourself into a Palestinians shoes with the “apartheid wall” and Israeli brutality.)”
This link shows what the Left thinks is acceptable at the highest levels. A few hours before the shooting.
The absurdity that is now being played out is that speaking the truth about the Middle East, is merely disguised support for a rightist agenda.
I am not Jewish. I come from a German background and have thought long and hard about the truly and infinitly seductive nature of totalitarianist political psychology. How fresh and young the Nazi youth camps. How the Party was the future, how evil moaners were spoiling the fun with their incessant sabotage. Reeducation in the new realities (Diversity courses, anyone). Gross anti-social comments gave you three month hard labour in the Arbeitslager.
The fundamental fact is that the Left is anti-semitic in wide swathes of Europe.
The banality and casualness of the ‘Israel bashing’ is, sad to say, entirely reminiscent of what my grand parents told me. How even ‘nice people’ were swayed and seduced into thought patterns seemingly at odds with their otherwise apolitical lives.
I’ll say it clearly, the left is border-line totalitarian as it is a mode of thought, an ideology, intolerant of real diversity of opinion and view.It is ’emotional’ and judgemental and yet, pretends that it isn’t. It claims objectivity, yet has a closed ideological mind. It is manipulatable by cynical operators who can press all the buttons like some Pied Piper. They are managers of a brave, new world.
In the strange world they are creating, speaking truth about Israel is, perversely enough, putting one into the same class as the unmentionable and banally evil ‘rightists’.
In Germany where I live, thank God, there are laws to counteract anti-semitism, and unequivocal support of Israel is defined by Angela Merkel as a moral duty accepted by the German state as a duty to history. Even the left dare not conjoin the swastika and the star of david as one sees in demonstrations in London, Paris and Oslo.
Outside Germany, the Left does not feel so constrained. ‘Freedom Flotillas’ are romanticised by the Left in their crusade against ‘Zionism’. In Germany, the former communist DDR representatives in these stunts, are outed as anti-semites..which they are.
Elsewhere, the Left denies its anti-semitism by claiming to fight Fascism. That is a front. Open societies are eternally confronted by those seeking to impose their will and ideology on their fellow citizens. The Nazis will come again but they won’t look like Nazis of history,but will attempt to make the world in their image. The fruits of their efforts will taste the same though.
Great post, looking at that image I wonder what more is going to come out of this.
Abbas was in Norway meeting with the PM on Monday, which precpitated all this Palestinian support noise.
An excellent post, RGH.
Excellent RGH.
You`ve got me thinking that if this nut had not killed so many , the Left would by now have found a new Horst Wessel from amongst them!
Was alarmed to see the anti-Jewish undercurrents up in Norway, that has just not been newsworthy to the rest of us. Casual and pretty much endemic.
No surprise then that its Labour/lefties that run the show up there…but the media will learn all their own wrong-headed lessons.
Good post RGH, i had no idea this Labour party were so inclined as to ally with Hamas, and denigrate Israel so. All i will say, in this case, they obviously had it coming to them, sad but true, if you sup with the Devil…..
Sorry Robert, no, those young people didn’t have it coming to them. I find the thought that they did truly repulsive.
Spot on Craig, no one deserved it, however, this sort of thing was bound to happen sooner or later. As I posted before we in the UK just end up with a few EDF shouting “Muslim scum” at people, Europe has always been far worse and much more violent when it comes to political extremism.
It is a warning though that the political elite and their supporters (the BBC) do need to put the brakes on immigration from Islamic Countries or this sort of thing will happen again.
If they take it as a warning, then the mass murderer was successful in his terrorism. That’s not good. However, surely this is a sign that, like with Islamic terrorism, we must now have a national discussion to address his grievances. How about it, BBC?
Bet the Beeboids just loved this.
“Vince Cable has attacked leading US Republican politicians for holding up a deal to reduce US government debt.
Speaking on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show, the business secretary called them “a few right-wing nutters in the American Congress”.
Has he finally flipped, then?
This quote by St Vince is now being headlined on the BBC. With NO counterarguments from the Republican side.
The BBC can’t have it both ways. If they view St Vince’s stupid statement as worthy of headlining – they should recognise for the first time that the US debt crisis is indeed a crisis, and start covering it properly.
The consolation is that BBC animus against rthe Republicans doesn’t cut any ice over there in the US. The BBC lines up over there among all the other leftie networks. But in spite of all of them, polling of the US public appears to show that the middle ground has moved strongly against Obama, the Tea Party arguments for less spending, less government and cutting back on deficits are widely accepted.
Only in the leftie BBC and media bubble would this not be recognised. Instead of debating the issues properly, the BBC continues to follow the irresponsible politicking line of Obama.
Where did they dig Vince up from then?
Right about the banks-but of course!
Right about Rupert-but we sadly rejected his wise counsel!
No doubt he was able to tell us about Amy Winehouse…indeed the BBC are already writing it up if I know them!
Still, hats off to the fop Sean Lay on the World this Weekend(but not as we`d know it Jim!)
The Aussie top cop sniffed at the BBCs hope that he would be wanting “more training in the officer class” at the Met…heck like Sandhurst even!
The p`liceman then said that he had had to deal with one media lot in Oz that had been bad in terms of corruption Down Under!
Sean missed this golden goal moment-credit to him from my end of things but bet his danish won`t have a glace cherry on the top for some time to come!
Surely Sean…you didn`t see who it might have been?…for Buddhas sake…
So even though the insane mass murderer says he acted alone, and there’s plenty of evidence that he’s a loony waiting to happen, the BBC still engages in scaremongering and divisiveness and suggests there are other people with his ideology and “access to weapons”?
In this regard, he’s more like the mass murderer in Tucson, and the BBC’s emotional Narrative is also similar. There are plenty of people who are angry about all kinds of things who also have “access to weaopns”, but it’s not the political ideology that causes mass murder. Unless the BBC starts wanting to point the finger equally at fundamentalist Islam. Hypocrites.
Nice of Rory Bremner to point out that the Express is a racist newspaper, waving his finger around the St. George Cross. Gotta love the BBC and Social Cohesion.
Bremner is a Scot therefore his objections to the flag must be in itself racist.
And Jacqui Smith is a moron. She says that anyone buying 6 tons of fertilizer should be flagged up as a possible terrorist. Yet the mass murderer had a farm.
Do any of our resident farmers get hassled by MI6 every time you buy fertilizer?
What an idiot, how can a grown woman that was among the leaders of an important western country be so effing stupid? Every single livestock farmer with grassland would buy tons of fertiliser.
I suggest small bombs also pose a threat so anyone with a lawn should be considered a terrorist. Big lawns = big houses = lots of money = probably right wing = higher terrorist threat. >:o
Being ‘effing’ stupid is essential to get on in the Labour party.
Hague is even thicker. He said the solution to this sort of thing was to look into even more stringent gun control laws (Bingo! That only took 24 hours) and draconian rules for buying fertilizer. Do farmers in Britain use the homeopathic remedies or what?
Hague has been SOOOO disappointing. I feel more let down by him than by DC.
Most farmers have guns AND buy fetiliser! Jeez, the motherlode …we’ve discovered the biggest terroist taring camp…AND by definition they are rural plus they probably hunt foxes and want to kill badgers AND many rip up trees and hedges causing global warming and floods and probably vote Conservative!
Agreed. As much as I hate to admit it, there was a time when I thought Hague was a better party leader than Cameron. Now I just think they’re both lousy, only Call Me Dave actually comes across as more competent. If you can imagine such a thing.
Yes funny that we have very strict gun laws but it doesn’t seem to stop the criminal gangs does it? All it does stop is law abiding citizens being able to slot thieving scum so they have to rely on baseball bats or golf clubs.
Did she get asked about her expenses? Has she paid back the money she took from the tax payer yet?
Funny that the BBC never bring up the thieving by socialist politicians but happily prattle on about duck houses and moats (which were never paid for) but real houses like Margaret Morans or Hazel Blears of fatty Smith claiming a broom cupboard was her main home are never raised by the BBC.
How many Labour MPs are locked up again?
Isn’t a bit libellous for Bremner to claim that Cameron pushed St. Vince out of the position to rule over Murdoch’s acquistion attempt because the PM was in league with Murdoch? Didn’t St. Vince state that he was “at war” with Murdoch, which disqualified him from being a fair arbiter?
It’s like there’s a lie or dishonest spin every thirty seconds on this show.
Vince Cable is a callous old Socialist. He just casually explains that everything is fine because some banks absorbed billions in losses to prop up Greece temporarily. German banks lose money, and St. Vince sees it as them doing their jobs. Other people’s money is a way of life.
Vince ?..Jacqui?
Surely there is plenty of manure to be had from the last Parliament without the need to go and buy some.
I saw somewhere that Rory Bremner is depressed now.
It was ADHD as caught from his nephew a few weeks ago!
Can we have a conclusive diagnosis please?…oh good Alistair Campbell is doing the rounds of the BBC corridors!
Let`s ask a real expert!
Are we now to care about the Bipolar bears as well now?
While the BBC is busily scolding everyone for assuming the mass murders were done by Mohammedans when it’s really right-wing white people who are dangerous, let’s recall that a Muslim group claimed responsibility, while no right-wing white group did. After 9/11, Muslims danced in the streets and in the Question Time studios, but yesterday no right-wing white people did.
How about discussing that while you’re telling us who is worse, BBC?
Reading comments above about Labour MPs and things that are never brought up, reminds me of something.
Did anyone notice the moment at the Select Committee hearing into the police (chaired by dodgy Keith Vaz), when it was revealed that Elizabeth Filkin has been appointed by the police to sort out its dodgy dealings with the media? I didn’t see Vaz’s face but I recalled that he had been investigated by Elizabeth Filkin on a couple of occasions when she was the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards and that he had been suspended from The Commons at least once as a result.
I don’t know whether this connection was ever alluded to on the Beeboid Corporation’s output during its hacking frenzy of the last few weeks. I haven’t watched or listened to that much of it but from what I have heard, there’s been no talk about Vaz’s sleazy past. Haven’t heard it discussed on Sky News either, or noticed it in the online press. It’s odd if indeed there is little comment about his position in the midst of a media storm about corruption. How does he get away with holding such a position? Don’t suppose the Beeboid Corporation will be doing a Panorama on that.
I heard this the other morning. Profile of Elizabeth Filkin. She sounds quite a character.
Serious question to any farmers out there:
Considering the facts that the mass murderer bought 6 tons of fertilizer, and he had a farm (the key factor here), how do both Smith’s and Hague’s statements that this amount is worth being flagged up by law enforcement as a possible terrorist threat reflect reality? Based on the amount of fertilizer you buy for your own farms, is this a ridiculous notion or not?
David, I’m not a farmer but have worked in the industry for over 30 years: depending on the land type, the soil, the stocking rate, the type of crop (dairy, arable etc) the annual fert use could be anywhere between 60 and 400Kg/hectare/year. Given that the average size of a UK farm is about 50ha then the lowest amount any farmer would buy is 3 tons, taking this as the lowest and looking at the quote below we can assume 6 tons is normal. (obviously organic farms would use less and general usage will drop because of current high prices the dilemma being that it probably needs to increase due to higher stocking rates and the need to produce more milk/meat/wheat/spuds whatever!)
“At the same time as concentrate feed rate has increased, figures show the fertiliser use on has grassland declined with the average use of nitrogen fertiliser on a GB dairy farm now only 120kg per hectare, which Mr Hawkins says is ‘well below the optimum’.”
Thank you for the info.
Thank you for the question and Span owls for an exchange I’d have like to have had from a multi-billion news entity, it’s ‘000kpa market rate talents and specially selected, but unchallenged (except mentally) ‘guests’ and their broadcast only views.
I think in the old money and to me six tons would be little more than a bag or so an acre if you had a 100-acre farm. So it is not an excessive amount for a farmer to buy. In this case a bag being a cwt or 8 stone (112 lb in American money), 20 bags in a ton, six tons = 120 bags. Spread over 100 acres not so enormous. A cwt bag wpuld be the weight of a small adult although I suppose bags these days are probably half that because of health and safety. And anyway, they are probably all metric.
Can now add Mr Ows to the cabinet-again I learn more from this website than any amount of Farming Todays and the like!
Good maths too!…and all the BBC give us is bloody John Craven!
Not a story for BBC-NUJ to report:
“How Labour’s ‘favourite lobbyist’ is pushing hacking campaign. A key part of the campaign to ‘reform’ the press is being financed by senior Labour figures with direct personal and professional interests in muzzling the media. ”
(by Andrew Gilligan)
Oh, he’s talking about Sovereign Strategy. Before I dicked through, I thought he was referring to the BBC.
Hope that’s either deliberate or a tasty morsel to tempt out a cherry vulture 🙂
No, totally accidental typo. The d looks like a cl without my computer glasses.